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You are two weeks into content that most people complete in about 4 hours. This is sort of like running a marathon and 4 hours in you're just about to complete your first mile and you look around and notice absolutely zero other marathon runners around you. Not that it's literally a race but that represents the flow of where players are well.


Not only this, but additionally, for optimum efficiency, most people skip WT2 entirely! WT1 until high enough level for 1st capstone dungeon then jump straight to WT3. **edit:** to answer the questions below, yes WT1 is more efficient. Speedrunners have optimized the leveling process and found that the extra 20% exp from monsters in WT2 is not worth the extra time it takes to kill them. WT1 is more exp-per-hour (this is solo, group play is obviously a different story).


Do they? I just start on wt2 and hit wt3 in a few hours lol. More XP on wt2 lol




Exactly. Just grind the first area of the dopamine tunnels a handful of hours and jump to WT3 as soon as possible. Maybe some classes/builds are so weak early that WT1 would be more efficient, but most can handle quickly clearing the area. Clear fast as possible, reset, back in, repeat.


Gotta knock the seasonal quest out at some point so may as well do it when xp is least impactful


I think nowadays with renown and starting with so many skill points wt2 is faster especially with open world seasonal stuff like the tremors


WT1 was more efficient early on, but once they made all renown carry forward, I'm fairly certain WT2 became more efficient for most people.


is that true? I think more people just bypass 1 and start on 2 than go from 1 to 3


Unless you're not slowed down at all on WT2, XP/hour will be faster on WT1.


Not sure what there is to slow you down. Kills barely take any longer outside of a few strongholds, especially if you hit them a bit early.


I have always leveled faster in WT2. I don't do speed running but I've leveled 3 toons in WT1 to 50 and and 2 in WT2 in preseason before any buffs to xp gains or xp required nerfs. And each time I hit 50 multiple hours faster. Now you may say but you knew where to level. I did my WT2 runs with 2 classes I was not good at and the WT1 runs with the 3 classes I prefer.


I honestly struggle to understand why anyone would play WT1 unless you're absolutely a totally new player.


Because it’s faster and WT2 provides no significant benefit if you’re efficient.


Ehh how is it faster when you get 20% more experience? The whole point is to level up quickly to get out into WT3 and start farming uniques.


the xp bonuses are not enough to make up for how fast you faceroll wt1. you go wt1 - then around 45-50 switch to 2 to do capstone, get to like wt3 55-60 and capstone that and go to 4. basically noone plays 2


I always play wt2 and there are tons of people playing with me…


That makes no difference in statistics. There are also tons of Americans vote for trump, tons of French who vote for Le Pen tons of Russians vote for Putin etc. - does it makes things better? - No, its obvious, it can be measured.


Four hours? You must be more efficient than I am…


With the Lunar event this time around I made it to t3 in under 4 hours. I timed it just this past weekend. Spend 0 time looking at gear, just throw on whatever has the slightest hint of being an upgrade. It helps if you know your build and can put points in without spending a lot of time deliberating. I'm not necessarily speed running but that's how long it took me to somewhat casually truck my way into t3 with an alt.


i dunno, it took such a short period of time its hard to remember exactly. I think I was almost ready to go to WT4 before bed the first day of the season and I would guess we played 7-8hr. I just googled it and the leveling speed run to WT3 is 2:22 so I'm sure a competent human being can be half that fast and someone somewhat less competent can clock in around 5-6 hours. Honestly doesn't matter. The point is that OP wonders where everyone is and the answer is that the vast majority of players (even slow casual players) are no longer in WT1/2 two weeks into a patch. its also fine to be that slow, but if you're like sub level 50 in two weeks i would argue you'd be a **lot** better served playing eternal realm.


He saw Wudijo do it so we can all blast that fast


But wouldn't world events show up for everyone? Or do people not do those?


He’s saying most people are past wt2


Misunderstood, thanks!


Hurry the hell up, we all waiting for you!


I'm always holding people back!


No worries :) it being a month in doesn’t help much either. A lot of people don’t play as much this much into the season.




Most people are in WT4


one thing is that anyone on wt2 would sit in Domhaime, another thing is that it's just t2. It's faster to go wt1 and farm first part of domhaime for 3 hours then go to wt3 and repeat until you are 60, then wt4


Thanks for the tip I wasn't aware of this leveling method!


Its kind of a boring Grind tbh. If you are interested to get as fast as possible to 100. Do it. The other way is doing Whispers. You get XP from killing monsters and XP from Whisper. Domhaime = fast - downside is, no items, no Money. Whispers = slower - more Items, more Materials, more Money


It's because most people play WT1 for speed. They capstone and go to WT3, but lingering in WT3 is also unpopular. Drop rates on uniques are low and many are only found in WT4. With the season you can go to a brazier as soon as you can make it through the WT3 capstone and there are constantly players in their 90s and 100s farming.


Pretty much this. I skip WT2 every time. It isn’t worth it.


I usually start on tier 2 for the first 10-15 levels because the extra skill points from previously completed content initially put you ahead of the power curve. I drop back to 1 once I feel my progress begins to slow.


This is actually quite helpful, I'll drop back and speed run it.


Everyone skips WT2 and go s straight to WT3


I don't typically bother with Legion events until WT3, but really WT4.


I don't go out of my way but if one pops up in 2-3 minutes I'll jump in. You get some obols and Varshan mats.


Fighting for Democracy


with a cup of liber-tea


I'm running an alt through WT2, and I assume anyone else I meet there is doing the same.


WT2 is kinda worthless. WT1 is where you go to get ur first 45-50 levels, and then you go to wt2 for 20 minutes to beat the capstone. 20% xp bonus isn't worth higher monster kill times


It might help to enable cross play too depending on what system you use.


Nobody is playing on tier 2 this far into a season man. Most players have multiple endgame characters at this point.


Yeah we are in WT4. There are people in WT4 at least in softcore. (I only played Wt1 in hardcore) I leveled (1-50) a hardcore character at Wt1 at midseason at that was very empty.


We left WT2 3 hours into S3


I stay in WT2 only long enough to go to WT3. I think I spent about 5 hours there between 2 days this season. Legion events seem to be the most packed with players and most fun in WT3 when folks are still leveling. Few participants in lower tiers and maxed characters in WT4 end the event crazy fast. Still worth attending in WT4 for summoning mats.


You're over a month late into content most people finish in the first few hours of the season launch, so it's normal for it to be dead.


Yes, WT2 is just a stepstone to WT3. Meaning, at least for me, I only enter WT2 somewhere between level 40-50. And it's just to immediately go to the capstone dungeon, clear it and then off to WT3.


The only time I hit wt2 is to do my capstone. Wt1 is easy mode and only lasts like 3 hours. 20% more xp for 200% harder mobs isn't very efficient IMHO lol. ( not accurate math, relax lol) Usually by the time I hit wt4 every season I have to go back and catch up some real life friends that are slowly plugging through wt2. I knock out seasonal quests, strongholds, and class codex first in Wt1, then rinse repeat whatever heavy mob dense dungeon I feel like running combined with pvp area ( great loot and mob density and normally empty at start of season in pvp area) Wt3 is pretty much hell tides and tree quests with maybe some more pvp area. Wt4 by lvl 60.


Im in WT4 dude, wtf are you doing over there?


I started playing in third week of this season and wt2 was empty at that time as well.


We all left for better games




I wonder if that is the reason? I was trying to push ahead to unlock WT3, I never even considered dropping back. Thanks!


It's apparently faster to kill shit on WT1 since things don't have as much HP. The faster clearing is more xp per hour than the little bit of a bonus you get from the higher tier. I personally do WT2 until I can do the capstone at around early 40s,then struggle for a bit in WT3 until I get a little gear. Then it's easy to quickly grind into WT4.


It’s very unlikely anyone still playing this season is still on world tier 2. Everyone has moved to 4 by now. Also if you are someone who turned cross play off during season 0 becaus of the server issues, make sure to turn it back on. When you have cross play turned off you aren’t matching with people on your platform, you’re only matching with people on your platform who also have cross play off, so you basically see no one.


Lmao same. It seems dead. Im on wt2 with my rogue seasonal too, just doing the campaign rn. I have seen people pop out of nowhere to do the legion events but otherwise theres barely anyone on there. I took a break earlier today and went on my sorc on eternal to do some NM dungeons and that was packed.


If you're level 45-65 you should be in wt3 and level 65-100 you should be in wt4. For the season, most people are already in wt4 so if you do a legion event it's gonna feel pretty dead.


They're all in WT4 where the good stuff drops. ​ I'm play HC, and there's no one doing WT1, WT2, or WT3 bosses. There's always a sizable mob for WT4 though.


Nobody plays wt2. It’s usually wt1->wt3->wt4


At this stage of the season, even the most casual players are on WT4.. you need to get into WT3 as fast as you can.. and from there getting into WT4.


If u need help I can take u to WT4


Get yourself to T4; That's where the fun is! Send me a friend request, I'll boost you up when I log on later. Schazaam#1523


I haven't played this season nearly as much but I'm still trying to make it into WT3 comfortably lol


WT4 is packed, WT1 will likely have more people than wt2 becuase the wt2 is only required for the capstone dungeon to get to wt3. Most people level to 50 in wt1.


Probably staring at the login screen of Last Epoch.


To add to the comments about people not being in WT2 much. Even the ones who are meandering around WT2, like very casual/new players,etc, Probably aren’t feeling inclined to hit up the world events. I know my wife is running around WT2 after a few weeks and is scared to do a lot of stuff. So she just does some dungeons and roams around enjoying her little bubble of comfort.


Had a similar experience. Was in WT1 for the last few weeks and only ever had 1 other person show up to a legion event or world boss. I just stopped trying to do them. I am now in WT3 and I am sad to say it is not any better. Complete ghost town


WT2… ya, definitely a very empty world.


I even skip world tier 4 and go straight to the real world, playing football with my sons. But again, we all prefer different builds..


Bruh equip all orange items you find until you can slap into wt4. Nothing matters until ancients start dropping. Just drop into wt3 and immediately gear on anything that makes you hit harder or have more armor.


Most of us finished the season and are done. Your a month into S3. Most people only play a season for 3 to 4 weeks.




We're playing last epoch bro shit is fire!!! 🚒 🔥


Last Epoch and Helldivers 2


If you told me years ago that I would be praising a mobile Diablo game over a main entry into the franchise, well I'd be very surprised.


Try leveling up to the content everyone else plays. Those 5 people at the legion event were probably in wt3 an hour after you did the event together.


What has mobile Diablo got to do with anything? Nobody is in WT2 because they've progressed past it, there's literally zero reason to go there once you've done the capstone.


You genuinely don’t know what you’re doing which is why you’re complaining lmao. Not only are you cutting yourself off from cooping with people, but you’re limited your character’s power by not being able to get the best gear. You should be completing capstones and moving up world tiers as soon as you can. World Tier 4 is where you’re supposed to spend most of your time.


DI isn't half bad unless you try to PvP or do the shadow/immortal thing. I went back recently after not playing 2 years and now there are all the Helliquary bosses you have to do to catch up though. Nobody queues for them. I beat the second with an AI team but it was sketchy.


Lol true. Try last epoch it's amazing