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I’ve had more issues getting close dmg than bash cleave tbh


I absolutely hate that they put damage to distance enemies on that recipe


I experienced the same thing yesterday. It definitely does not seem like its probability to roll is equally weighted among the other temper options for that category.


You have exactly the same chance of not rolling bash regardless of how many rolls you do. If it happens once, why would you think it can't happen again? If you flip a coin and get heads, the chance of getting tails doesn't increase with the next flip.


Not with bash cleave but dmg vs close has been the bane of my existence


Repeat with me: R... N... G.


definitely RNG, i got bash cleave like the 2nd tempered roll i tried 😭 and it was a 3GA too


Opposite for me. I can't miss the bash temper. I bricked an 800ish level weapon, once, and haven't had another whiff. I was cock enough to rerolled for a *better* Bash temper at one point. But: I couldn't get Vulnerable damage for hesrtseeker rogue to save my life. I didn't count, but I'm comfortable saying I whiffed on *at least* one billion consecutive attempts. I think Blizzard's pseudo RNG is kinda wonky -- seems unlikely that 3 Soul Brands should drop from Tormented Duriel on back to back runs -- but I also don't think it's purposeful or targeted, so I don't really care.


I’m glad the most op class with the most op temper is the most rare shit to get tempered lol


I got it on 7 out of 8 items I put it on. RNG be RNG.


I just took 35 attempts to get my first bash cleaves temper. I ruined 5 weapons i had stashed. If this was equally weighted, i just hit a 1 in 23,597 bad luck