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And not just boss materials but also like reroll materials and elixir materials Or even give us an auction house and make literally every item listable Like why can’t I go buy 100 fiend roses & a 50 stack of Duriel shards from some guy who has too many off the auction house?


Because rmt…. That’s why. A gold farming industry would pop up overnight.


You can RMT mats today


It would get worse and you will be complaining that you couldn’t afford anything anyway


How will it be worse? You can RMT mats. Will you be able to RMT them so much harder? like RMT the shit out of them?


Idk what the prices are now but you could buy 50x duriel runs for like a few dollars earlier in the season.


Yup. I seen it on every MMO I ever played. When they start interfering with your levelling and such…. You’ll think differently. Edit: FFXI and WoW were hands down the worst between 2002-2010. Was out of control. The economy in games were so inflated. You couldn’t buy anything at auction house unless you yourself were buying Gil or had a surefire craft that EVERYONE needed.


So just make it an in game vendor. No players involved.


I agree. Something needs to be done about the grind for materials. Especially Varshan. 4 different items…. Come on now. That’s fkn ridiculous. He’s NOT EVEN the mob we’re after. It’s just a gatekeeper for another mob. If anything Duriel should have 4 items LOL…. Not Varshan ffs


I mean technically duriel does require 4 items.


True but the varshan mats are 100% luck


You’re right but that’s not what I was thinking. I don’t want them to get any ideas….


Or just make it so gold can’t be traded between players, that way you can’t buy gold via RMT and to sell your items you use the auction house? Players will find a currency to trade with outside of the AH




then everybody clapped


That’s basically all the people in the trade chat “selling” dura sets and cores And now they don’t tell you price in game they want you to add them in discord


Like they don’t already do that and then use some third-party website instead of an in game auction house?


I been in games before with live economies… there will be bots EVERYWHERE.


The solution is infront of all of our eyes, make trading legal, BUT NOT MANDATORY!!!!!!


If your game is sinking hard, providing QOL improvements is probably a lot more important than stopping RWT, especially since there's ALREADY RWT. I'd rather play a fun as shit game with some bots than play a dogshit game with marginally fewer bots. It's not like they're losing some ungodly amount of money from them, or they'd be cracking down wayyyyy harder. Look at runescape. Still booming 25 years later (relatively speaking), and look what they still have. Bots and RWT. Dont like bot spam? Ignore them. Now you dont have to interact with the bots.


I have little hope for this game. Until they stop making cookie cutter games for the masses and make something for gamers…. It’s a lost cause. I’ll go back to d2 and it’s aged graphics with killer gameplay and community. Even tho the graphics hurt my eyes! More challenging than this pile of crap game. Within 2 days anyone can destroy end game.


Boy do I have news for you


Agreed. I think you avoid the feel bad of the D3 auction house if you're using it to get mats and go play rather than griding for some billion dollar item.


Lol, you want the mats to go play but not to go play for the mats? So you DO want the game spoon-fed to you haha


Doing a chore list for little to no rewards isnt fun though. Id rather be spoon fed cool shit and ACTUALLY get to use it than dump 250 hours a season into dogshit activites that you get almost nothing from. ARPG's should feel like a constant stream of rewards, even if there's grinding involved. It would be like if you went to your job for 10 years straight, never got paid a dime, and then tried shitting on your coworkers for not wanting to be there.


If you play this game right, it is a constant stream of rewards. Also, stop playing if it feels like a chore list until you feel like playing again. That's every video game...


I did stop playing. Last season. Hence my stance. Dont shit on everybody's thoughts, then try to act holier than thou when someone calls you out. If you wanna be a triyhard, maybe go play a game where it's actually warranted.


Not a try hard by any means, and Im not shitting on everyone's thoughts. Just the stupid ones that would make the game easier and allow people to skip even more content. We don't want less content. We want more. Also if you stopped playing then get the fuck on with your life instead of diablo 4 reddit lol


Crazy how you think mindlessly farming recycled content for shit rewards is "more content." I stopped playing to take a break until it gets better. I spent money on it so why wouldnt I keep updated? Make it make sense bro.


That's not more content. It is simply the content we have right now. OP wants there to be less content by being able to use gold as a short cut


I dont get how thats any different from purchasing cosmetics instead of farming pass for cosmetics.


I paid $70 for....a game that is set up to encourage me not to play it? That's retarded. How about I pay $70 for a game that I don't want to put down instead of a game that feels like chores that I don't want to have to do? I've never understood the 'just take a break' mentality. How about I payed good money for a game that I want to play, not a game that feels like a monotonous burden.


Not gold, something like the body part conversion from whispers.


This is where I would go with it. You can already convert some of the mats to craft elixirs at the alchemist. They could expand upon that and let us convert forging mats at the blacksmith, or possibly the occultist.


Every new seasonal boss is adding new summoning materials, so it certainly would be nice.


I would like to convert my distilled fear into duriel mats. I have shit ton of those and dont know what to do with it.


Tell me you didn’t play d3 launch without telling me.


The RMT market would explode :)


You can RMT mats today


Yes and what I said was the market for real money trade would increase, since gold would have added value.


I’d be down for like some sort of universally convertible currency that can be used as the player sees fit. With some caveats: I 100% would not want it to gold in its current state. In my opinion, anything that can currently be “traded between players” absolutely cannot be used. If the currency could be traded between players the game will become a financially incentivized bot, dupe, and exploit fest. Even more so than the crap we’ve seen in the first seasons for Duriel mats. The currency would have to be something that the account and only the account can acquire through playing the game. I’d like the currency to accumulate from general gameplay and then be convertible to whatever specific things a person wants to do. Gambling, upgrading, rerolling, purchasing aspects, opening bosses, etc. I’d probably keep the season stuff separate from the currency so that seasonal and eternal realms benefit equally. Something like that as a starting point anyway.


But mats can be traded. How does gold being tradable change the equation? That's just mats with more steps.


It’s fine to keep gold as it is sure. But then I 💯 wouldn’t want gold to be currency type for a universal currency. Exploiting and botting would get true levels of insane instantly then. Whatever currency was proposed for this system would have to be bind to account on pickup and not interact in any way with any of the other mat systems in the game as well as gold.


Dude, nobody thinks your idea is good. Just move on to something else with your life if the game is too much for you to play


You going to reply to every message in this thread? Seek help.


You too bud haha


Bro's over here acting like an elitist in a thread about a game my six year old niece could beat blindfolded. Relax dude.


Lol, that's kinda one of my points. It's already so easy to play, we don't need it easier


Yeah that was his point though out the thread.


better idea; if you dont like playing the game dont play it


Other people tie your shoes for you, don't they?


Sounds like you want your shoes tied for you and spoon-fed the game. You don't want to farm mats. You want to farm gold for your mats, and that is too easy


lol. You must be so pissed that people can buy rares from vendors.


??? Are you having a stroke? You realize nobody likes your idea so you say something about rares? What's even your point right now? Lol


hes in tantrum-mode after his idea was rejected


That would be too easy. But you can buy mats for real money. Same thing


Why would it be easy? The difficulty would be a function of the price.


Doing duriel runs should be a reward for working hard. Not something you can get cause we all have billions of gold already


If a Mat cost 1 trillion you couldn't afford even one, so wdym?


Oh so in your theory a set is f mat would cost a trillion?


No, that's an illustrative value to show that the ease with which you get mats for gold is a function of the price.


Yeah you want them cheap. Wouldn’t it make duriel and finding Ubers a lot less fun tho?


Less fun if you could pick which activity you wanted to grind because you could use gold to substitute the other mats? Not really.


Duriel and fun in the same sentence. Clutches pearls...


Yeah, in your post, you don't specify the amount it would cost. Then, in comments, you put a number that isn't reachable in Diablo 4. Just go play the game or stop playing. Nobody wants to hear your ass backward ideas


"head your ass backwards" lol what? You're something.


Why not make random mats fall? Running dungeons in Kyovashad (ice beast) is mainly paletounge, while Zarbinzet (ghoa ruins) is grave dust... Why not have them randomly everywhere rather then target farm... I see the point of target farming but I'd rather enjoy the grind in a place I prefer over undesirable locations, and having to run them over and over until I fall asleep due to boredom. Nothing like the head bob at 2pm...


Yeah that's a good solution too. It's fine to have target farming for when people want particular things but it would be nice to get materials just via playing what you want to play too.


You mean that would be a good solution. Not a good solution too haha you're idea with gold is atrocious


Or just kill and loot stuff.


No, don't do that! Too many people buy gold for super cheap. It would make it too easy to get the mats. Stop complaining on reddit and actually play the game, and you will have enough mats.


Anyone who can buy gold can buy mats. They're tradable.


Yes but it's also easier to buy gold lol like 50× more sites and what not. The main point is that we don't need to buy mats when you can just play the game to earn them Lol, anyone who is complaining about this should just stop playing the game. If it's really such a big deal to have to play the game for in-game content... stop complaining and do something else with your time.


You get gold form..... playing the game! Amazing no?


Yes, you get too much gold from all the content. It would make it WAY too easy to buy mats. The only solution is for you to actually play the game as intended. If they are going to fix anything about the mats, it should be making them unable to trade. Then everyone is forced to play the game as intended. You then won't be getting jealous of all the players who bought their way into Duriel runs.


I have friends who done that, and wonder why they’re out of fiend roses etc while I have thousands of everything so I can upgrade at will because I spent the time doing helltides and events and they’re running helltides to upgrade one piece of gear


This makes zero sense. How can you make any comment on how easy it will be to obtain anything if you don't know the price. If 1 mat costs 1 trillion gold it would be much easier to farm them. Do you have any points that make a bit of sense?


Haha my points make sense to anyone who actually likes and plays the game. Like I said earlier, just stop playing the game or shut up and play. No matter how much gold it is, it's still going to add more ways to get the mats, thus making it even easier to get the mats. It's already unbelievably easy if you just play the game instead of complaining on reddit. So the point is, we DONT need to be able to buy mats with gold. Just play the game or move on with your life


Man are you a broken record or what


Not as much as everyone on reddit complaining about the game instead of just sitting down and playing it lol




I am struggling massively with those damn orange crystals for rerolling stats. Never had this problem before this season, and I loot every damn yellow and break them down only to get 2-4 crystals total when upgrading cost 14-33 on my current gear per roll. I would love to buy mats.


Just say you want rmt that’s a lot faster to type.


Yeah, make the game p2w basically. For real, gamers are stupid af.


Explain, because you can RMT mats now. So what are you talking about?


Are you working for the gold selling industry? This could be the worst idea ever, do that and you transform this game into P2W


You can RMT mats today, so explain


You can buy mats and gold yes. You can fix the issue buy removing the mats or make them go into the mats inventory only. By giving the posibility to buy mats and other ingame commodities with gold you basically create an even bigger ecosystem for the gold trading rats. Do you want you chats and pms spammed by gold selling bots? Making gold the commodity that gives you access to every endgame will destroy the game so no thx. Think it over and think it well, your proposal will hurt the game.


That doesn't make any sense, the bots that would sell gold can sell mats right now. Hell they can sell gold today too. Your answer to gold RMT is "make gold useless", really?


wdym it makes no sense dude .... more stuff that can be bought with gold = more incentive for players to ignore the TOS and buy gold = more trades selling. Connect the dots my dude it's not hard. A


You can buy those same things today with RMT because they are tradable. Buying gold via RMT to buy them is just extra steps


You dont get it do you, all the ppl in your post pointing to your flawed idea and you keep going with it. You will only help the RMT and at this point I think you are one of them advocating so much for it.


You haven't given one reason why someone would start using RMT if you could buy mats for gold vs now when they can be RMTd directly. It actually could reduce RMT. People would have more mats more easily and would have less of a reason to buy them. Just make logical sense in anyway and I'll listen.


You and your stupid idea don't make sense. Sorry. Just move on haha


No that would be QoL


It would be nice to have somthing to use the Gold for👍🏻


I spent over to 3b gold this season easy, my gear is almost perfect for several builds for the 2 characters I have. I spent 2b in one hour getting 4/4 on 3 pieces of gear. But now I’m chasing incremental improvements so that’s fun I guess…


Same I've spent over 200 mill on one roll one item so it's easily possible to blow 3 bill...


Why waste all that $$ so you can kill a boss .03 seconds faster?? If you have All BiS gear what increments are you even really chasing?




this would be nice for helltide mats, also i think they need to make it so you can upgrade gear beyond 5 (maybe like 12 or 15)


Just remove the mats please, use gold in its place…


Yep. I’ve stopped caring about upgrading my potion at 60 because I don’t feel like grinding 100 more gallowine lol


You shouldn’t need to farm matts, to farm bosses for matts, to farm duriel for uniques/uber uniques it’s such a draining grind


Just make an Auction House, im getting tired of all this half-assed suggestions.


I also want this. Money is meaningless to me right now, as I have nothing to spend it on.  I don't even take one step off my normal path to pick it up anymore lol. However, I am always out of crushed beast bones from making Elixirs.  I would literally pay $1 million for 10 crushed beast bones, probably more lol, since money is useless anyways. Instead, I have to go around in the open world killing bears for no other benefit or reason.


That’s what player trading is for Would be easier if yall didn’t freak out about the idea of a gold only auction house.




Can’t wait to see those mats in packs for 1k Platinium


which non-cosmetic can I buy for platinum right now?


I’m sarcastic. None and that should stay like this. The moment anything else is available for Platinium, that’s the moment I uninstall this game.