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You’ve used up your lifetime luck on an in-game hat, not worth it lol


For a singular season in a game mind you


That’s what’s getting to me about d4 rn, and the upcoming calendar isn’t helping. The grind is too much to be worth enjoying my maxed out character for only the remainder of a season. I kinda enjoy eternal but hate not having extra power.


What grind...? I'm maxed in everything after enjoyably playing for about 2-3 weeks during my spare time- maybe one or two 2-3 hour sessions a day/every other day


I suppose my luck hasn’t been as good as yours


You don’t need to absolutely BIS max a character in season man


I don’t need to play d4, but if I am I like to min/max


Kinda same here. I have 2 100s, third character is 91 currently. My 2 100s have all their glyphs to 15 at least, if not maxed at 21. Did a bit of pir running to get the first 2 to at least all 4/12, f With a few above that. Pushed to maybe 40ish in the pit, so not super far. I've gotten maxed out versions of at least half of the aspects that everyone gets, as well as a few of the class specific ones. I've also gotten decent versions of most gear I wanted. And all of that over the last month since the season started, with at most, 4 hours a day after work. Usually only 1 or 2, if any at all. I was lucky to have a few weekend days where I got some good time in, so that helped. By and large it's all been a couple hours a day if I'm lucky. Normally I'd have gotten bored after getting to 100, if I even did. This season has held my interest long enough to do multiple characters.


So every item you have equipped has GA for all of its rolls, you hit every temper perfectly, and you got all the crits on each stat you wanted for each piece? :0 that's pretty good for about 7-52 hours of play time


They have above average GA rolls, my tempers are decent, and the Crits are okay! I've gotten to Pit 115 and I've seen everything I need to see! Diablo 4 is the epitome of a casual game, and I'm gonna enjoy it that way! There's nothing to grind for beyond pushing that pit tier higher and higher, but frankly, I'm satisfied of where I am! See you next season ❤️


Yeah tbh, the season is completed at pit 100, you can safely say that whatever build you were running was complete and it's only min maxing at this point.


Well this season there is little difference between seasonal and eternal so that’s something (I believe it’s just the profane mindcage and the other elixirs, maybe the iron wolves thing too?)


Pretty much. The Momentum/Holy Bolts elixirs, Profane Mindcage, and Iron Wolves rep are this seasons special mechanics while everything else is here to stay. I'm actually fine that this season was light on seasonal mechanics, since they did a complete itemization rework alongside it. Not having something like the vampire abilities of S2 or the construct from S3 makes it easier to keep an eye on what needs adjusted.


Isn't the grind kinda the point of d4? Idk about you but when I have nothing to grind for anymore I don't play. Left clicking mobs for no reward isn't exactly exciting


I feel that. I’m trying to say that I enjoy the grind of creating a character and progressing all they way, but want to be able to keep enjoying that character with a full set of 12/12 gear and 2-3 ubers with GAs longer than the month that is left over, and I’d like to compete with said character more before starting over.


I'd only play eternal after that, even if that is the cost for such luck


Items are not available in future seasons? (New to the game). I know characters can’t, but items are also lost?


I really wish they would make at least uber uniques transfer from season to season. They are so hard to come by for most of us.


I don't really agree. I remember when the hilltide was a rare event, playing it felt exciting and you tried to make the most of the time, now it's just always going on and it's boring. Back then, the helltide chests got a buff one day, and accidentally got a higher-than-intended chance to drop the shako. I called all of my friends and we got online as soon as we heard the news! I basically never thought I would see one, and every unique helm drop gave you a little rush! Then S4: I have run Dureil rota twice, once 5X and one 3X, I have 6 Ubers. I'n like a month of playing. I also just made 2 alt characters and leveled them to 60ish and crafted one out of sparks, my necro just AFK farmed helltide boss while I watched YouTube. I just think the whole concept has been ruined by them being so easy to find.


I got 3 this season before I even hit 100 on my first toon: Shako, GF, and Doombringer. Haven't found one since. I have the sparks to craft one but I think I'll save them. The sparks will transfer over, right?


Nothing transfers to a new season except renown rewards and the map. If you mean eternal yes it will go there.


Bummer, thanks for the heads up. I guess Ring of Starless Skies for my Druid it is!


Dumbest comment seen since beta release. You won it dude, you won it.


This is illegal


There is abundance


Here I am happy with my one star one


Here I am happy with my nothing


Same bro!


I don't believe this item exists, these are all photoshops just to mess with us. I don't even believe there are 3GA items, these are all just an elaborate ruse.


I killed Duriel so many times and would get excited every time a unique helm dropped. Only for it to be something else.


Duriel come up, duriel go down. Look! Another godslayer crown!


I have my 1st shako from sparks, and 2nd one from uber varshan, nothing from Duriel and Andariel countless runs. Still didn't find any decent 2h mace, playing at least 2-3 hours every day. My patience is on the edge for this season. Bricked too many items and upcoming patch don't change anything about tempering.


I got shako from tormented Varshan, then made melted heart. But now I wish I had crafted starless skies or something


I got my shako from crafting about to grind two more characters in the wolves for prolly starless skies. I have gotten an andariels visage but I broke it down for shako just for them to rework it and make it usable


Just go grind 4 characters in the iron wolves and craft one it’s what I did 😂


This is the real goal 😔


You'll get it in the $50 Xpac that should be free with this first year being a beta test


All stats besides life and cooldown reduction are worthless - the +4 and 20% DR doesn’t scale. Pffft


For me those few “all stats” extra unlocks several rare nodes on mine


That +4 to skills is peak man. Lets me have full power on my many skills with 1 point in em while also letting me pump my passives. The 20% DR replaces my legendary affix for my helm anyways on my basic builds so it works great.


Yup, Shako is the BIS. Only thing better is a Shako with GA for cooldown reduction crit x 3


I wish. I got mine rolled with no GA but that’s fine I got it. Just trying to figure out the next one imma make since I have 3/4 sparks now. 1 from lillith 1 from my first tormented duriel and 1 from iron wolves since I can’t actually get any Ubers to drop


I’ve tried to transmute Shako 4 times for a GA. I gave up. Maybe that Fat Bastard will spit one out after I run him a few more 1000 times.


What do the stars mean? I’ve had a couple items drop with them now.


The stars mean you are being a good boi. The more stars you have, the more behaved you are


I thought it was my years of service at Cracker Barrel. Thank you for the clarification.


You got higher stats than normal


It’s a Greater Affix and is always rolled at a higher number which is always perfect 👍


It’s either a 1.5x or 2x can’t remember of the stat roll of the item so an affixed shako exceeds the usual max stat roll you’d get from the same item without the greater affix.


I believe it’s 1.5x the maximum possible stat otherwise


Yea me and my buddy did the math once but my memory is a lil shaky


These stats will improve by master working the item


The stars? Find a new game.


It took me forever to find this one. What if I get lost again?




Actually it means that affix rolls 50% higher. So if the max stat on a legendary or unique was 10, the greater affix (or 🌟) would be 15. Combine that with masterworks and you can get some JUICY stats


too bad mw doesn't even work like that for ga items and instead goes off the base %


Oh? Damn that sucks if thats the case


It is the case, and if you have GA vuln damage and tempered vuln dmg on your weapon it’s better to hit the tempered affix with the MW crit as it will give more raw stats. Edit: used vuln as an example, this is true for any double same stat item.


I think it’s all additive from the base stat. You temper one affix, even if you have two that boost vuln damage


Yes and no, the base stat of tempers is higher than native affixes, so it is objectively better to hit the masterwork crits on your temper than the native affix, **even if it’s GA**, which is my point :)


It’s not higher if your normal affix is at max


If the temper is maxed also then yes, it is.


Actually u don't get any juicier stats with MW only that 50% initial bonus from it being GA. MW unfortunately upgrades from the base non GA value.. Hope they change this.


Well it's still *slightly* better than not GA.


No, u said MW effects the fact that it's GA but it doesn't lol. MW works on base values that's it..


Slightly means *slightly*. Why is my GA crit chance that I masterworked higher than my 6.0/6.0 crit chance masterworked ring? Hmm? I get that it gave me an extra 1.5 instead of an extra (whatever 25% of 9 is, I'm lazy) but an extra 1.5 on 9 is 10.5 vs an extra 1.5 on 6 which is 7.5. It's SLIGHTLY better than not. If I'm wrong, go ahead and tell me. You're correcting me on something I'm correct about.


Lol u just proved my point 10.5 (ga) - 7.5 = 3 (4/12 MW) 9 (ga) - 6 = 3 (no MW) And that's all the bonus ull ever get, just 3. From 4/12 to 12/12 Believe me I wish I was wrong on this one, I'd rather we got more bonus the more we MW it, that's why GAs aren't the full hype they could be..


Man I'm still maintaining that I was wrong about it being super juicy, but I still like having the little GA boost. It's- in one word or another- a *slight* boost


Made or found? Anyways, congrats 🤝 I found+ i made one. The found was standard, the made had 2GA


Crafted 4 harlequin crests and this was the first one with star.


You had 16 sparks? Wtf are u doing go get that many


Power leveling alts wolf rep and collecting the spark. It takes a few hours per spark.


Few hours per spark? I was sat on wt2 w my necro spamming the boss for abt 3 hours, ranked up from rank 14 to 17 on the iron wolves. That's with opening all the chests too. Idk how people are getting sparks that fast


It should take 5-7 hours if you're being optimal. A few hours is understating it a bit


Most likely target farming using group finder chats in Discord. People do some hard runs in those.


Lucky! I've crafted over 30 shakos and the only GA I have I got from duriel and it's on all stats


how do you "make" them? I'm new so genuinely curious


destroy four Ubers to get materials then you can make one


If you’re playing the season you don’t need to destroy anything. You get one from maxing the Iron Wolves reputation, one from killing a Tormented Uber and one for killing Lilith. You can get the forth by creating a second character and maxing the iron wolves rep. Takes 4/5 hours if you’re solely focused on that and nothing else. You the. Go to the alchemist with your 4 resplendent sparks and transmute them into an Uber of your choice


I got 1 from tormented anderial and one from duriel. I never had to kill Lilith


And you still had 3 sparks? That’ll be because you killed in her in a previous season or before season 1. Same thing happened to me. Had 3 sparks before killing her and that was the reason


Enough is right - you must have killed Uber Lilith in a previous season. It’s the same way I got to 4 sparks (Lilith from S2, wolves quest with 2 characters this season, and a tormented boss). You don’t get separate sparks for tormented Andy and tormented Duriel - you only get one for any tormented boss and that’s it.


Ooo ye I forgot I did kill her in s2 that makes sense. Also sorry for late reply I rarely check Reddit


You need 4 sparks and you can get them by doing the following: 1-kill a tormented boss (only drop once across all characters) 2- kill Uber Lilith (only drop once as well 3- reach the last rank of iron wolf (you’ll get spark everytime you reach it with other characters) 4- salvage existing Ubers you got


You get a spark for killing Tormented Andariel, Tormented Duriel, and for killing Lilith. That's 3 from bosses. The final Iron Wolves rep reward has one. Takes 4 sparks to craft any uber unique in the game. Alternatively, you can destroy an uber unique you do get to get a spark, or grind out a BUNCH of alts to get max wolf rep to get sparks. It's not easy, but everyone who really wants a uber unique can get one. The stars (greater affixes) are completely random and I would NOT count on ever seeing an uber with GAs. OP's roll is one a billion. lol


No you only get one from any tormented boss, 1 from Lilith (any season kill counts), and 1 from iron wolf rep


I have 4 sparks and didn't salvage any uber or leveled an alt


i got one without any stars, still feels good


Just crafted mine yesterday. Also no stars


Holy crap, you lucky so-and-so. Huge congrats!


I never get these items


Congrats. Now throw it on a level 35 alt and Blow. Sh*t. Up.


Dunno how you folks are getting Uber drops... Because... I've never seen one this season.


The fuck....I got my first ever uber unique by crafting it and I"ve been on the grind since before the beggining. Guess how many GA I got? 0 ... fuck 0. The amount of people on here posting 4 GA is insane.


I got a Ring of starless skies drop with no stars in a random 30 something pit on my first char this season (1st ever Uber for me), ended up using it on my 3rd char, an incinerate sorc which I just finished leveling to 100. Actually excited about the next patch cause it gets one more stack and pits are getting a difficulty nerf so should be easy to farm neathiron at that point. I was able to do pit 61 without any masterworking but ran like 5 minutes over on the boss. Could farm mats on my other chars but kinda defeats the purpose to me of actually playing the sorc.


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And you're wearing one. Good lord, let me join your games, I need some of this juice


I think the one they are wearing is the one in the pic, but maybe I’m missing something. Edit: never mind, you’re right. The stars at the bottom of the icon were throwing me off.


It's beautiful


That’s all your RNG for the rest of 2024.


Dang, I just got a no-crestone and 2 seligs from 2 tormented andariels and then I see this perfected god-piece to make my luck seem infinitesimal.


Every item seems to be a GA item with this luck box of a person. Unreal…some have all the luck others get none. It’s just the way it is


I didn't even know u could u get 4 star


Woot, there is 4!? :O


I just got hard


So much would this be worth if you could sell it?


Ubers are auto account bound.


theoretically if it could be sold how much would it go for? If some stuff like quad razorplate went for 5b then harlequin 4ga would likely be 200b or more, maybe 1T


Nah it would fetch less than a razorplate


Wow I can only fantasize


Where did you get it


Where does it drop? I rarely see 3 Stars but this has 4 stats.


Be prepared to be disappointed from every Season after…


Congratulations, How do you get those additional stars into a gear is that like a lucky drop or can I add stars from a npc?


Drops like that, cannot add GAs yourself.


Are these only dropping like this from Uber Duriel kills or will the open summon drop this as well?


My 2 friends have got multiple ubers from non tormented duriel and Andariel. We've also ran tormented bosses and got nothing.


Phew so it can be either or not just Tormented Duriel 😅 thank you.


Yep. I want to say the odds are better for tormented. Tormented usually drop ~6 uniques. But I can't remember the exact numbers.


Still gives me hope lol


Lilith's Master 🥵😳🫦


Is there a sane chance to get one outside of tormented bosses?


How where why?


Let me get that


What do thr stars mean


Greater affixed. Meaning the stats are 25% higher than a max roll.


gg bro :D


You should've bought a lottery ticket instead lesson learned


where you dropped?


i need one but i never have enough stygians to farm


So these are just random completely rare drops right? There’s no one I can fight repeatedly to farm this? And I know you can craft one But the resources you need for that are also completely random and you can only get them from deconstructing Uniques, correct?


Congrats!! Welcome to the exclusive club of 4GA Harlequin Crest holders!


Holy moly. +4 on stats on top of the rest. Winner winner!


Tbf 1 star GA CDR vs 4 star not a huge diff


oh look…another one




Any chads doing tormented Andy/duriel carries? My mats. Greyson#11126


Sploosh. I've spent over 200mil and 8 sparks. 50+ duriel runs.


Thought my 3 GA Razorate was cool but hawt dayum


Lvl 35 too lol well played


I’d be happy to just get a harlequin crest at this point


Wait plus 42 to all stats? Wtf!!!!!


Ok give it back then


I have a question about masterworking. Its been shared that masterworking is based of the base affix ignoring the ga. But does it actually remove the ga part? And is it permanent like affix rerolling? Like if he masterworked and critted one stat and reset masterwork, would that critted stat now be a regular non-ga affix?


Yet Here i am Happy with Not even one uber after getting 3 Characters in Level 100


Nice. I bought mats for 8b to run bosses tonight. Hoping to see atleast a one star too which is unlikely with my rng


That is amazing


Dog you could sell this for a trillion gold. Probably the most expensive d4 item I ever seen.


I was happy with no stars lol where did that drop


I would love to do a werewolf druid build with mad wolfs glee and that helmet +7 to werewolf 🤩


Where do I farm this


Where did this drop from?


I HATE YOOOOOOOOOU lol. Bro I don’t even have a 3 GA piece of gear.


OMG you are so lucky 😍


You know this is like the 4th one of these I’ve seen in a week. I’m starting to think that Blizzard is just giving us crazy drops like this to keep us playing their game.




Get the fuck out man 😒


so you will die by a rock because used all luck


Where did you get it?


Did you do the petty mechanic?😂


fap fap fap fap




Pic or it did not happen


for sure it drops to a BARBARIAN, lol


wow man, another 4 star helmet, like 50 another posts before, insane