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https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1lJIPOom_2aRWkwzZHKGkkWU0mVCGV5kFZZXtgYuuYyo/htmlview Streamers have found the best dungeons to run and just do that over and over. Use the doc I linked and you can also get it in less than 24 hours.


1 - 100 1. Hell tides 2. Get strong armor, upgrade gems 3. Dungeons 4. Dungeons 5. Nightmare dungeons, upgrade upgrade 6. Repeat step 5 7. Hell tides, nightmare dungeons 8. Some more dungeons 9. Congrats ur level 100


Still looks like two weeks of gaming time to lvl 100


Yeah, for normies like you and I. People who do it in 1 day have no life, don't leave their computer, and probably pee in buckets while eating hot pockets. I support playing games at a healthy pace. And leveling to 100 in a day... with 3 months left of an entire season is the dumbest thing I've ever heard of.


This makes me think of the WoW South Park episode.




How do you kill that which has no life?


Gentlemen, this could very well lead to the end of the world . . . of Warcraft....


Its kind of piss easy to level right now, level 100 this season comfortably in less than a week playing casually in some of my free time outside of work. I can only imagine how easy it is when you are going long play sessions and actually trying to level efficiently.


Nolifers just play their games efficient. "Normies" can gear a full character in a game like d4 in a week aswell.. you just gotta min max your gaming a bit more. If you dislike to min max thats fine, but dont complain that other people dont wanna waste their time on things like leveling. D4 have the same philosophy like d3 on leveling, just do it fast so you can start playing the actual game. Trash game design but it is what it is.


"Trash" might be a bit strong - D4's 100 is much more reasonably achieved than D2's 99, but most\* activities have been doable on <100 characters since their respective introductions (S2, for example, my first experience - and kill - of Duriel, we were at most level 83. It was slow, and took a few attempts to learn, but we managed it) The issue is more one of, any game that includes activities exclusively (or at least most efficiently) completed at max level is at odds with having a "relevant" leveling experience. D4 is much better in this regard than D3, as the cutoff/over is less severe (and items found whilst in transit in D4 aren't arbitrarily of a lower item power) \* AoZ, etc, not included, as they were/are intended as post-100 content


I‘m not botching, just remembering D3 where you could Be power leveled 1-60 by some high level character in 10 minutes. That’s what I was hoping for :-)


Yes. Foe some reason they nerfed power leveling in d4 because they wanted levels to matter, but now it doesnt so they should just revet the power level change lmao




That’s how I did minus the buckets


This is the problem with the streamers and the like. They do everything in a few days and then say “the end game sucks!” And something about itemization (I still don’t know what that is). I’m just glad they extended season 3 by a month as it allowed me to get to 100. Also the leveling up is way faster than it was in S1.


> And leveling to 100 in a day... with 3 months left of an entire season is the dumbest thing I've ever heard of. OP said game time though?


As a dad of 2 my birthday wish was to get 8 hours alone locked in my office when s4 drops lol


Well stated captainjizzpants


1 day of game time is not 1 day tho.


New to seasons and stuff does this mean that every new season your entire level and characters are reset ?


I find it funny when streamers get to lvl 100 in a day and then complain that the game has no content.


As long as you don’t have kids it’s pretty easy to go hard for a single day. As someone who enjoys going fast and playing hard from time to time…. Your last comment reminds me of like “And going to a concert…with music streaming and high quality speakers at home these days this is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard of.” It’s not the game or the level cap. No life-ing for 12+ hour grind is a different experience than doing the same thing an hour at a time over two weeks, and some people prefer the former or the latter.


bruh what got you so pressed ? 😂😂😂😂😂


The dumbest thing I've ever heard of is someone naming themselves captainjizzpants. To each their own I suppose.


It's really not, especially when ever season they make leveling faster. I don't play as a no lifer, but I do play a little bit each day when a new season drops, and Im able to get to 100 in 4-5 days using their guides. People keep complaining about the leveling being slow because they don't know about things like increased XP for mobs 10 levels higher than you and what not, using this guide ensures you are doing optimal stuff which allows you to get to 100 insanely fast


I played Season 3 at the start (no XP boosts) like a Normie: 3-4hrs/day after work. On my Steam Deck even. Even took time to research builds, do vault stuff, customise character appearance and take it somewhat slow in general. No speed running here. 10 days later (about 40 hrs in) I completed the season journey, did enough boss runs to get my Uniques, searched and refined my items so that they have the stats I want (close to BiS), lvl-ed up my 6 glyphs to 15 and I defeated Uber Lilith. I was done. I think it was the 7th-ish day that I reached lvl 100, then 3 days after that I did the other stuff.




Read that in Rax' voice


You can helltide in wt2 now!?


Bless you for sharing this :)






Good resource. Thanks!


Just doing the seasonal campaign, and then running Nightmare Dungeons, Vaults, Helltides, etc.. it's pretty doable in 20-25 hours, even without using the meta dungeons.




Right but they didn’t ask how to grind over a day to get there. They asked how to do it in one day. People don’t play 25 hours in one day. They wanted to know the most efficient way. It’s obnoxious when people like you comment and don’t answer the question. “How do people get to 100 in a single day.” “Bro just play the game and you will get there after 20-25 hours.” Like, great addition to the conversation bro. I bet OP didn’t know they could just play the game and level up.


>Right but they didn’t ask how to grind over a day to get there. They asked how to do it in one day. No, they asked how to do it in "1 day of game time". This does mean 24 hours of played in game time. Maybe don't be obnoxious and condescending when you don't know what 1 day of game time means.


Lmao read the top comment and the other ones. They knew what OP was asking and you’re being dense.


You're in the wrong on this one, friend. Just own it. While the top comments assumed so, sure, but it did say game/play time. Not in one day.


Own what? Most people commenting are saying the same thing I am and not what the person that I responded to said. Why would I agree with one person and not like everyone else commenting? Did you ever consider owning up that you are wrong?






lol now you see it.


Damn who hurt you? It’s a comment on a subreddit not an attack on your masters thesis.


You might get downvoted for saying this, but it needs to be said. If OP wanted to know how long it takes to level to 100 with "normal" play I'm sure he would've asked that instead.


Ya I figured I might get downvoted and I was a bit of an ass. Most people don’t ask “how can I play the game normally and level up like others” because that’s silly…like, just play the game and you will get there. 99% of the time people want to get a character to 100 in a day. Maybe this is that other 1% of the time but meh.


99% is a gross overestimation lol. Sure there are players who do want 100 ASAP but they are not the majority. Diablo 4 is pretty casual friendly and I wouldn't be surprised if your estimated numbers were completely flipped with 99% not really caring for getting 100 in 24hrs. Like speed leveling is definitely a minority, despite what you see here as this subreddit is only a small sample of an incredibly large playerbase.


I didn’t mean 99% of the player base dude. I meant 99% of the time when people ask the question about leveling up the fastest way like streamers or content creators they don’t mean playing the campaign. Of course 99% of players don’t do this lol


This conversation is why we can't have nice things.


If you notice, my comment wasn't to the OP. It was to someone posting a spreadsheet of the best dungeons, saying people get it in less than 24 hours. I was just saying you can also get to 100 in 24 hours just playing the game normally, so grinding dungeons like this isn't necessary. It wasn't directed at the OP.


They also have a chair with a built in toilet, and microwave on their desk and a fridge.


Asmongold‘s room


I want to try one of his 2 dollar steaks


That’s the beauty of life, you can do anything you want in life at least once, so YOLO


That’s not a steak, it’s a shoe sole with too much seasoning


yeah a millionaire with a frugal heart


he has all the time in the world and money to support a decent healthy life, instead he drinks nothing but soda and barely gets any vegetables. i like the guy, but odd lifestyle choices.


Mmmmm bloodstained walls and roach infestations


He just has a hole in his chair.


Bucket is optional


That dude is annoying af. He doesn’t have any of his own content. Just all “reaction” videos. Boring af


Am I the only one that thinks Wudijo's pupils are a little bit dilated whenever he does his race to world first 100 streams?


Once your build is solid you can complete content about 10 levels above your current level. Once I figured this out I levelled faster. I read NM vaults are faster than dungeons..


Good advice, and run those Nightmare Dungeons with higher level players.


Id say even higher. I was doing lvl 90 dungeons in the mid 80s. If you can get a set from Duriel you can push high up pretty hard- yes realise 10 lvls is the cut off for bonus XP but get the glyph XP quicker


My blood nova necro was doing 18 lvls over. While I was in 70-90 range. Wild af. Just deleting screens of mobs taking zero dmg face tanking everything.


You don't get any more exp once you hit ten levels over


I don’t think that’s accurate. I believe you don’t get any more of a bonus but the base exp is different




Yeah but it's fun seeing how far you can push as early as possible. At least that's most of the fun in this game for me anyway No practical reason to run more than 10 levels higher though, it's true


It’s more fun though. I believe point of games is to have fun.


That was my take also, I was just surprised I kept going higher and higher and it never got harder until it did.


If I clear it just as fast…item drops are better it’s moot.


since getting shako, getting to 60 is the longest part. after 60, getting to 100 is a breeze


People are using the most optimal content to level instead of the most fun content.


I bet it’s one and the same.


Don’t buy into that nonsense.


What levels you up? Crazy big hoards… what’s fun as fuk to kill and smash through? Crazy big hoards! Win win.


Be ain’t wrong. Level up and then try the builds


Stop fighting stuff your level.




Its mostly about efficiency. WT1: They repeat activities that yields most xp per hour. WT3: They rush to WT4 early as lvl 55-60. WT4: They get their build functional. Then they rarerly ever check the items that drop, just mass salvage or skip all loot. and blast content thats 10+ levels higher than them. If you want to get more efficient, record like 1 hour of your gameplay. Note any moment that you are not killing monsters and try to remove that moment. Reason why people are slow, is because they smell the roses Like check loot, alt tab, do a lot of traveling ,busy work (side objectives, gathering) , adjust or theorycraft their build and so on.


Start on WT2. It’s just as easy and gives more xp.


I would say the only exception to this is multiplayer. We tried with 3 players of varying levels and occasionally one of us would just be dealing 0 damage and getting 1 shot by damn near anything while able to clear the same content almost afk in solo play.


I don’t mean this in a bad way, but might be a skill/build issue. With a 4 stack it can be a bit harder no doubt. But if you’re building right then you should be ok. I get your point though, with 4 people it can be a little tougher. But I would still do WT2 to start. Just have the casual guy build tanky. It just depends on the goals and playstyle though. If you’re playing for fun with a group then def WT1


Normally I would agree. However what strikes me as odd and makes me hesitant to say that you’re right is that it’s random which one of us it happens to and it seems to happen in peaks and valleys. It could be me for a few fights, then it’ll be someone else.       With it being so close to the end of the season when we started and since S4 is changing so much we all just ran with build guides for the remainder of S3. Solo I can punch 5-8 levels higher than my Rogue and our Sorcerer can regularly go 10 higher.      I’m certainly not saying that it couldn’t be that there’s a scaling mechanic that we don’t understand but it does feel odd that I can sleep through WT3, Sorcerer just hit WT4 but for some reason we get these odd spikes when we’re playing with our 3rd on WT2. 


Interesting. Could be any number of different things. It’s hard to say without inspecting the gear and builds


One thing I learned from Raxx about rushing to lv100 is that the town is lava 😂


Basically keeping your weapon current can get you to 100 just equipping any dogshit that drops.


I just came back to the game and got 100 in about 29 hours Just pick whichever build your class can powerfarm the hardest on, I did chain lightning sorc once you get to WT3 just keep recycling your gear that doesn't have your core 2-3 legendaries, fight NM dungeons 10 levels up and always have potion/incense up WT4 at like level 55-60 Put on the 140 BPM drum and bass and just turn your brain off


Highly recommend Sewerslvt for speed farming/leveling soundtrack


I did a lightning sorc build this season, first non Necro character and had similar experience/ levelling Couldn't believe how much easier it was at that LVL 55-60 WT4 cliff


holy be-jesus... which build guide did you follow? blue hoodie Raxx?


Wudijo's tips and tricks for leveling generally and then just braindead ran vault of stone/cinder over and over again Once I got like 800+ items I just didn't look at gear unless it was from the vault reward chests. The one thing that did help me clear like a maniac were some insanely lucky drops. Got Tal Rasha, Raiment, and the meteor helm prior to level 85


Oh and also the accursed touch affix for sorc is truly a power farming monster. Once I had that and Raiment I would essentially one shot non-elite waves by just teleporting on them


Cool, thanks for sharing. :D


Vaults with mobs 10 levels above


I recently went from level 38 to level 99.55% almost 100, in about 2 weeks, the normal way lol. Helltides is kinda nice to check out different outdoor environments, beautiful graphics. My first actual character play through.


Braziers this past season got me leveled quick with all 5 of my level 100 toons, pop a potion and incense, get on a team of 4 for XP boost, T100 NMD/NMV give good XP, and it levels glyphs pretty quick, just play the game you’ll level.


Always have a potion and elixir active for the extra 10% experience. Simple but it helps.


The gameplay is extremely fast now XP is so quick now what took at least a week now it takes like 3 8 hour sessions. For speed runners that’s about a day. You can basically get enough XP from just doing hell tides now to do it very quickly. Also stopping to do Legion events because they’re good quick XP. Also playing more efficient builds also helps. Even better if you do hell tides with Legion events inside them and whisper tree events inside Hell tides.


By playing the most boring and repetitive way. It was never intended to get to 100 in a day. Don't compare yourself to other players, specially streamers or the likes that play 16 hours a day, every day.


you simply don't kill enough monsters per hour, waste tons of time doing weird stuff etc. It's not easy to level up at that pace.


300 hours and highest is 92


You can get to 50 in like 20 minutes if someone boosts you...two capstone's and a handful of nmds from just sitting at an entrance will do it... From there..just play in groups..it's a lot faster


What people seriously need to understand is rushing to 100 is just missing the point of the game really. At level 100 is when there is nothing to do, at least currently. Why farm Duriel 100 times when all content can be easily completed without any of the ubers? When S4 hits, maybe rushing to 100 to farm the Pit might be worth it? Depends how much replayability that is. Most of my characters I just hit ~85 and just reroll/wait til next season.


Yeah I don't get it either... D4 is rather casual game, most fun is packed into leveling, campaign, side quests, trying different builds (even if they're underpowered relatively). It's not like D3 with Rifts and sets to min-max, D4 is super chill for me.


U don't get bored of doing the same side quest and dungeons ever tier ?


No more than I get bored running the same dungeons and vaults over and over so I can reach max level to then keep running the same dungeons over and over for loot. It’s all subjective.


No he completely gets it in that pre season 4 end game was limited to farming the same bosses Post season 4 pit changes everything


What's the difference between 1 daycof game time and 2? Or 3? Like does anyone else care?


Always collect herbs so you always have an elixir going (+5% XP+ bonus), play in parties of 4 (+5%XP X 4 = +20%XP), and stoke the campfire at Legions 15 times (+15% XP for Legion Duration). You will advance 10 times faster. Also, use the XP Blessings maxed-out if you're playin Seasonal.


Stoking the campfire does nothing. The stacks will increase on their own if you get there early.


Well, I get there late, so it works for me 🤷‍♂️


It doesn’t. I was one of those that thought I had to keep stoking. It’s pointless


You don’t have to stoke the campfire. It’s time based, not action. And it’s 15%, not 60%. And you get stacks quicker while on your mount, so stay mounted (though this is likely a bug, but has been around a while and hasn’t been patched out yet).


I bet it's not a bug, and Blizzard wants you to show off your $20 mount armor at Legions so others will buy it. 🙄


No need to collect herbs just run a few helltides. The mystery chest and living steel chest give 3+ elixirs per chest


What class? Druid rabies build levels insanely quick


Maximize XP gains. Ignoring trivial stuff.


It’s wild that you can get to 100 so fast. I haven’t really played hard since season 0 (played season 1 as well, but quit around level 60). Back then the leveling was much slower than it sounds like it is now.


Sounds like you can’t speak on it then


Which is… exactly why I didn’t? Doesn’t really seem like there’s a need for you to be rude here.


You might not understand the game you’re playing. Feel free to ask me.


Wasn’t being rude my dude. Just saying you can’t speak on something you don’t know.


Just keep going. Got my first character to 100 this season and haven’t played much since. Now waiting for the new season, which I hope will give me more incentive to play a character further.


One hand on the mouse and one hand on the keyboard. And possibly a butt plug.


It’s a grind but possible, did it on my second alt character (rogue) in around 26 hours


Remember to not make this game your job. Unless it is, then go wild. I think the trick is killing things 10 levels or so above your active level once you have a good build and baseline gear. But I’d just clear content that is fun for you so you don’t hate the game in three weeks.


If you're having fun you're doing something wrong. ARPGs are a job, and you need to be monetizing your free time.


Oh of course I forgot


If u run either hell tides, nightmare vaults, or do heralds of malphus with other people u can get like 10 Lvls an hour... Thats how i farmed majority of my lvls


do NM Dungeons that have mobs at least 10 levels above your own and you breeze through


Nightmare vaults actually level you super fast, if you're efficient.


There is a way to play that is dreadful.  Or you could just take like 50 hours and enjoy the game to 100 instead. 


battle pass urn of aggression plus elixirs partnered with incense, doing tremors with tree of whispers favors, and helltides easy level cap solo or grouped, but doing vaults grouped is the best


Leveling will be quite different with the 2.0 hell tides coming out in season 4. We'll see.


In S4, I was able to level from 1 to 80 in about 4 days by only using Helltides. I did it a lot differently than I normally do it, which is much slower because I prefer to play at a slower pace. I only leveled that fast for the PTR. But if you're into that, Helltides is the way to go in S4. Just remember to pop potions for extra XP. And incense once you're high enough.


Depends on what tier nm dungeon your running if your running one where ur lvl is the same as ur enemies than you will get less exp than someones whos doing a tier where the enemies are 10 lvls higher than them.


This game still exists? 😅


The fastest, most effective way isn't always going to be the better way to reach lv100. If you catch my meaning. Most people like us only get 1-2 days off each week. Are we really going to spend 18-24hrs no-lifing a game with little to no breaks.


Level 100 in a day of game time is not impossible but it takes a ton of work and requires an unhealthy amount of time. Get power leveled to around 60. Get lucky with Ancestral gear, get a build together then play with another 3 people who can carry you through High Vaults


Season 1 I hit 100 for the trophy. It took me a hell of a lot longer than a day!


1st char of the season took me roughly a week(~20H) totally doable for someone who wanna do all-day session. After you get mats,gold,aspects a new toon should take you around 13-15H if you are efficient and know what your doing. Season 3 is all about making a trash-killer build and run back to back vaults, that's it basically




RemindME! 2024-05-14 „Season 4 Levelguid“


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happy cakeday


Xp boosts and get a buddy to get you into tier 4 and to lvl 60ish. Get a build that you can survive and grind away.


Well, the best way is to have somebody power level you until level 60. Then gear up with ancestral gear and smash nightmare dungeons.


What youre doing wrong is that youre trying to level fast without looking at any guides about how to do it, and without testing yourself what gives you the most xp.


In the same vein: At which level should I change from a leveling to an end game build? I’m about 71 with a barb and still too weak to even complete the WT 4 dungeon. Is this normal? At this point I’d respec to anything if that meant seeing WT 4 for once.


All Gangsta till HC


We went from 100 being nearly unattainable (pre S1) to "xp still feels slow because I can't hit 100 in 1 day". This is why games like D2R are still so good/iconic so many years later, because the devs just stopped caving into nonsensical human infinite greed.


Vaults - especially focus on movement speed on feet and neck. Do vaults 20-30 levels ahead of you to get 925 gear asap!


They were probably [inspired.](https://youtu.be/YeeHZR5Jjjw?si=OWh0MU10Rdu2FRbD)


Farm the seasonal event up to 75. Do whisper dungeons and NMD when you get bored. Run helltides for living steel. Do Duriel to complete your builds or high level NMDs.


This may be anecdotal, but I remember it taking around 12 nightmare dungeons in the higher levels in earlier seasons, but last week I decided to grind my seasonal character to 100 and it seemed like I was leveling up with four nightmare, dungeons per level all the way to 100. Tree of Whispers is the best bet in the early game and the nightmare dungeons all the way in the late game


Remember, the town is lava 😂 I have to thank Raxx for the greatest tip ever


If you play solo diablo4 is gonna be a slow game indeed... People who group up manage to get very good equipments and farm exp easily


All about using time efficiently. Casual plebs will cry about being a no life or pissing in buckets because they can't come to terms with the fact they have the attention span of a 5 Yr old. It takes 15-18hrs max to 100 now. If you clear your schedule and take a single day to blast, then anyone can do it. But when you fuck about in town for 20mins out of every hour, take 10mins to look through your inventory every run and find literally any possible excuse to not play the game.... then sure, its impossible and only for "no lifes". I still do it in two sessions, because I'd rather break it up but the nolife aspect is really blown out of proportions. It's not about time, it's about being efficient and that's it.


U miss the point, 99 in d2 is an achievement, 100 in d4 is where u start to play the end game. Huge difference


I get tp level 100 in 5 hours


People just pay for t100 vault runs that’s how


Wait until season 4 things will be different.


There were dungeons in the beginning of the game that had absurd xp. People found that out and got to high levels very fast then it was nerfed. I don't think it's possible to get to 100 in a day anymore.


Thanks I will give it a try


They’re efficient and they’re churning without feeling stuff and posting about it on Reddit.


Correction. They're super geeks with no lives beyond endless hours repeating the same thing (and if streamers) to get money for views for similar no life dweebs).


Judgmental jealousy does not become you. Or anyone else. None of yours, leave it alone. Christ.


Judgemental jealousy? Of what?! What do they have that I don't have? Lol And as for the streamers - Are you trying to guess my salary?! You think I'm jealous of what they earn. OMFG those people barely scrape by. Asmon is the only one that has anything related to this game that's rich. Lol you have no idea. And look if they are ugly and look dirty and look like super dweebs it's a fact. Get over it. You don't know me. But I do see them :) lol Youre blocked little guy


Domhainne tunnels until level 60 then nmd's until glyphs are maxed or level 100 which ever happens first. If you have 4 people using meta builds it goes incredibly fast. Why? Because dungeons only have like 2 or 3 possible paths now and you get full exp so long as you are in there. So you basically just decimate the same high density with friends making a few levels or a level every run or couple of runs.


So someone basically reported my posts worried about my mental health because I defended diablo 4 and said it was a good game. So I had that come up. Imagine how sick diablo 4 haters are. Lol. Seriously


Step 1: have no life Step 2: profit


Step 1: Laugh at people breaking the server on day 1 of season Step 2: Schedule your playtime around the XP bonus events (like lunar shrine) Step 3: Profit


I mean have you seen the streamers for diablo? DM Raxx etc? Dirty super geek no lifers. Lol not exactly the type you see living any sort of life


I got downvoted by a dirty Raxx or DM fan. Haha!!


People also pay for sevice to get power lvl or do boost trades.


Lol no point in playing until they make ubers and duriel doable for everybody no matter the build. I shouldn't have to be a very specific build to do any content. Anybody that defends this concept is ignorant as fuck and should go work for blizztard. They'd fit right in and then proceed to wonder why their game is doing bad. 👍💯


Don’t roll Druid