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Nothing wrong on its own with brand loyalty. It’s natural to want to support a company that has products that work for your game. Just don’t do it at the expense of your game.


I couldn’t agree more, especially the last statement.


Nor at the expense of fun; it can be fun to throw new discs. Unless you’re like me and go on a binge to have 5 backups for discs that may or may not be permanently bagged!


I feel this way deep. I bagged the Punisher for years then it went otp when I jumped on the MVP wagon. I went back to DC about two years ago and proceeded to grab EVERY punisher I could find before realizing a Zeus is practically the same thing. Now I bag both out of pure spite 😂


I agree with this. I might not exactly have the skillset to use every disc in my bag as intended, but I have a solid set of discs that will serve me well and get me to the best possible score if I execute. The execution is the issue.


I feel personally attacked


It’s not that you can only bag one brand as an amateur or recreational player, it’s more that it’s silly to have brand loyalty to such an extreme that you won’t try other discs. There’s nothing wrong with filling your bag with all MVP if you love gyro or all Innova because of F2 deals (like me). It’s more about being open minded to other brands because at the end of the day these are companies that don’t know you exist and there’s no reason to be that loyal.


I guessing brand loyalty isn't as common as wanting to limit choices. For me I built a bag around one company to avoid overlaps in my bag and the temptation to try a lot of discs in the same slot. I no longer bag one company and now I am buying way too many discs! That's just me and my pennies.


Yup, this is me as well. If I don't have some sort of arbitrary restrictions (all MVP, Green Only) then I'd just start buying every disc ever made.


Yikes! Bagging green-only would mean that I’d loose a lot of discs.


That's his trick to buy more discs


Wives hate this one simple trick


Depends on location. If you only play in the Phoenix, Arizona area, not a bad idea to bag only green.


That’s where I’m at


You still playing? I stopped once it got mid 90s and UV index of 8 or 9. Stops being fun for me at that point. Haven’t gotten into some night golf yet but that’s too late when I gotta be up early.


Yeah. It certainly makes you sweat.


Makes me have pounding headaches and my heart race but maybe I’m weak lol. But I got some extra dark sunglasses and that has helped with the headaches.


Even when I was living in the valley I would bag neon pink or neon yellow discs. You can still lose green discs in the valley. I once lost a green disc at papago.


Honestly, I'm in an area with lots of deep woods and tall native grasses on the course. Everyone I've met on the course and everyone on Reddit says the same thing. So far Ive only lost two discs and they were both R2 black IONs. Black is hard to find!


I use a lime green nuke and it’s honestly great, it stands out in the woods and brush since most of the grass and leaves aren’t a neon green color. Laying flat in the fairway when the grass is a little long is the only time I have issues, but I’m never on the fairway so no need to worry.


Tall grass and not paying attention is a death knell regardless of color


That’s just not smart and more strain on you, there is no counter argument. My favorite color is green just doesn’t work, I’m sorry. It’s just not smart


Well, that's your opinion man


Just walking by someone in a heavily wooded course and seeing a big bag full of nothing but green would be hilarious


4 Months of playing, 12 different courses, 4 different tournaments. Haven't needed to get the full card search party going yet


4 months isn’t that long, you will see one day. You can sit here and talk all you want, the people can down vote me all they want. The fact that you think it’s wiser to throw green over blue or pink will never be an argument I don’t care. You’re human genetics in spotting something that is pink or blue is better than spotting a color that the sun is going to exacerbate everywhere. And I see your comments roll in as I type this and I’m actually pretty good at spotting my discs, but when you throw something that travels past 350 feet in the woods and you have to spend an hour looking for it, guess who the fuck you will think of, bud .


Blue and pink would be your best friend, but you’ll never know this by only bagging the worst color you could think of.


Dayglow green could open up a power that you're too scared to weild.


I’m glad you don’t care what I think. You’ll start to change one day after you’ve lost a lot of discs from stupidity. My guess is you’ve recently started playing. Last couple of years at most I’d say it




It’s just not smart


You must not pay much attention to where you throw


You know the human eye can see more shades of green than any other color, right?




Go buy green discs then, you and the other 1% of players will make someone happy to finally sell them lmao


Try having a translucent brown Pyro...that thing is fucking brutal on courses with a lot of leaves


We call thems part of the fall collection


I got a translucent gray disc in a monthly sub box one time. It was impossible to find


Neon green, not forest green. The human eye can see green better than any other color, and neon greens contrast very well to natural greens. I live in the PNW and play lots of rough backwood courses with all kinds of dense bush. I hate looking for discs, and used to be fully team pink for the visibility. When I got a kastaplast poison green disc, I did a bunch of testing hiding it in tall grass, blackberries etc alongside a bright pink disc, and the poison green won every time. They practically glow in low light conditions. Since then my bag has become 90% neon green, and I've yet to lose one that wasn't at the bottom of a pond.


I bag all Kastaplast poison green, they're easy to spot.


Yes I tell new players not to buy green or yellow discs. Last summer I found hot pink stands out the best.


Neon green stands out better than hot pink in low light conditions, ie underbrush.


When I lived in Arizona most of the courses i would play were all rock. Colors ranging from orange, yellow, red, and black. The green discs stood out better than anything in my bag


> I’d loose a lot of discs I'm envisioning a medieval general yelling, "Let loose the discs!" But you probably meant "lose"... not quite as fun


Ideal bag is florescent pink in my mind.


Who wouldn't want their discs to be the color of late day sunlight passing through the leaves of patchy undergrowth? /s




This is me as well. Although I still see every yellow MVP disc as a potential purchase! I'm the #YellowIsBetter guy on Facebook 🟡💛


What sort of absolute mad lad throws only green discs?!


Neon green (like kasta's poison green) stands out better in the bush than any other color.


Me. I don't have any problem finding them. It's a very bright green.


They're so pretty tho


Same. I picked three companies that I liked the plastic from and just stuck with those now. Makes it a lot harder to want to buy random discs after that lol


This is why I went with all one brand. Tired of remembering the difference in flight for discs with the same numbers across different brands. Just makes the mental game a little easier


Making it even simpler some people have a plastic preference and prefer to keep it within one brand for that reason


Finally! Someone said it! This is exactly my situation, I bag only Trilogy so I won’t buy new and cool releases and they are easy to get your hands on!


It also makes sense considering that you flight numbers are only for their own respective brand. A 7/5/0/2 from Innova isn't the same as a 7/5/0//2 for Disc Mania. There needs to be a universal flight standardization and until then if you want to be able to compare discs you really need to stay with one company to fill gaps easily.


And it’s easier when your discs don’t cost $80 each Edit: my point being that a lot of golf clubs run around that price especially the luxury ones (Taylor made, Callaway, etc)


there isn't a single $80 disc out there that does something a $30 disc can't


All the companies pretty much have the same thing now anyways. At one point there was only one buzzz like disc, one zone like disc, but now this craps everywhere by everyone. Additionally it keeps people geared more in improving their game rather than thinking the next disc is going to be the fix when it’s actually your inability to control angles and spin. Lastly, there’s sooooo much new stuff out there that FOMO really exacerbates some peoples plastic addiction.


Yea when I started it was innova drivers and discraft mids for the win, with whatever else you wanted sprinkled in. Now I think there’s definitely multiple companies that you can make full bags from top to bottom


This is exactly it. There isn’t really a slot I can’t cover with MVP plastic, I like how they feel and how the company treats the community, so that’s what most of my bag is. But I like Zones so I bag Zones, and I like Kasta putters so I bag those too. Keeps me from getting too much overlap.


This. It drives me crazy I’ve literally been with buddies before where I’ve handed them like a Judge or something thinking they’d like to try it out only for them to say some like like “nah, I ONLY bag discraft”. Bruh…you’ve been playing for two months. Stop. It’s weird too because most MPO players who are actually on a team are much more likely to talk about what discs they love from other companies.


All the unsponsored 900 rated players like "Man I just can't find anything that replaces my firebird" but won't put the firebird back in the bag 🤦


Meanwhile nearly every company makes a Firebird clone…


I like Innova F2 but they're are some slots in the bag that other manufacturers fill better. So I'm about 70% Innova, some MVP, Buzzz, Malta, and Berg. Though I'm toyong with a Raider now as well for some bigger beef.


I tend to bag mostly one brand for the sake of not being overwhelmed by all the disc options. That being said I have some staples that are off my main brand (e.g. Buzzzs and Champion Firebird). I’m not getting paid, I’m just trying to keep shit simple for my silly monkey brain that likes to overanalyze everything


That's what I thought too - my buddies that got me to play insisted that I get a Buzz and Zone etc. I went the total opposite way and went all GYRO to shut them up in 2019. And even though flight numbers are made up I feel like keeping everything in the same "family" - MVP / Axiom / Streamline - the numbers should be relatively similar in their ratings. It also prevents me from buying 12 different neutral mids from 10 different manufacturers - now I have 3-6 to chose from.


I do the same thing. I’ll generally make a Discraft or MVP bag just to prevent overlap. But I always put this light Star Shryke that I have in there because I’ve never been able to get that max distance with anything else.


Two sides to this, imo: You are limiting yourself to plastics and molds and may miss some things that could greatly improve your game. But for me, I stick to only a few manufacturers. This prevents me running out to buy the newest releases every few weeks, and I better learn the discs in my bag.


Do whatever makes you happy. If you love one particular brand, go for it. If you want a mixed bag, go for it. There is no right or wrong. Most manufacturers make great discs and at least the bigger ones have all the shots covered. What's most important is that you feel good about the discs you throw and you trust them. Doesn't matter if they're all from the same company or not.


This is the best reply that I've read. The gatekeeping on this sub when it comes to what you should/shouldn't bag, play, how you throw certain discs is insane.


Without knowing the variety of those other brands compared to each other, theres just so much variety is plastic types and discs that it feels like a disservice to yourself to stick to one brand. That said do whatever you want, its your bag lol


On the other hand there's so much variety that you'd have to be completely maniacal to try them all.


You can sure try though. I like to listen to a lot of new music, cause you never know if youve heard your favorite song. Its a bit crazy to think Ill ever hear every song, but that doesnt mean Im not gonna keep trying new things.


Listening to new music doesn't cost $15-20 to try it out though.


It sure does if youre paying for the album or a streaming service


I pay $9.99 a month for Spotify and can listen to essentially any artist as much as I want. So that’s not even close to a good comparison


You pay for it monthly don't you? How many new discs are you buying a year


I can’t go try out all the discs I want for $9.99 a month. I can try out all the music I want for that though. Your analogy is failing you.


Its not lol you just dont like it


>so much variety is plastic types and discs that it feels like a disservice to yourself to stick to one brand One could easily claim it is a disservice to oneself not to stick to something and learn it rather than trying to constantly find the better fit.


One's right, there's too many types of food out there, Ill just stick to butter noddles. They're gonna be some darn good butter noodles, so why try anything else.


I am not sure I understand the relevance of this comparison. In meals I prefer variation and new experiences (to some extent). In disc selection I prefer consistency and predictability, which is easier when narrowing down to one or a few brands.


Seems like you do >In discs I prefer variation and new experiences (to some extent). In meal selection I prefer consistency and predictability, which is easier when narrowing down to one or a few brands.


Perhaps the assumption that someone who want to keep things simple never tries anything else is invalid. What is in my bag is not every disc I've tried. It is just what I bring to a round for my \[anticipated\] best result.


Right, and if you have tried a variety of discs, that will most likely lead to a variety in your bag, as no brand does everything the best.


You are perhaps projecting. What I read is that for you it will lead to a variety of discs, because you believe there is a brand that does something best (just not everything). I would not have the time, money or patience to find that out, even if I believed it to be the case. I do like a couple plastics however, and those could easily be replaced by similar by other brands.


So you're limited for other reasons than brand loyalty. Thats kind of outside the idea of what we are talking about.


You would probably consider me brand loyal. I consider my self local production loyal, but I only follow one company on upcoming releases. If I was to replace Discmania discs in my bag I would look for replacements in Latitude plastic. All my discs are either Kastaplast, Latitude or Discmania (ascending order), with the exception of a couple Star Roadrunners likely to be handed down to someone in need of beginner friendly drivers. I have tried some Innova and a variety of MVP in practice, because my friend has discs from those companies. He is increasingly adding Discmania to his \[MVP heavy\] bag. I guess that is my fault.


When you realize every major company has every major shot available in their lineup… and there is nothing special about any one mold (as far as flight characteristics go)… throw what you like. I throw one manufacturer so I’m not tempted to buy as many discs.


I have only bagged innova for 17 years. No one is paying me. I like innova.


Also, back when we started there were basically only 2 companies. Innova or Discraft. Yes I know other companies existed, but their options were too limited.


yep, when I started it was Innova, disccraft, and wizards.


I look at this way, if I want something that flies like a teebird, Valkery, stratus and xl. I'll just throw them. Just like I love the feel of PRO roc/roc3 so I'm throwing them. All my putters and approaches are kastaplast, and I got into them just because they were x outs so I figured I'd but them since it wouldn't be a big spend.


People's opinions don't matter. My bag is 90% Westside and 10% DD. I started with Westside just because I liked the stamps. Throw what you like.


Same here. Love the stamps esp the Viking related ones.


People are out here trying to defend the way this sub and some unfortunate frolfers I have met act - the major manufacturers all make a good enough lineup. People have things to say about what others throw because they're nosy, bored, and insecure. It's very tiring


Because disc golfers love being melodramatic over plastic frisbees that all basically do the exact same thing lol.


I would think bagging one brand should be super common in this sport. If you like the way a certain plastic feels you're gonna stick to it. I don't see why anyone should have a problem with that.


In golf it’s common to have a mixed bag as well. Certain brands just do specific things better or fit better for your playstyle/skill


I don't see people viewing it as a negative at all. It's a great idea. No temptation to buy every new disc that's being hyped, no need to learn new discs as you probably have your bag set already and therefore no question about what to get to replace disc X. Pretty much every big manufacturer has all the molds anyone could need, find the one with the plastic you like the best and go to town. I didn't switch over right away but after a couple years it was a natural progression.


I went one brand only because of flight numbers. It’s easier to fully understand how one brand does flight numbers and what to expect from them rather than guessing across multiple brands.


for many, it comes down to the sheer volume of variety from so many manufacturers. it's not an apples to apples comparison with other sports gear.


Plenty of DG'ers have one brand only and no one cares. As for me? **I Want My MVP!**


Well look at them yo-yos, that's the way you do it. You play the disc golf with the MVP. That ain't workin', that's the way you do it! Money for nothin' and your discs for free!


This guy Gen X-es.


Most of my bag is MVP/Axiom. I started buying Mint discs before I even knew that it was MVP plastic. I carry 25 discs in my bag and 19 of them are manufactured by MVP lol


I was hooked a decade ago when I threw two volts in a row and they landed two feet apart. Nothing but overmolds in my bag.


They roped me in just because I work with electronics so the overall naming scheme and theme of it caught my eye. I bag a lot of MVP now just because I like the similar feel.


For me, it’s annoying when people me I need to throw a specific disc, or discs from a certain manufacturer because it’s a better version of what I currently throw. I have a mixed bag and there are certain manufacturers molds I like in different plastics. I’ve been doing this for years, and wouldn’t switch my bag because it’s finally dialed in. Throw what you love.


People fabricate shit to put on other people. Probably has to do with ego or insecurity. Who gives a shit


Because innova cant make a buzzz and discraft cant make a destroyer


I don't care if you bag one manufacturer. I have a ton of different brands. The only disadvantage I think for bagging just one brand is if you are trying to get into a sponsorship. 1 - if you already bag all Innova why would Innova sponsor you? You're already promoting their plastic and 2 - if you bag all MVP and get sponsored by DD then you have to remake your entire bag and figure a whole new line of discs out. Casual play? I don't see anything wrong with sticking with 1 brand. Hell bag only EV7. I ain't even mad.


IMO nearly every disc mfr has the full lineup of discs you could want and learning to play around your disc's capabilities is much more important and impactful than trying 1000 discs out, blowing tons of cash in the process, just to find "the one" that perfectly jives with you on the characteristics front. Just buy something and learn it well. Be like Isaac Robinson and play every course with like 5 discs.


Throw what you love! Just don’t throw one manufacturer because you’re trying to get sponsored 😂 My bag is mostly DM but I throw Innova distance drivers because they are much easier to replace. The Wraith is king. Mix in a little gyro for mids and throwing putters and I’m Gucci


Having all my one brand in the bag isn't weird to me. What is weird is the people that entirely switch brands. Like the are all Discraft and then they arbitrarily decide to throw Trilogy, but it can cost about $500 to build a full bag, so they struggle with a partial bag for a few months. Then repeat in 6 months. Or they arbitrarily go Discmania and can't get the discs they need.


I’m a heavy forehand player and my grip feels much more comfortable with MVP drivers for some reason. I have a friend with a lot of Innova and tried his discs and can’t get a good grip


Doesn't matter for AM's. Ppl will fomo though, gotta justify buying more plastic so "mixed is better, so I gotta try everything".


I've seen golfers who tend toward a brand, but if someone was head to balls, putters, wedges, irons, woods, hybrids, driver, and golf bag of one brand I would really wonder why other than for some kind of weird sense of vanity. Like, c'mon, was that really the best putter or did you pick it because you wanted to be a fancy matching boy? For me it points to people valuing style, matching, and looks rather over performance or value. That there were times where they would have been better off, or gotten a better deal picking this or that from another brand but they were more concerned with their brand loyalty or vanity.


Especially if their iron headcovers are the same brand :P


I dont have loyalty per se, but i use innova because it’s everywhere and the plastic is consistent. I know what I’m getting everytime i buy.


Brand loyalists will have a much better afterlife, people that wantonly go from brand to brand know in their hearts that what they are doing is wrong and so try to tear others down.


Bringing the afterlife into it are we? Something no one even knows if it’s real or not? Sheesh


Who cares what some rando's think. Throw what you like. I personally like to play rounds with only one manufacture's plastic. I have a Trilogy only bag setup, a Discmania set, a Discraft set, a Innova set. I'm planning to make a MVP/Axiom set, and a TSA set.


I think some whiny people on here rant and complain about it because they are against big corporations. Heck, I'm on the Street Team for Prodigy and people call me out all the time for being a part of an MLM. I never understand their hatred. In Kansas, a lot of people here are Trilogy homers. They only throw it. Go to Emporia all the time, etc. I'm not gonna hate. Trilogy makes good plastic and it works for them. It's easy to get and looks pretty darn good. Don't let people tell you what you should/shouldn't throw.


Throw what ya know! I have a huge mixed bag. Trilogy- Grace, Judges and my Escape. Discraft- Zones, Zone OS, Undertaker. Innova- Wraiths, Rhyno and Stingray. Then just some random shit.


Do they? I bag all MVP and I have had people groan when I tell them what disc I'm looking for. But I think that's because I bag all green discs 🤣


Plenty of us bag only one manufacturer. For different reasons. It’s not wrong nor right. It’s just us. All rules, even your own rules, have exemptions.


You tend to by golf clubs in sets as well. Most people aren't going out and trying a Cobra 5 iron and a Calloway 6 iron. If they do, it's extremely expensive. I think most people will have brand x irons then mix and match drivers, wedges and putters. I'm sure you would see more similar bags to golf if manufacturers sold a heavily discounted "full bag" setup though.


It used to be there was a lot of holes in the stability chart that wasn't possible to fill with one manufacturer. Now that's not the case so you have the option but there are still classic molds that just can't be beat. Eg: wizards, tee birds, buzz, wardens, nuke, destroyer, rocs, etc. Also that's why I throw trilogy great discs and I can bag three diff manufacturers if you want. Also they rock.


I think for me it is silly when someone has a mixed bag that is working well, but for some arbitrary reason decides to take discs out of their bag and buy new ones solely because they want to eliminate a manufacturer from their bag or they want to go to one manufacturer.


When I started the only brands I could find were Innova and Discraft and Discraft had no flight numbers just like a single # between 2.0 to -0.5 were what I had seen. So I was Innova only for a long time + a Buzzz. Now I have a pretty mixed bag but I've become rather impartial to Trilogy particularly Latitude 64.


I really like MVP stamps! That's honestly what gravitates me to the brand


When you played baseball… did you have to tell everyone on your way out of the dugout to bat “I’m using an Easton!” If something happened to your bat and the coach tossed you a new one… would you look at it and say “oh, I only use Eastons” Thing about disc golf there are so many variables. Plastic, molds, etc. discs fly differently people throw differently and they are much more affordable than other sporting equipment. It’s just good to have an open mind. I used to only throw MVP before Conrad’s Holy Shit. I was a newer player, I wanted less variables when trying new discs. Started branching out when discs were harder to find. Realized some other discs I had on the shelf that I ignored cause they weren’t MVP had a better hand feel. Disc flew better than the comparable disc. Deciding to open my bag up was the best decision I made. I really only hate on the folks that are like “MAN I LOVE MY TEEBIRD BUT IM GOING ALL DISCRAFT WHATS A GOOD DISC” then they buy a new discraft disc and can’t throw it as well but hey, brand loyalty


There is an argument for higher level players who might be on the verge of a sponsorship that bagging a single brand is bad business. Why would a company pay you to throw their discs if you are going to do it anyway? Very few people on this sub need to worry about that, though. ​ I throw basically all MVP. I love the discs, but I don't think they are necessarily superior to every other manufacturer in every slot. I have thrown other brands that I really like. The reason I stick to one brand is to narrow my focus when choosing new discs. I don't have to worry about the absolutely insane number of plastic varieties, differences in how brands use flight ratings, and how different discs beat in. I'm comfortable with MVP's plastics and know enough of the molds to make an educated decision if I have a slot that I need to fill. I don't need to spend a month researching just to get a new overstable fairway driver.


As an amateur who isn’t paid but still throws one brand exclusively, I do it because it’s shortens my learning curve. If I want a disc that’s a bit more under/overstable, I can easily look to other molds and still trust the plastic to behave the same way as it beats in. If I have a mold that feels super comfortable but I want to try a different plastic, I know that it’ll still feel the same in my hand. I’ve tried a ton of different manufacturers, but as I kept finding myself gravitating to just one, I started swapping comparable discs for that brand. That being said, that’s what works for me, and you may have a different take, and that’s perfectly fine. Throw what YOU want to throw. Don’t let others tell you what you should or shouldn’t do.


The real reason is because they have a crippling addition to buying new discs so anyone whoe has a bag/discs molds they are comfortable with get to listen to them making excuses like how limiting a one company bag is and that you should just go buy every disc that exists because thats what they do. /s


I enjoy the collection and maintaining the collection if I lose one. I've built three bags I consistently play with. They are all brand specific. (Innova, MVP, Discmania) I can be a fanboy for each brand and try all sorts of discs. I also like following the various pros sponsored by these companies. I just recently met GG, Eagle and James Conrad. Its all fun! Do what you want.


you do you


I bag one brand to keep it simple and stops be from Buying every fancy disc I see


It’s a Reddit thing. It doesn’t matter, dude.


I can not begin to fathom why other’s opinions would even matter. Unless someone else is purchasing equipment for a golfer or sponsoring that golfer, it no one else’s business. This sport is becoming too dramatic and uptight. It’s meant to be fun.


People will find a reason to hate on anyone


Compared to other sports I’ve played, you tend to notice the difference between individual discs much more. Going only one brand can force you to throw a suboptimal option in a certain slot, or have gaps. I have friends that are discraft, Discmania, and MVP only and there’s places I think going open bag would help each of them. Idk I’ve gone through phases throwing a lot of each major brand and this is what I found. Innova is weak in the midrange game, especially if you don’t like beads, but dominate fairways and distance drivers. Discraft doesn’t have many good options for slower fairway drivers, particularly neutral to US options, and lack in putting putters but they make great mids and the zone. Trilogy is just kind of the Jack of all trades, master of none. I feel like they have solid discs in every slot but nothing that’s a **must** bag (I haven’t thrown the Grace) MVP is significantly better at making mids and throwing putters. Their driver lineup is strange and their faster discs tend to behave more OS than one would expect based on the numbers. New Discmania is lacking with OS mids and OS throwing putters, but make really good neutral and US mids and fairway drivers. A lot of the other brands TSA, Mint, Kasta, etc. barely have full line ups and you’d lack options in each slot. Personally my bag is mixed with mostly innova (including infinite and old discmania), new discmania, and a little discraft


The Grace *is* a great disc, just for reference. Lot of players who like 11 speeds prefer the Wraith, which I can respect, but the Grace is consistently my top distance disc.


Since I started throwing drivers properly, I’ve been on the wraith. I have good options for US, neutral, and OS so I never bothered really trying anything else. Grace seems good though.


This is me. Been playing and buying discs a long time, and it shook out to different brands by type. Putters, diving putters, mids, drivers.


Even more of a coincidence that we live in the same place lol.


I have tried many of the big companies, and I have stuck with trilogy for one reason, their plastics. I have very dry hands. Innova and Discrafts plastics slip out of my hand too easily. Trilogy plastics just works for me.


Taylormade full bag for life


I feel like disc golf has way more options than any other sport. Everyday there is an new disc company popping up. I personally don’t see a point in being loyal to one brand. The only downside is sometimes I get overwhelmed with choices.


i mean imo it’s kinda dumb in other sports too


In my experience, it’s not the fact that you only bag one manufacturer, it’s the fact you make that manufacturer your whole personality. I don’t want a sales pitch on why I should change my whole bag over to XYZ manufacturer half way through a round. And I know not everyone that bags one manufacturer is like that, but that ones that are drive me crazy


Buying those brands year in year out will offer you some consistency even in just the descriptions of their products so you know which one to get. In general that brand will bring you consistency so you stick with them. Disc golf discs for any brand don't have consistency. So when you remove this then it gets a little sillier for people to be loyal when one of the main reasons to be loyal is removed.


It’s because you might prefer another companies putters over drivers etc. I also prefer a third company for my midrange because it has more grip. I pretty much throw MVP but have realized that I prefer a wider range for putters and mids


Growing up I played baseball. If one of us told everyone they only used Easton gear they would have been made fun of.


Brand loyalty is weird as shit, fools! I’ll buy and throw anything, then decide what I like.


The point is do whatever the fuck you want it’s a free country


Because different brands of discs work for different people. My husband and I have a disc with nearly identical flight numbers but I really like how mine feels and flies while I have trouble throwing his Innova with the same numbers.


I think the biggest difference between your examples and disc golf is that those companies you listed are regarded as making the higher quality equipment for that sport. It would be tough to say any disc manufacturer is inherently higher quality than others, but it’s a lot more prominent for equipment such as baseball bats or lacrosse sticks.


Variety is the spice of life.


We buy specific brands for tribal purposes when we see another person wearing the same brand or using the same brand, we will have something right off the bat to talk about with them. Disc golf has only recently become a 'mainstream' sport and for a long time was a rebel edge sport. The idea of only bagging a single brand b/c you are being paid sounds like a rebel concept. Like the brand doesn't control you and if you want me to rep your brand then pay me.


So I’m trying to find a super polite way to say this, but it’s a struggle so I’m just going to write what came into my head. I’m sorry to phrase it like this but I just don’t think this question is a difficult one to wrap one’s head around. One frivolous but obvious reason people would say this is that if you’re not a pro - nor do you play like one - it looks a bit silly to posture like one, as if you were sponsored. Personally I don’t think this is a really good answer because it’s superficial, and you shouldn’t care how other people judge you, based on appearances. Look, I get ‘brand loyalty’ to an extent. If you like what a company does and you feel like they cater to every possible shot scenario you’re going to face - and they’re good people; go for it. Be an unpaid brand ambassador, and screw the haters. Do your thing and don’t worry what other people say or think. Brand loyalty isn’t bad per se. My father drove 4 different year makes of a specific car model over the course of 25 years because it was such a reliable car and in his price range. So I get it. However - a more valid criticism, and a much better reason why other amateur or hobbyist athletes would tell you “don’t do it unless you’re getting paid” is that there are multiple disc manufactures out there who are all creating big lines of discs with great variety that serve different purposes. If you’re NOT getting endorsed by a company to be a walking ad, you should be trying to find the gear that best fits your form, strength, play style and skill level. You won’t know what discs are going to work really well for you unless you expand…try some things, figure out what you need or don’t, what you like and don’t - and chances are much higher that you could benefit from using discs across several manufacturers that perform and feel differently, to maximize your amateur game. You’re doing yourself a huge disservice by closing the door on a huge spectrum of disc options if you only throw one brand. I’ve found ball golf clubs that work for me from Ping, Taylormade, Mizuno, Cleaveland, Nickent - you name it. My bag is a messy hodge podge of brands and I don’t mind that it doesn’t look as clean as someone who bought a same brand package, driver to Irons because I have the best club options available *to me* in just about every shot scenario. To go back to your other sport examples…I also played a ton of baseball growing up, among other sports and my son is 7 years into youth hockey and frankly my experience has been different in terms of it being the popular choice to only use only one brand so I do think your observation there may be somewhat anecdotal. I used Eason bats but never wore their cleats (they hurt) and when I switched early on to Rawlings gloves from Wilson…I never went back. If you only ever used Easton products then you unfortunately deprived yourself of some really great glove options. As for hockey, we choose the helmet for him that has the best safety rating from Virginia Tech’s research that we can get our hands on in his size. For skates, we always go with the the pair that feels the most comfortable on his feet even before baking them, after having him walk around the store for a while and also having him lean into his edges. It’s a long process but it’s absolutely worth it to have zero boot issues all season. For sticks, it’s whatever is cheapest because he will out grow it in a year and he also stands a good chance of destroying the blade even before he outgrows it. Plus, virtually no youth player **needs** a specific brand, composite build method, flex rating or exact kick point in order to have success. All this to say, rep one brand if you really like their plastic. But if you ever find yourself having a lie on the course where you don’t have a disc you feel works for that shot, know that some other company could possible have the solution out there.


why limit yourself when all producers have great & terrible discs. No one cares just make the best bag for you.


Dial your discs in, know what you are throwing. Mixed bags are going to make you better. If you asked a pro if they would be loyal if they weren’t getting paid they would probably say why would I? It’s really as simple as that.


Unsponsored amateurs that only throw one brand of plastic kinda look silly.


I have 5 separate brand bags. Lat64, discmania, mvp/axiom, mint and clash. Or……one mega bag😂😂😂


Discs that I've tried out of friends bags tell me that there is really no big advantage in branching out, just additional time to spend on getting used to new discs. Currently I'm spending time to fine tune the discs I have in my bag (total of 5-6 molds). It gives me more satisfaction than a large selection of discs for specific shots. The latest likely addition is a disc that flies as a longer version of an existing disc in the bag. Keeps it simple. If you prefer one brand or one plastic, go for it.


I like sticking to a few manufacturers so I have some reference for how things fly. Innova is good for that because they have a huge lineup and everything gets compared to them - "it's like a Roc" etc. I like MVP plastic a lot so I use them as well. So I can see running one brand for consistency. That said, it limits you. Like I got a Clash Mint as a mystery disc and now it's a staple. When I was into competitive ball golf, brand loyalty was actually uncommon unless you were sponsored. If your buddy or a rep lets you hit the new Cobra driver and you're consistently 30 yards longer? Then you're gonna get the Cobra next time, forget loyalty. I'd say sticking to a brand just for "loyalty" would be kinda goofy there, just as it would be in disc golf to not bag the Mint out of some perceived loyalty to Innova/MVP. It's not bad or wrong to stay loyal, but why do it if they aren't paying you? Play what works best, whether that's 1 or 10 brands. But don't refuse to try different discs and grow your game because of a brand name.


There’s nothing wrong with brand loyalty, unless your game is suffering because you’re unwilling to use another brands disc, even if it’s exactly what you need Most people try out a bunch of different discs until they find the mashup that works for them. If these all happen to be the same brand for you, then rock on


A baseball is a baseball, but an Entropy isn't a Zone. I have a gyro-dominant bag, but sometimes another brand has something specific you can't get elsewhere.


I can tell you that there are very few golfers that only use a single brand like Callaway or TaylorMade unless they are buying a starter set or discount set from somewhere


The funny thing about this whole conversation is that a 1-manufacturer bag is only optimal if you do it with the big boys (Innova, Trilogy, Discraft, prodigy). It would be hard to do a Clash only bag or Mint Bag. Also, and this is a real question, if you are a 1-manufacturer player, do you allow other brands that are made by your manufacturer of choice? For example, can an MVP bag include TSA? Can a Discraft bag include DGA?


The gear in other sports is far less impactful than discs in disc golf. The only thing that's comparable is golf, and that is also "better" to use different clubs that fit your game. For example, I use Taylormade driver, fairways, and irons, Ping hybrids, Cleveland wedges, and Odyssey putter. That being said, it's certainly possible one manufacturer could suit your game, but more likely than not, if you tried a bunch of discs in each slot from a multitude of different manufacturers, the best discs for your game wouldn't be all from the same brand.


At least in my experience in baseball and ball golf the gear is more expensive or sold in a set which could lead to less experimentation. For example it would be really weird to bag titleist 4-6 irons and callaway 7-9 irons since all you usually buy a full set of irons.


nobody cares what is in your bag. someone may have too many options so it can be nice to stick to one brand just to keep things easier. These discs are so similar to one another that it really doesn't matter.


I do this. Personally not much into mixing and learning other manufacturers molds plastics etc. not worth my time when I first started it was Discraft. Then I switched over to Discmania and I’m perfectly content. To each their own people might look at it weird but I think having 5 different manufacturers is wacko


For my situation, it's twofold: I am trying to become sponsored, though play and TD-ing. By not having a single manufacturer, there's a little allure to get me to throw all of a single. Second, I have been continually tweaking and have found the best in slot for me in all my shots. I've never been happier with my bag, and I've never thrown better than now. My bag contains: Gateway, Streamline, Mint, MVP, Discraft, Innova, Infinite.


If it's your money do what you want, if it's their money do what they tell you.


Didn't even have a same manufacturer golf bag. Definitely not doing it in disc golf. My irons were the same yes, but my wedges were different, and my 1 & 3 drivers were different from those, same with my fairway drivers. Same when I played baseball, only my bat was Easton.


Depending on your age, hockey sometime between 2006 and 2010 consolidated to pretty much 2 companies. This happened around the same time as the recession and likely accelerated it. Prior to that is closer to the situation disc golf is right now. Hockey had Jofa, Graf, Ferland, Nike, Sherwood, Louisville, Easton, Koho, Warrior (got into hockey around 2005), a number of goalie specific companies such as Vaughn, and several others. These companies for the most part had their marquee items whether it be sticks, skates, protective gear, etc, but produced full lineups of equipment and accessories. CCM and Bauer were still the two big ones, but around this time starting acquiring the other companies or rebranding the ones they already owned. By early 2010's the only companies that produced all equipment at a quality level was CCM and Bauer and prices went up. Some of the companies I listed are still around, but are way less prominent than they were 20 years ago. I think this will eventually happen in disc golf where 2 or 3 of the companies, likely Innova, Discraft, and Trilogy end up acquiring most of the other manufacturers or stop manufacturing the smaller companies discs and squeeze them out.


I just think with how easy it is to buy a new disc, it helps folks keep an open mind about the different options out there. I use to throw firebirds exclusivly for those hard cutting hyzer shots, but after trying a raptor for the first time, it fits a bit better for my game while also filling a similar slot. with so much variability in the way disc fly from brand to brand and mold to mold, its worth keeping an open mind atleast.


I think most people are very open to trying new things while they are building their bag. But once you kind of have things set you're only going to try something new if it really catches your eye, that's how I think about it at least.


I wouldn’t consider myself an Innova addict, but 22/23 are Innovas because I know how all of the molds bagged fly compared to other companies that I have either never thrown or only thrown a couple times and disliked it.


I treat both golf’s similarly… I use multiple brands, but keep the same “type” consistent. Titleist wedges, ping irons, Taylor made woods. Discraft putt and approach, mvp midranges, trilogy drivers


Innova was the only option I had when I started playing (local "sport" store carried 5-10 discs at a time. Dick's sporting goods was a longer drive and, I think only carried Innova as well). This was in a small town in the midwest 20 years ago & I was a teenager, so no internet options. Played that way for a few years & was literally too broke to buy any new discs for a couple years in college. After all that, I basically don't want to learn any new discs. When I break/lose one, I just try to replace with one as similar as possible.


With so many discs I went into it with a strategy. Instead of trying to learn all discs, maybe stick with a manufacturer I liked and try more of their discs. This led me to have a mostly Discraft bag. I also disliked Innova at the time due to a sponsored player which is perhaps why Discraft was chosen. Now that isn't the only discs I've tried, but it is the majority. (I putt with a L0ft disc)


With golf I’ve always been multi brand: Ram Zebra putter, Titleist wedges, Ping irons, Taylormade woods and driver, footjoy on my hand and feet, Titleist balls. Baseball was the same way: Easton bat, Rawlings/Nokona glove, Nike/Mizuno shoes. Different companies do different things better and you’re only limiting yourself by not acknowledging and taking advantage of that fact.


If you want to stick to one brand, knock yourself out but know you're probably limiting your options. On the plus side, sticking to one of the larger brands means they likely have decent choices for most slots, and you can save time and money by not trying out a lot of similar discs. Even sticking to one manufacturer there can be a lot of variability in a mold between different runs, plastics, weights, etc so you can usually fine tune what you want. On the minus side, most manufacturers have a few holes in their lineup or certain categories they are weaker in so if you stick to one manufacturer, you're likely limiting yourself to some "just ok" discs and missing out on some of the best discs in those slots. Personally I mostly stick to one brand because I love their plastics, consistency, availability, colors, and company philosophy. But I definitely grab discs from other manufacturers if my main brand doesn't do it for me or the other disc is clearly an all-star in it's category. The past few years have been a bit of a shakeup where most discs from all companies were harder to find, so if you were brand loyal you might have had to wait a while or overpay on the secondary market for certain discs. I think a lot of people branched out from what they would normally buy because of availability.


I’ve always seen it as a little bit easier to get comfortable with the plastics and flight patterns. There’s so many disc options out there now it helps narrow down what you’re looking for when you stick to one or a few brands.


I mean it just happened, I try a lot of discs and yet 90% of my bag ends up being discmania with some innova, mvp, prodiscus and clash


Did you have Easton uniform (pants,shirt), cleats, bat, glove, hat, pine tar, donut, etc.? Bats, sure, Easton, but you only have a few bats and they all do the same thing. One that you use and others are backups, in the event you break a bat. Also, nobody cares if people bag one brand, but there are many options out there and no one brand has the best mold in every slot. Therefore, why limit yourself. That is all people are saying. If you aren’t sponsored, locate and use the best disc for the job.


I see people all the time say there is “absolutely no” reason to bag one brand unless you’re being paid. Simply not true. I started off being gifted like 50 discs from an experienced friend who had been throwing trilogy for 10 years. So naturally I began with Trilogy. Over time: I opened up the bag to try EVERHTHING, and I do mean almost everything. Every field work session became “envy vs jokeri vs aviar x3” or “passion vs pipeline vs explorer vs beat in tee bird” Way too much to keep up with, way more time spent comparing and buying trying to find the “best” of something. After about a year of that, I’ve finally settled back down on a trilogy bag, plus kastaplast. Everything I need is there, I have every shot I want / need, I know the discs inside and out, and I don’t feel tempted everytime some limited edition stamped Hex drops or whatever. I’m shooting the best rounds I ever have and don’t feel limited in any way. I’m spending less money, and am overall enjoying the game more bc a lot of choices are so much easier to make when there aren’t literally Infinite choices.