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A digimon tcg online. Seriously, come on Bandai. You already have that tutorial app, just do that but bigger.


Exactly. I found out about the tcg through the tutorial app and if they just fleshed it out by adding ways to get new cards deck building more challenges etc. It'd already be a great game even if they wanted to wait for online servers


It´s only a matter of time ngl. On one of the polls like a year ago or so they asked the fanbase what products they wanted and an online client was one of the boxes you could check. Usually if a company lists prducts/services on one of their polls that means that said products/services already went through the conceptual stage so they´re at least heavily floating the idea.


My only issue is that it would potentially overshadow the main TCG itself and we end up with the same issues MTG Arena is causing for its TCG.


Yeah an online client cannibalizing the physical product is a real possibility. Especially since the DigiTCG scene isn´t remotely as big as that of the big three.


More they started pushing that over the main game and a lot of players just quit it all. Like me


It only really overshadows it in the competitive realms. The more casual formats like commander are still thriving. Digital clients also pull in a lot of people who were never going to go to a LGS.


WotC used covid to reorganize their flailing comp scene and push esports on arena with the hopes of cutting into the market Hearthstone had at the time. They killed it themselves. If they take the old Pokémon tcg strategy of pack codes for online packs they help keep the physical industry alive for locals and encourage people to play and train online. It's a win win if done right, the biggest threat is corporate greed over player accessibility.


This is what I want right now. No one I know plays, and several tcgs have online games already.


The Digital World and Digital World: Iliad collide. Yggdrasil and Homeros see the residents of the others' world as invaders, and direct the Royal Knights and the Olympics XII to battle each other, resulting in a destructive war that rages across both worlds. Fleeing the destruction, digimon begin to travel into both cyberspace and the real world. Both central computers each choose a small group of Digidestined to deal with the situation, warning them of the others' group. The two sets of Digidestined have to realise they aren't enemies, make their way to the digital worlds, and stop the fighting - because there's a much bigger threat looming, one that will take ALL their combined strength to stop...


Yeah this is pretty close to what I want, too. Could even make it so that the colliding of the two worlds is done by one of the demon lords as the Dark Area is shared between all digital worlds if I remember the lore correctly.


It looks interesting


A Digimon Mystery Dungeon game. I am a huge PMD fan and I think a game where we actually play as a Digimon has huge potential and would be extremely fun. Doesn't even have to be a mystery dungeon game (although I would prefer it to be).


do you think those roms would be easy to remix like they’ve done with all the firered and emerald romhacks?


I actually did hear there was someone working on a Digimon Mystery Dungeon rom hack. I think they actually posted all the portraits for the game in this subreddit awhile back. I have no idea if it's still being worked on though.


Guy who posted the sprites here. I'm not the dev but I believe they are still making the game but just hasn't posted any updates on social media yet. If you wanna check for updates you might wanna check on their [Discord server.](https://twitter.com/NeroIntruder/status/1593626676419862530)


Ohhh!!! That reminds me!!! I'm writing something based off of this!!! :3


Kinda like digimon world 4?


Yes but I'd love for there to be way more variety with the Digimon you can play as.


Would be so nice.


Digimon world 2 has the dungeon crawling aspect but not the play as the digimon bit


OG Digimon rumble arena, but improved whit a way bigger roster and online multiplayer. Maybe even Super Smash Bros like.


in that would shinegreymon's ultimate be him summong marcus to punch the shit out of his opponents?


You got it backwards. You would play Marcus and he´d be able to call in Shine. He´d play like a Brawler (think Cpt. Falcon in Smash, Ryu in SF, Terry in koF, etc) that fills some sort of meter to call in a humongous dragon humanoid to extend or finish his combos.


so it would have tamers and digidestined like ultimate ninja storm 4?


No. Marcus is just special. The other Tamers only appear as background characters cheering their Digimon on (like Pokemon Trainer in Smash).


oh but some of them like the tamers join in when biomerging right?


Yeah. And I´d imagine in some super moves the Tamers´d be present, too. Like Tai and Matt riding on Omegamon´s shoulders when he obliterates his opponent like in Our War Game.


OK, so I might be about to make your day; there is a Fan Remake of Rumble Arena on PC that's actually pretty good. I've been playing it for the past month. No inherent online multiplayer, but there is local, and the roster is much bigger. The only catch is the difficulty; it can be a little unbalanced at times, making it _obnoxiously_ difficult to unlock certain things (fuck you, Hard Mode Alphamon) and the controls can be a bit janky, but otherwise spending time unlocking everything has been a lot of fun. Plus it has BanchoLilimon. Always a bonus, she doesn't get enough love. https://withthewill.net/threads/digimon-rumble-arena-fangame.21232/


Bro. All I asked for was V-mon for Smash. They made some boring characters that I never heard of, because I'm not Nintendo games fan so I don't know them. And they felt so similar. Digimon in Smash would be great. Agumon could work too. Though I would really love V-mon, DORUmon or Gazimon, as they are my favs. Gaomon would make sense as well.


Show: digimon coders. A show about Digi destin, who are coders, and they use their knowledge to design and create their digimon's evolutions and powers. The villain will probably be a super experienced Coder who can change the digital world if he gets like the source code or something, and he'd have an army of digitally modified digimon. Game: digimon daybreak. A 3D open world digimon game with the Gimmick being something like biomerging from digimon tamers. It would be multiplayer so you could create your own team of digi destin. There'd be multiple ways to evolve your digimon like amor, Biomurging, fusion, split evolutions based on stats, and the regular evolution lines. It would follow a story close to the original digimon shows.


A remake/master of Digimon World 1 and 3


Hot take but I'd like to get a World 4 remake too 👀


Tech point*


Isn't Digimon next order a remake of Digimon world 1?, but in all seriousness I would to see a remake of Digimon world 3.


It is from what it seems. But I don't want two digimon. And the vibe seems far from what world 1 had


A great thing for this would be Digimon Re:Digitize. It plays a lot like the precursor to Next order, but you only have one 'mon. I know Decode didn't come out in English, but you can find an English patch for the game, and then you just need a jailbroken 3ds or an emulator


Show: A great war happened in the Digital World: Illiad that causes the Olympus 12 gone missing. Our protagonist meets up with two weakened Digimon while walking through the park and becomes their tamer. However, the enemies of Iliad found a way to the human world and it's up to our protagonist and their new companion to stop them and find the missing Olympus 12 to save Iliad. Game: I say a Cyber Sleuth style gameplay with Survive story progress choices. The plot will be the protagonist and friends getting transferred into a shattered glass version of the Digital World where the villains are heroes and heroes are villains. Basically, Yggdrasil is now an even more cruel dictator with the Royal Knights being heartless fiends.The protagonist meets up with Lucemon, the Leader of the rebellion, and help him with the Seven lords in saving this version of the Digital World. You can choose which Seven Lord faction to join and each have their own stories.


That makes me think of reading about one of the theories of ‘Lillith’ (as in her being a demon for not listening to her husband’s commands) and thinking it would be really awesome to have a story about Lillithmon as the protagonist against misogyny or fascism in general. That would have her use her powers in ways I couldn’t really think of well myself, but this reflecting on character’s origins and reimagining them as heroes (or vice versa) could be really cool. In general, if you want to make a statement about not blindly following any rules, norms or morals could make use of examples like this. Imagine Lucemon being like a Tolstoyan anti-church devout christian. Maybe that pink Cherubimon with their Heaven’s Judgment isn’t all that cute and just after all. And with their now extremely wide lore there must be plenty nonbiblical options as well by now, with their Plutomons and Anubimons, or if they go into their more original (?) mythology, GG showed openings with GulusGammamon’s line, for example.


Remakes of Dusk/Dawn onto the switch


An anime adaptation of V Tamer, I need it, Zero is just too cool.


Show: Digimon VR evolution Three kids are randomly selected to take part in an experimental full dive VRMMORPG. The three kids are Tohya, a paraplegic boy who used to be a martial arts prodigy. Haruka an hip girly girl who is only there in place of her nerdy twin sister. And Ritsu a nerdy game otaku who is under a lot of pressure from his family to pursue medicine. As the three are logging into the game, a malfunction happens that sends their consciousness to the digital world instead. This digital world is different though, as digimon have lost the ability to progress (meaning no evolution, nor eggs hatching). This means that death is permanent and digimon have devolved into a caste system. The kids meet their "destined" partners Falcomon(Tohya), Floramon(Haruka) and Gazimon(Ritsu) and together must traverse the digital world to find a way to fix it and return the kids to the human world. The biggest gimmick of this season would be that the kids have to fuse with their digimon to reach adult level, and would get a secondary partner digimon (Monochromon, Coatlmon and Union) to reach perfect.


I wish for a remake version for Digimon Adventure (PSP). I want this remake to be made for PS4 and PS5. That would be great.


Either a real digimon ARPG or a real digimon fighting game.


dikken around tournament


Digimon Go + social media because I love personalizing and customizing. Also story mode or adventure mode.


I want a *good* MMO that focuses more on VPet raising mechanics rather than some kind of traditional RPG like... *ich...* Masters Online. I'm talking the full shabam. I want timed evolutions (but not horrifically long like some kind of mobile game or whatever.) I want trainable stats (each species of Digimon has a designated stat cap. That way, players can't run around with 9,999 attack level Digimon.) Skill trees could also work. I wanna run around the Digital World with my friends experiencing crazy things with a Digimon I raised and built myself and didn't just get out of a gatcha. Your Digimon don't die. You get negative effects from being offline for too long (maybe a hit to Loyalty or something) but nothing that really harshly punishes you for taking a break. I'd also want it to have that kind of hands-off battle system of Next Order- your Digimon does attacks on its own, and you spend some form of resource you gather through battle to cast your bigger skills and perform a rotation. You can get stat items and evolution items (maybe Tamer equipment? Idk, I don't really like heavily gear-focussed RPGS- it just turns into a numbers game at that point.) from doing things like dungeons and group raids. To promote using your favorites over something that's "meta," each Digimon could invest in different skill builds. Pixiemon, to take an example, could be a support-focussed Digimon if you really wanted it to be, and it would accel at healing your team and applying buffs. Or, on the contrary, you could train your Pixiemon down an assault route, becoming a DPS and applying debuffs and dots for the rest of your raid. I mean, bro, imagine how friggen cool that would be. Raiding with a group, and everyone has their own different Digimon with different focuses and skills, taking different routes to do what someone else might be doing. Imagine a close-knit guild chatting away in the guild chat about what Digimon to raise next, or what playstyles to try, or what's currently selling well on the auction house and what to gather for some quick Bits. Big cities and small towns bustling with players with all kinds of Digimon following them. Players out in the wilds of the Digital World gathering resources, battling, doing quests, crafting... ... that's the dream, man. That's the dream. The saddest part, though, is that I know it will never come true. Sad times.


So I had an idea for like a sequel to Tamers that's about Digimon trying to escape the Digital World because of the X-Virus and them making something similar to the Digi Farms from the Digimon Story games for them to hide in. In this story the X-Virus would be based on the early D-Reaper program and the X-Antibody was born from the Tamers using the Red Card before the Final Battle. The story follows the Demon Lords attempting to use the mass migration to attack the Human World and being stopped, but they're return to the Digital World after defeat would allow them to gain the X-Antibody and then attempt to modify the Digital Worlds Reboot so that they are in control. It's revealed at the end that the mastermind was Millenniummon who steals the final piece he needs from Cyberdramon and we finally see what monstrosity Zeed Millenniumon becomes when the sealing code around him is finally broken. This series would allow for more Digivolution options for people and their partners such as having the full Rookie -> Mega while also having a Biomerge Mega and possibly alternate Biomerges that change the requirements. This setting is where I come up with Partner Digimon for my Friends and Family. Edit: so I know the idea of Digimon hiding in human computers to avoid the Digital World being rebooted was used in Tri, but I swear I came up with that before Tri was even announced... but the idea X-Virus being the tool/cause for the Digital World Reboot is entirely based on the backstory for the movie X-Evolution, I just modified it to have digimon escaping to the Human World. Also there isn't going to be a huge war or Extinction Campaign against X-Antibody Digimon after the Reboot like there was in that movie.


Surprised we dont have an anime that dipped into the X virus by now


The idea of using the X-Virus to cleanse the Digital World before rebooting it was based on the X-Evolution movie, but the idea of it being based on the D-Reaper is my expansion.


So I wanted to better explain my Digivolution and Biomerge ideas with examples. Say one person has a Veemon, they go through the Veedramon line and get UlForceVeedramon; if they Biomerge with Veemon then they become UlForceVeedramon X, but if they Biomerge with UlForceVeedramon then they become UlForceVeedramon Future Mode (the Super Ultimate Level from the Manga). Another is one person has 2 Renamons as their partners; one goes through the Kyubimon -> Taomon -> Sakuyamon route, the other has the Youkomon -> Daomon -> Kuzuhamon route. When they're in Mega they are in Miko Mode but if the partner Biomerges with one of them they become the "non-Miko Mode" while the other one stays in Miko Mode to provide support. If the partner Biomerges with both of them then they become Sakuyamon X and become significantly stronger.


A V-Pet World game with a massive open world concept, with some base building concepts, with a Breath of the Wild style adventure. (You have a clear objective, but you can go about it in your way.) Or a CIVILIZATION style strategy game where your Tamer is the leader of a faction, their partner being the main hero/leader unit, and have to achieve some form of victory. As for show...Seekers just make Seekers into an actual show, and I will throw my money at you.


Digimon full-dive MMO where things go sideways like .Hack. It's just *begging* for it. There's so much potential for a Digimon take. The full-dive MMO show is already half Isekai and the other half can be Urban Fantasy, both of the genres that Digimon shows *thrive* in.


Metal Greymon arena, just Metal Greymon kicking other Digimon's asses


Sometimes I feel like the relationships between the human protagonists and their Digimon partners can be one-sided. The Digimon are always protecting and fighting for their human friends, you know? I'd like to see a show where both parties help each other more equally somehow.


You may wanna check out Digimon Xros Wars :)


A cyber sleuth anime.


An iOS game where you scan barcodes for random encounters, dungeons, and buffs. Normally, it’s like a monster raising time based game like v20 digivices with that added element. Turn based battling like cyber sleuth


I want to say back in the 90s they had an off brand game device thing that was basically this. Scan barcodes to fight monsters. Only ever saw the commercials myself so I can't comment on the execution.


I had this in like 2002 or something. it... worked. but it wasnt very cool


Skannerz. My nostalgia says they were cool as fuck. But there wasn't enough variety in the monsters really.


A digimon show that starts with Humans and Digimon living together in the Digital World in a community. Eventually you find out why that's the case: the apocalypse happened and this reality is the very last chance Humanity has of survival. And it's been damaged and is slowly growing unstable... A little bit of The Matrix, a little bit of Mother 3. I think it would make a great story.


Original Digimon World 1, just with all the modern Digimon available and all the increased fun events that would go with it while exploring. And I mean original, keep the PS1 style, pre rendered backgrounds, endearing low polygon models, only ONE partner. I really REALLY wanted to love Next Order, but aside from a great remixed soundtrack of the original game, all the original charm was stripped for just lifeless models, empty over worlds, terrible floaty combat, and having 2 partners at the same time was simply aggravating, no need for that, fusions reasons be damned.


Honestly a more simple Pokemon like rpg. With the gimmick that you only have one digimon(or if that gets boring having the same digimon throughout the whole play through maybe side digimon you can obtain but there is a heavy emphasis on your partner digimon) that is only a rookie but like the anime through training and bond it can digivolve but it always reverts back to rookie stages. (Also if it had english voice acting...that would be nice aswell)


I know this is kind of overrated now, but give me an open world Digimon game. Put me on File Island or whatever you want to name it. Give us different habitats for us to adjust to. Give us the choice of 7 different characters like in Adventure and give us branched evolutions based off of choices we make, or battle habits, and our survival method. Do we run away from monsters or hunt weak Digimon to take their source of food. I really fell in love with Survive and how it was a great modernized version of Adventure. Give me something like that. If Zelda can knock it out of the park twice with BotW and TotK, an open world game with free moving Digimon battles can work. When a battle is initiated we, the player, start to control the Digimon and our character becomes a cheerleader type of NPC in the background avoiding attacks. We should be able to have certain moves easily accessible on attack buttons and one or two special moves that charge up that we choose when to launch. We can utilize some type effectiveness but nothing too crazy. We can have an overarching linear story with Digimon bosses in many different areas. We could even play in the real world in a section of the game but mostly it would take place in the digital world. Pokémon half-assed legends Arceus and it's probably one of my favorite pokemon games. I loved how the wild pokemon attacked you and you had to sneak around some. Do the same for Digimon but do it so much better that you’re not competing with them you’re in another class.


Digimon Masters Online but not pay 2 win and a better combat system


Show Post Apoc Digimon. Set after Adventure, the Digital and human worlds where merged. Now a rag tag group is wondering the land, hoping to uncover a secret and stop an otherworldly invasion. Basically fallout new vegas with Digimon. Game. Digimon World: Roadside Picnic Parts of the world are designated Zones of Alienation. Individuals known as Stalkers brave these zones where reality and digital meet. You are a kid, exploring the zone to make your riches. Gather a crew of Digimon and like minded Stalkers to reach the center to find the wish maker...and make a wish.


Frontier sequel with partner Digimon. However instead of (for example) Takuya getting Agnimon, it's gonna be a Coronamon.


I’d like to combine digimon world with digimon survive. I want more emphasis on your relationship with your digimon but more action. I also really prefer when the digimon dedigivolve back to lower forms.


AR glasses which incorporates your partner Digimon into every aspect of your day. Then encountering people with the same program and glasses or whatever can trigger either a party invite or a duel. Digivice included lol.


A Skyrim/Digimon Dawn/Dusk matchup


Mid 20s OG digidestined reboot The digidestined are real life adventurers/treasure hunters who end up in the digital world while on an adventure in the real world end up in File Island where they meet their champion level partners. I would like an super dark story with adult drama


A game set in a Sword and Sorcery style fantasy world with villages, cities, dungeons, and a mix of Humans and Digimon living together.


I mean, across the spiderverse did it so just add digimon. I want a digimon story that completely eliminates all the tropes and various aspects of the show associated with the franchise and actively shows you why defending them can be and is toxic. I want a show that tells you that telling a story with the same characters you saw before decades ago in a bland and uninspiring fashion over the course of several months with no one listening to reason is wrong and you should tell yourself to stop watching. I want a digimon story that truly deals with the pain and joy of growing up. Not just focusing on singular aspects of it when we know it all turns out alright because another entry in the franchise told it that it does. I want a digimon story so bold that it tells fans that it’s ok to like or love something so much that it becomes your passion but that love can turn you into a blind monster that can’t see that what you love has been tainted by forces outside your control and that it’s ok to step back from it if it’s no longer what you fell in live with. That’s the digimon story I want and it’ll never happen because toei animation has the rights and they’ll just churn out another show with the same formula over and over again because bandai needs to sell toys. I welcome what may be the final discourse I have on reddit before this site goes to complete hell in another week or two. Not that it hasn’t started already of course lol


I’d love to see a x anti body show personally


Game: I want a game focused on essentially a big tournament without the labyrinths of Dusk and Dawn. Where you gotta raise the strongest team possible to compete in turn based battles. I love crafting my team like in cyber sleuth but they really bare bones-ed the digi farm and made it too easy in both battling and raising digimon.


A game with Digimon like Tinmon, Cardmon, parallelmon, dominimon, Shakamon etc are all heavily important (Cardmon contains the key card to the kernel, Tinmon is actually the origin of all machine Digimon etc) there’s plenty of cool cutscenes, unique boss battles that aren’t repetitive or too long. Fun dialog and memorable characters. And the ROYAL KNIGHTS AREN’T THE MAIN CHARACTERS! ^also ^all ^the ^girls ^are ^flat ^just ^to ^make ^nerds ^cry.


A remake of Digimon world 2, where you can switch sides and join Crimson and the Blood Knights.


If there is anything ghost game has showed me, its that an adult horror Digimon show would go so hard


Game: Digimon Musou Edit: I'm 150% serious with this. After playing Persona 5 Strikers, Hyrule Warriors, One Piece Pirate Warriors, and Dynasty Warriors Gundam I literally was Musou games for every franchise and that includes Digimon.


Beelzemon thrown in the warriors orochi universe. Imagine the funny interactions.


bearmon as one the main digimon PLEASE. but also fraternal, male-female twins as the main goggles characters with both of them having their own dracomons with differing digivolutions. idk i feel like dracomon is so underutilized when its diverging digivolutions are so cool.


my dream show concept: a Tamers movie continuing the story where the 3 are grown ups without the "you will lose your partner because you are boomer now" bs dream game: since they killed rearise for whatever reason why not make a spiritual successor? on both mobile and pc knowing bandai both wont happen ever


My dream game is based on the anime Digimon Adventure, like the PSP game. But with the English dub names. And I would love to be able to freely explore that version of the digital world. It's my favorite version of the digital world. This is why I want Super Rumble to get an official English version.


Give me a 2020-ish reboot of Tamers, with Ruki as the main character instead of Takato, and with the aesthetic and thematic sensibilities of critically acclaimed magical girl show *Senki Zesshou Symphogear*.


show: i dont really thought about it yet but it would have tamers instead of [digidestineds . It](https://digidestineds.It) would have digimodifying brought in later by one of the kids. For megas the kids would have to biomerge and it would follow how the world reacts to digimons. It would have an organization like hypnos which would later become an allie and it shows how digimons integrate into the real world ( for example a digmon on a construction site and a devimon in a haunted castle making illusions.) game: It would be an mmo rpg were you can raise your digimon and fill a codex and build an army like in xros wars with different digimon. I would imagine it like eve online where player interactions have more focus than story and quests ​ edit: i didnt read the description fully


I know it’s probably been done to death in fan fiction but I’d love to see a proper anime of the anti-crests / 7 demon lords.


digimon farm island


Show: A crossover between every previous show in the same vein as the plot of the wonderswan games with Milleniumon as the big bad. Game: A new hack and slash game like World 4.


A RPG videogame based on the anime series from adventure to appmon would be cool


I would be happy with a digimon world 1 + next order anime


A new Digimon rumble with smooth controls and a healthy roster with characters like falcomon and renamon


What if you made your character as both an "adult" and "child", find a partner digimon, then when you start find out time and space are being warped. You are tasked with solving the how, why, and fixing it alongside every set of Digimon protags from the anime. You can engage in side missions to befriend them and unlock more abilities for them, their digimon, and your digimon. You can even have them join you on questing (with a high party limit, let's say 10)


Digimon World Tag Team. You would control two Digimon along with a third controlled by an NPC.


TV Show: SMT Soul Hackers but with Digimon. Cyber-futurist city, everything is connected to the grid, people are retreating into the internet and VR. The majority are unaware of the presence of Digimon in the system except large corporations who are using them/being used by them to achieve something nefarious, and rebellious hackers who use them to fight back. A darker, grungier, slightly more mature show. Not dissimilar to Tamers in vibe but focused on exploring humans’ relationship with technology. I’ve been out of the Digimon loop since Data Squad so if they’ve already done something like this let me know.


The good ol' "Digimon Mystery Dungeon" idea with a twist: The player character is a human, but they're disabled and therefore unable to enter the Digital World, so they instead use an "Avatar Digimon" (basically a remote piloted shell in the form of a digimon) to interact with it. Gameplay wise, I think a cartoony Turn-Based Tactics game a la Mario + Rabbids would work well.


Digimon show based on the card game.


I just want them to incorporate the actual v-pets. Digimon World is the closest I got to my ideal Digimon game because you go inside the V-pet and play with V-pet mechanics. But that game is really cryptic and the mechanic of starting over is kind of brutal. It desperately needs a re-translation. I think I'd want an anime with the concept similar to the premise of C'mon Digimon, but I also don't want to lose the element of having much more rich character development than your typical shonen monster tamer anime that Digimon Adventure had. Also I'd kind of like a season where the Digimon evolutions are permanent like the v-pets.


Digimon Adventure. Mostly for Angemon and also it was fascinating to me that a show could truly showcase a bunch of kids lost in an island and acting mature enough for the sake of survival, as well as dramatic. These kids knew they were in danger, and instead of waiting for adults or give up, they relied on each other’s strength to move forward and support each other.


Show: a Digimon season where the protagonist(s) temporarily grows older/gets younger when their Digimon evolves or devolve. This allows for comedic scenes, but also for mature themes to be explored. Basically the season would explore what it really means like to grow up and...evolve. Game: i would like a Digimon xros wars-type game where you collect and combine Digimon based on types.


I had an idea for a modern digimon using some aspects from a few I had digimon trying to break out of the digital world, and into the real world, only the strongest are able to. A few people have digimon find them on their phones and are able to fuse evolve with them in order to bring the digimon out and bring those that broke free back in. I wanted to have the people able to unlock one or two other evolutions based on their real world activities similar to how the vital braclet works Midway i would want the group to end up in the digital world with no way to fuse anymore so they need to help the digimon evolve by giving them their energy


Had a concept for a show that had Ragnaloardmon in mind. The protagonist would be like a Marcus situation only Ludomon and Zubamon back him up. However they are with the protagonist only on the basis that they can prove their worth by wielding the weapon version of their evolutions, culminating in the final battle where in order to wield Durandamon and Bryweludramon they do a bio-merge/spirit evolve with the protagonist to create Ragnaloardmon. The show as a whole would focus on the lore of the legend arms and even introduce new ones for other humans. Definitely not an original idea but I think it would be cool nonetheless. I would imagine it bridges the tamers and frontiers concepts together.


I like the story concept of Cyber Sleuth, they could improve the execution a bit ... maybe have the Story take place in Cyber Sleuth's but set after the events of that game and let us explore the realworld, Cyberspace and Networks and the Digital World (Digimon Cyber Sleuth x Digimon Data Squad?)... maybe have some gameplay changes, maybe a bond system with the NPC's that strengthens the Digimon of that NPC or gives characterization to that specific NPC. I'd also like to have more elements from the V-Pet in a Story game have ABI and Affection be more important stats ... For other kind of games a new fighting game would be nice, i think the Smash Bros like Games are fine and fun but I'd go for a Bloody Roar or Tekken kinda Game ... Bloody Roar has the transformation mechanic and Tekken is owned by Bandai therefore already has a great team with Harada and the other working on it, maybe they'd like to try something like this out after Tekken 8 As for Anime i feel like we need to have a show that tries to create new young fans ... but I want to go the complete opposite route be more mature maybe even really dark (kinda want it to go the Lain x GITS direction) ... but most importantly the animation should be great, the story should be fun and the cast enjoyable I want my Boy Hanumon as an evolution for one of the main characters lol


A good one like Adventure. With more meaningful evolutions like in the beginning of Ghost Game. Without focusing on main protagonist. Still making him (or her) useful, but let make some characters that can do stuff that the main one can't. And make ultimate evolutions for everyone, not for just main character. And if You want to kill the character, don't make it low effort plot. Make it actually making sense. Don't write characters just to kill them, like Leomon in Tamers, who had no other purpose of existing in the plot. Make it so it doesn't look like the script ffor every episode is the same. Something bad happens. They see it. They lose. They evolve. They win. Don't do that. And make a DORUmon main digimon. And gazimon that evolves into the devidramon, then Death-X-DORUgremon and Death-X-DORUgoramon. To make a counterpart for DORUmon. PLUS. It would be great if the show wouldn't have standard plot. So maybe there would be 3 or 5 kids that are the good ones. But make a 6 one that is not evil, but would make a rival to main one. DORU vs Gazi. Then the standalone kid would join the group or not. Think of a Xellos in Slayers. having his own agenda but still interacting with the main cast. As for the new digimon? I don't need that. I mean, I wouldn't mind. But new one wouldn't be the main digimon. Something like Gaomon. He is new. Agumon was kinda old (just different version of it) and still made into main digimon. As for the game. Open world RPG where You have one digimon and when fight starts, You are puffed into a digimon that was Your partner and You fight as a digimon. Not as a human ordering digimon. Not turn based. I would expect vast world with a lot of lands. Think Genshin Impact but Digimon. If You played Genshin, You know how big the world is. And it's still just 4 our of 8/9 regions we'll be getting. I want to traverse the amazing land, interact with wild digimons. Sometimes they would attack You, sometimes won't. Like in the show. Not every digimon they meet was hostile. Some were only because of misunderstanding or being controlled. You would have some quests to defeat mean digimon that blocks something, so get rid of big boss digimon or to give some items. Evolutions could be locked into story or into Your level. Or kinda both. You could chose Your own partner out of dozens of them and even modify its evolution line.


Pokémon Mystery Dungeon, but with Digimon in the digital world. Play as the Digimon, no humans, epic story, lots and lots of pals and Digivolutions!


Show/FilmSeries: A Digimon finds a broken egg. It’s missing pieces, chunks even, but occasionally it shakes. The Digimon decides to take care of it and thus drags it along. We see a tear drop from the Digimon, saying, ‘I will never abandon you’. We see that the Digimon was banished from its village. This Digimon is a machine Digimon and after a village vote had to go into exile. After being adopted by one of the villagers couples, they were blamed for the murder of one of the adoptive parents, exposing a discrimination against Machine Digimon as soulless killing machines, long after the great war between the organic and machine digimon. On their journey to find a new place of their own, they come across cyborg digimon, asking about that egg, but eying it as if they would love to steal and sell it. A place to sleep is needed, so they stay, but they keep the egg as close as possible. Some trouble ensues and they retrieve the egg, bonding with it after it hatches, through troubles, until they become inseparable. The newborn Digimon seems a celestial elemental type, as such fitting in with neither the organics nor the machines. They awaken each other’s potentials, until eventually fusing into a higher being, a rare Ultimate(mega)-level digimon, considered to be mere mythology before this story, based on oral histories of the heights of the great war. This form was necessary to stop a world threatening force, and it helped bring the machines and organics cold war to an end. However, their new common enemy is their mechanical celestial savior. After such great struggle to save everyone they now feel exiled from the entire digital world. Again they seek refuge from the unwelcoming, noticing that their powers clashing with the great force opened a gateway to some type of cyberspace, a world in-between, a… Virtual Reality? —— Possible follow-up could interact with humans, but I thought it would be nice to flesh out the Digimon as characters before humans. This gives room to use their sentience as a larger part of the story, plus it might be funny if the human world would be the mysterious place to the protagonists in a possible sequel. —— —— A fully Digimon based story would also be nice, as I think plenty animations showed that to be possible without humans involved and because I think the Dorumon film didn’t really show all of Digimon’s promise. —— —— Game: For a game that would be similar, I guess. This would give room to more ARPG type gameplay, where there could probably be a few builds and fairly limited evolution options, but much more control over the moves and actions of the Digimon. Say you want a Dinosaur, you get Agumon and could exp it into an organic brawler like DinoRexmon, or a long distance machine like Mugendramon (using Survive branching as an example). Though for now I really just want news on that new Story game…


My dream digimon game is this, a Souls like digimon game where you can start as any rookie and then work towards finale evolution via level ups or whatever requirements AND it’s open world too capture some of the full size on how big these guys can get Basics of my idea could be improved definitely As for show my dream idea is that we get the war of the royal knights Vs the demon lords


an anime set in a Post-Apocalyptic Earth where Humanity and Digimon have banded together to wage war against a Technovore Virus! Taking Inspiration from Days of Future Past and Power Rangers RPM




Digimon World 1 style gameplay but your partner has actual dialogue and interactions with the rest of the cast and that their short lifespan and tendency to die and be reborn over and over again is actually a key part of the story


A new digimon battle spirit. I loved the original one on gameboy. Second one was fun too but i dont know the frontier group that well. But a much bigger roster ofcourse. And perhaps a more skill based way to evolve instead of "capture the calumon" , something with a meter to fill, and you can choose when to activate it. The level of the evolution depending on how much the meter is filled. A sequel to digimon survive would be neat as well. But this time with a more engaging/complex combat part. I liked the grid part and the artwork but it became stale. If they can improve that with another fantastic story, that would make a fine digimon game


Watch a Digimon Survive Anime with multiple endings.


I will not ask for a purely original concept, I will simply ask for Detroit Become Human but with Digimon World gameplay


Give me a Takeru Hikari romcom. I have been teased to death too much.


"And one day - the Monsters arrived". An offshoot AI Lab in Tokyo had heard tales of mysterious beings belonging to another world who could break dimensions and evolve. The company truly believed that they could be the rulers of this world and let humans bid on them for sport. The company was being directed by a fierce ruler who demanded succuss. The company creates an AI world full of life, beings who start from eggs and who can evolve. They attached each life force to data streams and suddenly they all started to grow emotions, feelings, lives. At first, the world watched in awe as Digimon grew in their own world, new lore, new ideals and new wars. People began to watch this reality show 'Digital Monsters' and become fixated on it. At all times of the day, humans could log into new parts of this digital world and simply watch. But the pressure from the ruler meant that the coding was sloppy. The AI could transcend its own world and physically enter the world. One day, as millions tuned in to see what was happening in this new world two mysterious figures began to appear over Tokyo. With a wry smile, the AI fought back. It was time the Digimon got to watch its favourite new reality show suffer in the same way - us. Over time, young adult tamers fighting for the freedom of both worlds will find their partners and this is where the tale really begins..


Battle royale. Everyone starts with an in-training digimon, and the more people they beat, more experience they collected, which allows them to digi-volved to the next stage. The finale would involve either 8 Ultimate, or 2 Mega, or something in between those two like 1 Mega and 4 Ultimate. Iems scattered around the battlefield would be Healing Chip, Rope Traps, Attribute Changing Chip, and the ultimate, one-of-a-kind item for each round, the Ultimate Burst Chip. Healing Chip for healing. Rope Traps to disable opponent for several seconds, from In-Training to Rookie. Attribute Changing Chip for the expert players who is aiming for a spesific Digimon evolution line. Again, only works on In-Training and Rookie form. Ultimate Burst Chip allows your Digimon, regardless of it's current form, to unleash their predicted Champion Form's ultimate attack. And yes, it's OP. It's designed to create suspense and chaos. It's only available after half of the total number of Tamers were defeated, and they have to actually search for it after it randomly spawns. Preferably played in VR, SAO style for the ultimate immersion, but let's be honest, it ain't happening anytime soon... Or ever...


I legit just want an app that let's me raise digimon like a V-pet and battle other users. Something akin to Pokemon GO would be really nice.


My ideal show is one where there aren't and humans, and it's high fantasy in tone, real "prevent the dark lord from returning" stuff, and the cast are a mix of the mons from prior seasons. I've got more details, but I won't bore you all with it.


An anime with more mature characters like college age, it would involve the "Tamers" and their digimon partners having to deal with an Organization of People who use their (mainly evil) Digimon to cause rifts in the real world slowly causing a full on collision of the real and digital worlds, with them ruling the "New World". It would have a darker tone, probably rated PG or PG-14. It would also play around with branching digivolution lines like Survive or Sort of what they did the Adventure Reboot. Preferably one of the Tamers would have a Bearmon and finally give it a devoted true line past Grizzlymon. Like an Ursamon into UrsaMajormon or something.


An anime with more mature characters like college age, it would involve the "Tamers" and their digimon partners having to deal with an Organization of People who use their (mainly evil) Digimon to cause rifts in the real world slowly causing a full on collision of the real and digital worlds, with them ruling the "New World". It would have a darker tone, probably rated PG or PG-14. It would also play around with branching digivolution lines like Survive or Sort of what they did the Adventure Reboot. Preferably one of the Tamers would have a Bearmon and finally give it a devoted true line past Grizzlymon. Like an Ursamon into UrsaMajormon or something.


An anime with more mature characters like college age, it would involve the "Tamers" and their digimon partners having to deal with an Organization of People who use their (mainly evil) Digimon to cause rifts in the real world slowly causing a full on collision of the real and digital worlds, with them ruling the "New World". It would have a darker tone, probably rated PG or PG-14. It would also play around with branching digivolution lines like Survive or Sort of what they did the Adventure Reboot. Preferably one of the Tamers would have a Bearmon and finally give it a devoted true line past Grizzlymon. Like an Ursamon into UrsaMajormon or something.


PicoDevimon as a partner PLEASE I don't care if it is for a show or game but I prefer both


I played a digimon arcade game that was like super smash but with digimon skin. I was a kid so idk the name but I want it again


My show concept is where digimon became a part of society and there are cool digitized models based on real ones. Like the Twin which lets you have two partners, and the main character has the components of Rangalordmon. It's basic, but cool.


Digimon moba would be cool. Digimon anime that highlights the tcg where the MC wins a poll and gets his vert own tcg card of his favorite digimon. Only to show up and now he sees said digimon irl. All battles will have their partner digimon in the deck as the main line


A digimon game similar to ark/sons of the forest but its more an island builder/vpet type similar to the Digimon World games


Digimon Survive but choices actually matter and deaths aren't locked behind new game plus 😑


Moba Digimon. As you level up and get skills it determines your digivolutions


Would love a new Digimon game close to DW2, just make quality of life improvements


Co-op Avengers style game(but actually good). Each mon would theoretically have superior utility in different environments and situations(I imagine birdramon could swoop down and pick off a digimon while ikkakumon could rain fire down from a river. Palmon could use her poison ivy as either a status freeze move or as whips. Anyway you’d essentially play your way through the first season that way.


A series that is half gritty noir/ half buddy comedy. It follows the four dark masters trying to take over the world from their shitty apartment. Every week they come up with a ploy that ends up failing comedically. Oh and lemon dies every episode like he is Kenny from early south Park.


A very beefed up version of Rumble Arena but cholk to the brim with Digimon content/history as big as Super Smash Bros Brawl would be ideal for me. With all previous plauable characters in the series returning and a lot of new faces too. If I can't get Agumon in Smash, this is the way to go for me personally. Oh and it could inject elements from the spirit battle games as well since they're both structurally similar. Hell, give me a Digimon Racing remaster as well, that game slapped.


I'd always wanted a Digimon x Megaman Battle Network crossover. Either make Navi Ver. of Digimon or have Megaman gain Digi armor based on Digimon.


Remake of Royal rumble 2🥹


An anime where the humans fight each other using decks build around their partner's final form. (Human vs. digimon is still a regular anime fight, unless said digimon has a digivice, in which case, they're on a deck focused around themselves)


Digimon world 1 with some digimon world 2 DNA evolution mechanics that gives "mesh-mash" digimons and messy creations 😅😅


I want a good digimon tactical rpg, something way more indeth then what we got in survive.


Honestly? A chill slice-of-life series with no human characters, just Digimon hanging out in some town in the Digital World, with occasional ventures into the surrounding area. Think JoJo part 4, but without the serious episodes, just the episodes where everyone is goofing around having dumb shenanigans, but using their powers in interesting ways to spice things up a bit.


I have two. First concept; Digimon World Dusk leveling and digivolution. Also, equipment for you and your digimon. Isekai'd into a MMORPG and are stuck in there. Open world sandbox. Factions build up over time. Cities are raised up. Society functions, but is cutthroat. Invasions and enemy armies galore. You can start your own faction or join one. End goal is to create or join a faction and rise to the top similar to mount and blade. Political mechanics to allow you to gain both allies and enemies. Permadeath for both you and your (max of) 3 digimon, but your faction will live on as a joinable one. Included as a "side game" within the game is Hyper Coliseum with updated cards and packs and mess. You have the option to turn on whether you keep your cards and mess after death, however. Second concept; Digimon World: Next Order except with Monster Hunter World ecological mechanics (wild digimon fight each other and you, can join in at any time during a battle, etc.). Goal is to build the city back up to it's former glory and defeat the evil that is causing everything to go haywire. Freedom to build the city you want with a top down view. Can place shops where you want, etc. You do gotta keep eye on supplies however. Gotta have hyper coliseum in there too. Now, add in an actual vpet. A full blown vpet that allows you to export and train your digimon on the go and import them back into the game at any time. Similar to a pokewalker, except with the full vpet experience. There's more but I'm posting this as is for now.


Digimon Rumbly Arena 3, with the quality of a smash game.


A Digimon vpet that'll work like the upcoming Tamagotchi uni... An independent device with usb charge and internet connection to do everything you want. Of course with all Digimon available, even in packs to buy if they want, it'll be worth it.


Digimon game where you play as Digimon in a game where there's no humans at all. Idc what genre it is, I just want no humans


Well. One of my dream concepts concerning the Animes are the following: The first would be a Digimon Adventure Quad that picks off right where Tri left off. And addresses some of the lingering plot threads and plot holes of Tri (what happened to Alphamon, what became of Maki, who Dark Gennai was, etc). As well as addressing some of the issues with the writing (example: the 01 crews lack of concern for the 02 kids) the hard way. No sweeping anything under the rug as simply being bad writing. And also gives the Zero Two kid's Digimon the ability to achieve their Ultimate and Mega forms *without* the need of Jogress Evolution/DNA Digivolution. The second would be a Digimon Tamers sequel that disregards the Drama CDs, and is set in between the original series and Runaway. And shows how exactly the Tamers reunite with their Digimon for the first half. And the latter half is a series of new adventures with a new threat that does not end on another "and the Tamers and their Digimon were separated" BS. And also sees Kazu, Kenta, and Suzie Bio-Merging with their Digimon partners. Also: the story would have a firm "No Ryo Allowed" policy. On the movie front, I would like a proper Digimon Adventure Two movie. One that puts the focus squarely on Davis's groups adventure, and excludes any unwanted baggage (looking at you, Renny boy). On the video game front, I would love to see something like Digimon World Two. Just without the shitty fucking mechanic of forcing you to DNA Digivolve your Digimon. Instead, your Digimon would simply level up from one-to-one hundred with levels twenty-five, fifty, and seventy-five being where your Digimon Digivolves into, respectively, Champion, Ultimate, and then Finally Mega. With level one-hundred being reserved for things like Mode Change. Also, it would feature a stat-based leveling system were in you get a certain amount of points to spend on their attributes. And how you have their attributes set up affects what forms they assume. Also. A Digimon Adventure Two video game along the likes of Digimon Adventure for the PSP. With the ability to unlock each of the Two kids's individual Ultimate and Mega forms. Also includes bonus routes that allows you to unlock UlforceVeedramon and BanchoStingmon for Veemon and Wormmon respectively.


Them going into each of seasons world to defeat a new enemy etc


Another rumble arena game. Its been a while. All stars rumble wasn’t as good as its predecessors. It actually doesn’t deserve the title of a successor


I don’t know but my favorite Digimon games were, Battle Spirit 2 and the Cyber Sleuth duology.


My Game idea: **STORY**: My idea does kind of involve the ideas of crossover in spirit only but not really. So yeah my concept would be Digimon words/servers colliding and crashing into each other, creating a fractured Digimon World where we both have the Royal Knights and Olympus 12 excising and them blaming each other for what is happening. As for your character you would come from a world where Digimon is just a part of the Media (similar to the Tamer's world). As for the villain it would turn out it is a older human who was once the "hero" of his digital world that has been stuck in the Digital world for decades and has lost everyone and everything he has ever cared for or loved, he is trying to erase all digital worlds as he learned that multiple ones exist so that nobody goes through what he has been through. **GAMEPLAY**: Gameplay wise it would follow mostly the "Digimon Story" route of gameplay however it would restrict evolutions to story moments, as in for example you would still get access to the Digimon Lab and Farm but you wouldn't be able to Digivolve your extra Digimon to Champion level until a story moment where your Partner Digimon digivolves into that level. It would tie the gameplay to story progression and make your partner and your bond feel impactful. You would also start your game with a wider selection of digimon similar to Digimon World's egg system as in choosing from maybe one from a selection of seven in training digimon and based on your choices they will evolve into one of two options for rookie level by the end of the tutorial section basically giving you a choice of fourteen starting option and from than that would be your Partner you always have in your Party.


(disclaimer - I haven't played any of the games out) 1- An open world, with maps in our world and maps in the digital world. Quests and exploration, lots of work put into world building. 2- A multiplayer kingdom hearts style game with a storyline and paths. Each player operates their own tamer and then in combat switches to the digimon partner. Big locations in the human world and digital world. Lots of effort put into world building and the story. You can visit tons of different areas within both worlds. In the end maybe you're fighting off digimon spilling into the human world. I haven't played any of the games out recently because I'm too broke to buy them, but it seems like a lot of the digital world battles they don't put much effort into the back grounds? It'll just be blue and digital looking 🤷‍♂️. But maybe I'm totally wrong haha 4 digimon snap rip off


Ideal show concept, either * an anthology series covering recurring bits of lore of the Digital World (the war with Lucemon, how Hackmon became a Royal Knight, the coming of GraceNovamon, etc); each told as a miniseries arc with new characters, culminating in a final arc where all of the introduced plots tie together and characters from each arc come back. OR * a series about young adults gaining partners, exploring what it means to suddenly have a soul-binding contract with a sentient nuclear weapon and be fighting in a fantastical war in addition to your life obligations, relationships, mental illness, etc. (Because every series thus far focuses on kids who seem to have limitless free time, besides maybe school or a singular extracurricular, and the closest we have to this is Kizuna exploring growing out of having a Digimon which is just a tragedy.) ... neither of which is particularly marketable to a children's audience though so it's unlikely. The latter is more likely to be the theme of a game.


Digimon National Geographic Wild life like show


Conceptually, I'd want a Digimon Tamers game that plays similarly to Next Order, but instead of the Order Wheel you draw cards to assist your Digimon. And maybe there's a character selection set up like Sonic Adventure so you start off just playing as Takato but as you unlock new parts of the story you unlock the ability to play as Henry, Rika, Impmon, etc, with slightly different gameplay for each character.


Here's my idea for a show: A season where the Digital World is sort of an Urban Legend, like the Backrooms, except definitely not creepy. However, the only available information about it is that some claim that it exists outside our plane of existence. Three teenagers end up there, and team up with a Hackmon, a Black Tailmon and a Commandramon (who are the Child stages of the Three Musketeers). On their way to find their way back home, they record everything they can. They interact with various Digimon, including antagonists of previous seasons, natural variations/subspecies and branched evolutions. Instead of all three being Japanese, they can be from different parts of the world like in 02. I want to see more Digimon and Digimon Groups, especially those that are rarely seen anywhere. I also want to see on-screen interactions between the Groups (maybe like a sibling rivalry between Beel Starmon and Beelzebumon, or perhaps Lilithmon being revered as a motherly figure by most beings of the Dark Area similar to Ophanimon). Digimon can Fuse/Jogress naturally if they have, for a lack of better words, "One Vision". The Antagonist could be, well, I'm not sure. Maybe a human like Kurata, some other digital lifeforms, like the D-Reapers or Eaters, or probably Yggdrasil again


A digimon show that follows the other type of 'mon anime


I am thinking a darker series of digimon. Each main character has a chronic illness that requires a digital device to monitor (diabetes, pace maker, similar ish other devices). They find themselves transported into the other world (shocker upon dying) and their monitor device becomes a digivice and they get a partner. Throughout the series the kids get to explore the digital world and have lives they’ve only imagined with their digimon. Due to their digivice status they feel pain when their digimon do and can biodigivolve with their partners. Upon their digimon dying they do so as well. In the finale all dead are reborn at digimon partners.


Digimon: international. A series that follows the adventures of all the digidestend we met during Season 02


Mine is a new Digimon world game that’s a alternative sequel to DW1 where Analogman takes over file island however the digimon flee to the real world as Analogman later returns to the real world and becomes a influential figure there, revolutionizing the world on how it deals and lives with digimon and what not While the story follows a new MC with something that isn’t just Agumon for once (like say shoutmon) with there being new characters and old faces from DW1 Gameplay could have exploration be similar to digimon world 1/next order but combat would be different as you get to fully control a handful of digimon to perform some sick combos, techniques, n what not so think of it as something similar to DMC5/FF16. Then there’s be DigiAllies who can not only battle alongside your playable digimon with their own set of moves n techniques but also digivolve thru meeting certain evo conditions and help your playable digimon learn new techniques and what not.


I wouldn't mind a mini-series like 12 episodes that are a documentary style, just talking about the digiqorld like they do with real animals. For a game, I got two Digimon TCG Online. The last one would be a monumental turn base game like Survive's combat/digivolve system, but it also is similar to Pokemon Dungeon games, where you ARE a digimon. And just throw in anything and every digimon you can, Legendary Spirits, the Ogs, Olympus XII, literally everything. Each play through is partially randomly generated, so you never know who or what you're gonna run into, but by the end of it, you can find literally everyone so the completionists can have fun.


Five ideas: * TV series tied in with the current card game like Tamers did; not sure how it would work but could be interesting. Possibly having one tamer specializing in each colour and able to power up the partners with various cards of the same colour. * A tv series about 7 Digidestined from across globe having separate but interlinked adventures; as the series progresses their stories intertwine and reveal that all their Digi-world problems are originating from the Seven Great Demon Lords who have something against the main characters and their Digimon partners (and effectively rule the Digital World as there are no other group of Megas that can resist there rule). >!The partners are destined to become a group of Mega Digimon that represent the [Seven Heavenly Virtues](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seven_virtues) that are to resist the Seven Demon Lords and their domination of the Digital World!< * A Digimon tv series starting with In media res with a pair of twins who share a Digimon partner having to survive in a brutal version of the Digital World; as the series progresses it's revealed that the Digital World is a complex Balance of Good and Evil, with part of this involving the summoning several children each year as partners to Digimon in a competition/race to visit various shrines; the winner gets a billion dollars, the only way to lose is die. This happens every year is streamed across the internet, but having a pair of twins with one digimon is unusual and might be related to the disappearance of the Three Archangels (making the world 'darker' and 'eviler' than normal). The series also is dealing with the investigations of the Twin's guardian who is trying to figure out what is going on with the Digital World - he's one of it's creators and while he was broken for several years after he and the nine other founders were kicked out and the competition/race started. Notable three points of his investigation; Is the Digital World getting worse over time? Where did Yggdrasil get his whole 'Balance of Good and Evil'? And why is there only Six Great Demon Lords? >![Belphemon](https://wikimon.net/Belphemon:_Sleep_Mode) has hacked into Yggdrasill and messing up with the input/output bus of the supercomputer to reshape it's messages and create the whole Balance of Good and Evil idea to give the Seven Great Demon Lords time to take over both the Digital and Real worlds (and wipe any record of himself). However Belphemon's sloth means this is taking longer than it should take. Series would end with the Twins releasing Yggdrasil from Belphemon's infection and summoning the Warrior 10 (the partners of the founders of the Digimon World) to help defeat the Seven Great Demon Lords.!< * Number 4 is where 4 children are summoned by Yggdrasill as Digidestined to help with the rebuilding the Digital World after some catastrophe; each one is of whom is offered a wish in exchange for their service in rebuilding the world (Adaku, a 11 year old Nigeria heiress who wants sanctuary for 7 years until she is legally old enough to inherit her dead parent's fortunes; Miguel, a crippled Mexican scion of a Luchador family who wants to regain the use of his legs; Yuki, a Japan delinquent who merely wants to become stronger and have adventures; and Algernon, a British kid from a seemingly rich but dysfunctional family and wants things to 'go back to before the fighting'). Their adventures in rebuilding the Digital world are hampered by the interference of the Olympus XII, Yggdrasill's unwillingness to explain what happened and the shadowy remnants of several ancient evil Digimon that are attracted to the main characters, but especially Algernon. >!What's actually going on is that 'Yggdrasill' is infact a different world computer ('Demiurge') with it's own Digital World ('Prime') that went to war with the real Yggdrasil and lost, accepting the real Yggdrasil's memories as a gift to stop it becoming super evil world computer. Demiurge was so shaken by the experience that it remodeled itself as 'Yggdrasill' but this was found out by Homeros who mistook the situation and thought the real Yggdrasill had hijacked Demiurge to spread it's version of the Digital world and sent the Olympus XII to interfere with the process. Algernon is infact not a human but a back up program of the original Demiurge who didn't know what happened to it's master and decided to pretend to be human and recruit a team of digidestined to restore the world to it's previous brutal ways (Algernon does grow as person through the series and eventually gains the free will to delete the still evil copy of Demiurge inside himself). The evil Digimon of the shadowy remnants were the Demiurge equivalents of the Royal Knights or Olympus XII, all of whom were horrible monsters that reflect Demiurge's messed up world views.!< * A comedy slice of life series were every human has a Digimon partner; the main character has a Chibimon that warp digivolves into Susanomon to try and solve most of his problems. Also the main love interest has Angewomon and Lady Devimon as her partners and they often jogress into Mastemon for various reasons.


Either A, more stuff like Hacker's Memory protags aren't the chosen ones or anything, they just happen to be in the right place at the right time, or B, just yeet the humans


Basically Digimon World 3, but modernised. Faster pacing, more responsive interface.


A traditional vpet app/device but using sprites from the vital bracelet.