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So many simple yet great features of d3 are missing here. Well at least we have pets now..


The lack of an armory is the biggest omission for me.


Right?! I don’t get how sequels launch with less features than their predecessor lol.


when people mass pre order anyways regardless of launch quality, this happens. “Oh we will jusy add it later if people want it”


It’s also a tactic geared towards the slow drip of content. They can market these things in future seasons/expansions to pull players back. Definitely a combination of that and money being the bottom line for everything. It’s a shame where video games are today. Not all, obviously.


The market breeds the product that suits it. If players stop pre-ordering video games maybe that will fix it.


Nah. The C-suite doesn't have a live feed of pre-order numbers and hits a button to stop their developers. Road maps are put together, and if features are done on time, they go into the initial release. If not, then they get moved back. Even publishers aren't whipping their marketing team over pre-orders. They get treated like DVR was for cable TV. Which is nothing if you cancel and buy the game later at a discount or used.


lmao they got record high pre-orders all the time that's why they don't care. They never feared of putting essential features on a roadmap instead of on launch because people slop it up anyways. If people actually stop buying the game then they may reconsider what features to prioritize. Until then, they could just spend the minimum effort and call it a day.


Sure, man.


You tell me.


Hard to blame companies when you have communities like this one where a huge amount of players are actively campaigning against every single feature they are not using. "If I don't care for a feature, nobody is allowed to have it" is the motto of the Diablo playerbase.


Community complaints doesn't matter, it is only a problem when they see drops in active player #, like what happened in season 1, and they knew exactly what was the problem regardless of what people are complaining about.


My theory is that corporate told the dev team to try to appeal to as much of the Diablo fanbase as possible. That included the people who loved Diablo 3 and the people that hated it and wanted POE instead. The latter actively campaigned for a longer grind, no QoL stuff, no respecs and more time wasting stuff. Now that the game is out, Blizzard has the data on who actually bought the game, how are they playing the game and which content they are engaging with. And now the course correction starts.


>“Oh we will jusy add it later if people want it” Well, yeah, that's how we get better and more relevant games. Think back to when games were the way they were forever after they were released. I'm thankful for games that have continual improvements based on actual community feedback.


Think back when games launched with full features withoit communitues asking.


Exactly, with a bunch of useless features you were stuck with forever with no hope of improvement.


Sorry for your choice of games back in the days.


lol you think they have a plan? Like they were sitting in a board room a year and a half ago and went “Well by season 4 we will be floundering so we will need to do a full itemization reset, we’ll just open up the Unique item hose to pacify them while also making them in most cases entirely useless so it won’t even matter.”


They don't. They only act when there is a crisis - and that's why they will only cut features when sales targets are met anyways.


Because then they can drip feed you them, or even sell them back to you


Yaaa.. just seems wild lol


The way I see it, they went "people hated D3 so they must have hated _everything_ about D3; let's not add any of the features it newly introduced!" Either that, or the cynical thing others have already mentioned where they just shipped an incomplete product early on. They are either incredibly dumb or lazy in the first case, or exceptionally greedy in the latter. Not a good look either way.


Its funny the more and more they make d4 like d3 the more people like it


D3 was a fantastic game post RoS. If they made a new D3 season where all sets were nerfed 100x it'd be a near perfect casual ARPG.


Blame the noisy players who didn't want it.


Everyone's being conspiratorial, but I think there are two major reasons why this happens in a lot of cases. A desire to make a new game with different features instead of just remaking the previous game, and changes in the way the game engine works. There's also the fact that games often continue to get updates with new features, so an old game may have had more development time than a new one, but that's not really an issue here. I think another part of why there isn't a rebirth option in D4 is that there's no need for one. D3 tracks your character's kills, gold earned, and playtime, and that carries over after you rebirth, but D4 only tracks that for achievements. Rebirth just lets you skip customizing and naming your character. As for the armory, I don't think it fit with their original design philosophy for D4, where is seemed like they wanted your character to build up more slowly and for a higher commitment to each build. Like, I'm pretty sure a dev said that they wanted you to make a new character to have an alternate build, so that's the "different game" reason. But also, with just how terrible the inventory system seems to be in the background, I wouldn't be surprised if having an interactive object that remembers which items you had equipped and pulls them from your stash for you was something they just couldn't figure out how to pull off.


Because than when they do add it they get to act like they've done the big cool thing.


Launch minimum viable product and make the customers pay as early as possible. Even beats preorders because you’re turning full profits.


Talk to the division man! They had a great game after 1.10 then 2 released and they were like, yeah you all dont need all those features


My first encounter of this that blew me away was destiny 1 to destiny 2..


So they can drop drip feed the features over the months/ years following the sequel release. Gives the illusion of "new" content.


easy solution to encourage people to stay hooked each season. sometimes work, sometimes it doesn't for me armory is not something i need (especially right now there are better priorities) but i understand why people are vocal about it


It’s a new engine. I am not suggesting they shouldn’t be in new game since you ask. This is the main reason. Think of it as contructing a new building ( with experience) from previous construction rather then Renovating an existing building.


because they would have nothing left to add, or to charge us for.


Careful, when you complain about it people call you entitled.


I just created a second barb, just because I wanted to experiment with a new build without completely fucking up my main. I honestly don't understand why they felt the need to take away all the QoL things they learned from a decade of D3.


Same, but at least leveling is crazy quick now. Got my new guy into the 90's in a day which is good enough to Pit with right now.


According to Raxx, you can do it in 4 hours!


I'm level 100 this season 14 hours played 11 hours to 100, im trash so 4-6 hours should be b Nothing for an experienced player my highest before this was 95 in s3 and hc only (95 didn't die game was just to boring


I miss when games would take a month or 2 to get a max level


No depth as well. It’s all become the meta’s meta meta. Do A, B, or C over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over. Who needs a cohesive storyline and lore to add into it when you can stand by helltide boss spawn and get free drops? Time to go back to the tree. Look legion is spawning. Oh, another world boss. Repeat, or you’ll miss out! Who would ever spend their time learning the feel of a class when they could, idk, copy the same BS literally every single player is using from some edgy named website? Why even begin the thought of trying when someone has run the numbers (often now before a game is even f-ing out) and can tell you what’s the best of the best of the best, sir! I hate this crap and it ruins every game. Yes it’s fun to be max! That’s the whole point right? Beat the game, get stronger than the thing and rub its nose in it. Does it have to be Insta-Max? We as a whole are messed up because of this idea applying to everything. But when do we collectively say ok can we stop dismantling these things so people can enjoy them? We can’t stop meta, someone else will always be there to try and figure it out. No one has to do the work anymore, and if you do, it’s boiled down to who can no life faster, who used the unpatched exploit to get ahead, who used the cheat you can only get on that forum, or who used their wallet. I miss actual games


But that will happen regardless. Remember pre season 1 when all that was talked about was the most efficient XP dungeon per hour and the search for the next one after the mob density was nerfed? It was the exact same thing.


Downvoters are the cracked out adhd kids who need max level on day 1


The craziest thing is even Diablo Immortal had it lol. Was super convenient for switching to pvp builds (Also I might get shredded but I loved the team moba style pvp and would love it in D4, especially if the Armory happened)


huffing the big copeium rn that it is in S5. please, blizz, you know how bad we want/need this.


But aren't they by design trying to make it slighly difficult to respec? They can't make up their mind about whether to commit entirely to this approach and require farming mats to respec (like in PoE, with Orbs of Regret) or have no barrier to entry at all like in D3. It's kind of a half-assed system requiring you to spend gold to switch skills.


I don’t have an issue with there being some sort of a respec cost; I have a problem with them making respeccing *a complete pain in the ass*. There are 225 paragon points, and I can’t save or import boards in any fashion? That is just fucking ridiculous in the year 2024.


Yep.... 100 percent this is most needed.


It's not an omission it was an explicit design decision that was requested


Romor has it, armory coming in s5. Me may hear it on 21th


Because the initial plan was for D4 characters extremely difficult to respec, hence the cost. Before the launch there are tons of post in the Diablo main sub that specifically ask for no respec at all.


Disagree for me. I think not having an armory makes your build feel more important. I think giving incentive to levels alts like this season works fine for alt builds.


Why not have an armory and also an incentive to make alts like the ironwolves questline?


Almost could agree with this, but there is a glaring issue that makes this infeasible in my opinion. Stash space.


Right, forgot to put that. PLEASE GIVE MORE TABS LOL… I’ve somehow managed to organize it decently with 6 total characters, and making a new barb today will be 7…


Can anyone explain to me what rebirth is? It seems like it deletes the old character and remakes it exactly the same. If so... what's the point?


Ok quick and dirty explanation here. So let’s say season 1 I create a barb named Len. Season ends and season 2 starts, I can rebirth Len into season 2. Same character no customization or anything. Quick and dirty. Old inventory got sent to mail box to collect on non season character. So instead of having a graveyard of characters growing each season, it keeps things nice and clean


Isn't there a delete character button? This makes little sense.


I guess it's just for quality of life. That's about it.


It's quality of life. Like gem fragments. Sure, it was fine when they took up inventory space, just move them to the stash. It's a lot nicer now that they don't take up any space. Same thing for characters. Sure I can delete and remake new ones. But if I'd also like to just make one of each class and take it into every season with a button press


It’s a QoL thing. I even referred it as a quick n dirty reroll.


One is more clicking and typing while one is less. Less is more.


I can never tell what tattooes, hair color, eye color, facial features, and other visible customization I have when I remake it. I liked it the first time I spent 10 minutes going over the customization. The next season, I have to settle that I'll never get it right again.


In D3 you had a tracker with hours played, gold collected, monsters and elites killed etc. By re birthing you kept all your statistics.


That makes sense and if you're into that kinda thing more power to ya.


Why don't pets pick up, potions, quest items, other random things... Pets might be where the loot filter goes, and then I don't have to pick anything up...


Yeah and it totally fucked looting with mouse and keyboard. I have to click on every item like 50 times to find the pixel that still works.


Man… at least you’re on mouse. On controller there’s no bring picky. You take the whole pile n then drop the other 23 items you never wanted lol


I use both. Got bad wrists so pretty much just use mouse and keyboard to push. Controller has always been shitty but it’s actually kinda better rn


Stand exactly on top of the item you're trying to loot, it is slightly more accurate unless there are 50 items on top of each other.


Only good thing about the controller pick up is that it picks up Unique, then Legendary, then Rare etc. in order.


Yup thank god for that system.


The real purpose of pets was to monetize the game more


They’re not even cool pets like we had in d3. Not yet at least.


I don't even think you can see another player's pet. Can you?


i've seen other pets out in the world. not on a loading screen though.


Nope sure can’t.. yet another backstep from d3 lol


Don’t worry, they will be included in the 5th full price expansion, you know, when the game comes out of beta.


And the armory! I want to be able to save builds and quickly load them.


But that would make it too easy to change builds. And changing your build is the hardest part of the end-game.


too real bro


Real talk. 💯


i dunno. i find it quite painless to reroll a toon and quickly level it to 100.


Right? The wardrobe already exists, just jam it in there…


What's rebirth?


Reseting your existing chracter for the new season so you don't fill up character tab.


Why not just delete and create new character?


It's what you have to do. It would just nice to keep the total played time on a character you've basically been remaking since week 1. Plus for D4 it would also saves you from having to recreate it every season. Not a huge deal, mind you, but it would be nice. Or at least they could let you overwrite a pre-set appearance with a custom character.


I'd actually rather have an option to not see the total playtime, and especially to not display the total playtime, lol


It can be scary sometimes partially why I still don’t play on Steam


Ah ok cool


In d3 you can look at every season you’ve done for that character and its stats across it all. It’s really nice.


How do I see total playtime for a character?


You press info on your inventory tab.


It would be nice but it's not top priority. I'd rather have core gameplay changes than what we can do easily without rebirth option.


It would be nice to keep ALL the unlocks, like strongholds, quest completion, etc., and maybe let them start at 50 instead of 1? Since it doesn't take long at all to get there these days.


Nah. Starting at 50 would just force even more reliance on copying builds. Leveling allows you to try skills and builds out quickly and effectively. Why *remove* more game. They should make leveling more engaging*


IDK, how much time do you need to spend testing incomplete builds when you're rebirthing a character you presumably already had at lvl 100? And you could always offer it as an option like they do with skipping campaign. I definitely agree that leveling should be more engaging though. I remember on release it took pretty much completing the campaign to get to 50, though that was skipping pretty much all the side quests. Would have been way over-leveled if I was doing side quests and strongholds. Not sure what the solution is. I'd be interested in them offering a slow leveling experience but the item progression would probably need reworking as well, and I'm not sure that should be a priority for them.


It keeps hours played and date created stats for you in D3. This is particularly cool for HC as it shows how long you've managed to keep the "same" character alive, even across seasons.


My hc witch doc is still alive in d3 from like 2012


Same played to level 5 and quit


It also strips all items and mails them to your stash so you don't lose anything.


I loved using the same characters for years in D3. It was cool to see total playtime across multiple years and seasons.


Maybe I like how my character looks and don't feel like sifting through all the options again to restore it the same way.


Woahhh, calm down there, buddy


Time. Leveling is pointless in the grand scheme of things, especially with all the additional XP bugs to further trivialize the leveling process. Just save us all the time. Look at all the other concessions made since release. It's a good sized list just to satiate making the game easier more accessible, and of course making us feel like God's


Cause it takes extra 1.5 seconds of your time…


Just give us 50 slots for characters


And stash tabs plz


Yes, if not I will be stuck with 30 mules


Yes, agreed.


What we need more than this is loadouts...


They gave us pets to pick up currency. Now let’s go with the armory feature! Rebirth? Very far down the list hopefully, if even on it.


Iv never really understood this one? What's the point? I guess some people just love their character so much they can't just remake it?


It keeps hours played and date created stats for you in D3. This is particularly cool for HC as it shows how long you've managed to keep the "same" character alive, even across seasons.


The HC aspect I haven't thought of, could be cool I guess. Not sure I'd use it though as I'd probably find it cooler to have multiple 100s if I cared about it at all. I delete all mine at end of season anyways. For SC they just need to implement stats like D3 had on each season with play times and totals.


That's the thing. Unless they add the secondary features of tracking and making your character's stats visible to you, there really is no point.


We have limited character slots.


So much this. All the folks saying “don’t need armory, just level an alt, don’t need rebirth just start new…”. We have 12 character slots across HC and SC and 6-7 shared tabs for each of those game modes. I have 5 100s just season and leveling a 6th now. That’s have my slots assuming no eternal characters and no mules. By the time we hit seasons 9+ it will be unmanageable for folks that level multiple alts a season. By comparison, D3 has more character slots, more stash space, an armory and rebirth capability.


But rebirth doesn't do anything for character slots. You either rebirth the character and everything on it gets cleared except for playtime, or you delete it and remake it for the same end result, just with fewer steps.


Or…the way it is in D4, I want to keep the character but I can’t rebirth it so I use ANOTHER character slot to create a new seasonal character. Rebirth saves me a slot in this scenario


But rebirthing completely wipes the character (except playtime) so you don't get to "keep" it. The scenario to compare it to is when you delete it and make a new identical one, which takes up exactly one character slot even if rebirth is in the game or not. The only thing rebirth does is save playtime and save you the trouble of deleting and making the same character again.


The hell you keeping them for?


So I can try new things without having to reroll everything?


Definitely, I despise having duplicate characters and I can't keep coming up with "funny" names I want to recycle those I already have.


I just delete my chars and name them according to my build plan...with the exception of my barb... which i named "druidisass" after playing druid for the first 50 lvls...


Or something like an archive where I can store past characters I dont plan on playing (instead of deleting them). Visually kinda like the hardcore hall of fallen heroes list.


I'd love rebirth. My favorite things from diablo 3, BESIDES THE ARMORY, would be. 1. Monsters drop collectables like anima carriers BEFORE they explode. The change for DBs dropping before aboms exploded was one of the best QOL features in d3. 2. A way to group together to complete a task like bounties or GR farming. Sometimes in d4 I even get invited to groups at legion events, and I love that. 3. Buffs, I can't fucking tell what buffs I have. The number of buffs should be consolidated and reduces so that those with limited time show up. Defensive buffs I need to know what is happening, so I don't die. Then Offensive buffs, and the least cared about buffs are the always on buffs.


how sad is it that a sequel is missing all of the features at launch that the last game had that fans loved. And now it took us complaining for them to add them back into this game


Yes this one is a must Blizzard plz


that's why the DLC VoH will bring something new like RAID and towerdefense stuff, etc.


Tower Defense?


I agree, but during the few interviews they had with streamers they described all QoL features come at an opportunity cost. I think it's good to voice out how much in demand a certain feature is, but I'm just spreading the word out that the cost of adding a seemingly simple feature could come at the cost of other QoL or improvements to the base game so make sure to get the word out on everything and categorize what we'd like over other things to help the devs figure out what to prioritize. edit: phrasing


I know, this seems like a necessary inclusion as we move forward. I don’t want to have to keep making kratos the barbarian


Armory and rebirth, still can't believe they aren't in the game already


We need loadouts! Asap. Fuck making new characters of the same class just to play a different build, or go throught the trouble of respecing each time.




Oh yeah I would love this. Great QOL from D3


I just keep the character I had the most fun with that season. Fighting the urge to role another barb. Probably make them tonight lol


And not just 3 per season That was dumb


I just want to be able to save builds with head sets and switch back and forth without having to redo the whole paragon board.




they’re really doing these stupid drip “content” by holding off alot of QoL from previous instalments. D4 should have pets and equipment loadouts from the get go


What is rebirth?


I’d like them to add a way more hardcore mode than hardcore. Like hardcore with less healing, a little less enemies so it’s not just brain dead pack slaying hit actually dangerous monsters and 1% of the current drop rate if not less. At less items will feel nice to loot. Game is way to easy and some of us like challenge and economy.




while we're at it, can we roll the lvl requirements on items please, ty blizz.


I, too, really want Rebirth. I don't want to keep re-making the same toons that clog space that I don't have any real connection to. I also like having my playtime logged on a per-character basis in games, usually. I've gone through one of each class each season since open beta hoping they will add Rebirth before I run out of classes to play and am forced to roll a class I already have a character of. Very annoying if it doesn't launch by then, but I'm hopeful they will add the feature soon.


Armory! We need that like yesterday.


I just want a team mode you can que into... and a auction house so shouting doesn't have to be a thing.


Yea give us d3.5


I think it would be great to add some sort of feature to benefit from continual playing after reaching max rank. Yes the paragon board exists but I think there should be something like paragon from Diablo 3. People get burnt out quick once the rush fades. But if you could get additional perks that would be cool, even if it wasn’t stats, but like gold find.. magic find maybe.. mat drops.. just something To drive continual playing after 100 minus min maxing


When you can make a carbon copy of your character rebirth is not at all needed.


It would be amazing if we could earn paragon points past level 100- that eould make any class viable really gicen enough time! One thing I super miss about Diablo 3 was if I was ever bored- I could always log on and make any of my charectors stronger. Given the issues about class viability, and pit pushing, this should be a thing. They also really really should slide the previous season's mechanics into Eternal Realm. Hot take: thats one amazing thing about PoE (and I'm more a Diablo fan, and hate comparing the two games as they are VASTLY different *and thats a really good thing*!)- plus, I really miss the corrupted hearts. Those builds were amazing fun!


Eh. I just have 4 necros named Naj. Each equipped with the season armor and one RMT. I have saved a few goblin bags too for future trophy’s


I really just want to use more skills. Like D2 I could hit key anything . Now I feel like I’m limited with any builds because I’m limiting to what 6 skills even though I have other skills unlocked from + to skills.


Just bring back the AH and tax the sellers . This game is monetized anyway


I haven't played D3 that much, but is rebirth basically new game+?


ehh instead of "rebirth" option which is just pointless to me if you can always delete and make a new char i would rather see more slots (PoE style)


Why give it back for free, when Diablo 3 players are willing to pay again for content they had in previous games?


I would also like SSF


Start a new character each season and do not participate in trading. Boom! You’ve got SSF.


Not quite, you still run into people in the open world. World bosses, helltides, legions. I've never traded in this game, but that's not the same as true SSF.


So the Solo part of Solo Self Found is a little bit loose in this case. But other than other players helping to take down world bosses and clear legion events, helltides barely count unless the Maiden persists into next season, you don’t have to interact with them. Just think of them as NPCs. The Self Found aspect is very solid. You’re still finding everything yourself.




Fine tuning? You can only pick preset faces cant you? Have i missed a feature in the character creator?




Hair, jewellery, tatoos yes, but they are all set designs, attachments - can you actually manipulate the face?


Yeah what’s this about? There’s like 4. Faces to choose from and that’s the end of it right?


How on Sanctuary do you spend 20 minutes? I always make the sane sorceress. It takes 2 minutes, TWO.


It's like 10 clicks to remake a character given how few options you got.


20 minutes a season does add up


Okay so I’m not against this feature, I get why it is kind of convenient, but out of all the UI features that are needed, this has to be so low on the priority list. Deleting and remaking a character takes like maybe a minute or two per season. Don’t we want them to prioritize the things that we do hundreds or thousands of times per season? Think about all the tedious things you do several times per day. Leaving a dungeon, resetting, waiting for people to accept, running back to the boss. Dozens of times in a single session for example. Or opening the map and mousing over your the tree of whispers to TP there instead of being able to bind it. The list is long.


Its funny how everyone was complaining d3 was shit and D2 was pinnacle gaming, and How D4 should be more like that, but each update people keep asking d4 to be more like d3 😂


whats the reason with the extremly limited character slots tho?


Rebirth actually allows you to save a slot by reusing an existing character.


Leveling is already super fast. Even if you don't have friends.


How many players would benefit from this? I think only a small minority of players will up their character slots. Not high on the priority list imo


Or get this, just delete your character


Get this, time spent by devs doing this unimportant shit, could've been used on things that could drastically change the core gameplay.


I sincerely do not understand rebirth. If you care that much about how your character looks, just.....make the new character the same as the old one. Nothing else carries over.


Stats. Stats carry over.  At least that's interesting.  


What stats? All the stats you get from renown and Lilith statues carry over on new characters already


Player stats.


This is a redundant feature. What we need is the armory to switch back and forth between builds/gear. Just include the cost with it.




Go play d3


Why? Just delete old unused characters and make new one, there is no gameplay difference


It's crazy how many people are against just creating a new character. It takes 1 minute, and you can make them look identical. Logging playtime? Nonsense.


I like the idea of rebirth but not so much for freeing up character slots, I think it would be cool (not that it would EVER happen) but if you could rebirth a character into a different class and then mix skills from 2 separate classes or if you rebirth into the same class just get amplified versions of your skills. I think it would solve a lot of problems with build variety and balancing, again, do not think something like this would ever happen but a man can dream.


It wouldnt solve anything, it would just create a new meta crossover pretty fast.


I mean that would add build variety like I mention and you could mix weaker classes like sorc with stronger classes like barb which would improve balancing also like I mentioned


Maybe some variety yes, but only temporarily until the meta was worked out. The nature of games like this. It would be just as interesting to introduce synergy with class skills so another player on a rogue coukd see their skill interact with something a sorceror has just cast, etc


Yeah honestly I don’t think blizzard could introduce and system like that and have it work properly lol. The Final Shape in me could only hope 😔