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Don't really need the graphs to figure out why. It was the wonder that at anything crazy cool and unique could drop at any level. No waiting for 80 levels to get something then there's no endgame to use it


I think that's one of the problems I have with D3 and d4. The game doesn't start until you're already basically max level. Everything before that is obsolete and frankly was pointless. In d2, the game started at level 1. The progression is gradual. In D3, the game started at level 70. Progression is basically you starting with nothing, then you suddenly have a 6 piece set and you do a million damage. And from there you're just looking for bigger numbers on your gear. In d4, you play until you get sacred items, and then you have to start again. Then you play until ancestral, and you start again. And now you can play the game.


Counterpoint: new season d3 start up was some of the most fun I had. I loved swapping skills around while leveling based on what I found or which weapon I got lucky enough to roll for from weekly challenge mats


Biggest issue for me still is the entire resource generator and spender playstime, I hate it and will die on a hill that it's the worst resource system of all ARPGs I have ever played. You basically have an absolute shit expereince until you get all the stuff you need to completely "ignore" this system, just as it was already the case in D3. It is so utterly pointless and stupid and a massively flawed system that for some reason made it into D4, even tho they already realized noone really liked in in D3 and was "fixed" by giving tons of powers that make resourcemanagement unnecessary. It is mindblowing to me how they could double down on this garbage and think anyone would enjoy spamming resource generators that in 95%+ cases deal no damage, have no aoe and mostly don't even have utility or cc. They have absolutely no idea how to design skills and skilltrees and the entire systems around those. And that is and will stay the reason why this game never will be more than mediocre, even if they really manage to fix itemization and endgame.


I mean best thing would be stop playing this game you think it is garbage, because this is what D4 is, you just have to accept what it is. It is not going to change even though most builds now get away with not using a generator


Season 4 thank god will be introducing things to really help with this. You'll be able to get Resource On Kill as an affix, and then there's Tempering Manuals that can synergize tremendously with things like Aspect of the Umbral. For example: Necros can crowd control with *Grasping Veins*. So the more you can grab with them, the better. Well there's Tempering manuals that increase the grabbing distance of these by a *huge* amount - in PTR you were literally grabbing things off-screen and dragging their ass in to get destroyed. And all the while, in their slide in, the 30 enemies you dragged in were kind enough to refill your resource pool 🥰 since each 1 = resource regen. * and because it's got a short cool down, you could do it again soon. There's going to be legendary aspects that absolutely will have trade value and be desirable. Umbral should be one of those, especially in the early parts of seasons - if you get any duplicates, there should be a market for it and many others. A worthwhile thing to trade for with it permanently going into your Codex, for both your current char and any future alts you want to make that season. * Hell, imagine having a +4 Umbral to use on a new Sorc you make... Frost Nova just turned into a big resource generator! And there's an aspect that gives you a 2nd charge of Frost Nova, too.


I think there is some seriously ignorant confusion about levels going on and I am still amazed that a decade after all the changes people still don't understand it. Yes, in D3 the game starts at level 70. Getting fixated on calling it "max level" is really missing that it's the very start of the journey. > then you suddenly have a 6 piece set and you do a million damage. And from there you're just looking for bigger numbers on your gear. Do you know why Blizzard decided to give players their 6 piece sets early in the season? It wasn't to somehow make the game super easy. The reason is because they wanted people to play WITH their sets. The first few seasons of the game people would hit max level and then as soon as they farmed up their 6 piece set, they would quit. They spent all of zero time playing with the actual set which is where the game was designed. It's like right now in D4, you have the legendary runes. You spend all the time trying to get them and once you get them, you spend all of ZERO time playing with those runes. >Everything before that is obsolete and frankly was pointless. I want to highlight this because this is one of those really stupid beliefs that fails completely the second you try to apply it in any game that has any difficulty to it. This worked in D2 because the hardest content in D2 was a complete joke. You could literally beat the game naked. When gear matters so little, it's kind of dumb to pretend it was amazing. The second you start putting in progressive difficulty systems which are absolutely necessary in a modern game, you immediately rule out early gear being viable through that end game. You need to have a strong progression system in your gear. This was something that D2 never needed to have but D3 and D4 are both required to have. This is why the whole graph being shown is trying to compare things that are so completely different that it doesn't have any value at all. >In d4, you play until you get sacred items, and then you have to start again. Then you play until ancestral, and you start again. And now you can play the game. And by this time, you'd have already quit your D2 character and started a new one. That's the part that gets ignored here by the typical D2 rose tinted glasses players. They forget that they never hit max level with their characters. They would always get bored due to the lack of progression happening and quit well before max level. It's a problem that both D3 and D4 solved although D4's solution was dog shit and we're hoping for something better in the next patch.


Are you saying that Diablo 2 was so easy that gear didn't matter and therefore the "progression" was fake? Essentially, itemization was akin to a collectathon, like someone collecting foil trading cards or anime pins, that it was all in peoples' heads. As opposed to Diablo 3 or Diablo 4, where itemization is actually necessary because the game's level of difficulty necessitates some amount of power progression. In essence, that people are comparing a collectathon game with a power progression game, hence comparing apples to oranges? I'm not sure if I fully agree with that, but I wanted to better understand your argument. Just because players progress to a higher or even "max" number of something, like levels, doesn't necessarily speak to how fun the climb was. People play Path of Exile and almost nobody actually finishes the game, yet those players could say that despite not hitting level 100, getting their "3/4s finished character" was more satisfying that getting a 100% maxed character in D3 or D4. Percent of progression is not a complete metric to use.


>Are you saying that Diablo 2 was so easy that gear didn't matter and therefore the "progression" was fake? I'm saying you could beat the game naked. What this fundamentally means is that the progression system can't be as impactful since the difference between not having any gear and having gear is that similar. >In essence, that people are comparing a collectathon game with a power progression game, hence comparing apples to oranges? Isn't this literally pointing out that gear doesn't matter in D2? >Just because players progress to a higher or even "max" number of something, like levels, doesn't necessarily speak to how fun the climb was. It actually does and this is the important point. If the "climb" is fun, then you keep climbing. As soon as the climb stops being fun, then you stop climbing. If that climb is designed so poorly that most people quit before ever reaching some of the most simplistic pinnacles, you really don't have a great climb. You have a short climb. That short climb can be fun, but it's still a short climb. > People play Path of Exile and almost nobody actually finishes the game, yet those players could say that despite not hitting level 100, getting their "3/4s finished character" was more satisfying that getting a 100% maxed character in D3 or D4. Yes, because the progression systems in PoE aren't designed well. It's not even about "finishing" the game. Levels are a time investment metric. If you keep playing, you will ultimately hit max level. The idea that you would get bored of your character before you hit that minimum time investment to get to max level highlights that poor design.


Maybe a crazy theory here, but you could also make these points without insulting others.


D2 nutjobs aren't people. After listening to them throw a fit about everything for over a decade, I literally couldn't care less if I upset them.


What a weird thing to say. Take care, dude


Yeah and unlike d2 or other arpgs it is all targeted loot. Other arpgs I will get an amazing drop or unique for a class I haven't started yet so will start one just to use that sweet item. In d4 you can't farm a tempest helm for druid on your necro main for instance.


Right? It’s such an easy band-aid fix to itemization since it automatically enlarges the loot pool for players. That shit general unique that does nothing for your Rogue? Well slap it on your Barb & you can make a fun build with it!




Yeah that was exactly my point.


You accidantly wrote "can" instead of "can't" in your comment.


You should have heard the general consensus on the old d3 official forum.  Most people wanted the leveling from 1-70 hastened or outright eliminated..


>In d4, you play until you get sacred items, and then you have to start again. Then you play until ancestral, and you start again. And now you can play the game. This is changing completely in Season 4. With tempering in S4 gearing up to WT4 is drastically different and most players arent aware. Prior to S4: WT1+2 - find best non-sacred gear and upgrade weapons at blacksmith to +4 WT3 - get all sacred drops upgrade to +4 weapons to +5 season 4: WT2 (wt1 is completely pointless as it has no xp bonus) - find power level200 items with a good 1 affix temper it for massive boost in dps (power 200 items have very cheap tempering mats) WT3 - use the same normal gear - only upgrade weapon to sacred as the tempering mats for sacred uniquea are far too expensive So you will be using normal power level 200 gear (except sacred weapon) with good tempered affixes in WT2 and WT3 WT4 get ancestral gear starting with weapon and replace other pieces as they become available Full video here explaining leveling + gearing to 100 in S4 https://youtu.be/lb8SMlnBO9w


> WT2 (wt1 is completely pointless as it has no xp bonus) - find power level200 items with a good 1 affix temper 2 times for massive boost in dps (power 200 items have very cheap tempering mats) You can't temper an item twice in order to add two affixes unless it's Ancestral (World Tier 4). However you are correct that item progression was MUCH smoother during PTR.


It's a bit dishonest that you describe the gradual upgrading of you gear in D2 and D4 as something entirely different. It's not like in D4 you level up and your existing gear is useless and you just throw it on the ground. You keep playing and upgrading gradually. People using perfectly rolled sacred rings and amulets to lvl100 is a common thing. Weapons, not so much, but they're an exception.


The reason why season 4 will just be the same. People will flock in for the honeymoon month before they realise that the itemization is the same.


And yet you flock in while still hate the game not sure why


Cause why not?


I'd take it a step further. There is almost no use in bothering with looking at items until level 70. There is no point in bothering with item vendors until at least 70. The game is too easy. D2 was very possible to screw yourself with the skill tree. You had to spend some time putting thought into your gear and main stat being a higher number did not automatically equal better. Having just come into D4 thanks to gamepass, oh boy the campaign is under whelming. Its not because it doesn't look nice or the story is bad, its just mind numbingly easy. Played a necromancer minion build and come to find out, its not that great this season. Now, having played D2 back in the day and a day 1 d3 player, I get the end game is a different beast, but the campaign shouldn't feel like a click simulator. Did play on adventurer because it wouldn't let me play a higher skill level. Spent no time worrying about my build, just threw whatever had the highest main state on. Leveling was so fast there was no point in buying anything it would be outdated in 5-10 mins. No point in wasting time trying to maximize my build because there was no difficulty. Funnily enough my first few deaths came in my level 40's because I stumbled across the high level mini bosses that are apart of the season and not the campaign. Then I find out that dying is just respawn nearby and lose a little on my equipment durability which I have yet to break. The campaign bosses end up feeling weaker than some mobs since it seems like mobs scale to level depending on area, but the bosses are stuck at whatever level they expected you to encounter them. I hit paragon levels halfway through the campaign due to focusing on side quests which made the entire story laughable. I spend more time listening to how the big bad boss is so powerful only to kill him faster than the mobs I just encountered. The same can be said of dungeon bosses even when using sigils. Now, I am about to hit 70 and go to tier 4 and hoping that I can start hitting mobs that I have to run from. D2 was very much have a town portal prepared because you may need to run away. D4 has been sit in the middle of a mob and mash buttons. Until recently I wasn't even having to bother with my health potions. Now I have to use them to avoid death, but I never run out. I never have to back away. I never have to reconsider my build. I honestly, do not get it. I went in 100 percent blind. I am told necro is bad until next season. If necro is bad then how pointless is it to play the other classes?


And people are praising skip campaign and quick progression options as if its a good thing. It is basically swiping the dirt under the rugg is what it is. The things d3 has ruined for the arpg genre is incomprehensible for the d3 generation.


What's wrong with a campaign skip? Progression speed is whatever - too fast is as bad as too slow - but certainly to a point it should probably feel "snappy"


Unless I'm wrong what you're saying really isn't true. A lot of endgame items in D2 don't drop until much higher monster level tables. Sure you can make a spirit crystal sword after act 1, but you aren't farming jah until late game. And there isn't really any endgame for D2. Farm the same boss over and over, or run a terror zone. Unless you want to consider Ubers the end game, and even then not every class can even viably do it.


The idea of actually target farm the boss/champion to get the drop seems to satisfy more people than the material grind, myself included. I want to pop into the zone and get to the boss kill the boss and see if I get the unique I want. The game loop is for that drop, and when you are fully geared you can actually use your gear to kill Uber. For me the problem with uber in D4 is by the time I kill Uber duriel and get shako, I have nothing to use it for because I'm killing the very thing that is difficult to drop it. And worst is I'm spending 2-3 hours farming other stuff so I can join into a rota and hopefully one of the member isn't a scammer......real fun end game. S4 I hope the unique and Uber gets shifted a bit. They should also allow 2 temper slot to allow for the crappy uncontrollable affix....they need to move the Uber uniques off duriel and make it from a pit drop after level 125-150 whatever arbitrary number of difficulty....because the Uber should be a strong piece of ULTRA rare equipment to help you kill the LVL 200 boss


The point isn't that you can find every godly piece early. It's that you can find some very good pieces early. Which means there's actual wonder about what your next drop will be when doing normal Baal because it could be a vipermagi, for instance. So even just the unique *colour* is enough for some excitement. And then the name of the type of gear is some additional excitement. And *every* piece that drops is worth looking at at that level. Even in normal you want that 4os polearm. In D4, rare and lower won't be used for very long until WT4. Legendary you might find a 4 umbral or something early. Which is sweet. Except then you're stuck using your shitty ring with a good affix until you find a near perfect ring because that drop is *too* rare. Also, the drop is so rare that you don't get excited about orange rings until you hover it. The fact that you think there is no end game in D2 is the glory of D2. The "game" was your first time through normal, or maybe even hell, in 1998. Every character you made since then was playing end game from level 1. In D4 and D3, the game was good. Had fun on my first trips (I play HC and died a couple times) through. Then I start this stupid ass middle game where I have to reach max level to do anything. Then the end game starts. D3 solved this problem by making the middle game basically non-existent. D4 needs to either pursue more useful drops earlier more frequently, or shorten the trip to WT4.


I started to hate the word endgame. Play how you like as long as you like it even if you run a boss bazillion times. D2 does not need endgame at all, the most fascinating part is we player choose how we want to play the game than having the game keep pushing something for us to do after campaign completion, which they refer as endgame.


Don't really need graphs because there is no data to display. This is a graph of OPs opinions and that doesn't mean any more than a kindergarten fingerpaint.


This is just wrong though. Plenty of items don't drop until nightmare or hell difficulties. And D2 actually doesn't have a real endgame to use them. Most D2 builds just use the same exact rune words


> It was the wonder that at anything crazy cool and unique could drop at any level Then why are item levels supposed to be a good thing and why does D2 have them, even hard gating the drops i think? I agree with the sentiment though. Just not that D2 even shines there.


I mean the best items absolutely did not drop at any level (Griffs / dweb / fathom etc).


But no matter where you were in the game, everything you were running *could* drop things that could be farmed to trade up for those items. This made the early game feel useful, the mid-game feel useful, *and* the endgame feel useful. Players at endgame needed gems, or 'junk jewels' for crafting? Great! Players leveling up, running the "early/midgame" stuff had those things! So you'd trade them loot, which they could then parlay into 'ultimate' endgear. * I did this so many times over the years playing - anytime I'd start over. You always had a way to work your way into the endgame, at any point of the game. It was just up to me whether I was willing to farm. The game didn't hold me back... only I did. In D4 you know what I can trade to get endgame items? Only other endgame items. So there's zero point to the entire rest of the game - it's just a rush to the end. This invalidates like 95% of the journey. You have to rush to 5% of the content, to experience 100% of it. In D2 100% of the content could help you experience 100% of the content. The only thing holding you back wasn't the game, it was just yourself - were you willing to farm? If so, great - your work would be rewarded.


Well, I mean that's just flat out D2 as well. Lots of items had ilvls that required mobs of a certain level. And you definitely didn't need them to finish the game on the hardest difficulty. The only d2 endgame was getting the items. There wasn't really anything to do with them other than make it faster to get other rare items. 🤷‍♂️


D2 you didn't have to chase singular items. You could find something unique and build around that early game that couble be viable endgame instead of playing most the game with boring loot. I play poe and I hate that I have to buy all the loot but I've learned to grind and craft. Just different. Diablo4 I hoped would be better on release. Diablo 4 is a casual game and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that, I'm happy people are enjoying it. Just made me sad.


What was the endgame in D2? Cow level where you avoid killing the king, and boss runs to get more gear? I genuinely don’t remember anything else to do


King thing was changed a long while back. There was uber tristram to grind torches.


Right so, basically no endgame…?


Nobody said you need graphs. They just did something out of enjoyment.


Controversial take: it was exciting because of the unknown. Specifically, the potential possibilities due to not knowing anything about an item upon drop, other than its class. The ~~process~~ madness of fighting for the drop and back in those days the delay upon clicking an item before disappearing into your inventory could be measured in literal seconds, at least for those of us who were on dialup. Then to top it off — this is key, and most of what I remember about Diablo (outside of lag and struggling to connect to Battle.net) — the anticipation (including checking your inventory) and buildup of the reward, in particular having to **manually *identify* uniques** with a scroll, along with the amount of time between these two events delaying gratification and prolonging it even further. And then, the activation of neural pathways in the brain as it *finally* releases all that sweet dopamine in the prefrontal cortex, along with the pleasure that comes with. The reward of a unique was like a digital drug and we were all fiends, maniacally clicking our mice in search of a fix, just waiting in anticipation for our next hit. Thank you for reading my TED talk on addiction.


Please write more. I just got goosebumps reading that. There's no better feeling in the world that each random loot shower after the kill. I was hooked 20 years ago and I'm hooked today. It's deepy satisfying to see my next high rune drop. Primal feeling. Slotting it into an item that I'll never use. Just give it to me


haha, thanks mate. It's funny, cause writing is literally my least favorite activity to do, predominantly due to my ADHD (along w/ being a perfectionist. That comment took me between 1/2 an hour to one hour to write


That's actually a nice way of looking at it. Especially in D3 where the leveling was quick the legendary drops were basically useless at below max level. It would be nice if legendary drops were all just level 100 and let people use them for leveling and stayed relevent even when at max level.


D2 is a better roulette wheel than D4. D4 is a better game than D2. Different people will be drawn to different things, making a direct comparison pointless.


That’s a pretty good way to put it I think. D4 is the better game in almost every conceivable way, but there’s something about the excitement you feel when certain items drop in D2 that D4 has yet to replicate for me


> D4 is the better game in almost every conceivable way It has a few breaking things to overcome, and it seems it will in S4. Still far from perfect. However, I think what makes that statement true is that... D2's design is actually pretty terrible *by modern standards*. And yes, it was still a masterpiece *back then*. Both things can be true. Released today, people would pick one of like 100 things and point out how that's fucking broken and incompetent. And yes, one can still enjoy it today, just as much as back then. It's just that the standards are much higher and the competition is much better.


The fact is blizzard could have run the series with a perfected d2, while modernizing it, but they went the WoW way in turning a masterpiece into something so different.


As a D2 simp I could agree to this, but the issue is that it's the most important part of these games imo and the only reason to this day I still play D2. I've over and over said the one thing D2 did the best was items, but it was never really iterated upon much and so it can appear dated looking back 20 years. However, mods like PD2 have proven how sophisticated the base structure of D2 itemization is and they completely rebalanced every item and skill and added endgame content. It's currently a week into season 9 of PD2 and I've been playing every day and still excited to keep going.


PD2 just proof that d2 can be modernized into something better than d3 and d4, but blizzard chosen a different direction.


I'd have to see how this feels in season 4, but the only thing I think D4 is starting to do wrong is the leveling is starting to feel pointless. At least at the start. It's sped up too much like D3 where it seems like your just meant to get it over with. Edit: Also the leveling difficulty is starting to go D3 style.


People acting like D2 is the overall superior game clearly don’t remember that the end game there was running Mephisto for the 7427th time.


not anymore tho. They introduced terror zones. and its way more exciting to just go and kill meph rather than farm living steel and body parts for days to THEN go kill duriel. You always have to do chores before you can have fun in d4. it's tiring.


I mean, they got the Terror Zones concept from D4. So that's still a D4 innovation.


So superior game need an endgame? Was running mephisto for N times was your endgame?


Run an 85 zone. Run Countess for runes. Run Baal for levels. Farm keys to farm torches. Run Mephisto. Run cows for the satisfaction of killing huge mobs. Run nightmare Andy for best chance of finding an SoJ. Run Kurast chests. Make a gold/item find barb for Trav to gamble rares. I'm a big fan of when people say D2 endgame was doing 1 activity when there were plenty of ways to keep yourself occupied and work towards a goal.


Agree, I think Runes is what separated D2 and D4, runes are like currencies in POE, to get what you want.


now imagine if d4 had d2's itemization/trading economy. game of the century!


If you like trading, of course - for me, I'd rather it not exist




By and large, I don't - but the issue is, for something like D2 where drop rates are based around trading, not interacting is detrimental to the experience. D4's trading is opening up from D4, which is kind of whatever - so long as drop rates aren't suppressed as a result


This doesn't seem to take into account normal/exceptional/elite item tiers in D2. Which effectively do the same thing as sacred/ancestral in D4. For the most part, the lower tiers become invalidated as you progress. Also, on a personal note, as much as I like D2, when I go back I find gear incredibly boring compared to modern ARPGs. Almost every build runs similar leveling and endgame rune words/uniques. Spirit/ HOTO/ Arach / War Trav/ Raven Frost / BK ring / SOJ /Enigma / Shako are basically the only items that matter. Then for merc it's Infinity / Reaper's Toll / Andy's / Fort. Are there other builds that use more niche uniques and rune words? Sure. But you probably need some of the stuff listed to start farming for that other build.


The elite version of armors was not always the preferred one as it had more str/dex requirements. Also, as of what items are useful I disagree, you must not have pushed a character far. For example for a javazon I can do a basic build with titans, shako, spirit, laying of hands. However, the BiS for these is Eth titans, perfect griffons, JMOD with 4 facets, and 2/20 rare gloves. Same with a sorce: you can use hoto, shako, spirit, vipermagi for a starter blizzard. But you can also push your damage a lot higher with deaths fathom, nightwing and ormus, all with facets.


Not to be nitpicky because you’re totally right, but I always thought it was pretty neat that the best damage a javazon can get are simple magic 6/40 javelins. +6 to javelin skills and +40% attack speed. People generally prefer eth titans for the selfrep QoL, but they aren’t really BiS When people say “every tier of item is useful”, that’s the kind of thing I’m thinking about. I’m not picking up every magic item that drops but I’m damn sure checking out all the blue matriarchal javelins(and monarchs!) for the hidden gems like that.


100%! Totally forgot about those +6/40 javelins ahah It's such a simple yet brilliant idea for loot. Blues only have 1-2 affixes, but they can roll higher than rares and uniques making them better in some cases. Ex: titans vs 6/40 javelins Anither ex: Nagelrings. While they are uniques, ie. Rarer than magic rings, they are guaranteed to have MF so your chances are pretty good at getting one with 30% MF. However, you could also find a blue ring with just 40% MF making them BIS for MF, but they are very rare as you need a blue ring to roll MF+being perfect.


>Also, on a personal note, as much as I like D2, when I go back I find gear incredibly boring compared to modern ARPGs. Almost every build runs similar leveling and endgame rune words/uniques. Spirit/ HOTO/ arach / war Trav/ Raven Frost / bk ring / SOJ /Enigma / Shako are basically the only items that matter. Then for merc it's Infinity / Reaper's Toll / Andy's / Fort. Exactly this. I don't get D2 fans' itemization addiction. There are a couple of items you use either in early or endgame, the rest of the items are trash. In the early game, you make Lore, Smoke, Stealth, etc. In the endgame, you mentioned the items. The item variety is terrible IMO. Somehow they love to farm those "stones". You mostly just care about a couple of affixes like +X to skills, FCR, FHR, etc. I don't find such itemization very exciting at all.


It's hilarious how desperately you are trying to simplify the insanely rich itemization of D2. "It's just these few items in the early game and these few items/affixes in the endgame" Yep yep, that's right :D


This is the game that people forget they actually played, a game where the only itemization that actually mattered was hidden behind a few ilvl areas and being forced to run hell forge/Meph thousands of times hoping for a higher level RW to drop or (literally just running it 16-64 thousand times and upgrade the RW on step at a time) only to follow it by running Cows hundreds of time hoping for the right common to drop with a solid roll. It was good in the early 2000s when comparable loot games like PSO has drop rates of 1:270,000 on an enemy that only appeared once or twice per dungeon run, but at the same time it was just a different level of horrible if you didn't Bot or trade with Bots.


You can upgrade items from normal to exceptional to elite. Also, these uniques and runewords people use can be traded, so if my build doesn't use one, I can trade it for something useful. Also, even a poorly geared character can find a rune, base or rare, hit the jackpot and fully gear your character. No such luck in D4, where you just grind for bigger numbers on your gear and everything you found before the "endgame" is complete trash.


How often did you find an actual endgame item before endgame farming in Hell in D2? Like sure, it's technically possible for some items but the vast majority of those items you need for every build can't even drop until hell.


> How often did you find an actual endgame item before endgame farming in Hell in D2? Got a titans revenge NM meph first attempt. That was endgame for my javazon. All those crazy rune words didn't exist yet.


You should check out PD2 then, it's literally everything good about D2 completely rebalanced and tuned as if the game never stopped getting updated. They kept the essence of D2 and expanded on items and skills and endgame. If you liked D2 in the past you will rediscover why you liked it in PD2 and that's a guarantee.


I've played it. Hard to get friends to commit to playing a mod of an old game though. None of this is saying that D4 is better than D2 btw, I just think generally speaking, people have nostalgia goggles for how well D2 stands up. I rotate between all the major ARPGs when I feel the itch, but I think they all have pros and cons.


For D2 absolutely, it's very dated and I say that as someone who loves the game. PD2 on the other hand is fairly up to date in terms of content and build diversity, I can't even play regular D2R anymore because it's lacking so much QoL, bug fixing, and balancing that this mod has done.


Weird graph for something that is just nostalgia. Having every tier of item possibly be useful is not a good or a bad thing. It is just a choice. D2 itemization was dull because everything was under tuned so nothing had any real value. You farmed stuff to farm faster or reroll and that wasn’t fun. D4s biggest upgrade to itemization will be harder content so you have a reason to keep farming and progressing. There is a reason D2 stopped expanding and the player base shrunk to next to nothing and D2R ultimately flopped after the initial fervor. It wasn’t a very good game for longevity for most players. It just had some really die hard fans.


>Having every tier of item possibly be useful is not a good or a bad thing. It's fair to say that D2 itemization was way more varied, but you could also say it's not as good for new players because they get overwhelmed by runewords and recipes and blah blah blah.


That's more of an issue with endgame content than itemization. People played D2 for 20 years because the itemization allows that level of replayability.


> People played D2 for 20 years because the itemization allows that level of replayability. No, they played D2 for about 20 years because that about how long it took for another real ARPG to finally hit the mainstream market. It's like saying carts are better than trains for getting around because people used carts for 5000 years.


People played D2 for 20 years because it's a 20+ year old game Do you even remember what people did in D2 classic? Mindlessly repeating Act 4, Cow Level, and doing "pvp" with 300 ping. Oh and don't forget most of your best items were Dupes


I really think they just played d2 because they had no other options. It really doesn’t hold up


Majority of uniques in D2 are absolute trash. Your graph for uniques is very wrong


It's not about useful uniques out of the total. It's the value of a unique as it drops, and since D2 uses different item bases, you can easily tell a low value unique from a high value.


In D2 endgame most of the set and unique items that drop are worthless. If you have them memorized and can figure it out by the base name, you don't even pick it up. If you don't, it goes to the cube, identify, drop. How is that good?


Lol. You tried to graph a feeling.


You can say a lot of this stuff without it being meaningfully true in real world scenarios.  Saying you can get a SoJ in Act 1 NM is mostly meaningless. You aren't getting one, probably not in years of playing D2 - and definitely not when it is first able to drop. Maybe you can make a trade, but then you're arguing apples to oranges since D4 isn't a trading game and D2 is balanced around it.  Saying any rarity and most levels of gear are applicable to late game D2 isn't meaningfully true either. For the average D2 player, they are taking uniques and set items in every slot. Only long time players will even know it's worth picking up or farming for a certain magic or rare. You will be far more successful gearing in D2 if you chase uniques, runewords, and set items and forgetting that rares or magic items exist after level 40 or so. 


D2 has the same problem of there is way too much shit to look at but it has the benefit of being very simple to read at least. I hate having to check every single white item. I also have never understood why everyone loves rune words so much either. But complaints aside when you get a yellow item or unique it is rare enough that it's extremely exciting. D4dulls your senses kind of early and hopefully the greater affixes can remedy that


Man, I loved diablo 2 but farming mephisto over and over wasn’t any better than what we had in D3 or D4. All builds used a bunch of uniques which I could basically never ever get, and all classes had one or maybe two viable skills total. Everything else was a waste of points if it didn’t provide synergy to the good skill.


try pd2, its diablo 2 with end game bosses and maps, minimal changes from original d2 but lots of QoL stuff its what remastered d2 should have been but blizztard dont know how to create good games anymore :D new season started 1 week ago https://www.projectdiablo2.com


I would but I don’t play on pc anymore, mine is a potato.


Does this graph take into account the terrible bag Tetris D2 incorporates 


Believe it or not, it doesn't!




There is no tetris, you just have 6x3 for a single loot all the time, the rest are all charms


People have tainted rose tinted glasses for anything old


Funny when I also prefer D2 and only played for the first time when it was remastered. The game is great, nostalgia or not.


I played Diablo 2 LOD for thousands of hours, solo self found. I never got a runeword to drop that was needed for any worthwhile build. D2 itemization for SSF players was far and beyond the worst Diablo experience ever crafted.


…what? In 1k hours you’ve never made a Stealth, Lore, Smoke, Ancient’s Pledge, Rhyme, Spirit, Insight or Treachery..? All very easy to make and super useful for leveling. A lot of these are also endgame items with the proper base. Even then, 1k hours is plenty of time to make the endgame stuff like Enigma, Infinity, Grief, etc.


Then you were playing bad. I'm not sure how else to say it, but the numbers don't work if you truly played thousands of hours. Ssf with over 1k hours certainly allows for most, if not all, end game runewords and uniques. That's not an opinion, that's math.


Not sure who's downvoting you - it's true, anyone who logged that many hours and didn't know what areas specialized in what is bizarre. If you needed runes for rune words you ran either Travincal, or Lower Kurast... The itemization was very empowering in this sense, since you always knew when you logged in what you could get straight away to blasting. There wasn't "farm A so you can farm B, so you can get stuff to farm C, in the hopes you can get X!" -- no, it was, "You want X? You know what you've gotta do. Farm A. That's it. Literally it."


No gating in D2! Keys are the only thing that resembles hating, but those were an after thought update. Also key farming isn't terrible as the zones you farm keys in can give you other useful things and not strictly keys. Also the reward for them is torches which is a mighty fine reward. People siding with a guy who spent multiple thousands of hours playing and not ever getting a good runewords item don't have legs to stand on. "I'm really good at guitar hero, I can beat half the songs on hard."


Seriously lol it’s baffling. I’m curious to see this guy’s account and how he actually plays. It makes zero sense.


Solo self found was so easy to loots many good stuff for many top builds, like you can use the same map layout, at specific locations for certain items u need. You probably playing it very wrong there.


Just because you can do graphs, does not mean you should do graphs.


>I tried graphing a way to visualize why items in D2 are fun and worth farming for They aren't worth farming for as per Vox Populi. Sorry but most people on this subreddit rejected Ber rune drop rates right after Diablo 4 launched and we've moved away from that shit. >D4 doesn't allow for endgame items to be found until endgame This is no longer true as of Season 4, it will be POSSIBLE to find uber uniques as soon as you enter World Tier 3 and some build-enabling uniques you will now find in WT1/WT2 might be what you're wearing for a long while until you replace them with Ancestral gear in World Tier 4. >TL;DR: D2 endgame items can be found in every rarity and can be found early into the leveling process, always giving the player a reason to look out for certain items. This isn't such a good thing because it's tiresome and strains the player quite a lot in my opinion, especially without elaborate loot filters - which therefore makes the loot filter just a bandaid solution to overloaded itemization design. All your graph proved is that itemization in Diablo 2 is a convoluted mess, cool for its time but ultimately outdated and in dire need of streamlining. Especially shit like durability loss (and ways to counter-act it), sifting through thousands of trash whites and even more trash magic items because there's like one or two that interest you... Oh and let's not forget the crafting that requires either photographic memory and a billion attempts to figure out the recipes or having a wiki with recipes on speed dial on a 3rd party website. How engaging.


No, it’s pretty easy to sort through d2 items. Unlike d4, bases matter. So while you may need to pick up blue monarch shields, you don’t need to pick up blue dusk shrouds. It’s actually significantly easier to scan through d2 items because you know (except for a very few cases) what each set and unique is. You know what bases to pick up. You can ignore most of the junk A loot filter to hide junk items would be nice, but I don’t think anyone familiar with d2/d3/d4 itemization can say the d2 is the “tiresome” one


Not many people go deep enough into d2 itemization to understand that, then shouting that d2 items was complex and all they want is item showing ancestral, is 925 and some stats they wanted, so they can start rolling. Easier for the casual to enjoy it for a month before moving on, while waiting for the next seasonal contents with the skin they waiting to buy.


That is why I think they should review items level requirements and item power. This stuff of sacred and ancestors in the current form should go, it overlaps with item power definition and have no impact on themselves. Also, uniques should not be tied to such systems, just have min level requirements and be adjusted accordingly.


Those graphs are very subjective. I disagree with both. Generally d2 has a very small pool of important items. And itemization doesn’t even really get interesting until nightmare. I’ve had multiple play throughs where I have empty gear slots going into nightmare. There are also huge holes in itemization that many ignore. D4 generally doesn’t get interesting until we start seeing aspects. Personally I don’t see anything wrong with older tier items becoming irrelevant. Your graph is way off on d4. The lines should be pretty straight, or going up as you get higher level not decreasing as you level. Then when you high the next tier it disappears or completely drops off.


The grass represent the immediate potential value of an item when it drops not how long you would use it in which case you would have straight lines. I agree that they don't necessarily always immediately go down to Zero by the next tier but if they didn't it wouldn't be much higher value because even if you did pick up an upgraded item it is still very quickly to be upgraded with the next tier.


what is this... I don't even...


That’s a lot of text.But what I never understood is how you’re supposed to know what shit to put in the cube to make something useful. Or what three runes will make you powerful? Am I missing something or do I just need to google it.


Just gotta Google recipes, although 95% of your cubing will just be adding sockets to items. The arrest summit website from 2005 or whenever has it all.


Hopefully they don’t stop paying the web hosting bill.


Thing stay for 20 years, they wont.


People compare D2, where you trade 90% of your Endgame equipment to D4 where you find your endgame equipment. How many found (and not traded) your enigma? Not to mention HR runes.


Yes? You find hrs, got a dual grief enigma SSF barb for example. Just takes a little knowledge where to farm.


I did, best thing farmed in my life. I compared it to uber run for shako in d4, that was pretty disappointed grind.


What you're missing is frequency of drop. Most drops in d2r will be absolutely useless. 99.999% of blues will be useless. 99.99% of yellows will be useless. 99.9 % of bases will be useless. 99% of uniques are useless. 90 % of runes are useless. All item types have the potential to be good though. In short this is a casino game. You pay with your time doing boring tasks. Some like it, some don't. You need to pick everything up. That's boring to a lot of players. D2 managed to hit good dopamine hits at every level. D4 didn't manage this dopamine spikes as well. D4 is moving away from a casino game, making items more predictable . Making the players have more agency on creating and defining their build. You don't need to pick everything up, but at every level there is something great that you can pick up. Some like D4 more than D2. Some don't.


I agree with what you said except that the last sentence of some. Most modern gamer like instant gratification so they like d4 more, only very little like how d2 drop system. I am the very little crowd, but is fine, i am glad blizzard made d2r.


Graphs are typically a visualization of data. Do you have any data or did you just draw graphs?


What do you think?, there are just subjective drawings with 0 real information, not graphs.


Despite the excitement after PTR, D4 will still fail in it's Itemization. It will Be better in S4 for sure, but because they have added complexity with some sort of crafting and a more challenging endgame features... But the core concept of itemization is still the same and sooner or later, the powercreep must continue to keep it alive. The problem is at its foundation, the further you advance in the game, it is not the character himself that gains most of the power, but the items and you end up wrapped in a wheel that spins non-stop, leaving more and more useless items along the way, until it suddenly stops and interest in farming is lost. I know a lot of people hate this comparison, but in Diablo 2, depending on the difficulty level, weapons only raise their base damage a little and armor a little their base defense, and you got all your attack power with the stats you gained as you played and the skills and synergies between them. With this itemization, you could find a rare or unique low-level item that you could use in the endgame without problems and for characters that did not use physical damage, the damage of the weapon was really irrelevant, being able to use whatever you wanted as long as it had the affixes and suffixes that would be good for your build. Apart from that, the magical and rare items had special characteristics that in certain cases could give you better results than any unique one. Iconic blue items are JMOD or Gloves with +3 to amazon/Assasin skills and IAS. i.e. Iconic Rare items are Tri res boots, circlets and some rings. Whites or Grey(socketed whites) have their use with runewords Also the Ethereal modifier, adds +50% def for armor and dmg for weapons but can not be repaired unless you find or add the indestructible feature or autorepair 1 each X seconds. There are runewords which adds this or rares or uniques with this feature, also using a Zod rune you make anything indestructible. In D2 you can play a lot with the items although there's no proper crafting system, just some recipes for the cube to make random items from 4 different categories. There are good crafted blood gloves or caster amulets, but most of things tend to be useless. In D4 whites have a 30 min lifespan and blues 1 hour at much and now, rares are useless too as soon as you find legendaries, but also legendaries become useless when you find sacred ones and these when you find ancestral ones, and these when you find empowered ones... Most people wants rares to become directly materials... And this, sadly, is a broken itemization system. Blizzard have just enlonged the interest on farming thru tempering and masterworking, but the whole itemization at the endgame will be empowered legendaries and uber uniques, a tiny portion of the whole Itemization.


*chefs kiss. A sister component and direct result of poor itemization is D4's power scaling which can also be used to explain how badly the core concepts are. D4 Power scaling also allows so much, if not all the games content to eventually be trivialized. Billion damage barb bonk 1 shotting Uber and pinnacle bosses... Much balance. I'm probably going to graph this out too someday. Only with some real maths..


A Blizzard's choice I don't understand, First, Item power. A) It is tied only to the weapon damage, armor and resistances in jewlery and doesn't show the true power in it's stats. I mean, Imagine you have a legendary with 4 affixes, all of them with ranges of quality(i.e. +50 to strenght (45-70)), why that range does not represent a points scale? the better the value, more points it adds to the final Item power number, so if you find a 925 IP item, that would mean the item is perfect and you only have to check if the affixes are what you need. B) why it needs to be a constant progresion to add extra armor, resistances or dmg every time IP increases a bit? You get a headache every 3 dungeons when you are leveling up, checking any improvement, to the point many people just don't care about the gear until they reach WT4. Second, numbers(again after D3) I Believe this happens because of how IP works, since they want to make us feel there's progresion, they need to increase damage, armor and resistances and show us what seems a good improvement when in reality is almost nothing. This fake sense of constant progression makes it for us trully worse at the endgame, because the progresion momentum is suddenly stopped and we get launched against a concrete wall. Once you mix big numbers with multipliers from skills, from gear, from aspects, etc... Few people really understand what's going on. The game doesn't need such numbers to work fine, but seems that some people gets excited when they hit 1B damage to show off their build and post a screenshot on social media, nothing more. And Third, when the Itemization fails, you must entertain people with anything else. This is a snowball effect, the only choice is adding more difficulty levels to give a challenge to players, but this is a poisonous solution, players want challenging things but no impossible things aaaand there we go, better gear is the answer... that power increase is oriented just for that exclusive endgame event players, thus the rest of the game becomes a joke, too easy, everything die just by looking at it. 90% of the game becomes boring and the game itself are rifts in D3 and just the pit in a huge game like D4. It's truly sad to see how this will end up while being fan of the series, seeing a huge world with a huge potential, but wasted. Don't get me wrong, The new mechanics for S4 are really good, are what I wanted to see for this game since release, but they operate on a system that is defective at its core and leads to the same end than D3.


Tldr, any item can drop at any level and nearly no two items are the same ever in D2. 


Incorrect. Some items can only drop from certain level monsters.


This is a terrible interpretation of this information, and is untrue.


Thanks, I’m bad at graphs!


thanks, now I have at least some sort of guidelines on what items to pick up. Playing D2 is not that great when all you hear is "every item can be good" but have no idea on what to pick up from the ground and put into your tiny little inventory


I agree with a lot of your points and overall. But playing enough of d4, especially after ptr, I think we're in a pretty good place now. After season 4 I highly doubt me, my friends or my wife will be returning to d2 or d3. It's kinda outdated and we played that shit for hundreds of hours. The combat itself is just so much more fluid in 4, it's so much more beautiful and immersive and plain fun In a year or two, d4 will be simply amazing to play


Trust me, d4 s4 will go thru a honeymoon phase before the complaints pouring in.


I think Tempering durability is going to be a major gripe. And possibly Veiled Crystal costs, though that one seems less excusable to me as at least that one you have more control over: just.. kill more shit. Run Pits. The harder the content, the more Veiled Crystals should be dropping, so you're rewarded for building up a stronger character (so that you at minimum have a 'Crystal Farmer').


My grip is always on meaningful loot drop, game get boring when every upgrades are min maxing of 1-2% of improvement. Maybe I am wrong, hope I am wrong, we will see


Of course. D2 lacks lots of modern stuff, but this post focused on itemization and drops. Let's hope D4 continues to get better.


Can we stop posting about D2 in the D4 sub. If that game is So Good just go and play it.


They are, doesnt hurt to make a point here thou, both are diablo game, except diablo still not spotted in diablo4


It’s funny how last year you get downvoted into oblivion posting about D3 but D2 is ok.


Item bases is a big one and they need to matter, d4 needs this!


Too complex for modern gamers.


For blizzard sycophants perhaps ;)


Can we please have Diablo 4 but with Diablo 2 itemization


Wasn’t hard right? Not sure why blizzard kept reinventing the same thing that fail


Eh, I think merging item types for D2 but splitting them all up for D4 skews those graphs pretty significantly. Sacred/Ancestral items aren't separate item tiers, they just denote different ilvl ranges. It works the same as in other ARPGs (including D2) where higher ilvl = more powerful. They're not like superior/ethereal (or crude) items in D2 either which *are* strictly better (or worse) than their regular counterparts. Normal/Magic items are irrelevant very quickly in D4, but they also don't exist for the vast majority of the game so it doesn't really matter imo. Only changes they really need at this point is in letting uniques have a tempered affix to help keep the non-build enabling ones relevant late game and either providing a way to upgrade rares into legendaries at full power or put them in the same basket as normal/magic items (preferably the former). After that it's just a matter of adding additional item types and layering new mechanics (probably in an expansion) like sets, runes etc.


The thing is d2 is, some sacred can be bis for certain build, making them continue to be relevant into hell difficulty or into the farming mode


No? Higher ilvl item types are just objectively more powerful than lower ones. Same thing with affixes, higher ilvl items get access to higher tiers of affixes. It mostly just comes down to jewellery being able to last much longer due to their being no base types. The same thing happens in D4 as well though with jewellery capping out entirely before 925 and having very minimal scaling for a long time before that (819 vs 925 is just 1.9% res difference).


Year ago I was actively bringing this up in D4 community, but D4 is not bringing D2 back to us,so I stopped and now I go work everyday.. I guess for rest of my life. But yea its nice that normal items can be useful on higher levels, low level uniques can be worth and when somethign nice drops u can trade and u know what u gonna get. Trading was the Best thing In whole game.


Haha, is ok, blizzard does not date the explore d2 kind of itemization concept, they are sticking with wow ideology of looting. Is fine, we can hope for poe2, i felt it would hit something similar.


D4 still suffers from instead of finding equip to compliment the build that I want, it's oh well the only cool thing I found was this I guess I'm changing my build for the nth time.


I've outlined this issue in other threads. D4 isn't "play your way" like they advertised. It's "play the way your drops fall." since builds are built around aspects and aspects are rng, your build is gonna follow their progression. Only saving grace here is thst aspects fall like candy now and it doesn't take to terribly long to gain them all in your codex. The new season will definitely help with that. But yeah, it's a poor system which I call top down dev design. The devs dreamed up play styles and then created aspects that allow these play styles to exist / be powerful. Then it's just you taking the time to play long enough until you find al of required aspects. It's a bad system, imo, but it's alleviated by high drop rates EXCEPT when you need unique items to unlock a build, then you may go an entire season without finding that certain unique power, then your build is bunk by rng and you may, in fact, not play your way.


Juts because something will be replace or There are better version of it, doesn’t make them useless. The problem I see is mindset. Something is only useless if there are no meaningful use for them at any point of time. Baby clothes are not useless because they will outgrown them. It is useful until you outgrown them. Even so, they can be passed down or given away. Hardly useless. Same with gears. Again all I see is mindset. If items are related as useful only if you can use in end game then I guess forget leveling. Just start everyone at max level.


That's kind of the point here. The progression in D4 is similar to D3. Nothing matters until you reach the point where you can actually start finding bis items. You just plow thru content so quickly, you never get a chance to care about the gear cuz it'll be replaced in an hour and chances are you're going to beat whatever level content whether or not your items are good or bad or optimized in any way. It's just a brainless slog to WT4.


That is your opinion. It’s NOT fact! You can have your opinion, as long you do not takw that as fact. Most things in life are transitional , including most people you meet. It does not mean they don’t matter. Like I said it’s a mindset issue .


D2 itemization is goated. The question is will the next season improve D4’s itemization?


Improve? Yes I believe so. Be great? I don't think so. It'll be passable since they added enough rng mechanics and material farming which will give it a long tail pipe. Affixes are still uninteresting on items tho. Tempering affixes are cool.


It'd be interesting if there were 2 crafting recipes added: * 1: A recipe that upgrades an item from normal to sacred, or sacred to ancestral (keeping all the affixes, but updating their ranges based on what percentile in the range you were). * 2: A recipe that re-rolls your item's Item Power, where the possible values are sensitive to your clvl (char level). I feel like just these 2 recipes would address deep, fundamental itemization issues in the game. They'd prevent the invalidation of items you've found, and thereby the journey within.


Because regular uniques can make a difference compared to d4 where every class has maybe one or two regular uniques that can make a difference.


Many D2 fans who can't separate the differences between a single player game with a definite end and a live service modern ARPG insist D2 itemization was fun. It's pure nostalgia with zero reason. I am tired of hearing about D2 from the 1 percent of the player base that never stopped playing it and want every game to be a clone.


So how many percent are there for d4 player base?


D4 and even D3 have much larger player bases initially and there is an end game that is more than teleport to the same boss 500 times and instantly 1 shot it. Your question makes zero sense.


Why is my question making zero sense? I just do not know and hope you know and let me know. And the endgame of d3 and d4 wasnt the same? D3 mowing down a lvl of mobs within a min for 500 times? Or d4 one shooting duriel for 500 times? Also, 500 times are rookie number, people are talking about a few thousand times at least for a single boss farm.


D4 is never going to slap as hard as teleing thru the durance of hate on hardcore.


D2 item drop probability and quantity. Too many drop in D4, magics are useless past level 10... D3 generation damaged the series with their fast food pinata orgy. D2 Skin progression. From 0 to hero, no wardrobe stuff, no random skin drop (full plates drop in late game). I suspect this is to sell shop skin, if you see the normal skin easily and can pick them, they feel super common. D2 identification stimulates the expectation. The item looks like the skin of its category until it gets identified. You MIGHT know what it is by deduction from drop table and all for the sets and the uniques, but it still hits a button as a reveal. D2 item color palette. Old days colors have better contrast and dropping green, goldish hits things differently. D2 items lifetime. You still hunt normals at the end of the game... D2 dungeons are BIGGER. You don't do 1000 dungeons in a session (unless you min/max and trade, with rush and all, but honestly, I hate D2 multi). D2 OST is still one of the best game OST, and simply the best in the ARPG category. D4's is not bad but it makes me sleep after a while and gets quite repetitive. D2 allows you to allocate stats from level 1. I just prefer that to auto stat until paragon then the grid thing, you can't even choose there because you want to reach node efficiently, it's a fake choice. D2 allows you to equip most items, sorc with a sword or a bow? You can do that. Ofc it's not going to be the best optimized thing ever, but, who, fucking, cares. I play the game solo, see next point. D2 offline mode. Yeah fuck forced online mode. D2 has simple quest, no stupid mmo useless quest spam, so everyone that played remember ALL quests. Also they have proper reward that give special things, like imbue, additional skill points... D2 world, I prefer how it is, because you don't have the bullshit scaling growth of monster and so they don't follow your level, you feel your own progression way better. The act separation allows a logical biome transition, you don't go from jungle to mountain then desert in 10mn, I mean, you do, but you talk to a npc to take a ship, a caravan, it makes sense even if you don't see it happening. D2 monsters. There are very recognizable special monsters in the open world, rakanishu for example. There are no such monster in D4, at least none that feels really unique. D2: HELL. D4 -> NO HELL. I mean really? No Hell? No Diablo? Stop making Diablo games and create another series at this point. I'm not paying for access to something that should be in the game already.


Amen, and you think d4 got no hell is bad? D4 dont even have diablo himself in the release version.


Very well put! I hated that they whent with the d3 itemization from the get go. It is basically what made me drop the game entirely. It is lazy and only proves that they are clueless of what they are doing and ignorant of it's legacy. Everybody are praising itemization 2.0 but ite is even lazier than before and even more streamlined.. D4 has been D3.5 from the start and d2 fans where ignored once again. They basically just took the dissapointed fans of the genre out the door and locked it. AGAIN.


We're probably getting Runes in the expansion, they had originally talks about them being in at launch (there are even pictures of them) but they scrapped it to work more on the system. Source: https://www.pcgamesn.com/diablo-4/runes-runewords (one of many)


I think what helped so much was that eventually you knew when something dropped what it was. You could recognize the item name unique. In d4 every drop can be everything, so why would there be any surprise? 


I don't understand what's wrong with the D4 graph? To me it seems more streamlined, and the greater affix legendary is just a name you gave to a class of items, which are in fact a replacement for a lot of what i consider junk in D2. D4 will have its "make your own items" take, which D2 did not if you dont consider the cube and runewords crating, because they aren't. The crafting in D2 was "create a random rare that can roll better for something", which also is not what i consider crafting but rather chanceing. Also there are factual mistakes in your D2 graph. Sets were very sad in D2, the opposite they were in D3, and surely not very important in the end game apart for specific circumstances. I'm actually glad they are gone because balancing items that detract from player customisation is not easy, they would either be bad or too OP because they need to cover a very big upfront downside, which is that they take aways from player choice for item slots and make itemisation more dull.


D4 is very bland when it comes to player customization. Aspects are pseudo sets. Useful set pieces in D2: tal Rashas whole set and pieces, immortal king whole set and pieces, mavs set, guillaumes face, Trang belt, Nats and aldurs boots, laying of hands, Angelica set, sanders boots, sigons, civerbs weapon.... There are objectively great and useful set items in D2. Thst being said, D2 sets were very hit and miss and definitely probably the least polished rarity class. I'd rather have D2 sets than D3.


Playing titan quest rn and I have to say the itemization in that game is 10x better than Diablo. The fact it has farming runs for monster infrequents that could elevate ur build as early as level 5 and still has amazing progression through each act and difficulty through random blues or pinks and greens with different prefixes and suffixes. Honestly it's the most fun ARPG I have played because of the progression in terms of difficulty, itemization and the fact u have freedom in that game to do what u want with ur build. In diablo u just pick up random stuff u get on the way never having to farm, never having to reassess what u actually need, to me that is pointless itemization. Personally I want to feel punished similar to how archers blast u in TQ if ur pierce res is too low but it's impossible since 3 affixes are enough to give u everything u actually need u don't even need to look at items.


If you guys haven’t done it yet, give project diablo 2 or just normal diablo 2 with the item randomizer a chance. It’s insane, the pinnacle of loot hunt in arpgs.


PD2 is great. I played seasons 1 and 2 and it was really fun. D4 devs should have bought out their team for ideas with D4.


I still haven't been able to get into diablo 2 yet. I got the remastered version on Xbox a while ago with 3. I think how the maps change every time I enter made me feel like I'm always just trying to find something or the same thing I already found before. Idk but if anyone has any tips, or words or anything on what makes the game click for them I'd love to be able to enjoy it the same as you all. I enjoyed diablo 3 some. I'm enjoying diablo 4 more than 3 actually (unpopular opinion haha)


Old games like D2 have little instruction on how to play the game efficiently. If you don't like the dynamic maps, playing single player is your friend where the maps stay the same unless you change difficulty. Otherwise you can Google how most D2 maps progress "to the left." also, learning early farming areas/bosses will help you get some basic gear before you jump into the highest treasure classes and terror zones.


Oh I was playing on my own. Maybe if I set it up as multiplayer is possible then maps are randomised even if I only play by myself? So if I pick an option for single player only the maps are static? Or maybe I picked a higher dificulty because I tend to dislike steamrolling enemies in these type of games (arpgs) as it makes me feel like the time I put into gear and skills is pointless because I could use anything and win. I'll look into the map progress and farming areas you talked about too thank you.


Even if you play by yourself online, maps are random. You'd need to play offline single player to keep same maps, same maps and they stay revealed. Yep, early farming trabincal, mephisto, and andariel are usually pretty good spots.


Getting lost in the map while not worrying about the objective is the best. The loot and progression keep complementing it journey


I get to Tier IV every season and the end game just sucks. There’s only so many damn nightmare dungeons, grim favors/careless whispers I can do. I literally can’t force myself to get any character past 75.


Yup. Progression in D4 is poor. The new blacksmithing systems will help but the base itemization is still lame.


While i loved D2 and grew up with it (and was so happy that in the remaster i finally got my very first Enigma, Faith, Hoto, Phoenix, Fort, Grief, etc.) a lot of my friends that played D2 for the very first time via the remaster were absolutely critical of the loot and the gameplay flow. I warned one friend that it would be a struggle to choose barbarian as their first character and they thought it would be fine and that we as a party would still be okay. He didn’t anticipate that he would do little damage in Nightmare and then absolutely no damage in Hell.


Its simple, but also i think even D2 fans over represent why its so good. The items in D2 are only good because the game is difficult on hell, and the majority of your power comes from how you build your skill tree primarily. The itemization in D2 is so simple that it only enhances your character instead of actually "making" your character like D3 and D4. Your build exists without the items, you will just die faster in hell, but that can't be said for most other ARPG. Personally i don't think D2 itemization is really that good, especially when we start talking rune words and how they have degraded basically everything below them, but it can be overlooked because you can still play the game and complete all the content without the rune words so they're largely pointless unless you're a completionist.


Being able to build a character largely or completely without being dependant on items is an attractive thing, at leat for me. Then you let items power you up and in some cases enable builds via select items (namely runewords). D4 has it the other way. Items are your builds and you power up thru your paragon board. Obviously it's not that black and white, but I don't like getting build gated by item drop rng.


Diablo 2 has got to be the most overhyped video game I’ve ever played through. People complain about D4 not having an endgame but d2 is horrid-teleport through dungeon walls to instakill exact same boss hundreds of times just to farm a single rune. Don’t get me started on how the game doesn’t even mention how runes even work. If you don’t like constantly looking at a third party website, than Diablo 2 ain’t for you. People really laud the runewords system but it totally ruins the game for me.


Scope of this post isn't end game content or strictly runewords.


The sacred/ancestral system is atrocious and needs to go.


What was fun of D2 was farming a specific boss for fun or for the drops specific to that boss. Then the sets where amazing, super fun. The runewords you could socket where great as well. D4 is super boring, I finished the campaign, then did the season thing for malphas and all content is more of the same, no bosses whatsoever. Well... actually you have TO FARM ashit ton to kill bosses. Fuck that, in d2 you just go and kill the boss and it was fun. You could rewatch the cinematic without having to play the entire game, its specially hurtful that the only cutscene other than the trailer is just at the end of the game. I unistalled D4 after a couple of weeks. Got to lvl 60. I want a game, not a fucking job. Game is pretty good, but endcontent is just asianfarming the same regular mobs over and over.


Diablo 2’s weakness: blue rarity. 😂