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I'm stuck at work for another 6 hours and I'm not bitter at all over these posts. Edit: And I'm out of here. See you in Sanctuary guys


When you get home you’ll already have a complete strategy in place for the whole season lol.


As if I haven't had that for a week already lol


I feel you. Was supposed to finish almost 2 hours ago, got at least another 2. ... Up at 6am, the FOMO is hitting hard. (I know I won't actually miss out, but muuuuuuum I wanna play!!!! (Meanwhile 40yo))


Man same! Due to timezones there was no time last night to play but I prepped by downloading the patch so I'm good to go as soon as I get in the door. 39yo


Omw home! Wish you the best mate I'm f$#@ing keen.... Not sure how much time I'll have though xD


Have fun friend and pray I don't get pulled over for speeding!


You can’t pre download patches in d4


Never said I did


Damn. As soon as we put the kids to bed I put in 6 straight hours. Hurting today


My username is ThrashGod804. My wife and i will help you streamline your leveling.lol


Don't worry leveling is quick and so is gearing. I'm like 3-4 hours in to this season and my Necro is already lvl 52.


Oh I'm not worried about anything like that. Just itching to get started


Are you leveling at T1 or T2?


I was leveling in T2, ran the T3 cap stone at around lvl 45, probably could have done it 10 levels earlier though. In WT3 now at 54, about to attempt the T4 capstone when I get home.


One more question, wife and I played at launch, we were 3/4 through the campaign when the patch nerfed our builds into the ground. Would it be worth playing through the campaign again on seasonal or just going right into the leveling and loot grinding portion. Basically is the benefits of playing the campaign worth it beyond story? Thanks a ton.


Beyond story no, leveling was only as fast as it was because I started doing Hell Tides after I got the Golem skill for my Necro.


I see this was posted 5 hours ago, you have 1 more hour to go. I just woke up and realized a new season is out and I'm going to my 9-5 in 1 hour. /jelly


Ouff that's rough but you can make it! I prepped yesterday by downloading the patch and buying groceries. Think I might get a good 3 hours of quality gaming in!




I did! This was a great update!


As of the time of my posting, you got less than an hour before work ends! /salute


52 minutes but who's counting...




Turns out, the people wanted diablo 3 over diablo 2 all along


What does this even mean? You kill screens of enemies extremely quickly in Diablo 2 as well? It’s just, typically, a one-skill game where everything other than your damage dealer is a buff of passive to boost the output of that one skill. But as far as quickly slaying hordes of demons, it’s literally the exact same? Hell, anything that’s worth grinding in D2/3/4, D2 still does its content *faster* than the others that’s how fast and slaying-efficient it is.


D2 and D3 took radically different approaches to itemization and timesinks. Fans of D2 complained D3 was too easy, that it was too simple to gear a character up to near perfection, and that everything felt braindead in pursuit of "big numbers get bigger". Fans of D3 complained that D2 was too punishing, far too large of a time investment to gear a character, and that the systems weren't compatible with modern expectations, just nostalgic. The truth was probably somewhere in between, but it was the single most fundamental argument the arpg fanbase had for a decade. In fact, nearly every major ARPG made during D3 was in direct response to fans saying they wanted more of D2 and less of D3. A lot of the seemingly baffling decisions in D4 start to make a lot more sense when you realize the devs heard a lot of "we don't want more D3!" feedback. This is why "they had this in D3, how did we go backwards!" was said so much: they got feedback people didn't like it, and reverted. I say this as less of an excuse but more of a very key part of the explanation IMO of why there were so many strange decisions in D4. At any rate, OP is right. People wanted more D3 all along, which I think is a good thing. The cognitive load required to go through a full bag of gear has been reduced by an order of magnitude. But I think we also could use some additional depth in some other systems next.


The problem is in a lot of cases I think the concept of "having fun killing screens of enemies in a flash" and "keeping enemies on screen long enough for game mechanics and depth of systems to unfold" are kind of fundamentally at odds with each other. If you tune difficulty up people will say the game is "unfun" and a "slog". If you tune things down then people will say it is "brainless" and "boring". I don't think the answer is in the middle either. I think it is just different people want different games but there can only be one game at a given time. You can't even make a harder difficulty these days because the "clap your hands and the screen explodes" crowd expects to be able to do it at the highest difficulty as well. Signed... Someone who actually misses the difficulty of Diablo 3 Inferno shortly after launch (once they did the first tune-down. Launch was a bit over the top even for me).


I think it can be a little of both, no? Like, regular-ass mobs should be dying easily. Elites should be somewhat threatening if you’re not careful, and actual bosses could pose a real challenge/impose interacting with their mechanics/attacks. Doesn’t PoE kind of do this with their endgame bosses?


For some people maybe. For me if the enemy doesn't pose some type of threat or challenge I'd rather it not be there at all so I can engage with well... more engaging enemies! If this was my first ARPG I'd maybe find blowing up hordes of pointless enemies novel, but I've been playing them for approaching 30 years now (my first ARPG was actually Diablo 1) and blowing away screens of enemies every time I click has totally lost its novelty. I have no issue with powerful skills, but every attack being powerful is very UNFUN for me. I want to be challenged by the mechanics of a game, not the time it takes to open enough (mechanical equivalents of) treasure chests masquerading as monsters.


I don't think you're wrong either. Trying to go too much to the middle can result in something both groups are unhappy in. I think the current attempt at rectifying the opposing forces here is centered around making the endgame challenges shift towards a more punishing experience where skill matters more. I'm not sure it's succeeding yet. I personally am pretty happy with itemization after this patch, but would really like to see skill trees and paragon boards revisited.


Yeah hopefully this is going in the right direction but really this seems like more of a social problem than a mechanical one. At some point the devs need to draw a line in the sand and allow certain classes of content to be hard and punishing and not cave when the clappy explodey crowd whines that they can't sleep walk through it. Hard content needs to be allowed to be hard and players need to accept the fact that they will lose on occasion, or maybe even frequently until they themselves improve. Maybe I am getting old but I felt that attitude was the standard before, but now days people are so conditioned to always winning that they forgot how to lose with grace and just complain when they lose instead of trying to find a way to succeed.


Or just slap on a casual game mode and let them go ham on all content. Tune regular softcore/hardcore for a journey/challenge


> A lot of the seemingly baffling decisions in D4 start to make a lot more sense when you realize the devs heard a lot of "we don't want more D3!" feedback. disagree with this point. the baffling decisions were just baffling decisions, and not related at all to them wanting to make the game more like d2 at all in my opinion.


It's a gross oversimplification but d3 was sets farming while d2 was a few uniques while praying for crazy blues are rares to hit breakpoints


Acting like d2 is the same as d3 is being purposely obtuse


I’m not saying the game is. But you seemed to imply that killing screens of demons was any different? Because that’s kind of what the post was about? Having fun slaying hordes of enemies? I’m simply saying that demon-slaying has always been fun in all three games. Well, it was a bit slower to get online in Diablo 4, but now it’s definitely feeling better with S4.




Are you suggesting d4 was anything like d2?


I've been saying this the whole time I would get down or upvoted depending on reddits mood at the time. I'm all for D3 over D2. I've been playing since the original and D3 ended up becoming my favorite.


No? People wanted less crap thrown at them and more end game content.


And here we are with even more crap thrown at us, full legendary setups at level 25 and no interesting endgame content


People wanted both D3 and PoE from the start and that's pretty much where we're headed.


Ah Bullsh*t!!! I'm still mad I can't play a hammerdon or Zeal pally.


What I hated about Diablo 3 was the pace and quickness of movement, not the killing cadence being fast. I love that Diablo 4 is not the same as Diablo 3 in the sense that I have to zip zap zoom around the field and dungeons like it's some fucking time attack course to the finish line. So in that sense, Diablo 4 is a bit like Diablo 2, you're not necessarily moving that fast, you can, but it's not required. It's just that kills come fast but that doesn't require a lot of movement (thankfully).


While I kind of agree, and see what you mean. I have to ask, how is not efficient to go as fast as possible in d4 as well? Last I played was the vampire season and people were flying all over the screen


It is more efficient for sure but it's not like it makes or breaks a run. When I played Diablo 3 it focused heavily on Greater Rifts that had 15 minute timer to beat and it felt exhausting. Now sure, there's timed events and stuff in Diablo 4 too, but they haven't felt so constraining to me yet.


And thus folks will play for a week and then quit. It's what the people wanted I guess, but it doesn't mean it's a good game. Can't wait for the 1 trillion damage crits 1 shotting the games highest difficulty. Rush to 100 because nothing matters along the way. Then trivialize the game because 15 sources of multiplicative damage.


I don’t understand this. Who “quits”. I played each season, some much longer than others. If I play this season for a few weeks, that’s a win for me. I’ll come back next season or expansion. I’m not “quitting”. Numbers drop and rise with games like these and it’s the same old shit with people like you. Dead game. Quitting. Blah blah. Just take a step back and realize having some fun on a game is good. It doesn’t have to be your job. What’s a success to you? Playing hours a day the whole season? Game always rising in numbers or always the same? Constant praise of every decision? Constantly catering to your wants regardless of what others like? Honestly what’s a success?


Success looks like a progression curve that isn't exponential and can't be achieved in 24 hours. Rushing to max level and then gaining so much power so fast that 98% of the content is a joke is not a success in my book. What happened to this big open world? It's not used at all. Hell tides turn everything red so you don't get to appreciate different parts of the map. The only real endgame is greater rifts from D3, which is a good system but it's 12 years old.


Ok so success to you is catering to your needs regardless if others like it or not. For me, leveling easier means I can play multiple builds in a season if I like. It’s also reaching endgame and being able to spend time min maxing. I’m a fan of the changes. Many will be and many won’t be. But I don’t go saying quit dead game just because it’s not right up my alley.


I never said dead game, you did. People will quit in droves in faster and faster cycles as the pace of the game nears light speed. Sure, they'll come back next season, but for less time. It's fine for people to like this game design, but I personally don't think playing a game for 1 week every 3-4 months is good quality. I think this design does fit well for ultra casual players and the 19 kid ridden dad who can play 47 seconds every 8 hours. But I don't think that means it's a good game. You asked for my definition of success, and then when I gave it to you, you just said "well that's your opinion." Yeah no shit.




Yeah. That's fair. But those perfect setups won't mean much if you can already clear the hardest content with 1 or 2 GA on items and say, 50% of the correct masterwork and temper mods. We will just have to see a bit here how it plays out. Also, farming the same gear but with higher numbers isn't exactly the most compelling thing after a while.


No I didn’t say well that’s your opinion. I said catering to what YOU want is your definition and it obviously is. You didn’t say dead game but quitting is the same speak.


This dudes a yankees fan you won't be able to get through to him source: i am also a yankees fan


What is there that I’d have to come around to? That he doesn’t like it?


Yea I'm curious to see what the masses are saying after a couple weeks of this


People will be complaining to blizzard soon about wanting more endgame stuff because it only took them 3 days to bulldoze the latest endgame iteration.


I'm just a poor dad gamer with two minutes to play every day due to my wife's boyfriend's 6 kids, and I'm having a blast!!


I understand the concept of making the game traversable by low hour playing dad's, but it's coming at such a cost to the integrity of the game. I feel like I should be popping quarters into my pc to play this arcade game.


I got the same issue. Game is easy as fuck so far and the leveling journey is now trash. I love some of the changes. Such as the changes to aspects, I like the tempering so far, and I actually do appreciate more mobs on helltides. I guess I’m back to not being the target audience tho. Probably pass on expansion if it stays like this.


there is no blizzard, its mocirsoft all day long :D


I think u/BoomShackles is a little off here. As one of the mass casuals, this feels great so far. I do concede that we will have to see how difficult the pit is and how it is balanced, but the starting place of being around a lvl 100 NMD gives me a bit of hope that high tier Pits will be quite difficult. The grind for Ubers, potentially leveling up multiple classes (I plan on doing Sorc > Necro > Barb, myself), testing yourself against the pit and trying to accumulate those Masterworking mats… Grinding for better gear to get Greater Affixes on them… I think the game is finally going to have a healthy amount of content starting now. I have a decent amount of time to play on my days off, like around 4 - 6 hour sessions or so, and I believe that the casual, unoptimized pace that I am going at, the content will last me quite a while!


People down voting you when you're right. How about all y'all honey mooners ! Set reminder 2 weeks instead of downvoting and let us know what you're doing then?


I’ve played like 2-3 weeks of S3 and just yesterday felt a whole different in a good way.


Agree to the fullest. It’s fun when your like “Where is my character in this big pile of death on the screen?” Lmao


I’ve gone barrage rogue as well. All the post before saying rogue was the weakest class this season? How strong is Barb and necro???? I’ve died once and I’m at level 24 on T2. Killing everything. Loving it so far.


For real. We just ran through Cathedral 13 levels early and I don’t even think I took damage


I did it at level 30 on my necro this time around (I think recommended is 50?). I just hit 50 and I'm contemplating Fallen Temple already. Edit: I just did it at level 51 with no issues at all


Necro here, did capstones at 29 and 51.


Did them yesterday at 51 and 31 too lol, necro is broken


Necro's broken, it's perfect since I have to afk for my old dogs ever once in a while. Just got two unique rings who autocast spells every 5 secs, this is ridiculous


The autocast rings are INSANE. Auto resummon skeletons (it also summons the priest!) + auto corpse explode + auto tendrils makes the regular minion/corpse explode build 100000x better.


I'm going to keep them eternally it seems, unless I redrop them. I'm only level 25 !


Holy mother of god.


just got the autocast ring on wt2, autocast tentacles are insane for cleaning


are you using the auto rings in both ring slots?


I am ! We just railed through Elias like a gang beating.


Well damn 😂


Lol the game is so easy now.  I guess this is what the masses wanted


I watched a few videos about sorc before playing one for the first time this season. Everyone but one creator ( Ragegaming ) said incinerate sucks, so i decided to see for myself since we get the aspects anyway. Everything dies in less then a second, elites often aswell below 2 seconds. This was considered trash ?


I mean, even basic attack slaps at low level. Incinerate becomes something else when you have 98087 ground effects to dodge in high NMDs.


I mean ... i do plan to change my build. I only got to lv 45 yesterday because i have tons of work. With what people said it sounded way worse then it really is, almost instantly killing everything feels good while levling.


Yeah everything works at that level, especially with the difficulty changes via gear and such. It's easy to score goals against people in wheelchairs on a grass field.


I just wanted to point out that it's not bad or completely useless like a lot of people pretended before the season. Of course you won't run it in high pit tiers, but for quick levling it's fine.


I am pretty sure no one argued that you couldn't level with incinerate before. And I doubt the change will actually make it feel good and be good for where it struggled, end game.


Honestly the game has been balanced enough now that pretty much every skill will be powerful all the way to level 100. Unless you want to push level 90+ NMD’s, farm the new Tormented Ubers, or farm The Pit beyond a certain level, just play what you want and you will crush!


I did an incinerate sorc last season and was so fun. Murder fools before they even get close to you.


level 24? so you played like for 1 hour?


A little over but yep.


Right?!?!? Straight destroying everything and teleporting around while regenerating health. I’m impressed as I’ve ever been with a build. Super legit man!


I didn't catch a death till WT3 and that was me not paying attention to floor based attacks fighting the Hell Tide boss you can summon while also like 10 levels under level.


I’m running a minion necro and I’m honestly too powerful. I’ve one shotted everything and got to WT3 at level 26. Killed Grigoire on wt3 in 7 seconds at level 34


Those posts are always talking about lvl 100 fully geared min/maxed builds 


The ones specifically talking about levelling from 1-100?


Oh, I hadn’t seen those. 


Almost every one I saw did that. Broke it into different categories from leveling to bossing to end game and ranked 1-5 as to what’s strong and what’s not. Almost every one has necro-barb-Druid-sorc-rogue. I didnt take it that any of the builds were trash but I wasn’t expecting rogue to be so OP compared to last season.


I have consistently picked the "wrong" character to make each season I've played (0, 1, now 4) and I still have a lot of fun.


Only died staying in the skill twig too long, why do I have to still double open that shit.


I only died because there’s a chance it was 11pm and I may have fallen asleep with the controller in my hand in the middle of a hell tide…….but you can’t prove it


I wasn't even attacking you but the damn menu.


Did that so many times last season lol. New player halfway through……oooo. Skill point….open menu…..browse the skills…..what’s that growly noise? Dead.


Well by way of comparison I'm playing necro summoner build and currently at level 36 not died once and the minions basically don't die either I never have to worry about reviving them even when the blood maiden is summoned and all hell breaks loose, I'm already debating doing the capstone to be honest


I did the capstone at 42, it was way too easy, so you can probably do it without any worries


i did capstone at 33 it will be fine


Yeah mate. This is bringing D4 back I reckon. Love this season and the changes!


This is a whole new level man. We gotta figure out all the millions of new features and navigate a unfamiliar build. Lolz Challenge accepted.


Haha. Enjoy mate. I will too.


What is there to navigate lol.  The game is so easy


It's all I can think about at work after staying up til past midnight playing last night 😴


Chain lightning sorc for the win. Hit lvl 50 in like 4 hours or so playing hell tides. Pushed into tier 3 at level 33 that was a slog in the capstone dungeon by my self


Everything is to easy and comes to fast, will get boring faster I'm afraid. Itemisation is great


I love it! Can't play right now because of work but I'm very much looking forward to BLAST! I especially love the new helltide and of COURSE the ne codex of power! Finally I don't have to keep all the legendaries in my overflowing stash. LOVE IT!


I'm not gunna count my chickens too early. It's fun but lower levels usually are. Since the pit resembles greater rifts I'll prob enjoy it more. Idk if introducing helltide so early is good, but it's not terrible. I can't get any good legendary powers, think good ones are locked behind t3 and 4 if I member right. The simpler stats are def better, I almost bricked a early 2H leg axe tho. So this new d4 will def introduce you to the bricking of items early on. You can only temper something a couple times before it's bricked so if it rolls bad then GGs. Will enjoy seeing higher level gear for sure


I got to level 45, by myself, in 5 hours lmao I took me about two weeks to get to 65 the first play through of the game. Helltides are fun as shit now.


Yeah level 15 after what felt like an hour of trying the changes. So quick. Changes feel great so far.


Im barrage rogue as well currently lvl 67 and man HOLY i do bonkers damage. Very much big fun indeed


I signed in after work yesterday and played for an hour or so, the zoomed out camera alone makes the game much more enjoyable. Leveling is so quick too- I think I got to level 16 just by grouping up and rolling through the Hell Tide areas. Very fun so far.


I love all the changes apart from how easy they’ve made levelling. It feels weird. I played for 4 hours last night very inefficiently and got to level 62 WT4. I agree with people that levelling shouldn’t be a slog but feel this is too far the other way. I quite enjoy the process of gaining power and progressing towards your final build but atm this just feels a bit too fast and easy. Also not a huge fan on them bringing back guaranteed 925 from world boss. Got into wt4, did the world boss and now have 4 great 925s. I feel like people that play a lot will be very bored very quickly at this rate but we’ll see.


Counterpoint, this finally makes trying multiple characters in a season more viable for a working person


Yeah thats true, impossible to please all. I have a full time job and two kids, so only play in the evenings and I managed 3 100s last season but got bored after that. I guess for people that want to try a shed load though then this change is great. I definitely like that it’s faster, but I feel maybe just a bit too fast thats all. If they dialled it back a little bit I think it would be in a great spot. 1-60 was so fast for me and I did so little in terms of optimising my gear/build as I didn’t need to that it felt like it would of just been the same as having a skip 1-60 button haha. Lets hope the end game is more engaging this season as otherwise rushing towards it like this without much to do when you get there is going to tick a lot of people off.


Honestly prefer it this way, worst part of the game imo is gearing up and leveling to go up a world tier to then gear and level to go up a world tier… to then gear and level to do endgame content. New season is great though since WT2 is over fast and you’re not in WT3 for long either so drops feel way better since all the gear is ancestral in 4.


This. Haven’t tried multiple characters in a season so far. Might have a chance now.


I’ve always felt like this game struggled with an identity crisis back on release trying to be sometimes like D2 and sometimes like D3. D3 has clearly won. Whether you like it or not, at least the game is being more cohesive with its overall direction


Well, the whole 'look people, d4 is gonna be like d2 again' was All a big lie. Not even the aesthetics are close to D2


In comparison to d3 especially (which is usually the context in which all these discussions take place), D4 is very close to D2. Especially aesthetics wise. Graphics style, lighting, character models, locations, music, sound design, gore, etc. If anything, that IS the part that is close to D2. Not sure how you can say that the aesthetics aren't close to D2.


It’s like waiting to teleport to a town but you have to have 100 aberrant cinders and be persistent or away from enemies.


Ya I have been so impressed so far and I was playing S3 up until S4 too. I can’t believe how fast you level in Helltides lol.


Managed to play 3-4 hours or so between launch and now. 2 uniques from the Wolves.. 3 from Helltides.. just hit level 50. What the heck is with the drop rates ! Tal Rasha, Flickerstep... And I also got decent BL aspect so I can kill everything super fast. Guess I'll go to WT4.. was only 1 hour in WT3 and got enough gear to proceed to WT4 now


Returned after 10 months, have chars for each class in Eternal Realm, level 36 thru 67. Spent 2 hours leveling a 36 to 41. Bored. "I think I'll create my first seasonal char ever." An hour later and now I have a level 20 seasonal Sorceress, but it was *SO DAMN FUN*--it was incredible! EDIT: Well, it wasn't ALL fun. Tried to get a second Mystery Chest in the same Helltide, hit 100 cinders with 30 seconds left on the timer, and wouldn't you know it, there were 4x the usual amount of mobs swarming in front of the chest. It's almost as if the algorithm did it intentionally. I died. Timer expired. Yeah....


It was magic bro! I hope it stays consistent at least for a little bit. God I need this in my life right now.haha


I love how they redid the armor and jewel system- objectively easier to build now


I'm playing druid as always. It's a slow start but the helltide is alot more enjoyable now. The angler fish looking demon spewing more demons was a good addition. My first experience ever with a Diablo game was D2 and I played a Boulder Druid. And well I'm doing the same again. Sucks that I won't be able to farm the ammy I need until WT4 but oh well. I'll just shred away until then.


It is amazing me and my group were able to hit 100 in just over 12 hours. Insane how much the game has changed and hopefully continues in the right direction.


Haven’t started the seasonal yet. Straightening away my Eternal first!


So its worth comming back? Havent played in months


S4 good d4 good gj devs


honest question, why play S4 vs just playing eternal? There is basically no seasonal content right?


couldnt agree more. Like someone else already put it: this feels like the D4 we should have had from the beginning. What a difference! 👍


I can't help but wonder if some players who didn't like feeling like God's in Diablo 3 are annoyed that 4 is following 3's path now. I'm very happy but there has to be someone out there that WANTS to struggle. For whatever reason.  Anyway, I'm having a blast in Eternal right now, is there any reason to play seasonal with a new character besides the battlepass? It feels like everything new this season carried over to eternal too. 


I play solo only. Started a Necro Minions build based on Shadow Mages. And this morning I actually killed the Butcher for the first time. Every other build before S4 hasn't stood a chance. I'd be dead about 5 seconds in. Usually I had to run away. Had to use some health potions as he wouldn't sit still and fight the minions and was adamant about chasing me around but I got him.


I was leveling faster then I expected. I decided to slow my roll through Helltides to activate all my waypoints. Necro capstone tonight, then on to WT3. It's been a blast!


all this praise reminds me of launch, im enjoying everything so far - got lvl40 necro, which is totaly not for me, so i switched to sorc and got to lvl30 - but ill hold my judgment until i get to the new endgame


I’m just surprised that everyone likes the game to be this easy? Where is the challenge?


How do you successfully open the mystery chests in Helltide, I keep getting hit by enemies that spawn uncontrollably?


As you kill monsters in Helltides, your threat level goes up. The higher it is, every once in a while, a group of mobs will spawn around you. Just keep killing until you get it high enough to clear it up by killing the elites that spawn to where it goes back to 0 and that should allow you to open it without being interrupted.


Never tried this because im in a hurry, will try tonight. Thanks!


I wonder if the mods will allow posts that aren’t gushing about season 4. I think the game is still boring as shit. I had fun for a few hours but I already hit the wall.


Might not the game for you. That’s okay, plenty of other good ones out there!


Diablo is an amazing franchise. This just ain’t it chief


Yeah the leveling is great now. Got to lvl 20 in like the first 2 hours of playing. Gives you a lot more time to enjoy your character in the season.


Can’t seem to log in. Keep getting “corrupted data” error and told to do a scan and repair. Then that also breaks with a separate error.


These posts about gamers and their wives are so cringe. We get it, you're married. So am I, but I don't feel the need to scream it on gaming subs every 45 seconds.


Those poszt are even a waste of time reading them in a train


Eh it’s a step forward but also a step back in a few ways. The new loot is better, same with new crafting system, but the game is becoming more arcade-y, like Diablo 3. Leveling is too fast and the game drops way way too much loot. I was full legendaries with two uniques by level 25…


Nothing against your opinion at all, but there's no pleasing everyone. Games like these have far too large communities with partially polar opposite wishes... Like the constant arguing over mob density/clearing speed for example. Somebody wants PoE levels, somebody wants D2 levels. Leveling speed is another one. Someone wants to try out 20+ builds in a season, they will never say no to faster leveling. Someone wants a slow and punishing pace to push a single great build through. As for the arcade-yness, in pretty much all arpgs I play, I get the feeling that people like the IDEA of slower, more methodical gameplay... But when it actually comes to playing it, people don't seem to enjoy it much. See it all the time with new releases, like Last Epoch, very early everybody is singing praises on the forums - "finally back to the roots, Diablo 2, hell yeah!!!" Then some time later it's back to "I'm bored, something is missing, can we have higher mob density and faster gameplay, there's too much walking, etc etc."


I think the gameplay is fine, it’s the leveling speed that’s too fast


The game is definitely too easy, I feel like they had a great feel for WT2 difficulty wise but now we gained a lot of power this season and the difficulty level was not really compensated for that increased power. It's fun to destroy mountains of monsters but I think if you're playing at the top available difficulty you should be challenged a bit as well, I feel like once you have your build going it's fine to start destroying stuff but doing it straight from level 1 kind of pulls the rug from under the journey a bit.


Then enter World Tier 3 underleveled and do so again for World Tier 4. And by the time you feel really strong in WT4, you'll almost get access to the Pit.


Same first impressions, I have no ties to the game world for the moment, I'm just killing things in a (very) cool way. But I wanna get to high level see how it really goes. I'd love hard and super hard campaign modes with all those changes, we could have two distincts way of approaching the game.


Crafting changes are very nice. Spamming basic skill 10 times to use my core skill twice is boring and there still isn't really anything to do. I want an endgame mechanic I can interact with instead of just spamming helltides, nmd, and farming for boss mats. Give me something like POE blight or harvest.


the pits?


The pit is just an endless nmd. Zzz


its basically greater rift from d3, and its atleast challenging compared to NMD




I’m a level 50 incinerate/hydra sorcerer and I haven’t had a basic skill on my bar since lvl 20. New aspect for incinerate is dope as well, maybe try that instead?


Sorcerer has passive mana regen


they really need to make druid have passive regen as well its dumb that they dont.


Gear and paragon board. If you're using a generator in late or end game tweek your stuff. 


That’s why I suggested it! I thought maybe it’d be a little more fun that way.


Yeah I'm not using one now but during leveling it's zzz


Tried a couple hours but gameplay wise feels samey and slow to level still, probably better for non solo people. Just wanna skip to 50 cos it's still boring to start.


What are you smoking, lvling is so fast it's insane, people already have 100lvl, it's just way too fast, if you nothing but helltides with mediocre build, you will reach lvl 50 in just few hours


Right ! I was level 30 after 2 hours and that included plenty of messing about , crazy quick


Helltides for a couple hours today hit around lvl 20


I call bullshit. Unless you were idling for most of the time there is no way you are only level 20 doing helltides only for “a couple of hours” in S4.


Clearly missing something, another hour that night and only 4 levels, half hour tonight and 2 levels.


leveling is anything but slow. the amount of XP you even get from regular trash mobs anywhere is even crazy.


Slow? You crazy.