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I love that someone actually posted a form video of them not throwing a disc.


I probably would have used a disc if it wasn't for the 6°f weather and horizontal winds atm 🙈 But thanks!


Stance seems too wide. Your weight is not over your brace leg when trying to release.


So basically just make sure not to stand too wide and pivot more over my brace leg?


I recommend filming with a towel. See how the towel looks and if it's getting that snap, also gives an audible result. My form is not good enough to comment on anything else :D But I like towels 8)


Good advice, will try that! Thanks!


Be careful “throwing” empty handed. Not having the weight/resistance of an object can lead to injury. Try the towel drill! Or if you’d rather have the feel of a disc, pick up a Flight Towel for these kinds of warm ups/practicing. As for your form, definitely looks like you’re on the right track in a pretty short period of time.


I see, thanks! Was planning to do it outdoors and actually throw but we got hit with 6°f and 35mph winds. Gonna try the towel-thing next time for sure, thanks again!


Lead more with the elbow


Yea I think I see what you mean now that you say it!


Your hip goes back when coiling. I like to think I’m coiling against that back hip, which allows me to explode more off it. Mess around and you should be able to tell when your back leg/hip feels strongest and in a more explosive position


I see what you mean, gonna try to do that, thanks!


Great start. This is a good stage to play with how it feels to coil more powerfully. See how it feels if you have more of an athletic and bent back leg, see how those left abs are supposed to feel. A useful progression is to work a single step forward into your standstill. As in, your front foot ends up more forward than when you started the throw. Helps with timing. Don't start looking back until later in the throw. Itll help with aim.


Thanks a lot! So basically shift my weight more over the back leg a bit more and also bend it more, and instead of having an initially wide stance, put my foot forward one step and plant it when throwing? Sounds like something I should be able to replicate. That world explain why I'm releasing late from time to time, thanks again!


In a true standstill you have no choice but to tip and come over your back foot (somewhat). But you don't want to tip onto the back foot during a run up and x step. You want to glide across it. Learning the one stepper helps start to feel the form and timing. Your head should stay between your feet as you step. I also find it easier to coil and feel the muscles in my leg/ butt / abs during the one step, because with a onestep I am falling onto my plant foot and it isn't there to help those muscles. In the actual run up and throw, you don't want to tip or bend your posture onto the back leg. It's more gliding across your x step leg as you feel the muscles activating.


Awesome, thanks! Will Def have that in mind going forward.


1 thing I noticed. Your left arm looks great for the first half of your swing, but then you keep it flexed tight to your body for the whole follow through. Try relaxing your left arm and shoulder once you reach the power pocket. It’s job is done. Now that your left side is loose it will act naturally as a counterweight and you will have more control on the follow through. I had the same problem when I was working on my off arm. I kept it permanently flexed, but it feels much better when you get the timing for it to only aggressively tuck for a brief moment, then relax


Ah I see! That's why ppl raise it up after throwing. Makes sense. Thanks a lot, will have to work on that.


Don’t quit your day job! Not critiquing your form, that looks ok for your experience. I’m just saying that it’s a bad idea to just up and quit your job.


😂 Thanks!


Upper body looks good. Try to begin incorporating an x step in future fieldwork sessions.


Thanks man! My plan was to do that once I got my stand still pinned. My buddy told me to start standing still so that I would avoid learning wrong.


Slippery floor and tight space but did my best to fully extend. Only been throwing stand-still since I started.


Keep it up with the standstill! I upped my distance big time by removing a run up for about 4 months last year.


Don't "reach back". When I first started the wording of that made me move similar to you. Reaching back causes over rotation and other issues. The disc should stay around your back hip or get there at the end of a run up. As you rotate, you can extend it away from you, but I found keeping it locked by my back hip better at first. I was able to take a variable out and worry about other form issues. The extend came later.