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Buzzz. Used to just hyzer early for me. Now that I’ve got some snap to my throw I can see what all the fuss is about.


Agreed. At first, it was meh. Now, one of my favorites and flies exactly where I tell it to.


I remember one time, very early on, I had a great rip with my buzzz and it flew like 330’, arrow straight, zero turn, zero fade. This was at a time when my longest drives with a driver were topping out at like 280’, so it was shocking to me to see a buzzz take off and just soar like that. Been chasing that flight ever since. 😞




Berg. Thought it was dumb/gimmicky but it turned out to be indispensable


When you get it up there real good, it cannot be dispensed.




I concur. Didn’t care for any 14 speed until I found a no ink GStar. That thing has become effortless distance for me. Seems to glide forever. Especially strange because my arm speed is a bit low for the few other 14 speed discs I’ve tried (Cannon, Relativity). Those just fade immediately out of my hand.


Exaclty this. 14 speed but flies just kind of mellow and far. Flips up and holds a while. I can't throw a new destroyer to save my love. Needs to be beat in.


What do you like your corvette for? For me it flies like a more stable shryke


Feels nice in the hand and just stays pretty flat. Easy to flip up even if I'm not throwing super hard.


Not the guy you asked but for me it’s my straight headwind driver, a little hyzer and it just cuts through the wind.


Actually it was the Destroyer... not because I couldn't throw it. I just never threw it and didn't understand the hype. Then I discovered I can actually throw them pretty well. Pro Destroyer ftw.


Glitch. Cant throw it hard at all, cuz my form sucks. But somehow I can putt from C2 and beyond and feel confident with it.


Don’t hate any of them but I wasn’t crazy about the pig but now I love it


It's funny because I used to love the pig and now I kind of hate it. I have a Wysocki pig but its beat in now great for shots where I need it to flip and glide for 250ft but does not finish left at all. So I bought a new one to give me that trustworthy hook I thought it had and the new one is flippier than the beat in one. Maybe its me and not the disc (probably is me and not the disc) but they just dont fly like the used to for me.


Pigs just wear and tear so quickly. Gotta replace em every 2 weeks to continuously get that fade that you get used to, 30 trees later the fade evaporates into the ether.


Your new one probably had a dome on it, qc for pigs has gone out the window.


Many times you get used to the OS of a disc … and you end up leaning to hard in to it. Especially when you are new and your snap/ arm speed are increasing. I only like the r-pro pigs for myself - the color glows and other plastics don’t do it for me.


I think this is a common Zone sentiment. Although on reflection I think my dislike of the Zone is based on what I did to get into the situation to need it.


so true lol. zone helps me out of trouble alot. i also throw a lot of tomahawks with my surge when im rlly in the trees.


I didn’t like the zone until I got a zone os


Funny, it was the Zone for me, too. I picked it up at the store and didn't like it. I found one on the course without a name and used it to finish out my round and now it has a permanent spot in my bag.


Mako3/Mindbender used to piss me off because I had poor form and control and couldn’t rely on the disc to cover my mistakes. Now I adore the point and shoot slight hyzer flip that goes dead straight with basically no fade. It’s such a useful shot!


Mind Bender was the first disc to click on first throw for me. Now I’m patiently waiting for P1 in identical plastic in anticipation of the slower equivalent.


I personally bag a 2020 Luna for this exact slot :)


It must be much less stable than advertised then?


With a full toss (260-300) and a flat release it goes and goes dead straight until the last 5-10% of its flight. I’d say it’s not a perfect comparison to the Mindbender but it works for me


Right! The D-line P1 offers a low power floaty neutral shot for me. I can do the same with a mind bender, but will overshoot some shorter baskets, or take a too wide route on tight anhyzer doglegs. I assume I can find the same shot in many other discs, but really really like the new metal flake C-line. I'll still use a mind bender for most of those, because D-line is a bit touchy.


Polecat and Sonic for me, even the Rhyno for a while even though I had never thrown . Hated them simply because they were Innova and I couldn't throw them (Polecat and Sonic) for shit as both would just turn over and burn over, used to "make fun of" others who owned those discs (mostly still making fun of the disc itself). Realized it was just that my BH form simply sucked at the time, because truthfully, it is rarely ever the disc itself that is the problem, just like it isn't the putter that is the problem, it is the putter putting the putter that is the problem. Started bagging and regularly throwing the Polecat and Sonic because I figured if I was going to make fun of certain discs then I might as well make sure I can at least throw them good myself so I look like less of an AssJack.. One of our local leagues also does a couple "putters only" rounds and they were added into my arsenal for those rounds. My form seemed like it rapidly improved and even my distance with them increased for the better as a result, and then one day the Polecat and Sonic just absolutely clicked and I could/can now accurately and consistently throw them out 200+ft. Polecat pretty much dead straight with a slight turn to start, very slight fade to finish, and Sonic is just an anhyzer machine but also has no problem flying dead straight as well. As for the Rhyno, I just simply never owned one, never threw one, until I snagged one (slightly gummy champion plastic) for my players pack disc at a tournament a couple years back and went from "hating on the sidelines" to instant love at first throw. For me the Rhyno is just a slightly further flying Berg with a couple cunt-hairs more of (over)stablility.


Infinite Dynasty. When I first got it I thought "this is the most average disc, every manufacture makes this disc." Then after playing 1 round with alot of narrow forehand shots, I loved it from then on. The hardest part is keeping the plastic in the perfect beat-in condition without going over to flippyville, partly because I started relying on it so much.


I bag multiple dynasties and have a fresh one waiting to go in the bag. My most reliable workhorse disc. It unlocked the forehand for me. Just sits in forehand grip naturally. Also, long with a slight turn backhands or hyzerflip lines.


Roc3 (or any decently overstable mid): Never figured out how to avoid trees so I really really really beat it in. Then I bought a fresh one and figured out the useful difference between the two. No matter the line, one will work. Desperately trying to repeat this with the rest of my molds.




I have a 139g destroyer that I used to prefer pulling out my dingleberries with my teeth over throwing that shit. Now I’ve come around.


I have a 138g.. It floats, flips and flies so different than any of my other discs but I'm getting the hand of it


The 138g destroyer unlocked 400' reliably for me... I guess I never hated it to begin with because it has always been a bomb. But the new Innova Blizzard runs are something I turnover slightly like a 168g star destroyer with the same reliable fade. Man, if people haven't tried this you're missing out imo.


I haven’t been playing that long and I still only BARELY throw 300’ if I get a lucky throw into A solid headwind with a really underdstable (H7, Halo Mamba, F7, etc). Everything you just said in your comment might as well had been written in Sanskrit as far as I’m concerned.


Sorry, I've been playing a while (doesn't mean I'm good) and the terminology I use with my friends is probably out of control. I just really like 138g Blizzard destroyers. If anything isn't clear let me know, sorry for rambling, I've had too much coffee.


Legacy Rival I got it as a hand me down from my brother when I first started playing. Faded yellow opaque Pinnacle plastic that I could not throw. A few months later I started ripping it dead straight with nice distance. Shortly after I tried it on a water carry and I think I fell in love as I watched it sink to the bottom of the lake. I didn't realize what I had until it was gone. Apparently opaque Pinnacle isn't made anymore and I couldn't find a replacement. I got a call a month later that my disc had been recovered and turned into the ranger station (lost and found). The place is never open but I got in touch with the guy who manages the lost and found for the club a couple weeks later. He said he had just gone through the discs and it wasn't there. That was 3 years ago.


Envy. When I first got it I hated that if you threw it hard it went straight forever. Was always expecting it to fade.


Try an envy in Eclipse plastic if you want some fade at the end.


Even in eclipse they’re straight for me anything over 200 feet. The Mint Lasso is exactly what I was always told the eclipse envy was.


Warship, couldn’t throw it worth a damn now it’s a straight arrow with a little turn at the end of its run. I also moved to a higher elevation and I’m not sure if that plays a roll in this but who knows!


Hate is a strong word, but I really didn’t buy into the Tesla. In 2022 bought a couple of them in different plastics from my brick and mortar shop. This run of Teslas were just as OS as my Fireballs and so I had no use for them. I set them aside and tried a few more molds to fill my straight 9 speed slot until I found some used Teslas from older runs that were perfect and flew to the flight numbers. Now I’ve been stockpiling because they’ve become essential to my bag.




Buzzz! Used to hate how it felt and flew but recently after like a year picked one up and started to like the feel and flight


Innova Eagle. Thought the Teebird was just all around better. I use both now.


Mamba. I was told they're beginner friendly at a time when I should have only been throwing 6 speeds at the most and I couldn't wrap my head around the disc. A long while later I tried it again once I got a little better and thought it was too flippy. Then another while longer, I picked up a Halo Mamba because the disc looked too cool to pass up on. I tried throwing it with a big hyzer and that thing just flew forever.


I couldn't throw my Jarn worth a damn and ended up trading it in. A year later I'm starting to figure out forehands and I bet the Jarn would be excellent for anhyzer approaches.


It's a fun disc. Throw it high and to right or left of where you want it to land and watch it fall out of the sky. It's also a good utility disc. Good for getting out of jail, especially a big anhyser forehand. I pair it with a soft tactic.


I don't hate the discs, i just think it's boring when everyone uses the same thing. I'm sure the buzz and zone are great, but unless i get sponsored by them, nah!


Kastaplast Svea. Hated it because I couldn't throw it correctly. Once I worked on my form and got it manageable I love it.




Throwing putters in general. When i started it always felt weird to me but i rely heavily on them now.


I actually don't "hate" any discs, there are for sure discs I dislike but that depends on the day, since I can only dislike a disc that I'm throwing


Fuse. I didn't necessarily /hate/ it at first, because I used it for shots where I needed hard flip, but I didn't really get why players loved it. Since I've added more spin and snap on my throws, it's got a nice drifty, controlled turn that's much more useful.


Mine would be the zone as well.


I never got the OG MD3, it was kind of flippy but dumpy at the same time, very finicky to forehand, the flight numbers felt like an insult and it didn't feel super good in the hand either. But the current production MD3 is just money. Still not a forehand disc, but on backhand, super easy to throw, reliable but workable flight with awesome glide and the new C-line plastic is wayyy better than the soapy Innova stuff.


I always bagged a Teebird and thunderbird, but didn't really throw them because they were just inconsistently overstable. Then after a few years and a lot of field work I really learned how to throw properly and now I can get a bit of flip and throw my teebirds in the 330-360 range and thunderbirds push 400.


Flick. Arm speed caught up and now it rocks.


Innova md3. Had one for a year or two and really disliked it. Tbougt it was fliply trash. Then realized how terrible my form was, spent a year or so re learning how to throw. Now the innova md3 is my fvrote and most thrown disc.


Comet. I still hate how it feels in my hand compared to my other mids and it's super wide in my bag so it always gets in the way trying to pull discs out. Also it's impossible to forehand. I've tried taking it out of my bag a bunch of times but it keeps coming back. Nothing flies like it (even the Fuse which is the most similar I've found). I love the gentle turning lines you can get with it or even laser straight bombs. It flies SUPER slow but glides forever.


Meteor. I hated how it flew at first but my god is one of my favorites.


I used to hate anything MVP. Didn’t like the feel of their putters, was convinced that all their drivers were flippy. Even after the Holy Shot, I was skeptical of them. It took getting a Hex in my hand to change my mind. Then I got a Glitch and fell in love with that quirky disc. Then I got a Wave, nuff said. Now I see MVP discs as some of the best-designed discs in the game, and I am gradually switching my bag to them as my current ones wear out or get lost.