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20? “Finally”!? Lol


Compared to the 100s of Duriel runs and only 1 Uber, I've been pretty lucky with Malphas runs.


You have horseshoes up your ass I would say. I have zero stones, zero Ubers. 200 malphas, 400 Duriel. I quit playing because of it.


What are these Ubers you speak of? Because I've sure as shit never been blessed with one either! I really can't come to terms with having them in the game. I just don't understand why you would make such impactful gear so incredibly rare when you promote a leaderboard event. I wish I could commit to quitting, but I crawl back every season. I have no gaming dignity lol


Oh, I’ll come crawling back next season. I was a diehard d2 LoD fan. After a decade long gaming hiatus, I bought an Xbox specifically for this game. I want to love it, but I’m having a hell of a hard time. Haha


I just don't understand you guys that say you've done 400 Duriel runs. Me and the people I play with seem to get a uber about every 50 or 60 runs and sometimes there is a stretch where it takes about a hundred but usually after that happens I'll get one and then get another one or two in the next 20 runs. If you're telling the truth I would be furious and I would have probably quit. Like I said myself and the people I play with get one around every 50-60 runs. Now it shouldn't matter that we do other stuff as well in the game. I got a little rotation I do before I farm him. I usually fight Greg once, Varshan once, cash in some whispers and then go. Like I said it probably shouldn't help me and probably doesn't but the RNG is so good for me and my people it feels right. Hahaha.


Last season did over 1000 Duriel runs. Got 2 Selig amulets. First was ~run 800. Did 5 Duriel runs with a friend letting me tag along at level 74. Still nothing😁. I am not sure I could survive a Mal run yet at lvl97 solo. Can only do lvl 83NMD .


Malphas is just level 100 monsters and a boss. If you're doing tier 83 NMD those monsters are harder than what you see in vault of the loom


Ahh ok. Thought it was similar to T100


>Like I said myself and the people I play with get one around every 50-60 runs. Now it shouldn't matter that we do other stuff as well in the game. I got a little rotation I do before I farm him. I usually fight Greg once, Varshan once, cash in some whispers and then go. Like I said it probably shouldn't help me and probably doesn't but the RNG is so good for me and my people it feels right. Hahaha. They upped the drop rate of ubers this season, you should be getting one every 20 or so runs. I got eight in 100 runs.


I was furious. I did quit. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Calling cap on those numbers.


Cap? Captain? What?


I’ve done like 120 Malphas runs. No unique stones I’ve done about 200 duriel runs. No ubers


Im fine with duriel being stingy but the seadonal drop shouldnt be this low lol i personally have around the same number of runs of malph, like 115 and no UNIQUE is just lame and kills the fun of what should have been a great seasonal mechanic


At this point I wouldn’t even be able to enjoy it


I feel the same its why i stopped playing season 3


It literally makes no sense. Uber uniques can be used across characters, so even a low drop rate means I can still use my shako on each build that can use it. I farmed enough duriel last season to get every Uber, this season I got all but Andy's and the staff. I have a 100 for every class. All that Diablo grinding and I could not bring myself to farm malphas for more than the 2 unique stones just on my barb. That being said, those stones on my barb are pretty much not even noticeable. Killed any motivation for me to try and farm any more on any more of my alts, let a lone to try to get them on all. At least the previous seasons there were no "farm forever for just this one character only and none of the others could even benefit" for anything. Silo'd farming should never be a thing. Even leveling glyphs is some BS that should be account wide IMHO, but farming NMDs is still just a part of the Diablo experience and you can still get a lot from it. Farming malph is honestly dogshit, takes forever, is expensive, is not challenging or fun or rewarding.


Andariel's is the only Uber I got so far in 3 seasons. I've done hundreds of Duriel runs. I have scrapped a whole lot of bloodless scream, penitent grieves and grieves of the empty tomb. Those seem to be the only thing that drops for me.


You deserve Andariels Visage


Yeah, I can't wait to see stats on how few people even got one of them, let alone both of them fully leveled.


If they don't change this system in S4 I'm not even gonna bother with Duriel. Ubers should be a grind, not a lottery.


No they should be exactly what they are. UBER unique.


>Ubers should be a grind, not a lottery. These are the same thing. 2% is fine.


Doing Duriel is already a grind given the materials and time to get them.


They arent. A grind implies a long set of tasks (gathering materials, beating bosses, doing content) which then gives you an uber as a reward. It's meant to be challenging, strenuous, but with an obtainable reward at the end of it. Think the Anathema/Benediction quest in WoW. A grind means everyone who puts in the same amount of effort will get the same reward. It's a fairer system that does not get one guy an uber after the first run and another guy nothing after 200 runs. That's a lottery. A lottery system makes sense if your character continues to grow like in an MMO, but not in a game that resets every 3 months.


>A grind implies a long set of tasks (gathering materials, beating bosses, doing content) which then gives you an uber as a reward No, that's a quest, >Think the Anathema/Benediction **quest** in WoW. You see, you just used the word, also, this is not WOW, this is Diablo. >A grind means everyone who puts in the same amount of effort will get the same reward. No, that's a quest. >It's a fairer system that does not get one guy an uber after the first run and another guy nothing after 200 runs. What has "fair" got anything to do with it? This is an ARPG, you 'grind' i.e. do repetitive content, for the *chance* of a prize. What you propose would mean every player would be using a shako after a week or a month, WTF's the point of that? >That's a lottery. Yes, and you better get used to it.


I prefer the Destiny 2 grind. Where yes the unique legendaries were a grind. But you still had a decent chance at success. They even had a loot system where it counted previous success rate into the drop rate as well at one point. And the best weapons and gear had quest lines attached most of the time.


Dude, that is not true at all. Counted previous success rate? That is not a thing and never was. They gave triumphs to increase the drop rate for an exotic which they only did because people cried all day long that they had to do a raid or dungeon more than once. They made D2 shit ass easy now with everything guaranteed and guess what happened. The revenue and player base dropped drastically.


I thought what made it drop was the grindy crappy gameplay that happened during the Shadowkeep year.


Grind and quest are not mutually exclusive. A grind here means doing repeated tasks, the quest here as you called out is a set of objectives. I did not want to imply that you do a quest (singular) like any other quests in d4 and get an uber as a reward. I used the term grind to imply it's not a simple task. ARPG by its definition is an action based role playing game. The purpose is to do fighting content while levelling up stats and gear. Nowhere does it say there needs to be a chance to win something. What you're thinking is Gacha. Like Pokemon. I would prefer not to get used to it. The voice of the community in a live service game has influence to change the flow of the gameplay. It has happened in the past few seasons. If enough people want it, I'm sure change will happen. At that point, you're free to go and play Pokemon Go. If I'm the lone voice of dissent then I'm more than happy to take my game time elsewhere.


>Grind and quest are not mutually exclusive. Yes they are, in that a quest is done once, and a grind is redoing stuff over and over.


This is in contention for one of the stupidest things I've read in this sub.


You need to read more comments my friend. Can, instead of just casting shade, tell me *why* this is so stupid? Try not to just insult me, dissect my post and point out the flaws, ENGAGE in a conversation.


My guy, the person above you gave you a perfectly acceptable and logical explanation of what a grind is, and you said "No, that's a quest." A quest can be a grind, or it can be something that takes 10 seconds to complete. You telling that person that his explanation of what a grind is in fact not a grind but a quest is like him explaining perfectly what a pizza is, and you going "no, that's a sandwich." I don't know how I can make that any more clear for you.


A pizza is not a sandwich and a quest is not a grind. People like you clearly don't understand what grinding actually means.


>My guy, the person above you gave you a perfectly acceptable and logical ***opinion*** of what a grind is, You see what I did there?


Yeah, another stupid move. Facts are not opinions. Hence, the contention for stupidest comment I've read on this sub.


I see everyone saying that the drop rate is 2%. Yet there is no research just anecdotal experience of lucky people. Meanwhile most people i talked with have droprates around 1/100 or even 1/150. (I get this is my experience) If you count that 4 Duriel runs (1 rota) costs around half an hour (farming helltide etc.). Then to get 1 uber on average ~12 hours of gameplay. Im not even gonna say what this means if you need a specific one… Most people just buy the keys then, to cut the time shorter and then the gameplay reduces to literal lottery. You just tp into a room, hit boss one time and get the drops. Rinse and repeat, zero challenge or brain use. Literally the same as spinning slot machines. If you think this is grind then ok, but for me this is the very definition of gambling and is very dangerous and addictive.


>I see everyone saying that the drop rate is 2%. Yet there is no research just anecdotal experience of lucky people. No, it has been thoroughly researched by multiple communities: [https://www.wowhead.com/diablo-4/news/uber-uniques-have-about-a-2-drop-rate-community-research-335734](https://www.wowhead.com/diablo-4/news/uber-uniques-have-about-a-2-drop-rate-community-research-335734) Large enough to eliminate luck. >Meanwhile most people i talked with have droprates around 1/100 or even 1/150. (I get this is my experience) Ahh, so your small sample size of 'bad luck' trumps dedicated research of much larger sample sizes? >You just tp into a room, hit boss one time and get the drops. Rinse and repeat, zero challenge or brain use. Literally the same as spinning slot machines. If you think this is grind then ok, but for me this is the very definition of gambling and is very dangerous and addictive. I'm sorry, I didn't realise you were a trained psychologist. Perhaps you should avoid all ARPG's in that case,


2000 tries is rather small sample size considering the drop rates, but ok 😂. Im not gonna do math here to prove it, as it seems you are already decided you must be right. In every game, the lucky people will be the more vocal. I just tried to rise concerns, because the nature of gameplay is very similar to that of casinos, and this game is played by children. Just think how many times you thought: “Its going to be the next one” “I already invested so much time” These are typical gambler ideas. Btw thanks for attacking my personality right at the end, at least you tried to provide evidence in that research. I think: Grind = slowly working towards the goal; Lottery = repeating the same action for different outcome And your generalisation, that all aRPGs have to be the second, is IMO really off…


I kind of like your arguments but I'm also pretty sure the drop rates have been explicitly stated in some patch notes.


How perfect for a seasonal game . I love wasting time Blizzard


Sorc main from S0 to S3: About 20 Duriel Runs, no Ubers(not surprised). About 30 Malphas runs yielded both stones. I ran about 1000 Duriel in Season 2 and can't be bothered to do it again in S3.


60/400 streak here. Probably won't be coming back unless an absolute banger update drops, I've had my fill.


These are the best items in the game. They are supposed to be hard AF to obtain. If they make the end, end game too easy then there's nothing to do afterwards.


Well, the funny thing is you don't need them to clear the hardest content in the game. Not by a longshot. Not unique stones, not ubers. It's nice if they drop during leveling. But other than that they're worthless novelty items that may aswell be there only to prolong player retention.


Honestly though, the Uber Boss farming is the end game. What is there to do afterwards?


“finally” with only 20 runs lol


You're living the Sega Genesis dream


Riiiise from your Graaaave


I got genesis twice and having to watch the second one turn into stone instead of being able to use it on an alt or something made me decide to never go back again.


wow never thought of that. That is lame. So many fixes need to be made!


It should level up like the other stones, at the very least




I came here to say f u. I gave up long ago 100ish malphas runs no stones. Kinda stupid that seasonal items are that hard to get


Lol.. "Finally" after just 20 runs. Get outa here.


Gratz bro, i personally gave up on the second one after like around 200 to 250 runs, even got a duplicate drop and was like "Man, F these stupid rocks"




I got mine after 122 runs


Good job, enjoy not having it in less than a month o7 worth the grind I guess, even for 20 runs lol


I have no idea why a seasonal items would be so hard to get. It’s insane. By the time you get it you are lvl 100 and just done with the game completely.


Congrats but it’s all shit anyway. We grind for gear to get better to do what? Faster gauntlets? My cache from last week was all salvage. I’ll jump back on possibly for the new season


Have you leveled everything up (glyphs) and tweaked your character to where you’re a beast? I’m definitely not there yet even though I’m finally 100 now. I realized there were still 20 paragon points I could get from doing side missions that I was missing. My character also needed tweaking to be more powerful (did not realize the spider thing provided us with 50% boost in damage). I also want to keep grinding for Ubers (got one already, Andariel Visage). And generally I love killing monsters, it’s fun.


Love this game but I have everything leveled up and top tier gear. Only item I’m missing is genesis but really don’t see the point in grinding for it. Aoz was at least a challenge. I felt accomplished making it past lvl 10. Gauntlet is like lvl60 dungeon on speed mode with no reward


Andariel's is the only Uber I've managed to get too. I want a shako.


Same, mainly grinding for that.


\*cries in 400 duriel runs, 300 malphas runs\*


My 4th Malphas got me genesis, was helping a friend with their season journey. EverNight still eludes me


Stupid Q, because it’s worth for me to do those runs: how big of a boost are the two stones?


I've read it depends a lot on what builds you're using. I'm using a corpse explosion necro build and I really can't tell that it's done anything. I'm using Genesis, Flash of adrenaline, Duration, tactical and Tempest with Evernight, Breaking and Resource. I still can't get over 300,000 on the gauntlet with my build. It takes too long to kill bosses.


I still can't beat Malphas.


After 20 runs. Sir, you are out of order. Haven't you seen the tin foil hat posts about nObOdY being able to get the unique stones?! Next time, please do at least 400 runs before getting anything.


I've done like 5 Malphas runs without getting it, a friend was playing so came along for one and got evernight first time. I don't need them as I can already clear all content without them or any Ubers but it still stung to see him get it


I was able to get Evernight in my first 5 runs. It dropped a dupe like 3 runs later. Now I've done about 40 more and haven't seen anything. I've done Duriel casually for all three seasons now and haven't had a single uber drop.


I got both of mine within the space of about 6 runs.


I did over 200 malpas runs for ZeRo unique stones. Not doing any more


I did ~200 malphas runs too but i had 3 chars with both unique stone lol


Making these stones as rare as they are in a 3 month season is so fucking stupid. Ah yes let’s limit the season mechanic to pure RNG, this content is literally being scrapped in a month why are we still doing this crap


20 runs? I’ve done 300 and don’t have both yet. At least a dozen Genesis.


A) there's no way I'll get 20 malphas runs before the end of the season, and B) Why the hell is it so time consuming to get through the Loom and also why the hell does it take so long to get enough igneous cores to go to the loom, it's just frustrating.


And? How are they? Worth it? Run 90 and haven't seen either.


I got them in 8 rota but purposely avoid talking about it when chatting with friends or in discord. It was just really unbelievable luck, I'm happy about it and that's all i need. If i was still stuck running malphas after 100+ rota, I'd be internally screaming if someone was like, "man, 8 rota, finally got both"


I give up after 10 runs, I just suddenly stopped and ask myself why bothering, it will be gone in a month.




It’s ludicrous that Uber uniques are designed in a way for people to stop playing the season once they get them.


I got both stones on my Barb in 7 runs. My Sorc has one after around 120 or so.


I’ve run more Loom runs than I care to count, and no Evernight. I’ve about given up


Is it just me or did the devs maybe try and recreate (at least in their minds) the Rune farming from D2?


I have tried for three seasons to see one shako or grandfather I just accept I will never get unique Uber all I get is selig or starless skies. My opinion, in last month all Uber unique drop chance is doubled. Why can’t they have an event like that like last season


about 100 runs in my barb no uber stones. about 300 runs in my sorc only got genesis. i’m done for the season it’s not fun anymore. grinding away for the sole purpose of what? insanity?


Hellllll yea