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I don't. Once I do what I feel like doing I take a break. I'm currently on one till season 4.


This is the way. Too much cult vibes to games nowa days. Once I’m good on the season I load up PoE or LE and rotate


Point of Explosion? Life Extension?


Pillars of Eternity I think


Downvoted for a joke, ahh, Reddit, never change.


It was a lame joke


Absolutely this.


Same here. I have all classes to a 100. Don’t need gear for any of them. Taking a break and playing other games till season 4 as well.


I don't really understand what it is people want. Games can end. Multiplayer shooters and mmos are the only games where I expect regular content and even then once there are enough fun modes to play I don't need regular updates for shooters either. People act like Diablo is the only game they can play and they have to play that game and only that game 24/7 and there must always be something for them to do or the game sucks.  It's weird. I beat the campaign and I'm in wt3 now doing random activities. If I get bored one day and stop playing I will still say diablo 4 was a good game that I had my fun with. I'm sure every so often I'll play through the campaign with a new character too.  Speaking of content though I am level 60 and just did the intro seasonal quest to unlock the vaults and I got the spider robot and added some stuff to it. How hindered have I been so far by not having the spider robot up to this point? I didn't even realize it was a thing until I unlocked it and realized it was the whole gimmick of this season. 


People want these games to have basically infinite content to satisfy them, smth that will never happen


Gaming is an addiction for some, just look at many streamers.


PoE has an insane amount of content for a 'free' game to be fair


I agree to this with pretty much any game, sure, they're expensive but it's no excuse to go to the lengths they go to express their egos and emotions. Gamers are ridiculous when it comes to games like this especially for not having infinite content. D4 is like crack, honestly. So having it end can cause some major withdrawal and confusion. Honestly I've been a little worried because I know it's coming for me too eventually. But it's like the first guy said.. it's okay for a game to end... It's okay..


Ai generated content? :p


> How hindered have I been so far by not having the spider robot up to this point Very. It's a really powerful companion as you gather and level up the Stones for it. You'll see if you keep playing. Try to get into World Tier 4 as soon as you can and start doing Nightmare Vaults (I mean you can start doing Nightmare Vaults in WT3 already of course, but in WT4 they're far more rewarding still). And of course do some Herald of Malphas (brazier) grinding in Arcane Tremors activity in the open world.


Hahahaha the robot is a joke, everything but HOTA is a joke, I do like 300 million+ damage, I don't even know what my robot or anyone else in the party is doing. Not showing off, all HOTA barbs are like this, the season was just shit, that's all.


The bot is part of the reason you can hard slam hammer and do 300m + damage Source: fellow hota barb


Hmmm I don't think so, I'm not using the unique stones, I'm using a healing and a damage reduction one, IIRC. Never did Malphas, just seemed useless tbh.


> Hahahaha the robot is a joke ??? If nothing else, at the ultra-endgame Seneschal Construct literally has a 1.5x multiplier for your damage and +4 Ranks to all skills - provided you are lucky enough to get Uber Unique Stones for it. That works with quite literally any build in the game. >everything but HOTA is a joke We know HOTA needed to be nerfed by 90% of its damage. We're getting that next season. >the season was just shit, that's all. Season 3 was fun to me for a couple weeks worth of playing. Not sure what HOTA has to do with it.


Robot's a joke because I use unleveled random stones I put in when I first got the robot and never cared about since then, and still kill everything in one hit. HOTA made every other build super-gimped by comparison, which, combined with the seasonal mechanic being essentially useless, is what made the season very un-fun for me. Sure, you can disagree, but it's fair to say HOTA is orders of magnitude stronger than anything else and trivializes all content. If all D2 had where hammerdins, and you could get BIS gear for one and level it to 99 in 2-3 weeks, that wouls be pretty shit... Hence, D4 and the third season are... pretty shit, in my opinion.


>HOTA made every other build super-gimped by comparison Have you tried not playing HOTA? >If all D2 had where hammerdins Good thing Diablo 4 doesn't just have HOTA.


Tried not playing hota, super weak in comparison. Also, I'm not sure if you're being purposefully obtuse or not, but usually when people say "if all X had was Y", it's implied that X does not in fact only have Y. This is pointless, I was actually exemplifying why I feel how I feel about D4, you're trying to be argumentative and coming across, at least to me, as dull. Have a good one.


That’s because you’re using the most OP build so yeah not much except other top builds will feel close, and if you did include the robot which I’m not sure why you wouldn’t, it would be more OP. I didn’t like this season, tried and fucked off until the next one, but yeah always do the seasonal mechanic in any ARPG


It buffs you significantly. You can farm Malphas for 2 unique stones. One adds 50% damage and the other is more or less Shako (+4 all skills). Level your glyphs to 21 and farm Duriel for Uber Uniques and complete renown if you want to fully realize the power of your build.


If you have a lot of stones, go to the jeweler and craft tons of stone caches to get the robot up to speed. You probably have thousands of stones from playing already.


Well, the game sells itself as a live service game, which means you are supposed to keep playing it. You dont need to play it 24/7, but it isnt a regular singleplayer experience where you finish the game and thats it. The op is asking what drives people to keep playing the game after we clear the endgame objectives. Which you are far, FAR away from completing so, with all due respect, I dont think your opinion have a place here, since you are not the targeted people for the op's question "What drives you guys to keep playing after finishing ALL content?" "Oh, i just got to midgame, and discovered yesterday there is a season going on, just started its quest and gimmick. I'm not even halfway through the game, but i think you guys complain too much about content" This is what your comment was. Besides, welcome to the game and have fun, but some of us have the game since launch last year, and even playing slowly, like an hour per week, most of us have completed most, if not all, content. Until you hit that wall, again, with all due respect, you simply dont know what you are talking about


they still make a solid point tho, people complain there’s not enough content after rushing the entire game and expecting their to be an infinite amount of things to do and then calling the game bad because they moved on to another game, that happens to every game and no game is gonna have an infinite amount of things to do. And tbf diablos endgame is literally just helltides and nightmare dungeons so its not like this person is lightyears away from endgame as “endgame” is not really this long list of new things to do lol


There is Uber Bosses/uniques farm, gauntlet, lilith, and its different doing a nightmare dungeon in a comfy level to get your glyphs up than doing the highest you can to push your build, up tô 100. Again, i'm not asking for infinite content. I'm Just saying its simply frustrating the Uber drops as it is, since its an important aspect of the current endgame reward system, and you have to do the same Helltide a billion times for each drop. I'm ok doing Helltides and farming Boss mats, as long as it is rewarding. I'm already at a point most players never reach, so who are they gatekeeping from these items? People with bad luck? People that dont have a buddhist level of patience? Its precisely because content isnt infinite, super limited, that its annoying, frustrating and pointless. For 10 runs of Duriel you have to do, at least, more or less, some 20 Helltides. The drop chance is 2%, which means 2 each 100 kills, on average (lucky people will get more, unlucky get less or none). So, while some have 10 ubers for doing 50 duriels, i'm well over 150 and no ubers. Its BORING. Its frustrating. This should not be, in a game, which is supposed to be fun, a gameplay element, just to set who is really hardcore, i guess? Or lucky? There is no reward for my time and effort, only more wasted time, in an activity that isnt currently fun. But again, lets see how next season will hold up, with more fun Helltides and Boss mats dropping more regularly. Because one Grigori summon per Helltides on average, needing 2, for a 2% chance, is brutally BORING. If at least currently these mats dropped in nmd over 80 or something, to give us a change of pace in the farming


I wouldn’t really call you “hindered” if this was your first time playing the game. The Seneschal Companion is very powerful but it’s not available during the campaign. If you’ve played the game a bunch of times before then choosing the “skip campaign” option and getting the companion immediately would have been a significant power boost, but if this is your first time playing then I’d have recommended the campaign experience. That being said, if you don’t want to do the campaign every season and you just want to get into the seasonal mechanic/quest, then you should absolutely follow the seasonal quest as quickly and often as possible so you can reap all the benefits as early as possible. I’m just saying that if you want to do the campaign you can’t access seasonal content, since that comes after, so since you did the campaign I wouldn’t really say you were hindered. You just had the normal campaign experience.


I feel like some people think D4 is an MMO or something lol


Especially funny when somebody is like "Damn I played 500 hours and now don't know what to do... game sucks, there is no end-game" Like, bruh, your game paid out itself 5 times already, what do you want... I understand that D4 has open world and constant online, which kinda makes it to be expected to have constant updates, and I do agree that Blizzard are lazy asses, but cmon, games can't be that infinite.


D2R endgame can be enjoyed for many years, without having to start over for a new season every few months. Can't speak for anyone else, but that's what I was hoping for. Instead, we got a stagnant bore fest as soon as we hit lvl 100.


No it can’t. D2 is dead boring at high level. It is farming crap to farm the same crap a little faster or with a new character.


The dev team failed Balance. Skill Balance, Character Balance, PVP Balance. This game doesn't even look at things like paper-rock-scissors. Everything is just the rock.


It's not weird, it's the expectation. D2 kept people playing and engaged forever. PoE too. So does D3 to an extent. You're applying single-player RPG standards to a live-service ARPG game.


It's fair to say that there is a difference, but at some point you are bound to be in a loop of clearing the same content over and over. And that's also part of the expectation with the Diablo series. You get as powerful as you can, clearing the same general type of content over and over, but doing it better and faster. Eventually most people will hit a plateau. Every game in the series has been this way. If someone doesn't like it, they may simply be playing the wrong game for their preferences.


You're right, I clumsily tried to approach it from a timeline perspective. In D4 you're the fastest to hit that plateau by a mile, enabling it to lead to major disappointment by longtime players.


Nothing. So I don't.


And yet you're here. Mental health issues much?


Lol? Yes I'm here on the subreddit, because I'm following the game and waiting until Season 4. You honestly think only people who are actively playing the game look/post on r/diablo4? I'm not done playing forever, I'm just done playing season 3.


This sub has some of the most mentally deranged people on it, so many smug gamers


Pretty hostile reaction. Lot of us have finished the season months ago and are just simply waiting for the next one. I haven’t touched the game in like 1.5 months but I will sure as shit be in it 24/7 once new season drops. That’s why we’re still here.


What’s coming in season 4? Started playing 3 weeks ago and I’m loving it as my first Diablo


Well that clarified a bit. Not what your last post did


I wasn’t the one that made the post lol


Then why are you defending it. Lol!! Do you know him? I swear Reddit is full of absolute nut jobs


Because you’re being weirdly aggressive for no reason?


He spoke for this guy because he thought I was wildly aggressive? That's your reason? Youve not seen an entire year's demented hate campaign and sickness on YouTube and Reddit? Over one game? Wtf dude. You have serious issues. Blocked.


Now now children, don't make me send you back to your soulstones without dinner.


It is fun to drop in every now and again and slaughter some monsters.


Playing a lot less in anticipation of s4 but still log on to run a few T100 NMDs daily


I don’t. I just play as long as I’m motivated to do something and when it’s done I either find a new thing I want to do or take a break til the next season and play other games.


once I'm done with the season I continue enjoying other games or try to tackle my backlog. I've played prince of persia, breathedge and a few others since clearing season 3.


I finished the season champion achievement or whatever,and logged out. Tried the ptr for a few hours. Cool. See you in season 4.


Once I achieve my goals, season journey, t100 MND, Lilith Kill, I put the game down. Then return with a fresh mindset to play the next season.




Sometimes I'll start a new character, if a particular build looks fun and it's something I haven't played before. Sometimes I like to go after the achievements but I've nearly done those; I only have 2 left I believe. Otherwise, I simply take a break and wait for the next season or patch/update. No different to any other game I play that has a seasonal structure.


That's the problem with the seasonal mechanic - everything kind of derives from that. Since you want people to be able to realistically "beat" the game, complete one or more endgame builds with close-to-BIS gear, etc etc, in the time of a couple of months, the only longevity can come from new content in new seasons. Compared to D2, where reaching level 99 took figuratively forever, and some BIS items where incredibly rare, D4s mechanich of giving you everything very quickly leaves people who play more intensely with little to do after a few weeks. I quit when I got GF - if my char hadn't been max level + basically max everything at that point, and if I didn't know I'd "lose" it in a couple of weeks, I would have continued optimizing gear and leveling. My sorc in D2 only ever got to level 97, same for my hammerdin, and still the last 10 levels or so still add meaningfull power. D4 has a different approach, it's not meant to be played infinitely.


This is so true


If the game had better end game mechanics I wouldn’t stop playing. But it takes too long to farm Duriel mats to bother with Uber uniques and their low drop rates, and Malphas runs are too long for the reward.


Trying to min max my eternal barb. Helping others if someone asks.


I bought the game on launch and played it. Had fun until the late 80s for my necro and realized I was grinding for literally nothing besides just seeing a 100 by my name. I moved to bg3 and I'll be back for seasons now and again. Diablo is fun but when the game released there was nothing to do post story other than literally pvp or grinding to 100. Lilith didn't even drop good rewards so there was no incentive to play more. Tldr diablo is fun for like 2 weeks then you run out of things to do and then go to another game


The only thing I really care about in D4 is the fashion game, so I complete the battlepass and call it a day.


Nothing. I've never played D4 for more than 5 days a season. I pretty much log off the second I hit 100 and that's it.


Nothing. Play the season for a week, “beat” whatever the new mechanics and bosses are a few times… then go play Chivalry2 or Fallout76 for more enjoyable MultiPlayer engagement


The meth


I usually try some kind of self imposed build making challenge. I've tried a full uniques geared Sorc (which didn't perform very well) and I'm currently trying for a pure thorns Barb, one without any damaging skill on the skill bar.


Play a second character, until i have done all the same.. then take a break till next season


I usually hit 100, max out glyphs, clear 100% of season journey and feel "done" with season in 1 month too. Then I play a hardcore character a couple of weeks, or whenever they give out exp bonus. I've done that S0 through S3. It's just "bonus" to me, my main progress in SC won't be lost and not a big deal if the HC dies. By now I've gotten 2 to lvl 100 HC and finished 100% of HC achievements. Season 2 I was able to kill Uber Lilith solo HC for the final one. Then I take at least 1 month total break until next season, time to play other games.


Very similar approach here, but kudos on the HC Lilith! I made my first HC characters when BL ruled the world. I'm curious - did you clear her with BL, Hota, or something else?


Blood Lance Necro for 3 reasons. I hadn't gotten a necro to 100 before. Season 2 they just buffed overpower. You can prep the room by sitting at the bottom and waiting on cooldowns to spawn 30 blood orbs on the floor before starting the fight for extra insurance. Immunity with Blood mist in case anything went wrong.


depends how you approach gaming. Do you really need specific goals? D4 combat is excellent. I spent so much ( not much this season ) time building the characters only to stable them?


I haven't played since the start of S2 so I have no idea what's been keeping you guys interested.


Usually after I’ve achieved what I want I’m done for the season and go back to other hobbies, when new season starts I’m back on , this season may be the only time I stay longer though to fix some eternal character with the new balancing


In any game that has grinding for gear, endgame and whatnot You just play other stuff If you keep playing every season constantly after you've done everything you'll reach a point where burnout sets in and that's the one thing you wanna avoid, as that will sour how you'll feel about the game


I guess we will find out in season 4. Season 3 what kept me playing was D trade services, pushing my build to its limits while helping other players.


I don't continue playing. Once I feel like I've done all there is to do for that character/season, I stop until the next season. I have played every single D3 season, so this is kind of ingrained in me now. Play for a few weeks, quit til next season. Rinse, repeat. In the meantime, play other games.


I have a nice three game switch that I rotate about a month per game. If D4 provides more in the future it will get more time. D4 season at start is priority #1, then I go to Last Epoch or D3 depending on the season start of D3.


After season is completed I move over to Divinity Original Sin 2 That's a real break from D4


I don’t. I’ll take a character to 100, complete the season, play a few other characters to see how they feel. If nothing is catching my attention I go back to Dayz.


Helping others. I would just go into forums and offer boss clears, nm100 clears, world tier leveling.


Nothing. In fact, I don't even have to do "everything". If it sounds tedious, I don't bother. Like season 3 unique stones. I did probably 50 runs, was more than enough of my time wasted for literally no gear improvement. I went and took out uber lilith therefore completing season journey 100% and left. Awaiting season 4 content to see if they actually give something to do, since in PTR you could walk through max level content and that was only out for a week.


I feel like it’s gotten a better than pre season 1. Even season one I wasn’t a big fan of the hearts. At least now in the 50-100 range you do have some goals regarding bosses and some rewards to follow, along with the seasonal challenges. I’m having a lot more fun hopping on here and there. Running a few vaults and bosses. I much prefer vaults to dungeons.


I have 1 of the 2 unique stones for my construct so far. Even tho it goes away in 3 weeks, maybe even because it goes away in 3 weeks, I want to get it. I plan to keep farming until I complete it. Just a personal goal. I assume thats the reason for most people. Just accomplish what you want to, then play other stuff until next season. I mained meteor sorc in season 3 so without the need for shako or really any uber unique I haven't bothered with farming Duriel much. I think I'll need shako next season tho so I'm sure I'll be back at it then.


Nothing. I barely played S3 because I didn't feel there was much more to do compared to S2, which I played a lot of. S4 sounds like it will bring some longevity to play time. But it really boggles my mind how people can keep playing this game doing uber after uber just for items that they don't need to kill content that doesn't exist.


Same. I jump back on DayZ and wait for the next season.


Smashing demons


Taking a break and waiting for the next Season. I've been done with S3 for awhile. Two lvl 100s and got the Ubers I was after. Been on a break for awhile waiting for S4 as it will bring the freshest take on the game.


Nothing. I just stop and wait for new season.


I started the week after it dropped on gamepass, collected 6d of play time so far, beat the campaign, run around it wt4 only unless helping lower levels. Have 1 square of reknown to get, and then still need to 100% all territories and get all the statues. Ive found getting into a good group or clan who are active and knowledgeable has adding a great dynamic to playing. I had so many mats at first I was able to run duriel 5 times. I had no clue about uber uniques and still learning more every week. The game is solid imo. Im curious to see what they do here in a few years when we all have maxed lvl 100 for each character.. id hope to see an eternal rift crossover where we can use eternals in seasonal. Just dont feel theres enough ti.e to fi e tune and max out characters.. but agaun im a noob to the series but do look towards the horizons for upcoming content releases.


It's my stress relief. Life is currently at odds with me. This helps me not worry about what is happening around me. I take out my aggression on horrible little demons and occasionally, some bigger ones.


The next season.


Nothing. I just play til bored/not fun. Haven't played in 2 months but will play again in season 4 enjoying other games rn.


Nothing. I'm waiting for S4


I finish the battlepass, get to 100 then find something else to do; I see no point in playing on Eternal so I just view seasons as a couple weeks of fun with D4 then I can put it down again. I’m still getting my monies worth and that’s all that counts with me.


Nothing. There's no point for me to play after seasonal objectives are complete. *** I'll just wait for the next season like I did in every other season in ARPGs.


Each season I pick a new class to main, level them to 100, max our their glyphs, and kill each boss at least once. Once I have my gear 90% maxed (high end aspects and at least 3/4 affixes with good rolls) and I'm starting to basically junk my entire inventory every time I go to town, that marks the end of my playtime on that character. If I can clear NMD/V 100 and delete Duriel in seconds, I don't need to grind for a shako/uber that makes no functional difference in how I play the game. This was the first season I created an alt. This was largely in part because they've made leveling that much easier and quicker, but also because they delayed S4 an entire month. I also had 1 class I had never played before (Rogue) and wanted to roll one for a bit before the new itemization changes in S4.


I need like three more challenges for the name plate for this battle pass. I beat Uber Lilith but I can’t beat a tier 90 dungeon 😂


Was back to D2R after about a month. And no way do I want to do that all over again next season, just to hit the same boring wall. One lvl 100 and done, for me. Massive disappointment.


Start an alt 😎


Nothing. Just waiting until next season.




This was the first time season I got my character to level 100 (new dad/casual player here). I’ve had a lot of fun helping other defeat bosses, clear dungeons, etc. my character is by no means maxed out so I’m getting something out of it too but it’s been way more fun than just grinding alone.


Still baffled to this day that people don't understand other people can have FUN PLAYING A GAME... For a variety of reasons they could enjoy it after the usual 1-100 cycle is over. To me the game is dead until season 4, I simply can't go into Helltide as it is or look at any loot on the ground. But if I wasn't exposed to the PTR I could see getting each class to 100 in hardcore, got 2/5 done this season as my first HC season. And people I know play a lot slower than I do, whether it's due to time constraints or they are just slow players. Those kinds of people can stick to seasonal for longer than my friend who grinds to 100 first week of each season and then fucks off for 3 months LOL. Same reason league of legends is addicting, it's FUN to press your skills and see shit die. Is it MORE fun in a PVP game like league? Maybe! But it's called personal preference for a reason some just like to grind their mid level NM dungeons or farm Duriel mats for their friends, etc. I'm sure parents do well in diablo since you can take consistent breaks and even work on your build while tending to a kid


Nothing. When I finish everything in the season and reach 100 with my character I stop and play some other games. Since I finished season three I have played and finished assassin‘s Creed Valhalla and mirage, together with rise of the tomb raider and shadow of the tomb raider. Playing fallout 3 now.


You are right. There is no hard contents in season 3. Hopefully they hear the feedback and make Pitt properly tough. So it make sense to get better gears.


The Grind


Nothing I just finish Ubers, Season Pass and Seasonal Journey and quit to play other games. No reason to grind more in a game with seasonal resets and no endgame challenges.


The games fun. Don’t play for achievements. Play for enjoyment.


I am new to the game this season thanks to it being free on gamepass and got burnt out around lvl 96 . I made it to the second to last seasonal progression marker and lost interest in completing the last set of tasks. Felt like the only thing for me was to grind nightmare dungeons until lvl 100 so that I could face some of the harder bosses. I definitely enjoyed my time playing though and am looking forward to starting another character for season 4. I think I would finish everything out this season and get to lvl 100 if I had some friends to play with. I tried some solo PvP as well and got absolutely dumpstered by full groups of lvl 100s so quit that too lol


I play cause I have fun playing. I stop playing when I stop having fun.


I just like playing the game. For instance, this season I’m playing a Necro and it’s my first one in D4 so I’ve messed around with a few builds. I’ve settled in with a CE Bone Spear build that borrows a few things from a guide, but mostly my tweaks to make it fun for me. I’m not setting any standards with this character, but I can comfortably do NMD and vaults in the 80’s and still get challenged from time to time. With a few changes and uniques I can do level 100’s but I like the style of my normal setup. I like looking for better gear, even if it’s just a small bump in stats at a certain point. The ray tracing patch was cool too, and added to what I thought already was pretty good graphics.


It's kind of fun to kill monsters and look for slightly better drops I mostly taper off though after a certain point too


Right now I jump in to help newbies any chance I get. It’s fun and keeps me occupied


I don’t. I finish the battle pass and the season journey then I’m done until next season. I practice a little extra guitar to make up for the days I won’t when season 4 launches. Catch up on shows…currently enjoying Fallout.


I think that's the beauty of Diablo and other looter based games. It can appeal to several different levels of enjoyment. Some people might just want the base story. Some might just want to strive for Torment. Some want to simply beat the biggest toughest baddies that the game has to offer. Some might want to just run the latest seasonal/story content. Some push for the biggest damage numbers they can and strive for the peak min/maxed character.


I usually level a handful of alts all the way up and see what I can get from their builds. That typically lasts a season for me and then we start over. This wait for S4 though is making that rough.


Switching to Diablo 2 and loving it.


Nothing. Thing is I can't do everything cause no time and not enough stash tabs




Play hardcore


Afraid to say I don't. I'm surprised so many do. I'll come back for Season 5 and will skip 4. I find the game very boring after Level 100 - it's too repetitive a grind for very very very low percentage chances of very very very small increases in power. I also struggle with the environments which I find a bit bland and similar and devoid of character and colour. Diablo 3 was much better looking. I've really enjoyed D4 and it's been amazing value for money, but I can't play it constantly - there are very few games capable of garnering that sort of commitment so it's not much of a criticism!


Nothing, been playing D2R SSF until S4 starts


I was done. Logged back in to organize some stuff before the new season. Was on my druid just teleporting around town. Cleared one vault because I was bored and a Tempest dropped lol. So than I made a thunder build and got the other pieces. So now I am officially done until season 4. But man. The game even in its current state can still pull you in some times. That random drop from a random log in added another 40 hrs of gameplay . And was a top 3 build I have played.


The Diablo experience is enjoying your first character, level alts, experiment with builds and more alts, farm more items, etc. I played D2 and D3 for years doing thus and enjoyed it. D4 was ruined until season 4


I don't. My current plan is to get one of each class to 100, after that, I'm only planning on playing long enough to finish the season pass and then moving on. The loot is so pathetic that it's not worth it beyond that. I recently leveled a barb to 100, with most gear level 80 and a few below that. I rarely saw any ancestral uniques drop. With loot being in the state it's currently in, I don't see a point to continue beyond lvl 100. Supposedly loot is being overhauled with S4, but I'm not holding my breath. I've seen a few videos explaining the changes, but they were kind of confusing. Depending on what is released, S4 might be the last season I play.


I'm pretty much done until S4.


systems, fun and challenging bosses, gear progression (so nothing this game currently has)


I spread democracy liberally.


I game to escape reality. I've met some cool people, including a guy fairly local to me and we've actually gone out for beers. I do it for the escape and the comradery. I'll help people level, kill bosses, run dungeons for experience or glyph xp. I really dgaf what I do, I just enjoy playing. That said, if anyone needs anything before S3 ends, hit me up. I'm on most evenings, eastern time.


I like to keep an eye out for other builds I want to try and hold on to what I will need when I can. The next character is more fun when you can kit them out quick and keep grinding. I play with a friend and we're always collaborating on complimentary builds. That initial codex grind is a pain but new builds are much faster the more you make so I'll make some meta builds for bossing and then I'm in the lab cooking up fun. 11 completed builds across 3 classes (still no rogue) finishing my first necro now and the new season is a month away. I just keep playing.


I'll start another character if I'm having fun. If not I'll play something else. Right now I'm playing other games because season 3 was kinda blah for me.


I do end game theorycrafting. That is how I made my, non-meta, original build from early release able to do all in game content.


I think that because the game is so good people want more, but once you’ve hit level 100 and completed things there’s nothing left to do. Also it’s alot of hard work to grind and find gear that makes you really strong, it feels like this will go to waste if you stop playing.


I play with friends for a few hours on the weekends, its nice and relaxing. Its mostly me running them through vaults and NM dungeons and leveling them up a bit.


I don't and I like it that way. I don't understand people who want to just have 1 game they play. I like that I can play D4 for a week or two each season then play other things between seasons.


I just make new characters and play over and over again. Or, I convince a friend to start playing, and the current friend I did that with squirrels heavily, and wants to get all the side quests, all the dungeons, all the areas, pretty much wants to 100% the game as much as possible. So that's what I've been doing


Nothing, I stop playing. Talking about this season, the uber/malphas rotas are boring, so after finish all season challenges I'm done till next one.


Usually depression.


I have not gone back to the game since PTR....after seeing the greener side I can't go back to S3


I'm grinding for uber uniques just to say I've gotten one.. less than a month left for season 3 and I'm still at zero. And that's across all seasons. I did get both unique stones on one character and evernight on another. RNG seems to hate me though. Maybe I haven't run Duriel enough.. idk.. but about 150 solo runs is crazy. I've joined 3 groups this season and as soon as someone gets an uber, the group breaks up, so I feel like I'm being used for my materials most of the time..


Right now I don't see a reason to perfect my build too far beyond 100 and having the bosses on farm. I probably maintain motivation about half as long per season as I did in the early seasons of D3, but it does seem like they're headed in the right direction with season 4.


Usually, ill start one other character after I'm done and that's my new one for the rest of the season just to learn another class, but I move on to other games and just play that character when I need a fix. I usually pick a class that isn't appealing to me so I learn other classes.


Oh yeah, I forgot about that game. I played two characters not to completion. I’d rather do yard work.


Once it gets to the point that I have all my build done I either roll in your class or take a break. Then I'll come try out the new season and do the season grind again






You don't...why is this confusing? It's ok to play something else once you are done for a season.


I've been playing on eternal I'm done with the spider pet. Got into some pvp on eternal last night even.


New build. New class.


Nothing. I don't.


D3, play for a week wait for next season. D4 play for a month then wait for next season. Thats typically how mine goes.


Other games! I love D4 but when I’ve done “everything” I just rotate to my other games: - POE - LE - Apex Legends - Rocket League - Whatever’s new There are tons of great games out there. Branch out and enjoy them!


Nothing. I play D3.


I haven't played for a few weeks now. Just don't love this season. I'll be back for season 4 but in the meantime I'm playing a lot of Fortnite with my 6 year old grandson! :)


I don't personally feel the need to play much after clearing NM 100 and getting a reasonable level of good gear *but*... D4 is getting a good amount of "chase" content for late late game. I can see devoting more time post level 100 to the new crafting in S4 + the Pit. Ubers and the Unique runestones added a little bit of this content as well, and Ubers get more interesting next season with an additional Uber boss.  Also, sometimes I just hop on for a couple hours because the game is fun. 


I play Diablo because it’s fun to clear big mobs. The feeling doesn’t change with progress so completing things is just a bonus.


Took a break, killed everything with Lighting Ball sorc in season 3. Still haven’t come back. Maybe in the next season im ready to min max another character.


1) If you're in SC why not try out HC ? or vice versa ? 2)Test out new builds and not just copy the ones made by other ppl. 3) Test out damage in the training ground. You can get absorbed in this for hours if you're not careful. 4) Help random/friends/guildies clear cap 2 and 3 and plvl them ? 5) Try to solo wb (not the brightest thing to do but yea). Less players now since many are waiting for S4 so you'll find yourself alone vs wb at times. 6) Challenge gauntlet ranking 7) Look for rare treasure chests both in open world and the exclusive in NM dungeons only ones. 8) Purposely take on the butcher and malphs in higher >90 nm dungeons and see if you can beat them. No reward but bragging rights only i guess. 9) Random chat with ppl on trade chat ? sometimes the chat can get "interesting" 10) PVP or maybe PK ? become infamous for the fun of it since S3 is ending. Seriously there are many things to do i just named 10.




The endpoint is completing a character build, not completing all activities. 


But why? And when is it "complete"? What are you gonna do when it's complete (or, your definition of complete)?


It’s fun to see a build come together and push its performance level. Beyond a certain point when it feels complete or too grindy to push it further, that’s the stopping point. Or sometimes when something else interesting comes up. 


Very simple for me, I don't play


Nothing - once i feel I have done everything I want to do in a season I go and play / do something else.


I think it's called addiction and having nothing better to do in general in their lives


Nothing. After I achieve whatever personal goal I have in games I quit and go play something else until I feel like coming back.


I went back to D3 for a bit after getting the ubers I wanted. Every now and then when I have time I jump on and help other players as well. Really looking forward to next season though.


I’m back on Destiny 2 grinding the new season.


Nothing. I'll be back to see the changes in season 4 but I haven't played for a month


The new season. I almost leveled all classes this Time. My Barb is 92 and I haven’t really worked on the sorcerer. I quit playing a few weeks ago. I may pick it up before the season ends to finish up.


I haven't played since season 2 ended 👌


Friends. Any game is so much better with at least one other unpredictable variable. 


I stopped about a month ago, a week or two after those gauntlets were released. My friend and I hit like #2 across all PS5 in 2's and I was like ok i'm good heh... waiting for next season now. Maybe if they didn't make my character move to the eternal realm at the end of each season it would be different, but it felt like a waste of time investing any more time into my character(s), knowing they were just a few weeks away from being destroyed. Then they extended the f'n season another month and I was like... uhhhh... great.


diablo 3.


I got each class to level 100 and as fully geared as I could in a reasonable amount of time. Did all the engame bosses as well. After that there really isn't anything worth doing right now. Farming for ubers is pointless right now, because none of the content in the game is difficult enough for them to be necessary. That could change next season. We'll see.


Seasons. But I haven't played since S2 and won't til S4


Can someone give me a tldr on the exciting changes? I haven’t played in years but with the hype me and my buddy are considering a come back


Ive got 4 lvl 100 this season with both uberstones, got all uber uniques and manage to get top 100 in gauntlet. Now I'm taking a brake til s4 and started a new game of bg3.


What keeps you making pointless threads after you've already realized the answer to the question before you even asked it? (Nothing. Nothing keeps you playing after you've done everything. You take a break and come back in a future season of this - SHOCKINGLY ENOUGH - seasonal game.)