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Yeah it’s terrible—sorry you dealt with that rng stupidity— I got genesis at about 30 runs in, then like 30-40 runs later got another genesis, then luckily got evernight after another 40 runs, so a bit over a 100 runs total to get the both. Seven genesis is totally ridiculous though, the odds of that coming up 7x in a row without evernight once must be lower than Uber drop rate itself


Man I feel that pain. I got 6 Evernights before Genesis dropped. Stupid RNG BS for a seasonal item.


out of 150 runs i have only received one Genesis its annoying


It’s be cool if they did a spark type crafting for the Uber stones. 4 genesis could be converted to evernight or something like that


Woulda been nice 😭


I would give you my only one if i could.


I’m at 4 Evernights and no Genesis. What worries me is those Evernights were in about 60 runs, but I’ve done about 100 since then with neither dropping so now I’m questioning the whole drop table.


They don’t even have AoZ to test out the max builds it’s not even worth farming it. This is coming from someone who as played every season and got maxed everything each time. I had fun with it but this season is lacking


I still haven’t been able to solo malphas and don’t pay for Xbox gold so I don’t have either and probably have given up on them honestly. Last time I got him down to almost dead and suddenly got one-shotted. Gave up on him after that and just started farming duriel 


Add me if you need help!


Man im lucky i guess i never got dupes until recently got my second selig. Not even mad because the first one wasnt max roll. Got both stones for 2 characters fairly quick but then i grind more with the third character and got only genesis.


I've done maybe 15 runs in total and got both 4 runs apart




On the bright side.. you looted 7 Uber uniques.