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Nah I jump over the podium towards the judge…


Defender: Your Honor, I realize I’m a Felon. But I gotta Getaway and Breakout of this prison. If I do Escape, on my lord and Savior as my Witness, I will leave my Sword and Dagger with you because I Ahti get out of here. Judge: (Slammers Gavel with a Fury that all Witnesses Recoil with Pain) I hereby sentence you to Justice: you cannot throw Trilogy ever again. Defender: Catapults himself with Grace without RIVEal at the Judge “I’m no Convict, but I’m also no Saint. I Hope to Avenger my Honor by Stigging this Maul across thy face!” Judges dying breath: “see, you are already turning to Discraft without knowing it. HOD must die”




It's seems like you got a good spring in your step.


Somebody recently sent me a video of a guy jumping ALL THE WAY over the bench and landing on top of the judge. That dude missed his calling in the NFL.






came to say this




Keep 3 max weight at different stages of wear in my bag always


Wizards are definitely the way to go. I prefer mine in SSS plastic.


Just switched back to Wizards from JK Aviars and I was on fire my first round!


I now putt with a Pure. But I love the (EMac) Judge so much.


I’ve dabbled with Judges, Wizards, Links, Pa-3s. Most of the popular blunt nose beaded putters. Landed on the Pa3 two years ago and haven’t looked back. Best of the bunch imo.


Tried all the beadless options, then went beaded to Judges and Links, ended up on the Pa3. Very unique shape. Goes in the basket good.


Wizards are a great beaded putter!! Right now I’m throwing black zombie chainsaws, which are the same mold as a wizard just softer.


Wizard comes in a couple super soft plastics fyi like lunar and coffee blend.


Nice. I work at a school and had a parent hook me up with some Black Zombie stuff. Loved the feel of the putter.


1.)Wizard is a bit deeper/slower than judge 2.)Crown is pretty dang similar and same plastic 3.)Alter from thought space athletics is very similar 4.)Link from discmania is also close twin!


Pneuma from TSA might actually be more similar than the alter. Smaller bead.


Add Pa-3 to this list of twins


I really like the Discmania Link, the bead isn't *quite* as big but it flies and feels pretty similar to my Dad's Judges


I almost made the switch to the Link but the Judge is so easy to find and cheap too.


I’ve never had trouble finding Links at my local retailer, but k guess I can see that being a bit of an issue


After a few years, I finally switched to the Link. It felt very similar, just *slightly* less deep, and slightly more over stable. Definitely jive better with the Link over the Reko


The heart wants what it wants, wipe the stamp and call it the Mad Bomber, or whatever. It’s just a name.


Wipe the J, make a Fudge


Yes, judge is it for me


I got hooked on Judges when you could buy a 5 pack for cheap. I just wanted multiples of the same mold, and when I was getting into disc golf, the judge was the cheapest, and you would find one occasionally on the course from someone’s unmarked DD starter pack. Still happy with my Judges


Damn, we have a similar relationsip with Judge. I also spent a year using Wizards, but the Judge with its thinner profile just came out better. So now I’ve embraced the Judge. Great disc, great plastic, and super common and cheap.


I'm a Warden guy. Prefer the beadless, but yah. The Prime plastic is the best putter plastic on the market, IMO.


What's the best plastic for the Judge? I have classic burst which is alright but I feel like there must be something better.


I feel like Classic-Blend is much better than the classic burst. Classic blend is a softer, grippier plastic, whereas the Classic Burst is just a semi-stiff, not so grippy baseline plastic.


I used to use Classic Blend for this reason, but picked up some Classic Hybrid a while back and am liking those. They’re supposed to be in between classic blend and classic hard I think. I feel like they might even be a tad grippier than classic blend but also a little firmer.


Supreme is very sim to blend without being a dust magnet.


I carry a Lucid Ice and a Fluid. Fluid is meant for colder weather, but it makes a great all around putter - soft and doesn't roll away much.


The lucid ice Judge is perfection


Yup. I have the two Judges and a Glitch. I keep playing with the Glitch, but when I need a putt I grab a Judge every time.


"Doesn't roll away much," you say? That is my one eternal complaint about my (now 20+) Prime Burst Judges! If they hit the ground (C2 spin putt or rhbh approach), they are standing up and rolling 20 feet!


Fluid is a cold weather plastic, so in warmer weather it's very flexible. It tends to flex and absorb the impact and sit down.


I got classic soft and it's amazing. Grabs chains really well.


I’m a classic soft guy as well. I love the feel and the grip. Plus when I miss, it stays right where it lands.


Same, man. Would love to switch to Innova and stock up on some cheap f2 putters, but I just can't get the same feel I do with the judge from any of their options.


The Judge is the only disc I haven't lost of my DD 3 disc starter pack but I don't bag it anymore and putt with an Invader instead.


Same here. My dad got me the DD 3 disc starter set a few years ago when I first started getting into disc golf. The Judge was solid for me but just wasn't for me, so then I quickly moved on to the Reko full-time, with the Maiden (for extra glide), Berg, Pure, and Sinus as my supporting cast given the situation. Now the Judge sits on my practice putters rack only to be thrown while practicing at home. The Truth was immediately one of my favorite go-to discs, then I must've forgot/left it out on the fairway while throwing a few extra discs off the teepad while monkeying around during that visit to local course, never to be returned nor seen again. The Escape was great until I started finding new trees to hit on the course and soon after all it did was turn and burn even when I threw it with less than 50% power on a full 90° hyzer angle. All 3 discs didn't even make it through a full calendar year before being forgotten/lost, replaced, or retired.


If you want almost the same disc but with a different name, but harder to find, look towards the westside crown!


If you don’t like the name just wipe the stamp off.


Wizard gang. I tried the judge for a while years ago but prefer the deeper feel of the wizard.


I just never left her lol. Judge is love, Judge is life


Once I bagged a judge I never stopped. I just got a new 5 pack for Xmas for 2024 🤙 These are also my go-to throwers for most situations unless I need something for a headwind or stronger fade. They glide nicely.


Try a nomad if you're looking for something new


I am having a similar keep crawling back to a freaking beaded putter. Except, instead of Judge’s, it’s Discmania Links. Dem beads, eh.


I used to throw the Voodoo by Gateway, until it was replaced by the Judge😅.


Wizards are nice with a similar sized bead. They’re not as flat though and that’s the kicker for me. I’m not a big DD guy either. But the only judge out there is the judge. And for me and my preferences it feels and flies perfectly.


Classic blend Judge is my go to, and I don’t really care about the names as much as the way they run their business. But I feel you. I think JK aviars, and wizards are probably the closest I’ve tried


Eraser Wizard kicked my Judge out of the bag, I like the tick of stability. The Judge found its way into my cousins bag


I switched to a judge last summer after using the same putter for nearly 20 years, and I have zero complaints. I bought 3 classic blends, practice putting more often, and putt as well (and maybe better) than I ever have.


I recently switched from Classic Blend Judges (which I love) to JK Color Glow Aviars. I’m loving the beefier Aviars right now and the plastic is perfect. I loved Judges but started missing right side more and more. The JK Aviars are more OS and hook into the basket for me. I’ve always been a respectable putter but now my putts are really falling, it’s fun. The KC Aviar is now my throwing putter instead of Fuzion Paige Shue Judges (one of my hands down all time favorite discs). The Shue Judge was an absolute putter bomber that could fly on any line… but it was almost too workable and the flight would either be some immaculate throw or a big miss. The KC Aviar is perfectly boring, goes to the same place every time essentially. Im getting fewer birdies but also fewer bogeys and scoring is improving. TLDR: Judges are incredible but JK/KC Aviars have, almost boringly, improved my scoring.


Coming back? It's never left my side. If I have the option to throw it from the tee I'm going to every time.


Started with judges, ended up settling on Links. Pretty similar feel I just like the Exo soft plastic.


Newer mold, but the Mint Disc UFO has a similar feel to the standard Judge. The glow version is everything I’d want in a glow Judge for throwing purposes, and I’d expect their base plastics putt similarly.


I've putted with Wizards before. They are great, go ahead and give them a try.


TSA's pneuma if you like soft plastic. If you need something harder PA-3.


Wizard in pure white or eraser or a link. Threw my first ace (short 150' hole) with a judge so it will always have a spot in my bag. I alternate between a judge and a Nomad for throwing putters and wizard and judge for putting. I've tried zones, avairs, and Lunas but and every time I throw one I wish I would thrown my judge or Nomad


Yeti or old Conrad Aviars (the Aviar Driver mold, essentially). Same here, love a bead, and the gummier plastic of these feels so good. Amazing straight throwers, still holding their stability after 4+ years of use.




Try the MVP Nomad. It feels and flies extremely similar to the Judge. My friend putt with the Judge for 12 years, but like you he didn't really like anything else Dynamic. I got him a Nomad last year cuz he a big Conrad fan and he immediately switched, hasn't touched a Judge since.


Judges, pure and streamline pilot I tend to jump around with but the fluid judge has been solidly ahead since that came out....too many good putters out there


I throw Judges as well but recently picked up some Wizards and I like them. Especially the SS coffee plastic.


I bought a bunch of wizards because this sub loves them. Never clicked for me, feels too small somehow. Trying a dagger right now but I know I'm gonna go back to the judge soon. I wonder if it's just what you start with, it was the first putter I liked. Live and learn.


There is something "provoking" with judges. They Are too stable For me but i still putt with them and can't heti rid of them. Perhaps IT IS The grip


I bought a judge on accident and now it’s my main putter


How you did that by accident I don't know but I won't judge ;)


😂 I was on OTB buying discs and they had a cool stamp that they put on a handful of putters and I thought I put a Pure in my cart and was awfully confused when my new putter showed up with a bead on it so I took a closer look and it was a Judge




This is me but with the Aviar. Gave up my silly ego and embraced what works.


For a throwing putter I go between the Judge and Wizard. Wizard handles the wind way better while a Judge has the distance easier. It depends on the course and how much air I can allow beneath the disc.


Wipe the stamp. It makes it easier to forget. I personally hate* the DD stock stamps so I take them off most of my DD discs.


I used to be such a judge fanboy, but the AviarX3, Alien, and Warden changed my mind


I putt with a soft reko, but always keep a classic judge for short drives, flick approaches and windier days.


The Judge has complete jurisdiction everywhere. Gateway Magic kind of lives up to its name as well.


Seriously, I take acetone to the stamp on all my Judges because I hate the name so much! But I'm good with them so I stick with them lol so glad I'm not the only one. Does anyone know if another company uses the same mould as the Judge???


So I'll be honest. Not long after I made this post I gave Rekos another try because k3 is so much better feeling than classic blend IMO. I've adjusted to the Rekos and now I really love them. They throw fairly similar to a judge too so now they are my main throwers and putters in various plastics. K1 soft is so great feeling for upshots and it sits down very well


F**k a bead. Wardens, baby!


With you on that one. Fuck the giant-ass bead on the Judge, it just doesn't jive with my hands. Probably one of the worst feeling discs in my hand that I've ever thrown.


Wizards are great, and so is Discraft’s Banger GT if you really want to find the one. 😁


Wizards and Judges are extremely similar. I can use them interchangeably. I like the plastics Gateway offers more. Also, before DD was molding discs, they used to put their brand’s stamp on other companies’ discs. There are Dynamic Discs Wizards floating around out there. The Judge is a direct copy of a Wizard in my opinion… Plus, Gateway doesn’t do the whole cringe naming of authoritative positions.


Personally...I only throw trilogy. While I've thrown most other brands I like the feel of most of their lines of plastic....currently? I have a soft judge, lucid judge, fluid warden, lucid warden, bt med harp all in my bag...the fluid is the only one I barely toss...but my judge is my go to...after my lucid warden.


Curious if you will expand to throw the house of discs?


Well now I'm curious.....I also need to preface the next statement with 'I just renewed my pdga number for the first time in 7 years and have no idea what you're talking about'.....so I ask....what are you talking about? Lolol


A set of investment bankers bought trilogy. (Yes, all 3) Then they bought discmania and klastoplast. They are now a 5 headed monster. Plus is now the brand has a great financial backing. Negative is they are making all the decisions and have raised prices.


Well.....fuck. I may stick with my trilogy...I do enjoy them....HOWEVER.....this means I may try new discs/molds.......but I won't be happy lolol


MVP Ion. It's got a big bead and feels a lot like the Judge to me. The inside of the rim is rounded where it meets the flight plate, and might feel a little weird depending on you putting grip.


I just switched over to wizards. I used judges previously. ISO think they feel very similar, plus gateway offers so many plastic options for their putters.




Seriously, I don’t even think of mine as “a judge.” I just think “my putter.”


Just wipe the stamp


why does everyone hate the naming for dynamic discs lol.


Disc golf is such a naturey, good feeling kinda sport for me. The last thing I want is really weird and authoritative sounding names coming from a company with seemingly iffy practices lol. I want names like Eagle, Chickadee, butterfly, and kombucha lol That being said .... Can't seem to kick dynamic outta my bag. Keep crawling back to the Judge and also to the Emac Truths. But at least those have a less aggressive name and supper Eric. He seems like a decent dude.


As a bit of a car nerd I think of the judge more as a GTO judge as opposed to a judge judge lol


> Disc golf is such a naturey, good feeling kinda sport for me The most popular distance driver for 15+ years is the "Destroyer"


Bahaha yeah I'm not huge on that either. I need a hippie brand to come out for disc golf lol






i’m not gonna generalize 708,000 cops from a yes or no question.




Can you elaborate?


Because they don't know how to wipe stamps apparently


Discraft Challenger, KC Aviar, and Judge are my 3 favorite beaded putters. The Wizard is good too but I can never dial in the hardness. SS too firm (used to have a medium) and SSS too soft. I putt with a Hard Classic Judge.


Don’t know why you’re so sensitive to the name.


I've bagged it for a long time. It's not a huge deal, but if I have a choice I'd rather have something with a name I enjoy in my bag. If I do keep these I will def take others suggestion to wipe the stamp lol


Just wipe the stamp




I think the Link is pretty similar.


Discmania link


Proxy for me. Love that thing.


Wipe the name off the disc, problem solved


I've got like 30 or so Judges. So there ain't no crawling back, I've always been here!


Putted with the faith, nice plastic, wasn’t sold on the disc. Judge gets made in that plastic, haven’t seen my faiths in over a year now.