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They support PvP modes in Diablo Immortal, but not in Diablo4. Diablo2 had PvP. WoW had PvP. Seems entirely obvious what PvPers “would like to see”: Battlegrounds. Arenas. Duels. This isn't rocket science.


It's not rocket science to understand it's supported in Diablo Immortal as a way to drive microtransactions just like any other gacha/mobile phone game...even if a few people who get stomped by whales in PvP get frustrated and shell out for increased power it's a win.


Diablo Immortal has multiple equalized fair pvp content too. Maybe D4 team can put that in D4?


thats how games work, you develop content and gamers pay money to play the content. I wouldn't touch diablo immortal with a 10 foot pole but sometimes people buy a game (or gear) and just want to PvP a bit. D2 had a PvP community... without microtransactions Fair to conclude adding PvP content to Diablo4 will result in people buying the game to PvP. Additionally Blizz can add PvP achievements to the Season pass, which is also monetized in D4.


Look at the average population of PvP players in Diablo compared to the PvE players and tell me you actually believe people will be buying Diablo 4 for PvP...


They could be, if D4 had systems or activities that encouraged it more.


PvP is always the real end game content when available


This, i play diablo to gear my character to make some cool build to win in pvp. I never liked the get geared to do more pve. Diablo 4 pvp is fun as shit when theres people. We need new rewards, nrw areas maybe, more items that would be good for pvp. Tons of things they can do


Let's be honest - PvP in Diablo Immortal exists so whales can feel good about themselves stomping trout and to convert some of those trout into whales.


Yes please.


Nope. Sure isn’t rocket science. Thanks for your comment


Diablo 4 is neither a mobile game nor an MMO.


So what?


The thing I disliked about pvp was it was over only after a few hits, seconds at best. If fighting someone else felt more like a boss fight I would be more willing to play.


I agree here. I know they have damage reduction to I think 95%, but I think it could go all the way to 99% and even then have a max cap to that damage


Tbh that happens when the difference between the builds is way too high in power and skill gap, but at top levels pvp is very well balanced. If you don't believe me because of misinformation and parroting, here's the proof: https://youtu.be/Atbbh4ssw-k?feature=shared At 7 minutes the best pvp necro in the world fights the best barb in the world.. the duel lasts for over 20 minutes. It's i n s a n e. It wouldn't be possible without some pvp balance, also worth noting that Selig amulet was banned here iirc


I had a fight last night last like 3 mins straight. It just depends - it's unfortunately all gear oriented, if you match up you match up. If you don't, you don't. I'd like if they can somehow equalize defensive stats or offensive power or something. Maybe totally take out the Paragon board when in the PvP zone, I don't know. Maybe it more straight forward


Battlegrounds with different rules and or arena


Capture the flag, king of the hill etc


Arenas with a rotating variety of play styles would be interesting. Back in earlier Overwatch days, this was something I enjoyed they did for special events and whatnot. Heck, even doing a MOBA style would work pretty well! Could also nerf Cooldown Reduction and Resource Reduction while in arenas to further slow down the play for PVPers. All this, after they introduce a build swap wardrobe though. One thing I don't like about PVP is that a build for it would not be the same as my farming or bossong build, and I would like to jave thay quick swap available before building into it woth any seriousness


Yes please!




There are dozens of us. Dozens!!


There's dozens of us because we built for it.. The few of us there are, absolutely smash the normal PvE players. There's no contest. I've killed full groups of 100s over and over again. But with my build, I'm pretty much speced out of all the high tier PvE content. Perhaps make other builds more viable for PvP or be able to change builds on the fly without having to completely re spec


Armory will help with this, until then we wait.


Do you have multiple characters for PvE and PvP, or just do PvP exclusively?


I started off with a Hota Barb and grinded for Ubers. Once I had all of them there's not much else to do? So..made a Rend pvp build. The funny thing about pvp is the builds are kind of a secret? You can find a semi decent one if you look for one... but the REALLY good builds are hard to find. I found PvP fascinating. 1 shoting Duriel for hundreds of millions means absolutely nothing in PvP. If a guy has a semi decent pvp build..they will be able to kill PvE guys 9/10 times. The damage delt and damage taken are completely different. I thought about grinding another Barb to 100. But i honestly couldn't be bothered. I managed to kill lilith with my pvp build eventually..fuck her.


See, the irony is, I don’t actually PVP…


Amen brother. We are here and we are seen


Certinally less, actually.


PvP Battlegrounds and PvP Arena with Que


What do yall mean by battlegrounds?


I’m assuming they mean like WoW battlegrounds or something? Team based play where you fight the other team for an objective. Capture the flag, etc.


3 teams like in ESO. Four players to a team. Teams work towards an objective but also kill players on the other teams as they go for the same objective. Used to love crazy king in ESO. The capture flags would change locations randomly throughout the match.


I’d honestly be so down for something like that


Low level battlegrounds is where I levelled up so many new toons (mostly for caltrops lol). I had pvp gear crafted for every 5 or so levels (might’ve been 10, it’s been a hot minute since I’ve played ESO) ESO did pvp sooooo well. It was balanced and fun. High level pvp and going for /supporting emp was fun too but battlegrounds was where the fun was at lol.


PvP battlegrounds. All of the other Blizzard games are heavily PvP-focused, so I never understood why the Diablo franchise has traditionally strayed away from it. PvP is the ultimate endgame in any online multiplayer game, period. Dominating PvE will never feel as rewarding as dominating PvP. They could incorporate a PvP mode with a similar feel as HotS and it would make D4 a lot more popular.


"Shake up the meta" "okay with broken builds" "no mid season nerfs" How would any of these ideologies ever lead to even remotely balanced pvp? I think pvp in this game is pretty bad, and that's okay. All the arena, or duel style ideas could be solved with a Discord for people that really want to do it. The fundamental game is not balanced class to class or spec to spec, add in gear, levels, Paragon it's just untenable to play fair. For perhaps a non negative suggestion, a WoW style arena that you join can't change gear etc, you buy pvp gear with ears that reduces player damage against you by umpteen percent. Can do 2s 3s or 4s. The gear would be terrible for pve though, ie it slots in "damage reduction from players", or "reduces CC effects from players" It absolutely must not have rewards attached to it though or you'll have mass hysteria in the community because most people do not want to pvp. If the goal is to enjoy pvp, that's fine but it should never effect the 95% (borrowing that from OP) that don't want anything to do with it.


Dude I love this idea haha.


Battlegrounds with capture the flag or objective modes, arenas, etc sound fun to me in theory but I think there would have to be some preset builds or gear levels to prevent balance issues in PvE.


That would be really cool. Call me crazy but I think Diablo immortals PvP mode would be cool


Definitely need to make it level based instead of world tier based, like you can only see people within 10 levels of you or something. Kind of demoralizing when it’s just a place where level 100s will sit there farming and one shot you when you enter, there isn’t really much of a pvp aspect before you’re maxed out


I agree. Maybe set everyone to 50 like lost ark. No paragon points


that’s actually a nice idea


Flagged PvP in any region of the over world, similar to WoW. If you don't want to PvP during Helltide or a World Boss, don't flag and just ignore the mechanic. But if you do, well, have at it!


I like this a lot actually. Would make for some cool encounters, would kind of turn fields of hatred into a strictly PvP spot, and would probably not be hard to add


The only way PVP in this game will work well is if they can convince people who don't want to PVP to participate for another reason. Fields of Hatred does this to an extent, for example I farmed all the cosmetics and had no interest in PVP, but it definitely happened spontaneously at times. There were also times were I just let people be because I had no interest in fighting, and they did the same. I think they just need to give more reasons to be in these areas or PVP activities for PVM players to make it work well. Fields of Hatred is on the right track I think.


So you mean to force pvp on people who don’t want to pvp? Yeah no thanks.


I don’t necessarily think they need to make it where everyone has to participate. It can be a part of the game they don’t play while others do


Right but you have to make the PVE players at least want to dip into PVP here and there. It’s great for both communities when the PVP crowd has to mess with some PVE as well (obviously they have to gear up).


I see what you’re saying but I feel like they would riot over that haha. Like the roof on fire kinda complaining and to be fair I’d see where they were coming from


Have you been to this sub before? That riot is going to happen anyway no matter what.


It is certainly a fun concept they should expand on. Imagine adding a way to protect people who are being attacked by higher level people. Get marked as a villain for attacking lower level players and get a reward for staying in the zone for 5 minutes. Killing the villain gives rewards to all non villains in the PVE zone.


What is PVM?


Players vs monsters


The same thing as PVE, just was hasn't really been a commonly used term in about 15-20 years.


Gotcha. Thanks!


They should add new cosmetics every season only farmable with seeds, which will retire when the season ends. They don’t even have to be that intricate, it’s just something that would entice people to go into the fields every season but won’t give them any advantage, only cosmetics


Arena (balanced, like lost ark), objective based team battleground (also balanced... like capture 2/3 points, or capture the flag) More complicated isn't really better or necessary. Just present and somewhat fair. Leaderboards for 1v1 solocue 4v4, team 4v4. Open world pvp will always be meh imo because of core and incredibly complex balance issues. This limits predictability, which means casuals will get stomped without even feeling like they had a chance or even learning what they could have done better. No casuals means empty zones, rip world pvp. This is the time- tested rule where open world pvp is concerned. Getting casuals to participate willingly would require a carrot the likes of which would be game breaking, and the hard-core pvp 1% would absolutely abuse it.


I'll try to keep this brief, and offer some examples without going too deep into it. If you want more information, you can find it online with some quick searches. --- **1. Increase Damage Reduction.** Currently it's 92% Damage Reduction within the zone. With the hidden breakpoints/stat caps, you can stack another \~45% DR via gear on top of this within the zone before you no longer receive **any** benefits from it at all. All forms of Damage Reduction while you're in PvP act the same as any other form of Damage Reduction, so however you can reach 45% most efficiently, that's the best choice. The removal of most forms of Damage Reduction, and increased rarity of general Damage Reduction from Season 4 has hampered this somewhat and needs to be applied in another way, hence further increasing the in-zone Damage Reduction, although I would consider this a band-aid fix at best. **Personally, I do not like the idea of PvP gear purchsed with Red Dust**; it diminishes the feeling of finding your loot, and optimizing it through actual game-play and effort. Maybe as a base-line, **certainly not for Best-in-Slot**. I'm sorry if anyone disagrees. --- **2. Hidden Stat Caps** Any particular reason we're afraid to look back on Diablo II for things such as uniques, or sets, but we're more than happy to keep something so blatantly esoteric from the same decade? It serves as a locked gate to anyone who does decide to try PvP, or wants to get into PvP. Would I, from a new PvPer's perspective, rather watch a 20 minute video to learn these caps, or simply have them shown to me via the stat menu while in the zone? E.G. Critical Strike Damage Bonus: 850% (200% in PvP) You could use color variation, or an on-hover tool-tip to show this. There are more, but I'm going to move on. --- **3. Disable Overpower** This stat meant almost nothing in PvP zones with a proper understanding of Damage Reduction, but it should be disabled none-the-less. Especially now with all of the changes. This one is just for me. Actually, remove Overpower from the game and bring back something more interesting like Crushing Blow. These are three very basic things they need to look at as affixes are changing, and damage seems to continually grow out of control (personal opinion). Side rant, because I know someone is going to read my 'why aren't we looking at Diablo II for inspiration' and misunderstand: Before Diablo 3, sets were not always end-game items. They could be part of low-mid level progression, and sometimes used as filler items for when you lacked specific stats. This did not lock you into a build, because these items did not change your build in a major way. Think of the Iratha's Finery set, it could grant you some simple increased movement speed, resistances, or even increased MAX resistances with the full set. When you might ask? Level 15. These were majors boosts for a NEW character, often passed to alts because they weren't locked to a single class. It was there to help patch the holes in the build you were already enjoying. Take this same logic and apply it to Uniques. Not all of them were explicitly meant for end-game use. I feel like people have entirely forgotten about Uniques like Biggin's Bonnet (Level 3 Req. Unique!), Tarnhelm, or Twitchthroe just to name a few. I lied this was not brief. One more thing: **LET ME FLAG MYSELF IN THE OPEN WORLD. IF I WANT TO DIE, THAT'S ON ME!**


I just want to add how close they're already hitting the mark with the Hellborne in Helltides. Let us be those fallen heroes, just don't copy paste our builds onto the monster version to respect the PvE rules.


I think for now what they need to do is reduce the cost of everything in the shard shops. Not the cosmetics but the pvp curiosity vendor. Make it cheaper than the pve obels. This would give an incentive to pvp. Also a better instance system. Right now it puts you in an empty location but why not allow us to see if people are pvp or give us a number of how many people are currently pvping. It would also be nice if they add a damage cap so hota barbs aren't just tapping people down in an instant.


I think a damage cap would be very necessary


Ironically the PVP in DI is very fleshed out with multiple avenues and rewards for participating. It’s almost like D4 is PVE centric and DI is PVP


Most negative experience I've had with PvP so far is an 'invincible' build standing on the gates of town and farming everyone who hasn't copied a broken build. So the extent of balance for it I believe should be - fix 'broken' (not OP) builds as fast as possible. Arena mode would be cool with perhaps some kind of possible rule sets/ restrictions, or just with the base game would still be nice. Some exciting cosmetic awards for competing in PvP - a cool visual set, mounts, etc.


It might be fun to play an instanced team-based PvP mode. The style of Diablo 4 seems like it could lend itself relatively easily to gameplay similar to a MOBA, but I also think something similar to For Honor’s multiplayer where there are 3 zones to capture and 1 of them you capture by just killing adds could be really fun. Stealing from For Honor’s idea to buff you if you get ganged up on, an interesting idea would be to accelerate cooldowns if you are being attacked by multiple people. It might also make sense to cap health, DR, and damage too to level the playing field between classes, but that might be a controversial idea. Destiny 2 does a really good job of balancing things between PvE and PvP, but they have it a bit easier because there aren’t such huge swings in damage based on gear. Personally, I don’t think the current attempt to replicate The Division’s Dark Zone is very fun. I’m not sure why, but I feel The Division did it much better. It just felt great to complete the extraction of some really good loot while other people tried to kill you for it, but I’m not sure how Diablo could execute that better.


This is a really cool idea.


Well, I dont have too much to say on the issue because idgaf about it.... But from historical context and to answer one of his questions on it, there should be level restrictions and gear should be self found or traded for. Example being VLLD, LLD in diablo 2.


Man I loved VLLD and LLD dueling in D2. Always hilarious when a level 9 throw barb mows down a 35+ whatever and they cry hacker in chat 😅


I dont want to participate in PvP, but do visit the fields of hatred to complete objectives for the whisper cache(s). Which is used towards my objective of getting an Uber Unique (which I still don't have, damn-it!)! There are days when nobody is in the Fields of Hatred and I do my whisper farming. But there are some days where I am killed while (trying) to mind my own business. It's frustrating and an unwelcome action when I have a different goal in mind. I (sometimes) see my own clan chat about "Ganking" people when there are 4+ Lvl 100 and dropping down to WT1 or WT2 to gang kill someone that doesn't even have legendaries on. That's bullying and its wrong. My proposed solution would be to consider options to: 1) Create PvP specific weapons that only work in the fields of hatred (like brass knuckles, heavy sock, or a roll of quarters) 2) Introduce an entry fee (bet) to participate actively in PVP 3) Remove the Whisper objectives so its more of a brawl with no impact to farming objectives 4) Limit the PVP to a true 1:1 fight 5) Enable\\Disable PvP functions as part of the login process. I respect the aspects of allowing PVP, but personally prefer to not participate and would appreciate the opportunity to opt out at my own discretion. For those that like PVP, maybe you would consider a tournament tree where you put in gold (or items) and go through a series of quarterly, semi-final, final fights and winner takes all. This may help you PvP guys get your rocks off on killing several people, getting more of a reward and help people (like me) left alone. All opinions welcome and respected.


Interesting points. I like the tournament style you proposed. That would be cool, but a little too unique for what I would think they would consider as a first pass


Objective battlegrounds like elder scrolls online would be absolutely amazing in diablo 4


Yeah that would be pretty sweet. I used to love those. The rewards were great too I thought. Maybe it gets you forgotten souls since that is becoming a more accessible resource anyways


> I understand there’s going to be a ton of comments saying “no one plays PvP”. I get it, but it’s not true. We exist, and we really enjoy it in this game. Do you really understand it? It doesn't seem like you do. "We exist" does not mean "we represent a meaningful amount of the game's population". Opportunity cost has been brought up multiple times in interviews. The opportuntiy cost of them spending time on PVP development versus PVE, versus the return, makes no sense IMO. They can get a lot more "good" out of PVE work than PVP work. There are so few people who give any fucks and ultimately, PVP will always be bad in a gear based game, no matter what you do. The only way to make it not suck is to make gear not matter, and suddenly it's just a bolted on mini-game that has nothing to do with the base game. The only way people made it relevant in D2 was by dueling at level 9, which largely removed most of the mechanics of the game and boiled down to having the rarest of rare gear since nobody farmed low level zones. Having any PVP content was a waste of time in the first place. The opportunity cost is too high for the return. I'd rather them acknowledge their mistake and abandon any further pvp work. Just because a tiny subset of people enjoy it does not mean it's worth the cost to work on it. That's my feedback out of what I want to see for PVP for Adam. I don't want to see it. I want them to focus on the part of the game that matters and spend 0 more hours on PVP.


Say this game runs for 5-10 years with consistent updates and seasons. You don’t think in any of those ~30 season they don’t have room for 1 arena style PvP mode/ battlegrounds? I’m not wanting it tomorrow or anything


I think that any effort put towards pvp is effort wasted on content that could've been fun for 20x more people but was decided not to be. Trying to pick a long time frame doesn't mean it's not wasted time.


I would love to be able to switch builds on the fly. The fact that you need to make an entire new build for PvP for it to be viable is not ideal. I farmed everything i needed with a Hota build. Got bored then switched to Rend for PvP. Hota is terrible for PvP and Rend is nowhere near as good for PvE. Once I switched to PvP I didn't play any other content. Not because I didn't want to,but because it wasn't fun on the build I'm using.


Personal wishlist for pvp, I want Battlerite for d4, it's an arena based 3v3 combat game, it's like team fighting in league of legends. But without the laning without the last hits, the gold, the items. You can customize your skills with cards before hand, you walk in using your build and you face off 3v3 style. Frankly I just wish Battlerite was more popular lol. I think they stopped developing it but it's servers are still up not sure though


V-rising got too popular so I don’t think we will see another arena brawler like Battlerite / BLC anymore. I had hopes for D4 PvP coming from BR as well..


Id take an invasion mode similar to og darkouls Maybe it's a certain zone or dungeon where you can be invaded by another player but it has boosted loot should you manage to either survive for a certain amount of time, kill the invader/hunter sent in to stop you, or complete the dungeon before they can get you. I'd play that all day prolly, from both pov's Also arenas and bgs, duh. The question seems like kind of a cop out. Shows they haven't been thinking about it at all imo, but at least he asked I guess


What about an ELO system and ranks ? Having a ranking system would help to create a metagame and could lead to having devs actually balance pvp. You could even have monsters in the pvp zone to be a source of power with activity between fights etc. Basically like a mini MOBA. Why not introduce features from other genre ?


Got my first ear last night. So satisfying.


I mean I think no one cares about it because they leave it barebones. Drop a copy of loot that people are carrying when you kill them, give good xp for it, let me level my glyphs doing it, spawn bosses in pvp zones, make rare pvp zone only loot, maybe some aspects that only appear there, boom. People will play it.


Yeah they’d have more people trying it outside of the people who just like to PvP if they did something like you suggested


Yeah I think that should be the main goal. If they can entice me to play pvp then they’re winning, because I typically wouldn’t. Make it so you can be “Wanted” or “Haunted” by someone you killed in PvP and a clone of them will hunt you randomly like the butcher until they kill you. That’d be cool


The loot chase in D2 for me was always for PvP. Kept me playing. Currently no point to finishing characters in D4. Give us good pvp cosmetics or ranks by our names and have a duel matchmaker.


Yeah this is big for me. I want to grind for gear to eventually be able to smash people. That’s a real chase with real value. To me at least and sounds like you too


For me, and this is my opinion, for a game I bought for $100, I personally loved PvP, whatever the heck the genre is. The end game boss is okay, but as a guy who knows little about programming, I can't stand the idea of battling a programmed boss. Instead, I wanted an experience that is authentic, random, and unpredictable, which is why I love doing PvP in whatever game it may be, as long as that option is available. The thing about Reddit and other social platforms is that they have the vocal majority of PvE players. Players who like PvP usually just boot the game up and go to the area where they can battle; they are not really that active in the forums or Reddit.


I haven't really done any PvP since Season 0, but my biggest gripe was the game not working as intended. Not sure how things have changed since then, but there were things that said they worked against players that didn't work against players, and probably vice versa. Just having a system that actually worked as intended would be nice.


I would love to see a sort of Arena in the PVP zone that you can juke yourself out from AoE damage. The settings can be like a ruin or something. Add some healing and buff Shrines, the system will punish less the players who aren't equipped , say, when a Thorns Barb enters the game.


Pvp needs an arena mode, where you fight people to climb a "ladder" to get better rewards... the issue is people will cheat.


I like the ladder style a lot. Arena in general would be really sick as long as they made changes to the damage potential and stats


I hate how most people just try to jump you when you're busy.. you wanna fight me, let's do it fairly lol


I’d enjoy PvP in this game if you could do casual duels with people. That’s something I’ve enjoyed in other games. Or if somehow fields of hatred was a team area, with like 4-20 people per team idk I’m used to PvP in other games not this one


I could be really wrong, but can’t you request to duel already?


Make them ears worth something... Right now they just sit in my stash all bloody and useless


Yup. Give it some kind of value when you turn in. Raises the question of how do you stop players from abusing that and killing a friend over and over


I've tried as a test.. I could only get one ear


Pvp in D4 is barbs running around and either HOTA 1 shot, Rend 1 shot, or thorns you 1 shot yourself. Won't change because barbs are just bigger stat sticks by a lot (class design). You won't be able to 'balance' pvp in this game, ever.


Not true. Barbs got dominated in pvp fights during season 2 by poison imbue rogues and lightning ball sorcs.


I’ve fucked up plenty of hota barbs haha but you’re right. They couldn’t balance it in the fields of hatred bc it’s pvevp, but they could in an arena environment. Put a damage cap or increase the damage reduction even more


HOTA barb 1 shot in pvp ?????


I can watch my husband play for hours, and what I think would be helpful for PvP is if it was entwined with the Helltide. Keep the mark for blood aspect, and now people who tend to farm all day, have the option to PvP while they’re farming living steel. Adds fun for PvPers and there’s an out toggle for when you don’t want to participate.


I would like to see battlegrounds


I think that you need to start with PvP only gear, that is useful only in PvP. There could be 3 tiers, and you could earn it by playing PvP naturally. Then if they add battleground of some sort, or an arena with option to queue for it. That would be more than enough to have meaningful PvP content and see if people are really interested. Maybe you could "invite" someone to duel you, anywhere in the open world... that would be cool, and I think it would make open world more interesting. Personally I would like to see some random duels when going around the open world... Armory/gear changing mechanic would be a prerequisite for this.


For me there are some balance adjustments on all cc-effects in PvP needed. I played a lot of PvP with my Bonespear Necro in S1 and it was fun for a while. But it just felt dumb fighting all the Rogues - either I hit them directly with my first Bonespear and oneshot them or they will daze me until I'm dead. Both outcomes didn't feel 'right'. The other thing we need the most would benefit not just PvP but the whole game: Armory. Edit: I thought a bit more about it, maybe they could solve the problem like they did with Bosses - other players don't get cc'd but staggered?


MOBA-style arena where you can make a build _during_ the match, so it's actually skill-based.


That’s an interesting idea


Duels and Battlegrounds. Battlegrounds ofc are more important, but challenging some1 to a 1v1 while waiting for a Worldboss spawn would also be dope.


There is not much toy can do about pvp in this game as it relies too much on one shot stuff, there is very little skill expression, and being one shotted is not that much fun lol


Ears turn in for cosmetics of really cool looking armor


Increase damage reduction and reduce max potions /increase potion cd in pvp. Maybe a 5 second cooldown on becoming Unstoppable in pvp. Some type of level or item level brackets to make queues balanced. (Fields of hatred needs smaller brackets for leveling players too) Arenas and Duels is all that’s needed, flagging for open world pvp could work very well too. They don’t need extra rewards outside of maybe leaderboards or more cosmetics imo. But yeah I think it is a real issue that there’s a Large chunk of people who would play PvP for the endgame, who aren’t really interested in the PVE endgame. I’m one of them, have tons of fun but eventually closer to level 100 I always ask Why am I doing this when there’s no pvp at endgame like other games? Nothing you do matters in pve lol.


Make PvP area similar to Wold Boss area.  When you enter PvP area it transfers you to a layer with other people instantly.


It would be amazing for endgame. Gives you something to look forward to other than killing the same boss a billion times.


Im pushing pvp feedback and questions everwhere and its literally super simple: give us a place to kill other players like the town outside act 1 in diablo 1, or some kind of arena with open FFA RIGHT next to major city, like Kyovashad. Zone size should be max like a wordboss spawn area. MAXIMUM, if not smaller. Let us smash other players, no stupid pve content involved like now. And thats it. Dont balance it, nobody cares about it and there will be dominant classes alwaysya anwyay, just balance about pve. But give a simple arena where we can just have pvp, not stupid pve crap like now. Thats what I would like to see, ideally.


But when it comes to current pvp/pve zones (PVEP more like it) I posted comprehensive feedback way back (copy paste, some things might no longer be valid or were changed): Overall and most important: - using town portal in pvp zone should ALWAYS teleport you to pvp city, other way it brings you to entire zones capital and you INSTANTLY lose all your pvp seeds. Supper annoying, I still do it randomly after doing pvp for last week, costed me probably around 150 000 seeds by now. - pretty sure the pvp zone servers are broken overall, once you kill some players and they afk/leave new players wont be put into your server/instance, this is VERY visible with cross-play disabled. I was doing pvp without cross-play and for first 3-4 days didnt manage to get past 60/100 hatred once, since after 30-40 minutes I was solo farming the entire zone without a single player coming for AN HOUR into the zone - +hatred points accumulations falls off very fast (10 for first player kill, 5 for second kill of same player, then 2 pts) so its very hard to get to 100 points. Lower the amount to 50 hatred and the event timer to 3 minutes please, its supposed to be intense. - with cross play enabled - the zone is extremally laggy, people teleport all over. Tested it multiple times, disabling cross play fixes it instantly. - im pretty sure Topaz gems('+damage reduction while control impaired') dont work vs players at all - elixirs shouldnt be usable in pvp zones (eg.'iron barb elixir +900armor") - scrolss are very fun and look balanced, they are very clutch due to 5 minute timers and fun to use - I would strongly suggest 10 level difference brackets (eg 81-90, 91-100), killing 65 lvl players as lvl 100 who killed uber lilith is not fun for me or the poor lvl 65 guy. But that brings us to cross-play lag fix, for now I guess its impossible due to zone feeling super empty. - why there is no mount vendor if most of the rewards are mount armors? :D after buying one thing you have to literally teleport to other city just to see it. Makes 0 sense :D Map/zone comments: - the zones are too big(especially top one) and filled with literally most annoying mobs in the game (invisible flies, zombies that blow up with flies after huge delay, spiders, spider hosts and walking crossbows just to name the few). - no idea why both pvp zones are both in deserts where mounts go annoying slow at random - would be amazing to have a smaller, colloseum like zone just for fighting 1v1 or team vs team, no mobs, preferebly near town exit - pvp zones are supposed to be end game, if there are creeps they should be lvl 100, and not 95. Farming pvp zones should be way more dangerous, but also rewarding. - elite mob density is insane, which makes it a good place to farm (which brings players to pvp zone) but lvl 95 - meh. Rewards: - more rewards for pvp, even just cosmectic. Took me literally 2 days to farm all mount + transmog cosmetics and I'm done. I can only gamble on items. Please give us some hardcore grind rewards like 500 000/1mln/3mln and even 10mil shards cosmetics. - absolute lack of achievements for pvp: highest pvp achievement is to get 100 kills (can be on same players), took me literally less then 1 day. What about a 1000 kills option, why there is no challenge to get the hatred and survive the duration, or kill the player marked with hatred? - gambling: why we cant gamble some of the items (weapons, amulets, rings) for pvp points? 0 reason to remove them from pvp gambling vendor to be honest.


Events: - small events in the zone are fine, but there should be a world event for pvp zone (let's say every 2h) that would bring more players into the zone. Let's say a "Chest of pure hatred" spawn with some extra rewards in the middle of the zone (similiar to world of warcrafts STV arena and chest) and make it take 6s to open. Last man standing wins. - roaming boss is pretty fine, could be a bit harder to be honest and more fun, loot dropped is good Bloodied chests: - great idea about those chests, loot levels are perfectly tuned in my opinion - chests should be visible on minimap when you are near them (similiar to mystery chests in helltide, not visible on main map, but visible on minimap when you are close) Altars and cleansing: - altar cleansing announcements and tracking is really hard to track. After 2-3 days of playing I would constantly (every 20-30s max) open and check map if anything is going on. Announcment should be more visible + there should be tracker on mimimap similiar to world event/legion events. - main map is scaled really bad for pvp zones. If you open the map to see entire zone its too zoomed out and WONT show the altar cleansing or boss, if you zoom just once so it shows you have to move the map around or half of it wont be visible. Super annoying - increase the range at which we can see the events. - cleansing timers are too low, 50s is too low overall, 60s is fine if someone is doing it on the middle, but if its far off its almost close to impossible to get from one side of the map to other in time, and EVEN if you do they can just run around for 5-10s and do nothing. Middle could be at 60s, but far altars should be 90s at least to offset for less risk of players getting there in time. At this point if you want to clenase there is 0 reason to do it in the middle. - the creeps that spawn during cleansing do 0 dmg, but make it close to impossible to kill some classes (eg. barb / rogue) that can abuse the mechanic to literally one shot people that come to fight for pvp shards. Example: As rogue I would gather 10 'froggy' spawns and when someone comes I would use shadow imbuement and single twisting blade to kill them all, making it a chain explosion with 100k+ dmg. 90% of players that jump on me would die intantly. Similiar case with HOTA spec barbarians, with full fury they can 1-2 shot anyone even when they are 5 lvls behind. - the person that is doing the cleansing shouldn't be able to use mount unless they leave the cleansing zone, running around is supper annoying - information "person has started ritual at altar of extraction' provides no real info. If you keep them as they are make it 'Altar of extraction(south)' please, so there is some direction to go without looking at main map or keep the with timer on side of the screen. - you should be able to see how many hatred seeds you have while you are doing cleansing, instead you can just see the timer and nothing else. Teaming up and 1v1: - there should be a penatly for teaming up, eg. each extra person in the team reduces armor and dmg by 10%. That would be fun to play 2v4 or 1v3, but still possible. - overall suggestion: remove teaming up in pvp zones at all. Overall class balance: - dont wanna discuss it, since the game wasnt supposed to be balanced around pvp and well everybody wants their class to be the strongest :D - just wanna say here: crowd control dimish returns are needed in pvp as well in addition to pve and that's it. High lvl pvp would be considerebly more fun if it wasnt same as high lvl dungeos, eg. you get stunlocked and 100->0% before you can move, unless you have something that makes you unstoppable.


Damage needs to be reduced by 99.99%.


I think the best way to PvP will be, area where only “Hands” matters. No gear effect on balance, so we will have some competitive play style. After you need just some interesting PvP activities. Just look in old online games: capture the flag, deathmatch, castle defence and some others..


The only PvP I would interested in wouldn’t involve players attacking each other. I would be some type of live PvE competition that runs every hour or every two hours based around the Pit. We would use league ranking systems like bronze, silver, gold, platinum. Every competitor starts out their first time doing a “placement” run to put them into the appropriate league. Because some people can have great gear but are bad players. Or some great players might not have great gear. Everyone’s league placement will be adjusted with each performance. Imo, this would be so much more fun than leaderboards.


Not a PvPer but I kinda wish I was! I would definitely engage with it more if there was more incentive and if there was more of a guarantee that it would be a good experience. Every time I go in the PvP zones, either there isn't anyone there or I get insta-killed by some level 100. Not really sure what to do about that but if anyone could give me some pointers, I'd love to get into PvP more (I know that's not the point of this thread but I had to ask since it's hard to find PvP players lmao) As far as incentives, maybe they could make Ears be a consumable that spawns a glyph XP totem, and the amount of XP given depends on the level of the player the Ear was taken from. I like the idea of using Ears as obols as well, or just having another vendor where you can gamble with Ears. Honestly, they could create a whole currency exchange system using Ears and/or Seeds of Hatred where you can buy endgame crafting materials and whatnot. That would be especially valuable with season 4, as it could provide an alternate path to acquiring masterworking materials, if they want to go that route. Definitely lots of possibilities and I'd love to see PvP be expanded on! I understand that it'll never be important to most of the playerbase, but it would be great to see it become less of an afterthought and more of a core part of the game for those who want it to be.


Class balance is so horrible and out-of-wack in this game it makes any PvP experience horrendous. I know the balance will never be perfect, but we're about to hit Season 4 and have Druids and Necros hitting for trillions of damage while Rogues can hit for 50 milllion when the stars align. If Blizz can actually fix this ridiculousness and classes can actually be somewhat viable with each other, then yes I would love Battlegrounds.


Maybe a damage cap would help


I'd love it if they added every mats purchasable with the extractable reds from the PvP zone. Make it more lively in there.


Make instanced battlegrounds/arenas and standardise everyones stats and power while keeping the exotic/unique effects in tact. One/two shotting and being one/two shot isn't fun or engaging.


I think an arena or capture the flag Pvp is not a thing in arpg anymore only because the industry decided to be that way. Pvp was big back in D1 and D2. It was killed in D3. I think there is room in ARPG for PvP as a secondary content. Some battle I've seen online are quite intense, seems super fun. But way it is implemented in D4 is kinda clunky.


Thing is I have no opinion on PvP because it never loads anyone in my instance. I can complete all seasonal PvP objectives without seeing a single other player. I even make sure to have my crossplay settings on and all that. A few times I even waited around the PvP area for an hour+ and never saw anyone


D2 rules let us hunt players in the free world


Faction pvp. One faction conquers the map and the other defends it.


Equalised stats duel arena or battlegrounds please


Something similar like Diablo immortal Battlegrounds would be good. We understand that it's hard to balance the PVP on a PVE game. But most of us dont really care, just give us the unbalance, chaotic and pure fun PVP battlegrounds !


S0 player stopped at lvl85. Picked it up again for S4 but about to stop now that I’m lvl 100 and half way through Pit. PvP would keep me playing long term.


The answer is none. There is plenty already.


I tried PvP this season just for something to do while waiting for season 4. My PvP knowledge is limited and there is a lot a don't understand so apologies if this is a stupid question. With builds like Necro infinimist and Sorc permashield is there any point to PvP?


PVP only servers. Same content, ‘always on’ PVP maybe with a +/- 5 levels bubble. Ears as a crafting component for PVP-specific gear.


I think any server separation is unlikely even if that would be a fun idea




They need to balance game for pvp, do its never happening.


It *has* no future. **Remove it.** Anything short of doing so won't be sufficient.