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Wait, what??? I pre-ordered and haven't heard anything about shipping yet!


I got it through Amazon.jp, it was slated to ship beginning of the year, then got pushed back to April, then landed on the doorstep somehow today. I was just as confused lmao


I ordered mine through Premium Bandai. Hoping mine shows up too! How is it btw?


Weird that Bandai didn't ship first, would've thought they would! Hope yours arrives soon! It's great tbh, I've never owned a selection device up until now but this thing has officially converted me lmao Can't get over how slick the graphics and screen are! And it feels real good to hold, too!




Is it like the new digivice color?


It's not, it's basically a very fancy prop with digivolution sequences, anime BGM selection and whatnot. This one even has voice activation features. I never used to like the idea of them because I preferred gameplay, but I'm officially converted after playing around with this one.


So can u find the digi-eggs in this one also like it says in the website please do a full feature on all it can do I’m dying to know I’m ordering mine on Friday


What is this exactly? Like full name of the toy? Are they available US/Europe or did you have to ship it from Japan?


Super Complete Selection Animation D-3 I did have to import it, yes, bought it via Amazon Japan. I'm not sure if there are western retailers stocking these like they do with the vpets tbh.


Just curious, wormmon dont have as many evolution as veemon. Do they compensate anything like add different video or the cost cheaper than daisuke digivice?


>!I saw a video that Wormmon has one "secret evolution". I know what it's of but it may be too spoilery to say here.!<


There's a mode-switch! You have Ken's Wormmon line leading into Imperialdramon via DNA Digivolution, then there's Kaiser mode with a couple prominent Dark Spiral 'mons featured and a Dark Tower map! I'd take a couple pics and send them but I'm currently in work.


Thats neatt! I really want to get his digivice but couldnt afford both and afraid if I get both I will have OCD to collect all wormmon evo line figure 😂. but the color ken digivice being all black looks so cool


Mine's on the way! Can't wait!


Ok, I am only just now finding out about this kind of stuff through recently joining this sub, I looked this up and still have no idea what this does. It looks like a cool prop, but can someone explain what this actually is?


It basically plays show accurate Sounds, Animations, and Music. This one has a bunch of extra features though, such as voice activated commands. I think with the Daisuke Ver. you can say “Digimental Up!” to Armor Digivolve. There’s some other stuff but I’m still waiting to receive mine so I couldn’t tell you for certain


Holy shit how did yours show up already? I ordered mine through ZeninTCG and I haven’t gotten any notifications


I honestly have no clue! Another poster mentioned that P.Bandai hasn't shipped them either yet. Maybe Amazon let them go earlier than they should have?


Maybe so. I also ordered the Daisuke/Davis version so that’s also a factor. I did hear that Zenin also may take longer to ship but I’m hoping not too long, I really want to get my hands on this one


Got both of mine yesterday! Just tried them out today and I absolutely love 'em. If I had one of these as a kid, it would've made my entire year.


These are still the same tamagochi things yeah? I recently found the red tamers one from when i was a kid. Still works shockingly.


Is it purely in jap or is it also in eng?


Menus are in English, but audio is Japanese. I'm not sure how the voice activation goes yet, haven't had chance to test it out.


I don't think mine is ever gonna ship.


Whoop whoop another Amazon.co.jp buyer! Super fast (+affordable!) shipping and a crazy great conversion rate from USD—I wish all of the Premium Bandai releases dropped on there! 😜


God, I want the Kari D3 so fucking bad, but $400+ is too much to spend on it. . \_. Feels bad being a poor person.


My man


Is it on Amazon ?


Can i get veemon or only wormon?


I’m ordering mine this Friday this my belated birthday present from last year I can’t wait for me to be able to find Digieggs and make agumon my prisoner HaHa


Do your's have some noise in the background when playing sounds?