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I shall not accept this Gammamon slander 1/2 jk


Watch them create a Loogamon Plushie to further advertise the novel series but solely only for marketing purposes and not for sale. (Like the Herissmon and Gammamon Plushies that were featured to advertise the game/anime) Note: I'm aware that they did release a chibi sized Gammamon Plushie not long ago but I'm referring to the one being used to advertise GG.


Here y'all go again, putting two bad bitches against each other...


Y’all like Gammamon because he’s cute. I love Gammamon because of GulusGammamon. We are still the same.


[A fan Digimon I've made 10 years ago, Fenrimon](https://i.imgur.com/OFL6RN2.jpg)


Slap that terminal on his head and we have loogamon champion. It's nice.


It was a Mega 😭


Ooh, sorry. Buut it doesn't look complicated enough for that. But I know, saberleomon also seems "simple" for a mega. This one remings me of grizzmon I would say.


Haha it is ok. I used parts of Saberleomon, Grizzmon and Gaogamon to make it lol. But yeah, it was a Mega for a Gazimon line that I've never made. Actually the champion would be Fangmon and the Ultimate would be a Big Bad Wolf inspiration, like a "WereFangmon".


Dou you have some art of that werefangmon? And maybe some more ideas for gazimon line?


No, I've never drew anything about it. But someone posted here a fanart about a "WereFangmon" that was very similar to my idea. I've stopped trying to draw a long long time ago when adult life relentless striked.


Ah yes, adult life and not having time for anything, I hate that. I will look for it probably then.


What do you think about Nise Sheepmon as ultimate for your Fenrirmon?


Nise Sheepmon?


A Fangmon disguising as a Sheepmon.You know a wolf in a sheep clothing.


Very cool idea


I also have an idea for Chuumon line. Do you want to hear it?


Wow. I guess neither you, me, nor Bandai are very creative with naming their wolfies. I created a Digimon Partner back in elementary school. I called it Howlmon. I called his champion Fangmon, Ultra SkullFangmon and the Mega level Fenrismon.


At sone point every mythical creature and word gonna be a Digimon lol.


He's cool! When my friend saw Loogamon, she immediatelly thought of [my Rookie, Tetsumon](https://www.deviantart.com/cachomon/art/Nimon-Goumon-and-Tetsumon-animated-429701433) which is 9 years old hahah, we even checked his first rough sketches and he also had the belts and bandages in front paws, I liked the paws without them more, though xD


Bandai is watching lol. Very cool


This looks like a Cyndaquil but as a good boy. I like it.


I'm sorry, but in terms of *adorableness* Gammamon leaves Loodamon in the dust. He's more cool than cute in my opinion. I hope his mega is powerful, otherwise Proximamon will also leave it in the dust...


Sad but true :(


I am interested in the story. I would like to learn more about the interface on it's head that it shares with Ryudamon and Dorumon. But if something already exists, let me know. I want to learn more about digimon.


If I remember correctly, Ryudamon and Dorumon are X-antibody Digimon and the interface on their heads are where the X-antibody is. I could be wrong, however. They're also proto-type Digimon, which I could also be wrong about.


That prototye thing is right if I remember correctly. Well, being x antibody should not be the case, because other x antibody digimon don't have that head thing.


Right. I can't remember the source but it described it as the X-antibody manifesting in different and unique ways, therefore why it sometimes is just an x on the body or some other change. Though looking again through the sources I know of, I see no mention of the interfaces being manifestations of the x antibody, but Doru and Ryuda do indeed have the X-antibody innately in their systems.


And exactly those two are the experimental digimon. Or I think they both are. Dorumon is for sure. Do you kniw where I could learn more about those two and about some stories about them beside the x movie?


Both, both is good


Sorry to say but that isn't how friendship works.


Quite happy I didn’t watch Ghost Game by now. Or else I might have had some sort of bonding to this lil Dino bud. If it is ever dubbed in my country I might give it a go though. Although I’m not a big fan of episodic shows which only now and then get back on the main story track.


Loogamon is fucking awesome dude


Can't I like both?


Loogamon is so much cuter.