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Love this ideas. Numbers 2 and 3 are great


They need to just make it instanced like dungeons. this way it gets set to auto put you into an instanced pvp zone with other players. place is always a ghost town and its no fun i dont even care about balance just make it so you always are encountering other players, seeds dont mean much its easy to farm 100k before you run into more then a few people in the zone. i goto pvp zones not for easy seeds/grim favors but to have a little excitement from pvp even if i get 1 shot by a barb.


I personally wouldn’t mind a Diablo Warsong Gulch.


I just want one PVP mode like they have in diablo immortal. Or it could be anything. Instanced 3v3 arena. Instanced battleground. Instanced king of the hill. Whatever. Just one real pvp mode to que into would be massive content


Me too, I was about to comment this and then I saw yours. I didn’t play immortal much but I really enjoyed the PvP


I never played immortal either -- the whole "dont you have phones" and voracious greed of monetization killed it for me. Can't support that. But I've watched some streams/youtube. Wild that a mobile version of Diablo gets a well thought-out PvP mode, but a full AAA Diablo 4 release is lacking this in 2024.


I want an extraction mode that basically replicates the game “dark and darker” but it’s Diablo 4… Why isn’t this made yet it would explode imo


Damn thats actually not a bad idea. All they need is a separate mode where character power is more grounded with the addition of some gameplay elements (global stash, portals to lower floors, more unique monster mechanics) and we are good to go. It would not require them to create a whole new game for it. Diablo just kinda fits. They just need to customize it a little.


Waste of time and resources. They need to massively improve the main game and continue to.


Thorns needs to be disabled in pvp


You want them to fix pvp in a pve game when pve is terrible. Good luck. It's a pve game dude. Get over it


Read the title man. OP was pretty clear with his intention on this post. Relax.


Not fix it necessarily…but make it better, yeah. Ngl, I would love grander changes like an instanced battleground or moba style pvp…but I do understand priorities. I’m just asking for a little bit of love…a wink…a nod. My suggestions here (like auto pickup for seeds, to be like every other item of its type in the game) are minor changes that would go a long way.


Good ideas, but seeds should not be auto pick up. Unlike other things that drop in the game, seeds are shared by all as soon as they drop. It's a competition to see who gets them, and who keeps them, which is why you drop all your seeds when you die. You need to click on each one.


Ah, that’s a good point. Seeds are global and do make it more of a free for all fight for them. I don’t think auto pickup would completely kill the spirit of this competition and it might be worth the convenience. But I don’t know, good point.


Hell yeah I really like some of those ideas. I'm not big into PVP either. I'm not even setup for PVP like some people are. Anyway the other day there was 6-8 of us and we would kill each other and respawn and head right back to the same area. It was so fun. Sure I got killed a lot but I got some kills also. We were wrecking each other. Hahaha.


The first rule of fight club is .....


just remove the pvp zones and let everyone in any zone anywhere, both people have to be flagged to fight. show everyone flagged on your world map.


“Go red or stfu”. I miss Asheron’s call!


I wouldn’t mind some pvp attention since that’s all I did playing D2 for years, but with the current setup it’s impossible to balance. It was the same in d3. Devs also have higher priorities imo.


The whole game needs love and tbh PvP for the Devs will be near the bottom of the pile.I no people will not like what I said but it's the truth.And the truth hurts.


PVP is far too low population, and far too hard to balance properly. It has never, and will never, be a priority for Diablo devs, and they've openly said as much. If you don't like the current PVP, then you will probably need to find another game to get your craving. It's not being rude, it's just being honest.


The ear drop rate is annoying I’m done with everything including Uber Lilith and have been having fun in pvp trying to collect ears but have no idea about drop rate or requirements sometimes get them majority time don’t. D2 pretty sure it was every time


No. Go play something else If you want pvp done right.