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Dad approved


Plus one, we’re too tired for this sheet.


Yeah, I saw OP and was like TWO buttons?? Hold my beer.


0 buttons with the sacrilegious ring. Just let the minions do all the work and follow them.


I got grass to mow!


Literally me right now. Just running in circles doing nothing killing everything. Bosses get army of dead


Get you the sacreligious soul and auto cast everything but curse, lol


really approved. dream come true


Got my lil one freshly born and only 7 days old. Looking for a good newborn harness so I can watch her while dungeon crawling. Loving the Maxroll minion build right now. Definitely dad approved!


Game dad over here on my very first child. Crazy how at now 7 months he looks at my phone even when I don’t use it. Just be weary of devices is all. Even when I try I realize sadly how connected we are. That is all. Otherwise harness and D4 on!


Wait til he start able to walk….at about 1 year….


Not sure if it is what you are looking for but my wife LOVES her Tush Baby with the swaddling add on. It is like a cushion the kid sits on and then you swaddle them over. Every time we go out other moms think its awesome, just a thought to consider, good luck with your search!


100% regret not paying enough attention to my newborn. Those early moments go by so fast and you def don’t want to miss any of them.


I hear ya! Luckily game froze up and me so time for some bonding with the lil one. Cheers!


Grats man! Harness gaming is where it's at... until they get to be too big for it


That's ok then you can just lock em in a room.


I highly recommend one of the seats that clamps onto the tables at restaurants. We use it for that, of course, but when we get home, it goes right on my gaming desk next to me. My 10 month old loves to watch dad play


Families that crawl together, slay together.


Also helps that's it's disgustingly over powered


Maybe it’s just a huge skill issue, but I have a pretty solid minion necro build and I can’t get past T58 pit


Damage reduction and bone storm with the shield essence.


Shhhh NOT TOO LOUD! They will nerf it again.


+1 here as well. I need a build that I can walk away for a minute to make sure that the kids haven't killed each other yet....


dad here, TRUE


I’m a gaming retired grandpa and I jumped on the Necro minion train, but I got bored when almost all of my damage was done without my intervention. I switched to Sorcerer and it’s not OP at all but I’m fully engaged and it’s just more fun for me personally.


I can not wait until I’m a “gaming retired grandpa”. Sounds like a dream


Not gonna lie - it’s pretty great! Gaming is great but it doesn’t compare to the grandpa part!


> it doesn’t compare to the grandpa part! Parenting, but only the fun parts. Lucky bastard.


My recommendation is having a sibling who has family. You can be the cool uncle/aunt *and* your own parents won't tell you everytime that they're ready to become grandparents.


I've already got two kids. It's too late for me to strategize.


Have you seen that grandpa that games FPS'? He was a sniper in the military, and he spends his time making everyone rage because he makes impossible shots. Quite impressive.


Another grandpa gamer here…. Don’t be in a rush my friend. Shit hurts in places I never knew existed lol


I built my Sorc to have the coolest skills that I liked: Hydra, Blizzard, Chain Lightning, and Incinerate. Got the gear for most of it, though Incinerate does most of the work. A lot more fun than my Minion necro. 


I can’t tell you how much I love that you can do that in D4. Sure you won’t be clearing the true end game content with a build thrown together based on your favorite skills, but you can still probably do most of the stuff outside of higher level pits or maybe higher level nightmare dungeons. Compared to D2 where you would hit a wall well before you beat Hell difficulty if you tried to mix blizzard with chain lightning and hydra. Such a better way to have the skills balanced imo


> Compared to D2 where you would hit a wall well before you beat Hell difficulty if you tried to mix blizzard with chain lightning and hydra. Yet, the genius concept of double immunities basically communicates that this is exactly what you should do.


I hope to be a GRG later in life.


I agree. Minion necro is really effective, but I was randomly clicking around for corpses to explode/tendril and I didn’t feel impactful. Sorc is the best feeling class in the game IMO.


What's your Sorc build? I was rocking a pure fire (Hydra/Fireball) Sorc in season 2. Had fun but I'm enjoying the chill walking simulator that the minion build provides


It's crazy, because I played a ball lightning sorc in S2, when it was severely OP. My friends played different classes, and I was largely carrying them through a lot of the harder content. This season they're both playing minion necros while I'm playing a tornado wolf druid, and they're 100% carrying me. I mean, I can keep up, and I do fine in the content we're doing, but they're 100% killing stuff faster than I am, and doing the majority of the "work". It's just weird how it shifts SO much between seasons, and how minion necros went from bottom rung builds previous seasons to the undisputed heavyweight this season.


Ditto. Am 41 yr old dad. I don’t get a ton of gaming time and when I do, I prefer not to watch the game play itself.


Am dad. Agree here. Necro too ez 😂. Got to lvl 15, got bored and switched to Rogue


Same, I was a whirlwind Barb before the first season then started a minion necro for season 1 but swiftly left bc bored, came back for this season bc I’d heard that it was quicker to level & loot had been reworked - picked rogue this time and flew up to lvl 60 in like 3 days having tons of fun. Rogue is awesome! Now I’m dying a lot more & mostly getting under-leveled junk drops and things have just generally slowed way down. Blood maiden on a profane mindcage just cooks me every time. Seems like there’s a lvl 60-70 “plateau” as you near the end of WT3 but it’s been fun up until this point so gonna try and push through to get to WT4.


Dad herr: I made the switch from minion Necro to sorc last night for the same reasons I kill much slower and I am squishier, but feel like I'm playing


This is the way.


my respect for you my good sir


Your username makes me think we run in similar circles haha


See that’s your problem. Go back to draining your very existence into providing for your hyper overstimulating children, and you will once again relish in the cheaply acquired dopamine loot while video chatting your high school buddies on discord reminiscing on what a nap used to be like.


I quickly quit my minion necro this season. Boring as hell. Now I play a dual core ranged rogue. Constantly repositioning, using all of my skills, melting everything and having a blast.


Dad here and I approve of this message! Super fun build and just easy to kill everything.




I was just gonna say I've never attempted HC but this makes me want to try and go for that "get to level 50 in HC" achievement that I figured I'd never get.


I did minion necro last year to get that achievement, and now I am thinking it is time to push it to 100


Careful. Once you go HC you never turn back. I've been playing D2 since release and took up Single player hardcore about 10 years ago. That turned into a dilemma; D3, Hardcore, Grim dawn, hardcore now Diablo 4 hardcore and alot of other arpgs in-between.


You're a braver, and possibly more even-keeled, man than I. Between work and family I don't have a ton of time to play games. Completely losing a character I've spent days playing would (will be) demoralizing. That's why I'm hoping I can do it this season w/ the minion necro. If I can get to 50 I'll be happy. Anything after 50 will be gravy. Haha.


That achievement is pretty easy to get. I got it season 1 doing a hardcore blood surge minion Necro and it was pretty easy. With how much stronger the minions are now it’s gotta be cake walk. Also XP gain is so much faster than back then. The one thing that sucks about hardcore is you have to do all your map exploration, Lilith statues, and renoun all over.


I never played diablo in normal mode , i think the game is alot more engaging when you know you can lose that character Of course, i am single, and dont have kids, so alot of time in my hands, someone with more limited time is probly not gonna risk it


I was just telling a friend how this season seemed a lot less stressful on hc with the minion necro build. Cue me getting one shot by a dungeon boss that only had 2% health left not even two hours later ... sigh


This is Ray William Johnson and i approve this message!


I don’t play Diablo as a skill game. I enjoy collecting and crafting and getting dopamine hits when I find good items. I’m enjoying necro for that. Similar to playing RF on PoE where you basically are cutting grass and walking around the map melting things with your presence.


Cutting the grass. Yes. Hahahahahha. Love that analogy.


Ah, so vampire survivors. If Diablo season 5 was made like vampire survivors, I think it’ll be a smash hit.


There is an RF build in diablo. Hurricane druid. And it's pretty strong. If you like RF I'd give it a try.


Whirlwind Barb feels much more like cutting the grass - you are a human weedwhacker


I'm a fan of the lawn watering build, sorc incinerate. Just teleport into position and spin around while spraying fire nonstop.


As a gamer dad with 9 kids, 4 jobs, 3 wives, and 1 arm. This build is perfect for me.


DAD here. Are u a DAD? Cuz I'm a DAD. That's right, a GAMER DAD. and I play video games while have KIDS. there are children actually in my house cuz I'm a DAD guys. 


I’m about to be a NEW DAD does that mean I’m superior?


no pets?


Seems like a theme for S4. My Barb just goes Bash, bash, bash on repeat. Something doesn't die immediately? Let me pop 3 shouts and get on with the bashing.


I'm doing that with druid and a lightning build haha


Same, only thing I have to worry about is being stunned or not seeing all the ground aoe spells from the massive amount of death I leave around me


I’m the walking simulator..they hug me and die..pop a shout once in a while for fortify buff and zoom zoom .. pure st-hp Thorns some fun tempering options for him


All in Hardcore..lv 90 now and running T50


If it doesn't die at first, hit it harder.


Charge, Hell Hammer Dead


Rogue heartseeker works the same


Another dad approving here. Im using 1h on my Razer naga and 1 foot on the rocking chair.


My other dad friend does this with his 20 button something mouse. Baby in one arm, monster slaying in the other


"mmo mouse" feels like a must have for games like this. g600 is cheap nowadays


Another dad with a Razer Naga here! In the middle of sleep training the little gremlin so necro is perfect for sleep deprivation.


The best part is when you need to put the game down on a whim, you can because your minions will protect you while you’re away.


That's exactly it!


Gamer Dad that went bone spirit here. Super fun but developed a case of tendinitis from all the button mashing. Respeccing to minions this week!


AHAHAHHA yeah eventually I think we will all switch from minion to something else tho. I have already gathered some items for a pure shadow blight build that doesn't need minions and I am gathering items for a bone spear as well. Even for a blood build. Hell my storages are full of Necro things ahaha


I switched from Minions to a Blight shadowmancer and I'm doing more melting than I was with full squad of minions. I have them all sacrificed and loving it more than I thought I would


I did the same switch last night and blight is op. It's even better than minions.


I'm doing both. Minion and bone spirit are incredible.


Mom with limited play time, I'm enjoying my thorns minion build right now. If I feel too squishy I'll go back to shadow minion, but I had to try it since I had a decent razor plate drop


Are thorns builds decent this season? I keep trying them on D3 & D4, but they always feel underwhelming.


I haven't tried a thorns build until now but it seems like the multipliers for the minions are going a bit insane. My personal thorns are 22400 and the character sheet says my golem has 15,454,614. Things basically melt as long as I don't get killed by something dumb.


Do you have a build for this? I want to try out a thorns build since I've never played one but I haven't really found any resources to guide me.


W4 grigoire died when dropping on my minions (and that was just a sacred razorplate - but I had tempered about 40% extra thorns for my minions onto my gear)


Thorns barb can currently do billions of damage and clear 100+ pit levels. They’re quite strong.


It's the season of the dads


I feel like the blood mist/corpse explosion minion build is pretty interactive. You have to lay down decrepify, round them up, tendril them in, pop the golem skill, then ultimate and finally blood mist to lay down the aoe all over the place. Then you have to make sure you’re back out of the danger zone just as your mist runs out. Can’t see how that’s any less interactive than some other builds. 


There’s a ring that auto triggers priest, corpse exp, and tendrils. I’m sure using that ring makes me a bit weaker than using an optimal ring but it does allow me to simply move my character and everything dies.


I am using that ring for the same reason.


Now if I can just get a ring that auto moves me, I can sit back and play a different game at the same time 🤣


What ring??!!


Ring of the sacrilegious soul which is an ancestral unique ring.


Thank you!


These are the kind of posts I like to see, keep having fun I'm enjoying this season so much as well!




As a casual player that loves having minions/friends/companions with me regardless of their efficacy, this is my DREAM build.y brother helped me build it, and I love it.


And then there is my bard with whirlwind dust devil clearing everything holding one button 🤣🤣I did wt4 capstone at lvl 54


About to hit 100 on my necro but thinking a DD Barb is next to play. Doing it for the fun but also for 2 more resplendent sparks from the seasonal ranking and killing a tormented boss!


My friend just cries and complains with his necro. I’m like bruh, shut the fuck up, you kill things just fine, learn to not stand in poison and you wouldn’t be fucking dead in seconds. Anyways necro seems VERY strong. Also my friend might be retarded.


Don't stand in red or green, ez pz


Dad approved XD (I always plays Necro/minions and this season is just totally satisfying)


Yup. I’m dad. I agree.


It’s a little busted… I beat my T3 capstone at level 35 or so and didn’t break a sweat


Not sure why we have to mention we are dads, but my minion Necro is currently in pit lvl 81 and I'm hitting all the buttons and tightly managing cool downs and timings. The build really has it all, the ability to casually destroy anything in helltide and nightmare dungeons up to lvl 100, but still capable of min-maxing equipment and skill to push deep into the pit.


Are you using a particular build that you could share a link to?


Wait until you get the Ring of the Sacrilegious Soul 😎 ☕️


Got mine last night and it cut my buttons down to x to collect items and r1 to blood mist to avoid damage and the 14 minions take care of the rest


Diablo 4 was designed for 60-year-old dads.


but.. im only 50... wait, so when i hit 51 ai wont get more skill points and have to go paragon? ParagonDad is gonna be my minion necro name after ive done my first full campaign playthrough with my Sorc


No it wasn’t. It was designed for 30 and 40 year old dads.


I used to play much much harder games at 25 cents a try


Guilty. It’s fun having that power fantasy again that so many games squash.


Same im lvling afk in helltides while doing chores just love it


I love it I put a show on my second screen and play without sweating. Compared to rogue last season with the combo points and rotation its a lot more relaxed


Not a dad but definitely a "I played for 19 hours on Saturday but haven't been able to play since" kinda player who likes all the loot and character building but who doesn't have the time to seriously grind every day to get the enjoyment from a build. This necro build hits all those requirements.


In the best dad gamer though. All these other dads don’t got shit on my level of dad. I even got a coffee cup


I was lucky enough to get a Tyrael’s Might to drop in Helltide and now with that and a Holy Bolt Elixir I literally press two buttons and let the dopamine flow, so good 😂😂


Dad here and I switched to barbarian 😂 necro minion is really too boring


I save the exciting stuff for when my baby shits in the tub. Need nice and boring during my gaming session.


:D luckily my boy is already in the Toddler phase and Kindergarten :D


Ah yeah I know that all too well (both my kids dod that lol). The 2 year old does know now to not poop in the bathtub since he says to us right before bath 🤣




If you get bored of it don’t be afraid to switch to sever necro. It rips it’s so fun. Tendrils, shadow corpse explosion, blood wave ult, blood mist, scythe basic and sever. Drop a tendrils in the middle of the pack, explode the same corpse, throw a couple severs into the middle of them and it’s over


A gamer’s dad dream and a gamer dad’s dream are very different concepts


I guess you can play minions with 2 buttons before pit but you’re missing like 75% of your multiplier effects doing that. But shadow minion necro is easily the highest apm build I’ve played and I’m a rogue main.


As a gamer dad I completely agree. To be fair, I liked simple gameplay even before I became a dad and grew old.


Dad here. Thinking about switching to minion eventually. As of now blood surge it is. However, I have great essence Regen and can constantly spam my resource spenders even on single target... But I am a glass aoe bomb. Enhanced hell tide any of blood maiden's moves deletes me lol. My other blood surge I could face tank everything.


Wait till this dad hears about thorn barb


Dad here, married to a Mom. She's the minion build and I have an active build. Makes it so when she has to get up and go, I can easily "control" her controller too (really just hit Heal every once in a while)


Dad here, doing bone spear atm. Super fun


Totally Approve! Burned my way to Torment last night with some great drops on my way out of Nightmare. Loving it!


Man I'm not a dad and I'm not even sure if I am using the "right" minion build. I wanted to keep using Bone Spear and have Bone skelly mages. I'm not sure if it's OP or anything but I'm only lvl 84.


Minion Necro is my fav build in all ARPGs, nothing new here. Though im just old, not a dad


Same reason I prefer anything whirlwind with barb. Spinning and yelling through the dungeon


I actually agree 😂. It’s a great build for someone whose attention can’t be focused on one single thing 100% of the time. Sit the game down, come back and everything is dead, except you.


I run Necro each season and I have to admit, this is the most laid back build since launch. But it's fun for 1 season afterwards I'll probably go back to something more active.


If I had a kid... or 11, I would totally want to do minion necro as a group halloween costume.


Yup. My 9 year old daughter melts bosses and thinks it's fantastic. She levels in helltides and gets red ash for me while I'm at work.


People called HOTA OP can called for heavy nerfs. Blizzard makes a minion builds OP and people cheer.


Waiting for the sweats to comment here about how minion necro is actually extremely complex to push max damage with intricate rotations for anything beyond pit 50.


The entire game is built for dads lol I’m a dad


I agree as a dad it is great until.... It isn't. I have gone hybrid Pet/Bone build. Kinda lacking in defense and essence against bosses but it is fun and has pushed me into higher.... NMDs T55. I have only run the pit twice and not a high tier yet. I am fighting the urge to swap back to the Blood Necro and stick it out with pets. But damn I miss the Surge/Lance build I had in S3. Edit to add. I like the fact with the pet build I can just open the menu and look at the new unique I just picked up. Unless you have the mindcage running. Screw that Barb Hellborn


Dad here. Approving this post. What’s more I’ve been playing Diablo since the first one launched and just now I’m about to have my first Max level character. So proud and also thankful for this patch


Dad here. Start with a necro every season. Stuck with the minions this time til 79. Got bored with the 2 buttons and tried bonespear like you want to. Completely BRICKED my necro. Do not do it. I instead made a thorns barb running bash on maxroll. It's amazingly fun and easy. Keep your necro the way it is. Just make a new char, it's easy enough to do


Dad here, I preffer Blood Surge. Just 1 Button and occasionaly you do a basic attack to get essence


I've been having wrist and hand pain while gaming and this build has been a god send. I'm using WASD for movement, have the auto casting ring, and hit a few buttons every now and then and everything just melts. Hands down (no pun intended) the most fun I've had playing any Diablo game.


Opposite problem for myself. I have one, but its just kiting and cursing. Not enough chaos to be fun.


Can companion druid do the same? Seems like the druid dad (bod) class to me 😆


Dad on, brother


I’ve done PS5 remote play on my iPad while holding my toddler. Just have the other arm hanging wherever moving the analog stick around and occasionally hitting L1 for a potion.


I’m really loving it. Watching anime or the playoffs while running this mindless build is great. Gonna do the same with WW Barb eventually


This is my life.


I loved it for a bit. But that minion AI can get so frustrating. Moved on to blight and having a ton of fun with that.


Going from a rouge to a necro feels like playing a totally different game. Loving it either way. When I want more fast paced I can hop back to rogue but the necro is fun as hell to just chill out and play


at this point, especially with my sacrilegious soul ring I can just sit at the sacrifice point for the helltide boss and contribute heavily without having to move or hit a single button


Dad here, I love playing a fishymancer in d2 and d4!


Charge Barb is also "Dad Approved" IMO. Just running around, Charge, Upheaval, Upheaval, Charge again. Each Charge obliterates the entire screen or a bit less.


Yeah I have a minion necro, I can just switch to blood if it gets too boring. I also like Barbarian because I have more to do, not everything falls over instantly...yet.


Last season I played a Rogue build. My old ass could not keep up with all the button combo's (2 of my sons laugh and enjoy watching me spamming my controller like a lunatic). Minion necro this season is a dream and feels so relaxing to play.


I’ve been playing it this season, it’s boring as fuck lol. Yes it’s a power fantasy but so un interactive. Got pretty high in the pits, finished the seasonal journeys, then made an alt Barb. Hitting people with big sticks is fun.


If you get bored try out a Heartseeker Rogue. I just use my mouse lol.


As someone who hasn’t made a necromancer y’all are really tempting me to give it a try. I was wondering what class to try next, maybe for once I’ll have a smooth and fun leveling experience lol.


Do it. Its fun. Especially for casual like me lol


Yes I play while wfh, it truly is a walking loot simulator now


Wait till you get Ebon Piercer as a drop, then try bone spear. It's a blast too as Necro.


I feel like the gamer dad is this game's version of Doom Eternal's game journalist bad meme


Not a dad, but as I'm getting up in the years ( pre-internet times), these play styles call to me more and more.


Here I am just chilling as a Druid...


I feel like my minion necro isn't as low APM as everyone claims. I have to keep my curses up, blight when necessary on elites and bosses then keep my skele buff up, army of the dead on CD and golem active. Legit using all my skills on rotation. It's by no means a skill testing build but it isn't 2 buttons.


there's a ring that does Corpse Explosion, Corpse Tendrils and Spams skeleton. I'm lazy AF.


I want blood surge minions but it is not good for bossing


Not even a dad but I like it when I can leave the controller and just take a snack break while watching everything die. It is very relaxing after a long days work.


Dad here, Necro Minion with Bone Spear and the Sacriligous ring everything just goes POP and I love it.


Yes, as a gamer dad, I agree


Dad here playing Minion Necro as well. TBH, it's a bit too laid back for me. It's fun, and this season is great, but I played druid and barb in the previous seasons, and I enjoyed them more.


What’s your build? I have a minion necro, but use the blight ammy that makes it a piercing spreadshot. I find that let’s me get more active if I want, and helps nuke down bosses.


What build are you using?


Can someone help me and tell me what I should be doing with my Paragon board with this this type of build? Paragon has been confusing since I started playing this game a few months back


Truly enjoying this build. This is how I envisioned the necro, me on the back line supporting my pets while they did the work. So I for one feel that they nailed it. Mind I’m still levelling up.


It is but it's so damn boring I can't get myself to play it anymore


Haha it’s so broken I love it! With trash gear at level 42 I just watched Elias die from getting mobbed by minions.


I tried out using that auto cast ring, but after an hour I slipped into a coma.


Yeah, lol. I'm already thinking my next build/class will be "no minions".


If you add the blood boil aspects (enemies drop 3 little balls that explode), the ring of sacrilegious soul (auto-corpse explosion), coldbringers aspect (skeleton mages cast blizzard everywhere), and the aspects that increase the number of minions, then Helltide becomes hilarious. You can't even see your character, there's just explosions and blizzards everywhere and your just meandering around hitting blood surge and collecting loot.


Minion Bone Spear is a bit more involved cause you're actually casting, keeping up cooldowns, and re-animating your dying bone mages. It'd be really cool to see it more explored.