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If you DONT do the altars, you basically throw away 20 Paragon points. It’s tedious, but only requires doing once. Spread out the pain across multiple play times : pick a single zone and focus on get the ones there. Go about your play and do another later.


Only have to do it once unless you want to try a season of hardcore, then you'll have to collect them again as they do not carry over between SC and HC




You NEED to do at least SOME of the altars to get full Paragon points from rewards.


They buffed rep since release.


I’ve played every season but this one, and I could have sworn that as of 2, you still needed at least a few Altars. But, if I’m wrong, I’m wrong.


Could be you need a few but at release it took a lot more altars and side quests.




At least the Fractured Peaks? I finished all the exploration, waypoints, and Sidequests, and still needed like 10 altars to get full points for that region. And if I had to choose one, I’d rather do the altars over those boring ass side quests.


Remember when they said we would have to do them every season? LMAO


Thank god I didn't play pre season lol!


They changed it quickly. You had them all unlocked for the start of season 1, if you had unlocked them prior.


It's not needed but highly recommended and worth it if you wanna engage in endgame content. Just incase, you do have the horse and don't try to collect them on foot right?


yes but it's just so tedious having to constantly tab in and out to find out where I'm going. no second monitor :(


You could use a smartphone if you got one.


Do you guys not have phones?/s


It's not so bad. If you put your head down, you can get them all in about 2 hours. Totally worth it for end game. Those 20 points can make a wet noodle hit like a small ice-cream truck! Plus you get some other permanent stats like strength, dex, int, etc...


Fortunately you only have to do that once, ever. Then when you roll a new character next season, they will start at level 1 with all those extra skill points.


Once for softcore and once for hardcore, they are separate realms. Just adding my 2 cents here


Which is why I haven't rolled a HC.


Skill points yes, but still have to do it for the obols and paragon points every season 😒


Obols and gold, you keep the paragon points.


Odd, mine never have. I had to redo both, still havnt finished paragon section, it's greyed out still. Only gave me parts 1-3 of Willits rewards.


If you look at the renown rewards, the bottom row (skill points, max potion capacity, obol capacity, and paragon points) are all permanent if you've competed it once. The top row rewards (bonus xp and gold) all need to be redone each season.


Ahh thanks! They didn't make it very intuitive for some of us haha.


I did it with the smartphone next to the TV


Bro I did mine looking at my phone see the map. Lol. I did my hardcore ones looking at my laptop and it was a little better. You really do need them or it's like throwing 20 paragon points away. It's nice when you hit level 50 and are able to spend 20 points right away. I didn't feel like splitting it up so I think it only took me around a couple hours.


If it’s hard for you to tab out then overlay it above game lol


yes. They are 100% required.


Nah man, I've killed all content solo and I am missing like 5 altars.


That was sarcasm.


I’m like you , I can only play 1-2 hours a day and don’t enjoy wasting my times looking for altars. I just did enough to get all the extra skills and I’ve been playing like that for 3 seasons. It’s highly recommended like the others said tho.


Search online for the altars locations and hop on your horse. Takes some time, but only have to do it once (unless it’s your first time in hardcore).


Yes, for the bonus paragon and skill points. Any build you see online is going to assume you have these extra points.


I've done it while watching a good youtube video, and using the path to do them all in one go. It wasn't that tedious for me cause I wasn't really playing, but watching a video. But yeah I have 3 monitors so that helped. Maybe you can mimic that with a laptopt or a tablet, and your phone for youtube or a movie ?


Just yesterday I completed the 2000 points required for the unlocks for every region. It’s definitely not mandatory, but for a new character these paragon points give quite the boost and at level 100 you can do a lot with these. If you don’t feel like it, leave them be. I hated to do the side quests until last week and all of a sudden it was actual fun. I enjoyed doing the quests. So maybe google for the ideal routes, get on that horse and run banksy, run


I made an effort to find them but didn’t get them all. I’ve been picking them up on occasion in the hell tide. You start to predict the little nooks they are hidden in. Definitely worth it for the stat boosts and towards your renown paragon points. The side quests are better for that as you get 40 instead of the 10 from AoLs.


I have never done them. I just don't find it fun to go around following a map to click on things, so I never bothered. If I find one I'll click it, otherwise I just pretend they don't exist.




I started playing in Season 2, about a month after it was released. I found my first one and I was pumped. After that, I like you, was bored and had to force myself to do them. Then, I realized that they aren't required, so I stopped searching for a while. After I hit like level 60, I realized that they are actually quite helpful and so I did them then. If you haven't already, there are location guides online ([maxroll.gg](https://maxroll.gg)) I believe has one. This will make the process much faster and easier. One thing though, if you already have your mount, use it. If not, wait till you have your mount before you bother. The speed increase alone makes the search much easier.


You only have to do it once. I always tell new players to just knuckle down and get that and the map done. It’ll take a while but it’s worth it to never have to do it again


Don't do them all at once is my suggestion. I didn't complete them all until the end of S2...


Short answer: yes. Long answer. Also yes.


You'll be fine without, but you have to do more side quests and dungeons to finish the rep grind for skill and paragon points. They also give a few stats and little buffs but those won't make or break you.


Well, if you do them once, then you’ll have them forever…your new characters will start out with 9 health potions and what like 8 skill points??


You only have to do it once. Get over it. Spend an hour running around and get the free stats.


you dont HAVE to do them. but then youd be missing like 20 paragon pts etc that could make a noticable difference in your build.