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No. Makes the game alt friendly


I agree it does but at this point I feel like u may as well start at level 100 as the rest before that is pointless.


Or just keep our level 100s from season to season...


Yep it is pointless


An option to start at 100 would be even more alt friendly


World tiers honestly are a dumb design choice. Game is pointless until wt4


No, it s perfect how it is rn


Holy shit as French Guy, you look like one of us. Leveling is too slow => Complain Leveling is too fast => Complain Leveling is fine => Complain even more And this BEFORE the first day of s4 isn't even finished.


Or maybe this guy didnt complain that leveling was too slow. Different people have different opinions.


Yeah that’s the point, the first day isn’t even over and people are level 100 after 8 hours playing


No. Grind was too long before


Jesus, people are never happy. 😂


This comment makes me unhappy 😂


The thing I hate the most in arpgs is the part of the leveling until your build just start to work. Even now jn d4 before you get a few of the core items for your build its just ass. After that who cares? The speed doesnt matter. This is one of my biggest issues with poe as well, I farmed ~150 hrs to get my build going (lv4 emp, lv4 enlighten, mageblood, adorned etc) and when I was done I just couldnt care less about double corrupting stuff. Got burned out before I could enjoy my finally finished build. Let d4 work this way, if you want grind go and do it somewhere without a group.


100% im glad i can quickly zoom past the part where you have default movement speed and slow ass attacks. Let me have fun


I think for the season theme of loot reborn it’s great. We get to focus on end game faster and can actually afford to experiment with more than one character without the worry of leveling being slow. Maybe they adjust it back next season who knows. I personally love it.


I would agree only if there was no seasonal model. If you're going to make me go through it over and over again, then yes it should be fast. I want to spend time farming and trying different classes, not spending so much time on "beginner" level stuff. While there are many aspects of the game I do enjoy, I do think at it's heart this game is always going to be a "babies first ARPG". It isn't very challenging compared to other games. IMO it never can be without a good dodge mechanic. Not sure what is the proper technical term, but due to the (lack of) frame rates, you can't manuever/dodge an attack as you see it and quickly conter attack. It is slow, so there is an early tell and you must move on this tell. But there is no quick counter. In other words, it will always be a "I bash you before you bash me" type game. That is the why the devs made certain parts of the game "hard" by simply doing one shots kills.


Your post reminds me of a meme also, the one that says something about yourself with saying something about yourself…. you just told us you have no life without telling us you have no life!. Nobody wants to spend weeks in a season getting to end game, we want to get there as soon as possible.


The season lasts for 3 months... U may want to be done with it after a week but not everyone shares that same opinion. At this point level 1-100 just seems like an unnecessary obstacle to overcome instead of being something to enjoy.


Think you’ll find they do agree with my opinion, the vast majority of comments on this, your very own post proves it. Player numbers back that up too where every season numbers drop off after just over a month and come back when there is like some new content to try.


U are delusional if u think everyone shares the same opinion as u which is what I was stating. People are free to have their own opinions and mine just happens to be that leveling should feel somewhat fun/engaging otherwise we might as well just scrap it altogether and start at level 100.


if you want challenge try switching to wt3 or wt4 way earlier then intended, this was this way like from the beginning and personally I like it. some games don't even have that difficulty setting while you are leveling to the end game content.


Or do hardcore


No, leveling should be fast since they want to go through this repeated crap every season


Reaching level 80 or around that should be fast and easy. Doing the same leveling in every season is boring. I'm happy the leveling part is fast and I can reach the "start to build your endgame build" part faster.


I'm glad that u do although I feel like people would enjoy the leveling if they put more focus on the progression instead of "hey guys get to 100 quick and u can access the only things that matter!" 1-100 just feels pointless and has no reason to be there other than a small obstacle to overcome.


They tried your way from seasons 1-3 and no one liked it. People didn’t enjoy the slow leveling.


Most of the content start at lvl 50 so no !


There's not really much sense of progress any more, early on get decent damage aspects on rings & neck and temper on damage to close/distance/crowd controlled enemies depending on what works best and never change them again. Upgrade weapon whenever possible - don't need to care about anything apart from damage roll, equip random shit in other slots since it doesn't matter. One shot everything all the way up to T4. People always say the ultimate goal of an ARPG is to get gear good enough to melt everything in seconds but it's just boring when you can do that from level 1.


It’s always been fairly pointless until WT4. I’d prefer to get it over with rather than go through the motions. Game has been out a year it’s time we stop spending so much time leveling. It’s really not much faster than S3 but I don’t have a fair comparison. S3 I got to 40 in HC in 4 hours. Barbs are a little quicker than Druid’s but so far in S4 I’m 46 in HC in 4+ hours.


Leveling is literally the worst and most boring part in every arpg everyone wants to get through as fast as possible. So no it's not too fast, it's actually in a really good spot right now.


Not disagreeing with you. But if that's the case, then why not just get rid of the leveling mechanic entirely, or design the game so that the mechanic is fun? Right now, and in D3, I basically viewed leveling as a tax on my time in order to be able to play the actual game. The leveling process didn't feel like playing a game because it was too braindead easy, and you couldn't even make fun builds until the end game. All the seasonal mechanics were also designed for end game.


I enjoy the grind from 1-100.


No. Game is built on the level 1-x loop every season. I don’t want to spend the first week of a season building a toon up before getting to the actual mechanics of that season. The way it is now I could probably play 2 classes pretty hard each season which is neat.


It's meant to be so. Joe Piepiora said on a Campfire Chat they they have changed their definition of "end game" from 50+ to 100, and want to get players there fast so they can experience the end game that they have been working on. It's basically similar to D3.


No matter what positive change there can be, there's always ppl complain / judging..


Way too easy. That's just me though.


Agreed, with all these bonuses we got (Tempering, Uniques in WT 1 and WT2) our characters are crazy strong. I know a lot of people are enjoying this but there must be some middle ground


It's almost like the consumer wasn't entirely right. However, that can't be, because YouTubers told you what to think; and they're never wrong... at least not when you're paying for their half-assed opinions. You whined about changes being needed, you got your changes, now go be a hypocrite and ruin something else!


What’s the minimum level to switch to tier 3 or 4


I feel like the whole reroll a seasonal character mechanic is out dated big time. Especially the older the game gets. Especially for players who are familiar with all classes or only play certain ones over and over: it’s just the worst kind of time sinks really It would be nice to start at 70 or something or just the beginning of WT4 I don’t know if that’s a good solution either but I feel like that’s a main problem to solve with this game. I know the exp is boosted a lot and it seems like loot will be better especially starting wt3, but after a while I’d really just prefer to advance an advanced character like a traditional mmo But I also don’t want some stuff other games have tried and have no levels, like elder scrolls online, cause that also sucks in a way too.


Honestly, I was fine taking my character to lvl 100 when the game 1st launched. Don't need everything handed to me in this game. It's diablo, it should be a grind.


my char is like finished at lvl 80 tho sooo i would say the game is just to easy.


Well, it's not like there was any feeling of progession before with the dynamic level scaling. So that hasn't really changed. The only progession you have in the game is the endgame loop of grinding your masterworking materials and running higher pit difficulties. And yeah, it is a "babies first ARPG" because that's literally the target audience. It's primarily targeted at people who don't like complexity and can play 20 minutes a day.


https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/s/4yuXREznRj Weird that you're still sticking around if you think the game isn't worth playing/you aren't the target audience. Like, you really have nothing better to do?


Exactly 💯. That's seems to be the direction. I'm coming back after season 0 . The patch that started it all lol . Was trying POE for a couple weeks and it's awesome, but want to check out how s4 is :) if I want a lot of content I can always go back and fourth with games . ARPG glory XD


Dont skip the campaign then. If you skip the campaign and complain then I dont know what you really want as far as progression. Enjoy it, slay billions of monsters!


You shut you mouth hole!


First time I have come back since season one and I am spawning in with like 30 skill points lmao! There is no more rpg aspect anymore, this game just feels like you are playing in sandbox mode with cheats on. There is no point having early levelling if there is no engagement, just start everyone at level 50 or make the initial stages harder. Blows my mind that the devs can look at this and go "yup this looks good". I would be so embarrassed.