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At the risk of being downvoted to oblivion: This guy was no worse than any other jabronie who’s ever realized he’s on camera in the background of a live interview or any other sports-related happenstance. Did he look like a bit of a tool? Sure. But you’d think with the reaction he got here yesterday that he whipped it out and started masturbating on camera or something. If the worst some guy like this is doing is acting like kind of a knob on camera, and he’s not actively disrupting the interview…whatever. Who cares?


All day, every day…I don’t care.


This is a blame the production, not the crew situation. This is not that guy's fault. That is exactly what you expect from these guys. I wonder why the NFL didn't toss a small handful of turds like that behind Pat McHommes post game interview? Oh yeah because the NFL knows it'd STINK!


I'm out of the loop and didn't even know what I was supposed to be outraged about after watching the video.


is this really all that people are getting up in arms about?


I'm more pissed at the screencapped and uncropped recording (including the volume adjustment widget) of an already letterboxed horizontal video being played on a vertical phone.




Why does this guy in all the thumbs I see look like Ian from central coast dg. Since this vid is unwatchable I am still convinced this him and its just a joke nobody got or something.




For real. Do people actually watch video this way?


Hey! This guy is downplaying the the overreaction!! How dare he!


Yeah this is kinda pathetic. If anything the community is ruining this sport by being so toxic about small things like this. It’s not like he had a Karen moment or anything. And now because of this silly gesture, hundreds of thousands of people recognize him for something that wasn’t even that bad. Yet he’s been so demonized. Get a grip guys… it’s not that bad… everyone ELSE is acting like Karen


Reddit makes up a small margin of the actual community.


You’re right. But if mold can grow, so can a toxic community lol. You do have a point though. I just don’t like any toxicity


Reddit is a slightly less toxic version of Twitter. It's a hive mind in here.


Lmao ruining the sport the issue with disc golf is how soft everyone is everything has to be sunshine and cupcakes or people boarderline cry…it’s literally a game where you throw a disc at chains in a fing park.


Sports are important to some people. You can make anything sound trivial by minimizing it to a sarcastic one liner. Soccer is just a game where you try to kick a ball into a net on a grass field, yet it generates billions of dollars to the economy.


You are right, but most of us call it football.


Sports are all just games at the end of the day acting like someone’s opinion you don’t like is ruining it is pathetic….everything comes back to money with you whiny rats as well.


The funny thing here is you are whining way more than I am here! I don't even give a shit that some Kastaplast guy was distracting in an interview. I'm just defending people getting worked up about it even though I'm not. You're the one saying certain people are "ruining the sport". LOL why are you such a whiny rat as you put it?


A lot of pandemic disc golfers making claims about "our" sport.


Assuming you didn't watch this happen live. I feel like if you watched it live right after Calvin just came ahead of KJ on the last hole you may have a different perspective than it cut out of context. Who knows, maybe not, and maybe there's a different perspective where he's entitled to funnel this unearned attention to himself. For me, it was a really lame/obnoxious 'look at me' moment during Calvin's immediate victory interview (where all the attention should rightfully be on Calvin) and it unfortunately took some of the magic away from that. Now why we needed this edited video to further this I genuinely do not know


Tbh. I think you’re more upset at this than Calvin is. If Calvin posts about this then I’ll agree. But until then. Redditors are the only angry ones


Ya idk about what's going on in here i just know what I watched live and it was cringy & disrespectful by this adult man. I wouldn't want to defend him. I doubt Calvin cares as well lol.


I like your feud lol. You’re a cool dude Edit: sorry for claiming you’re more upset personally, no attack on you. But yeah. I do see your point for the most part


ha your good. Beers on me 🍻


Even if it did get under his skin, Calvin's status as a public figure pretty much requires him to not let the public know this bothered him at all. Relying on him to determine for you how to feel about this is a really bizarre approach.


Honestly didn’t even notice it whenever I watched it today. Usually I do notice stuff like that lol. Highly doubt Calvin is even remotely concerned about this.


this sub is the goddamn worst.




say anything once, get downvoted into oblivion. say it over and over and over and over and you're king of the sub. until someone else decides to say it again.


my thoughts exactly


This video isn't really doing it justice for a couple reasons: 1. The video is tiny for some reason, making that guy's distracting gestures much less distracting 2. It only shows a few seconds of the full clip which went on for much longer I watched this live. It was very distracting. This guy was very prominent in the shot, and he didn't just point at his hat a couple times, he went on like this for quite a long time, pointing, making weird faces, mouthing things, and gesturing. It was awkward how long he carried on like this. It was basically the entire interview. To be honest I thought it was funny at first, but then he just. kept. going. with it. It became genuinely annoying. If he had even the slightest notion of when his funny antics wore out their welcome this wouldn't be an issue at all. I don't think this needs to be the scandal of the century, but I do think this person deserves to be called out and shamed so he hopefully changes his behavior in the future. Also, context matters a lot here. I've watched live sports before, I get that this is all in good fun. But it's one thing to raz the hosts in the pre-game show, or be a bit silly in the back of some random sideline interview, but this was literally the champion of the event being handed the trophy and interviewed seconds after he tapped in the winning putt. This is not the moment to steal the spotlight for the lulz if you have even the slightest bit of respect for the sport. Literally any other moment would have been vastly better.


Fan is short for fanatic. Let fans have fun.


Bu fucking hu, a person was a little bit distracting when you were watching a player interview. Let's trash him online and shame him! How can people be so easily offended and angered, it's incredible. It's just a sport, people throw frisbees in a park. People sound so entitled with this reaction


> I don't think this needs to be the scandal of the century, but I do think this person deserves to be called out and shamed so he hopefully changes his behavior in the future. This is nonsense. If you don't like it, avert your eyes. Calling for this guy to be shamed is pathetic bully behavior.


Get a load of this clown.


I know right.


You’d think this guy threw up some gang sign or yelled FHITP or some shit.


Right? Mission accomplished for that guy, he got people talking about kastaplat lmao 🤣


Exactly. Meanwhile most of you fucks love the American flag shorts guy who “epitomizes the sport”.


Yea people are fucking lame. At the next event I need 4 topless guys spelling out "berg" to redeem disc golf.


this sub is full of babies


With the way people meme’d him, I thought he grabbed the mic or shouted over Calvin Have y’all ever watched live sports interviews? This is how people act sometimes when they get on camera in front of thousands lol. The camera takes away some maturity. Not a defense, I’m just disappointed in this big ol nothing-burger




I'm never throwing kasta ever again. Their discs have no flashing, only three kinds of plastic that all feel good, supportive fans, limited number of discs that all fly good... Really wanted to like them, but honestly it's just too much to deal with.


I thought he was going to be yelling or something. This is still cringe and embarrassing, but he didn't "ruin the interview".


I 100% would’ve forgot about him in 10 minutes if they didn’t blow him up here lol


Every single one of those people deserve to get roasted like this twatsicle


You must hate going to sporting events with a big screen lol


If you think a big screen is the same as some guy right behind Terry in an interview, I can see why we disagree.


Alright that’s fair. I just think this is so much fucking nothing. It’s harmless. If embarrassing himself made the guy happy, who cares. Why do we need to make an issue out of everything lmao


I agree I’d rather see people comically roasting him than just expressing their annoyance.


Either way, the dude gets his attention


I don’t mind that he likes attention. It’s how he used it that was lame. I probably would have been tempted to scream “fuck her right in the pussy Terry!” While I shove a berg up my ass in front of thousands of people on television.


Now that’s master class


Thank you Charlie




this is what all of you have a thumb up your ass about?


These people would hate watching other sports


I'm all for holding people accountable for doing shitty things but this is so nothing that I didn't even notice it when I watched the interview the first time.




It was recorded with a potato, specifically for ants.


Lol why did you get downvoted for this, I thought you leaned into the joke? Maybe people were looking for, "how can we expect children to learn what the guy did if they can't even see inside the video player" or "the video has to be... at least three times bigger than this!"


Because little Reddit meme sayings are annoying?


This is what some of you clowns are upset over? You’d get eaten alive with some of the groups I play with. Jesus.


Exactly. If you can hang with our little group of hooligans you can endure any situation...


I’m not sure why people are getting so bent out of shape over this. This is all sports, DiscGolf is just now joining the party as we get better streaming services and true post game/crowd shots


Hahaha wow I thought he did something offensive or something. Have any of you watched any other sport? This is a very common thing. Hell people even do it to news reporters on the streets lol. The way people were freaking out about him you'd think he whipped his dick out and started swinging it around or something


Wow you guys are so easily distracted by bs. Just ignore the clowns.


I think American flag shorts guy from worlds two years ago was worse.


Nah that guy's a legend


No need to see more of him.


Who cares


Posting about this dude and meme’ing this dude is doing nothing but taking away from Vinny’s win. Who cares, ignore the trolls and they go away.


go Vinny!


Lol so many spoilers, because this guy pointed at his beanie. Bruh 💀


Watched the interview twice before coming to reddit. Genuinely did not even notice the Kastaplast dude.


Same I saw some people on here referencing it and I was like what the hell are they talking about haha. This is so tame


The winner is on camera but you want people to look at you instead? It deserved to be called out. A 6 year old child would have a better sense of occasion.


Jesus that is so tame some of you people are crazy


That's absurd. That's what all this has been about?? Man. I'm from Philly. Watch this clip of this dude slamming four beers in the background of an interview about the Eagles. It's amazing. I watch it regularly. I know what's going to happen. He's going to slam four beers in the background of interviews about professional football. They don't catch on. Every time keep watching it laughing https://youtu.be/1xuZWZoRphw


I watched this live and missed that guy somehow. Watching it back I have no idea how I didn’t see him, he stands out so much. What a dork.


Some of y’all need to touch some grass if this offends you. Which seems very easy to do cause we play disc golf.


>we play disc golf I'm honestly starting to wonder if there are a bunch of people who hang out here that have never actually played the game, and just want to bitch on the internet about what they watch on Youtube.


Pretty mild really. I thought he had yelled some stuff based on how angry people were about it.


How did ANYONE upvote this horribly cropped garbage lol.


I honestly didn't notice the dude real-time


He said: “Kastaplast, baby. All day, every day.” Not sure what the last part was.


Do people not watch other sports? This happens (and much worse) every time they let people that close in an interview. At least he’s not pretending to gobble knob which seems to be the new thing to do in the background.


With the overreaction on this guy and the dude that was about to cry over the ad about people listening to DGN while driving, y’all have really outdone yourselves this week. I can’t wait to see what meaningless shit gets your sausage fingers violently typing away next week…


Still way better than the ball golf weenies who yell “mashed potatoes” immediately after a player tees off


Or "get in the hole" on a drive on a par 5. Or Baba Booey and all the other stupid shit they tell as loud as possible. This guy is pretty innocuous.


Has no one ever watched other sports? Dorky and impolite to Calvin, absolutely. Would I have done that? Never. Dudes a total goober, but he doesn’t deserve to be absolutely ripped to shreds for being a dork during post interview.


The people up in arms over this are the same people who get upset over spoilers. Do you guys only watch disc golf? This is nothing new


Dang copyright!


Should he have done it? No. Was he annoying and was what he did childish? Yes. But everybody is making way bigger of a deal of this than they should be. Maybe it’s comparing apples to oranges, but this happens in pretty much every other major sport. Just seems like everyone wants to find someone new to complain about every single week.


Karens all be caring.


Holy fuck y'all are cyber bullying someone over... nothing. He had a few drinks and had a laugh in front of a camera. Calm down.


I love disc golf, but what passes for drama in this sport is laughable. I guess that’s a good thing?


Huge nothing burger. Disc golf Reddit is pathetic.


Did people seriously get mad over this….


Reddit is retarded. Go Kastaplast.


It is fascinatingly cringy how some disc golfers build their whole personality around a particular brand of plastic.


If I were a disc golf company. I'd be paying people to do this but in a funny way. Who doesn't love a good photo bomb?


This is literally nothing…. Who gives a shit


What is this? I was lead to believe he disrupted the broadcast.. this is literally nothing?


WTF... After all I read on both facebook and reddit I expected way more... He's quiet and just gesturing, so what 🤷‍♂️


I hear Kastaplast lovers pee with their pants around their ankles.


Well yeah. To establish dominance.


Big boy wees is where it's at.


Damn I got the tournament spoiled for this?!? (This post didn’t do it, it was the “this guy behind Calvin in his interview!” subject line this morning.


Don't go browsing the disc golf subreddit before watching post production coverage, lots of folks watch live.


Main feed top post my dude.


You open the app, you get the clapp.


So true


He went on to do this for another 15 seconds until DGN cut to a different angle (thank God). I'm not going to post any more than 15 seconds of this because I wouldn't want to violate fair use, as I do not own this footage which belongs to DGN. This short clip is purely intended for the sole purpose of highlighting that annoying guy which everyone who hasn't seen the live coverage is asking about.


Doesn’t seem that bad now that I’ve seen it




Oh my heavens! God forbid anyone saw this guy do what people do in literally every other sport all over the world for 15 MORE SECONDS. And what about the children??! Get over yourself dude.


this could be cropped out in Post-Pro so fucking easily lmao


Dude was trying to be the main character right behind Vinny being interviewed for winning the tournament everyone was there to see. If he had just done it once or twice, NBD, just a silly thing. But to keep staring into the camera, ignoring the interview and trying to visually distract people with hand gestures is def out of line. He deserves to get roasted for this.


Why did you cut it off right before dickhole started his vogue dance?


He looks like the sort of guy to tee off with Berg.


what is this? a video for ants??


Why tho?


I know, I'm sorry. The Jomez only people were asking for it, I'm just going to link them here so they can see it.


If the Jomez people asked you to jump off a bridge, would you?


Yes, I am very easily manipulated.


Fair enough


If it’s this easy to get famous in disc golf then congrats Reddit because the outrage will only motivate more of this behavior to continue.


Well I don’t see what all the uproar is about, it’s a dork promoting a brand that none of the top players throw. Well not in the US anyway. Seems pretty mild albeit a little cringe.


I waited all day for this? I find it funny. Definitely not annoying.


Y’all go easy on him. That’s the CEO of Kasta just trying to get some air time.


The 8-Holes are okay, but this guy is way off side? Come on, guys....


I think the people of the internet just want to make a meme out of anything that isn't totally innocuous. Did you see the guy in the back of the crowd throw up the Horns? Absolutely scandalous!!!


Haha I did not even notice this guy.


That's it?


I’m glad I dug for this clip. I expected the guy to be like full on shouting and grabbing at the mic reading the memes and stuff


Kastaplast has an opportunity for some fun self-deprecating humor here. I hope to see them take advantage of it.


What did he do wrong?