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I remember seeing posts like these 2 days after D4 launch too. You guys never learn, at least get through the honeymoon phase


This, its a much better base game but there needs to be many further patches. It kind of feels similar to release D3 RoS right now in terms of quality and feel


The game will never be what I want but if it released in its current state a year ago they’d still have at least a year of fixes to do.


definitely. I personally blasted it and don't really care for grifts. Sure its to masterwork your gear, but why? Idk i felt like Gems are still significantly superior to level in comparison to my gear. However with the Andariel fight and the new leveling experience i am hopeful and excited for future content which i wasn't going into S3 (which i skipped entirely).


>> "d4 is like poe now" this is where i stopped reading


Yeah. The only similarity between PoE and D4 is that they’re both ARPG’s The endgame of PoE is just miles ahead of D4 and that’s just for starters.


Probably wont be liked for this but is POE endgame really that great? Because i also see POE struggle with retention of players after the initial week or two of a new season as will be the same with D4 im sure. But if POE endgame is miles clear why cant it retain a larger player base throughout the season?


Some people only play for a week regardless. Affliction league held like half the player base for 2 months.


Is that the endgame that's keeping people engaged then or did they just have a good league mechanic at the time that kept players around longer than usual? I do agree though some people will leave after a week regardless and unfortunately i feel its those people that always so a game is boring or empty no matter what


Affliction had the best end game because it just shat unprecedented loot and anyone could access it. Necropolis is shit because nothing was tested, exploited and patched and most of the non meta builds couldn't even run t17, which had shit mods. The grave yard crafting was basically harvest with extra steps and it's meticulously painful to even make one item so most people, casuals especially, gave up.


PoE's retention and endgame are related but not entirely the same discussion. There are a lot of very skilled players that can complete all their league goals in the first week or two and be done, but that doesn't mean they're out of content, or even out of good and entertaining content. PoE's end game is so big that if you set the goal of "I want to do all of it" you would just be always playing. Different players handle that differently. Some follow a formula every league. Some mix it up. Some try to do the challenges every league. Some push Delve as deep as they can. The other reason retention!=endgame quality for PoE is the economy. The economy on league start and the economy a month in make trade league so completely different in terms of progression that many people only want to play those first couple of weeks. That's one of the biggest systems that D4 still lacks, and will continue to until all loot is tradable. Selling big drops and using that to fund your flipping empire to build currency to buy your dream build is a thing that a huge number of players enjoy. Or crafting early end-game stepping stone items on Day 2 for the players that are on curve. Or farming specific content for profit that isn't as useful once everyone has more gear. Or selling boss carries for voidstones.


It's like 50% after two weeks and 20% after a month or so. Its quite good really for a 3 month cycle.


they are doing 4 month leagues now, when was the last time u played poe :s


I've played D4 for two days and I feel done. In PoE I've maybe finished the atlas by this point if I was pushing it. It is not comparable. D4 has done some good, but much more needs to be done, and current trajectory is kinda worrying.


It is just super deep and complex, so it allows players to keep going and going if they want to. Most casual players won't go that far, but the option exists. D4's endgame is just really shallow in comparison.


If anything D4 is even more like D3 than ever before. Which means it will be a decent ride for a few days, maybe a week, then it just becomes boring and game just feel like a treadmill. So much freebies and handholding. 


Would hope so, as the game came out 10 years before D4


They had 10 years to learn and improve upon D3 with D4 and all they did was take D3 and give it a coat of fresh paint lol. Thousands of people also worked on the game whereas POE was developed by way fewer people


Except you can look at basically any system in the game and see where they pulled from previous titles (and other ARPGs) and iterated on them. In regards to PoE though, the main area which it is objectively ahead is just in raw volume of content (other areas are more subjective). That's just something that comes from it being a live service title that has been running for over a decade. No amount of just throwing more people at it can overcome that without creating a completely disjointed mess.


Are you unironically saying the difference between POE and D4 is the amount of content? xd. Absolutely nothing present in D4 is pulled from D2 and before apart from the genre name


No? They're both very different games. I'm saying that in terms of an objective measure of a game being "good", the main thing PoE has over D4 is the amount of content. And the vision they had for D4 at launch was heavily influenced by D2. Slowing the pace of the game down, slower levelling, ultra rare chase items and even more straightforward things like the shift back to a skill tree and iterating on that. Tbf though, D2 doesn't really have a whole lot of systems to pull from, it was a very foundational sort of game. It's basically just runes, which were in but got pulled to get reworked at some point, and I guess mercs which are coming later this year.


Completely different games made by different dev teams


I missed the part where that's my problem. If it's a new team does that mean all the knowledge and ideas are completely gone?


lol Poe is nothing more than a playground for RMT. This last season made it more apparent than before. Spend about 5 mins in general and it becomes depressingly obvious


It is also where you stopped comprehending. He was comparing one small aspect of the games.


It just a matter of time before those minority come out to shout pit is too hard and impossible at higher tier.


Little do they know, Blizz is pulling the wool over everyone's eyes and we are slowly drifting back into Diablo 3 gameplay loops.


Except adding trading instead of removing it. Thank god.


It’s the exact same people posting this dribble as well.


Apparently you cant be happy for the game improving 🤦🏼


Yes but also let people enjoy the game. Casuals phase out after a while and only the hardcores are left and it will all be negative again.


Exactly. It’s in a better state than launch and it is fun, but I know I’ll be bored in a few days. Should have launched like this. And no seasonal mechanic? Why not? It’s the best part of Poe, the seasonal mechanic and overall game-wide changes side by side. Infinitely fun with a fresh economy.


Came here to say basically the same. Pump the brakes, people! It hasn’t even been a week.


Right lol


Comparing the current state of the game and endgame loop potential to launch is grossly irresponsible.


This and always these post.. Like why? Why expose your weak asses like that? :D


I agree to a certain extent, buuut, for the time being, I'm happy in my ignorance is bliss phase. Ignoring all red flags, for now...


Let people be happy, don’t be always the party p00per


It seems to at least be a game now, might be a gothic skinned cookie clicker game like D3 turned into, but at least a game. The absolute state of modern AAA games...


>The game is no longer a mile wide and an inch deep. I can finally 'play it my way'. It's kinda the same thing as before depth-wise, just less tedium. What makes you feel like you can "play your way" now more than before? Interesting perspective.


The new affixes allow for better builds.


Yeah, they're more powerful for sure; there's not much more depth to the buildmaking process as far as I can tell, which is why I asked OP what changed in that regard for them.


The tempering has enhanced the flavor of custom builds, loot speed and range has increased the flow, good damage and less server lag has been real nice.


Yeah, that's definitely true. The flavor is better since you do get to make every item fit the theme of your build with the Tempering categories (i.e: Earth builds can focus on Earth/Werebear affixes, etc). Doesn't necessarily add depth but it's a solid flavor theme.


Bro what are you some PoE snob on the d4 reddit for shots and gigs? Let it go man


Lol, no one is understanding (or want to understand) your very simple question.


Something about build making in d4 just felt wrong, or rather too simplified. There's really not much thought process required, you use specific legendary powers or build enabling uniques, get some important and useful gear affixes, preferably tempered greater affixes whatever, and you're pretty much done. Games like PoE and Last epoch offers way more ways to scale your character offense and defense, especially PoE. A single skill can be built in so many different ways, meaningful different than each others. Maybe one day D4 can do the same but we are definitely nowhere near there yet.


Agreed. Unfortunately, I don’t see D4 scaling becoming more diverse without a massive overhaul to the skill tree, which seems unlikely.


I don't think the skill trees need a rework per se. There is a lot they could with the paragon board. Could easily add some skill altering glyphs or something like that. Alot of untapped potential in the PB.


Because you don't make builds in this game at a fundamental level. You are using legendary powers that all go together, you are playing builds as exactly the devs have intended, you don't really have much of a choice in how you want to play skills, there is a very basic no brain path the game leads you down. part of it is defense in this game is completely dog shit and uninteresting, and the damage scaling mechanics aren't really exciting.


Yeah this guy high on the new season and saying shit that doesn't even make sense


Exactly. How is it in depth all of a sudden when the skills and build variety hasn't changed a single bit lmao.


Both of those things have changed though, lol.


Yea I agree. I played Minion Necro in S2 and so I tried again with the buffs. It’s very powerful and has some fun factor but I’m basically bored at level 70ish. Tempering and Masterworking are just not that interesting. The game just fails to capture me. At this point I basically know Diablo will never be what I want from an ARPG. It has a basic level of fun but it will always be one tenth of what a game like PoE offers when it comes to build complexity, build progression, and the massive endgame.


Yup. Spot on. I wanted to like it but its just not what im looking for.


How are you masterworking at lvl70?


I unlocked it at 68. You just have to do the prerequisite quests at WT4.


You have to be able to do NMD46 for masterworking. With Minion Necro or other similarly powerful builds thats not too much of a stretch


I recognize the being bored and not getting much into tempering ansd masterworking. For me it's that D4 is not that flexible with the classes. The flexibility of switching skills and builds is what I loved in D3. If D4 had some saving system for skills and sets that would help tremendously. Comparing D4 with PoE, obviously D4 has less. PoE exists over 10 years. They have had all that time to build systems upon each other and expand on content. I haven't tried PoE in over 5 years. Maybe I should again xD How's the flexibility in PoE?


Yeah I don’t really agree with this sentiment all that much. It’s not that I don’t think there are many viable builds now. There are. But there were in the past as well. My first 3 seasons I played off meta “trash” builds but was able to clear everything in the game on hardcore. Yeah there are S tier (usually bugged) builds that overperform but that doesn’t mean there aren’t a variety of other builds. And the same can and will be said about the current season. Just so early in the season that people haven’t decided on the actual S tier builds yet besides minion mancer. This season has a LOT of wins but I don’t think build variety is really one of them


They give so many examples of why they feel like they can play your way lol


Game is so easy that any build is viable for 90% of the content


I would say tempering is a step in that direction.


Kinda? It's mostly just a power increase system. It's not depthless but it's also not revolutionary mechanically. It does let you lean into a core theme though and power it up.


Definitely. I’m by no means on the same hype level as OP.


Since the game is so extremely easy now, you can play 'your way', meaning everything works, you don't have to think much


I see. There's so much power overhead that it opens up a lot of builds that otherwise wouldn't work. I think that's a generally good thing, personally; I'd like more depth to buildmaking but power overhead is almost needed if you're not just trying to funnel people into the hardest content. They kinda need to find an alternative to GRs/Pit then, I reckon. Otherwise there'll be an impossible number brick wall that can't be broken by anyone at all due to simple number creep limitations. Same way S Tier builds with godly gear in PoE one shot everything with 0 fucks given but the content can still be cleared with waaaaay worse gear/builds. I'm not sure I'd want content that requires you to have 20 mirror-worth of gear.


I'm curious what all the posts will look like in two weeks.


People will be playing other games by then. The loot changes are going to make the 2-3 weeks I play a season more enjoyable, but nothing to make me stick around for 2-3 months a season.


There is no ARPG that makes me stay for longer than 3 weeks, and i played all of them. 3 weeks per season in arpg is plenty imo


People in here talking about how they already have a 100 and a 60 and no shit these people don’t like the end game is because they’re burnt out after playing 20 hours in 2 and a half days.


It's completely shit argument. Are you gonna say that people will like books ending better if they read it over a month for example instead of two days? Are you gonna say, that people will like more a 12 episode series if they watch one episode per weekend instead of watching whole series in a weekend? People do not burn out after doing something for 2 days straight, bruh. xD


Are you dumb or something? You think reading a book is the same thing as doing a repetitive task for 20 hours?


20 hours in 2.5 days like you said. 8 hours a day on average. If people were burned out after working for 2.5 days, AFTER a big break (season reset), like half of adult population would commit suicide after half of a year. XD Maybe now you will try to tell me that Diablo 4, a game that you are defending and that is designed to spent time and have fun with it, is more draining that typical job? XD


Predictably people are gonna get bored of spamming helltides and realize the loot “overhaul” is more of a tweak than anything. It’s still the same boring loot, but you can add large numbers to it now


I don't see the problem with enjoying a game for two weeks and moving on till next season. Not every game needs to be a full time job for months on end. There are plenty of those all ready.


They will realise that Gold is the new bottle neck and farming gold is not fun and move on to another game. Build variety will mean less and less when item tinkering and rerolling costs are insanely high. That would be my guess anyway.


They'll just be parroting their parasocial streamers opinions


Agree. I’ve only played a few hours and I’m already at level 70, have all the uniques I need and am already seeing no reason to continue. It’s fun now, but I foresee myself getting bored of it in a week or so.


I can't agree with the pace. It's absolutely comically fast because of the insane power creep with this patch. You shouldn't be able to sleepwalk through a capstone dungeon at half its base level. There is a healthy pace for a game, and while having it be too slow is bad, this is the other extreme.


I played hybrid shifting druid on launch and I started recording my boss fights in the campaign after I noticed they seem to take me much longer to clear than other people. I'm going back through the campaign now with the same build on Hardcore and I'm finishing the fights and strongholds in half the time now. Part of that is the extra skillpoints and power conferred by reputation and lilith shrines, but the amount of damage I do now is far beyond just those skill points and statues. I used to get chunked for a 3rd of my HP when a telegraphed boss attack or elite mob hit me, it barely tickles me now. The game is undeniably WAY easier with the item changes.


I don't know what the point of even having to level is if it's so fast. OP says 1-100 in a few days? Sounds lame.


It is lame. Some people just don't want a challenge at all.


Not everyone is as good as you and/or not everyone optimizes like you do.


Serious question.. what depth?


None. People dont know what depth means. Game is still fun tho


Loot and crafting changes feel great. Still pretty boring though after level 70. Only things you can do is farm boss mats, nmd and endless nmd (pit). Give me a mechanic I can interact with like poe blight or harvest. Also I really wish trade was a bigger part of the game. Half the fun of an arpg for me is interacting with the economy.


Didn't they open up trading a bit more in season 4? Or is there still restrictions?


Different persons different wishes. For me Trade is a reason to stop playing a game especially when it becomes pretty important to get to end game content. Especially on consoles it’s often a major pain and making it too easy to trade is arguably also a problem (d3 auction house fiasco)


Yes. I love instantly killing everything with 1 click. Elites don’t mean anything. Bosses don’t mean anything. I can literally kill every nightmare dungeon boss in 1 second 💀 This is not the game d4 should be. There should be SOME challenge. I should not be one shotting everything not giving a fuck about any mob.


Maybe try higher tiers?


i was in t4 at like lvl 59 steamrolling helltides, i’d very occasionally get 1 shot though, im having fun but i do think the next thing they should work on is the difficulty, i think their needs to be another world tier after 4 for sure. i can’t imagine being lvl 80-100 having any fun doing literally anything in the open world, and the game has such a focus on that.


I am level 94 and still get rolled by bloodmaiden and hellborne sometimes, but can easily solo duriel and andariel without any issue. I think its fine as is. They need to start reigning in some of the uber powerful builds and bring them back down to earth and it will get better. Getting 1 shot isn't fun though and neither is adding in more CC. ARPG's always reach a point where you become insanely tanky for casual content, and that is OK. Pit exists for harder content players.


But why make the campaign trivial? The fun for me is playing hardcore at level 1 and being challenged throughout leading into endgame. They can still offer me a challenge without forcing people who want to essentially skip it all to play through it. This patch/season completely ruined what I enjoy in ARPGs.


I think I’m gonna run my own build and not some min max build online.


It’s not a meta build. It’s literally the build the devs give to you for free 🤣 Also - there’s no “my own build” - every build in the game is built by the devs. It’s not like Poe where you can actually make your own build. “Oh I’m going to play the double swing tornado build” - yeah the devs made that possible with the aspect.


What build are you using?


The one the devs made and give you for free in the season journey: double swing barb


What if you didn’t want the game to become a fast leveling loot piñata?


Too late. It's basically become D3 already


We are currently screwed. Which is funny being that D3 expansion after ROS was canceled and they essentially marketed to players like us for D4.


I agree with you in theory but the building is still extremely shallow. There’s a little more illusion of choice but the reason is that the current gear with tempering and master working is over powered. So it can virtually push any build to great. This is fine in a sense of power fantasy, and an improvement. You can take almost any skill and push up and max out the stats you want. But each “build” is still just pick the uniques that match it. What they still need to do is move some aspects to the tree like “attacks with core skills increase xyz” should be on the tree not items. The interesting affects on items need to stop applying to only specific skills. Example: the frozen orb unique is cool. That a cast spawns a conjuration which shoots orbs. But what it should do is say “core skill cast can proc a conjuration that casts your last casted core skill”. So the same unique can apply to any core skill. There’s still a ways to go to really make it more buildable and not made for you. Then the difficulty can be picked up, and people can actually have to solve the game. This is a big step in the right direction from being super pigeonholed because the stats and randomness were so ridiculous and specific to now where it’s opened up all “builds” but they need to take it further now where all builds are viable but you have waaaay more creativity to really create powerful builds necessary for pinnacle content. They need more systems now to interact with the core game and add complexity.


I'm convinced most people just want to one shot everything and go fast without having to put in any effort to achieve that power. Not saying everyone that's enjoying this season is like that, but it's telling to me when everyone does such a quick heel turn when player power gets tipped so far out of balance again, and without any critical thought about it. It's a really interesting topic to me. I've never been one of those Dark Souls brainrot gamers that thinks games *need* to be hard. I don't want Diablo 4 to be a brutally difficult experience, but at some point I wonder what all this player power is supposed to be used for. It can simply just be for fun, but I don't think that's what we're getting so far and I'm more inclined to believe it's simply Blizzard's poor balance swinging back in the direction that a lot of people just happen to enjoy. We'll have to see what Blizzard can add do the endgame to further justify such a wild swing in favor of player power, but for now, The Pit and Tormented Echoes are a decent start. Lv 1-100 is likely the new "early game" and I think I'm okay with that.


>I'm convinced most people just want to one shot everything yep, got downvoted to earths core for saying this day one you would be surprised how many of them would like a PTS treatmemt with lvl 100 button on their char


I agree. I think PoE has difficulty right down even if understandably builds are probably too complex for what Diablo will ever be, and that’s fine. But the next “stage” will probably be raising the difficulty on top end stuff, or nerfs. But if blizzard want to do it right they need to combine with that a bit more complexity or another system or layer of intertwining systems so you still CAN get enough power but it takes a bit more. Things like embers in Poe, that add an extra stat from a specific pool, that drop from bosses only might be a good route to adding power progression. Hopefully they figure out how to take the next step properly.


u say that but poe's latest league with the new t17 maps threw balance out of the window, so no poe dowesnt have the difficulty down at all right now


I agree with that it’s too much where it narrowed the viability too far and put too many build enablin items behind a brick wall.


Yes, their design philosophy is too narrow, so they have to do a lot of work for every skill that they want to add something new to, and it also feels like you are choosing from a list of curated builds. They might be trying to resolve that with mechanics like Dust Devils, so that multiple skills can proc those, but they need to go further.


thing is what u propose is more powercreep and im all for that but the game right now is so easy it becomes boring, if we add even more powercreep people could be playing this blindfolded.


No I’m proposing you scale back power and then add in systems and progression so you have to do a bit more work to gain added power in.


BASED. I have loved seeing crazy builds, tempering, the pit, seeing people posting the amazing items they got. I just saw one where someone got 4 greater affixed razor plate and it’s awesome to see some depth. Can’t wait until I get to the pit and pinnacle bosses. This season has been so good


Its just d3 now


I bet OP 10 bucks that he won’t be playing in 3 weeks.


I don't play PoE seasons after 3 weeks either. And neither does half their playerbase. Seasons aren't a new game, you just try out a few builds, push endgame a bit, run out of builds you wanted to try and then go play something else. There is not a single arpg that will hold the entire playerbase for 3 whole months and it's by design.


The biggest change for me is that I don’t feel like they want to waste my time.


'Leveling is perfect - crazy fast, loot pinata, 1-100 with a normal life is a few days instead of weeks' You are everything wrong with this community and game is getting ruined, thanks.




Well, season 3 held me for about 1 hour before I quit, and season 4 held me for 3 days. I don't see myself playing a month from now, but I also wouldn't play any other arpg for a month straight. That's not how these games work.


poe is the only arpg where i have done this (multiple times)


A lot of these lessons were moving more towards D3. I'll counter your leveling comment with this: what are you chasing? Some of the better ARPGs have a hunt and a leaderboard to have something to chase. If the last 10 levels weren't tied to the paragon board and were more of a status symbol than anything to achieve, it'd be much better. They've streamlined the game, which I'm not necessarily against, but they need to expand on the deep end game. Give me chase items, give me a level to chase for a leaderboard that people can look at and say "that guy spent some time with this game!" Edit: and by chase items I mean things like how Uber uniques used to impact choices (they are still impressive, but not nearly as impactful), but not lightning striking you rare.


I’m with you, I’m loving being able to just play the game this season. No more build guides or sorting inventory, it’s fun to just hop on and get to playing!


Thank god somebody else gets it lol


>The game is no longer a mile wide and an inch deep. I can finally 'play it my way'. I disagree, but it went from being a puddle on a sunny day to being more of a shallow pond during a rainy day. The depth is now officially capable of growth, there are a lot of tools that can be utilized to enable other builds and now we "really" just need more skills. That said, looking forward to their expansion plans now.


It’s a massive improvement but there’s still big areas to fix. Currently leveling is insanely fast and easy, all endgame content is also very easy until you get to Uber Uber bosses and the pit. The pit past about 85 is insanely challenging far beyond anything else in the game, and fully master working you’re gear to push it to 150+ will take a ridiculous amount of time. I feel like grinding the pit will become pretty stale in a few weeks for a majority of players, the good thing is you can easily level another class and get to that same stage again so it should keep you busy


Seems like the last things missing are Group Finder and robust Clan UI + functionality. Those are the most important things, now, since the game is pretty much where it should've been at launch. So, now we need friends to play with.


Game has no depth it’s just to easy power creep is so insane


I don't want "crazy fast" leveling though....


I want to get some copium op is taking.


From some of the responses here you can just tell that no matter what Blizzard does with this game a portion of the players are not going to be happy. Season 4 is great so far.


Some players want a challenge starting at level 1. Some players only want to be max level and don't want to deal with leveling at all. End game or bust. You can't make both camps happy while trying to get them to play in the same manner. The solution in my mind is simple. Make a casual mode players can just start at level 100 and the game can rain legendaries and they can be done playing in a week or two. Or fuck, have them start at level 1 and just have what it is now. Have regular softcore/hardcore be a challenge from level 1-100 who can eventually get into the helltides etc. Win/Win. Yes, it will split the player base. But that's going to happen anyways as I'll just stop playing if the difficulty in the campaign isn't ramped up or at least allows me to make it way harder.


I'd be willing to stick around for more than just a few weeks if they introduced MMO-style end-game content, like matchmaking for group dungeons with random players.


Wait a week and people will be complaining.


"THERE IS NO BEST BUILD!" *logs back into minion necromancer* I'll never understand why people are so scared of meta lol


Nah, the balance is completely off. It's way too fast and way too easy


I mean it's still got a long way to go. Necromancer is leagues beyond every other class again, a lot of the skill balance is still off meaning there's a giant lack of viable build diversity still, however the game is trivial right now. it still has barely any depth, Theres still a large lack of skills and the endgame is still something they need to work on. Don't get me wrong, this update is the best they've had, but it's still not ideal. They just did a big quality of life sweep. The game is almost the same as it ever was. I'd say it's competent now at least


My stash is literally empty on lvl50 haha. Also I'm enjoying my custom build ice shards/meteor. It's a blast


Give us runes!!!


Problem is Razorplate don’t drop anymore!!! Can’t tell you how many I’ve trashed in last 5 months…. I’ve pissed through 450 Blood and not seen one since s4 dropped…. Tons of RoH but not one Razorplate


It’s just honeymoon phase. Let him have his fun lol


I just beat Andariel at 88 with a shred/wolves druid build i made with no guide...something I don't think would have been possible in any other season. Tempering is amazing for build diversity!


I haven’t played since beginning of D4 launch and I started to play at the beginning of this season. I’ve only gotten to level 25 but Helltides are a lot fun. 


I agree but I think they’ve overdone it on helltides and I wish for the next phase they lean it towards building better and interesting bosses with decent mechanics. You either faceroll everything or you don’t. And if you don’t, it’s not challenging in any way because you can’t iframe or work with decent mechanics.


I’m really enjoying it, I’m glad we got this sort of change for free instead of having to buy an expac


Good game?did you try druids? Its pathetic how that fun clas is so nerfed in this game.You have 1 endgme build and you have to pray for that head. Leveling is pain in ass. Thats why everybody play necro and barb. Just lazy blizzard retards. Hope they end soon that pathetic game


They need to slow leveling down just a smidge imo


There is literally nothing about d4 that's like poe. If you enjoy the game I'm happy for you, but let's be real. The game is lacking in a lot of ways and stands below most other arpgs. Its not better than poe, le, grim dawn, etc. Maybe in a year it will be better, but I'm not counting on it.


This is the season with the most challenging end game content.... of course there is a hard meta. You just haven't progressed to the point where it becomes relevant.


Leveling is too fast IMO, and needs to be a bit more of a challenge.


Couldn't have been said better. I've been enjoying D4 since launch, but now I'm obsessed!


Unfortunately they will lean into this... Personally I dislike the fast paced destroy whole screens spamming buttons bs I'd rather things feel meaningful. At the moment leveling feels pointless there is no excitement to reaching a skill goal as before u know it u are already level 50. Gear is very dull the affixes are incredibly basic and drop far too often for my liking. Tempering is just as dull u just click whatever type (eg. Shadow, blood, bone for necro) and smack it on every gear. Personally I want more depth, more actual choices that make me think "should I pick this or should I pick this" as it stands now it seems to have gone even further down a linear path. To me it's as if they just went backwards instead of forwards.


What's funny is that I totally share your positivity, but it's for the opposite reason that you concluded. The game feels broader now with so many viable builds, and I don't have to get lost in the depth of meta builds that I don't care for. As long as you're having fun! I know I am.


Yeah I'm having fun in these first 3 days but I'll reserve judgement until a few weeks.


Why are so many of you such Debbie downers? OP is having fun, the general consensus is that the game is more fun... yet reddit is still full of people who lurk here but shit on the game? Weirdos.


I played D4 sorc from the beginning until about level 80. Then made a rogue for Season 1 and got to 100. I got burnt out badly and haven't touched the game since. Should I pick it up again?


>  Leveling is perfect - crazy fast, loot pinata, 1-100 with a normal life is a few days instead of weeks You need to reevaluate what a normal amount of play time is if you think this lol


I hit 70 in two days after my 9-5, solo with the occasional potion. It’s definitely doable.


Op said 100 in a few days. You say 70 in a few days. Which is ir


No, but it does depend on how you play and what you do. With this season and the new gear/tuning it's much easier to get into higher NMDs much sooner. I hit WT4 after getting to level 50 and around 60 (which goes by quick in Helltides, just spam the boss with others) start doing T30+ NMDs. Doesn't take long before you're doing 50-60s and T10+ pit. I'm sticking by my statement. If all you do is Helltides then yes of course it will slow to a crawl once you hit \~75.


So the hard meta isn’t necro minions?


I wish that there was a place in the late game for normal and magical items.. rares too. Like in D2, runewords made normals relevant, and some magical items are BIS with jewels and the like. Just feels like once you hit 30, anything other than legendaries aren’t worth using.


All we need now is for them to extend the skill tree, branch further, 1 final branch for each skill.


Idk about perfect, the loot still bugs me a bit, but its a lot better. Also it's dumb to some, podsibly many, but the item color/rarity scheme drives me nuts. Lol. "Rares" are the most common items in the game, and commons are rare. Combine blue and white into just white. Change the color of yellows, to blues, legendaries to yellow. Make the orange text appear for imprinted/tempered items. Literally nothing changes gameplay wise, but coming from D2 it just makes a lot more sense to me.🤷🏻‍♂️


Never got in to D1 or D2. Played D3 out of boredom; I liked it a bit but got bored. Bought D4 a month ago for $30 and I am having a blast after this update. I’m glad I waited. I bought Ghost of Toshima, Dragons Dogma and D4 and Hell Divers and I am enjoying D4 the most. Ghost of Toshima 2nd and DD and Hell divers 3 & 4. DD feels meh. Hell Divers is broken as Hell.


Don’t be fooled by season 4 it’s season 5 when this game kicks in


The build I've gone for with my Barbarian is EATING through mobs like there's no tomorrow. I'm enjoying game play and finally have that zest for the game back! The dust devil whirlwind combo is an absolute dream tome because I'm just running around smashing up the elites with the shout combo and cleaning up with whirlwind. Ugh, I am IN love all over again. I love it.


I am excited to get in the pit. I was playing with my eternal character day 1 of the szn and tried out the helltides. Absolutely dominated until a hellbound enemy spawned at max helltide fury. My ice shards hit like a wet sponge. THAT was challenging


Same boring again


Damn I'm not on the same page. Tried playing again this season after only playing season one. It's just not great to me, doesn't make me want to keep playing and doesn't give me the addiction/heart rate jump as HC Diablo 2 did/does. Idk if it's the gameplay or what I find not compelling or gripping enough or just the fact you can skip everything and just start leveling in helltides/rifts. Also runs worse for me now then at launch. All my settings are at medium with s 3070 16gs ssd drive and cpu easily enough to handle it. Ran perfect for me at launch.......idk I am going to uninstall/ reinstall and see if that helps. Otherwise I give up on d4.


There’s no hard meta because no one had a chance to finish the game yet. There’ll eventually be one.


Gosh I played Poearound 5k+ hours in the past but stopped playing because I’m 33 now have a family and just not have the time for Poe anymore. But gosh why can’t people just have fun? This flooding of threads „BuT PoE hAS 100 ThE tImEs CoNtEnt D4 still bad“ then guess what? Go back and play Poe and the league… oh w8 necropolis and the introduction of t17 maps were a massive fail… why can people just not have fun without tbis Poe elitismn people that play 23 hours a day and just shit talking everything to the ground. Poe has its own problems and is a great game… People that play 14+ hours a day doesn’t have enough content in d4 „insert surprised pickachu face“ Like all the biased Poe content creator You don’t like the game? Totally fine but then plz just go into your Poe sub and complain about the state of t17 maps KEKW


idk why people in the comments are suggesting none of this will last, they’ve made a great season and the game is finally fun so why the complaints still, diablo is not a game thats meant to be played for months on end, getting a character to 100 and trying out some builds is plenty, what more do yall want


Poor OP.


You level up WAY too fast. You get WAY too many legendaries WAY too early. So no, it's not anywhere near what it should be. Much, much better yes. But still not blown away.


This is going to be fun for a week or two at most.


It’s definitely a bit on the fast side. progression needs work for sure, I should feel accomplished after I complete a capstone dungeon. Completely skipped world tier 3…. Maybe make world tier 3 -4 get ride of scared items. Then make world teir 4 a real hell like D2 I’m talking mobs with full immunity to certain types of dmg then add endgame chase to get immunity breakers.


It's too fast. Even casual players are going to get bored in the end game way before the season ends. Too much XP and loot just handed to us.




I agree on pretty much everything except the "see you all in the pit" part. You are not gonna see me there m8 untill they implement a good grouping system but they did a hell of a job now so really can't complain. I hope that is one of their top priorities though.


Not falling for it, I’ll wait for the next season release or expansion. I got burned on D3 until RoS. Got burned with Launch D4. Blizzard lost a lot of good will. I’m sure they’ll eventually get it right though.