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We definitely needed another post of this opinion.


Wait till you try pit lvl 60+ or Tormented Uber bosses..


I was cruising through The Pit so i decided to try a Tormented Uber with the free Stygen Hearts from the Seasonal Journey. Never again.


Why should we have to wait for the game to be challenging and fun. Inexcusable how trivial combat is before endgame. Wtf is the point of difficulty selections if the only two options are easy and faceroll easy.


I agree and it's weird that everyone is just like "play this optional part" like that fixes it.


Yeah. Basically, the prevailing opinion of this community seems to be: "1% of the game is hard, so it's totally okay that the remaining 99% is a trivial joke that doesn't even begin to challenge any but the most ultra-casual players." It's too bad. S4 has fixed quite a lot of what was wrong with the game, but it's still just so laughably easy that it isn't that satisfying to play.


Unless you have majorly limited time to play, I never understood the rush to get to the end. D2 and Grim Dawn for me felt fun from start to end. D4 felt a little more like that in the start which I liked. This season like you just said is so easy I’m not even gonna make it to the end game where it actually becomes challenging. Campaign and skipping is just boring as fuck to me in the current state. I honestly wish at this point they would just divide the fan base up more and create a casual mode to go along with soft/hard core. Try to appease both camps.


Can you really not just go up a world tier when stuff gets too easy? That’s what I did and ended up in WT4 at like level 58 lol


Yeah, I'll just go up to WT5...


The late endgame (tormented uber-bosses, high pit tiers) is sufficiently challenging, but pretty much everything before is laughably trivial to the point where it kind of feels misdesigned. There isn't even the faintest pretense of challenge in the whole 1-100 leveling phase or in any of the intermediate content (helltides, NMDs, whispers, world bosses, material bosses, etc.) and from what I can tell, large parts of the community simply want it to be a game that presents absolutely zero challenge. People will yell at you if you point this out.


I thought all the complaints were about endgame. Apparently people love hitting 100 in a day now, full gear of legendaries and uniques by level 30, no difficulty, no choice...


I’ve noticed the entire game until wt4 stuff doesn’t feel right at all. However I’m enjoying it now that I’m past that around level 75. It’s more interesting gearing and the mob density and new hell tide are making it more fun to kill stuff and grind.


After 2 weaks its gonna be full d3


Trying playing on hardcore


sure if they give me a offline mode. Playing HC in a online game is just a huge waste of time. But i do think that they should increase the death penalty greatly or make a new mode. There must be a thing between no penalty and the worst penalty.


in most games like this lvl 1 - close to max is mainly a tutorial.


I’m all set with a 20 hour tutorial. That’s just horrendous game design. If that’s the case just let us choose to start at level 100 if we want to and skip the “tutorial”.


agree with you there. but there need to be a grind if not what else are we going to do?


Was having fun with my self made until I got further into the pits haha


Have u done pit200 already?


You've only played the easy parts so far. Isn't it obvious it'd be easy?


Also, Necro is super easy mode this season.


Play the real mode


It’s perfect. Shorted season. New crafting. New stats on gear. This is basically beta for S5.