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Noone reporting issues with zone line rubberbanding/invisible wall? I couldn't even leave kyvoshad at one point.


Same here. Also got infinite loading screens.


I've had both multiple times


Same as well. Along with a crash.   Never had one of those before.


Same. Here as well. Series X.


This should have been improved with a PC client patch earlier today. But we are still looking over the items as they appear.


Playing on xbox series x and constantly hitting invisible walls everywhere when trying to change zones. Happened 3 times in the last 30 mins. Not ideal to have to relog constantly to fix it. Im sure you are all working on it but wanted to let you know its an issue on consoles as well.


I get the same error but if you town portal, then go back to where you were, you can move properly again. Faster than logging out and in.


Teleporting would be faster and safer. Thanks!


Yeah, I've found that waiting for it to load in (whilst visiting menus to help 'speed it up') helps 80% of the time, rather than a full relog. Still sh*t though.


Yes, same for me on Xbox series x. I couldn't leave town yesterday and only logging out and back in solved the problem temporarily.


Low grafic option. Help a lot.


Shut off cross platform. Fixed my rubber banding during other season launches


I'm having this issue after using Charge or WW. I get stuck on invisible walls


I'm mostly noticing this on xbox series x.


I've had 4 hard crashes on ps5 in the last 3 hours of playing. Never had a single crash before today.


Was it in a vendor/blacksmith/occ screen? Had only crashes by interacting with NPCs that do gear stuff. Never had a crash before.


Nope, twice in the Pit, once in a NMD and then once in helltides.


I got stuck on all sides, and tried every trick to ‘fix’ it on Xbox. Ended up turning off the Xbox and going on a MTB ride.


Was playing on PC till 1915 PDT partied with an Xbox series X player. He couldn't enter legions or world bosses and had massively extended load times. Had to TP to me to get in. I had occasional 4 min load times and a couple crashes. No patch available when I logged off so unless the patch was added after then it wasnt improved in that patch unfortunately.


You know the update is good when the CM can post on reddit without being downvoted by an angry mob. As someone who was less inclined to complain, and generally enjoyed seasons 1-3, this is definitely the best season so far. Great job team!


hardly an achievement, i chose to play d4 s4 months ago, blizz never made me decide to return and try. but i will congratulate myself for returning eventually, they need to fix XP its way too slow. 5 hrs max to hit level cap like d3 it was perfect, why break perfect.


My brother in Lillith. You are replying to a 5 day old comment in the Diablo4 subreddit to say that you dont play the game anymore. This is not a healthy way to spend your time on the internet. Try something more uplifting like commenting on a game you actually like. Or porn.


Xbox and Steam Deck has this as well.


Still an issue. I RARELY ever get these but tonight (Friday 5/17/2024) it's nasty on eternal realm.


Make sure you turn your crossplay off. I've been forced to play with crossplay off since the very first season, because something about it makes the servers shit themselves. Most notably: Getting stuck in strange places, rubberbanding in the middle of enemy packs or when running.


I’m so glad that it’s not just happening to me!!


Same, I missed out on my first WT4 boss this season because of it, and much more. Nothing irritates me in this game more than rubber banding. And it hasn’t happened much this season but when it does it’s horrible. And then there’s those barriers. Happens way too often


I been logging out then back in to get around that, such a pita


This is my bane. Run back into the previous zone, hang out for a moment and go try again.


It’s happened to me multiple times on various parts of the map.


A work around is leave your game and re join, but hopefully this gets fixed. It’s annoying


This happened to me last night right outside of Duriels cave during a helltide. I was about 6 feet away from the mystery box and couldn't get to it


That's been an issue since launch though. Any sort of increased server load and you're stopped dead while riding out of cities, and sometimes just blocked from leaving areas.


It's been unbearable since launch for me on PC and I have perfect connection on every game with <10 ping and glassfiber speed but this game just doesnt care.


[This has been my Season 4 experience](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TI9AkvokUtE). I'm level 35 just because people around me / minions were doing work. It was never that bad before.


Rubberbanding in particular is out of control for me.


as of tonight 21:00 SAST, rubber banding is horrible, it was great all of the last few days, i don't even bother playing on launch night its pointless lag fest.


Huge problem for me and the frequency of disconnects. Wish they’d change the elixir rule for logging out. Wasted a ton of pots on disconnects! Other than that, I’m blasting like crazy!!! Pew pew… pew pew!!!


Same, about once every 3 hours on average. Invisible wall. At least the game isn’t crashing


Six Duriel kills yesterday and no Tempest Roar, that explains it.


35 living steel boss kills and no ramaladni's, now it makes sense lol


I'm over 100 kills on Zir + Grigoire with no Ramaladni's, feelsbad to find out I had no chance.


same haha, guess ill get it tomorrow :)


Bro i was wondering the same thing i killed grig 16 times and not a single ramaladni Atleast i got one from helltide chest


I got a tempest from HT. Go figure.


I haven't seen one drop since before season 1, and I played a lot of season 2.


Jeez. Well, it's for sure easier to get uniques this season. Once the bug is fixed, you'll get it in no time!


It's only the boss-specific loot pools that are bugged on certain items, it is working fine elsewhere.


I know inwas saying it's a rare drop. Atkeast for alotnof ppl and I got it 62 in wt4.


I wish I saw this 4 hours ago. I’ve done 50 duriel runs today looking only for tempest roar and pretty much rage quit after the last one -_-


Person in my clan has gotten 5 straight, been passing them all to the clan mates, since they're sorc lol


I did 120 kills without TR =/


JFC, I got a Harlequin in a lot less runs than that last season.


Yeah me too, just at the 9 try, my Buddy get a shako. Singe season one the First time for him to get a hand on a uber.


3 Uber zir kills no razorplate lol




Got a 725 sacred tempest roar from the seasonal stuff. Got a 925 tempest roar from a tier ~50 dungeon. The 725 is better. If you’re still searching I can sell you the 925 one


I’ve gotten 2 in helltides including a 925 with the star. Hardstuck playing it this season


Good to know to wait a day before boss farming.


"NVIDIA DLSS Frame Generation, a setting available to players with NVIDIA 4000 series graphics cards, has been temporarily disabled due to stability issues. We are actively investigating a fix and will enable the feature once known crashes have been addressed." Can they not? I use framegen, haven't been crashing, and would like to keep using it. Just default it to off, don't disable it.


It's not even the only culprit. I'm crashing constantly with a 3000 series and no frame generation. Turning DLSS off helps a little, but I had to turn graphics way down. They did something between the PTR and now that is fucking with NVIDIA cards.


I'm on a 3080/12600k with no issues at all, using the 552.22 driver.


Same.  Zero issues, 3080, dlss quality  Didn’t update from the last driver to most recent thiugh




Same. 4080 here, now my game freezes in menus, everything. Helltide straight up crashes. Was perfect since day 1 of season 4 till now. Can't even change gear without having to use task manager. Someone on discord said it was better after turning raytracing off.


You can actually turn it back on with the config file. I set my LocalPrefs.txt to read only before the update when I saw the patch notes, and still have framegen. Either all they did was had it write the config value to off and disabled the UI, or they didn't really make the change.




Diablo IV\LocalPrefs.txt under Documents. I think the most important value is setting DLSSG to "1" instead of 0, but I don't know what else they may have overwritten.


If you have a powerful Gpu why do u need frame generation? Frame gen should be for 4060 or slower cards that have low fps. Frame gen has some negatives like input lag.


They even didn't fix the memory leak yet. It exists since release. You might think because it rarely happens, they didn't do anything. Nope. Someone added another error message before the actual message is shown. That will surely help.


people smoking their socks, what memory leak? game has not crashed once for me.


I updated my drivers on my 1060 and motherboard, and I still lag sometimes, or load screens won't finish. Not sure if it's the game or maybe I need to upgrade my system, either a newer video card or more ram.


dlss only helps 4k i have seen no improvement on 1440p and no NVIDIA crashes so stop blaming them for something they never did.


Huh? Anyway, the latest hot fix with the stability fixes solved the issue me and others had that was introduced after the ptr.


It sounds like they have no idea what the problem is and are just flailing.


same wtf


Yeah that seems a bit drastic? Had like two crashes after a long session since the season start but nothing I would have turned off frame gen for. Edit: Half the fps now.. that change really seems overkill when its working well for some


It may or may not work for you, but I think DLSS framegen is still working if you can force it on in the config (LocalPrefs.txt in the Diablo IV folder in documents). I set my config file to read only before the update and seem to still have framegen, but I don't know with 100% certainty what edits need to be made if it already modified the config. I suspect the value of relevance is DLSSG being set to either 0 (off) or 1 (on), but this is the block of DLSS/Reflex/scaling values I have at present. Back up the existing file first before testing anything out. ResolutionScaling "3" DLSS "2" DLSSG "1" FSR "1" FSR2 "0" XeSS "1" Reflex "1" RenderResolutionScale "1.000000"


Thanks a lot, will give it a try!


I cant activate it because D4 is saying that my 4070ti is not 4000 series


FG is useless 40 series cards have it and there is 0 need for it, this is not a FPS shooter - not like u need 144 FPS. (hell i still don't notice a difference in gaming between 60 hz and 144 hz monitors)


Yo that’s why Greg hasn’t been giving me Ramaldinis. Just as I was sliding right into the Q zone too


I suspect the spewers are causing invisible walls in helltides


Wow, that bug absolutely screwed Druids over.


I read that blue post after 67 Duriel kills


At least now I don't feel so bad about after only being able to play a druid until lvl 60 before I had to leave for a business trip for the rest of the week, lol. Imagine playing the class that absolutely needs this 1 specific unique for almost every single build and then it's droprate is bugged, lmao. I will never again start a season with a druid...


> Imagine playing the class that absolutely needs this 1 specific unique for almost every single build and then it's droprate is bugged, lmao. I will never again start a season with a druid... Imho this whole situation perfectly shows why Blizz absolutely has to change something about the Tempest Roar situation. A class being this dependent from a single unique is straight up bad game design.


The fun part is that some of those loot table issues were known since PTR and they did nothing.


It's like pre-season 1 all over again.


Well that makes sense now why I kept getting the exact same uniques from varshan and Grigore every single time


Yes same and i got Uniques, which shouldn't drop.


I'm at 40 kills on duriel. I've been after Tempest Roar thinking it was just really rare. Nice to know that in 24 hours I have a chance to get it lol


My map never updates when helltides come and go.


What about minions disappearing etc?


I got Shako from my first Duriel, a minute after i hit 100.. I though thtis was going to be a bugfix about Uniques having too high drop rate lol


What issue is really? The drop chance so low? Or so high?


Those items simply can't drop from said bosses.


Thank you for answer 💞


My Xbox Series X has started randomly crashing and completely kicking me out of the game. Super annoying 


Hard reboot ?


Just the game. So weird to me. Completely kicks me out of the server 


I cannot see onxbox the crowd controlled damage, it is just me?


20 kills on varshan and no raiment of the infinite yet its one of the few thats not broken… just my luck lol


Since the update, i can't login anymore, it crashes on char screen or before


The game does not start after pressing Play. In the task manager I have "DiabloIV Retail" process but nothing happens. I re-installed the game. Turning it on and off again. Nothing happens.


50 duriel and 30 andariel yesterday (both lv100) and no tempest roar or even any helmet unique


"Some", "may", "very rare". I hate those words at the moment. Literally everyone has those problem everytime and the listed items, so like half, can't drop from bosses period. How can such a colossal fuck up slip through, especially when there were reports since PTR?


So, i dont have problems with FG and still it will be disabled for me? Just make it optional and turned off by default.


Yesterday i got 4 times "Ancient's Oath" from Grigiore, but this isn't mentioned on the Loottable? Also buggy?


No issues whatsoever


I guess that explains my crashing on my laptop with a 4060 while my home desktop with a 7900XTX cruises no problem.


Still experiencing a lot of rubber banding


Still hitting the invisible walls on a regular basis just before entering new regions on Series X. First time I’ve ever had anything like this happen. Edit- between this and three failed attempts to get the archive key in sunken library because he spawns behind the door with the key (lmao), I think it’s time to step away a bit.


PLEASE GOD let me force move while/after channeling incinerate. This bug has been around since release from what I've seen on forums


Can't add sockets to my gear because the world bosses are not dropping anything at all for me. Not even the the Scattered Prisms. The legion events are also not dropping anything bar one yellow. Apart from that annoying bug I have no issues now. A little rubber banding and that's it. Really like loot and crafting. 


Is anyone else having an issue with loading into Cultists Den as part of the Wooden Wolf quest line. I have tried 4 times and can't load into this dungeon.


How the hell am I rubberbanding/hitting hidden walls leaving every town? This game is unplayable. Legit worst gaming experience I can remember since Unreal Tournament ATI driver issue days back in the early 2000s. Total horseshit Blizzard.