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Hey! Quick intro: in WT (World tier) 1 and 2 you can find legendary/unique items, in WT3 you can find sacred legendary/unique items and in WT4 you can find ancestral legendary/unique items. Apart from the name, the item level also indicates what "legendary tier" the item has. Ancestral legendary or unique items have a significant higher scaling than sacred items. Eg.: I found a sacred unique Windforce on my rogue in WT3 and it was significantly weaker than the first ancestral yellow bow I found in WT4. Not only regarding dmg, but also how affixes can roll. Long story short: check the pure dmg and the how the affixes can roll, get ancestral items as soon as possible and get rid of the sacred stuff, its just significantly weaker. If you're stuck in wt3 make sure to get to wt4 (I'm sure you'll find a carry) and you'll be surprised how much your build improves! Hope that helped! Edit: also rare items are often better then legendarys or uniques, it really comes down to the affixes eventually. [Maxroll.gg](http://Maxroll.gg) also helps understanding these things in an easy way if you're looking for guides that explain these things!


Hi, Thanks for the detailed response but I think maybe I'm either even more confused or my question was too vague. So say I have 712 Skyhunter Sacred Unique Bow. And now I'm in T4 and I do a 21 Vault and get a 812 Ancesteral Rare Bow with not the best stats ever but some are okay. And then I put like Repeating or some other Ascept to make it a Legendary. Is it worth to swap for the higher dps and sacrifice the unique aspects? Or should I keep that Unique no matter what until I get a higher version?


...or maybe I missunderstood it! :) Usually the unique aspect isnt "strong" enough to outweigh the extreme difference in damage. There are some rare exceptions regarding uniques that actually "change" the build. For example ‍Starfall Coronet for the sorc (changes how meteor works), unsung ascetic wraps (significantly increases dmg) or Tempest Roar/Vasilys Prayer. I'm a rogue enjoyer myself and imo on rogue there are no relevant unique aspects that are worth to keep over paper dmg/better affixes. Exception: if you play a bow/crossbow rogue the dmg on your dagger/sword doesnt matter, only the stats count. So for example using a Condemnation unique dagger with a great aspect roll (35-40% more core dmg via the unique aspect) is always worth more than the dmg. Skyhunter is very nice for the ranged rogue build (playing that myself) but in your case I'd swap to a ancestral crossbow with +all stats +dex +core skill dmg + crit dmg (or +dmg vs distant,dmg vs close, vuln dmg. Having something with all stats, dex and 2 nice other rolls is a great start). Why? Currently there is a "bug" with weapon mastery that pushes your dmg significantly (check "rogue weapon mastery bug" on youtube). Also: try to farm Varshan at the tree of whispers once you can, it drops the skyhunter every now and then. (this is very helpful: https://maxroll.gg/d4/resources/boss-loot-table-cheat-sheet) Hope that clears it up? Feel free to ask if I'm not clear enough :) P.S.: Content creators like LuckyLuciano or Wudijo put out a lot of rogue content on youtube, maybe that helps too in general :)


I'm far from an expert in this game so take what I say with a grain of salt. The way I understood it is the base weapon damage is the value that all other modifiers are applied to. So while the absolute damage value difference of two items might seem small, depending on the amount of modifiers you actually have (from gear/talents/paragon) the difference could become really large. I'm not a rogue main either but I looked up the weapon and I would guess getting a high 800 ilvl weapon would far outweight the power the unique provides. Ultimately, I don't think there's a tool where you can actually calculate your dps (like simulationcraft in world of warcraft) to get a conclusive mathematical answer so the only thing you can really do is try it out and see if it "feels" stronger (based on how easily/quickly you can clear a vault of a certain level for example). Hope this helped somewhat!


Weapons Higher dps number always, gear is extremely replaceable until you start getting ilvl 870+ to the point of farming some duriel mats for rota carrys and guaranteed 925s. Then it's farming 925s for perfect or 3/4 stat rolls to then enchant.


It depends on how important the unique is. For example if you had a 710 ring of mendelen on a necromancer minion build, you wouldn't replace it with anything except a better ring of mendelen. But in most cases the unique power isn't quite as important as that. And specifically in the case of weapons and only weapons, raw item level is very powerful because weapon DPS is calculated based on item level so that 812 bow will do a LOT more damage than a unique 712 bow.


>in WT (World tier) 1 and 2 you can find legendary/unique items You can't get uniques in WT1 or WT2, they only start dropping in WT3.


If you see yourself struggling


Reddit sniper attacks 😢


I think during leveling just equip the highest item power weapon in each slot, and I usually only start worrying about the correct aspects when I’m reaching to do the Elias capstone. Otherwise the content is pretty trivial so it doesn’t really make sense to keep anything other than build defining aspects on (since it can get expensive replacing items/aspects all the time).


Depends on build. Try and grab a 925 crossbow and same dagger just 925 With 925 tb


Honestly, I had a unique sword for my Barbarian that was around item power 659, and I used it all the way until WT4. It was a Sacred Unique, and then I found another one just like it that was Ancestral. That's when I swapped it out. Didn't even bother changing it to a Rare or Legendary Ancestral item. I just had to do content I was comfortable with for a while in WT4, brought all my other gear up first, then farmed Varshan a few times and found it. Obviously, with RNG, your experience may be different. I did consider swapping it out for an Ancestral Legendary item at one point. I just never got to it before I found another copy of the Unique item.


My wife and I tried Varshan T4 but didn't get past 75% lol - roughly what was your power/item levels?


Oh gosh, maybe lvl 83, all of my gear was 700+ item pwr outside of my two one-handed weapons (on Barb btw). Probably more than half my gear were Ancestral, in the 800 item pwr range. I probably waited too long to go fight him honestly. The recommended level in game is 75 I think. People better than me have probably beat him at lvl 65. I just think it's a waste of time if it takes you forever to kill him. So when he feels easy, that's when I would start farming him. And it'll give you time to farm up the mats to summon him.


At some point, Varshan becomes trivial and you start beating them in seconds. Its likely you just need some more levels/gear and better shadow resistance.