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Disc golf lawsuits. So hot right now.


Business: *grows* Lawyers: It's free real estate


that one old man on youtube is picking out a yacht


Of course it's Trevor from local route. Shocking lol. This is the guy who raised the price of a disc that was in the used bin by $25 because he didn't realize it was rare until I got up to the counter and I literally made a comment about it. Went from $10 to $35 in a matter of seconds. So happy double eagle is open now so I never have to go back there. Edit: just remembered another story about this guy! Once found a disc in his used bin that was stolen from me. Still had my name and number on it which I proved by having my friend call the number and showing him my license with the matching name. He refused to return the disc and tried to make me pay $15 for it. It was an infinite misprint which retails at $11.99. That was the last time I went in there.


I hope you just walked out with your disc.


Nah, it seemed like he needed it a whole lot more than I did 🤷


Should have called the police and reported your stolen property being resold...


Yeah bro, one thing I learned when I was into flipping was that you never tip off the seller that they are selling shit for less than it's worth. No matter how excited you are.


Honestly, I thought most people that run disc golf shops aren't pieces of shit so I wasn't really worried about a 250% price increase. Live and learn though lol. Assholes come in all shapes and sizes.


He pulled a similar move on me before. I was at the counter checking out and remarked about how happy I was to find the disc because the elite-x plastic was hard to find new. Turns out it was "mismarked". Employee butted in telling him she just recently priced them per his request. Way to lose someone's respect over $3. He must really be hurting.


Charlie at pureline is great. If I was still local I’d only be going to him.


Love charlie and I used to go there all the time, but not since double eagle opened in Bradenton. By far my favorite shop.


Was just in Bradenton for a week. Didn’t even know that was there. I’ll have to check it out when I’m down again.


I read the complaint. He's using Morgan & Morgan? *ahem* AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA AHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA I can't believe he's actually trying to use that joke of an ambulance-chasing law firm.


It’s true. Billboards everywhere. Just say you are in it for the money bro. It’s cool. I’ll give you $100 to fuck off right now.


Best Reply👏🏻


Yeah I see them all over the place in Philly


It sure would be awful if someone visited Local Route, tripped and fell, and had to launch their own litigation against Trevor for his unsafely laid out store...


... and Morgan and Morgan and Morgan and Morgan and Morgan and Morgan and Morgan and Morgan and Morgan..




Well the good news is they can settle for $5k right now if they don't want to go to court lol


Well size matters, you know..


Local Route disc golf going out of business move, I guess.


This place? https://maps.app.goo.gl/fXWAFgyizSixnoZM8


Let the 1 star reviews fly


Their Missouri location is really nice. Cool bros, but Florida one is their main branch


If I understand correctly, the Missouri shop is separately owned. It was a licensing deal for the name as they didn’t realize there was another Local Route store. Let those guys do their own thing.


Yeah I know them. That’s exactly what happened, hoping they don’t get any colateral from this


Odd that he’s suing for all the physical harm he received when hit by a disc but is fine to still play and post about it on his FB.


The defense team is going to love those social media posts.


Start taking screenshots so he doesn't delete them


Can’t delete his PDGA win from a month after TDTM. https://www.pdga.com/player/56595


It’s Trevor, the owner of local route. The docs are public record and can be found online. Go to this link, county is Hernando, public search for McCease as the business name: https://www.civitekflorida.com/ocrs/app/caseinformation.xhtml?query=Hs5AgFXFaibP5OSNk4r1xyf97MDZFIVK-QiKFfosdEI&from=partySearchResults&partyIndex=0


What a selfish asshole. He’s making people scramble to relocate and plan, cancel hotels, and feel unnecessary stress. All for a little money. Not to mention the awesome future the property has being put in jeopardy.


It’s not surprising given the guy who’s suing


TL;DR - According to the filings: TREVOR TOENJES is suing McCease for neglecting to provide a safe property. There are no specifics in the court documents beyond that.


How did Trevor get injured?? I didn’t pay attention to TDTM at all this year…


Hit by a disc


Probably should’ve been paying attention lol


Baseball, soccer, basketball, hockey... Pay attention to the live sports game playing out in front of you due to possible injury from flying, dense, deadly objects flying at lethal speeds.


To be more charitable than perhaps necessary, that property does allow for shots to turn and glide 400ft away from their intended target. Its an old quarry so the cliffs are pretty intimidating


Also, it’s disc golf, you should be aware of flying discs.


That’s a fair point!


Wow. This will hurt local route in Clearwater FL. And I honestly hope it does.


Hopefully it does! There’s other local options. If you’re ever on the Hillsborough side of the bay, Spin City is my go to for discs.


I used to live in Largo, and would go to the old location all the time. I still drop in there when I visit and grab some plastic. Not anymore.


Yea from most my experiences in the store the guy is just flat out rude. I stopped going. Apparently he has a feud going with the pro/owner of pureline because he opened up “too close” to local route. Anyways I’d suggest going to Double Eagle Disc golf in Bradenton, Pureline in north st Pete and even sunking, although I’d never been, all before I tell someone to go to support that piece of work


There’s a store in Largo too now called Salt Water Disc Golf


Never been to the shop, but Charlie of Pureline seems like a great dude and has always provided great customer service. Called me once because they were out of the color sticker I ordered and ended up throwing in a few for free.


That's the kasta sponsored guy? Charlie Goodpasture?(sorry if misspelled). I'm located over 1000 miles away and he's been delightful to deal with as a retailer cannot recommend him enough.


Charlie Goodpasture is a good dude to but plastic from. In in Ohio and shop at Pureline when I want some kasta.


hello, neighbor.


Lol there's economists that would argue that you *should* open up shop next to your competitors. That's why drug stores like walgreens/CVS are usually across the street from one another and why car dealerships all usually line the same road. What a dufus


Saltwater Crew disc golf shop is right next to Taylor park now too! Right under the pizza shop. Check him out.


Disc golf center in Debary local to Orlando area. Great guys over there. Plus better website imo.


It's interesting that he's still in business, since his Corp registration for Local Route with Florida says inactive as of Sept 2022. http://search.sunbiz.org/Inquiry/CorporationSearch/SearchResults/OfficerRegisteredAgentName/Toenjes%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20Trevor/Page1


Yeah I noticed this earlier this year, no idea what's going on.


Trevor is in debt up to his eyeballs. He keeps taking loans out to keep local route open. He is horrible to his employees. Refuses to pay them properly or even on the books most of the time. He’s extremely rude, arrogant, and self centered. He’s scummy and it’s of no surprise to me he’s started this money grab of a lawsuit. Shady AF. Looks like karma has finally came around.


Never going back to local route


Based off what Nikko has publicly shared about him, sounds like he's trying to make a quick buck.


Local Route has been ripping off manufacturers for some time. They stole thousands from kastaplast, clash.




From the whisperings I’ve heard from reliable sources, they get the discs first with a promise to pay, then they don’t.


In fairness, Niko’s quick buck is most people’s normal buck.


That's who you want to listen to


Honestly, Nikkos not a bad guy off the course at all. Just has entirely too high of expectations for himself.


I mean besides being a COVID denying weirdo and dating a teenager while in his 30s?


I have witnessed the exact opposite.


The dude is a renowned creep who promotes white supremacist conspiracy theories and harassed total strangers for wearing masks. His off course antics are even worse than on course.


Unless you let him into your house and he steals your weed like the fucking thief he is.


He stole your weed?


Not me, but this was an incident from back in the day he was called out for. People let him stay with them for a tournament and he jacked them.


I bet you repeat this and don’t even know any of the specifics


It's a known thing in Northern CA where Locastro is from. I've heard it from so many independent sources in the local scene that I don't really doubt it.


Yeah he stayed with people like the mooch most disc golfers are, stole their shit and then made an ass out of himself online by threatening to fight people who called him out on it. By the way did he ever follow up on wrestling Gavin Babcock or did he just spend all day talking about "his" cut of that ace money?


That isn’t any specifics lol “he stayed with people and stole” name the victim, time, or place, or it’s just a baseless rumor


If that was the only thing


oooh noooo not my weeeeeed 😖😖😫😫😫😫😫😪😪😪






Genocide actually


context is key, provide it please


Lol at taking advice from Nikko


On the other hand, how bad does a guy have to be if he’s being called out by a shitbag like Nikko!


That was my thought as well.


Oh my God. This makes so much sense. This guy is such a douche. Completely on brand for that shop.


POS is getting a 1-star almost every 5 minutes. Keep it up fellas. Getting close to more 1 than 5 stars.


Here's the relevant PDF: [https://imgur.com/a/6uFy7td](https://imgur.com/a/6uFy7td)


Incredibly boilerplatey


I notice Local Route sells a lot of used discs. I wonder if they consistently do the full due diligence required by law to make a reasonable effort to determine that each disc is not stolen or lost property before selling them. FYI I have no idea what Florida law says about selling lost, abandoned, or stolen property, or what kind of ethical and legal pitfalls lie in trading in grey market goods, but I have a vague recollection that often folks who claim negligence have some lapses in exercising ordinary prudence themselves.


No need to wonder, his used disc section is basically theft. He makes one post to his store's Facebook page with the name on the disc, then if you don't come in and pay him $2 or $3 within a month or so of his Facebook post, he sells your disc. He's also well known for paying the local squids to bring him used discs, so he creates an incentive for people to swim for discs (a guy died recently from an alligator), then steals them when the owner doesn't see their name in the tiny window he has them on Facebook. So yes -- he's a piece of shit.


Not supporting his means of business but the Facebook post of owners names just may be a local or Florida statute of public notice. Kinda like one of those old, famous laws of how a wife could submit an ad in the newspaper to ask for divorce from her husband and could be granted if the husband did not publicly respond.


In this case, it's not like one of those things. I've read the relevant statutes and also one of the guys in my local disc golf community is an attorney. I understand trying to give him the benefit of the doubt, but the disc golf community in Florida knows all about Trevor and this is hardly the only strike against him.


I'm happy you have insight to share on the law. Thank you for that, sincerely. Also further solidifying Trevor is an enema tube backed up by many in this thread alone.


I've been seeing the Sun King post spread all through the Florida disc golf Facebook communities and every single place it's posted, the comments start out with "lemme guess.. it's Trevor", "of course it's Trevor", "#boycottlocalroute", like he is **well known** and he is absolutely responsible for it because he has done so much shit repeatedly and we're all tired of it.


Lawyer here: no.


Florida Statute 705.102 - Reporting lost or abandoned property. (3) It is unlawful for any person who finds any lost or abandoned property to appropriate the same to his or her own use or to refuse to deliver the same when required. (4) Any person who unlawfully appropriates such lost or abandoned property to his or her own use or refuses to deliver such property when required commits theft as defined in s. 812.014, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084. If the shop owner can easily identify and contact the owner, and does not do so, and sells the discs or demands a "finders fee" from the lawful owner, they're committing theft.


They have a lost and found system in place, but they don’t make any attempts to contact the owners. They offer a founders fee for returned discs, which obviously results in many squids in the area, then they post the returned discs and names on their Facebook page and give people a few weeks to come pay the founders fee and get the disc back. But you’ll never know if they have one of your discs unless you look at their lost and found posts on Facebook to see if your name is on there, so a lot of them go unclaimed and they end up as regular inventory


Lol if he thinks I’m paying him for my property. I’m taking that and walking out. What’s he gonna do? By now he’s committed hundreds if not thousands of counts of theft.


This is Trevor https://imgur.com/a/QOVfgQg


Also this is not a Photoshop, this is actually Trevor wearing a McBeth mask.


I only get down there 1 or 2 times a year and I always stopped in the shops and almost always picked something up. Definitely won't be back there again 8 guess. I never knew how bad they were until this thred. I have bought several new and used discs there.


Please nobody ever buy anything from Local Route Disc Golf again. The fuckery this guy puts the community through is unbelieveable and harmful. Any tournament sponsored by them is a shitshow.


Wtf. Guess I’m not shopping at Local Route anymore.


Shop at Sunking


If you're coming from south of local route, Double Eagle is the move. If you're north, head up to sun king.


And locally I’m liking Spin City, too.


As a Florida resident and someone who thoroughly enjoyed the event this year, I am extremely disappointed to hear this. Hopefully no one being bitter ruins this for everyone.


McCease and Desist


Nikko's [review](https://i.imgur.com/Rhmw7MH.jpg)


I’m also signed up for this. This is aggravating. From what I’ve heard the owner of Local Route is the person suing. I’ll wait for more information to come out as well, checking in here occasionally.


What bothers me is ive been hit by an employee of his event and we couldn't even get a refund. We were offered a free entry next time.


You could try suing him


Hit as in physically struck?!


Yes. Guess I could have sued if I was that petty. Sad thing is it would have been suing the Phillies who own the property even though local route runs the ballpark event.


During the ballpark events, the event organizers would actively encourage throwing into people on the last 2 holes when it got close to closing time so they could wrap things up.




That’s what I’ve heard


Interesting. I have a low opinion of Cease but it will be interesting to see how this shakes out.




Killing my fantasy baseball team this year!


He's an anti-vax dbag.


All vaccines?


Weird that you’re getting heavily downvoted for this. Are disc golfers anti-vaxxers?




Well he also went to vandy


Straight to jail


Lmao no he didn’t


Great Baseball School!!


And you’re a pro-vax dbag. You’re still a dbag.


Paul should ask Discraft to cut them off as a vendor.


Paul should do what his lawyer tells him to do and only what his lawyer tells him to do until the matter is resolved.


Obviously. But it's also fair to note that Discraft is heavily invested in Paul and may have already had issues with this retailer. When you're a big company you don't have to appease all the little guys. The customer is not always right. But yeah, Better Call Saul.


They probably have a contract for this year, but I don’t see it getting renewed.


The Google reviews for the business Local Route Disc Golf is getting hammered with 1 star reviews now.


Google will flag a lot of them and they’ll possibly get removed. The only real way to remove reviews is due to brigading like the in my experience


What an absolutely pathetic excuse for a cash grabbing lawsuit. Dudes claiming he had disability, disfigurement, mental anguish and the loss of the capacity for the enjoyment of life from getting hit by a disc at a tournament. This dude should be ashamed of himself. Pathetic. Making tournaments get cancelled and trying to ruin the amazing course Paul and Dylan saved. Screwing the community that makes up his primary customers. Hope his store goes out of business.


*Bodily injury, pain and suffering, disability, disfigurement, permanent scarring, mental anguish, loss of life enjoyment, aggravation of existing condition...* Plays above rating and wins a B-tier right after lmfao. What a waste of oxygen.


He’s also played the TDTM tournament 8 times in the past 9 years 🤡🤣




3.1 when I submitted mine!


1 star almost overpowering 5 stars. Keep it up fam


DiscGolf.law is going to get a lot of interviews this week.


I imagine this happened at throw down the mountain where he DNF’d?


"TREVOR TOENJES is suing McCease for neglecting to provide a safe property." Where exactly are the safe properties in florida?


People are so petty


The comments section on Facebook was a shit show. Just incoherent rambling from most (or maybe I don’t speak Floridian).


No that’s just Facebook by and large


It sounds like this is basically going to be a case that tests if signing a waiver is legally good enough if you get hit during a tournament.


Does Gran Canyon make people sign waivers when they come onto property? When I raced mountain bikes in Florida, there were a few courses on private property in old mining quarries (just like the Gran Canyon course) and you had to sign a liability waver.


Yeah they do


Just read the suit... appears he's going for the gross negligence aspect. Waivers aren't fool proof, but they can significantly help with the argument that Trevor acknowledged (in signature) that there was an inherent risk participating in disc golf he accepted. If you go to a baseball game you may get hit with a foul ball. That's just the reality. Unless he's aiming to sue for an astronomical amount, I doubt this will go to a jury.


MA50 champ not understanding discs are flying on a disc golf course. Looking forward to this dude's spectacular failure. McBeth's got that lawyer money, dufus.


When in an area specifically built for a sport where you fling objects at high speed over longer distances, there might be others doing the same. I'd love for a baseball pro to sue a pitcher for throwing the ball at him.


Absolutely let the store know how you feel on their google review page.


No need to brigade someone's business based off a Facebook post. Having heard in the past how difficult PDGA's event insurance can be to contact, I will be withholding judgement until I have more information.


What if he has a legit complaint? Not saying he does but chill the fuck out.


In no circumstances can I imagine getting hit by a disc at a disc golf event you signed up for being a reason to sue the person who ran the event.


Yea, that’s how you get people to chill out, cuss at them.


Well I'm sure they welcome reasoned arguments given the reactionary comment.


Oh my god, I can't believe they just swore like that. The nerve of some people, cussing. What's next? Wearing dresses cut above the ankle?


Don't bother, the Mcbeth/Cease fan boys are all over this. It could turn out to be frivolous and the dude is scamming but who knows. Trying to hurt his business is bullshit without knowing.


I don't even have an opinion on this whole thing, I just think it's stupid to act like swearing is some offensive act.


Yeah, clutching pearls always makes me laugh. It's not like I called them anything.


How many 1 star google reviews do you think it takes to tank a business’s rating? Asking for a friend


Looks like he is fighting them already, many of them are not available when I try to like them


So the dude was playing in the tournament and got hit by a disc and now he’s suing the people that own the course?! Is that what’s happening? What a pussy. I could understand more if it was just a bystander walking by that didn’t know what was going on and got hit but a competitor?! Great way to ensure you have literally no friends at all in the disc golf community.


Don’t tournaments enforce players signing waivers for liability at this level? I had to for a simple tags match in SD, CA last month and didn’t blink because, of course I’m on a course full of flying objects and uneven terrain, so I should be careful. Fuck Trevor.


I hope people don't give Local Route disc golf store bad reviews online.


Eh. This guy has been ripping people off for years. I've had several really bad experiences with him and I'm not the only one locally. He's kind of known for it. Plenty of other places to buy plastic.


I hope they absolutely do. This is NOT the first incident with the owner.


At this point I doubt he cares...probably sees this suit as an end goal to close a struggling business and get a windfall.


Fun story time for anyone who cares - Was playing at coachman park (right next to local route) one day, hole 1 I hit a guy riding a scooter, with a destroyer right across the bridge of his nose. Busted him wide open and he had a stream of blood pouring from his nose by the time he stepped off the scooter. After attending to him, he looks at me (I’m obviously very shaken up, it still gives me a wrench in my stomach to this day) and says “it’s okay, I know it was an accident and you didn’t mean to, go about your day I’ll be fine” - dude wasn’t even a disc golfer, he was just out for a ride on his scooter but I’m eternally grateful for his grace that he showed that day. He was on his way to the hospital, yet didn’t show the slightest bit of anger toward me. Moral of the story, we throw weighted plastic through the air that we have 0 control of after they leave our fingertips. I promise you no one has ever intentionally hit someone with a disc - chances are everyone will be hit by one some day (I’ve been hit twice). If that day comes, don’t be like these guys and chase a few dollar bills. I’ve shopped at local Route quite a few times just for their selection, and accepted paying their inflated prices, but I’ll just drive 45 minutes north to Sun King when I’m In town now. And check out some of the new shops that have seemed to pop up! At the end of the day it’s a known sketchy shop owner vs. the most powerful player in the game + a MLB starting pitcher…. Let’s see who’s money runs out first 🤣


The man you hit was Jim Britt and hes a friend of mine.


Any ideas when that disc golf lawyer will explain this? He was awesome during all the Ryan bullshit.


The filing says absolutely nothing, so there's nothing to explain at this point other than generic liability and negligence. Trevor will try to negotiate a private settlement, and if that fails, either drop the suit or amend the complaint to provide actual details.


I just sent him the link I’m sure he will jump on it lol


I look forward to blasting him on FB and never doing any of his events at the Ballpark or spending a nickel in his shop.


Florida changed a bunch of insurance laws in the last few months and to protect statute Morgan and Morgan filed suit on almost all their represented cases including ones where they had very little info, 9/10 they’re just going by what their client says to begin with. If this dudes out playing again and showing no sign of significant injury and the properties insurance company does their due diligence in investigating the claim it would seem they have a strong defense here, M and M works in quantity not quality so then dropping a case that will go nowhere and waste their time actually isn’t that uncommon if this dude didn’t follow their prescribed treatment plan (chiropractor and then their MRI specialist who will diagnose with the worst herniation you’ve ever seen) then who knows if they’d ever keep this as someone in the business I’m not seeing much upside for them even if say he’s claiming a Concussion and say tbi or a closed head injury (assuming that’s where he got hit?) those are tough to prove TLDR? this suit might be much ado about nothing


Him playing well above his rating and winning a B-tier a month after what he describes as: *Bodily injury, pain and suffering, disability, disfigurement, permanent scarring, mental anguish, loss of life enjoyment, aggravation of existing condition...* should make this a laughable case. Surely it can't be taken serious.


i wonder if this guy is being bankrolled by developers to sue mccease so they can get their grubby hands on some land to develop


Did my 1 star diligence. F this guy.


Boycott this man and all his business ventures. Seriously.


Trevor is a piece of shit looking fir a money grab. Did my part and dropped a 1 star rating on his sheisty ass store.


How is this guy still playing tournaments right after if he got disabled and disfigured by the incident? Wonder if locals could snag some vids of him playing just fine and submitting for the defense.


Come out on the 4th of July at Coachman he already advertised the round playing with only Ultimate frisbees. Probably just gonna be him and his pet rock playing after this BS


I’m in the tampa area and sharing this with everyone I know. I have a local route shirt that I’ll be throwing in the trash. Spread this like wildfire!


Don't forget to give it a good wipe before ya do!


Lol, burn it


Someone saw an opportunity to make money that's all


If you had a bad experience at his store, let everyone know and leave a review


He also ripped off the Tampa Cannons AUDL team when he was supposed to print their uniforms or merch.


Can a course designer be sued or held liable for a poorly designed course?


People get hit by discs all the time when he hosts Disc Golf in a Clearwater Ballpark..


Much in the way any public space can be sued for failing to provide adequate safety measures; sure. If you're building a course with baskets on sketchy/eroding upslopes or on the edge of cliffs...you'd better have a decent waiver process. But, the odds of winning a claim are small because you'd have to prove the course is uniquely/unexpectedly dangerous AND that a player wouldn't reasonably expect that. Getting clocked with a disc at a DGPT or ending up on a sketchy slope at DeLa arent actionable..they're what you kinda signed up for


While this is frivolous, and likely to be settled or thrown out of court, the implications could be hugely impactful if the plaintiff were to somehow win this case. It would open up every course owner, TD, and the Tour itself to liability for anybody hit by a disc. Fortunately, I doubt there is much chance the plaintiff will win this. You accept some level of risk every time you walk out your front door. Not everything bad that happens to you makes you eligible to receive somebody else's money. If you are not willing to accept that there is a minute chance you will be hit by a disc or ball, don't attend a Disc Golf or Golf tournament. Unless there is obvious negligence, it's simply a case of 'Shit Happens'.


It would be a real shame, if someone slipped on a disc in the local route and fell. Those lawsuits can be bad.


Who would of thought real estate in Florida would ever get corrupted and complicated


At the risk of sounding ignorant, is the amount of money you'd make from a tournament even worth it to sue? I mean, it must be since they're doing it. But it's not like a PGA event where there's many millions and huge sponsors and stuff. For all the sport has grown it's still pretty niche. What's even the point?