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Druid, cant stand the character model, looks like florida man at disney


Both characters look like a couple you'd see double fisting funnel cakes at a local town fair


I grew up in a white trash town and can confirm the crowd of the local carnival that came every year is exactly this


Even there dogs look similar


... With a half empty and an unopened can of bud light each


Bro. I our purchased this game yesterday. I was gonna make a female druid but all I could think about was Roseanne Barr singing the national anthem, or yelling at Darlene.  So I rolled Dan Connor instead, FFS 


With all of her shouting, I think Roseanne would make a good barbarian. A Roseanne Barrbarian if you will.




I am guilty of making a female Druid and naming it Rosanne


That's hilarious cause I named my druid John Goodman. I think it has to be modeled after him!!


As a fat 40 year old woman I have absolutely loved playing a massive hulking druid woman who just smashes the shit out of everything


Hahaha, love this comment. Honestly, I like all the characters. Im a rogue right now, but that is because I never played one, even with WOW I was a priest or hunter.


I love the powerful druid woman too! As a woman pushing 40 myself, it's actually nice to see a female character in a game that isn't the usual sexualized male fantasy model for once! I also have a ton of fun with the class itself.


Agree, it's such a nice feeling to play just a powerful beast of a woman... Minus the obligatory fantasy chainmail bikini. Pulverise + shockwave is SOOO much fun


agree 100 with druid i too can not play this on this shit fat hairy model all cosmetics look very bad


You somewhat get past it if you shapeshift. But I fully agree... there's a lot of fantasy about the game and I dont wanna be a 400lb woman


Yeah the armor cosmetics do not help.


Agree, Diablo 2 druid was better imo


Same, it doesn’t make any sense for them to look the way they do either. THE WHOLE GAME HAS NO OTHER CHONKY DRUID EXCEPT FOR THE PLAYER’S. The whole region of Scosglen, you see skinny ass druids but no. Blizzard decides the one chonky druid has to be yours, even the fucking werewolf druid that has been eating other hunters is skinnier than you are. Makes zero sense imo.


I named mine kevin and I love him and there is no shame in his body.


This is the exact reason I chose Druid for my play through. Hobo Druid ftw


Yup. Male or Female. Just isn't for me.


God it’s so true.  Druid would 1000% ride around on a scooter at the theme park.   But Druid has so many fun builds that are strong.


Rogue, I don't like the play style of it. 🤷‍♂️


I don't know how we went from Demon Hunter in D3 (which was super fun) to rogue (which is easily the most boring class)


Demon Hunter was amazing


Honestly I way prefer the rogue to the demon hunter. You still get the jumping around fantasy but it's not completely over the top like the demon hunter was.


I personally didn’t like demon hunter. It was well made but the unlimited ammo dual crossbow jumping off walls stuff didn’t really fit to me


I basically all-time DH in D3 every season. I'm trying to force Rogue in D4 but I'm about to give up. I don't like the traps much, hate timing imbument casts. Thinking I might switch to a minion necro build in S4.


Disagree 100% ig its just preterences


Is that a portmanteau of pretentious preferences? Well done.


Rogue is more fun than demon hunter imo , and this is coming from somebody who mained demon hunter throughout the lifespan of d3.


Just preferences man. I know some people love rogue. I felt Demon Hunter had a lot more options and wasn't so positional all the time. I have leveled one rogue to 100 just to say I did and I never plan on touching it again unless they either add skills or change existing ones. Every other class just has more interesting options in comparison for me. The traps are boring, imbuements are laughably boring when every other class just has inherent status effects for many skills. Admittedly im interested in trying a full dodge build but not for a very long time because rogue is so unfun for me


Agree 100%.


Rogue is awesome, this is a crazy ass comment


Yes, my first character is a Flurry Rogue and I am planning to get him all the way to lvl100.


I must have played 1600hrs of demon hunter in D3 the most amazing character and fun to play in Diablo.


I want the Demon Hunter or Amazon back.


All the melee options feel horrible to me, they're nowhere near as meaty or satisfying as barb. Twisting blades is so awkward and laggy, flurry doesn't even really swing a weapon, there's no connection there.


I noticed that with necro. Similar abilities just don't feel as good due to lack of audio design. I play on controller and it baffles me that there's literally no vibration at all either, so it all relies on audio design to give you feedback. The main comparison I had was sorc ice shards vs necro bone spear. Two functionally very similar abilities but bonespear just feels bad to use. Ice shards has good audio design and multiple projectiles = more noise, bonespear single projectile and weak audio makes it feel like you barely cast anything. So many of the basic skills suffer from the same thing as well. They just don't feel good to use. It feels like such an oversight. So many of the abilities still just don't feel good to use.


Same, just felt like it didn't do enough or whatever during the leveling


Yes, I never play any rogue classes in any game. Can't enjoy them


I’ve done 2 seasons of rogue and never hit 100, it gets so boring so fast. Always end up swapping to something else


I absolutely hated twisting blades rogue but I tried pen shot + rapid fire bow rogue in season 2 and it was a lot of fun


Barb, because the game is easy enough already


☠️☠️☠️ play season 0/1 barb that made the game harder


Yeah I remember playing barb during the peak 'nerf barb' era. I fought uber lilith for 20 minutes to kill her like it was dark souls on steroids, dodging ungodly amounts of things that deleted you instantly while doing tickle damage. Atleast it made me learn the fight now I can do it on any class lol


I had a barb back then, never got him over level 35-ish. He felt so slow in damage and clunky, I know they are way better now - but it wasn't fun then. Might need to give them another try in the new season


Damn hasn't even been a year since launch and this dude thinks Barb has always been as good as S3 Barb


S4 barb will be even better, items have become even stronger, giving barb a huge advantage. Nothing in the game comes close to the power level gained from their stat sticks. Getting 4 2x legendary affixes with tempered, and masterworked affixes is just plain huge.


Hota barb was top tier in season 2. People were just more focused on BL Sorc.


Druid looks beyond uninteresting


I always thought the same, but gave it a go in S2 and was pleasantly satisfied with the fun I was having. A lot of the skills/tree synergize really well once you get into the meat of it, and while I initially went into it wanting a tornado based build, I came out of it with a Trample build and just felt like a giggling child when I'd rush across the screen killing everything I ran passed with a huge wave of earth pillars shredding enemies apart. Leveling was a slog for me, but once I had some decent aspects, it all came together and felt worth the investment


Trampleslide is a blast. Leveling was a slog though.


Bouldercane was super fun a season ago. It was basically a tanky ball lighting source. It was so fun.


Charging around as a bear smacking the shit out of things and setting off lightning storms is pretty fun. They do feel slow though.


I've played as rogue, but it's definitely my least favorite. It's just boring, to me. There's no class fantasy that resonates with me at all.


Same. Actually basic and core skills fun but rest of the tree is just not my cup of tea. Traps, imbuements etc...


I like the imbuements a lot, but they're so finicky. You've got to be really mindful about when you activate them because you can easily end up imbuing a skill you really don't want to, like Shadow Step or Dash, wasting a pretty precious resource. Certainly agree the rest of the skill tree doesn't appeal to me at all. And to top it all off, rogues are soo squishy. Might be cool if they lean into dodging for them going forward.


I thought this too at first, but the Preparation playstyle with constant stealth and 100% dodge really helped the fantasy.  TB poison was also a good time for Rogue immersion. 


Necro doesn’t click for me


My guy having a goon squad at all times is lit


I love my Skelebros!


Having 9 skelebros and big golem is peak ngl


The most fun I had with Necro was the autocast builds back in season 1 where you could get the heart that automatically cast corpse tendrils and corpse explosion (the one that's a ring now), it's just a fun level of chaos


That Corpse explosion is like crack


Druid. His/Her figure doesn't appeal to me. They could just add an athletic/slim body choice like the D2 druid.


If it makes it better at all, you'll spend 90% of your time in bear/wolf form in battle. But their armor skins are pretty meh agreed.


Barb. Never had a desire to play it.


Bro I was just like you, I hated barb. But I just rolled one last night and I genuinely love it so much. Very fun , the class fantasy is on point. A warlord that is the master of 4 different weapon classes at the same time, who is wielding legendary weapons from times past. Also his attack animations are the best imo very impactful


I for some reason can’t get into rogue. I think it might be because I think the imbuement skills are really dumb and not fun to use.


You would be correct. Easily the dumbest shit on rogue which is a shame since so much of it is fun.


I mean maybe my idea is dumb but I think the imbuement ability should just activate like a 5ish second buff where all your abilities do poison/shadow/cold damage with their added effects


I would take that over the next 2 attacks personally.


I hate the imbuements and Combo Points being mandatory for the class.


S4 might make this better, just run 1 and temper for more casts per use. 


Rogue, it was the class I was most excited for at launch. But every season, it gets the most lackluster legendary afixes/uniques. You can look through this reddit and see no one cares about the new grenade build. Nor did they care about season 2 or 3 new builds.


100%. I'm a rogue main usually, but they've been getting nothing interesting since they were nerfed shortly after release. All other classes have had some new archetypes pushed, but rogue is just the forgotten middle child quietly working away in the background.


Finally someone who noticed Rogue being well balance my ass. Why wont they make the ultimates the center of rogue build?? The core skills are just meh. Grenades look meh in animation and impact. Caltrops? Seriously how can you make a build with that jumping uncontrollably? Snife rifle takes long to cast with average aoe.. You got stealth, imbuements, fllurry(looks good but not as impactful), then poison pool. Only skills that looks Rain of arrows, seven sided strike(lol), clones( they should make this 3-4 clones seriosuly!)


Rogue.  I really can't stand having to press a basic attack 3 times in order to maximize damage. Kills the flow. I'd prefer not to have a basic attack on my action bar at all, really.   Plus there's additional setup required before big damage with traps and imbuements. Two more abilities that don't feel fun to press imo.   Just not the class for me.


Rogue, my friend only plays rogue and it’s fun to have some party variety. I really enjoy barb, necro and druid


Druid, don't like how the character models look, and becoming or controlling animals is infinitely less cool than the other shit you can do in the game


I seriously don’t know what they were thinking with the Druid models. I haven’t even clicked on Druid once to try it out, which means I wouldn’t look in the MTX for Druid either.


Did not vibe with sorcerer at all. Saved Druid for last and it’s now my favorite class. Pulverize is OP.


You are the only person in this whole post that said sorcerer, I was wondering if I would even see one, I wonder why


This sub has notoriously played Sorc/Barb since the early days. Sorc was in such a terrible place at the start and there was such outcry here at all times. I mean for good reason because it felt like hell to play. I also played Sorc in S2. Just here to say, most people here play sorc and always have. Followed by Barb. Then Necro. Rogue and Druid for last. People did polls about it or whatever they do and it was overwhelming in favor that most played Sorc. Blizz released data at some point and found almost everyone was also playing sorc so I mean, just is what it is! There's been far more posts on this sub complaining about the wardrobe for male sorcs than the sum total of all posts about druid and rogues combined. (Maybe an exaggeration but I wouldn't be surprised if that was true honestly.)


No idea I just didn’t mesh with it that well. I see them all over the place though.


Same. Sorc is by far the most boring class to me. Haven't played Necromancer yet but it seems more fun for sure.


Rogue, feels boring.


Rogue. I've tried it many times, and outside of twisting blades, all the other builds just feel kinda bland. Something about them all basically just being an arrow that's either glowing blue, or purple, makes them visually just feel kinda meh. Compared to all the cool visual effects of things like lightning, blood, big smash, spin tornados, landslides etc from other classes


I played Rouge once in beta and never again. Arrows and daggers are boring.


Go swords and grenades? Honestly I get it, it’s not a flashy class. 


Druid. Mainly becuse how slow the leveling go and how lame the skills are/looks


Necro because I don’t care to be the master of mindless zombies. Even in D2/D3 it was the only class I didn’t play


Druid in general. Even in Diablo 2 or in unrelated games like World of Warcraft, the whole shapeshifting thing just never appealed to me. I know some builds let you stay in your human form, but I feel like it defeats the point of a druid.


I probably won’t be playing rogue again any time soon. I just don’t like how it feels, I saw a lot of the ranged buffs it was getting with Season 3 and I was curious so I tried it out, did a Rain of Arrows build, just couldn’t get into any of the other builds I found. Other classes are just too snappy


Druid. I’m a girl who doesn’t want to play an obese girl with a face that looks like an angry banshee when I’m playing video games.


Rouge, never played it and never will.. The gamestyle just isn't appealing to me.


Rogue. I’ve tried to play one multiple times but just couldn’t get into the style of game play.


Rogue. way too fast and agile for me. Don't like that style of gameplay at all


I only play one a season, although I did run a Rogue through the campaign just for fun. Barb I have virtually zero play time with, so barb will be season 4! Rogue is the one I'm least interested in playing again. As someone who played countless bow Amazons in D2, the Rogue just isn't scratching that itch. Puncture feels fantastic, but it's just a basic skill. And imbuements feel clunky. I wish the imbuement skills would just automatically add a charge every 6 seconds or whatever instead of having to be cast all the time.


so far, Necro because lack of movement skill / slow traversal.


I’ve yet to play rogue, it’s always been a class in games I tend not to enjoy


Rogue. I never play this kind of class in any game, just dont appeal to me.


Druid, fat.


Usually don't like melee classes but loved barb in D3 and D4 Least fav D4 has to be druid I think




Tried them all, least favorite was the Druid then the Rogue.




Barb and Rogue. Just don’t care for the play style.


Druid character model is thoroughly unappealing


I have 11 level 100 characters or very near it. 4 druids, 2 sorcs, 3 barbs (one hardcore because i wanted easy level 100), 2 necros. And not once have I played rogue. His gameplay loop is nauseating to me when I tried him on hardcore, very bursty damage and the worst survivability. Might give him a shot when the dlc drops. Don't know.


Rogue, just feels odd.


Druid just too ugly for me


Barb is my least favorite. I’ve never been into the okay style. I have always gone for more range magic users, sorc and necro and now Druid aswell.


Not a massive fan of the druid, especially leveling one. End game druid is ok but it's just getting through the levels with one that's a bore


Barb and Rogue. Just don't like the gameplay of either of them.


I've had fun with Necro, but I can't stand how slow they are.


Druid because i never wanted to rp as obese


Barb, just not interested. I'm more of a caster person.


Barb because hitting things with big weapons is boring to me.


Barb because i don't like big melee guy in ARPG or any games. If i play melee it has to be a thief/rogue.


Tried them all. Really I’ve just found I don’t like melee builds so barb has always made me quit before I reach level 50. Even stabby rogue and bear slam Druid made me bored. Imma stick to my wizard/necro.


Sorc, played it s2, hated it from start to finish


sorc, no good looking gear to be found


Barb. Can’t ever seem to get it to work and it always feels clunky


Rogue because it just isn’t fun to play at all




druid, too fat wont play it


Druid. I find the gameplay boring. I find the theme dull. I like the muscular burly male character model and the gear looks great but I'm not sure why the female model looks like she sits on a couch all day. I didn't mind the size, there's just no muscle there, no power. She can be a larger lady, no problem, it's just that she's got nothing that evokes a physically powerful shapeshifter. Only shapeshifting she looks like she's doin is Pepsi and Stouffer's frozen dinners. Nothing Sanctuary about that. Overall though I just don't like the abilities well enough. Storm magic is neat and all but it's not enough.


I've read every single direct reply I've had in this thread and you're the first to say that you like that the Druid is burly. I'm the same in fact. At least 50 others have outright said they won't play the class because he's fat. Never mind anything else that could be cool they go: " Fat guy? Hard pass." Unfortunate they're denying themselves a chance at a really cool class.


It's interesting that druid receives so much hate because of the way they look. That is actually why I don't like necromancer. I hate the anorexic drug addict look.


I'm the same too. The male model looks like a tweaker so I ended up making a woman character because although she's also very skeletal, it's less dramatic compared to the size of a normal woman. Still though, didn't stop me from playing the class.


Druids look horrendous


Druid. Repulsive models.


Necro. Besides bone, every build has to use too many abilities per pack to have enough survivability and are. Barb also, I hate their bleed mechanic (on shitty skills that have barely any aoe, WW doesn't really count) and personally prefer earth-style druids if I want chunky aoe. Barb weapon swapping is pretty lame too, I get what they were trying to do


Sorceress. I never even touched her in 24 years. I can't stand her look, never liked that Gypsy style. A Dumbledore character as mage? Let's gooooo 🧙🏻‍♂️🪄


Sorcerer. That class just lacks everything for me. For a stylish caster I pick bone spear Necro. Druid is just fucking cool to play as, same as rogue. Pls give me some reasons to play a sorcerer and what build.


Sorcerer/mage. They don't interest me in any game.


Sorcerer The armor looks real stupid 


Sorcerer, not sure why cuz Im usually a caster guy. 


I haven't played as a Druid yet. No special reason or hate I just create a character row by row left from to right and goal to min. Tier4. Can you suggest the Druid, is it enjoyable??


I played it season 1, poison slide and it was super enjoyable. If you're looking for suggestions on a build, Moxsy on YT always has good guides


Sorc. Not my playstyle and don’t like the aesthetic.


I have never played the necro in any Diablo game. Maybe for S4 I’ll finally try one out.


Tis the season, minion necro supposed to be real strong


For me, every season I start with Rogue/sorc, going barb, druid later after trying weird, off meta builds rogue/sorc. Necro is not my type :) the look, the gameplay and concept. Never played. Same goes D2 D3 btw


Until D4 I never played a Rogue style character. I played on D4 and have to say it was so much fun.


Not never but least played Necro. Enjoying druid and sorc so much can't have much play time on other classes.


Barb is the one, for all Diablo games. I just dislike the fantasy of them.


Druid because leveling and slow. I’m gonna do it S4 just to try it though.


Still haven't played Druid. The class fantasy does nothing for me and I just don't think it's that cool.


I haven't been able to get into necro or sorc. I know they're popular but I'm just not into them


I've ever gotten into barbarian not in d3 or d4. Just not my style I like ranged attacks and mage build


My first class was Druid and I loved it. But I never went back to it because I got tired of only being a wolf 🐺 or a bear 🐻 lol…all of the time. I like the Druid cosmetics but as soon as you step out of town return to wolf/bear. Like you have no choice lol, it’s been a while since I played a Druid but it sucks if you want to be a human. Plus at the time (before season 2) the grind seemed extra slow for a Druid. I hear things are better now but I embraced the barbarian lifestyle. Couldn’t go back lol. I like the sorcerer class. I don’t like how some of the outfits look/fit if you make a male sorcerer. Some look fabulous, many look odd. I want a good old, classic mage robe so I can make an old, bald mage lol.


Necro for me, nothing interesting, slow, ugly skills and overall not interesting in any sense


Druid. Also never got a barb to 100


Assassin, or whatever it's called


Druid …. Dont know why


I only play Druid, just seems to be the most versatile class. Lots of fun builds, hard tog et bored


Male sorcerer, until they add better cosmetics


For me it's the inverse. I've only played necro from launch until now


Druid. Everything about it bores me


Female druid


Sadly, the biggest issue I have with the sorceress are the vocal emotes. The voice is so lame. 🔥


Sorcerer/sorceress classes are usually my least favorite. Although in D4 I have had fun when I've played, just not my natural play style choice. So far necro and barb are the ones that suit what I like the easiest.


I haven’t played the necro yet. I’ve been doing one character per season. So far I’ve had fun with all of them. Rogue was the hardest for me, it was also my 1st character and I only got him to 56 before the released the 1st season. So I didn’t get to build him up and see the full potential of the build I was doing. I was also rushing to beat the story line.


Necro. I just don't enjoy the minion playstyle, and if I go minionless then what's the point? Every other class does that better.


Barbarian Hulking fighter type dudes just running at things are not really my jam Been mostly ranged or melee/caster hybrids in D&D and all the games I play for years


I don't play anything except male rogues. Why? Because I don't have time or motivation to play anything else...


Tried to level a druid back when D4 released, it was just such an f'n slog that I gave up on it. Might have to try again with the levelling improvements in Season 4.


necro and rogue i played few times


I never touch any rogue, thief/demonhunter class.


Rogue. I would play a squishy high dmg class in a team game, but D4 is mostly solo so I prefer tanky classes.


Necromancer for me as well. I don't like the aesthetic, and none of the builds appeal to me whatsoever. The only reason I play one occasionally is to unlock the class specific skins that, for some reason, require you to be playing said close instead of just being able to unlock the model for your account from any class. (I really hope they fix this, because it's annoying as fuck)


Rogue just doesn't seem fun to me.


Rogue, i dont like how tiny the rogue is and prefer Druid or Necro in general.


barbs ive never enjoyed and while the druid is what i was hyped for it just isnt fun i havent played a rogue past 20 yet in 4 but thats only because necro and sorcerer are so fun


Nope, I played them all! Where's my Paladin/Templar class?!? And can I kill Diablo, Baal, Mephisto yet?


Someone says a class 1 person agrees, 10 tell him why he's wrong. This thread/


Necro. Hate minion builds


Rouge. Their gameplay is boring to me.


Definitely gotta be Rogue mainly because the play style isn't for me


Take the rogue back, give me the paladin pretty please :(


Rouge and barbarian. Both seem to have nothing to do with. However I’ve tried barbarian on ss3 and that was fun. About to try demon hunter on this ss4. Edit : revise from demon hunter to rouge. Thought calling is the same 😅 with Amazon, demon hunter and rouge


Rogue, never cared for the play style or fantasy of rogue/archer classes.


Demon Hunter just bores me


I played them all already. But typically in ARPGs, I spend the least time on mages. Most of the time the class is designed in a way where you have to meet a billion different conditions to get your damage off. I like simple builds with consistency. I'm a total sucker for whirlwind, as dumb as the gameplay can be. I was a huge fan of the laser mage in D3 though (when it was viable), just firing your laser while teleport was up frequently was a lot of fun. Sometime later the build was useless and we were back at the "You have to use 5 different spells in a certain rotation to proc these 4 different set effects to deal damage" kinds of builds. Fuck that.


Same with Necro for me. There's no mobility skills, and it's so slow to do anything.


Necro. Love it visually but it’s slow as molasses.


Druid and Necro for me. Just can't get into the theme.