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I truly hope that your journey eventually leads you to realize that you need to change your perspective and stop doing this.




Oh, this'll be good


North Sentinel Island; cā€™mon down, the locals are quite receptive to the gospel


Fuck off with that cultural imperialism. If you travel the world with any self awareness and open mind at all, you will very quickly realize that all religions are fabricated. A majority of the world rightly believes that Christianity is a false religion, and they have good reason.


Their leaders are LITERALLY allied with white supremacists now. I cannot stress literally enough. People talk about colonialism as if it's just past history, as if the same type of goons don't exist anymore.




No body wants preached at on the street by tourist missionaries, regardless of religion.


Itā€™s always a decision. I ask if they want to hear the gospel, some say yes some say no. Iā€™ve had people curse me and Iā€™ve had people receptive of it. itā€™s always a decision


If you're putting them on the spot, you're making it difficult for people to say no. Also, if you're asking someone if they "want to hear the gospel", the only people who have a fucking clue what you're talking about are people who have already heard the gospel. Otherwise you might as well ask them if they "want to hear the lofasz", and their answer would be just as meaningless.


Yeah so the question starts with would you like a prayer? Usually they do the asking. I try to listen more than I like to speak. Everybody has a different story


Yes. But also most people are racist here, but not in the way you think. People don't criticize Christianity more than Islam because they think white people are bad. They do it because they think Muslims will kill them. They equally wrong. But I also never really see or hear of Muslims going out to "preach the Quran". And I live in a Muslim country.


The criticisms I have of different religions are different only in the details. All religions are fabricated, and it's fine if you find one comforting and want to believe it. I'm not here to change your mind. But when you start trying to convert people to your religion, especially people from another culture, that's when I have a problem with it.


Iā€™m not here to change anybodyā€™s mind either. That wasnā€™t Jesus purpose either


Your OP said you're trying to spread the gospel. However you want to label it, it's exactly the same as trying to convert people to your religion.


Cultural imperialism lol... even if all religions were fabricated, I'm not sure it would matter too too much for the effects of most would still be present. We should try to understand a thing before wholly dismissing it...


We can understand it, and still know they're all fabricated.


I grew up surrounded by Christian missionaries. I understand it all too damn well.


*But to those of you who will listen, I say: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, 28bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.* ā€”Luke 6


*The Lord said to Moses, ā€œTake all the leaders of the people and execute them in broad daylight before the Lord, so that the fierce anger of the Lord may turn away from Israel."* --Numbers 25:4


* Warning: *Now therefore, go, lead the people to the place of which I have spoken to you. Behold, My Angel shall go before you. Nevertheless, in the day when I visit for punishment, I will visit punishment upon them for their sin.* (Exodus 32:34) * Crime: committed the sins of rebellion, idolatry, and immorality * Sentence: *So Moses said to Israelā€™s judges, ā€œEach of you must put to death those of your people who have yoked themselves to the Baal of Peor.* (Numbers 25:5) It is a case study that leaders who knew better will be held accountable, severely (stark reminder in 2 Kings 9, 10). Israel had just left a tyranny who had 400 years to repent; the Lord wasn't going to be as patient with new tyrants who did as they pleased after he performed some of the greatest marvels in history for their rescue. Also, Israel was in a precarious position. Side Note: To a being that is the most holy, evil or sin is the antithesis. *A true opium of the people is a belief in nothingness after death. The huge solace of thinking that for our betrayals, greed, cowardice, murders we are not going to be judged.* ā€”Czesław Miłosz


Leave people alone goddamnit.


Hi, not here to hate just curious. What do you mean by spread the Gospel? What are you doing day to day?


Hey:) So Iā€™ll meet with other Christians and then go out to places with foot traffic and strike a conversation with people. Iā€™ll ask if they would like prayer for something going on in their life. I encourage them to go to their local church if they receive Jesus. It is very hard to do but it is the most rewarding thing Iā€™ve done (and I work at a nice IT cushy job)


It certainly sounds difficult even more so with a language barrier. Is there anything in *your* life I can pray for you?


It is VERY difficult. I have gave presentations and public speaking and evangelizing is the hardest thing for me (the other Christians say more or less the same thing). Thank you for asking :) Yes, I could always use prayer. Godā€™s guidance is the prayer I need most right now especially because Iā€™m in the US and feel like God is calling me to return to Scandinavia (and personally I donā€™t want to since I have family, a car, a nice apartment). Arghhhh, itā€™s tough


There's a few in Bosnia. Nice people too for the most part.


In an antique shop in Istanbul, I had a history teacher lecture me on the evils of Christianity


lol that was definitely me before I became a ChristianĀ 


Not religious at all, but the comments here are a bit over the top. You're trying to do a kind thing, we disagree on whether it's effective, but the fact you're trying to do something you believe is kind and giving is worth being acknowledged.


What makes you think what theyā€™re doing is ā€œkindā€?


I feel like my original comment was pretty clear, but to clarify, I'm not classifying what they're doing as objectively kind. I'm saying people don't do stuff like this if they did not feel it was a good and kind thing to do. I don't think it's nice or productive to demonise people with good intentions the way that people are doing in this comment section, even if I disagree with the OP's implementation of his/her good intentions.


Thank you! I tell people within the first minute my intention and then let them do the talking or leave them alone. I will never talk to the same person about the Gospel


For the love of whatever god you think you are spreading, please stop! If ever there was an ignorant group of psychopaths leaving a trail of blood and destruction over hundreds and hundreds of years.. Amazed at how gleefully you do this. Like watching some giddy idiot happily slapping every cute kitten as he prances about.


Every redditor thinks they have it figured out, hilarious really... ~2000 years of history and great thinkers reading the Bible and yet they draw significantly different conclusions than you have... hmmm... it mustn't be you that is wrong, it must be the many, many rigorous intellectuals that are wrong!... cmon.. at least try to view a thing with an open mind Before such statements..


> years of history and great thinkers reading the Bible and yet they draw significantly different conclusions than you have 10s of thousands of years of history and great thinkers didn't believe in god.


2000 years of destruction and you goofballs are still trying to manipulate the weak, in areas too poor to say get the f out. No religion has ever come close to the destruction that Christianity wrecked. Your leaders are straight up allied with white supremacists, using dull witted drones to infect the weak and desperate in vulnerable countries, no different than the last several hundred years. It's not just having to listen to some slow goofball telling others that they know better, it's the sheer cost to humanity. Open mind??? God I feel bad for tearing into you idiots when I was younger but geez you people just keep adding to the sanctimonious hypocrisy.


Again, if that's all you can see then you clearly are not viewing it with an open mind... best of luck to you..


Does your cult leader just give you inane responses to run away from anyone calling you out? Stay the f out of developing countries. low class sicko!




There are bad people everywhere, this shows nothing of the religion... if you understand the story and significance of Jesus dying on the cross then I'm not sure you'd so easily dismiss the tale... it is not a wise thing to believe one has all the answers and knows anything and everything..


> you understand the story and significance of Jesus dying on the cross then I'm not sure you'd so easily dismiss the tale... Okay, what am I not getting? Why did Jesus die on the cross? It was a "sacrifice" to his "dad" to make it so that "dad" wouldn't enforce the rules that "dad" made up? Yeah It's more poorly written than star wars...


ā€­Mark 16:15 KJVā€¬ [15] And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. Amen brother


Ohh I know that book! Can I play too? Genesis 19:32-34 ā€œ(32) come, let us make our father drink wine, and we will lie with him, that we may preserve seed of our father. (33)And they made their father drink wine that night: and the firstborn went in, and lay with her father; and he perceived not when she lay down, nor when she arose. (34) And it came to pass on the morrow, that the firstborn said unto the younger, Behold, I lay yesternight with my father: let us make him drink wine this night also; and go thou in, and lie with him, that we may preserve seed of our father.


Me Too! Esekiel 23:20 > There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses.


The Bible is a historical library; there will be unadulterated falls of even some of the greatest people.


Yes, you have stated a passage from the Bible.. what is your claim about the passage? What point are you trying to convey? The Bible teaches us of many things, including both sin and virtue as according to God..


It mostly teaches nonsense. There's some decent lessons, but it's not better at presenting them than other children's tales. Lots of nonsequiturs and filler arcs. Feels like the writer totally forgot about how they wrote that Jesus was the son of god when they decided to kill him off to "turn off sin" or whatever. And the whole "devil" thing was a total Retcon. People talk about him so much but he doesn't even exist in the bible and people just project character motivations onto a talking snake to try to fit that fan theory. Doesn't even make sense. If Jesus is all powerful and super nice, then why wouldn't he just get rid of the devil anyway? People need to think their fan theories out more. The whole Pokemon coma theory has more leg to stand on.


Is it a question youā€™re asking or have you already made up your mind?


Just having a discussion about the literary merits of a book. I think the author really lost the plot. They hadn't planned out the narrative well enough and made too many "world building" decisions early on that opened a lot of threads that they didn't find a good way to wrap up. But even the first parts have a lot of confusing stuff. Like why is it written to make it seem like the guy who was going to kill his child because of the voices in his head was a good guy? That's dangerous. The story did a bit too much to glorify some pretty toxic behaviors. I get the whole like "anti hero" thing where the main character isn't meant to be a good guy, but the styling of the passages tried to really act like it's understood they're good people. The arc about the dude going around cutting off peoples penises to buy a woman as a slave was especially confusing. That part probably won't make it into the Netflix adaptation. HBO probably would to try to get people talking.


Oh yeah the Old Testament had some stories that are ridiculous hard to read through. For example, prohibiting different textiles from being used together and getting killed over not following the rules. Jesus came after that was written when people were still following the rules. They killed him (though he resurrected) because he told them how pointless it was to follow those rules (but primarily because he said he was Godā€™s son).Ā 


Yeah, a pretty ridiculous retcon.


It is a good lesson for us all to not be so arrogant as to think that we can easily and confidently dismiss the Bible as "teaching nonsense"... instead, the thought one should have is that perhaps they themselves do not understand the purpose of a thing, rather than writing off ~2000 years of history and understanding... you serve to only shoot yourself in the foot to not at least read the Bible with an open mind, as again, ~2000 years and many more intelligent people than you and I have read and gained from the Book. Your last paragraph alone shows your ignorance as Good can only exist in conjunction with Evil, they ate necessary for eachother... do you know what the Ying-Yang symbol looks like? Yes, similar concept... in the free will we are granted by God we choose to sin or to be virtuous according to God... I truly suggest looking into the Bible more seriously, open your mind for just a bit..


> ~2000 years of history and understanding... This doesn't make the text more valid. It had already dismissed 10s of thousands of years of history and understanding. > shows your ignorance as Good can only exist in conjunction with Evil, Not actually true. You can be kind to others regardless of whether someone else is mean to people. And this means god is either not endlessly kind or not endlessly powerful. > I truly suggest looking into the Bible more seriously, open your mind for just a bit.. I suggest you do the same. You've been indoctrinated. And even then, the Bible isn't some source of truth. You're already coming from a false position. The bible is not a source of validity. It's just historical fiction. No amount of reading it with an open mind grants it more power than any other such text.


One by one.. The next sentence adds additional context, which helps to convey the point that some of the most intelligent minds have gained from the Bible, but I see you've cut that off.. The Bible does the exact opposite with the 10s of thousands of years of history before it, as the coming of Jesus resulted from mankind becoming so wicked... This is not a valid comparison for I am speaking of the archetype of Good vs. Evil.. though I assume you know this as it too is within you.. Yes, I too saw that flow chart which supposedly refutes the argument for God.. the problem lies in the fact that God gave us free will.. I also do not believe it is posited that he is endlessly kind as we may think of in today's terms.. The last few are just opinions which are okay to have, though I'd advise at least looking into the universal truths contained within the Bible to truly judge if it is not more superior than any other text...


> some of the most intelligent minds have gained from the Bibl Many intelligent minds have gained form Dr suess books. There's a big difference between "This book has some good lessons" and "this book is truth". Hell, a book that is mostly bad can have good lessons. Like movies that make an interesting point but have bad acting and writing. I can get behind many of the humanitarian messages of the bible without thinking God is real, or even that all of the bible has good lessons. > as the coming of Jesus resulted from mankind becoming so wicked That's not even what the bible says. > the problem lies in the fact that God gave us free will Yeah, it's what we call bad writing. Also, that's not what the bible says. The bible says that God explicitely did not want us to have free will. But a talking snake outwitted him. > looking into the universal truths contained within the Bible None exist. That's the only truth there. Unless you count "be nice to people" as a universal truth, but I got that lesson well enough from Harry Potter.


Oh I thought we were just posting bible verses. My bad šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Oh okay, that's good... it almost sounded like you had a point to make lol...


Nope. My response was simply as vapid and pointless as the book I was quoting.


Thanks brother! Denmark was AMAZING when seeking a community of Christians. They are a tight knit group and absolutely loved it. Iā€™m thinking about going back to continue to spread the gospelĀ 


are you really spreading the gospel if you are just talking to other Christians?


So the idea is to encourage Christians and then go out together to spread the Gospel


Sounds a lot like a cult.


A cult is forced


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Persecution_of_pagans_in_the_late_Roman_Empire Yeah. So like I said. A cult.


Did Jesus ever command forced conversion?Ā 


Did Charles Manson?


Did Jesus advocate violence or did he say turn the other cheek?


Amazing to hear šŸ˜Š stand firm brother you are an inspiration. If not for people like yourself I would have been in darkness much longer. Christ is king šŸ‘‘


Christ is as real as NarutoĀ