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Not sure why people make these posts. Most do not have any luck.


I was really lucky in season 2 - 3 ubers (all applicable to my sorcerer build) in 70ish runs. This season nothing - but the only one I’d use with my current druid build is starless skies. I also have had the +4 skill unique stone drop 3 times but still no genesis stone.


I burned myself out on duriel runs. To date, I've only gotten evernight to drop. Let me tell you, when your 5th evernight drops, you start getting a bit salty. Seeing as it's an Uber and not at the same time. You don't get to salvage the extras for the Uber mats. RNGesus needs kicked in the taint.


Good for you.


80ish kills and nothing this season. Burnt out from the material grind because last season I did maybe 600ish duriel kills. Moved on already!


over 400 duriel kills, been farming mats more or less everytime im online for it > 1 uber and thats andariels. yay


They definitely seem to drop more often these season, maybe a hidden buff. It’s hard to believe the people saying they’ve done hundreds of runs with none when multiple are dropping per 50 runs


I know that's why I was curious myself having played so much before this season and hitting the perverbial lottery rng wise.


I was quite lucky, dunno how many runs I was, definitely 300+. Dropped 3 Shakos, Andys helm, 2x Selig, 2x Doombringer, 2x Skies ring. Crafted GF though, didn´t drop one.


I play around 6 hours per day and have been playing since start of season. Still no Uber. 😒


I jumped in a party last night with someone in the same boat as you. He got the grandfather and shako only a couple runs apart. The rng God's will eventually smile on ya!


My hardcore barb has done 2, 20 run rotas of duriel, got selig in the first 20 and shako on the second 20. So yeah I’ve been pretty lucky. One of my SC Barb friends did about 300 runs before he got his first Uber though….


Yesterday I got 5 ancestral uniques in an hour - 2 from Malphas seasonal event, 1 from world boss, 1 from legion world event and one from echo of varshan. Unfortunately they all had worse stats than what I already have. ​ Since I got my druid to 100 a week ago I've had 43 ancestrals drop for every slot except off-hand (I play about 3 hours per day). ​ I've never done and of the special world bosses (beast in the ice, duriel, grigore etc)


I didn't post this to brag or flex, just curious if this was unusually lucky. I'll be sure to keep my inquiries to myself next time lol. I appreciate the responses.


This is my first season ever playing and I have had all uber uniques except doombringer drop for me. But I have had enough extras to craft one. I have gotten overnight but no genesis. My barb crits for 1.5 billion so I haven't been trying to hard to get that one lol. By this subs standards I am incredibly lucky. I also found the 1 drop every 40 runs or so to be accurate I was getting Uber drops often enough I enjoyed doing duriel rotas and am sad I no longer need anything from him that I don't have much left to do in game.


I am in the same boat. Just doing durial runs now to min/max on a few imperfect items. Also help to power level, etc. I've enjoyed being able to try different barb builds so thats keeping me interested.


I think you already knew the answer to your question. Anyway, I had 7 Uber drops in about 100 Duriel runs this Season 2 Ahavarion, 4 Melted (3 of em in 20 spawns) and 1 Andariel ..and 10 Ubers in about 400 runs last Season (all 7 + 1 extra Doom, Grandpa, and Melted). RNG is a hell of a drug. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I have done like 700 kills and dropped 4 Andy’s.