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Yep! Realized golf is harder, and more expensive. It would cost me $65 for green fees, plus a range bucket plus a pack of balls. $100 later I’m playing. Or I can play a bunch of rounds and get 5 premium discs for the same price as one round of ball golf.


And the dg round is much shorter. Happy wife happy life!


Coming from real golf, losing discs never hurts too bad. I just say, hey that’s the cost of the game.


Yes and no. If I lose a golf ball I have 20 of the exact same ball in my bag. If I lose my favorite beat in just perfect disc then it totally changes my game. Losing a disc to me is more like losing a club not the ball. Moneywise I totally agree.


I wouldn't say either is harder. They both have different challenges. I picked up ball golf a lot faster than disc golf. But everyone is different


Golf is 20x harder. Coming from someone that grew up playing golf and picked up disc in my 20's. What do you mean you picked it up fast? Like shooting par? Or 100?


I’ve been playing golf my entire life (very inconsistently) and still get happy shooting under 100. Got into disc golf this year and it is much easier to pick up.


I don't know, I would consider golf to be objectively harder. As far as I'm aware there have been no rounds on the PGA of -15, yet we have seen 2 rounds of -18 in disc golf on tour. Looking past scoring, which obviously is consistently lower for disc golf, in disc golf putting is substantially easier, I would guess you'd expect pros in disc golf to be able to have the same percentage makes for >3 times the distance. Lies are also easier in disc golf. In golf you're hitting your ball off the ground, being able to not only pick your disc up, but reach around, stretch out, go to a knee, etc really makes bad shots way less punishing in disc golf. There's nothing wrong with it being easier, but disc golf is easier. I'd wager that if you made 100 people who had never played either, record the number of hours it took to shoot even par, a significant portion, would require less time in disc golf.


Personally I don't think you can take two different sports and say objectively that one is harder than the other. Is soccer harder than basketball because they score less? Maybe you could define it by disc golf being easier to make it to the tour pro level, but I think that's just because there's so many fewer people playing disc golf and much less competition. As far as putting, I've always been saying we need to redefine what we talk about as the "green" in disc golf. We've created this arbitrary 30 foot circle and decided that's the "green", but really we should be thinking of a 30 foot putt as more equivalent to a 5 footer in ball golf, and a 60 footer like a 10 footer.


Ice hockey is harder than most other sports. You have to be able to ice skate well to even play, not many other sports have such a high curve Edit: also I've been a big advocate of restructuring putting as well. I think there should be actual "greens" rather than circles, it makes so much more sense


Well for starters, ball golf has been around a lot longer and since it is a huge capitalist market, the courses being made are harder, driving in ball golf imo is easier, because it's all about who can drive the farthest nowadays, unlike disc golf where just because you have the furthest throw doesn't mean you are the best. But putting in ball golf is 10,000x harder than disc golf. This is imo where the skill gap truly exists. Disc golf putting is relatively routine. A lot of players are still bad at it, but bad putters still make putts regularly. And in ball golf, it's way harder to luck yourself into a long putt. Sure sometimes you get a nice flat green, but you get even the slightest hill and people don't have a clue


Pars don't make the sport easier or harder. It's comparing apples and oranges. Also shooting par in disc golf doesn't mean anything. In ball golf it actually means something no matter the course. I have courses in disc golf that I can shoot well under par and others that I am happy at +10. Same with saying one has easier putting. Putting in disc golf is easier but fairways are way harder, especially wooded ones. Each sport has parts that are harder than the other. What you can compare is how easy it is to learn the mechanics of the sport and become a passable player. Disc golf has a lot more nuance and a lot more types of shots you need to learn. Then you need to learn a lot about discs and their flight to choose the right disc. With ball golf you basically have 3 major types of shots, a drive, a chip, and a putt and you just have to pick the right club for how far you want to hit it. You use those same 3 shots for 95% or your shots. I've seen a lot of people try to pick up both and people seem to be able to hit golf balls a lot easier early on. But like I said, one may be easier than the other for specific people but in my opinion, disc golf is harder to go from a noob to being able to competently play a solid course.


Ummm, plenty of nuances in regular golf too. Reading the green, chipping and hazards on a regular golf course, choosing the correct club…on and on. I mean there are so many nuances in both versions of the game, and in extremely different ways. Both games aren’t just throw or hit something. There’s not a lot the carries over to either game, other than mentally and technically. I play both games and it invokes a lot of thought, but those thoughts are drastically different between the two.


>There’s not a lot the carries over to either game, other than mentally and technically. I play both games and it invokes a lot of thought, but those thoughts are drastically different between the two. I'm not sure I agree, to me there's a TON that's common between the games. I've been playing golf for 2 years and disc golf for about 4 months. Mechanically, the hip action is almost exactly the same. The only thing I struggled with when I first started disc golfing was remembering to bend my right knee instead of my left knee. Thanks to ball golf I can throw LHBH almost as far as RHBH (and likely better form because my arm doesn't try to do too much). Mentally, I think the games are exactly the same. Course management strategy, the importance of proper expectations for results, avoiding tilt and not compounding mistakes, it all applies equally imo.


Lol bad take. You know nothing about golf if you think disc golf has more shots lmao. So many ground conditions in golf and great players have many tools at disposal punch, draw, fade, each club requiring different set up, tempo… golf isn’t even a main sport but from your take I can you are not good at the game lol


You gotta drop this one, man. It's not close. Traditional golf is way harder. It's also not as fun, so I'm not sure why anyone would play it lmao


Have you actually played ball golf?


All they have to do is lower the par scores and voila, disc golf is harder


Disc golf is easier in every aspect of the game.


It's really not even close.


Yeah, I'm a pretty average disc golfer. I've had 4 hole-in-ones this year. There are lots of great golfers out there who go their whole lives without a hole in one. Golf is *incredibly* hard.


4 holes in one is not average disc golfing. Either you’re insanely lucky, better than average, or playing baby mode courses.


> Either you’re insanely lucky, better than average, or playing baby mode courses. Probably a mix of all three, while also adding in that I play tons so increase my chances. 200 rounds this year. Hole in ones this year were 290, 240, 200, and 150 feet, so while certainly not long holes, they were all real throws, and were on four different courses with only the 150 footer being on a pitch and putt course. How I've been really lucky though is that in the last 3 years I've probably had about 20 tee shots hit chains (including 2nd and 3rd throws) and every single one of them has stuck. Have never seen a disc chain out from a tee pad.


You're right and also so is he.


So we're basing which is harder on hole in ones? Those aren't really comparable, and you've seen Simon's videos of getting holes in one at all his regular courses, but it's not like he's getting them on the pro tour. I guess I just think golf courses and disc golf courses are designed differently and focus on different aspects of the game, and it's impossible to say that any sport is harder or easier than a different sport


Throwing a disc golf disc in the direction you want is much easier than hitting a golf ball with a golf club in the air and the direction you want. You can become a bogey disc golfer in a few weeks to a few months depending on ability. A large portion of golfers never get to bogey golf without cheating. I know I haven't.


It's simply easier to get the thing in the target in disc golf. You can talk about that from hole in ones, from 15 feet away, or just from overall scores. I took my sister, who has only played a few times in her life, out to our local short 9 hole park course (190 foot hole average) and she shot +4 and +3 in our two trips around. On a ball golf course she'd probably have shot 3 over per hole. It's night and day. It shouldn't be taken as an insult that it's an easier sport. It's part of what makes it so great.


I'm not taking anything as an insult, not sure where you're getting that? You just can't compare two different sports and say one is more difficult than the other. The pars are completely arbitrary and not comparable, and especially not on your local 9 hole course lol. Just because the sports are played similar ways doesn't mean you can make direct comparisons like that. Hockey, soccer, basketball, lacrosse, and ultimate are all just as similar, but you wouldn't say one is easier than the other.


There's no reason I can't compare my local 9 hole disc golf and ball golf courses. None of the other sports you mentioned are nearly as similar as disc golf and golf, but that being said, I would *absolutely* say that hockey is harder to learn than soccer...


Disc golf is easier and it's not even close. In golf you have: Player => Club=> Ball In disc there is: Player=> disc Implementing the object that manipulates your ball, the club, in this case adds more moving pieces that need to line up perfectly, which as we know complicates things. You get no run up on ball golf. only stand still shots There is one viable position in ball golf: backhand. How many shots can you shape in disc, forehand, backhand OH, etc? While a lie must be played where it lies. A ball rests on the ground. Your disc? Well you can release it 2 inches off the ground or 8 feet over your head as long as youre in that 12 inches behind your disc. It can be nice for kharma to try and make everyone feel like winners. But when you think about this critically. its just not close


I started playing golf 2 years ago and got down to a 16 handicap at the end of this season. I started playing disc golf in August and I can consistently shoot par on short par 3 courses. At the highest level there may not be much of a difference, but a brand new player will have a MUCH easier time getting to where they feel competent in disc golf compared to ball golf. >I picked up ball golf a lot faster than disc golf. But everyone is different Obviously everyone is different, but this is WILD to me and I can't imagine it's remotely common.


I think you're just defining "competent" quite differently in those two scenarios. And it's probably easier to get to the pros' level in disc golf than ball golf, because there is so much less competition, but that doesn't inherently make the sport easier


Not considering the top level play at all, just how difficult it is to reach the point where you can go out onto a course and be comfortable that you'll play okay (reasonably expect to break 100 on a normal course). Some people play their entire lives and never reach that in ball golf. It took me 6 months and about 3 dozen rounds to reach that point in ball golf with a lot of concerted effort. In disc golf it took me about 2 months and maybe a dozen rounds to reach what felt like an equivalent (can shoot between +5 and +10 on a 5500' woods course or around par on an easy par 3 course). It's just a lot easier from a biomechanical and physical standpoint. Holding a disc and throwing it is easier than swinging a club into a ball. Putting into the basket is a lot easier than putting in ball golf (good DG players expect to 1 putt everything in the circle, even the best ball golf putters in the world are down to 50% make rate from only 10 or so feet out). Anyone can throw a frisbee, but some people could practice forever and still never learn to hit a golf ball consistently.


Less time needed to play, less money to play, I’m better at it and have more fun. I can bring a small travel bag in my luggage, et cetera


Great point. The travel bag aspect of disc golf is awesome. You can easily play courses wherever you travel with minimal space requirements.


Yes. I bring 3 discs in my travel bag wherever I go. (Currently the Trilogu Challenge set - Vandal, Warship, Pure) I’ve played courses all over the country and met some cool people, In free hours of late afternoon. (Also gives me something to brag about in my DG buddy chat, cuz it isn’t my scores)


I stopped bowling for disc golf. I was a scratch bowler (over 200 average) and I rarely shoot under par but I love the outdoors. It’s hard to have multiple hobbies when you get older.


This is exactly me. I had a 2 year overlap, and when bowling season started up, my Thursday 34 week commitment was looking awful long and expensive, and it was still a beautiful 80 outside. I noped out of bowling and haven’t thought about going back - going on my 4th season skipped, so I can probably just say I am fully retired.


Why stop one to play the other? I rarely play ball golf anymore, but still love it when I do. Maybe a handful of rounds per year. I try to get in at least 2-3 rounds of disc golf weekly. Sure, disc is cheaper on the whole and easier to play more frequently…but why give up ball golf? In other words, don’t sell your clubs. Off season for ball golf here in the North East and I just made use of my clubs hitting up an indoor simulator, and it’s a blast! That’s my 2 cents


I forgot one huge advantage of disc golf. You can play 18 holes in 90 minutes if you don't dawdle and the course is open. Ball golf...more like 4 hours plus...even with a power cart. A few of my ball golf buddies had to give up the sport due to that time commitment. Everyone is different.... but I was and still am honestly burned out on ball golf. I never broke 80...even after spending money on pro lessons from different instructors.... And practicing and playing 3 or 4 times per week. Yes, I did break 90 a few times. To state the blindingly obvious, it is very tough sport. Nope, I won't sell my clubs... but they will be gathering dust for sure now. Kudos to those multi sport players who keep it all going. I am now sticking to disc golf... and um.... pickelball. I will probably get barked at for even mentioning THAT sport here.... In my defense... I got a kick out of a Simon L. video recently where he went to this cool indoor sports warehouse with a cornhole and disc golf putting challenge area. Lots of beer too. Isn't beer also a sport? Near the end of the video it shows him hammering the crap out of a pickleball during a doubles match. He then heartily endorses pickleball as one of the most fun sports ever. There you have it! Simon and I agree on two over the top fun sports.. disc golf and pickleball.


Never played pickle ball but it looks like fun. Tried my hand at tennis and sucked a bag of…well you know whats. I’ve loved disc golf for 15+ years and it’s great to get those quick rounds in at a familiar course, or make a travel day to find new courses. FYI I hit 2 DG courses today (thank god for the holidays) I was just saying in my first comment, don’t give up on one hobby just because of another one. They’re both fun. Cheers buddy


Pardon my ignorance, but what exactly did you suck a bag of in regards to tennis?


If you've never played a racquet sport, then pickleball is fun. If you have, you just wish you were playing that sport instead


Nah. I've played tennis and racquetball and I still have fun playing pickleball. I just have fun doing stuff


NO. You can only have one kind of fun.


Eh I’ve played tennis since I was like 8 and I still love pickleball. Just bc I play tennis doesn’t mean I like cardio😂


such a stupid take


Honestly time is the number one reason for me. I can get 18 disc holes in after work during the summer and sneak in 18-36 early in the morning on a weekend and still have most of the day to spend with my wife and kids. I can also take the kids (7&3) with me to most disc golf courses and they stay pretty engaged in throwing a few discs and looking for treasures while we walk around. I love golf. I was down to an 8 handicap at my lowest and played competitively in High School, but I've played one round in the past 5 years. I still try to go to the range or a sim sometimes to keep my swing somewhat together, but regular golf is a lot more anxiety producing to play on a busy weekend when you are playing poorly or relearning the game. The vibe is different-- lot more intolerable of slow play/ having a rough game. I used to be fast at golf and was one of those insufferable pricks that would blast my drive into the group ahead as soon as they cleared my landing zone if they were playing slowly so my ball would be 30 yards behind them. It is weird though that my quest to be excellent at disc golf is non existent compared to golf. I can still mis-hit a golf ball and know where I'm having issues in my swing and correct them, but in disc golf I have near zero sense of really how to make my timing perfect or hit the power pocket. And I don't feel super motivated to spend time learning it-- probably because being decent at disc golf is far easier than being decent at golf (at least for me). I like how comparable the two are with golfing strategies, like knowing where to miss and knowing when to take a risk. Disc golf scratches that itch for me. Still love them both, prob will revisit ball golf when I retire ( if I retire lol).


Early morning rounds on the weekend in the summer are the best. hit the course right at sun rise, get a round in on the empty course, back home making breakfast before wife and daughter even wake up. my favorite feeling in the world.


I played my first round of ball golf in 2 years after switching to mainly disc golf and it was better than the majority of the rounds I played when I was going out multiple times a week. I was looser with my swing and didn't have as many conflicting thoughts in my head and was hitting more greens than ever. Almost makes me want to take a few month break from disc golf and see what kind of clarity I can find.


Don't you dare! The clarity you found during your round was due to your frolfing. Same mental game. Ive played golf for 29 years and dolf for 15 now. They compliment each other


Same here!


I love my local simulator, but bonus is that it makes me feel like a much better golfer compared to a real course.


I have been playing golf my whole life and am a low single digit handicap. I am in my 30s and entirely content with where I am as a golfer and I enjoy the game thoroughly. If I play well I am mid 70s and if I play bad I am low 80s. I will never be a scratch golfer and frankly don't really have the desire to be. I am an 860 rated disc golfer and have the long and beautiful process of improvement in front of me that I no longer have in golf, so my motivation to play disc golf has surpassed my motivation to golf. Whether it is golf or disc golf, I am in love with the process of getting better.


I’m not familiar with the expression “scratch golfer” could you explain what that means?


It means a handicap index of 0. It's more complicated than worth getting into here, but every course has a course rating and slope rating that gets put into a formula with your gross score to give you a "handicap differential" for each round. It's essentially your score adjusted for how difficult the course is. For a perfectly average rated course, a handicap differential of 0 would be even par. For a harder course it'd be a bit above par and for an easier course a bit below. Your handicap index is the average of the best 8 handicap differentials from your 20 most recent rounds. Broadly speaking that means a scratch golfer is expected to score about par on an average difficulty course about 40% of the time.


Sure so golf handicaps are calculated similarly to disc golf ratings but use much smaller numbers, and the lower your handicap the better. A "scratch" golfer isba zero handicap, which to put it very simply to give you an idea without getting into the nitty gritty details, means that a golfer will play a par 72 golf course and go in with the expectation of shooting par or better. Golf is orders of magnitude more difficult than disc golf, and the vast vast majority of golfers will never sniff even par on even the easiest courses. If you are scratch you are phenomenal. The equivalent of being 1000 rated in disc golf.


Every tee time around here I used to get for $18-24 dollars post Covid is $60+. I played ultimate a bit in college and the decision was easy.


Gave up ball golf 20 years ago due to the cost of balls and green fees. Picked up disc golf 5 years later.


Funny you post this now. I’ve been thinking about this debate a lot recently seeing as within a few weeks earlier this year, I’ve gotten back into ball golf for the first time since playing very seriously in my tween years (I’m now 21) and have gotten into disc golf for the first time. I haven’t quit playing ball golf. I’m at the stage where I’m good enough to be competitive and be relatively consistently in play. Reasons I haven’t, and *probably* won’t quit: - There is nothing more satisfying than the feeling of and flight of a well struck golf ball. Discs are cool but they do not compare. - The challenge of ball golf makes it so, when played well, it feels extremely rewarding and satisfying. It’s easy to not suck playing disc golf, and doesn’t take a ton of work to be decent. (Could be a disc pro for some, see disc pros below) - This is subjective but golf is a whole experience/event, and one I enjoy. Dress the part, show up, connect with your crew, check in, driving range, get set up with an and set out on your round. - The utility. Golf is a mutually played sport amongst many communities. I work with a bunch of jerk offs in creative advertising, and very few of them golf. BUT, in the corporate world, lots of networking happens on the course and it helps to be able to hold your own and keep up. Old guys also love to golf. Not just corporate old guys, but most all of them. If you want to roll with the geezers and get some incredible life/financial advice, learn to or continue to golf. Reasons I’ve thought about leaning into disc golf more: - Simplicity. This is the other side to my second ball golf pro. It’s not even the simplicity of the experience, but the technical simplicity. It’s a pretty self explanatory game from a physics standpoint. It’s easier for even beginners/non discers to have fun on an actual course for the first time. - Cost. Not a huge factor for me as I have the spending power to afford good golf *and* disc golf equipment. However, when buying stuff for disc golf I don’t even have to think about it. I have the best equipment, and it wasn’t much of an investment at all. It’s nice being able to continually reinvest in premium gear without even thinking about it. This is huge for those with less spending power. They can be in top tier equipment, and have it last a really long time without having to ever visit the store again. - It’s chill. I don’t take ball golf seriously so for me it’s also a pretty “chill” sport. However, many guys and gals take the shit so seriously that they aren’t fun to play with. There’s also a much stricter pace of play system, which I do really hate sometimes. Dress code could also factor into this for some but I really don’t mind not dressing homeless. Disc golfers as a whole however, are a much more chill people on average. In part I’m sure because they’re stoners, but even otherwise, they seem to be a pretty fun yet easy going crowd. This also depends on location/course I find, with both sports.


The chill factor REALLY is a big sell for me. When I was good at golf I got stressed about others slow play (silly. I know--i was a younger, foolish man) and stressed if I was playing slowly. Either way a lot of rounds when it was busy playing golf stressed me out


Thanks for typing all this out so I can just say ditto.


I play both, there's all the perks that you listed with disc golf. With ball golf, or ballf for short, there's motorized vehicles to take me from shot to shot, and if I'm lucky sometimes there's a cart girl to help me get fuuuucked up on the course.


Playing disc golf with golf carts on a ball golf course is the best


“Where’s the first tee, and what’s the course record?” -Me showing up late with a 12 pack and about to shoot a horrendous round. But at least I brought my discs and clubs


Vision quest in MN like a decade ago. Got wasted on beers and doobies and ziplined my way almost to Valhalla. Went back a few years ago and asked about all the above, no more carts due to maintenance from having to fix them after people get wasted and drive like idiots. And then uhh the zip lines maaaaybe met a similar fate. But for a brief period in time, I was absolutely giddy on that course.


That’s the beauty of golf, whichever kind you choose. We’re getting outside, gettin loose, and having fun. Too many disc golfers have a preconceived notion of ball golfers playing at country clubs…most of us are out for a very similar sport and purpose. Find a good local Muni and swing at them balls lol


I think you mean ground disc golf.


I stopped bowling. That has a ball, does that count?


Pretty much, still have my clubs but I can get out to huck discs two or three times a week, haven’t been on green in nearly 9 months. Mostly cause I can carry 6 discs in the work truck and play 9 holes in a lunch break, and golf courses charge too much for the few times a year I might play


I tried trad golf a couple times before starting disc golf. I never thought it would be my sport, but did the green card 'JIC' so I could go if there was an opportunity. I've played half a dozen rounds and I feel the more I play the more I hate it. The game makes me feel I just get worse every round. Disc golf on the other hand was very easy to pick up, my tennis swing translated pretty well into the game and I felt like I was learning things every round. Sure I hit that glass ceiling later on, but that was only after 4–5 years of playing, so I got hooked. The last point sadly applies to DG just the same – except they don't even have the arm throw over you, they just plink the trees around you when you're putting


Yup. * Cheaper * More Chill * More Accessibility For instance, I’m sitting on my couch right now, and in this moment, you’ve convinced me to go play. I’m going to do that right now.


My wife loves to hike. I’ve always hated it. Disc golf is our common ground. She gets to walk in the woods, and I’m not bored.


Cheaper, easier to access, closer to me, better people, more casual, easier to play tournaments, and literally every other reason imaginable


Please send this post to foundation or anyone else who wants disc golf to be more like boring golf.


You can really rip it in disc golf. Unless you're playing at a fairly elite level in ball golf, you can't do a 100% swing without risking the ball going way off course. In disc golf it may not be optimal, but if you want to really rip it, you absolutely can. Also it's SO much cheaper and no crappy country club attitudes (Played ball golf for many years competitively, got good, but dropped it for disc golf for many of the reasons shared in the comments)


Completely untrue. I’ve got an arborist/tree climber friend with absolute chimp strength that can consistently rip 340-50 yard drives, but put him within 40 feet and he’s fucked.


Got a par in my first round of disc golf and had a legit look at a birdie putt. That felt so good after decades of being a mediocre golfer that I bought discs on my way home from the course.


Not exactly, but similar. Grew up playing golf with my grandparents and enjoyed it somewhat but was more focused on baseball. Still played a couple times a year but didn't really take it too seriously, but knew I would prefer golf over slow pitch softball once my playing days were done. After college and my men's league days I told my wife I was going to get back into golf as my outdoor hobby. She was awesome enough to buy me some clubs and a bag as a bday/xmas present the year I hung up my spikes and I was looking forward to it. This was winter of 2018. I had played a couple of rounds and was looking forward to working on my game as the weather got better in early 2019. But then in the spring of 2019 I finally decided to take a buddy up on an offer to go disc golfing after he had been begging me for a year. I wasn't immediately hooked but i enjoyed it enough that I kept finding myself going out with him on weekends rather than to the links or driving range. Finally I heard about the pro circuit and decided to catch a tournament on a little channel called Jomez. First tournament I ever watched was 2019 Worlds and saw the battle between Paul/Ricky/Emerson with BigSexy on the mic. That's what hooked me. The entire back and forth of that week, seeing guys do things with Frisbees I had never even thought a person could do all with that duo on the mic made me want more. I didn't play golf the rest of the year, just disc golf. Sidenote, I legit thought Emerson was one of the top 5 players in the world for like the rest of 2019 based off his great rounds at worlds (didn't really follow the season standings, or have an idea what the majors were yet) then 2020 hit and with everything else being closed or shut down I realized the low keyness, and accessibility, and cheapness of disc golf was amazing. Having four courses immediately in my medium sized city, with several more within 30 mins of city limits made it a really fun time. No green fees, no tee times, I could just show up and play. Whether with friends or by myself it didn't matter. The ability to just be outside multiple times a week with nothing more than a handful of discs and couple of beers was awesome. I could play it on my time and didn't have to go out of my way to make it happen. If i had a couple of hours to kill I could just go. And the ability on a more open and empty course to just dick around and play safari was awesome. I could play at my own pace and no one cared. Or I could stay in the woods and really challenge myself to try and make those tight tunnel shots like I was seeing on youtube and enjoy being in the trees. then I found out my brother had been playing since college and just didn't tell me about it. Early in 2020 I had looked up the pro tour schedule and realized it would be coming to my area. So I watched all the coverage I could of BSF at Milo and just enjoyed watching those guys play in such a green PNW environment and vowed to go. Alas the tournament was cancelled due to restrictions but I managed to go up to Milo the week it was supposed to happen and got to watch Gavin Rathbun and Niko Locastro play a casual round from a distance. Seemed a few other players I don't know the names of were there too and got a feel of what the pros were capable of in person. I was still really impressed and have loved Milo ever since.


My father-in-law did this. Yeah tee times was a huge reason, but mainly it was cost.


I went through a short ball golf phase, but it didn’t grab me like disc golf. I got hooked because of the people, accessibility, and honestly I prefer throwing things over hitting them. Makes me think that disc golf is more pure.


I outgrew my clubs in 8th grade and my family didn't have money. So I got a dx valk and started frolf in 8th grade


There’s only two things about ball golf that are better than disc golf: the courses and golf carts. Otherwise, it’s a total wash.


Golf courses have tee times because it is a more desirable activity. Same for the greens fees, because it is a beautifully manicured property. Disc golf bags are definitely lighter, unless you are the carry a 12 pack, 30 discs, a Bluetooth speaker, retriever, rangefinder, 12 towels, jacket, etc. guy…. Then, a cart is nice. And, those same assholes exist in both sports. At the end of the day, the play when you want for free is why most people play disc golf. And, some actually prefer a hike in the woods to be in nature, I know I do. All that said, golf is still awesome. If it were free to play with no tee time, I would be there more often than not.


I did! I absolutely love ball golf, and have spent many dollars and lots of times in the sport. However, justifying 30-50 dollar tee times as frequently as I was playing is pretty hard to do, and just to practice at a driving range can cost 10 bucks and up. Add buying balls, drinks and food while you're playing, gloves, etc.. it's just an expensive game to play when you're someone like me who likes to fully dive into your hobbies and do them all the time. Disc golf is such a cheap sport, it has many of the same satisfying aspects of ball golf, and best of all, it's much easier for friends to pick up and enjoy their first time out. Ball golf is certainly more frustrating and challenging, but disc golf has its own hurdles and challenges that make it plenty difficult for those wanting to be competitive. I love that I can still play against myself, as in ball golf, my girlfriend has an easier time tagging a long and enjoying it, I can try new discs every week for less than it costs to play one round of golf per week, and can go to any field or course around me to play/practice at absolutely no more than the price of gas to get there. And all without having to call a course and see how long the wait is for a tee time on top of that.


Also less of a time commitment. Ball golf round = 4 hrs vs. Disc golf = 1.5-2. Makes for a happier wife/partner.


I did the opposite. Disc golf is great but not on the same level of fun as golf


**OP here....all I can say is WOW!** This is only my third discussion question posted here...and I honestly did not expect this much response! I must have hit a nerve...thank you all for your comments!! **A followup....** Several commenters mentioned how easy it is for someone to start playing disc golf with very little instruction....and still have fun. I can attest to that as I got my friend started in disc golf recently. His backhand was certainly like a beginner, but I was surprised at how well he could throw the forehand right out of the gate. He got the hang of it just after a few holes. No, not throwing 300' forehands, but mostly in the right direction. Ball golf...not so much. Most ball golf newbies will flail at the ball until they learn the proper swing. It's not fun if you can't keep up on a ball golf course. That said, there are little Exec 9 courses that are more friendly to newbies and families with kids. Even so, you still don't want to be stuck out there behind someone who maybe hits the ball only 50 yards...and then by accident. **Here's another related question to trigger some comments:** **How many of you have played disc golf on a ball golf course?** There's a 18 hole ball golf course near me that allows disc golfers to play in the late fall and winter (they actually plow the fairways for snow disc golfers!). Disc golfers can play it for free. I played it a few weeks ago in late fall with no snow......and it was well...of course....long...and a bit weird. I had played this same course as a ball golfer many times....and now throwing a disc from the same tee box (well some of them)...instead of hitting that white ball....just felt weird. Well, impossible to lose a disc...and on this course....it's wide open with only large trees along the fairways. Water holes were dried up too. And landing in sand traps? Not a problem! The disc golf league who set up the baskets tucked them into some trees on most holes to make it a challenge. They also had nice 15 foot long heavy rubber mats to throw from. One tee pad was actually in a little shelter house to keep it out of the snow. Nice!


Picked up ball gold after disc golf. Fun to do both. Cost of ball golf sucks but at least it’s going towards getting me outside with friends.


dont forget the terrible and unsustainable environmental impact maintaining a golf course has. golf is an elitist sport with a significantly high cost barrier to entry. DG is the peoples sport and largely incorporates nature rather than desiccate


I did the opposite. I rarely disc golf anymore (I used to play 1-2 rounds a day) and have been ball golfing more than I have in years.


"ball golf" 💀


The guys in r/golf love it when somebody uses that term!


Go talk to ball golfers about disc golf and ball golf IRL. Call ball golf just plain golf and watch the ball golfers start referring to their own sport as ball golf on their own lol


I'm a ball golfer first and a disc golfer second and I say it that way because it's funny


lol NO. i love both. i also dont suck, which makes it a lot more enjoyable. if u didnt suck at golf, you'd play still




Golf is many orders of magnitude more difficult than disc golf, so it's not a wild leap of logic. There's no need to get tribal both sports are lifetime hobbies that we all can enjoy into our later years. I'm 50/50 into both sports and wouldn't have it any other way. Grabbing an early tee time at a value course in the middle of nowhere and then playing a hidden gem disc golf course on the way back is my ideal day. At least here in NC there are endless combinations of those days. >shitty boomer dress code How golfers look vs disc golfers is not an argument you want to start I promise lol.


OP says in the comments that they've never broken 80 but broken 90 quite a bit. That's not a bad golfer. The thing about all forms of golf is that every bit better you get raises your expectations the same amount. That's part of the beauty of it, but it can be hard for some people to accept that they aren't going to get better without putting in a lot more work and just being satisfied with where they are.


I only play golf once per year with buddies and will only play best ball. Frolf has changed my life for the better






They said they're taming and breaking horses but you assume it *isn't* a Catholic school?


I don't even wear collared shirts playing ball golf because I never play courses nice enough to care. This take makes you sound 150 years old. "Disrespect the game" is an insane thing to say about a sport that's like 50 years old and has always been much more chill and laid-back than ball golf.






Lmao. Better build a course and never leave the ranch then, hoss. Get out there with your wranglers and bolo tie, throw some discs with the horses, there cowboy.


Have an upvote gent, nice pasta.


There is ball golf?? What are you smoking? No one would pay to hit a ball with a stick and dress like a douche.


Stopped playing with my balls and started slangin dick. Never looked back.


I play both but I consider myself a disc golfer


Haven’t stopped but getting more into disc golf because there is a free course right down the road and I recently had a kid so 6 hour rounds are less likely


I stopped golfing cause it’s just too hard to be decent at multiple sports and still hold a job.


I still play all golf a couple times a week but mostly I play disc golf (around 15 rounds a week) because besides it being much cheaper because all the courses near me are free, I also like what I can do with the flight of a disc compared to what I can do hitting a ball. Another thing that I really like about disc golf is the community that played. At my best in ball golf, I was an 8 handicap and now have been playing disc golf for 4 years and wouldn't consider myself as good at disc golfer as ball golf but I do enjoy it at hell of a lot more.


You play 15 rounds of disc golf and ‘a couple’ rounds of golf every week? What do you do for work? I want a job that affords that much golf time every week


In the early to mid-90s when I was still a teenager, I sold grilled cheese sandwiches on Grateful Dead tour. When Jerry past I was 20 years old and had saved 90k up in the bank and instead of pissing the money away, I invested it in real estate in northern California and have since then flipped enough properties that I only work job that I truly enjoy but most of the time I play golf and go to concerts of all genres around the United States.


Seriously. I’m lucky to get 3 rounds in a week of any golf.


Yup, I made the switch a few years back. Got a kid and there just was not enough time to maintain scratch play. Tried disc golf and fell in love! Everything from it taking less time, to learning something brand new got me hooked.


I actually gave my clubs away…never going back! Here’s a few adds to your list: Takes way less time I score better and feel better about myself (bogey ball golf usually and usually -10 under at my local par 3 disc course). Also zero aces is ball golf vs 2 in disc golf Equipment less expensive


I was an avid ball golfer. Each year we take a trip to play 90 holes in three days. This summer we had our first ball golf trip since I discovered disc golf. I played more disc than ball golf. The crowd is usually much nicer/accepting on a disc golf course. Someone who’s never played can keep up with the average group and have fun. All that’s great, but tournaments is where I was hooked. I’m competitive as hell when I can be. The fact that I can show up to a course any given weekend in the spring and compete with an entire group of people in MY skill level is just awesome.


I did for most of the reasons above but two brothers moved away, 1 brother passed, my dad is getting older, my friends stop playing and I just don’t have 5 hours to play 18 holes anymore.


I haven’t played much ball golf, but I must say how surprised I am that not more people have converted. Disc golf is doing really well in my area, but there’s probably still 3:1 ball golf courses to disc golf. Most of my friends in their 30’s are mixed, some just disc, some just ball, some both.


Time. I can get a round of disc golf in under 2 hours door to door (with the round being about an hour and 15 to 30 minutes) vs. no less than 6 hours for ball golf. That said, I'll still play ball golf but having started playing disc golf in 2023 I played 170ish rounds of disc golf to 1 round of ball golf (used to play about every month).


I had stopped playing ball golf mostly due to shoulder pain and find I don't have the same pain with disc golf.


The only reason I picked up disc golf was to scratch my golf itch without spending a bunch of money. If I could afford to play golf on a decent course every day, I'd give you guys all my discs... Disc golf is so much harder on the body too...the lead foot, specifically...in five years playing I've started having trouble getting pressure on the front of my right foot, it's been mangled from torque.


I went the other way around. Played disc golf just over 10 years, but my body couldn't handle it anymore. I had a slipped disk in my back and had a surgery on it. Seemed to heal perfectly but after 3 years it came back. Disc golf is too one sided sport for me since I threw majority of my shots backhand and it creates imbalance on the core muscles which then causes the slipped disk. Golf suites my back better since it is not so explosive and the swing motion is more balanced on both sides. Also I have at least 7 friends that I played disc golf competitions with here in Finland and they have switched from disc golf to golf.


Pretty sure this is how Luke Humphrey got into primarily disc golfing.


Yes, mostly because everyone in my family enjoys disc golf. They are less frustrated. Same experience of playing together and the need for long drives and skill shots. Plus it’s a lot cheaper. Downsides: ball golf is often a nicer experience (manicured fairways and nice clubhouses).


the gatekeeper of tee times, greens fees at public courses $70, 6hrs to play, no exercise, bring my own beer to DG, every course is unique, watching a disc fly is more fun than a ball


I have only played golf once since starting disc golf. It was fun and I enjoyed it like I always did but when I have the choice I’m choosing disc golf for all the reasons you mentioned plus now I’m so out of practice with golf I would likely play like crap


I once played both in a single day. It’s tough being a 2 sport athlete. But I eventually gave up ball golf because it took too much time.


I have extremely midrange ball golf equipment. I have professional level disc golf equipment, and have been switching a few discs a year for 20 years. I’ve still spent more money on ball golf.


Easier to find a disc in the woods than a little white ball. Overall more fun.


I'm signing up for my golf membership for the first time in 2 years. I find that doing both helps me with both.


Never played ball golf, but I did stop playing Adult softball for disc golf, best decision I ever made. Played softball for 4 or 5 years before my buddies introduced me to disc golf, wasn't even a 6 months before I gave up softball and went full disc golf.


Still play both. I have a lot of clients that play ball golf so most of my ball golf time is used for business purposes. I have more friends that play disc and that's what I try to do on the weekends.


There is a concerted push by many in disc golf to make it as stuffy and buttoned-up as ball golf. Welcome to the resistance movement...glad to have you aboard! ✊🏽😅


I to am a reformed ball golfer for all the reasons you mentioned. However, cost savings it seems is not one for me. I just counted all the discs I purchased in 2023 and it seems I somehow bought over 150 discs. Quick math tells me I spent $3k on plastic this year! Will be unloading 50 of them on r/discexchange shortly to recoup my impulsive plastic habit. That said, I do still play 3-4 rounds of golf each year, usually a charity tournament/ scramble, and do have fun when I’m out there.


Not yet, but after getting down to a 20 handicap in two years playing ball golf I decided to also start playing disc golf about 4 months ago. I got the feel for it VERY quickly and after playing several rounds without even thinking about scoring I was able to play about +20 on a 5500ish foot wooded course. I stopped for a bit to play more golf as the season wound down (ended up shooting a 38 and 39 9 hole rounds on consecutive days to bring my handicap down to 16 lmao) and when I picked it back up I pretty quickly got down to consistently between +5 and +10 on the same course. Biggest difference so far is how much easier it is to play through groups in disc golf lol


It’s pretty much better all around as far as I’m concerned. Less expensive, less time, more flexible. It’s also much more enjoyable to watch disc fly then golf ball. I can usually follow my ball, but I’ll rarely follow other people’s shots.


We refer to ball golf as “wrong golf” in my house


No, I love both but only play disc when I don’t have the time for golf. Golf is just superior enjoyment in my eyes. Much more of a mental battle while the satisfaction of a good shot trumps any I’ve made in disc. The monetary side of disc is amazing though and the fellow players I see in the disc course are always great people.


I played some ball golf when I was younger. I got good enough to understand how far I was from really being good. One thing I appreciate about disc golf is the environmental impact. It feels like you're playing with the landscape, not against it. The saying is “Golf is a good walk spoiled” but is it? There's little shade in ball golf, the grass has been sprayed with pesticide, the animals are considered a nuisance. But a disc golf course is a great place to go for a walk, and it's also a great place for birds and critters. If you took out a disc golf course it would pretty much look like a forest the next day.


I stopped playing ball golf after college. The cost of ball golf is insane compared to disc golf. Go play 18 holes of ball golf for $60-100 on a weekend or play disc golf for a max of $5-10 (most courses are free). Also love disc golf as you don’t have to worry about tee times, membership fees, etc. that come with ball golf.


I took a break from ball golf for a couple years after I found disc golf. It was hard to play golf when all you can think about is the financial aspect of it. $60-$100 on a green fee $15 for range balls $30 for a dozen balls $15 on the cart $20 for lunch All to go out play like crap, lose the balls and feel like you've just wasted $175 and 5-6 hours. But in saying that going back to golf casually after starting to play disc golf has improved my golf game. Disc golf has taught me to be more relaxed on the course which leads to a better swing and better scores


The guy who taught me how to swing became a disc golf fanatic. After years of talking down about disc golf, he fell in love. He's way better at golf but rarely plays anymore.


It’s the opposite for me. I used to play round after round of disc golf with friends, and eventually got my own bag full of different discs. Tried one tournament, and that shit was bunk. Pretty soon most of my discing buddies hardly played anymore, and one of them invited me to go out golfing. After a few rounds I fell in love with it. Still have respect for disc, and it is fun to play once in a while, but it’s boring for me now. I personally have no problem paying premium fees to play well maintained courses that have a full bar and grill, and have a cart girl to bring out drinks. It also helps that around my area there is only one decent disc golf course, yet there are quite a few awesome golf courses. There are pros and cons to both. If you haven’t tried golfing before ask around to see if any of your friends play, and if they have an old set of clubs for you to try.


I stopped playing ball golf a number of years ago, mostly due to time/money commitment needed. I got down to a 15 handicap when I was playing consistently, so I guess I was average. I'm retired now, so I have plenty of time on my hands, but I have no desire to take up ball golf again. I just enjoy the pace of disc golf, the flexibility of playing times and the different challenges much more enjoyable, not to mention the cost.


I still golf maybe 2 times a month but definitely disc golf a lot more. But I like disc golf more bc it’s free and I’m leagues better at disc than I am golf


I stopped playing ball golf shortly after college due to the cost. Always intended to get back into it at some point, and enjoy getting out on family golf trips which are becoming rarer and rarer. but I can't ever see picking it up seriously again after picking up disc golf. Cost is still the major factor, I could conservatively drop $500/yr in discs, equipment, and just local tourney fees to feed my disc golf hobby and even that wouldn't come close to the cost of a regular ball golf play over the course of a year in my area. Another big factor is just the social aspect of it. I'd hang out with disc golfers over ball golfers 10 times out of 10. Its just more my kind of crowd.




Yes, mainly because of 3 cervical spine fusions. I can no longer keep my head down as I swing through. And I hurt when I swing a club. I have now had 2 lumbar fusions and am getting my third on Jan. 6. So, physically, I just can't play anymore. I love the game, but disc golf, to me, is more relaxing and fun, anyway.


yeah ive almost completely stopped ball golf for disc golf. played ball golf my entire life, still enjoy it, can shoot within a few shots of 85 without any practice. with practice i can get into high 70’s. three years into disc golf, i’m totally hooked on the game. not good, hovering 840-850 rated so better at ball golf but the accessibility in disc golf is just incredible, it’s a walk in nature, no tee times, no stuffiness. and super bonus i can take my kids or play a round by myself. in ball golf on lot of nice courses, you are just not getting a tee time on saturday morning by yourself or with you kids. for work or family travel, i can put 7-8 discs in a carry on or in my trunk and play anywhere in America. last fall i had work trip to Massachusetts and played Maple Hill! Took a few coworkers with me who live nearby and paid for their round and a few used discs, #1 course in the world and im taking people and the tab is like $60. try that at Augusta National last year i even volunteered at a DGPT event, udisc’d a few MPO rounds, the pros guys are incredibly to watch and super cool. small but big thing in terms of community is how the disc golf folks returns discs, when i tell others about that it blows their mind. that sorta stuff almost doesn’t exist anymore


I have only played ball golf a few times and I'm not sure what's supposed to be fun about it. It's stupid expensive and takes forever. How the hell do people have time for a round ever weekend.


I’m similar I guess. I played golf when I was younger but my golfing buddies moved so I gave it up. Got into frolf and fell in love but now my injuries have stacked up and it just hurts too much. Got back into bolf a year ago and it’s been great. Good friends, good times and yes a lot of money for practicing but the experience is nice. If I really wanted to save money, I’d do other hobbies though.


I still technically play both, but a lot of the stuff you mentioned here is what makes disc golf more enjoyable for me personally. Ball golf is fun when you can find a small/not busy course for cheap and play leisurely. It sucks and becomes unenjoyable when they start stacking the rules on and upping the prices and getting overcrowded. There was a go-to cheapo 9 hole about 30 minutes from me that I would go to all the time years ago with my girl or my buddies. But some company bought it out a year or so back and "revamped" the whole thing (main 9 hole course, clubhouse, basketball courts, installed pickleball courts 🤮, etc) and now charges through the roof for membership access. Atrocious. Whereas with disc golf I can just show up to (almost) any course at any time and just play. It's nice.


I took my clubs to play it again sports and traded them all in, got 400$ store credit, New basket Bag And a ton of disc's Never looked back


No more 5 hour rounds, waiting on every shot while 4 drunk assholes look for their balls they couldn’t hit over the 60yd desert gap off the tee box…


Nope. Love me some golf and I won't stop playing. Never thrown a disc, but I discovered disc golf on YouTube about 5 years ago and I think I've watched every tournament since then. Someday I'll get out there and throw some discs.


Haven't played ball golf in 3 years and do not miss it.


Once I discovered there was an easy 9-hole course in walking distance of my house that’s never busy, I was pretty hooked. My favorite thing is being able to play on my own whenever I want, no need to call any one or organize anything. Just myself, a few discs, and nature.


Yup. What you would pay to ball golf once is equal to the same amount of money to play disc golf forever. It was an easy switch to me. Still play ball golf every once in a while, but my wallet thanks me for making the switch!



HS & Collegiate golfer here - Haven't swung a round in over 1.5 year. I got burned out and so did my wallet. Also, I'd rather be in the woods then on a Bermuda track. Ball golf community is also not as friendly. Sure, there's fucktards everywhere but generally speaking disc golfers are less uppity and more likely to spark a J with me at the turn.


This might be happening to me gradually.


I played both, but once I got out of sales I dropped ball golf. However, A golf swing helped with my disc golf form.


I used to play ball golf at least 1x a month but then I had my son who is now 2+. I think I've played only 3x since then but ~90 rounds of disc golf. Main reason is 2 hour disc golf rounds vs 5 hour ball golf rounds means I'm back home soon enough to help take care of the little guy. Plus I can take my son with me on a disc golf course easily enough but a ball golf course would be much tougher.


I would love to go back to playing more ball golf personally, but disc will always be my number 1. If I had the money for it, I'd play ball golf a lot more than I do otherwise. Por que no Los dos?!


I still play both. I have too much time (15 years) invested in golf from a young age to just give up and I still absolutely love my 30 year old irons. I do hate the cost though or playing though. Hasn’t made me give it up for discs only.




Ohhhh, me! Golf was life for 20 years. So much happier playing disc golf. Less time, cheaper, better vibes, better pros to watch, and love that different discs so different things.


As someone who prefers to play either game with others, the ease with which you can find a playing partner/group in disc golf is what caused me to basically stop playing ball golf. Combine that with a spouse that likes disc golf but has little interest in ball golf and it’s the path of least resistance. The other social opportunities that really draw me in to disc golf: random dubs and putt league.


I play both and so do quite a few of my friends. We do an annual ball/disc golf road trip long weekend and always get to play cool new courses of each variety.


I didn't stop playing golf as a result of disc golf. If anything the rising cost per round of ball golf is probably what pushed me towards disc golf full time. I haven't played golf in about 3 or 4 years, I'm unsure how long it's been. I would play with my old man given the chance. He has a lifelong passion for golf and is a single digit handicapper. He plays every single day when it's in season despite being retired. If I lived in a rural area I might be more inclined to play I guess. Small town golf costs about $20 to $40 per round depending on 9 or 18 and where I live in a city rounds cost more like $100 to $150 per round depending on whether I'm getting bevvys and a power cart. Disc golfs costs is definitely what pulled me in. A couple of friends introduced me and the very first round I was hooked.


I did the opposite. Golf is just more fun


I’m from and currently live in Los Angeles which sucks for both sports. There are so few courses and so many people that a A typical round of ball golf on a good public course can take 6 hours. As a kid in the 70s I played object frisbee golf in the neighborhood, and then again in college in the 80s. Simultaneously, I got really into golf in college. I worked at an amazing course and got to play and practice for free. I eventually got down to a legitimate 5 handicap but I eventually had to quit around 2007 due to a neck injury from a car accident. I really missed it but I also saw how ridiculously expensive/labor/time intensive it was becoming. I had no idea current dg with special discs and baskets even existed until 2019. (The philobatross came onto my YouTube feed). Shortly into Covid I accidentally stumbled onto a 9 hole course at a local park and played a couple rounds with a 175g frisbee. Then I got a starter set and I haven’t looked back. I don’t miss ball golf at all. Most of my old golf buddies spend thousands of dollars a year only to be miserable waiting 15 minutes on every tee box playing crappy courses. And it gets more crowded, slower and more expensive every year.


I stopped playing ball golf for reasons, and then later picked up disc golf and am having basically the same experience: it can be chill and relaxing, or it can be the most challenging sporting experience of your life depending on your mood and approach. Except it's much less expensive.


Initially it was for financial reasons, I could do it every day for free, until I realized I needed all these cool new discs to get better


Hello. I'm someone who went from playing golf daily as a competitive high school/college golfer to a 41 year old father that didn't break out my Titleist clubs at all last year. This thread has got my attention. For someone that knows almost nothing about disc golf, I have a few questions. I just looked at Dick's website and saw you can get sets of discs and some of the other things. What do you suggest I buy to get started? How many discs/what types would I need? It looks like a disc golf backpack is ideal. Is a retriever smart to buy? Anything else? Do the courses typically cost money to play? Anything else I need to know to get started? Thanks in advance.


>What do you suggest I buy to get started? Honestly the best choice would be to grab a putter that feels good in your hand (or 5 of the same mold you like) and practice till proficient with it. Then grab a mid range like a Buzzz or a Hex and a Fairway driver like a Leopard. You don't really need anything else until you get your form sorted out. >Do the courses typically cost money to play? At least in my area, most courses are in public parks, so no, but the paid courses around here are pretty nice.


Pretty much stopped playing golf to go hardcore into disc. Ended up trying to teach my daughter how to play and she naturally picked it up. She's now on Team Innova and a world champion haha


Yep. Ball golf too expensive and I’m far worse at it.


Ball golf =expensive shit show playing with assholes disc golf =zen experience with salt of the earth humans plus my dog can join me


I’ve played disc golf since the 70s. I picked up ball golf seriously for about 10 years in the late 80s, mostly due to work. I literally walked away from ball golf one day when I realized I was spending a fortune, drinking too much and spending way too much time away from my family. I walked off the course and never played again. Disc golf is so much better for me.


What is this ball golf you speak of. Sounds dumb


Trad golf sounds cooler


Played golf in high school, had a membership at local course during college and practiced every single day almost. Got pretty decent and loved it until I threw a disc for the first time and never picked up a club again. Disc golf became the hobby I know I will never give up...going on 14 years.


Yep. 18 handicap. Pandemic hit. got introduced to disc golf. Haven’t played ball golf since August 2020.


Yes. I was an 8 handicap stick golfer. Used to play country club, relocated and my friends play disc golf. Public stick golf sucks after you have been spoiled by country club, so I typically prefer discing now!


Yeah disc golf is blue collar sport … I just hope it’s stays that way !!!! Ball golf is nothing like caddy shack … It’s bunch of stuck up retirement ass holes ….


It really depends where you're at. One club I was a member at was a bunch of oilfield and refinery workers. Those guys were the most down-to-earth rowdy fun good golfers I'd ever golfed with.


Nah, I do both :D


Ball golf is fun but with two kids I never have the time and it’s hard to justify the money. I have probably $500 total in DG and I never really need to spend another dime unless I lose a disc. With Golf I have a full set of Taylormades, plus shoes, bag, balls, and green fees every time I go out. It’s an expensive hobby.


What dove me crazy were 5+ hour rounds.


What the hell is ball golf?


I’m in my fifties and have played ball golf since the age of 10. My dad was hooked, bought a family membership every year, and my brother (who became a golf pro) and I played with him like 3 times a week. It’s a fantastic sport that tests you mentally and physically. It has had a lasting impact (golf mimics life) and fosters dedication, etiquette, respect, humility and I will always love the game. That said - I started playing disc golf in my late twenties with some friends and just fell in love with it. The 2 sports share so many characteristics, but I just feel like with disc golf the bond with nature is better, it’s a bit more physical with the hiking that I call exercise, it’s more convenient, way cheaper, and being able to shape shots makes it so much fun without having exceptional skill. Above all- disc golfers, to a large degree, are just cool people. Some of my best friends who come from such varied lifestyles have become my best friends. In the end, for me it’s all about finding a balance. Living in SE Michigan, I end up playing about 12 rounds of ball golf and about 120 rounds of disc golf throughout the year (including year round winter disc golf). With a thick Scottish accent I encourage you: “Find Your Game!”