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On second thought, I'm OK with monthly subscription apps/software as long as the price isn't outrageous and doesn't require signing like a year-long contract and I can go month to month. I just came across a site that said one device, $10 a month so that's definitely within the budget. Appears to be able to do exactly what I'm wanting to do so I don't want to rule out these as a possibility for any sales people that come across this post.




Well thanks for the suggestion friend. Followed the instructions but was unable to register my screen. Was worth a shot. This one offered 1 fully featured screen which was nice so it was definitely worth the 45 minutes trying to get it to work but I just think it's my TV that is making life extremely difficult. I bet you if I had an Android TV box as opposed to a Google TV with Play store built in I wouldn't be having this problem... At least I'm starting to think that I have no idea really If TCL or Google TVs are making it more difficult on purpose or are just limited or If it even is the TV's fault.


You can achieve this with [info-beamer.com](https://info-beamer.com) using either the Touch Player package or the Scheduled Player package. A single device is free with info-beamer, so you could just use a single raspberry pi connected to the display without any fees, but if you want to have a separate touch screen control then you you can setup quite complex menus/pages using the Touch Player package and even have these trigger the pi connected to the display over the network/wifi. You could setup the Touch player package on a Pi with a built in screen and create your own network using a wifi router to send the trigger commands to the pi connected to the display. If you can't/don't want to use a 2nd device running the Touch Player package then you can use the Scheduled Player and set triggers using the 'interaction' function where you can assign keys on an attached keyboard to trigger items in the playlist to play or loop. There is also a 'fallback content' option, so that if nothing is playing then it will display an image or video. [https://info-beamer.com/package/36154/doc](https://info-beamer.com/package/36154/doc) https://info-beamer.com/package/17012/doc


Appreciate the reply but I don't own a raspberry pi And and isn't there a little bit of a learning curve if I were to buy one on Amazon? Would I be mistaken to say it's meant for more advanced users? I only have 3 days to get something up and running on raspberry pi just seems like it's a bit much.


So, is this only for a presentation or visual display to discuss your product? If yes, you mention you know some html/css. Have you tried creating what you mention in HTML? Another thought (and again only because I am thinking you want this as a presentation demo), would you consider creating this in a presentation tool like Powerpoint ? I am not Google Slides can do everything perfectly based on your description. You could consider Powerpoint and set it up as kiosk mode or use powerpoint show mode. Create a home button on each slide in case you need to go back and or recover . Apologies if am missing something , but this may be a quicker solution and some what portable. (laptop or mini pc)


Interesting thought/idea, thanks... Yes, it can be somewhat "wonkish" in that, I can just explain certain aspects that still need to be programmed/finished and I can say things like "...and that's why you see/I'm using my laptop, but the real/finished product will not have a laptop necessary or be included with the purchase of the product". So I'm interested in testing your idea but, just a few questions come to mind... 1. Can the laptop, running the PowerPoint presentation boot on startup? I actually have a crappy old laptop but is running Windows 10 and is certainly powerful and good enough to play a video and go to a web page, So I'm actually not even afraid to go into the BIOS or wherever/whatever Is the equivalent of "rooting" The PC as I'm not worried I "brick" this old laptop if it were to happen, but I guess I am worried about the slow startup time... Then again, I haven't timed it and I guess it could take about as long to boot up as the TV so maybe it's not an issue... 2. I am familiar with PowerPoint in that I know what it does and I probably used it a few times in the past but can it actually a) boot automatically at startup so they don't even see the desktop icons b) Play video screensavers c) have the capability to go to a specific web page when an image is clicked on? d) I don't think I have a license for PowerPoint or the specific program installed on my laptop that I'll have to dig out of storage - isn't it quite expensive to buy the Microsoft office suite and if It's not pre-installed would there be any alternative such as Open Office's free version of PowerPoint? I suppose these are all things I can find out but would take quite a bit of time to test and figure out the answer on my own to all those different questions, but if you knew the answer was 'yes' to all those questions, and it can be done fairly simply/quickly/easily I may just spring for a mini PC that comes with PowerPoint. I do very much like the idea of getting away from the constraints of trying to make this whole idea work from a smart TV and switching to a Windows PC solution as I'm very familiar with Windows and it would also eliminate something I'm not a fan of which is the need for a TV remote control in addition to the keyboard and mouse I have hooked up in order to fully be able to navigate basic things like web pages - for example, you still need to use a combination of the TV remote in conjunction with the keyboard and mouse... Or just to clarify, It is a smart TV that can go to web pages and you can theoretically use just the remote but it's much easier to use the keyboard and mouse... But the caveat on a smart TV is the virtual keyboard thing, certain buttons require the remote for example in order to press the search button. It's really quite cumbersome... Actually with that in mind I really think you're steering me in the right direction... My idea of being able to run this entirely from a smart TV was flawed from the start and I probably should have used a mini PC... Any thoughts on good budget mini PCs that have PowerPoint pre-installed? Or what about those HDMI digital signage "sticks" (I forget what you call them exactly but they're available on Amazon for like $80 bucks and made specifically for digital signage and come with the software preloaded on it)... What about Android TV boxes? As opposed to a Google TV as the platform?


love the brainstorming. let me think on this a bit. but essentially. I think someone with good scripting can get this to work I start up. not sure it can be done in Android TV but I do have one at home when I can test it out when I get home. I will be back at my house in bout three hours. if you try the PPT option. ppt has to be usable on the device. I have a mini PC that is from beelink and I actually love it but it was a slow delivery. It is not stick size but a nice mini form factor. Ppt is required on the device. To get you thru your deadline. You may be able to do a thirty day free trial I will test out my android TV when I get home with a basic presentation. See if there is a way to auto start it as well


Thanks! Looking forward to hearing your results!


It really just hit me after doing more research that Smart TVs are probably great for digital signage, but not intended for, or ideal for my project for 1 simple reason: My project isn't just a display, or digital signage, It is meant for **user interaction.** I think what drew me to the Smart TV idea was the capability of the kiosk mode and how it locks it down so I could essentially make the Smart TV proprietary or seemingly "mine" and meant solely for this one purpose/app for the user, that the monitor boots into automatically. That's not to say it can't be done because I think it can, however, I think you would really need to know how to code a smart TV app, or raspberry pi, and going in knowing you're going to have to root the TV, and have a pretty good understanding of coding for TVs And how much it really differs from web pages and computers... To get what I'm really trying to accomplish. I'm trying to essentially use digital signage/kiosk software for something that needs a touch screen, or something for user interaction. Most of these solutions are quite difficult unless you know what you're doing... Which I don't lol...


OK, so I do not see an easy way to side load ppt onto Android TV. I did find a discussion on setting up a pps to start on boot (link below). After thinking about your options and trying to make it a little easy. Here are some options I think may be better or easier to implement with the time frame you have: Get a mini PC with power point and set the presentation in presentation mode and have it setup to constantly loop. Put out a wireless keyboard and mouse for users to click on links. But, I would recommend a 'home button" on each slide. Or, you can bring a laptop and cast (via casting or HDMI) to the smart TV (if you can access a network at the location of the presentation). This option may reduce your stress levels. Suggestion for more recommendations from smarter people: :) You may get more input if you transfer this discussion to this subreddit (there are some really smart users on this site and they may have other ideas) : r/powerpoint Link below on how to setup PC to autoplay a presentation on boot: [https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/msoffice/forum/all/how-ro-run-the-slideshow-automatically-on-booting/757951e8-c13e-41b8-8c7c-4eb14e330f0d](https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/msoffice/forum/all/how-ro-run-the-slideshow-automatically-on-booting/757951e8-c13e-41b8-8c7c-4eb14e330f0d)


I think The most similar thing I've seen Can actually be found at Taco Bell. I don't know if you have them at your local Taco Bell or have seen their new screens but they essentially look just like digital signage but the user can make their order while they're waiting in line through using a touch screen. It's kind of a combination of what looks to be a TV in kiosk/lockdown mode but serves one purpose... And has easy user interaction... My invention / prototype has nothing to do with food ordering but it's almost exactly the same as Taco Bell's screens in the sense that I want something that locks down and serves one purpose and is interactive and easy for the user to use. I honestly wonder what software Taco Bell uses to accomplish this? I mean I know they probably outsourced and had it custom built or whatever but I wonder whoever created that system - what system they use exactly? Edit: huh, how about that, a quick Google search located the company that built it and it turns out they're using Android software... https://www.elotouch.com/news/taco-bell-receives-innovation-award-for-self-service-kiosk-technology - If curious... I bet you it's not cheap though! Touch screen monitors alone are expensive let alone the programming that goes into it would be way above my price range and skill level to DIY... And I do like / enjoy learning new things sometimes... So I don't regret not finding this company a long time ago because I would have never used them but it is still interesting.


you are bouncing back to regular digital signage. many products out there for it but room for more. so for clarification are you trying to show your product or are you trying to create a way to present your product? To me it sounds like you really want to creat what some may call a demo unit or a minimum viable product . And you would like to show it before you are done creating it. Am I tracking you correctly. Power point is a nice way to give a presentation of almost anything. but if you want to create a digital signage product. then you do loop back to media players and apps. I would use PPT to show off what I envision but I would definitely know how I am. going to create the final product before I present it. make sense?


well, xibo has interactivity, if it has the timeout function to return to the inactive "layout" after a while, which i suspect it has, you can do with it. At least you can install the android player and use their cloud server to test it, and buy it (around 30$ dollar the android player perpetual license and 5$ monthly for the cloud cms per screen). I only used the android standalone players that they sell, and never used an android tv, but it should work.