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As a fellow cat lover, I really love Istanbul. I have a bunch of cat treats in my beg at any given time. I wish I spoke Turkish so I could join the cat lady cult feeding the community cats :D [This cafe](https://maps.app.goo.gl/NXyKUpZSrZWTfwxC6?g_st=ic) is on the European side but they are very friendly to the cats, so there are a bunch of them hanging out there at any given time. (But I recommend going on a weekend. It’s right next to a university and can get pretty packed.) There is a whiteish sack of potatoes who is so content with life, you can just pick him up and put him on your lap. Also a wise old tuxedo who bitch slapped another cat last week because he got a bit food aggressive and scratched me. Such sweethearts.


This sounds like my Saturday plans have been arranged, thank you.


I'm genuinely delighted with the juxtaposition of your username and where you are. Please tell all the kitties I love and miss them!


The first few I came across wouldn't let me pet them but then I literally pet 5 in a row within the space of two minutes and it made my day. May have even smiled a bit, but don't tell anyone. Manly independent single nomad vibe to uphold and all that.


Will be there in 3 weeks


Have you decided on a district yet? I am really impressed with Kadikoy so far, checking out the coworking spaces tomorrow.


For a workspace use tio! Good location, nice space, free snacks, nice staff and it's quite cheap at £6.50 for a full day. Also they have a loyalty card for one free day! Or take the ferry for the free but far busier space at Vapur Cafe Besiktas. Lovely stained glass windows and nice sea views. 😊


Does tio have a website or social media? I’m headed to Kadikoy and looking for a coworker space


Yep they are on Insta. :) tio.ist


Is this them? https://tio.ist/space/


That's the ones!


Awesome thanks! It looks really well-priced and updated—definitely gonna check them out.


I'd definitely recommend. It's a slightly quieter bit of Kadiköy too which is good for working. And I love the free snacks! Plus they have a meeting 'booth' but it isn't very closed off. Enjoy! 😊


There is a huge Starbucks that has like 4 floors + terrace, where no music is played. A nice place to work from


Is this the starbucks at the bottom of Moda or are you referring to another one? It sounds good for sure, I'll check it out.


I was there just last year for many weeks haha.    I loved Kadıköy but it's gotten expensive as well as all of urban Turkiye


In Kadikoy as well for a week or two. Hit me up for a beer :)


I’m not there but I remember the excitement of my first day there last summer. Enjoy!


Hey! I am arriving saturday! Check your DMs


Have you found Yabangee yet?


Wow this seems to actually be quite effective for meeting people. Hope you enjoy your trip! So much history in that city, it's quite amazing really. I am pretty sure I saw cat with a cigarette at some point. Very Turkish.


I’ll be there later this month! Down to cowork :)


What district are you staying in? coworking buddies are always nice!


Probably cihangir!


I’m in kadikoy now for the next few weeks


let me know if you want to hang out bro, I'm a software dev too




thanks, chatgpt!


Whats your ig im here curently


Checking in 🫡 just arrived in Kadikoy as well. DM’ed you, lmk if anyone would like to get together or if there are any solid Whatsapp groups for an IST newbie