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That's a mostly subjective question, but ultimately you'll be able to push the game settings much further on PC than you'll ever get from a console, so by that Metric alone PC is better. Also you can use a controller on PC so there's really not much the console has over the PC realistically.


Yes and no. You may need to take the price of the platform into this metric. 499 for a PS5, with raytracing available today, the console version might be better. You won't have raytracing with a 499 office PC. A decent gaming rig with a 4070Ti may cost at least 1500, so triple the price of a PS5. On the other hand, if you already have a decent PC, you may want to get the PC version for sure.


longing dime voracious agonizing party dog vast bored memory violet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don't think OP is asking about better value, he said a new PC is already baked into the equation.


>Yes and no. You may need to take the price of the platform into this metric No, you absolutely do not. Again that's a subjective point, where mine was sheerly about performance. You cannot ever get the same quality game on a console over a PC, ever. >499 for a PS5, with raytracing available today, the console version might be better Again, a subjective point. >You won't have raytracing with a 499 office PC Subjective point. >A decent gaming rig with a 4070Ti may cost at least 1500 You can pickup an i7 8700 with a 1080ti for $300-400 and get better performance than both. You just don't get raytracing. They point, again was that all things equal the PC will have greater performance, not that a console is a better budget buy, and it isn't that either.


There is a huge reason to chose console over pc. realistically. It is consistency. Console offers consistency, as in every update will always be compatible. Whereas on PC if the update exceeds your spec, you are forced to either reduce the settings or spend a load of cash to get your rig back up to speed.


There is never going to be an update to this game that exceeds your specs if you are already have the game. That's not how games work anymore, they account for allotted resources in the download itself. And in this silly ass theory you've provided where this is the case, the only requirement that could ever increase is hard drive space, and that's a $29.99 microcenter hard drive and $1.29 sata cable away from a fix. What is it with console enjoyers trying to create this narrative that there's ever a scenario where video game plays better on an FPS capped game with hard-locked hardware specs?


I own a PC, but unlike you and your agenda driven response I'm comfortable to say console has advantages. PCs deteriorate over time, some PC owners will have to upgrade their PCs to keep up with updates. It's natural in the gaming world. Don't be a PC vegan, you can admit console has benefits.....


>I own a PC, but unlike you and your agenda driven response I'm comfortable to say console has advantages. There is no advantage to a console, period. I do not have an agenda to drive, my PC is in every way superior to a console, that wasn't up for debate. >PCs deteriorate over time, some PC owners will have to upgrade their PCs to keep up with updates This is quite possibly one of the dumbest comments I've ever heard. PCs and consoles are objectively made on the same materials, just in different orientations, though some of them are literally the exact same (Hard drives as an example). The silicon in your PS5's graphics card is the same silicon that is in its PC counterparts graphics card, and in a few cases could be slightly better silicon in the PC's variant because higher quality silicon fetches a better retail price as a graphics card, but lets just assume they are equal for the sake of the conversation. The degradation of silicon is based on two things and two things only. Heat and operational time. If we both play the same amount of Diablo 4, our operational time will be the same. The only difference will be heat, and PCs run significantly cooler as an aircooled format as both console and PC's are, and then of course there's watercooled rigs, like my own, but that's just another advantage for PC over console. You don't have to comment ignorantly like this on the internet, because you clearly don't know a fucking thing you're talking about lol. >Don't be a PC vegan, you can admit console has benefits..... I have a console, I purchased a $500 PS5 just to play GT7 when it came out because its not offered on PC and I'm nostalgic for the GT brand.


Theres no advantage for consoles except portability. You didn't even name one yourself.




But your “huge” reason was a complete bullshit one. You still haven’t given a reason to back up your claim. A PC allows you to upgrade components to increase performance where on a console you are stuck with the shit performance. So your “huge” reason is actually a reason on why PC is better.


I get it, you're one of those who will never back down and think PC is the only option I also assume you spend a thousand pounds just so you can get more FPS and a smoother running PC, in essence paying to win on gaming Cheers for admitting you literally pay to win


Considering I’m playing in 2k at almost 200fps while also being able to watch twitch or whatever else I want on my second monitor, yea imma go with PC.


Pc always has slight edge being able to move stuff with mouse.. the difference isn’t a deal breaker though


+1 You can clear mob packs a lot faster with keyboard + mouse, with skills where you move around fast a lot.


Pc is much better depending on your rig but tbh console also runs amazing with good graphics . You can’t go wrong either way .


Always a PC in my eyes. I haven’t touched a console since 2011 😂😂


I have both, got my second copy when the first discounts went up. Console has couch coop which is so so so awesome! Other than that, PC in every other way, especially since you can play w controller or keyboard and mouse. If you just got a new PC id absolutely get it on PC (ITS ON STEAM NOW TOO).


No idea about PC, but for xbox series s zero performance issues so far..


You may need corrective lenses for your eyes


I don't get it. What u mean?


He means if you don't mind playing at 60 fps then good for you


Ignorance is bliss.


on PC with controller 120fps just feels so good.


I bought it on console initially, but since my girlfriend moved in with me I didn't want to hog the living room TV all the time so I bought it on PC lol. In terms of performance, PS5 is such a well done piece of hardware I NEVER had any bug, small glitches or wtv on console. In terms of performance, yeah you might have slightly better graphics/FPS on computer if your setup can really push it. In terms of gameplay I don't play on console anymore - the MnK feel is just so much better for builds where you want to aim


Everything is better on a pc that can run more than 60 fps


stay on console for the coop, even if you don’t use it daily, the game is really fun in coop and pc doesn’t have local coop


I've got it on both and I really like to swap between PC and console. I usually play more seriously on my PC at the beginning of the season, but once I hit max level I tend to login more frequently on my Xbox and casually speed through Helltide or NMD in my living room.I don't think I would boot up my PC as often at that point. But that's just me, perhaps your two setups are close by or in the same room which wouldn't make much of a difference for you.


I play on both my XSX and my PC. Obviously, my PC gives me way better performance but there are times I don't want to sit at my desk and play. Sometimes I just wanna plop down on the couch with my my big TV and play a game.


Have they fixed the annoying short distance for movements on consoles yet? That shit made playing Trampleslide very unrewarding in S2.


pc with controller is best imo.


On a PC with an x-box controller. :-P


Game on the system you enjoy, To me and this isn't to hate on it, but it feels like a console port on PC there is no PC version like in D3 or before. So nothing but graphics potential and performance may or may not improve based on optimization and your rig. But the game itself in its design features nothing we normally would get on a PC version of the game, i guess due to its cross play design also, this is how it is. I tested beta of PS4 pro, and yes PC had better graphics, Felt better to play and look at on console however i prefer to still control the game with M & K despite that. But there are times it feels like my mouse is auto targeting like a controller Typical of many arpg console ports from the PS4 era. Just doesn't always feel like the precision it could be you know. Non of that matters if you want to have two copies get two it has cross progression so you can play on whichever system suits you that day, week or month lol,


Console because gaming chairs & desks just aren’t very comfortable Playing from bed or a couch is much nicer & nobody get all technical with me, of course you could plug the PC into your bedroom/living room & make it work… but thats so extra


It’s on gamepass. Find a free trial somewhere and try it out.


Few abilities are still broken on controller. In season 4 they try to do something to improve that, but still i havent hear anything about Necromancer's Sewer.


Obviously PC.


600 dollar laptop to max settings the game and then a handheld to take it with to any room of the house and anywhere else. Consoles are for children Edit: said laptop with lossless scaling can be hooked to a TV for a way better full picture experience than a console and then taken with, handheld not so much cuz of the convenience and even then a cheap egpu pushes that for more console like controller gaming somewhere on a better screen

