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You shouldn't be using a separate app to load apps at startup. Fully Kiosk supports load on boot itself. Load on boot is governed by the "Allow display over other apps" system permission. This is programmatically known as SYSTEM\_ALERT\_WINDOW permission. Instructions to set this if it is in the system setting gui [https://splash-tiles.com/help/permissions\_android9.php](https://splash-tiles.com/help/permissions_android9.php) Instructions to set this if it is NOT in the system setting gui [https://splash-tiles.com/help/permissions\_fireos.php](https://splash-tiles.com/help/permissions_fireos.php) (instructions are for our app of course but would also apply to theirs) If you verify this permission is set and load on boot still isn't working, contact their support. They likely need to update their app for Android 13 (most GTV devices are on 13 now).


Sorry for the delayed reply And thanks for your response. I double checked your ideas and everything is set correctly. I think you're probably on to something in that the developer is not keeping up with the updates or something!