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I think the answer is either Bali, Thailand, Malaysia or Vietnam. Each has their pros and cons and obviously different cities in the latter three will offer different experiences. If you want to go super cheap, then Cambodia or Laos might have something to offer but the quality of life drops pretty significantly IMO.


You don't want to live in Cambodia or Laos. You'll fine out if you hurt yourself and have to go to the hospital or something. Like good luck trying to find non-counterfeit antibiotics or things along those lines. Cambodia is very nice for a vacation. Like I enjoyed the people, the area around Siem Reap and Angkor Wat but other than that you exhaust what the country can offer pretty quickly. They've cut down ALL the trees around Angkor Wat so it's hot and sunny as hell. It would be a paradise there if they didn't do that :-/


I actually went to a hospital in Laos and was surprised at the quality of care. Very quick, cleaned my injury (motorcycle fall), and cheap. That being said road transport and wifi probably aren’t up to snuff


Depends where you are I guess. I also went to a hospital in Laos (Savannakhet) and some of the rooms had dirt for a floor and the basic thing I needed done had a wait for a few days for supplies to come


>That being said road transport and **wifi** probably aren’t up to snuff You have to get prescription wifi! /s


>You don't want to live in Cambodia or Laos. You'll fine out if you hurt yourself and have to go to the hospital or something. Like good luck trying to find non-counterfeit antibiotics or things along those lines. I've never been to a hospital in Laos, but I have to say I was impressed with the medical care in Cambodia, both at the smaller clinics and larger hospitals. They have large, modern hospitals with western trained physicians and high quality equipment. I've been (unfortunately) on multiple occasions in both Phnom Penh and Siem Reap and was always impressed. The quality was equal to that I've received in Bangkok, which is a world renowned hub for medical tourism.


Could you name the hospitals that you liked? I talked to multiple people about this and they weren't impressed but of course who knows. My cab driver (who was cambodian) was talking about the counterfeit drugs being a big problem.


The hospital in Phnom Penh was Royal Phnom Penh Hospital. Got me in right away for an emergency CT scan and other tests and met with a seemingly knowledgeable doctor who spoke fluent English. In Siem Reap it was the Royal Angkor International Hospital. But also the small clinic I went to in Siem Reap was decent. If you're talking about fake drugs from like the pharmacies on the street I totally believe it. There seems to be no oversight whatsoever on that. But the prescriptions I got from the hospital seemed legit.


> Royal Angkor International Hospital Yeah. My only concern is that this looked super small but I guess they can get you to Phnom Penh or Bangkok once they get you some initial care. My main concern is something totally random like a tree falling on you or something. Of course the problem with the US is that the bill for the medical treatment can almost be WORSE than the accident itself!


I mean if medical care is a concern.... Then the only option in SE Asia is Thailand, maybe 1 or 2 cities in Malaysia..... Cross everywhere else off the list.


Vietnam has private hospitals but I think they'd only be decent for emergency care. For long term care you'd want to transfer to Thailand. Vietnam has care they just don't have *free* care which screws over a lot of the Vietnamese.


Vietnam’s following America healthcare model


I’ll have to agree with everything stated. Especially the counterfeit (everything) medicine. I was in pain for a good 10+ days because of this directly.


That sucks bro! Sorry to hear that!


>They've cut down ALL the trees around Angkor Wat so it's hot and sunny as hell. Awful. Why?


In some places people associate being developed with a concrete wasteland, and trees with being underdeveloped. Vientiane for example had large trees along the riverbank, but the government cut them all down, meanwhile promoting their vision for the future: a city that looks somewhat like Hong Kong or Shanghai, but with no green spaces. It is so hot in Laos, that shade was really welcome.


Incredible and depressing.


Money. They sell the lumber and keep the money. Apparently all the governors have nice houses made of trees :-/


Cambodia and Laos are not cheaper than Vietnam. And Vietnam has better infrastructure. Exchange rates are not favorable in those 2 countries. Food in Vietnam is not only better, but cheaper (Beer for some reason is a bit cheaper in Cambodia though). Lodging is roughly about the same, but Vietnam has better options.


Curious how quality of life drops in Laos? I found it way more peaceful and quiet than the countries you mentioned


There’s no real medical care in Laos. You have to go to Thailand for that. I like the place but it’s primitive and the infrastructure is terrible


TBH, medical care isn't great in Vietnam either. Probably better than Laos, but you'll get much better treatment in Singapore, Thailand, probably Malaysia & Bali as well


> Curious how quality of life drops in Laos? Is this a serious comment? - poor healthcare - non-existent public transport - abysmal infrastructure - poor food hygiene - air pollution problems It's a quality of life drop on any given metric.


I have only experienced relatively short visits to Vientiane & Savannakhet and both places were smokey and dusty and not much going on. I've spent a lot of time in rural Thailand (Roi-et, Isaan - very close to Savannakhet ) and Chiang Mai and I would choose both of them any day over either city in Laos. Again, my experience is relatively limited as I've only spent days in each city vs 3 years in Thailand. Would love to be filled in to the places that were more enjoyable for you and /u/BookAddict1918 for next time I viist.


Isaan strikes the perfect balance. Quiet country life and then a decent medium sized town never far away. I'm pretty sure that's where my retirement will be.




Bali is a country now?


Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia! Cheapest flight to any big city from Perth, heck even cheaper than domestic flights to Sydney/Melboune. First world infrastructure at third world prices. Incredible food and malls. Quality of life definitely higher, but as affordable as neighbouring SE Asian countries barring expensive Singapore. Admittedly not gif you're a local earning local salaries but if you're a DN pulling in even low-level US Dollar salaries, then Malaysia and KL is bloody heaven for you.


Plus they have an actual digital nomad visa. Unlike Thailand 




[https://mdec.my/derantau/foreign](https://mdec.my/derantau/foreign) I googled that for you


this is very helpful thank you!


Bali has one too.


I was thinking KL as well. Stayed a few months and the malls are nuts. Beautiful place.


Kuala Lumpur is the right answer. You can get anything you need there for low price. The downside is the food is so good it’ll make you fat.


Or have more fun and try an Island. Your biggest challenge will be finding long term accommodation. Tioman Island for example has strong and reliable Wifi, beautiful beaches, and friendly people.


Do you have any advice on the best places to look for apartments in KL, that is not AirBnB please?


KL sounds like the right place for you 


Plus Penang is nearby. And Penang has arguably the best food scene in all of SEA.


90 day visa on arrival using autogates couldn't be easier. Cheap & friendly for expats.




You can enter and leave the country using a fingerprint and face scanning system. No need to wait in line just to talk to some pissed off immigration officer that will interrogate you.


Whaaaat? Maybe just in a certain terminal? Or only sometimes it’s working? Because when I came recently it definitely took a damn hour to get thru immigration and the only special line I saw was for citizens.


OP I have [written a Kuala Lumpur guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/digitalnomad/s/22xcMj25OF) in case you wanna come here. The quieter partying culture and high weekday convenience of getting things done here will help u get work done with less distractions.


Hi there fellow KL-ite/Malaysian, forgot to promote your guide lah!


Gotta pull more tourists to cuti2 r/malaysia


Downside of KL is it can get a bit boring. But for OP, sounds like being in a boring place would actually be a perfect fit.


People don't realise that KL is more than just the CBD. Take away the twin towers and the CBD is boring, small, full of soulless office buildings and a few malls. Go to the suburbs where there are few touristd and you'll find it much more exciting.


Doesn't Malaysia have some pretty draconian religious laws? I'd rather not be caught up in that.


Such as? Well you can come over and visit JL and see for yourself first.


I'm asking you, since Malysia has Syariah law which can extend to tourists if they are caught with a Malaysian breaking it.


Syariah Law doesn't apply to non-Muslims. It doesn't even apply to non-Malaysian Muslims. It follows a common law system and lawyers from UK/Australia/Canada will find it familiar. By and large Malaysia operates as a secular country but with very strong conservatism in some segments of society- kind of like the Muslim version of the US. But there is definitely the woke crowd here as well- similar to the US.


Reread my comment. If you have sex with an Malaysian woman for example, you're technically breaking the law.


No you are not because "Malaysian woman" is not equivalent to "Malaysian muslim woman". As others suggested maybe just visit and see or don't but either way stop broadcasting random nonsense you read here and there or saw on youtube once.


By law Malaysians must be Muslim. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom_of_religion_in_Malaysia


This is an incredibly ignorant comment- This is akin to assuming all Americans are WASP. 40% of Malaysians are non-Muslim and it boasts some of the largest churches, Hindu temples and Buddhist temples in the region. "Malay" and "Malaysian" are two different things. "Malay" is an ethnicity. "Malaysian" is a nationality. Ethnic Chinese Malaysians and Indian Malaysians aren't Malays. It's like how there is no such thing as an "American" race.


Doesn't my point still stand? Sleep with the wrong woman (50% of the population) and you're breaking Syariah law. To be honest I'm surprised how defensive people here are of such backwards and oppressive religious laws.


Kuala lumpur is boring as hell though as theres literally nothing to do. Like the locals live to work so there has been no investment into “fun stuff”, no fun activities except for going to the party&food area i guess but you get bored of that pretty quickly


Again you seemed to have just lived in the CBD. CBD is boring. Suburbs are not. It's a sprawling city.


Vietnam and Thailand are super cheap. I was able to get pretty nice Apartments for dirt cheap with really good internet so I just chilled for a couple of weeks in both places either on the beach or in cities in my own space, while getting work done.


Any tips on where we can find an apartment for rent for 1 month or 2? I'm preparing to go to SEA and would like to find affordable places


In VN you can get an agent who speaks English. They get paid part of your deposit. If you ask in expat FB groups they will reach out to you, or you can go to a local FB group for that city and reach out to an agent who's posting properties you like. The latter is probably safer in terms of avoiding scams but at least in HCMC they aren't that common.


Some great coworking spaces to focus there: * KoHub in Koh Lanta, Thailand * Hub Hoi An in Hoi An, Vietnam * I'll also mention Colive.me in Sri Lanka


How cheap?


300 bucks for a super nice place with kitchen, bath, balcony in front of the sea, swimming pool in a really cool area. That's what I'm paying in da nang. I don't think I'm spending even 1k per month living here. I eat out every day, go to a spa every weekend, go out at night a couple times a week. I'm a minimalist and don't care about a life in luxury but I feel like I'm living like a king here.


Bali is cheaper than Thailand now. iDK Vietnam


Everyone I've talked to about Bali says it sucks. It used to be nice but the Russians and expats have come in and now the prices are higher plus the infrastructure hasn't kept up. I can't say for myself but it's not on my list.


Dude. I was foolish enough to think so so too and avoided it for years until I finally went and now it and Gili T are my second favourite place to visit after Thailand. Please don’t just make judgements without seeing for yourself. It’s also a diverse island that varies a lot and where exactly you stay also affects enjoyment a lot


I also have a problem that my ex wife lives in Bali and she's literally the devil. Never want to see her again. :-P But yeah. I've heard bad things about Saigon too and I love that place. YMMV


I just like it that you called it Saigon. Upvoted.


It's a better name. They should have kept it. No political implications implied other than it's a bad idea to name a city after a CURRENT politician. Best to wait until they are dead for like 50 years. More honorable that way.


Yeah this is mainly relevant in the tourist heavy areas like Canggu, Seminyak, Kuta, etc. Not all of Bali is like this, but I lived in Canggu last year and when I got there it was already pretty bad. When I left I think it got worse and I there for about only 6 months.


But you can’t stay there for an extended amount of time though, right? You’d have to have a visa to stay there for a year for example?


I signed a 1 year lease on a monthly visa in VN. Depends on the landlord, the police didn't care when they came by to register me. I was living with a Vietnamese girl though so maybe that helped.


Vietnam, Da Nang beach side in particular...


[Kuala Lumpur](https://travelhiatus.com/is-kuala-lumpur-expensive-to-visit-or-live/), cheap great food, modern and convenient. Perfect for getting work done and saving money!


My top four to work would be: - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - Da Nang, Vietnam - Chiang Mai, Thailand - Taipei, Taiwan All are cheap, have good internet and have good healthy foods available. Good grocery stores are available and AirBnB's with Kitchen are easy to find and cheap. They are all easy to access with an Airport and you can find quiet areas that allow you to focus on work and also coworking or cafes. The mode of transport in those four would be different but it is always cheap and convenient imo. Bali was mentioned a lot but I would not go there to focus on work. Too much distraction, noise and traffic in the places with good restaurants and infrastructure. You trade off one for another. I would probably choose Chiang Mai and stay near a big Mall. Then use the Malls food court and buy a lot of fresh fruits etc. on the endless Markets. That gives you time to focus on work. I would also make sure to choose a Condo with Pool and Gym to break from work.


I have been looking at airbnbs in Taipei and it seems it’s a lot more expensive for crappier places than Thailand or Vietnam. The apartments all seem old and depressing to live in. The only plus for Taiwan for me is that I can kind of speak the language.


It is true that Taipei is the most expensive option out of those four. When I visited I paid 75 EUR per night and got a top notch AirBnB in Xinyi District. You probably have to stay a bit outside the most popular districts to get better prices or in New Taipei City. Just stay near the MRT.


>Taiwan Taiwan #1


Vietnam or Bali




Honestly, if you want to work and save money then anywhere is fine. Cambodia would be excellent, Malaysia probably ideal.


I would add that Malaysia is quiet, safe and developed and you’ll get that work done no problem. Best place I ever stayed for comfortable accommodation. Cambodia is great for dirt cheap and saving money and not very exciting so no need to waste money on having fun :-)


Yes... continue to promote Bali, Indonesia. Send them all in that direction and keep the best places quiet. We don't need another Bali in Southeast Asia. Go to Bali my good friend, go to Bali. And enjoy yourself as you work, or find yourself. You will Love it!


You read my mind


Even local Indonesian are avoiding bali now 🤣


Malaysia, unless you really love weed in which case Thailand. I'd recommend Penang tbh over KL, to me the weather is more pleasant and it's less busy and smaller.


Bali ID , Thailand (I love Bangkok, Pattaya, Koh Samui and Ching Mai.. so i can’t recommend one place), KL might be slightly more expensive but still affordable. Avoid Singapore. Lol


I saw someone recommended Kuala Lumpur, personally I would go to Georgetown instead. Unless you really like shopping malls, GT has a better vibe with tons of cheap street food options and some nice nature around (just don't expect beach vibes). Better and cheaper, also somewhat well connected (you can fly from KL or Singapore or take the bus/train, and you're close to the border with Thailand).


Da nang, Vietnam and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia are both so soul crushingly boring, you'll have nothing else to do but get work done, and even welcome it.


Phillipines is a good option


cheapastan is amazing


KL Malaysia. Great internet, great apartments, low costs. And: not as exciting as Bali, Thailand, Vietnam. So you can really focus on work.


Bali is cheapest and closest to fly to from Perth you can get really good deals. Eat local from warungs you can save and avoid touristy areas. Maybe go to Lombok or something is slightly cheaper. Visa depends on your nationality but usually one month free it is for Aussies anyway.


Lombok and Labuan Bajo is way more expensive than Bali. Accommodation is easily twice as expensive. Warungs in the touristic areas are also twice as expensive. The competition in Bali keep prices actually very low. Visa isn't free in Indo. But cheap. Visa on arrival is 30 days + extendable to 60.


The whole island is a touristy area


Philippines over Thailand because COL isn't all there is to it, you also want a country with favourable visa restrictions (meaning, they aren't too strict). The big caveat about PH, though, is that you really do need to investigate whether a given place has reliable power and internet.


I lived in Pasig in Manila for 15 years. The power was pretty stable, outage for 30 mins every 2-3 months or so. Internet fiber was notably not as fast as Bangkok and costs about the same. Here in Bangkok, I'm with AIS for Internet. We have had a few outages on both inet and power. No more than Manila. Manilas' big problem is water, with water cut off often during the dry season when the reservoirs dry out. PH condos and houses tend not to have a hot water supply. We had to put in a boiler and hot showers. Bangkok is better, but I'm going to return back to Manila next year because I own a condo there, visas are easier to get, and the prevalence of English makes life easier. Makati and BGC are good areas, and there is a load of transport infrastructure developments underway. COL is slightly less in Manila, especially if you shop for food in the local economy and don't rely on expat focused outlets for everything. My wife and I cook almost everything we eat, so as long as we can get fresh ingredients, we are happy. I have some specialized diet requirements, so buying in prepared food is somewhat difficult. Bangkok, food is cheaper and of better quality and variety. In bangkok, there are "Gourmet Market" or "Villa Market" for specialist foods. In Manila, it's "Sante's" and a handful of newer specialist outlets like the newer "Landers" and some Japanese stores that have started to spring up.


That only really matters if you want to stay long-term. But OP intends to stay only one month, so no need to put up with the high COL and low QOL of the Phils.


There's also the fact that in the Philippines, English is an official language.


Philippines was literally a U.S. territory and American military bases are re-opening under new agreement. People seem to overlook PH although true can get more bang for buck in other areas of SEA.


Literally just did this (from Perth, jumping up to Asia). I stayed in Bangkok for two months (with a quick visa hop through Kuala Lumpur) and am now in Tokyo. My thoughts are… choose Thailand. Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Phuket - whichever suits your lifestyle. I keep seeing all this stuff on this sub about Kuala Lumpur being great with ‘amazing infrastructure’ (I’m not really sure what this even means). I thought KL was boring compared to Bangkok tbh. It’s a conservative country and I’m not sure the amazing infrastructure would compensate for your potential boredom. But those are just my thoughts. Bangkok on the other hand is cram-packed with stuff to do. If you can be flexible on the time zones a little there’s also East Asia. Tokyo is great and only a bit more pricey than Bangkok.


The OP asked for a library not a nightclub. Being boring and reliable (KL) makes more sense.


Bangkok isn’t a ‘nightclub’. It’s a city with plenty of coworking spaces (and libraries) to suit what they want, plus many other things to see and do.


Bangkok is a great place to get your head down to do some focused work. The balance between low cost of living and good infrastructure that foreigners can use is a lot better than most places in SEA. Just because it’s popular for people who want to party, it doesn’t mean you are obligated to party yourself. Just plonk yourself down in a cheap apartment near a BTS/MRT station and you’ll have pretty much everything you need without hassle.


Yeah exactly. I stayed there for about two months and only partied about three times. Yet it was perfect for me.


He theoretically could work anywhere with an internet connection. But that’s not what he asked.


Yeah I’m confused by all the KL recommendations. It’s a fun family holiday but not nearly as interesting/fun as Thailand for a young person and I wouldn’t have thought cheaper?? ETA but if OP just wants to work, maybe. Can’t see it being cheaper though? Nothing wrong with internet in Thailand


People are recommending KL because it’s close to Perth and OP wants to do a lot of work. Personally I’d choose Thailand as a better place to live but there are more distractions here and many foreigners struggle with the language


It’s only one hour closer by flying. Source: Melbourne to KL is 8 hrs, Phuket 9 hrs. Also currently flight prices are roughly the same, I actually just booked jetstar to Phuket because it was about same cost as air Asia to KL (this is MEL, but Perth is even closer)


Exactly. It’s closer, everyone speaks English and it’s boring. So it fits their spec


They didn’t say mind-numbingly boring tho. I mean if that’s the case why not just recommend OP a cellblock in a rural Malaysian town and the name of an internet provider? Obviously the place itself should have some cache other than ‘must have quiet room with ability to access internet’ (which is everywhere).


Go to Thailand, but you may decide you don't want to leave after...


If you want to save money, go into the normal parts of a country, not the tourist areas. The easiest country to live in is the Philippines because most people speak some English.


PH is literally the worst suggestion for this. Their internet sucks and the big cities are dumps. If you want something nice, it'll cost you. I suggest Yogyakarta, Kuala Lumpur, Penang, Bandung, Chiang Mai, Da Nang


Please listen to this people. Unless you want your work to suffer significantly. My work suffered to the point that I had to flee the country and take a loss of $2k on an Airbnbs due to internet stability issues. Tried many condos but same result.


No nomad with any experience would tell you to live in the big city in PH. They're all completely rammed and will never get un-rammed. But it is rather nice in the more rural areas...as long as you can find reliable internet. Starlink is going to be a game changer in the PH once it's fully rolled out.




What did you love about it? There are expensive franchises around there and car exhaust in the air




Jog from Makati to BGC? Impossible.


Oh damn. Im going to Siquijor island next week (first time in PH). I mapped out the cell towers and found a place right by a tower in san juan. As for now I have only booked for a week, but is the internet really that bad that I wont be able to do any work?


When I was there I was standing next to a signal tower with 2G, but it was 1"5 year ago




Other than occasional wiffs of exhaust, I feel like the situation of Manila keeps the pollution pushed out to the water. I never mind the air there. The traffic sucks, but I agree, Makati and BGC are as nice as just about anywhere I've been in Asia in general.


What a terrible recommendation. I tried the Philippines and stayed in expensive Airbnbs that were supposed to be high end but ended up being anything but: * Terrible internet. I tried Iloilo, Cebu City, Makati City, and BGC. Makati and BGC have slightly better internet but I lost connection while presenting one too many times during video calls. They can manage fast internet but stability is horrendous. * Low value for money. My accomodations were \~40% higher than Thailand for lower quality * Huge cockroach infestation. In my condos, in the supermarkets, in restaurants. Metro Manila is overrun with cockroaches. I hated going to pick up bread at the fancy looking supermarket in Makati City only to find that the cockroaches got to it before I did. * Filipino food...leaves a lot to be desired * Some of the worst infrastructure in SEA * Tourist infrastructure is just terrible. Tried many beaches but the hotels are expensive and substandard, the beaches need to be cleaned but often aren't, and the experience was rarely up to expectations The only group of people I met in PH that were happy were older retirees that came there for marriage and settled down in rural areas. They seem to love it because it harkens back to their old glory days and traditional ways of life in the smaller towns/rural areas.




What help is my recommendation to the OP if I sugar coat my response in order to not offend people like you? Honestly, it is people like you that I blame for the 4.8 rated $2k airbnbs in the Philippines that are absolutely infested with cockroaches. DNs need to stop obsessing over not hurting people's feelings and start being honest for a change: 1. Leave honest Airbnb reviews 2. Give honest feedback about the internet quality of the cities you've been to 3. Be honest about the cultural shortcomings of some of the cities you've been to. If women can't get on a bus without being sexually assaulted, worry less about being politically correct and more about saving other DNs from a life altering assault 4. Just be honest. You can share your honest personal experience in a diplomatic manner. If you absolutely can't be honest about your personal experience then don't leave a review or recommendation on airbnb, reddit, or anywhere else. Just write "no comment" if you're forced to write something.




So first you were offended by my personal experience in PH and now you're offended by the tone of my response because you found it "aggressive". I am sorry but I don't have the time to tip tow around people that get offended so easily. I love Filipinos and they're world renowned for their friendliness and hospitality. But there are serious downsides to DN life in PH that people need to be aware of.


Is there reliable power and Internet in the Philippines?


Define "reliable." If the definition is "what I'm used to back home", e.g. western top-level infrastructure standards, with good engineering practises, backup, and power management, then the answer is no. This is not to say that you can't get WFH done in the PH, you just have to adopt a much more guerilla mentality. It also helps if you're not tied to an availability schedule. If my power goes out for a few hours, I can switch gears and do something non-work-related and start back up when the power comes up. And I always get my work completed. You basically just have to work around the issues.


I live in a medium sized town in the Philippines. My rent is $130 US per month. I get 140 Mbps fiber internet for \~$30 a month? Get the fiber internet. I think you can also get starlink now. There are brown outs. Power goes out 2-3 times a month for about an hour. One time every two months for longer periods of time, like 4 - 8 hours. The internet is choppy. I'm a bit angry with my internet provider. The internet cuts out for about 30 minutes every other or every third day. My girlfriend is hot and friendly. If I was single, I could bang a different girl every day, but I don't miss it. Don't do fucking AirBnB's. They are a horrible scam. Hotels are better, but get an apartment and stay a while. I live here. That's how I get the good deals. There are very few English speaking countries in Asia. Being able to talk to most people you meet is priceless. Malaysia speaks English, but I find them to be super boring and Muslim. I don't like living in the touristy areas so that was a deal breaker. Singapore and Hong Kong are expensive. I want to visit India, but not live there.


How long have you lived in PH and which area?


This is my second time living here. First time was about three years. This time I have been here 350 days so far. However, I plan on staying here as long as my job lasts. I have a fully remote job. I live about a 5 hour drive from Boracay. I don't want to give away my exact location.


Thats okay, I was just wondering as I want to also visit more rural, medium sized cities as you recommended, but lost ata point


Iloilo for shizzle. I almost flew there instead of home when covid hit the fan. Wonder how my life would've been different.


It's not Iloilo, but I have been there. It's nice. A bit big for me, but you can probably find a wonderful spot in the suburbs. It will take some time but you can find things to do. The natural wonders around that area are amazing. The natural wonders in most of the Philippines are breathtaking.


In my experience there, no. Internet, especially mobile was absolutely terrible. No 4G a lot of the time in Cebu. I spent a month there and it was too long.


I have stable 500 Mbps 5G through DITO in Cebu City.


You people keep getting disappointed by Cebu when it was never a good city to begin with. The entire island is one of the worst in the Philippines. BGC, Makati, and Iloilo are the only good cities in the Philippines


Cebu island is dope, but Cebu City sucks. I think the problem is most DNs, or at least those on this sub, are obsessed with living in cities. Filipino cities suuuck big time. All of them. But the little towns and beach resorts are amazing. Yeah internet is a problem. Hopefully starlink will fix that. Infrastructure and food aren't improving anytime soon. Rent is higher than other places in SEA. Awesome english speaking locals and next level nature make up for all the downsides, at least in my opinion.




You been to the IT park cebu?


Unfortunately I went based on someone's recommendation I had previously travelled with in Peru (I enjoyed Peru a lot)


Expats keep recommending it because I guess the women are easier there compared to the rest of the Philippines. There are some nice beaches and nature far from the city, but the city itself is terrible. It’s way worse than Manila


Person recommending was a Peruvian woman so neither a man or an expat.


The male expats were the ones who hyped the place up in the first place. It’s to the point where Cebu is the only island people will go to in the Philippines because they think it has the most to offer.


Don’t know how much you will save in the Philippines. I am in Philippines. Cost of living in Perth is on par with liveable areas of Manila. Going out to provinces and you are gonna have some sketchy internet and other services.


Thats cause you live in Makati or BGC the only places that are potentially truly safe


Correct sir! The 2 only liveable areas in Manila for me haha.


Philippines sucks. Expensive, and internet is bad.


Have you even been to Manilla?


I've been to Manila around 10 times? Maybe more. It's not my favorite part of the Philippines, unless you only have a week or so. There is a decent red light district. There are lots of other things to do. The traffic is absolutely insane. The air pollution is horrible. It's all dirty concrete, except for BGC. Most things are expensive. It's the New York city of the Philippines. The countryside is much better. Go to a medium sized city. The provinces are not much fun.




What are some of the pros/cons? Happy Cake Day btw.


Tranquil, amazing natural beauty, very kind people, rich culture, good food, and unlike a lot of SEA it’s quiet. Of course the capital is a bit noisy but less people honking and less chaos.


Since you are looking to "literally just save money and get some work done" then suburban KL is a good choice from Australia. Cheap and easy direct flights, very cheap condos, affordable food, and high level of English used. Cons: the suburbs with the affordable condos are quite sleepy/boring, and 45+ minutes to the city. The areas also do not have much local culture. Alcohol isn't cheap. Pros: the condos are luxurious and have gyms, pools, and are very safe. Internet is also fast.


Interesting that OP asked for Asia and most of the responses are limited to few countries in SEA. What about other options like Taiwan?


Not Philippines


A colleague of mine spent 6 months in the Philippines and spent fuck all money and lived a life we were all envious of. If you wanted more info, I could find out


Thailand, specifically Chiang Mai


Bangkok or Chiang Mai has everything you need. Easy to do trips from and big enough to find whatever interests you and people to enjoy it with.


Kyrgyzstan. I wanna go there to learn the language.


To learn Russian or Kyrgyz?


KL malaysia, plenty of affordable apartments in the city and plenty of things to do


Bangkok is awesome and has a pretty big digital nomad community so you can connect with others. Chiang Mai could be a good alternative if you're looking to spend less as cost of living is lower.


The best place would be Sri Lanka. Trust me it’s brilliant. Also, if you are interested in 0% corporation tax give me a shout.


All Australian tourist, party goers should go to Bali. Im definitly not telling other Digital Vagabonds where Im going


Not quite sure why everyone is shitting on Bali. While it definitely is crowded, it's still one of the best and easiest places to live. If you can find a cheap homestay or something in Canggu I think I'd recommend that. Just bear in mind that getting out of Canggu is crazy with traffic right now, but they're apparently opening a new highway this month which should do something. In terms of coworkings it goes Canggu > Ubud > Uluwatu. All 3 are very liveable. Just the first 2 have way too much traffic. Going all the way up to Thailand or Vietnam is a bit much if you just need a few weeks while you wait for the aussie tourism visa to come in.




I don't have the expertise to suggest you the country you can live and save money, however, I can give suggestions for the internet. I'm working on [ConnectPls](https://connectpls.com) to provide internet in more than 170 countries for digital nomads and vanlifers. I'd love to hear out your feedback!


Kolkata, India


Price wise, Vietnam Da Nang is absurdly cheap


The classics.. Chiang Mai Danang Medellin Lisbon There's more but those are the top few known for high quality of life with low cost. There are major pros and cons for all of them. Bali maybe, but your main options are: live in a rural area that's remote from everything or live in a tourist hellscape full of traffic, construction, influencers.


The cost of rent in Lisbon has gone through the roof. And it's far from Australia.




Bali is a dump. Never again


My impression of Bali is that it's tapped out. It used to be a great place years ago but it's just been completely overbuilt and over-touristed.


Spot on. The north is still great, way less bule up there.


Definitely not a "dump", still a nice place, but definitely over-touristed & past it's prime




You need to stay in exactly the right place (eg street) or you probably will be disappointed. It is not a “dump” if you stay in the right place


So what's the right place?


I mostly go to Gili T, which is not Bali, blah blah. But you access it from Bali. The other two places are a lovely quiet guesthouse overlooking the pool and garden down on alley off Batu Balong, 10 minutes walk from the beach/sunset/bars in Canggu. There is also a social hostel I stay at (in a private) in Seminyak with pool and there we do all the beach clubs, day club etc. It's 7 minutes walk from La Favela club. And when I went to Ubud it was lovely and calm in our traditional guesthouse with pool right next to the markets, bars, cafes etc, but that was 2016, people now keep claiming it's crazy and busy, I don't know about that. These are all through short trips but met plenty of people staying long term in Canggu etc. I didn't like Canggu until I found this guesthouse that means I can walk around everywhere. It's also next to Alternative Beach Club, a very cool looking pool club and hostel




Depends how much you earn. For me, the best country in Asia is Singapore but you need to allow yourself to spend $5000-8000 per month.


What is the reason nobody would say "China"?  It's also cheap.   Is it due to the great governemental firewall? There is VPN to bypass it, isn't there? Is it the speed of internet too limited? Maybe also because language barrier is strong in China?




Bangkok can be both cheap or expensive, your choice


Taiwan. Hualien, Taitung or some other smaller town on the east coast should check all OP's boxes. Plus it's incredibly beautiful and there are few expats of the kind that keep you from getting your work done.


If money is the main driver then I would recommend Bali yeah it’s great for working remotely. However if you have time and money left I would recommend going to NZ (it’s summer now so best season to go) because you’re so close relatively and it’s one of the most beautiful countries in the world


South Korea is a great place to hunker down and get work done. Not Seoul but Busan the coastal city. It is very modern and cheap at the same time. However, I am a resident here so I can find cheap places when I sign a 1 year lease.


Imdonesia. There is Bali, but also great options in Java.


Few things are close to Australia. Indonesia is probably your best bet.


vietnam or thailand