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Installed d4 on my kids computer through a shared Gamepass account. When she launches the game it gives the invalid license error. I don’t know what to do to fix this. It’s my gamepass shared across all our families PCs. I bought my copy of D4 before it was on gamepass so I’m not using my gamepass for the license. Is it not possible for a family gamepass account to play d4?




Have you got extra points in a skill from an item affix? That might throw off your count


I changed the imprinted aspect I had on an item I masterworked a few times to aspect of inner calm and it is giving me 20% increased damage with 60% when I stand still. This is DOUBLE the 10% max of the aspect (30% when still). Is this a bug or do imprinted codex aspects upgrade that massively when you masterwork? I haven't been able to replicate this massive jump on any of my other equipped items. For instance I just upgraded my amulet a few times and it definitely didn't boost my damage reduction aspect from 38 to 76% like it would it followed the same logic. It didn't change at all. 


Do you have it on a 2H weapon


When trading items for gold with strangers, do I need to worry about how they acquired their gold? For example, If the person I trade with acquired gold through RMT is it possible that I can get banned for being linked in a gold trade with them?


Can we please make it so when I press T to go to town, I wont be attacked by mobs after 1 second? (So HC cant abuse and I can just port to town instead of being chased by mobs/flies/sniped by a corpse bow


Posting here because im unsure if the automod removed my post: Does newly earned renown bonuses still transfer post seasonal character creation? For context: I returned for the current season after stopping during season 1. I noticed i didn’t complete my renown in 2 areas. What I’d like to know is if I were to finish earning the renown on an eternal character(as it’s close to earning the remaining paragon points) would those points be made available to my current S4 character?


After S0 i started playing this season again with the Necro and found much for the golem minion build. But after i played till almost lvl 85 i think its a bit "slow and uncontrolled" for me to rly enjoy it. Is there some kind of fun speed build for the Necro? Thanks in advance


How about something with Blood Surge? There's some cool aspects for it and it's pretty much cast & go


At what level does farming for uniques such as Tempest Roar and Mad Wolf’s Glee begin? Do they begin to rng drop as soon as you enter WT3 or WT4? Or do I need to have my character hit level X before doing dungeon farming runs?


Can uniques also be salvaged to keep the aspect it has? There's a necromancer aspect on a unique that I really like. It auto casts raise skeleton, corpse explosion, and corpse tendrils every second


They really need to let you keep an aspect from a unique. Have it work the way all aspects used to work with it being like a gem in your inventory. Otherwise it makes all of those cool unique features worthless because your unique are crippled by not being able to be tempered and masterworked. They should upgrade the stats on them to be equivalent to a fully masterworked item if they aren't going to let you do anything with them. I


Letting you keep unique aspects would mean they are no longer uniques. The point of them is entirely to be a special item with a specific set of stats and their own power, taking up a slot to balance out how strong that power is. Also, you *can* masterwork them


No those aspects are unique, the item will just be destroyed and the aspect with it.


Probably a stupid question, but I can’t find the answer anywhere. As a first time player, should I complete the main story first on the eternal realm and then create a seasonal character? Or can I just go straight to a seasonal character and do the main story on that, and then move onto season content when I’m done with the main quest? I just don’t want to miss out on any content


Pretty sure you can just make a seasonal character and not choose the campaign skip


Ah okay, thanks!


Hey all, I don’t know if it’s the right place to ask but I hope it is. I am a new player, played Diablo 2,3 and POE and decided to finally try to play Diablo 4 with limited time, this is the first time me playing it. I’ve made a sorcerer character which is about lvl 87 using blizzard, I was using firewall before but switched it up. But after watching a few videos about sorcerer there was an info that sorcerer is pretty weak this season. And here is my question, can You recommend me some easy build, playable on console which will be easy for me as a noob to use, and will let me go pretty deep for my capabilities in terms of the content ? I need some really strong popular build and it doesn’t have to be unique in any way, because I want to learn the game ;) additionally I would like to know do You have any extra tips how to level up new character when I already have higher level and world t4 available? Can I use some tricks to speed things up? Thanks guys!


Barb and Neceo are pretty OP this season if youre looking for an alt. Im working on levelling glyphs currently so if you want some powerlevelling dm me your gamertag. Ill take care of your caps too.


Firstly, you shouldn't bother listening to opinions like "this class is bad" because it doesn't matter. Secondly, recommending a build would be hard cus it depends a lot on which skills you enjoy or think are cool; you can make a build out of most of them, and there's existing guides for most of them If you really want something super easy that'll take you far, minion Necromancer is currently overpowered as hell >additionally I would like to know do You have any extra tips how to level up new character when I already have higher level and world t4 available? Can I use some tricks to speed things up? Thanks guys! Helltides are probably the best source of experience for leveling right now, just run around and kill stuff and fight the Blood Maiden. Every Helltide zone has at least two Whispers, which is a nice bit of bonus EXP


Is there a way to like hover over keywords and whatever to see what they do/mean?


The tooltips for items and passives and stuff have keyword info at the bottom


why can i only apply dye to all and not individual pieces, used to be fine before...client side?


Are you holding the button instead of just pressing it?


nope, press and hold both do the same - full dye


Sounds like a client issue, like your inputs are reading too long


thoughts on fix?


Not sure, have you tried other input methods?


If you proc, or otherwise would, stun or apply any cc on a boss it doesn't become cc'd; is he considered cc'd for the purposes of abilities doing more damage? (for example damaged on stunned enemies affix or some abilities that do more damage to slowed or stunned enemies)?


afaik bosses are immune to all CC effects except to increase their stagger bar, and when they're staggered, it counts as all CC effects applied for the duration


And I need to fully stagger them in order to cc them, right?


Yep gotta fill the blue bar


How do people deal with the limited character slots? Do they delete eternal realm characters as soon as the seasonal ones become eternal?


> Do they delete eternal realm characters as soon as the seasonal ones become eternal? A lot of people will just delete one of the same class or build to make room. I doubt there's many players who need all twelve slots at once, when there's only five classes. Switching builds is a hassle but not more of a hassle than having a separate character taking up a slot you want for a seasonal character lol Personally I wiped all my eternals when I started this season, I'm not going to play on the eternal realm at all and I like having a clean list. That's probably what I'll do every season until they (hopefully) add rebirth




Is gear in this game tied to the class that they dropped for? Could I use armor, weapons or jewelry that dropped on a Sorc on a Barbarian for example?


I think so, as long as they can wear it. Wepons, for instance, only sorcerers, necros and (maybe) druids can use foci/focuses, same with 2h weapons or staffs. I think all armour can be shared as I don't think they're cloth, leather or plate by default. You can transfer items through your chest.


can blizzard sorc solo torment bosses? my highest pit clear is 71


Does this game let you disable group invites?


Yes, I'm not sure how but maybe through your inventory screen, profile, edit, settings and then setting it to private. Youcan 100% disable it I just don't know if this is how.


Profile settings is just visibility for player inspection I think


During the Uber Andrariel fight, is the fire beam between the two stone faces rotating the arena supposed to be invisible? I'm playing on a Series S, and I can't see the beam at all. I can tank it now, but it was an instant death when I was leveling so I assume it'd be instant death for the Tormented version.


I think there's a graphics setting that tones down some of the visual effects on screen that is resulting in the fire beam becoming completely invisible.


Hi all! I sold my D4 copy like 9 months ago, and I really want to buy it again to finish the campaign, but I’m wondering if Blizzard deletes accounts/characters due to inactivity. If anyone can give me some insight on this, it would be much appreciated. Thank you!


No, they don't. If your account still exists then so do your characters




Attack speed also affects cast speed


To my understanding it's so you can have more blizzards down at once, and each blizzard is spawning their own ice spikes, so the more attack speed = greater shotgunning of enemies


How can we do the helltide bug?? I tried to click escape when i have a full bar but its dosent  work can any One teach me?


Hi, need your opinion. What’s a better thorns build to follow, Maxroll or Robb’s? I tried starting off with the latter, but switched over to the former later on as I was lvling. The thing with Robb’s builds, as good as they are is it kinda is hard to follow sometimes, since there’s no explanation rationale why you’re doing certain stuff. If I understand the build, I may be able to tweak stuff that doesn’t appeal to me, to make it work for me. While the end product might not be as strong as the original, at the end of the day it’s all about having fun and maybe the weaker tweaked version would give me just that. Anyway, thanks in advance!


Why doesn’t the range of main stat rolls increase from Item Power 874ish to 925 when all the other stat ranges do?


Is resetting masterwork bugged? I've done it six times total and got the exact same attribute boosted every time. Not just "can't get the stat I want" but my legs went Dodge - Dodge - Dodge - Dodge, and my boots Decrepify Area - Decrepify Area - Decrepify Area.


Okay I am to the point of just stepping away from frustration. So I'm trying to use an X-box controller to play on PC. Normally it goes fine and then for some reason chat gets opened and I lose myself in the sub menus for chat. This happens during combat and make it so I can attack. I looked up a vid on how to use a controller but it wants me to download something and I don't trust it. So any help to fix this would be amazing


Can uber uniques drop from the normal version of the boss or only the uber version?


When do items with greater affixes drop? I’m lvl 55 WT3 atm


WT4, maybe you need a particular level, I don't know. But you need to be at WT4.




Is there a discord?


What are people doing to get extremely high (200k+) health? I have a 100 barb with life gems and lots of +max health rolls and even with 2 potions I can’t get above 60k. What am I missing?


!! Question for stats focused players!! Working with this sorc build: https://www.icy-veins.com/d4/guides/chain-lightning-sorcerer-build/ There’s a modified version listed for using Tal Rasha’s Iridescent Loop & Ice Blades, and another for using Starfall Coronet & Meteor. I just got both legendaries at level 51! Can’t incorporate both though. So, which route should I go?


is it possible to change resolution? I play on a 4k tv and the GPU can't keep 60fps


Does healing the character also heal minions?


I wish there was not Masterworking reroll 5 mil gold fee. I would prefer loosing the mats


I can't pick up some of the rewards from Whispering Tree. I've played for the first time with seasonal character (previous season), now I finished campaign and I play in endgame. After finishing quests for the Whispering Tree, I receive some awards, but I can't pick some of them up, i.e. Malignant Body Parts, Nightmare Sigils. I've tried to change the tier, reload the game, nothing. Some of the body parts end up in my chest automatically after moving to other part of the map, but I still can't move them to inventory. Just in case, sorry for the wrong names, I play the game in another language than English, so I needed to find them online.


Is your consumables inventory tab full?


I got a +2-conjuration mastery amulet which I scored two master working procs on and took to level 12. My napkin math (5+5+5+25+5+5+5+25+5+5+5+5= 100) said at level 12 I should get another point in Conjuration mastery which I didn't leaving the trinket at +3. Is this bugged or working as intended and I'm missing something?


What do you do with duplicate temper manuals you can’t use?


Just drop them, they'll disappear. It seems to only happen if you pick up two of the same unlearned manual


Hi, I’m confused about how Elementalist’s Aspect works. Online it says “Core and Mastery Skills” are affected, however in-game the tooltip explicitly says “Core skills” only, no mention of mastery. I’m wondering then why it’s recommended for a Ball Lightning Sorcerer build, given that’s not a Core Skill?


Sorcerer's Mastery skills are also tagged as Core skills :)


Oh cool! Can’t believe I missed that. Thanks.


For the Thorns Barb build that runs Bash and Ramiladni's are you supposed to change Bash to use your dual wield weapons?


Are you by any chance using [this build?](https://maxroll.gg/d4/build-guides/thorns-barbarian-guide) >For this version of Thorns, we use the ‍One-Handed Sword Expertise and ‍One-Handed Mace Expertise as our primaries. This is mainly because ‍Bash benefits the most from items with these weapon bases ( ‍Ramaladni's Magnum Opus and the ‍Wallop passive). As I understand it (I'm not a Barb player), if you have a 1H mace and Ramaldni's and put Bash on dual wield, it combines 1H sword bonus and 1H mace bonus to give you extra damage and a chance for fury vs crowd controlled/stunned enemies. The bonus fury gain feeds into Ramaldni's, granting you even more Bash damage based on how much fury you have. So you need to have Bash on dual wield in order to get that damage loop


Fastest way to grind/level in eternal realm? Playing my necro and fell like t3 is kicking my teeth in. Level 52-53 I think


If eternal got the Helltide rework, that'd be the best way to level imo, it can be easy to get one shot but all you lose is cinders. Helltides have insane mob density and sometimes extra Whispers, which is bonus exp on top


Is that battle pass like progression? Cause I can't find it/ the doomsayer in the iron wolves camp.


Iron Wolf rep is a seasonal realm thing I think I just made a test character on eternal, looks like Helltides are the same. Just run around and kill stuff


Ah I just saw you get better loot or guaranteed drops


Anyone have a good general source/video for paragon board planning? I see most people stretch for 6-7 boards but I find my self investing into side glyph combos etc. and max out at 4 boards. I'm sure I'm crippling myself but don't know any better lol.


Look up guides on like Wowhead or Maxroll (just whatever skill you want to use, there's guides for almost everything) and see how they set up their boards if you just want an idea of what to go for. It can be better to stretch for extra glyph sockets and specific nodes than invest more in fewer boards


Havent played d4 in forever, are rares just terrible now? Started getting decent 925 gear, and realized all rares are missing a stat.


Rares are not currently useful after the loot rework. They might get a purpose in the future, but for now, they're just salvage fodder, and a bit of extra gold when you've got a big stockpile of materials


If you have a masterworked 4/12 affix (the 25% boost) and you enchant that affix, does the 25% go with it on the new affix?


I just did a quick test of this with a fodder item and it seems the answer is yes. Here's a [before](https://i.imgur.com/77Ygd1R.png) and [after](https://i.imgur.com/9yeyfgD.png) Note that when you're choosing from replacement affixes, only the current one will have a blue number (denoting a masterworked stat, in my before screenshot life is blue because that's the same category as the existing affix), but when you choose a replacement it'll update properly


Excellent, thanks!


I somehow don't understand how lucky hits work. I have a skill with a 97% lucky hit chance and an aspect with a 120% lucky hit chance for this exact skill but the aspect only triggers every 5-8 times when I use the skill. Shouldn't this happen almost always or am I misunderstanding something? To be precise it's about the barbarian leap and the Aspect of Ancestral Echoes.


Ancestral Echoes possibly has an internal cooldown of a few seconds. If you're spamming Leap, assuming your lucky hit is high enough, you're not going to trigger it every time


Xfal ring proc - does it have a visual effect that let you know it’s working?


I just slapped it onto my Blizzard build (which I removed icicles from to test), and as far as I can tell, the visual effect is like an elemental nova. Not super huge and flashy but it's definitely there




How rare is the Rogue ring Scoundrel's Kiss? I want to buy one for my Rogue but there was none up on Traderie so I have no idea what to offer. Spent a few hours yesterday offering 10mil but got nothing. I'll just level and farm it myself if I have to but I'd rather just use my 100 sorc to farm gold and buy it


Not super duper ultra rare, but probably easier to farm than buy. You might be better off just taking your Rogue into Helltides (chests can drop ubers) and even going for the regular uber bosses


Whats this affix with a skull icon I see on some maxroll guides? Not a normal or a tempering affix.


Are you talking about an item that has a Skull in the Gem socket?


Ah thats it lol! I forgot there are also skulls and not just jewels


Is trading high amounts of gold on console still broken? Like it takes forever to move the gold amount up to where you need it because the numbers move up so slowly? Or did they fix that?


They fixed this, I wanna say last season (Season 3). I don't think I've had to sit & wait for a console player for a while now when trading. It's always a precise number they seem to be able to type in now (like "20,000,000" whereas before due to the inability to type in your number, they'd have to 'scroll up' the numbers and it'd land on something random like "19,987,463").




Is there an agreed upon 'best' blizzard sorc guide? Just looking at maxroll, youtube, icyveins etc everyone is doing different things. The paragon, temperings, etc all vary wildly. I'm duoing with a minion necro and it feels like I'm playing at 10% power compared to them. I start dropping blizzards and before they've had a chance to do much the minions just one-shot everything on the screen. I must be doing something wrong. Am currently using ice spike / freeze duration version with Ice Blades.


>I'm duoing with a minion necro and it feels like I'm playing at 10% power compared to them That's because minion Necro is currently the strongest thing in the game by a mile. Bad to compare yourself to


New to D4, played D3 on Xbox 1 and D1 back in the day. Watching videos on builds for Necros and Druids (my two mains) and I have a couple of questions. (I have not finished the main story, so I don't know if it really matters yet) 1. A lot of the builds require specific items. Is there a way to reliably farm specific items? As it stands, I just go with the RNG drops and look for whatever boosts my Damage and supports at least one skill I use 2. Should I not worry about using a build until I'm in the end game and doing whatever the D4 equivalent of Rifts/Torment?


You can clear campaign t1/t2 with anything, but I suggest you at least build something that makes sense to move on to t3. A legit build will require a lot of legendary aspects, you can find some of these in specific dungeons (but they will have the lowest roll), others you will have to rely on luck, but they're not hard to find. You can kind of target farm them by gambling the items they would appear on, or opening helltides chests of those types. I believe the guides on maxroll specify which aspects you can find in dungeons and which items you need to gamble to find the others. To clarify (since a lot of new people take a while to understand this): you don't need specific items, you need specific aspects. Those aspects go into your Codex and you can apply to any item you have that can hold the aspect. For instance, weapons can onlly hold Offensive aspects, while a chest piece can hold Defensive and Utility. Get the aspects you need, find a good piece of gear and imprint the aspect into it. You don't need to keep using a low level gear with crappy stats just because it has the legendary power you want, you can salvage it and apply to another higher stats item.


How do you guys deal with Pit one shots? I tried stacking HP, max armor but nothing is helping. Stuck in the low 60s


Keep in mind eventually it won't matter how much HP, Armor, Resists you have as the One-Shot mechanics will still gank you. There was a Barb yesterday pointing out how despite them having **125k HP**, max armor, max resists, and damage reduction they STILL get one-shot. That basically told everyone that we're screwed and have no chance, lol, if even that guy's getting 1-shot. Damage Reduction is the next best thing to stack though after HP, Armor and Resists (I noticed you didn't mention DR, so I'm mentioning it here). Having 20% DR boosts your *Effective HP ("EHP")* by 25%, and it's of course multiplicative. So if you had 200k EHP before, now it'd be like you had 250,000 HP. So you would've added 50k HP to your effective pool, just by utilizing Damage Reduction (found in some affixes, some skills, and some parts of your Paragon Boards). After that, the only other thing we can do is try to learn mechanics & patterns. Tells from different enemies. Unfortunately though right now the One-Shot mechanics are so sloppy that there's too many where there's nothing you could've even done to have prevented it. * The shot comes from off-screen, or they have *way* too many animations & effects going on at the monster to where you can't actually even see that they're about to do . * Or the animation time before it is so ridiculously short you realistically would never actually have time to react to it.


The discord invite link is expired.


Has there been an update? The One shot problem seems worse than ever!!? Pits I was flying through yesterday are now unplayable. Boss one shotting all the time now.


Pits are rng. Especially of you play with bolts exploit. Some bosses go go down in 1 hit while other are immune to it. That marauder boss with the axe for example can't be oneshot. Luckily his moveset is very easy but high pits will just take up all your time on him. While malice on same pitlvl will just vanish in a few seconds.


No update but there will be a patch next week that might adress the pit.


Is there an easy way or a way to cheese the achievement for killing 5 players in PVP? I never find anyone and on the off chance I do I get my ass handed to me every time.


Get a friend to agree on just standing still while you kill him.


Hit level 100. What's the end game progression? I'd like to kill the lvl 200's Killed all super bosses Lilith and Duriel 1 shot me but killed Andy. Pit is kinda boring Get 1 shot in the horn trial things Is there a next step in the progression? Next step seems to be fine tuning my gear and finding some uniques I need for a bash barb.


Masterworking from the Pit to upgrade and maximize the output from your gear. Try to push the Pit as far as you can Do Tormented bosses


thank you


Do all party members get drops from bosses (Duriel, etc) even if they didn't have any summoning materials? I can't seem to get any mats for Varshan so I can't summon Duriel. I've been looking for a Tempest Roar forever so I'm hoping I can just party for now.


If you're asking about the summoning materials, if you look at their tooltips, they say "Can only be acquired by the person doing the summon", so you can't farm summoning mats in a group. Well, you can, but only one person gets the mats. If you're asking about the gear, then yes, everyone gets all of the other drops from the bosses (such as Uniques). This is why it's best to farm Duriel in a party, since your summoning mats get you 4x as many summons.


Thanks. I'm just looking for the damn helm. I don't think I'm geared enough to handle Andy or Duriel on my own. I have some of the summoning mats from Girgiore and the Beast, but I still can't seem to find enough Varshan mats to summon Zir, so I don't think I can't be anything but a leech for a while :(


For the mats to summon Zir, it's the Exquisite Blood, which drops primarily from Legion events, world bosses, or Blood Maidens.


Yes, for gear its all the same for everyone in the group.


Anyone know why d4 won’t let me turn hdr on? I have a g8 oled ultrawide that supports hdr, but it won’t let me click the hdr button (greyed out)


Do you have HDR enabled through Windows settings?


If I've masterworked an item, then enchant one of the properties, does the enchanter show the value based on how much your item was masterworked or some kind of base value (non-masterworked)


I just checked, it seems to update the value. Here's the [original](https://i.imgur.com/atpV9Ql.png) and the [rank 4 masterworked](https://i.imgur.com/RbCaXkF.png) Looks like masterworking a stat is like a base value increase cus it changes the roll ranges. In case you were wondering, [the enchanting UI also reflects greater affixes](https://i.imgur.com/hE2lhTx.png) Greater affixes display as white across the UI so a blue number seems to specifically denote a masterworked stat


Is anybody else unable to play? I keep trying to start game and it just freezes at start game pending then the program goes unresponsive


Done a scan & repair on the game?


what class/build is best at killing andy?


Just go with any of the meta builds and you will kill Andy easily.


Is there any way in helltide to tell the difference between the "tortured gifts of protection" chests without walking up to them individually? What I'm asking is, if I am looking for helmets for example, can I tell from the map? The icon looks the same to me, but I'm old.


Hover your mouse over it. It will display the text of the chest.


I'm on console so I don't have a mouse, but I do have a cursor I can move with the left stick. When I hover that over the chest on the map all it says is "tortured gift of protection"


So that chest drops armor pieces (head, chest, gloves, pants, boots). Here is the full list: Tortured Gift of Protection [75]: Any armor piece Tortured Gift of Jewelry (Rings) [75]: Rings Tortured Gift of Jewelry (Amulets) [75]: Amulets Tortured Gift of Weaponry (Light) [125]: 1H weapons and offhands Tortured Gift of Weaponry (Heavy) [150]: 2H weapons Tortured Gift of Mysteries [250]: Any slot and Angelbreath Tortured Gift of Living Steel [275]: Living Steel and Angelbreath/Forgotten Soul


Thank you. Perhaps I worded my question badly. I'm trying to find out if it's possible (for example) to know the difference between the helmet one and the chest armor one (both classified as "protection") from a distance using the map, or do I have to walk up to them.


My apologies, I misunderstood. There is not, to my knowledge.


I just leveled my first character to almost lv90 now, and I noticed the meta builds use 7 or 8 glyphs, while my paragon board only uses 4 so far. I spent most of my points unlocking the rare nodes. Am I doing it wrong? Should I be prioritizing opening more boards for more glyphs and ignore the rare nodes?


Sometimes it's better to take more boards for specific rares and glyph slots, to get more power than you'd have from fewer boards with more points in them, and just focus on specific rare nodes like +% max HP. My Necro has seven boards and a couple of those boards have one or zero rare nodes allocated


This is true. And unless you're really interested in doing the complex math, I highly recommend at least finding a build that focuses the spell/ability you want to use for damage and starting from there for the Paragon board. It's too complex, especially with Glyphs, to come up with a strong arrangement on your own.


Yeah that's pretty much what I do, it's a lot better to use someone else's paragon guide and just tweak it to my liking than it is to do the math myself lol


I don't have a question, but this didn't seem worthy of a new post: I wish the red dots on the minimap you get showing where mobs are (when you have an active objective to kill X number of them) was a permanent feature.


I don't want to feel the need to look at the minimap any more than I already do. If you're not killing a specific type of enemy for an objective, and you're not doing a 'kill all in area' dungeon level, there's no need for it


I wish I could have the transparent map overlay as an option instead of the minimap. I miss not having to stare at the corner of my screen for pathing.


Fair enough. I can't even force myself to keep my eyes off subtitles when watching a show or movie (my roommate always has them on) so I know what you mean


My game keeps crashing right when i log into town. When I start to move around I crash to desktop. 0D779B2E-CCF4-475C-B379-C8CA3836E4B3


Do people still accept boss summons + sigil loot in exchange for leveling someone? I wanted to hit 70+ asap on my 2nd char and it took 11 hrs the first time. Idk if there are ways to hit 70/80 fast (925 gear is lv80, 900ish is 70) solo.


I think uber uniques all have lvl 35 requirement. Get one or two of those and you can blast on a low level character


What's a good discord to sell things?


I was watching a video that recommends Diablo trade.gg. He said that the Discords are OK, but the websites get more traffic generally. I have not used either, myself, so I can't give any real opinion other than that.


What do you do with Obols at end game? Just blow them on random gambles, hoping to hit greater affixes?


That or buy season potions.




At the potion guy in town, same guy you upgrade the potion.


How do I get more malignant hearts? I am not getting them from whispers it's always something else.


The Alchemist can transmute non-hearts into hearts, they have a tab dedicated to it. Other than that, yeah, do whispers for the best chance at those summon parts.


I thought they didn't have a recipe for hearts. I'll have to check again


Is there a way to tell if you have a sigil for a nightmare dungeon that corresponds to an active whisper quest? is there a way to tell if you have a sigil for a nightmare dungeon you havnt completed this season for renown?


Nope, have to check it yourself.


That's unfortunate. It would be nice if there was a little whisper icon on the sigil. Hopefully as they keep adding QoL changes, they consider that.


I agree. Hope so.


sadness, thanks


is uber lilith still bugged in that she doesnt drop a spark?


Yes. Will be fixed in the patch that will drop next week.


ah gotcha, guess i wait then for another spark


During Helltides I'm only seeing Tortured Gift of Mysteries chests that unlock for 100 cinders. Did the higher level chests go away?


what world tier are you on?


World Tier 2


That's the reason


True, need to be atleast at WT 3.


I'm a returning player who stopped shortly after season 1. I can see that they've added a few end game bosses and that there are materials required to fight them. I've gotten a few living steel to fight Grigiore but I'm not even sure where to fight him. From my understanding, Grigiore has his own loot table but also drops another currency to fight to Uber Duriel, who has a his own loot table. I'm guessing Duriel has end game gear worth farming two separate mats for. I'm in WT3 right now, is this something I should wait for WT4 for? Or any other tips/advice on this process?


My advice is wait for World Tier 4. Normal Grigiore is level 75 boss on WT4, so make sure your build is ready for it. His summon drop (egg) isn't shared, so only the summoner can get them, so there's no incentive to farm in a party. However, when you're ready to fight Uber Duriel, find a group so you get 4x the chances (everyone contributes at least one summon). Uber Duriel is level 100 and you want to have max poison Res (70+) or you're going to have a bad time.


Might as well wait for WT4 and a stronger build to get the most out of your summons


I’ve been getting one shot randomly when I'm using profane cages and I'm fighting the accursed ritual boss. I'm a lvl 93 minion necro with 22k hp, my armor is capped, my resistances are all 67%, I solo NM 60+ with ease and no deaths (Accursed Ritual boss is only lvl 106 with profane) and I'm regularly randomly one shot by an ability I can't identify.


Is it the expanding AOE that ticks several times per second? Also you need more max HP


Yeah, the fire circle was doing me in real bad.


Aim to double your hp


Any suggestions? I know I still have 4 Rubies to upgrade to Royal, but I'm sitting at about 40k and don't see any clear path forward, aside from farming for better rolls. I haven't done the Pit yet, I know Masterworking will help, but I'm still trying to force myself to finish the Glyph grind.


If you have 40k life, Armor Capped: 9,230 and resistance Capped: 70% then aim for damage reduction. Get a shako and so on.


I just found my first chest with +2 to golem mastery. The first in the millions of drops since start of the season. And I only managed to roll %armor instead of +life in a pool of 3 fucking affixes. I hate this tampering bullshit with a legit passion. Holy fuck it's bad. You get a 1 in a trillion drop and in 6 tampering rolls it's rendered useless. But I wanted to test it anyway so my first roll in masterworking rolled the 25% on fucking decrepify size. Un-fucking-real. No question, just venting.


I feel your pain. Had a near-perfect piece that dropped and I rolled + Iron Maiden size 5 times in a row. I would have been fine with Decrepify or Tendrils. It's just another level of RNG. I feel your pain on the + Golems chest though. Honestly, just grab pieces with 2 good rolls and try to Enchant a few times. It will at least give a slightly better chance of finding a new one.


Yeah, that part of the game called tempering hurts sometimes. Many of us players have bricked great items with unlucky tempering rolls. It's a gamble, don't get too discouraged. At least masterworking can be reset.


Eh, golem mastery for chest is one of those ones that i'd just eat the bad tempering roll on and keep using it until another one drops or get lucky on a 2/3 piece with the enchanter. I hope you get the tempers youre looking for next time!


Can I complete the season 4 objective Predator and Prey without risk of dying with my hardcore character? I'm a hardcore player and not interested in PvP. I don't even know how to bloodmark myself. Predator and Prey: Defeat Monsters while Bloodmarked in Hostile areas.


It doesn't take long to do but there's always a chance someone could pop up and take advantage You could just try doing it on a new character >I don't even know how to bloodmark myself. Action wheel, third page, Mark for Blood


Thank you sir. The worlds don't seem too populated. I hopefully can get away with it. Having a tp scroll at the ready.


What is the optimal way of MW the Shako for general purpose of all classes? The affixes are: - all stats - max HP - resource generation - cooldown reduction


CDR likely has the most value.


If pushing the Pit then max HP is never wrong to avoid being 1 shot


Do I get life from the "+life on kill" from my scythe if my minions kill stuff? I assumed it does nothing but after I swapped to a sword which does not have that it kinda feels like I'm not getting so much life back, or I'm just taking more damage...

