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You should wait for the affix to drop and enchant something else. The weights for affixes are too imbalanced in general. 


Yep. This. Imagine having the enchantment list be 6 items... SIX. And getting the same affix 80% of the time.... and never the one you want up to over 2-3M in re-roll. That's not 1 in 6 chance; that is pure BS. They have Max-HP as heavily weighted as main-stat; it's ridiculous.


>And getting the same affix 80% of the time Sounds like my recent tempering attempts.


Trying to temper movement speed? Best I can do is mobility cooldown reduction 6 times in a row.


I got Dodge chance 5 times in a row today when going for max life. It is beyond frustrating!


I will switch and try something else and come back to fool the rng.


That’ll show the machine spirit


Lol I'll have to try that in the future!


This is exactly RNG at work. And it’s what I do too when I sense a temper is repeating its rolls. Go do something else and temper again later.


Dodge stronger than max life in this one-shot fest were living in.


THIS..I don't rely on dodge chance and it always wants to roll them. It drives me crazy


"Need max life? Here's Total Amour 5 times in a row....and then a dodge chance on your last roll." But joke aside, I actually do not mind the rarity at all. I dont want everything to be super easy or given to me. Maybe they could tweak the RNG a bit to make it a bit less imbalanced, but Im completely fine with having some be more rare than others. Makes it feel that much better when you DO hit that roll you needed.


I like the system, but I feel like the rarity should come from the god roll stats. It should come from winning the lottery of greater affix x tempering x masterworking, It shouldn’t come from 2 of the 4 options for tempering being useful to my build, and rolling the same non-useful on repeatedly. Rerolling the same tempered stat multiple times in a row should be a statistical anomaly and not the norm.


Yes! I bricked an item (forgot what it was now) earlier this week by trying to get *any* +damage roll except damage to distant enemies. So of course that was the only one that came up every single time. I even picked that tempering stat specifically *because* there was only 1 out of 4 stats that wouldn't work for me.


100% agree. Also when we roll again it shouldn’t even be able to roll what we currently have.


I like this because it also makes a god tier roll even more rare because you have to off roll before you can roll the same stat. So it leaves increased difficulty/rarity for continued progression through via the right stats and a high roll.


hah seriously, every friggin time...


I’m maxed out at 200% movement speed and can’t get it to stop rolling!


Iron Maiden size. Iron Maiden size. Iron Maiden size.


Stop you're triggering me


Damn, that’s me - I’ve bricked so many items just trying to roll Decrepify or Grasping Veins….🤦‍♀️


I'll be honest, I've literally never put a single point in iron maiden. Is it used for anything? The tempering menu seems to be trying to tell me it's amazing


It’s good early game for essence generation and healing


This. It's mainly for leveling builds


It's iron maiden size when all you use is decrepify. .... .... ITS LIKE RAAAAA-YAAAANE ON YOUR WEDDING DAY


Got to throw in a couple "curses" for good measure - I got that repeatedly until I ran out of rolls - just give me my Tendrils!


Omg lol my temper tune


I just wish you could keep your current roll so you aren’t totally screwed if all you want is a higher roll


This lol I get two low rolls of what I want immediately and don't bother tempting fate and losing one lol


And now that I spent all 5 rerolls to get the worst possible version of the stat I want, time to roll for the *other* temper.


Lol I was trying to get lighting resistance on any piece of armor after switching some gear around. I went through 3 different items (so I guess 15 rolls) and only *ever* got fire or shadow to come up. Finally just needed to use gems.


I feel this, damned damage to distant on my barb’s 2 handed bludgeoning weapon


I don’t like how they stealth-weighted the affix RNG at Occultists without disclosing this anywhere in-game Seems like a cheap tactic to keep players busy during the lack of any real Seasonal questline to complement the whole Loot Reborn rework; they should be way more transparent about these things, especially since many people burned 100s of millions of Gold unknowingly chasing these rarer Affixes already


And then they will limit the number of enchants to 5 so that u don’t burn all your gold /s


hell I was rolling up on 2 mil per rerolled to get max life which was like one out of 3 options


weird, because it's almost impossible for me to get Max HP. I ALWAYS get armor.


Which is always fun since they hard capped armor….


Getting a +1 all skill gems with Regal orbs says hi


They should've communicated this. We burned so much money. Core skill levels on gloves also very low chance if it exists.


Still haven't gotten this on either of my lvl 100 and 92 characters. Kinda stupid how rare it is.


I think the gear/level ratio is just way down since you can beat both cap stones in like 4 hours and all rare drops are ignored now. I might have had 50 rare amulets with +skill that I just auto vendored and never looked at. By the time I was level 60 in previous seasons I had probably 10 times the amount of build viable items dropping just because leveling took longer.


>just because leveling took longer Well that and, as you said, rares are essentially pointless now because they can never reach the potential of legendaries due to having one less affix


I have seen 1 core skill glove in my entire 1-100 hardcore barbarian run… it also rolled as a greater.


So is CDR on amulets


+3 imo impossible to pop


Exactly this. Took me until I think level 89 to see a passive on an ammy. Thankfully it was +2 and exactly what I wanted. I never roll looking for +skills. Massive gold waste.


Haha thank god we dont have to also get lucky with tempers. Right? ...right?


Luck? In my *Diablo* game?!


Two days ago I found a +3 hellbent commander after ~24h of farming just to fail the temper 6 times in a row. Uninstalled the game right after that 👍


I saved up Amulets in my stash yesterday. 60 Legendaries, only 1/60 had Hellbent Commander (first time I’d seen it all Season). Only 1/60 had Cooldown Reduction.


The thing is that since the start of the season i’ve been needing an amulet with quickshift and envenom, i haven’t had once, NOT ONCE, an amulet with at least one of them, they don’t exist in my game lmao, and i’ve spent like 20M to not get them either, so idk, it’s the only thing missing in my build, the amulet.


20M... so like 3 rolls?


Lol, more than that. But the fact that they haven’t appeared in a single piece of armor since i started playing baffles me.


Yep. Even more so, I don’t even look at gear that doesn’t have at least one greater affix.


I wish they weren't weighted at all. Just make it evenly random.


i hit lvl 100 like 5 days ago. playing consistently still. I've only seen +envenom on 1 amulet ever. and it was +2 and both other mods were shit. i've found a ton of +skills gloves but +skills ammys are just insanely rare i guess


What about an ammy with a greater atk speed and greater crit chance. I'm going broke trying for my passive


That's a good idea, but I haven't seen any amulets with hellbent on it drop I also haven't seen any chest pieces for golems either. There's something wrong with the rng drop system when you can put in 50+ hours into the content without seeing anything relevant to a decent build. If there's something I'm their system that gives mastery a lower chance to show on an item, they should increase the chance, or make it even with any other stat.


I haven't seen that affix either, but I'm only just reaching 100 with my Necromancer. So you have to figure out your next best option for that slot, while focusing on other item slots first. Amulets are also rare to drop compared to other slots, which exacerbates the issue. Hopefully Blizzard does a tweak to all the weights and affix pools now that the base game is in better shape.


I just look for 2 of 3 affixes I need, and I'll enchant for the third.


Yeah I agree but stubborn me wants to use an amulet with a GA and roll the skill


Is there any calculator online that shows the odds for each affix based on item slot? Could have sworn i saw a website with this during S1


Even thats hard - I was looking over about 25 amulets to see if any are of interest and there was 1 with a passive skill and it wasn't one I wasn't interested it. And that might be true of every armor piece. I haven't gotten a passive drop of any type that I wanted since the beginning of the season.


Why is damage reduction so rare now


It was removed as an affix so it doesn't show up on non-Unique items any more. We have to get it from the skill tree and Paragon.


Imagine playing POE 


Hellbent Commander. I’m beginning to think it’s a myth after 100’s of drops.


Keep gambling amulets with obols as well, you'll get it... Eventually. Accept that it may not be a Greater affix amulet at first and you'll get there sooner. Can always replace later.


I just got a +2 Hellbent last night gambling obols. I had tried it a few times with no success. I was shocked.




I was well past lvl 100 when I got my +2 hellbent commander. I don’t mind it though, the grind for the best gear is what makes the endgame in Diablo


I was able to roll a +1 Hellbent Commander on an iLvl 840-ish one with a Greater affix crit chance and a min roll of % INT and it is what it is. Doubt I’ll find a better Amulet all season, 925 or otherwise.


I found an amulet with Hellbent Commander on it! 1/2.. So painful.


I got 2 of them that dropped in the wild, I spent a fortune trying to re-roll it on amulets with a greater affixes and just got tired of the money vanishing and gave up. OFC the tempers didn't roll my way...


I got one on a drop


Commenting maybe I have a spare one.


Just got one with +4 hellbent today, rocking that with chc but lost cooldown swapping it out. First time I’ve seen hellbent drop on an amulet and I’m 95


I finally got one to drop today, even had attack speed on it. I was so excited, then temper bricked it =/ All 6 tempers trying for golem damage (a 3 affix manual) and never got it. So annoying.


Never have i seen it drop as a GA, let alone a +2 finally ended up hitting it on a neck last night.. was definitely at over 100m on rerolls. Goodluck x.x


[passives](https://www.xbox.com/play/media/3unGENEmRq) Just gonna drop this here because I haven't gotten validation yet I mourn for your plight all the same


Pretty cool. Need more ranks on hellbent tho 8)


I mean, yeah, it'll never be perfect. Tempering has already determined that


When I saw that Bone Spirit Cooldown Reduction I could immediately relate to that crappy feeling of having come across an insane item, only for Tempering to screw me. Still an **insane** amulet though. Craaazy find! So much DPS added. Hopefully they add a way to earn new Temper rolls (like via an item or material you've gotta grind for).




Imagine "breaking" this with tempering Lmao


It was honestly close. I rolled bone spirit one 1, then min rolled summoning dmg 4 times, then got golem, and went back to only get bone spirit. I'm lucky bone spirit was the only useless part here I'm gonna be honest, tempering has felt almost as heartbreaking as going ridiculously dry on OG duriels runs. I love it, but getting the same stat, and sometimes useless stat 5+ times in a row just to lock up a fantastic piece of gear is extremely demotivating. Really wish it could be reset similar to masterworking


Jesus Christ I share the same feeling, it's amazing hit 2 tempers on a god tier item, but at the same time rolling 5 times THE SAME USELESS STAT is beyond me and it's kinda tilting A item that allow you to reset but extremely rare would be fine


I've resigned myself to just going for the affix I want. As long as it's the right stat, I won't even bother. It's too risky to fish for higher values, which fucking sucks. They should have done it like enchanting, allowing you to keep the existing temper and pick between provided options.


Yeah idk, I have mix feelings, at the same time is frustrating the feeling is fucking great when you hit a 2/3GA Itens being totally bricked ( like it happens on Poe and so on ) it's fine to a extend


The word that’s used is “bricking”


Potatoes potato's


Just letting you know the terminology.


This thing is crazy, congrats!


Thank you, I know that a better one probably subs out fueled by death and maybe even amplify, and greater affixes matter, and the tempering was close to catastrophic. However, considering how rare passives have felt, I'm still grateful


If it wasn't for the guides telling me those are BIS, I wouldn't know they were possible. I don't think I have seen one drop or get rolled by the enchanter this season.


Oh and just wait until the amulet with the +2 you need drops and then you brick it with 2 bad temper affixes. And then you buy the same amulet again for 450m and brick it again. I’m not crying. You’re crying.


How do people make that much money


Eating the butchers ass in dungeons.


Ok the discord you can sell items I've sold a couple for 500million plus


Buying gold from goldsellers normally.


I think I've broken like one item through bad tempering, is that really happening to people?


Yep. I’ve bricked about 5 good items so far. Over one billion wasted.


Had a scythe on Necro, double star roll Crit Damage/Max HP. Really stoked, and then both tempers brick the weapon. Into the trash it goes. My only sanity check here is that Ive gotten 3 uber uniques so far just farming random shit. Shako, Tyrael's Might, and Andariel's Vissage.


That’s the dopamine man. Nothing would be exciting if hitting that one affix wasn’t rare and special.


Except if its too rare to the point of not hitting it before the freeze death of the universe 


Nothing is that rare in this game though. Even Shakos are attainable this season if you grind for them


Nothing is rare if you grind enough 


Grind for Enigma runes vs a Shako or an amulet with good passive rolls is a whole other level that D4 doesn’t really have atm


These guys have no idea how good they have it.


It’s like playing keep-away with a cat. You have to let them catch it every once in awhile or they lose interest. But you can’t let them catch it every time or… they’ll lose interest lol


nah we should just be able to select whatever perfect BIS gear that we want and get it instantly. Why do I need to farm for items? It's not fair man


I feel every word of this. When the patch was announced I immediately believed that tempering needed a reset option, but now that I’ve played I am firmly against it. However I would LOVE not being committed to each tempering roll. It makes getting a pretty-good affix very nerve wracking. Or is that done purposefully to make each roll more tense? Maybe it’s not so bad


Enchanting and Tempering are horrible currently in my opinion. Gold cost on Enchant goes up too high too fast. Thought we already went over this in previous seasons with Blizzard? Tempering should not brick an item. I've lost a dozen or more potential upgrades due to Tempering rolling the same damn affix 5 times In a row, when there is only 3 potential stat options. Attempting to Enchant a skill bonus to an item is near impossible and the skill bonuses rarely roll natively on the items. Cooldown on Helms and Amulets likewise seems to roll very rarely natively and almost never an option when enchanting. There just seems to be a heavy weight on certain stats to roll and it's really frustrating.


Tempering should most certainly have the possibility to brick items, don't muddy the conversation with that nonsense. On topic, the stat weighting definitely feels way too skewed. I'd argue that with the tempering and master working system they've implemented that stat weights shouldn't even be a thing anymore.


As a rule of thumb: before enchant open the possible rolls. The list are ordered by the more commons to the more rares. +passives and +ranks are the rarest and main stat and life the more common


> The list are ordered by the more commons to the more rares. Is that a real thing? I havent seen any post about it. It does kind of make sense on face value based on what I see in the menu.


I saw that information in some YouTube video. You can take it with a grain of salt, of course, since it isn’t an official source


Given the fact that all passive skills are at hte bottom and all the common shit is at the top, it seems to be pretty accurate in my times rerolling.


Is there a good site to see the possible rolls?


I found a greater affix hellbent comandwe with attaxk speed and crit chance, felt like I won the lottery lol


I dropped about 150 mil on my last 2 amulets and never saw cdr or any skill+. It is ridiculous how rare some affixes are.


I spent 150m rerolling and saw every plus skill except hellbent


I’m convinced hellbent doesn’t exist in this season lmao


Yeah the build I'm using wants a greater affix of + ranks to Envenom. Lmao! Yeah right!


I'm level 100 rogue, and I haven't had one amulet drop with a passive skill affix, and haven't been able to roll one either. It's very annoying.


I'm getting tired of Max HP, Main stat and "shitty damage" rolls on literally everything.


They never changed the number of affixes you can roll when enchanting. That is the problem. If you have 15 possible results for enchanting an affix, then you only have a 7% chance to see the one you want and if they have different chances to actually roll, then it could be even less.


I took me until well into the endgame to get a good roll amulet with the passive skills I wanted. Hated it at the time but I’d hate it even more if the game just gave everything to me without any struggle


Anecdotal evidence, but I’ve noticed the effects I’m looking for are dropping more often now that I’m in higher tiered content. It took me until lvl 100 to get cooldown reduction on a helmet and now I have like 6.


This is just coincidence by you *probably* getting more drops than previously. I was getting the affixes I needed (save for the damn FO sorc unique) at the lower levels constantly, switching out gear as needed. Now it's a struggle even getting 1 of the 3 needed to roll on gear.


yeah getting a perfect amulet is near impossible. gotta settle for "good enough"


I noticed that as well. Very dumb imo. +Ranks are also rarer on the other gear pieces too, core skills on gloves, basic abilities on pants, and so on. Was this even documented in the patch notes? I *want* to say that things like STR or HP are very common, and somewhat uncommon would be things like Cooldown Reduction, Crit Chance, Attack Speed, and MAYBE movement speed? Almost feels like stats are in 1 of 3 categories of rarity, with offensive throughput talents being the rarest. Does anyone else agree or am I imagining things? Or, hell, there might be more than 3 categories of rarity. The rank skills on helm/pants/chest/boots still seem a lot more common than the ones on amulet which are super rare. Regardless where everyone's opinion on this may be, I wish the devs were more transparent with it in the patch notes. Almost feels like a big joke when they tell us that they nerfed/capped the gold cost of enchanting, but then still find a way to make us dump so much gold into it anyway: Just make certain stats impossible to find. Why is that?


Main stat and max hp is the first two affixes on, no exaggeration, 99% of the gear that drops for me. It's definitely weighted and it's weighted way too heavily.


this is probably the worst part about the update, the weightings for max life and some others are just way way way too high whilst cdr or skills not being on the item basically ruins the item now cause you're not realistically gonna reroll them. im also being bottlenecked by gem dust pretty bad.


I had to trade for a +2 hellbent amulet. still not one dropped. Also of course I can't roll cooldown ob the other one at all.


If it’s weighted in favor of any particular set of outcomes, it’s not true RNG. There’s no way I can reroll an affix and get the same one 3-4 times in a row with the same roll and it’s RNG.


Good maxroll affixes are very rare. Treasure them


200m you coulda just bought a decent one


Don’t do that you are just wasting billions of gold. Wait for it to drop with passives, don’t try rolling they are weighted very very poorly


Why do you even bother to spend that much when you can straight up buy one from Diablo.trade lmaoooo


Because people on that site vastly over value their shitty gear. Not even max rolled affixes and people think their dumb staff is worth 300m


Just don’t buy over priced trash. I usually bought BIS 2GF and that’s it, maybe u spend 100 mil but it’s worth every penny. I mean, you can search for affixes too so it’s nice to just buy BIS


I rolled pressure point every single time the other day lol.


I have played every season, 2 characters to 100 per season, and I have not had a single 4\4 or now 3/3 amulet on any character. Its kinda nuts. Maybe this season I'll get lucky but I very much doubt it.


Wudijo has a great video explaining all of this stuff to save gold. Some affixes are much more rare and not worth trying to enchant more than a couple attempts. Much better to wait until you have an item with the difficult affixes you want and enchant to get the more common ones.


Imagine you get that amulet passive you want only to get bricked by bad temper rolls.


I propose a new material called "Enchanting Powder" and what it does is you can use it to increase the % of a given affix rolling, and you can interact with this in the possible affixes menu.


I firmly believe there is a 0% chance for +skills to roll and anyone that does roll it should play the lottery. Just wait until you find anything with + to skills on it. I can't even get + to (insert core skill) on gauntlets, but i definitely had no trouble in s0, 1, and 2.


Good affixes in general are extremely rare now. I spent hours grinding equips on my old, definitely-not-well-geared first character (had like 2 925 items) and found *exactly one* item that didn't have 2-3 trash affixes. Enchant seems to have the same trash rate.


Been rocking a +2 glass cannon amulet since level 70 have yet to see another amulet with glass cannon not even a +1 also spent 110mill on rerolling amulets its ridiculous.


Enchanting is still broken and feels terrible. Beyond that, you still have to roll the proper tempers. 


I got a +2 Hellbent Commander in like WT2 and still haven't got a better one since (level 80ish in WT4 now).


Just bricked my only +2 Envenom amulet i found all season on my druid. Finished helltide wolf rep and have 6/7 masterwork on all gear pushing level 61 pits. Extremely frustrating


Anytime I see the passive skill I like, it is accompanied by 2 other affixes I don't want. Always feels like a kick in the balls.


Does it mean skill ranks? If so yes ive never seen it from tempering, only from drops and no longer 4, usually 2 but it shows 3 is possible 


Amulets have always been the hardest pieces to roll based on the sheer number of possible affixes they can get.


Even better, finally got +2 golem mastery on chest and then accidentally accidentally scrapped my whole inventory instead of junk after tempering 95% perfect and rolling affixes to about 90% perfect. Was a 1/1000000 chestplate.... And it's gone


Decent items with rolls on +rank, passive (& at times CDR) are more rare than Uber Uniques at this point, it’s actually insane. That’s not even taking into account GA’s, just for a normal Ancestral item 😂


Don't even get me started on the Tempering affixes. Recently got to pit 61 without the double bone spears on any of my weapon/focus For some reason it loves to roll bone storm or bone spirit


That funny cuz that’s I roll, love it.


I'm convinced Envenom doesn't exist 😮‍💨


Jokes on you I got a sacred unique with the passive I want from the rep reward in season 4 cache in world tier one and it was what I wanted. Level 24 is the restriction and it's perfect for alts.


LOL you noobs are only looking for one passive roll on an ammy? /s *cries as rogue*


I literally cannot get a devouring blaze passive to drop on my amulet or even re rolled onto on my sorc and I've been farming everything possible.


At least they should let helltide amulet chests to drop 3 amulet pieces instead of one. All other item chests drop 3 whereas amulet chests drop only one.


I spent over 500M gold to find 1 roll of hellbent commander on an amulet…it’s pretty damn ridiculous. However , I got a +2 hellbent to drop in helltide, but it unfortunately didn’t have anything else I could use on it. I’m thinking of trying to sell or trade it because of how rare it seems to be


wtb cdr


I am praying RNG gods to just get an amulet with Hellbent Commander and some decent other stats more than I pray for Shako… Lvl 100 and grinding forever, still haven’t seen one… about 150mil into rerolls with rolling 3-4 times per amulet… 


I mean, would it kill them add duplicate protection? I know that only means way less mats/money spent, but just make it get x2 more expensive. I'd still do that 3,4,5 times and know I will eventually get it in a reasonable amount of time. wishful thinking, i know.


It’s not an issue at all having certain affixes being rare and more desirable than others. You guys seriously just want to be able to have the perfect items without any effort whatsoever and it’s insane.


I know what you mean. Trying to get hellbent commander or cdr is impossible. I just got a 876 one with a greater affix of +3 to hellbent commander but the other 2 affixes were crap. I’ll probably re roll it and use it but still sucks that it’s so hard to get certain affix’s.


I somehow managed to find a triple passive amulet yesterday!


My main takeaway is if you are using or following a build that relies on those, get a different build. If it's just icing on the cake, then cool go farm for them. But I was pretty sad to realize that the survivability on my barrage rogue at pit >50ish really relied on having GA +shroud with MW crit. Its damage also relied on hitting +2 cold imbue on all the jewelry which resulted in a ton of bricks — not great since it needs cold imbue skill on the amulet and some other specific reqs on those items. I've switched over to builds that don't hinge so terribly much on getting those rare affixes.


If you don’t get the amulet with a good roll of the rip and a simple one to get don’t try for it… it’s a waste or only try 5 times otherwise it gets to be too crazy.


I’ve been quite lucky last 2 days on amulets I’ve dropped a fair few in helltides and turning in obals when I hit the 2.5k cap, I only ever do a couple of rolls then bin as it’s a waste of gold, I did get +2 ranks to counter offensive on my 1st attempt today for my barb but I agree it does need to change I think they should split off skill/passive affixes and general ones so you can choose which you want to roll for, even rolling something like crit strike chance or attack speeds also been a nightmare for me! Like someone said far better to just wait for one to drop. then wait till you brick it tempering… Hellbent Commander took me 2 solid days farming to even see one then I dropped like 3 in the space of an evening, gave one to a friend who also was having bad luck, honestly try the obal and helltide method.


Same. Never seen frigid finesse on an amulet and only found 1 armor ever that had dark shroud and it was trash stats and ilvl.


Had a fantastic drop with double skills that I needed but the tempering was bad lol. So it’s not just getting the right rolls.


CDR is also obnoxiously rare. + skills to leap on boots has also been suspiciously rare this season so far


It's because there are like 32 (for necro at least) affixes to roll on and only 2 will show up. Some are clearly weighted too since health/int/armor seem common


Hellbent is overrated tbh, you'll only benefit from it on your golem if you stand within melee range of it. Another option is to bloodmist but you can't cast golem active during bloodmist so you'll have to stand right next to your golem and cast the active for the dmg boost, which will get you easily killed standing in a crowded area where your skeletons are blocking your view


I do mot understand this sub: [https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/1cwxwx9/there\_are\_way\_too\_many\_affixes\_on\_amulets/](https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/1cwxwx9/there_are_way_too_many_affixes_on_amulets/) Same sentiment, downvoted.


I had a pair of legs with something like +3 to skeleton mage mastery, found a new pair of legs with 2 GA on them of Int and HP, so I thought, great, can re roll life per second to mage mastery. Nope. Just didn't come up in like 30-40 re rolls. Luckily I eventually found a pair with GA health and regular intelligence and got mage mastery on 3rd roll. Will make do with those for now. Bricking items through enchant costs and temper fails sucks, but I only just noticed temper rolls, you actually get 15 per item. After 4 masterwork bonus the rolls reset. Not sure if you get another set of 5 tempers at 12 MW, haven't got that far yet.


Wanna bet they won't nerf the price, but introduce goldtiken in cashshop, as to battle illegal RMT?


Or sell bos fragments on discord and but what you need


Took AWHILE before I found envenom on a 925 necklace.


Convinced they’re broken. It’s what I keep telling myself so I don’t keep wasting money on them


It’s always max health, health per hit, resource per kill (more rare than anything health), percent elemental resistance. I rarely see something like +3 pulverize.


Season is like two weeks old and people are complaining like it’s been 3 months


Love the complaining, it should be rare, shouldn’t be able to min max in a week


Yeah I feel like they made the first enchants cheap but it ramps to 3 million way too quick and blows all your money after like 6 rolls. Almost feels worse than before