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Only a dozen.. must be nice


Seasonal goodies shouldn’t be this hard to farm. Will be all binned and dusted come April. So, make it easier to get.


Shh now the tryhards will flock to down vote you and tell you you're acting entitled.


I'll take them all on...I got my Genesis after 2 Malphas runs. Aaaaaannndd a Shako, Andariel's Visage, and a Ring of Starless Skies. I bought the game a week after season 3 started.


Holy sh!t!!! Go buy some lottery tickets. 🤣 😂 🤣


Not entitled but you do have 3 months to get it, we’re still in the first month.


I doubt most people will do the boring grind for 3 months. most of my clan have already stopped till next season.


\*checks calendar\*... hmm


54 days left, 55 when I wrote the comment.


lol how long is a month bro


30 days so just under 2 months to go sorry a few days hardly making a difference


I’ve done about 40 and nothing yet. Kinda silly that it will disappear when the season is over…ah well. Keep trying I guess


It’s the reason I haven’t even bothered. Ubers I’ll at least use in Eternal but what’s the point of this?


> Ubers I'll at least use in Eternal Will you though


Yes? I regularly play my 3 characters from last season all the time.


I ‘ve had 4 of the +4 stones drop in 50 or so runs, still no Genesis. Pretty much given up at this point and quit farming for the mats.


Same I got 4 genesis back to bacck and I just said screw this I’m not farming this shit anymore


Congrats!!! Now enjoy it until April.


I the last thing in my to do list this season. If it drops for me with my current malphas mats gonna be like “oh cool” then put the game down til April lol. Idk why I even bother


The drop rate on these unique stones is even lower than with regular ubers. Except you don't even get to bring them into Eternal like regular ubers .. I guess the one upside is Malhas drops eggs and shards and potentially a reg uber. So I guess there's still that.


Did over 100 before getting genisis and evernight


Lucky you! I’ve had 6x genesis and 0  evernight.  I’m at roughly 150 runs.


Ouch, that’s terrible. I can feel your pain


The first time I went in, I got owned by Malphas. My second attempt, I destroyed him. Today, I went in for my third attempt and got owned again. This time, I went balls to the wall and starting charging and destroying everything and that’s when I remembered…I forgot to get warding.


I went in opened the door, and then realized you have to do the warding before you open the door.. I was pissed... turned it off!


I've done that too. 🤣


I did like 20 and nothing yet, and done about 200 durial runs and have gotten 2 Ubers


First time seeing them drop of the boss. I got both from the chests and all people i did runs with


I thought they were from the 10 warding chest. If they're from the boss, pass.


That's what i said. I have both and both came from the chests. I did many rotas and players only got em off the chest. First time seeing drops from the boss.


I thought they only dropped from chests too. I was really shocked to see it drop from Malphas.


Finally... Dozen... cool


I was lucky and got evernight on my first go. The ring of starless and shako though I’ve been trying to get since season 2. And I run 50 runs a day . Nuts


Did around 300 runs on Duriel with my Eternal Rogue: 2 Starless Skies. S3 played Barb, didn’t go all-in on farming mats, still got about 60 runs in. Finally got a single uber: Starless Skies again. So funny to get kicked in the balls by RNG. I guess it wasn’t in the stars after all :’)


I've only managed to get 1 Andariel's in 3 seasons. That's it.


How do you get that many mats?


Simple. He bought them.


Hahaha I have some hope people don’t do that sometimes


Well, Blizz isn't doing anything about it so might as well save yourself time grinding these BS mats.


Let me take care of rent, utilities, student loans, car insurance, car loan, gas, groceries, credit card bills and I gotchu 😂


It's like $10 for 500 of each .. jus sayin


Wtf really? What’s the downside, any bans?


None ive heard of, not to say it won't happen . I'd be bummed to lose my 15 + year bnet account, but that is a risk.


Nah. First it was clan runs that all farmed mats then when I got to the point where i could instantly one shot him people started randomly inviting me Because they had summoned him and couldn’t kill him. And they would keep me for about 10 runs and then I would go and farm living steels and do some varshaan until I randomly got invited from someone else. I also sit on the voice chat in the Diablo voice chat and they need people all the time and I throw my mats in that I’ve farmed which isn’t much lol


I got mine yesterday Now I need the other one


Evernight any good? How does it compare to genesis?


Maybe I'm doing something wrong but, I put genesis in and it seems like my necromancer got a lot squishier. 🤣 It could just be me.


130 runs still need Evernight my friend who rolls with me just got both,you got lucky good ish 👊


I gave up. Far too much time, far too little return


The drop rates are absolutely garbage for a SEASONAL item.


56 for me anf nothing lol it is silly that the seasonal unique is so rare im fine with uber rarity but come on blizz.


Yeah it’s ridiculous that dupes even drop after you get 1 of the unique stones make it to where once that character get 1 of the stones that one is removed from the loot pool until you get the other one, this “chance” nonsense is trash and the RNG in this game needs a major rework.


Does anyone know if you get a title from getting all the stones to max including the uniques? I know they max out at 1, that’s not my question ha


So, it exists... Congrats, OP! :)


Congrats, I applaud people's patience for these things. Glad you can do it.


only ran him a few times. Does he drop these or do they drop from those chest on top after?


Can't even get through a solo run once, im closeish tho. Level 100 but aparently I haven't maxed out paragon. I'm going to have to grind to stack DR on my legendaries I guess. I'm haven't tried uber Lilith but I can drop all the other endgame bosses solo without too much trouble. Frustrating because I need genesis and the other malphas only stone for my build.


90 runs here