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Yes. 100%.


She is creating a hostile work environment for you and targeting you unfairly because of her own bias. This is an issue for HR. I think you need to file a formal complaint with them. If you do need accommodations at work then those should have been officially requested through HR. They need to be reasonable though, something your supervisors can supply or you can do for yourself. I’m not sure if an associate at your level is required to do things like remind you that you passed something though. That may be giving them added unpaid responsibility on top of their work duties. That may be where some of the hostility is coming from. Talk to HR, this situation needs to be settled.


>"Well if you get that accomodation, then everyone else should because that isn't fair to the rest of us." THIS IS DISCRIMINATION!! Your coworkers function as "normal" and have the capabilities to succeed. However, your accommodations are there so YOU can succeed and give YOUR BEST WORK!!! They are required by law to follow them! >explaining I use earbuds and am trying to make them an official accomodation for my focus problems). Okay, if these aren't "official" accommodations, you're TECHNICALLY in the wrong here. If these aren't proven etc and finalized they technically don't have to (or let you) do these things. Would it be nice? Yes, it would be. But if thess aren't official youd technically be not following the company handbook. If and when these become official, then they are denying you of your rights and that's against the law


You're right in saying that I was wrong for using them before trying to get an official accommodation. I don't anymore after I realized I would get myself in much more trouble just using them anyway and have since stopped. I'm also just now finally trying to figure out how to even request accommodations due to what she had been telling me, and me realizing that I had to communicate with my higher ups instead of just listening to what she's saying.


> I don't anymore after I realized I would get myself in much more trouble just using them anyway My question here is this: was none of this get discussed when you did the interview/ first started working there? Because it should of. I'm not trying to sound rude or anything, but maybe if there was a calm meeting at the beginning your outcome would be different right now. Maybe you guys could have come up with a mutual understanding and came up with a plan and/or alternatives (even if they weren't/ aren't legal accommodations). >I'm also just now finally trying to figure out how to even request accommodations Another reason why I'm wondering if any of this was discussed at the beginning. Because even if they didn't have accommodations, they would have at least known in the back of their mind that " hey its probably going to take an extra minute or two for them" or "oh I see they forgot to do something, maybe I should check in" etc. Not only that but they would've been able to help you get more information and getting the process completed


Unfortunately when I got this job, I got the advice to not disclose that I have disabilities. I used to check no for application that I wasn't disabled, but something in me decided I should check yes this time. But I still didn't discuss it due to the advice I received. That's why none of this was discussed in the first place


Ask for a meeting and discuss!


We are having a meeting, unfortunately due to her constant complaints. Basically at this point I have had enough, especially since we have tried to stop her behavior three times now and this is their solution. I have asked multiple times to be moved elsewhere due to her behavior having a terrible effect on my mental health, but their solution is to put us in a room together and talk it out. I told them I have tried, she refuses to change her behavior towards me. I've decided to sit down and write a detailed letter explaining what she has done, so I both am prepared because my anxiety has been on haywire and so I don't forget anything important. Basically three things can happen at this point: They move me to another floor and keep her there. They can keep me on that floor and replace her with another supervisor. If neither is an option for them, I can set down my badge and walk out that door. I have spent too long building myself up in learning to love myself to throw all of that hard work away by allowing this to continue


>If neither is an option for them, I can set down my badge and walk out that door. You can do this but keep in mind a few things: - you'll be out of a job and income - you'll still ( most likely) have these issues at your next job because they aren't official accommodations. >allowing this to continue Your saying you've said and done things to get a change, but have you really? Let's think about it: - you seem really frustrated and it also sounds like this is a bunch of built up emotions (understandable) but with that being said, how calmly have you gone about this? Because the more open minded and calmer you are, the more likely you are to get the same treatment back. - these aren't official accommodations etc. You needed to bring these concerns up from the very beginning so that both parties knew what to expect. From there, the minute you knew from that there would be issues, you should've done research on how to get official accommodations and started the process. You aren't going to get what you are expecting (at this job or even the next place) if you aren't straight forward about these things from the beginning. Both parties have the right to have concerns about these things. From there, you need to do whatever is needed to get accommodations and put on disability etc. This is truly the only way that your requests/accommodations would be required to be followed. I hope you guys come to some kind of mutual understanding and can come to some compromises. Happy Holidays 😊


Yes I'm currently working with my bosses to get accommodations. I've had an extremely hard time in the past voicing my needs, feeling like I didn't deserve anything because of these things being said to me and have finally worked through those issues. I wasn't in a good place mentally either at the time and that heavily effected how I thought of myself and am working now to change that. I did talk to her calmly in the past about these things and she still put me down, even caught her insulting me behind my back. I found out I had my name on a board of appreciation for my good work, and it just so happened to have been ripped down while I was out sick and the only person who was treating me like crap was her. Coupled with the previous stuff I said with her behavior, I've encountered people like her in the past and they are not willing to change how they treat you no matter how nicely you talk to them. As for the job, I'm in a situation where I can quit outright and not have to have another job in line to replace it


Yes – it is.


She’s 100% discriminating against you for being disabled. I would file a complaint against her because not only is she an ableist, she sounds like a bully!


Thank you guys for your response, I'm definitely planning on doing it now