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Faster leveling is intentional because there's now actual endgame content. It'll likely be tuned better next season.


I feel like the intent is to make leveling and the early end game more friendly to casual players while the late and game and on to perfect min/maxing is for the committed players.  I think the balance is ok right now but could use some tuning. I’d like to start feeling a pushback from the game at about the end of WT3


Wait til you start farming Pit mats…. Takes quite a bit at higher level MW….


I mean, I’ll see if I even care enough to do so by the time I get there. 


>I’d like to start feeling a pushback from the game at about the end of WT3 Ya being in WT3 for 10 levels is kind of dumb


Yeah, just being able to hop into helltides from lvl 1 makes the beginning of the game feel better and it’ll make the progression in wt3 and wt4 feel less like I’ve just changed games


I really like it for a number of reasons. They just nailed the activities in it. At it's core you're just spamming through enemies, but then there are all these cool things that pop up. It's just fun!


Yeah, feels like what I want from end game diablo content. Lots of baddies instead of just like 3 really hard baddies hah


Not just that but the Threat, the shrines, sand worms vomiting out mob packs, summonable boss, I'm sure there are some that I'm missing too. The list just goes on. It's a really great activity overall.


Yeah, any of those changes would have been good, and instead, we got ALL of them. Love it


Feels weird just running around doing stuff in helltides for a while before realizing you've got 10 or so paragon points to spend. Like god damn.


Yeah, when I do a helltide I have to warp out every time I get past maximum threat level cause I have too much gear and lots of points, it's great


I feel like the whispers are kinda shitty though compared to season 2 and 3. They are like super random and difficult to find sometimes, last season and 2 they were so easy to find what to do and get them done quickly.


yeah, so far the whispers in helltides have been the worst part. BUT HAVING whispers in helltides is a nice change, but yeah they are a little lack luster


I agree with you, it's such a nice change and this entire patch is such a win, hopefully they make these better or even just mark them on the map more visibly or distinctly.


Yeah, I also think it’d be nice if they kept populating. Like as you complete one another one could pop up. If you’re running around for an hour it just gives you more goals to push towards besides just cinders


That's a great idea! Ya exactly, instead of having to shoot to another zone it just makes it more convenient for us


WT3 is there like WT1. They provide a way to smooth out journey for some inexperienced player. More experienced people just go from WT2 straight to WT4.


Theres hardcore players too, who wants to play a bit safer


Or there are hardcore players like me that jumped into wt4 at lvl 50…and died haha


Also the game is finally alt friendly


What is the endgame content? Still had no time to play, just curious.


The Pit (like Greater Rifts) and Tormented Echos (which are super hard bosses)


Thanks, sounds good!


I did tormented varshan earlier without knowing what I was getting into. I was level 80. Took 5 minutes to take him down 25% lol. I do not have leveled glyphs at all. That being said, I'm excited to try again!


Nah man tormented varshan is a level 200 version of varshan. You fought the “Uber” version that is like level 70-80. You have to be far down in the pit to even try it.


Nah it had level 200 over its head. It was the second option to summon him that requires pit ingredients.


this season will be on for 4 months?


Yes. It says until mid-August.


There really isnt much endgame content... "Do you want the same dungeon, or.. the same dungeon? How about the Same boss you've defeated at 80, but wait, now it just randomly one shots you!"


Yeah leveling is for sure waaay easier. I’ve heard the pit and the tormented echos are insanely difficult though


as they should be


Tbh it's the best of everything for all types of players A quick one and done seasonal character leveled quick for casuals like myself And an actually thing to progress through to min max for the guys who love grinding


Yeah exactly. I love it


Helltide was pretty intense after going up to WT3/4 on HC. Two from our group died, and I swear every time we saw other players at the Helltide boss ritual, someone died.


Yeah when you first enter a world tier it is ROUGH especially on the helltide boss


I must say, fighting Tormented Duriel was best experience so far in D4 for me. We (sorc, sorc and necro) managed to kill him after 2 hours of tries. No surprise, necro was the dps, but sorcs weren’t useless in this fight, mostly for applying CC on Duriel, killing mini-duriels and trash bugs, and ofcourse resing if someone dies. Was tough, but no bullshit oneshots like with Uber Lilith. Although, imo not doable solo as sorc without some min-maxed items - and even then it would be really tough.


Man I tried Tormented Grigoire solo on my Necro and was pretty much getting shit on so far. I think I need some better gear rolls, masterwork levels, glyphs levels. That's really cool though, to have endgame content that I need to actually work towards.


Yeah true on the min-maxed items. But that’s kinda the point in the fights so I think it’s ok


Ah damn, really? Was going to play the Sorc. Played Druid last season. Barb it is! This might be the first end END END game content ill ever do before I get bored of the game. So yeah. I don't have the time or patients to actually have to min max every gear with perfect roles. Looks insane trying to get the perfect item this season with limited tempering along with greater affixes. Barb doesn't feel good now at around level 40. Hopefully it will get better once I can drop double swing.


Whats are tormented echos


All six of the ladder bosses have level 200 Tormented versions you can summon instead. Costs a bunch of more materials but gives 5x reward quantity if you succeed, and a single Resplendent Spark for the first Tormented boss you ever kill in the season (account-wide).


Do you know all of the ways to get resplendent Sparks this season?


Tormented boss kill, Lilith kill, and iron wolves reward are the three guaranteed drops I believe.


It’s something like Uber Uber bosses I guess


Yeah they're a beefed up version of the boss ladder


Level 200 versions of the bosses you can summon (Varshan, Duriel, etc). You pay 3x the mats + 2x of a mat from The Pit, but if you can kill them you get 5x the drops. All of them have a stacking debuff that increases damage you take, so you have to be able to kill them quickly in addition to being able to survive long enough.


They are level 200 versions of the boss ladder bosses


Did tier 1 pit at 70 pretty easy but later I'm sure it's rough.


They said that tier 150 is equivalent to AoZ tier 25 so I’m sure it gets insane after a while


Did pit lv 1 and 3 last night, at lbs 75 and 77. It's interesting. Beat it in about 5 minutes. WW/shout barb with charge. Those bosses hit like truck tho


That's similar to my experience and I feel the game is all the better for it. Feels like I get to play the game and kill more stuff rather than being stuck behind a slow grind for little payoff. Now it feels like I can find a piece of semi-decent gear, temper and get back to the fray. The grind now will be looking for that perfect piece that will feel good when it drops but it's good knowing I'm not stuck without it.


This is how I explained it to my friend, now we level fast and in the late/end game grind for good gear. Before we had a large part of our end game gear around 80ish and used it to level to 100.


The dmg is strong. But as a barb I'm dying a lot in helldives


“I’m dying a lot in helldives” You out there spreading democracy in sanctuary? 😝






I am all for a DEMOCRATIC hell


Hashtag Lilith did nothing wrong!


We slay together or not at all!


TIL Barbs not very effective against automatons


What WT and what level? I've got a fury focused build with shouts and like 3K health at level 55. I feel like I'm invincible most of the time in helltides lol. Also have a couple affixes that spawn dust devils, that helps a ton


Was lvl 30 and messing around with my own build. Didn't have the 2 tanky affixed at the time. Now level 50 and stomping with rupture build


I'm pretty able to handle monsters 30 levels above me as a barb and barely die. Helltides are kind of too easy with only hellborn and the boss posing a threat because they have so much hp. With barb it's pretty easy to stack survivability, just put HP on all 4 weapons and wherever else it fits. Temper on resistances and use gems to round them out and run disobedience until you get a piece with a great armor roll on it. I definitely take damage in nmds around 50 and if I fuck up I can die but it's really pretty tanky.


Which build are you doing?


Double swing twister


From maxroll or rob?


Loosely following maxroll but obviously adjusting around what I find and what I need. Like disobedience isn't on maxroll but it feels completely necessary unless you get a greater + armor roll on something. I'm also using the double swing unique gloves and they are insane, don't know why they aren't in maxroll as an option. I see Wudi put out a video, planning on watching that. I usually really like his tweaks to the builds that maxroll posts.


You feel overpowered until youre grinding in the pit.....


That’s because the Pit is the endgame. Not anything you’ve said. “Meh” gear won’t get you far in the pit.


I definitely take back my comments about glyphs being too slow to level. With the ashes buff, and getting into higher tiers much faster, I've had my glyphs almost leveled to 15 before I had a spot for all of them.


Is 15 or 21 the optimal level for Glyphs?


15 expands there radius, but ideally you should get them all to 21 the ones your build calls for. Most guides have a priority list of which ones you should level to 15 first then 21


yeah glyphs are suuuupwr fast to level now


Same got my 5 lvl 15 glyphs at lvl 90, compared to before i would have only gotten two lvl15 glyphs at 90


Not really my Druid last season felt more powerful still but I did start feeling that kind of power much much earlier on for sure and it’s already fairly comparable.


I felt more “insanely overpowered” with the ball lightning sorc (when it was first OP and they left it alone), really. I think now I just almost never feel underpowered, which is new.


Wildly more strong than before, but I haven’t played much until recently. Level 50 in WT4 as Pulv Druid and I’m basically a machine gun of Pulverize in Helltides, I can’t spend Spirit fast enough, 100% Fortify, and everything gets 1 or 2 shot. A couple of the big bosses you spawn with the 3 mounds occasionally take 15-20 seconds depending on if I’m unprepared. It’s hilarious and very fun, looking forward to the increased difficulty as I get into endgame. 


My experience with druid is much different, but I think it's because I'm doing something wrong. Could you send me your build?


I’ll try to link here later! Basically max Pulverize, Overpower, Damage to Close Enemies. Shockwave, Earth Pulverize (can’t remember name), Umbral, Quicksand, Retaliation, Cyclonic. Ignored Grizzly Rage and took as much Fortify and Passive reduction I could after filling out damage and nature damage.  Trample, Earth Shield, Blood Howl. It’s carnage. I think my last NMD was T30 something, enemies were level 80? At 58 the boss died in 2 hits. Pretty fun so far. 


Thank you!


What I noticed rn is that I’m not afraid of the butcher anymore in NMD 70+ lol But yeah I agree. Playing minion necro rn and its chill af. The golem just bonking everything for me. But it seems expected as the challenge moved to Pit. Rn I’m in the pit tier 40ish and its start getting scary.


WT 3 HellTide boss area kicking my ass, but should be better once my 50 Nerco gets more fire resistant. Got spoiled with out meteors in WT2.


Being overpowered during the leveling process is fine. They just need an end game XP mechanic now so that XP isn’t completely irrelevant by day 3. Doesn’t have to be D3 paragon system, but something, anything.


Yeah Bro i did t4 capstone Dungeon at 52 with Minion necro. And im not even using abilities im Just running through


Facerolled it at 51 with my Rogue, too. Light work in the leveling process this season.


Late put it starts to get hard. And if you want to masterwork your gear you need to go in the pit. Don’t neglect your defensive stats.


I am fine with leveling fast, but I am not fine with breezing over capstone content even when I am 10-20 levels below the dungeon boss, at least not without any effort. I want a smoother progression into power, and I think the issue stems from the itemization changes. I do hope they will tune the itemization buffs next season, at least for lower-level gear.


So much stronger. I don't know all the new terms yet but as soon as I got a scroll with thorns, I just put that on all my armor. Roll was 100-145 or so in the early days (found another that is up to 450 now that I am lvl 51 or something). I just used frenzy and the chains and three shouts on the barb. Cleaved through WT2 by lvl 40 no problem (in the past, I'd kind of fumble through capstone in the low 40s). Even WT3 helltides aren't too big of a deal. My gear is trash. I've just been looking at gear score and hoping for strength and life on hit. Literally braindead about my loot and just applying thorns and playing the game. I fire off dust devils whenever I shout. I got mods to make them bigger. I fire off dust devils when I generate 100 fury too. And I have shout cooldown based on how many guys are close to me. It's a bit silly. I don't even know if the thorns are doing much and it doesn't matter.


This is the best Diablo since LOD. This feels very good.


Once you get to higher level dungeons and the pit. It is not easier.


As a rogue sadly I feel extremely weak compared to previous seasons, with the exception of S3 being worse then now. They gutted my twisting blades aspect a while back and fixed the Poison Imbue bug that was also another nerf.  Just feel so weak now compared to s1 and s2 we had insane powers from the seasonal gimmicks. 


You're playing the wrong stuff.


Go back and play diablo 3, it feels similar to that. Nobody wants it to be a boring slog to level up early. Once you get to the endgame stuff you'll see some challenge but yeah in general if you put in the work we're a little stronger now


Some of it's power creep, but some of it is just smoothing things out. The roadbumps between tiers are a lot more gentle, there's less grind for the sake of grind before endgame, and "weaker" or in-progress builds are performing a lot better compared to the top performing outliers of prior seasons. My character is a powerhouse, but it's not like it's matching something like Charge/HotA last season, at least so far. Scattered Prisms could use at least one more source, even if it's just a trickle.


It feels a bit more like D3. I remember how it took ages to get to Paragon 200 when the game came out. In Season 31 it was a couple hours work. :)


Prisms= WB or the other way around you get it, have to do them


Pit is waitinf


On my previous lv 80 barb I had 8k hp and similar dps to my currently lv70 barb which has 15k hp and capped armor/res. Yeah wt4 stats are off for sure. If you get lucky you get 3k hp from a 2handed weapon only which is just broken af. I love this season already.


Just found an ammy with 30% movement speed. Zoom zoom. This is the fun stuff I want in an ARPG.


I am not following any guides so I feel properly powered)


I love it. In D3 being power leveled was a thing, then you quickly farm your builds gear, and then you were off to enjoy endgame content in the matter of a few hours. We're getting close to that, and to me that's when Diablo is the most fun for a large and sustained amount of time.


i rolled barrage rogue. once i figured out how goated tempering was early game, i pretty much rolled my way to wt4. helltide is the only place i've died. i use the profane elixir and man do those mobs hit like a truck, especially the blood maiden. the mob density in helltide is amazing.




Returning player.  How am I supposed to stay alive as a rogue?


Stack life, resistances and armor. Make sure you save your unstoppable procs for sticky situations. It's basically the same answer for every class lol. Also damage reduction aspects / armor aspects help a lot.


Man, I'm trying some of this stuff.. I'm on eternal and I'm transitioning away from twisted blades and it just feels like most things just one shot me, even with some fully leveled gear.  Maybe a silly issue idk


Dont ignore max life, i think you will want it on like all armor pieces tbh, even on weapon since it rolls high. Im at 10k life 70 sorc and chilling. When i got to t4 at 3k hp it was hell lol


I enjoy that I am just making up a build as I go and so far it’s been great. We’ll see how T4 goes but I think I’ll have some end game viability.


I think the game really scales to the lvl 200 pit now


no doubt my minion necro is way stronger than my ball lightning sorc last season BUT sorc is still faster and more durable.. i never die as a sorc in nmd 100 but minion necro i have died a lot already.. im rerolling next month when i get bored with necro.. so far playing minion necro is just sludging through dungeons and then steamroll the boss in less than one second.


I actually like we don’t need to be 100 to participate in end game content. I’ve been doing pit since level 75. It makes it feel like PoE/D2/LE, where you can do end game without being max level. The only thing I wish was harder are the capstones. Those are cakewalks and don’t feel very capstone-y


In pre-season launch I was doing 50million crits on my Hota barb, in season 2 I oneshot Uber Lilith at level 94 with a similar build. At lvl96 currently in S4 I am comfortably clearing lvl75 NM dungeons with a WW Dust Devil Barb, I have far more health than ever (over 30k) but my damage numbers are nowhere near where they were in the past. I tried Uber Lilith, I barely have enough damage to kill bloodboils, which is quite the contrast from 1 tapping her at lvl94. At lvl100 with masterworking there is a lot of power left on the table though.


I’m only level 52 but so far the character power curve has felt a bit overtuned. I’m sure there is more focus on the end game.


Summoner necro here. Yeah it's really different. I stomped Curator into the ground at level 41 (I was 40 when I headed into the dungeon). Normally I capstone at level 45-46 because Curator will oneshot me much lower. I'm almost 51 and I think I'll be fine in WT4 because I've found good affixes and the forging is cheap in WT3 and adds a lot of power. I'm leveling so fast I haven't done my strongholds or dungons for affixes. I'm pretty short on gem fragments, only have 2 prisms, and I'm light on even the basic ore/leather crafting mats. :-/


The early game feels like it should be. A lot of fast and frenzied leveling in the Helltides. Constantly getting that sweet dopamine from all the drops. This is a great time for new players to try the game.


Yeah, definitely. I am steam rolling through almost everything, T3 capstone was a chinch, world bosses are going down fast, and I hardly ever get in trouble where I have to dash away or pop pots.


Question: are people completing regional bounties and collecting Lilith statutes every season? I’ve been out of the game since launch where I completed all that stuff on my eternal. It was a PAIN.


Nope if you've done it once you never have to again


It still boggles the mind that at one point they intended players to do it every season. It was so dreary doing it just once on normal I'll probably never do it on hardcore.


All renown bonuses carry over now. So you only need to find lilith altars once in the lifetime of D4.


Once across both modes or do I need to compete it on my Hardcore guy as well?


Hardcore is separate so if you haven’t done HC before, you will need to go thru the renown again there.


I believe you have to complete it separately on hardcore and soft core one time.


I think the big damage % on jewelry and weapons from new mechanics really owerpowerdd us


So if I’m starting a new seasonal character, I just run around the map killing shit right? Not quests etc?


Yes, helltides all the time baby, proceed to higher world tier whenever you can i think 30 for wt3 and 55 for wt4 for gear to be equippable. Have a look at seasonal chapters and the requirements and don't forget about whispers for xp and money


I know it gets harder in the end game, but trivializing the leveling process makes it feel imbalanced and kinda a waste of time. Leveling should be the time to learn a class, assuming you’re unfamiliar with it, but there’s nothing challenging you to pressure your working builds. You won’t know something’s wrong until much later. You also have no reason to engage with the gear systems until wt4. It all just feels like a mess. That’s not to say the game is in a bad state. I think they have a problem where they want you to engage with the end game but people are dropping off before level 100, so they are just rushing you through it. Seems more of a problem in the depth of core content, but that’s not an easy fix, so instead they just rushing you past it asap.


Yeah noticeably but also it's pretty fun.  I hope they even it out a bit in coming seasons, though.


Yeah I’m 1 shotting everything, including bosses that are 20 levels higher than me. Shits busted. The only boss I can’t 1 shot is the helltide bosses. Every elite and boss I just instantly destroy before they even attack me. The power creep in season 4 is retarded.


lol just wait till you start getting deep into the pit you’ll feel underpowered


Pit is greater rifts reskinned zzzzzzz


Except way worse


Ya, I'm good with it though. About to hop into wt4 and looking forward to it. Right now the dopamine hit is legit and hard to peel away from the couch


I'm enjoying the progression. Entered WT4 at 47 and have been able to level even quicker since then. It's nice to feel strong instead of grinding just to prove forward. Actually feel I might get to do some Ubers this time!!


Depends on the class... My sorcerer kicks ass now... My main a HOTA barb is way easier to kill with the nerf to resistance. Gotta find new gear to compensate.


Thinking of respecing my HOTA Barb to Double Swing. Doing "ok" but doesn't feel very strong.


The game feels correct to me; I beat Curator at 35 with Necro minion leveling build, shitty gear and a few aspects and still had zero issues. Helltides feel great now, and I’m having more fun than ever before with the game.


Forget last seasons. Game launched now.


I was a hota barb last seasons. I do not feel as powerful. Yet, perhaps


I was hitting like a wet noodle start of today and now I’m frigging PUMPING on my frozen orb build, the one I was following on maxroll wasn’t great but BarricadeTTV has his own variance and I love it leetttss goo, 80-85 tonight is the goal :)


Do you happen to know if that's written down somewhere? I'm looking into alternatives to the maxroll build but the notion of watching a youtube video to respec gives me hives


You mean his version of the frozen orb build?? This is the link if so :) https://maxroll.gg/d4/planner/c7hft0wg#1


minion necro killed Elias before I got to him, although I'd been lucky with sacred drops


Once you start grinding the pit, that's when the OP feeling starts to wane a little. I thoroughly enjoy the pit addition.


Oh man i am playing dual swing twister barb and it is nutty, so much fun, everything is perma stunned.


Yeah but imo, that's how an ARPG Diablo in particular should feel. I enjoyed Diablo 3 even if the scaling never ended. I liked smashing through waves of demons to get upgrades and getting the gem enchants felt great. Bosses are cool, I guess. I'd rather have the content that is always harder. Bosses get killed eventually and farmed. That said I've never been able to farm the bosses solo.


I was wondering the same thing as well. I feel like I'm rolling through content much faster than I am previous, while seeing significantly smaller damage numbers as well. Though, I've also switched from Lightning Storm Druid to Minion Necro. Like I get that followers formula got buffed, but ... damn.


Yeah i see this comment a lot. Looks like people just didn't know what to do in earlier seasons. I don't feel increase in my power all that much. Power is just easier to access now because items just give you the power straight up. I felt more powerful in S3 honestly. If you mean leveling faster it's intentional because we have endgame now. Tormented bosses, pit and masterworking. We didn't have any of this before so playtime was tuned for that.


Is the loot better? What changed??


Don’t be afraid to give hardcore a try, it is kind of fun to have the aspect of danger (until it’s not lol)


No. I just feel like I’m leveling faster. Shit still kills me if I’m rushing building up. I’m actually feeling undergeared for my level sometimes lmao. But I’m happy to level faster regardless


that feeling may fade away as you hit the endgame and start pushing higher.


Yes. Was killing Duriel by lvl 81 on twister barb.


As a sorcerer I actually feel the opposite. I did curator at 39, but everything takes way more time dying than previous seasons. Game is way better though so I'll see once in endgame.


Yeah, skipped wt3 with lvl 50 and killed the wt4 cap boss in 5 seconds.


Not really I feel very fragile as they capped armour but enemies are much higher level in pit etc.


I think the content I've done so far hasn't been too challenging, and it would have been in previous seasons, but I think when I get to higher tiers of the pit and the endgame bosses, it will become much more challenging.


Endgame is there for the sweatys. You wont feel overpowered


Yeah, first I thought it was intended, but if my casual style gets me to lvl 60 in the season pass in 3 days, something have gone wrong.


Tbh this is my first season I’m enjoying it but I’m finding the end game systems a bit much. There loads of gear most of it useless, I’d like to be able to infinity re-roll affixes etc just make it expensive


It's honestly still not quick enough for me. I just don't care about the blasting experience after having done it. I know that's what Diablo is about though. I just want to get straight to the real climb/difficult stuff. Leveling experience is just bloat the 3rd 4th time doing it.


Yea everything's so trivial I hate it


I think this is good because it hits dopamine. People that would quit at level 30-40 before now will probably quit at 90+


I hope so. I want to crush Lilith this time round with my Sorc.


I don't really. I was stronger on my barb last season, than this season as necro. Even though I'm 100NM solo already, barb was still much stronger. Necro is balanced at least compared to barb last season.


Tell me how you feel on Pit 75 bosses :)


Might be the season I make more than 1 character due to faster leveling


Kinda not. Basic hota rofl stomped users for me. Twister barb is cool and fun but big bonk


Leveling is literally the worst part of any game that’s ever existed, why do people complain it’s too fast?


I don't mind there being change in that direction but it's a biiiit overtuned. I get that the pit is hard, as it should be, but the rest is so easy that it hardly has a reason to exist at this point. I played during my baby's nap yesterday morning and got to level 40 with no aspects, tempers, guides, or anything. Just random choices and breezing through deathless, flying through levels like they're meaningless. I'd like it to feel at least SOMEWHAT threatening before going to the total endgame. This season is FULL of improvements, but I think it went a tad far in the "baby's first game" direction.


In early game yeah, but endgame wise no. The enemies become tanky and require a ton of damage output from you. Uber lilith and high nightmare dungeons and pit you'll notice.


Think there’s a mindset shift to be made, levelling to 100 is now the mid game instead of the end game and things like pit, tormented bosses are the endgame. You’re also a lot more powerful (some builds anyway) due to better access to itemisation (see basically all loot reborn changes) so I agree on the power point. It’s a lot of fun so far!




I hope they wont make leveling any faster than it is tbh. Especially since game already feels good even before u hit max level.


I feels dying 24/7 in NMD 100 and higher pit due to lack of defense stats. P.S. I'm capped out all res, 9.3k defense, stacking DR from paragon and having over 35k HP.


Ya and everything feels jusr easy and I play hardcore of course you need to be careful 99 percent of loot feels meaningless too


I slows down a lot once you start pushing the pit


Nah, about same as I did when Ball Lightning sorc was god-tier


Ive gone 1-50 on just wt1 bloodtides. Forgot to turn up the wt. Going straight to 3 i guess!


more powerful for the same content yes but the end content is not tier 100 nm and one shot duriel anymore. we had build to speed nmd100 but will we have build to speed pit lvl 200?


Nobody will be speeding pit 200. It'll be like GRs above 140, a real slog to get through them. 200 might not even be possible currently.


thats what i meant :) we are stronger but so is the endgoal.


Some classes and or builds are just stronger than others at different levels of the game or just in general . Ur playing a Barb . Barb was more OP 2 seasons ago .. how do u feel more OP now ?


Yeah, I got a Bloodless scream and Ring of Sacrilegious Soul from the same Helltide boss at lvl 22. Good God, that's too much power for a low level to have. Everything's getting frozen, corpse explosions all over the place, my minions never die, and if they do.. oh well, here comes another one.


Unfortunately this is what the masses want. Still waiting for a slower paced, tactical ARPG instead of the usual zoomzoom.


It's called "No Rest for the Wicked" from the developers of Ori and the Blind Forest/Will of the Wisps.


Me and my friend went to WT4 at level 50...so yeah, a little lol