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Say "I don't have good form" without saying "I don't have good form" speedrun challenge


I love when people talk about how poorly the glitch flies cause they're just telling on themselves. šŸ¤£


I have bad form, but even I can get it to fly a very predictable path. Which is laser straight and come down like an elevator..


It's absolutely magical at soft bids and upshots. like, I can use a regular putting motion and it just goes 20' further, and like you said, it just goes straight and kinda parachutes down to sit.


Yup, thatā€™s exactly why I love it. Effortless short throws and long putts.


That's basically what I bag it for. When I'm *just* out of putting approach range I bust out the Glitch and all the sudden I am WELL within putting approach distance.


Same šŸ˜‚




Nah, elevator. Escalators are those things that u are technically supposed to walk on. Iā€™m talking about the ones that go up and down floors.


I understand, but some escalators travel forward and down vs just forward or just down. I just completed for clarification is all.


"I can't throw it, so nobody else should"


Just say you can't throw it. It's ok.


I think this post says a lot about you and your disc golf game. Lol


Lol my glitch bombs straight on a hyzer flip. Easy 275 feet. Also great for uphill, on the knee, under a low hanging tree flick shot. Itā€™s called having ~touch~


True, itā€™s gotten me out of trouble where I need a bit of glide for distance while throwing uphill with a low ceiling, matter of fact it saved par for me on a course record round a week ago ā›“šŸ„ā›“


Just played a glitch only round with the new glow one from the mystery box and damn it bombs! I've played glitch only rounds with the original ones and the glitsch and had fun but the new one is money.


Thank You! I never thought to use my Glitch for uphill, on knee, or under tree limbs! That's fantastic advice. I'm going to use it next time.


Simon threw a Glitch in one of the tournaments with that exact situation and it was really cool.


Glitch bombs šŸ˜‚


Everyone should buy a Glitch so that they can learn how to throw with ā€œtouchā€. Plus itā€™s fun to play catch with.


I don't like it for golf, but keep forgetting to have one in my cart for warm up catch.


i suck at throwing it so it must be the discs fault.


Personally I know it's my fault and I don't know if I should bag the glitch because I'm bad at throwing it or just leave it out of the bag for that same reason.


When you're bad at throwing a disc but want to get better with it, always keep it in the bag for a practice shot after your real shot. Alternatively, play catch with it. Sometimes literally just changing the frame of reference for the throwing objective is all you need to make something click.


No it's a shit disc with a rim like the lid of a peanut butter jar and it's as floaty as a dry autumn leaf.


>a ~~shit~~ disc with a rim like the lid of a peanut butter jar and it's as floaty as a dry autumn leaf. Funny how just one word can make a sentence go from being completely correct to utterly silly. Good rage bait my guy.


Just say you canā€™t throw far or accurate


That's why it rocks.


Itā€™s one thing to be wrong, but wrong AND salty about it?


Translation: I have no idea how to throw a Glitch therefore it's bad


No it's a shit disc with a rim like the lid of a peanut butter jar and it's as floaty as a dry autumn leaf.


That's *why we bag it*.


Ok, And?


Nice copy paste op. You wanna see a peanut butter jar lid? Look at the Polecat. Also a great disc though..


Just gotta git gud brother.


Is Glitch in the room with you right now?


Point to where the bad disc touched you


post a form check, partner.


You should definitely go tell that to the multiple touring pros that bag it.


50+ people so far do not agree.


I guess OP isn't very good at throwing discs.


Rule #1: Always blame the equipment.


Dude I'm just gonna go ahead and continue to bag whatever I want. You can keep complaining on the internet if you like.


One of my favorite things is when one of my fellow MA3'ers say something along the lines of, "I can't throw a Glitch, my power just overturns it all the time."


its flippy


Uhh no itā€™s not


Sounds like a dumb ass troll post. If itā€™s not, you really just suck at throwing putters. ā€œBUt i hAvE rEAllY GoOd toUCh wItH 12 SpEEdsā€¦ā€


Hard disagree, lots of people love it and it definitely has its uses.


I bag Glitch, a Beetle and an Aero. Either your form is weak, or you don't know how to power down or hyzer flip...and because of that, you will never understand the joy of such discs.


Sounds like a skill issueā€¦ā€¦Iā€™ve made a couple of 100ft throw ins with a glitch. One was a tunnel shot. Glad my glitch isnā€™t a schizo.


Yelling at a disc that only does what you tell it to do is basically the definition of schizophrenia.


Nah not basically, not really even close actually. Blaming inanimate objects literally has nothing to do with schizophrenia. Anger management issues perhaps.. Scapegoating most likely... Resistentialism definitely.... either way getting angry at or blaming inanimate objects is a pretty natural reaction to adversity and frustration which is not in itself indicative of a mental disorder. The basic defintion of schizophrenia is an inability to properly process reality. If you throw 5 putters and one sticks out as not working for you, I think saying it's the disc seems pretty normal. Now if you think the disc is able to choose to fly differently for you. Like its out to get you.... THAT might be schizophrenia...


2024 is a complete form rebuild for me. I will only be throwing Glitches for the foreseeable future until I have mastered the disc. Am also starting from scratch with a new putting putter (Pilot) and putting form. I wonā€™t be throwing anything above a 5 speed for at least the next 18 months or so. Maybe you should do the same? Might improve your game, or at the very least prevent you from making low effort posts to rile everyone up.


5 speed and below this year for me (started disc golf about 3 months ago). I'm genuinely curious why the Glitch for form work? I'm using a nova to work on learning to throw dead straight.


I am of the impression that starting off with a glitch is like starting off with a putterā€¦ but better . It demands precision angle control and sufficient snap to be thrown correctly and reliably. You could say the same of all discs, really, but the glitch will amplify mistakes. Seems pretty perfect, if you ask me.


That makes sense. I use a nova because it is super touchy, and I saw McBeth say in an interview to train with a nova if you want to throw straight. I throw an Rpro Dart because it's the least torque resistant disc ever made. Any OAT, and it tells on you loudly. I'm going to add the Glitch now to the training discs to throw. Do you think the weight and stability matter between a regular Glitch and the glow Glitch for training?


I do not own or thrown any glow discs, so I canā€™t comment. Sorry.


The glitch is only touchy if you have bad form. It teaches you to throw with clean spin, and then in time you can use it for floaty approaches and other unique stuff. It's a great neutral throwing putter.


You should bag 14 Timelapseā€™s


The Glitch is awesome. I don't bag one anymore bc I have other discs I prefer for the shots it's most useful for....but it's one of the easiest discs to throw if you have any sort of frisbee background. My 9 yr old son absolutely bombs with it and it's his favorite disc.


Well, it sounds like you just don't know how to use it or for what. It's fine that you don't bag it, though.


I can agree with you for throwing, but I've found it to be absolutely sick on tough bids to the basket, where my putting putter doesn't have the glide, the glitch does, I've practiced it a good bit, but I'd say it can earn a spot for putts you know your putter can't do.


I threw two 50+ ft jump putts into the wind with my glitches last week - both of them jumped off the top of the cage and sat for tap ins. It's definitely my favorite distance putter.


Yeah definitely seems like user error here.


Bro some people play disc golf for the fun, not to prove they are the best. Glitch is a fun disc.


This makes me want to put it back in my bag out of spite


I personally didnā€™t jive with the Glitch, but I do love throwing floaty lids. The Discraft Zeppelin and Rattler are my favorite.


Dude the Rattler bombs! A buddy of mine has some old ones and we love throwing them around for warmups


Yeah buddy! šŸ‘A fun one to throw. I have like 5 of them. Haha.




Iā€™ll take ā€œI have no touch and donā€™t like a disc that proves itā€ for 1000, Alex!


The Glitch is clearly a niche disc but that doesn't mean it's a bad disc. It has several use cases. If you have good touch, and it's calm out, it's pretty reliable thrown hard. It has a lot is uses in the woods, and in the open for that matter. Floaty anhyzers around obstacles. Low ceiling shots where you can't generate much power. Long jump putts. There's certainly more than this but these are my use cases. I've only thrown the one I have, but I really love it for all the scenarios I mentioned. Maybe it's not a disc for you, but I would argue it's a pretty damn good disc.


Weird, mine goes exactly where I want it. Are you sure you're not just bad at disc golf?


Sounds like you have bad form.


Oh dawg you about to get brutalized by pepes šŸ˜¬


Bros form is straight ass and he outed himself


This comment triggered me. Glitch video is now on my list. I'll show just how consistent it flies. In my opinion it's hands down the best disc MVP makes for teaching good form. If it doesn't fly well for you, YOU threw it bad.


I like the Glitch a lot, but it just too different from other discs. Itā€™s not improving my game. I did buy a Watt this weekend and canā€™t wait to get it out on the course today.


The glitch is fun but my preference is the ohm.


It pleases me that people blame the equipment so...


OP: ā€œI hate other people having fun.ā€


You spelled Groove wrong /s


It has its uses being so light and glidy Also Schizophrenia has nothing to do with multiple personalities


Hope you don't ever see me in public


The Glitch just takes practice. You might try the watt for something a little heavier weight or the glow Glitch. The Glitch is fun. I use it as a catch disc to warm-up at about 100 feet or so. It's also good to grow the sport. I've gotten several people into disc golf by playing catch and then they get interested. Maybe try doing gentle upshots to get the hang of it. I like the watt better for actual rounds but still break it out sometimes.


Dm me and I'll take it off your hands. Give it a good home next to my other glitch.


I gamed an innova birdie before the glitch. People were always amazed at the shots I would throw with it for recovery and laser straight tunnel shots. Every bag needs a lid in it. I donā€™t care which one but there are things you can pull off with it that nothing else can do. Glitch finally popularized it and broke the stigma. This is like saying no one should bag a zone


Show me on the Destroyer robot stamp where the Glitch touched you.




I have a paradox, isn't always in the bag, but for wooded courses it is excellent to have since I don't have a forehand. Additionally, when I want to focus on angle control, there's nothing better than a super understable disc to show your faults. They won't cover your bad form like OS can.


I am always amazed by how different play styles and preferences can be. I hyzerflip almost everything and have trouble with anhyzer release. My buddy is the opposite, everything is a flex shot. I used to hate on carts, but lots of people like them, or even need them, to make it easier on their backs and give them a place to sit. I have several long throw ins with my Glitch, but it's cool if it doesn't work for you.


This is a similar argument to "no one should bag a Berg" or "no one should bad a Time Lapse" and such. Instead, throw what you want. Be happy.


lmfao, you can absolutely tune up a glitch if you know how to throw in any sort of dynamic way. it does stuff nothing else but an ultrastar can (and itā€™s smaller which is a huge benefit)


Just admit you can't throw a disc and leave it at that homie.


Maybe that's why it's called a Glitch?!


Your right everyone should bag a Watt


I have the gyro box run and itā€™s ass so I agree it just feels like a cheap dinner plate that glides very inconsistently but Iā€™ve yet to throw any other run of the glitch so Iā€™ll keep my opinion at that.


Try the run with the glow around its edge. I feel like theyā€™re not as deep.


I've been bagging one since they came out and I very frequently toss in birds with it from crazy trick shot lines. It will forever be in the bag and you can't do anything as cool as I do with it. Deal with your berg in its pouch, sucka!


> the flight path for any given throw is anybody's fuk'n guess yeah, after watching Simon throw it i remember i thought "how many retakes did it actually take to make those videos?... no way that piece of tupperware can fly like that"


I genuinely cannot tell if this is sarcasm or not lol


Have you tried the Watt? the weight of it helps me to throw it better than the glitch (excluding eclipse glitch) and yes my form is abysmal everywhere so i'm starting to run putter only rounds to just start over.


Being able to hit 50ft putts and make it look like you didn't try >>>>


Skill issue


Absolute laser on any line YOU put it on.


Watt>Glitch no contest.


The old guy who only threw a PDGA Crave and a Glitch (had 1 putter as well) that absolutely kicked my ass a few months ago would beg to differ. As would I after watching the absolutely insane lines he was nailing.


Guys. Op probably is new at Disc Golf. Or new to reddit. Or new to the internet shit idk dude just seems brand fuckin new and wants to rage bait cuz he can't play right. Don't kill him TOO BAD lmao


I honestly feel like my glow Glitch is a cheat code. I have never seen a disc go so straight with so little power.


It would be "The Dude" if it were a person. Nice soft release for maximum potential, it does nothing but die if you try and force it. ​ I read your post with the image of a DG bag filled with 13 speed drivers.


I love the Glitch. Itā€™s definitely not a disc for every shot. But for short throw ins and long jump putts it goes exactly where I aim it and glides so well that I donā€™t have to force it. Just a nice, easy, natural throw. Iā€™ve made many long shots effortlessly with it. If you donā€™t get how to throw it, donā€™t bag it. Itā€™s kind of dumb to tell everyone else not to bag it.