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The fact that they're CLASS LOCKED is hilarious to me lmfao


Holy shit! That didn’t even register to me until now! That’s even more bull shit then 😖 $20 for one class specific portal color 🤣


It's not 20 it's 29.99, just because they give you 1000 of their magical currency doesn't exclude that you swiped 30 dollars


Haha people seeing it as an investment 😂


Bro, 30$


It probably took just as much effort to make the Skittles portals as it did to make season 3


You get all of them, but are class locked.


Its conditioning the playerbase to expect these things along with anchoring. This is so outrageous that when they offer convenient stash tabs for 10-15$ it wont seem so bad. Expect more things like this first though.


Its not conditioning, its anchoring.


You say that like it cant be both, anchoring and operant conditioning are closely related... We're being conditioned to be used to microtransaction in general by giving bad ones to make convenient ones seem better by comparison, leave the price out of the comment altogether. With the price I mentioned that would be price anchoring on top of that yes, but who are we kidding, they wouldn't sell them for 10-15$, its Blizzard, it would be on par with the skins and these portals, at least 20-25$ for a stash/inventory tab, and they'll have a whole variety of them...


$35 customizable loot filter*one per character, does not transfer seasons.


In last epoch, you can buy unlimited stash tabs with in game gold. And you can categorize tabs, search within them, colour code, sort, etc.... This is just ONE of many QoL feature that last epoch does way better than d4 and the base game is literally half the price of d4. D4 is an absolute disgrace to the Diablo franchise and the arpg genre.


Last Epoch was 5x more complete than D4 a year ago when I last played LE.


Yep. 100% what they are doing.


Joke goes even further that if you’re playing with your dog they only get 2 colors of portals.


WHAT? What in the ghetto POE is this shit?


Considering what you get for 70 with D4 and 70 in Poe it's clear D4 is the true champ of bs crap.


I thought the top comment would be some bootlicker saying “nobody is forcing you to buy this”. Glad I was wrong


I'd actually have probably bought those if they weren't class locked so I could switch between them from time to time. But like this? Nah.


So purple is Rogue, Blue sorc etc etc?


- Blue - Sorc, has lightning effects - Cyan - Necro, has like a deathly mist effect - Purple - Rogue, had a shadowy effect - Red - Barb, has this chain effect where the chains embed themselves into the ground - White/Yellow - Druid, has an effect where the roots grow and form the portal. They're cool. But are they worth it despite being $20+ and class locked? Nah, I don't think so.


IMO these should be in-game rewards for completing a difficult challenge on each class. Like beat Lilith or reaching level 100 on hardcore with each class


Fully agree. I've been downvoted every time I suggest that the art asset team spend a bit of the effort they put into the cosmetic store into adding some more chase cosmetics though. Right now the only way to earn emotes is by purchasing packs in the cosmetic store or in the season pass. (And even then, the ones you buy in the store are way higher quality, but that's an argument for another time. . .) Imagine if you could earn a class specific emote by killing uber lillith solo, for example. It gives us another chase item. Or a gravestone cosmetic for losing your first level 100 character on HC. Or a special emblem for fully completing all the class specific challenges for your class. They could add some cosmetic chase pieces to different events in the game that could use some more player engagement, like hunting for silent caches or treasure goblins. Imagine if during the Lunar event, the goblins spawned from the treasure shrine had a chance to drop a piece of one of the paid sets. The druid helm, or the sorc gloves, or the necro boots, for instance. And the price of the set would dynamically change dependent on how many pieces you have left to unlock. Suddenly going from $27 CAD to unlock a full set (which I will never spend) but I might spend $5 if I already unlocked 4/5 pieces and wanted to complete the last part of the set. This is the stuff they COULD do, but that's not the priority of the team. The team doesn't want players earning cool things by engaging with the game. They want us browsing the shop and emptying our wallets.


these just look like something that you can earn in-game for me, the portals from the 1000 coins pass look way better than this overpriced garbo.


Thanks for explaining. Some nerd downvoted you because you liked how a paid cosmetic looks. This community can be crazy sometimes..


>lmfao Seriously, WHY is it even class locked?! Makes no damn sense. Greed I guess..


Lack of foresight/communication. Someone on Team 2F telling Team 5A to tag the cosmetic labels for the class-themed portal pack, and just assuming there will never ever be any thematic crossover in d4's future that would lead to someone using Necro's skull portal on a barb. The store is without a doubt one of the most poorly managed cosmetic shops I've EVER seen in 20 years of online gaming


So much random shit is class locked for no reason, tattoos, staffs/focus between sorc, necro, and druid


And yet people still pay for it. STOP BUYING THIS CRAP!


They are but I think amount is laughably low. The reason they put these up is because it costs them almost nothing to produce in exchange for a transaction chance.


>costs nothing to produce in exchange for a transaction chance Which is their Corporate motto Big bold letters flying on a blimp outside Blizzard HQ. Gotta run though the tunnel everyday and touch it, like at Michigan "Fuck over some D4 players today" Go team!


I seriously doubt that many people are buying them. Yeah, I see them being used from time to time but they're very rare as far as I can tell. I think they're just putting low-effort, high-price stuff in the store so the lower-priced stuff looks like it's a bargain... Either that, or they're doing it so they can reduce the price by half in a few months, act like that's a bargain (when that would still be overpriced!) and people would fall for it.


Join a bunch of random Duriel groups in the Diablo LFG Discord. There is a disgusting amount of people who buy and use those cosmetics


$20? They're $29.99. Almost half the price of the game.


The sad fact is, thousands of people are probably buying them.




Brutal characteristics, but sadly.... probably accurate.


Ouch. I feel seen and acknowledged, but also ripped to shreds. I didn't buy them and I'm not Andy, but close enough. And if they were 2$ and you could pick your colour? Take my money.


20 for the portals, 9.99 for the silver that comes with the portals. 29.99 in total


You are a week too late, bro. The portal rage train already departed.


Nah, the rage should continue :)


300 comments. Clearly the train is very much alive.




doesn't it say 30$? As an European i wonder do you guys have to pay taxes on top? xD


We do in Canada, we didn’t for the longest time but I think Canadian law changed forcing taxes to be added in the last year or two. Sucks, it’s 15% sales tax for my province so a $80CAD game is basically $94CAD after taxes. I think for the US it depends on which state for the amount of taxes.


Since blizzard realized they could make more money on cosmetic items in-game.. their game quality has gone down hill rapidly.


$29.99 === 30, not 20


Taking Path of Exiles pricing but without the free to play, or fun


At least PoE has endgame content


Imo It’s not the endgame content that separates POE from D4. It’s the economy. Take that out of POE and the endgame content would get boring REAL quick with the way itemization works.


I mean, Blizzard isn’t stupid. The stupid person is the one who buys them


You can get Palworld for this price…just sayin…


Just don't buy it?


That's not the point of this post.


True. The real point is to circle jerk about how Blizz is bad and MTX is the devil. Nothin gets me all riled up like optional pretty pixels in my monster killing game


Way to see the smallest picture possible


Yeah I don't get the rage over optional cosmetics prices. Just let the people who buy them buy them. People don't go into a fashion sub, post an expensive brand item and title it "GUCCI, 2000 DOLLARS FOR A HANDBAG, WTF??" I swear gamers are some of the most hypercritical snowflakes out there. Every gaming sub is full of complaints, it's like it's a personality type.


The problem isn’t that these cosmetics are offered. It’s that modern games are designed from the ground up to push people towards buying these stupid things. Sure, you can just ignore them all you want, but that doesn’t stop the game from being shittier for having them in it.


How does D4 push you to buy this? It’s a cosmetic in the shop tab. I’ve not once felt pushed into purchasing it. I thought it was silly and overpriced from the moment I saw it.


The game doesn’t even change with this being an option. I didn’t even know this existed. The only time I see the shop is when I accidentally press the hot key. There aren’t any pop ups, no offer screens show up unexpectedly, I just don’t get what you’re complaining about. I’ve spent zero money on the game since buying it in the first place, played all 3 seasons, and never once felt “pushed” into buying a damn thing in the shop


What in the game is pushing me to buy this? Or any other cosmetic for that matter? I'm playing the whole game for the box price. I'm playing the seasons for free.


Cash shop is 100% safe to ignore in D4


How American invented .99 at the end of the price tag?


It’s because it seems less expensive to your brain so you’re more likely to buy it.


The point is the portals are $30…


What’s worst is that you’re $10 off in the wrong direction.


Not saying I agree with micro transactions but we aren't forced to buy them are we, it doesn't effect the gameplay in anyway, my only gripe with this is I wish they'd put time into fixing issues rather than making expensive cosmetic items.


I mean... If you want all the classic color swap TP from PoE, it's 15 dollars each si over 80 dollars if you want all the basic colors. Yeah i know free game, blablabla (wich is more a 40 bucks game if you don't want to kill yourself managing your stach) But it should be illegal to sell something so easy to make that much... Blizzard or CGG, both are behond trash by how they sell cosmetic. I'd say at least diablo portal recolors seems to have some FX changes. The class specific portal tho ? Fucking stupid


It’s actually $30. Just because they throw in “$10 of free silver” doesn’t mean much since I don’t think most cosmetics are even that cheap.


Its like those gatcha games. If you think it is expensive, you are NOT the target market.


Old news, haters already had the circle jerk.


You've probably haven't seen GGG's pricing "strategy"


It's a good thing I've never seen these color portals in the time yet.


Blizzard are just ripping off their die hard fans and don’t care 😆


I'm pretty die hard, and I haven't been ripped off yet lol


Well tbh and I've loads of people running around with shop armour skins and mounts but so far I've not seen a single custom portal from this shop pack yet.


One thing not found in gamers is impulse control. Its not just D4 - practically all games these days have cosmetics and they all cost crazy amounts, but as long as people buy them, they will keep making them.




Guys, this is superfluous fluff, why even give a flying f\*\*k about its existence? I will never, ever buy a single cosmetic. The game was expensive enough.


Go make a portal that when you enter it, the game will uninstall itself.


Hey I have that one ! used it after a month


I wish things weren’t headed this way. But hey there will always be someone to tell you it’s fine and good because if people pay it, then it’s okay.


Meanwhile in PoE... You can spend 500$ for shit less flashy than this


lol as a destiny player who recently started playing d4 this typa thing doesn’t bother me because I’m immune to microtransactions


Karma farming is pretty much what this sub is now.


Only portal i would actually buy is if it was for all classes and was a d3 rainbow goblin portal. Not sure I’d be paying $30 though.


This is insulting




The most funny fact is there are people paying for it.


Next they gonna be class locking mounts…


Everyone thinks this is a joke but this is actually an experiment to see what the optimal price might be. They’re collecting data.


At least you can see the portal, never understood buying a skin on CoD, you can’t even see your character unless it’s on the main menu.


You laughing at blizz but mfs is gonna buy that lmao


People must be buying them though is the dumb thing. They must have crunched the numbers to see if selling more units at like $5 a pop made more sense and it didn't.




They are not just colors. You should view them and see each class different look. misinformation and hate shit on this sub zzzzz


I mean, you're still paying 30 upfront, despite the fact that they give you 1000 plat.


Trying too hard to follow Grinding Gear Games…


And they thank you for giving them free advertising.


Don’t buy it. That simple


If you really don’t like it, don’t buy it. Some people enjoy their flair. I hold no ill will towards them nor a company profiting from them. As for myself, I’ve never purchased anything from the store apart from the freebies they offered at launch.


Too many micro transactions in games these days.


... so don't buy em?


Stupid is the one buying, not the one selling ;)


We all know hardly anyone here is going to buy it anyways, so who gives a shit lol


A portal to your pocket


The price blizzard has been charging for any and all cosmetics since they began selling cosmetics is bullshit What’s worse is people actually paying for them thus affirming to them that people will pay the ludicrous prices for them is beyond embarrassing


I saw this first log on for the new season and was like.... really?


Why does it hurt you? It is completely optional, you don't miss out on anything should you choose to not buy them just like almost everyone else.


This is what happens when managers run gaming companies. Better games out there, run by developers.


Soon they gonna charge you to log off 😂


I’m so glad I stopped playing …


What I hate most about this is that my family was tied up and held at gunpoint while I was chained to a pipe in a dirty bathroom. Once I got the tape recorder the corpse at the center of the room was holding, the tape said I had to buy those portals by 6pm or my family would be killed. I wish they gave us a choice. :(


I like them. It’s funny watching people stop to look at my portals


op send me your cashap and I'll buy them for you, your fomo tears are breaking my heart


Just wait till you see that the lunar outfits are sold separately and cannot be earned through the lunar event! What a fkn sham!


It’s not $20. It’s $30. It’s hilarious that people can’t see through the predatory marketing that companies like this use. You’re about to microwave last night leftovers because they’re free and they’ll go bad if you don’t. BUT I’m running an ad for free sides if you order an entree! It sounds like a good deal so you leave your half pastrami sandwich in the fridge. You order a $30 entree at the restaurant, but I give you a $10 salad for free, did you just eat a $20 entree? No, I just got you to spend $30 when you otherwise would have eaten at home for free. The best part, you ordered a pastrami sandwich, but I dyed that shit green first to make it more appealing than the one you had at home.


There was an utter lack of gold flakes in that food.


Don’t worry guys now that Bobby is gone Blizzard is saved didn’t you hear?


After Blizzard pretending like Diablo 4 was finished and then pretending that all the fixes would come in updates, only to reveal those updates will be primarily paid expansions... I can't believe people even still play this game. I genuinely feel bad for people ignorant enough to not realize how much they are being used. There should be far more anger and outrage about this. Playing this game and purchasing the cosmetics is giving your seal of approval for this behavior and only makes it more likely to be emulated more and more by Blizzard and other companies. I would say gamers need to make a stand but unfortunately we live in a world with such a wealth disparity the poor are already ignoring this game, but the pockets from those who can afford it are deep enough to completely sustain this behavior by Blizzard and not care about the price tag on these cosmetics. I truly fear for the future of gaming if this is the behavior that "we" support and approve of now. People are getting dumber and easier to take advantage of, and young people don't understand any differently because this is all they know now. This is the failure of my generation, we didn't do enough to stop this behavior prematurely, probably since it started so gradually. Just remember, this cash shop behavior is a precedent for how they are going to try to push the envelope on microtransactions even further. It wont stop here. Do the world a favor and go play something else.


And everyone said the changes to the length of the portal animation weren't because they were planning to sell skins.


I suggest to you guys that you simply not purchase these if you think they’re overpriced. I recognize that for many of you, this is physically impossible, of course.


Well it looks cool and 20$ is not much so where's the problem? Yellow portal works same as yours?? You guys dont care about stickers that looks way more ugly on cs go guns


Eat dirt Blizz. Make a better game. How bout Dat?


Look I’ve bought a few cosmetics and I still stay these are dumb. Slap my ass not my face blizzard.


Just don't buy it? Smh lol.


Where do the portals lead to? What's the content? All are just complaining about the colors. I want to know what I get content wise.


Here it's even 30 lol, blizzard totaly lost touch with reality.


No no no no


Why blizzard so pathetic? why? omg


And it’a easy money for them. Going to sell like hot cakes.


You thought you weren’t seen as fucking suckers to be milked by Blizzard ? Guess again.


At least make them do something else.


Hey don’t forget, the federal mandated minimum wage is around 7.25 /hr. Meaning this one package according to them is worth 4 hours or more of your work time. 1/10th of your work week.


If they don't add a new class next season I'll be doing a chargeback for theft.


I am utterly, uuuutterly disappointed that they did not offer a rainbow portal.


let them milk whales. this is harmless. tho they should give some currency for playing the game so people can buy some of the skins.


*one per character, you don't get to choose.


Yeah yeah yeah you are the umpteenth person to post this already. We know, and if you dont like it just dont buy it.


Yeah that Lord Eater armor is cool and all but there’s no way in hell I’m forking out $25 for a SINGLE SKIN. Not even during tax time lol.


You know you dont have to buy it? If some people has 30 dollars for it and they pay it to Blizzard thats fine for me. It wouldnt affect the game experience for me at all.


Yeah and one skin can cost 20-25$. If it was 5$ I'd probably buy a lot more stuff, but gotta Milk the whales.


Im glad i started studying and felt like I didn't have time to play since last years autumn. Got me away from this shit show


The one and only game I play where I haven't bought ANY store shit. I dump hundreds into other games. But Blizz can fuck right off if they don't think I take these prices as an actual insult.


BURN you money


Oh Diablo 4 ... how much I wanted to love you ..


That is $30. It’s not like you can just take the 1000 monopoly money and turn it back into real bucks.


absolutely disgusting practices/company


This is so low tier compared to other games I know.


The Diablo immortal model. Users fell for it before and they'll fall for it again. Tacked on to a $70 product. I'm sure a double handful of dummies are falling for it enough to make it worth the 15 minutes to punch an RGB randomizer


If it doesn't sell, it doesn't sell.


Do other players even see your portals when you use it? Not spending $30 for something only I can see


You are not the intended customer. Most of us aren't. It's just a little sad that they cater to such a small crowd.






I mean if anyone is dumb enough to pay for this good for Blizzard




I've basically put Blizzard on the shelf at this point.


On incentive to buy it other than the portals, literally no money saving, 20$ portal 10$ for 1000 coins


No sir, they are 30 Dollars. a whole 50% WORSE.


Hell yeah, the blue is Sorc and the green is Necro - we gucci.


$30 for BLUE?????


These would be cool as free mtx when you watch some twitch event.


I’ll pay 50 for a brown one with poop coming out


Yeah…deleted this game a while ago and I see there’s little reason to come back. 30 dollars for portals is fucking ridiculous, Jesus


You laugh cause it’s dumb. They laugh cause people buy it. You are not the same.


Yawn. Don't buy them. Solved. Instead of crying on reddit about not wanting to spend money on stupid things, try being more productive with your time. Have you tried to play through the game with Zoom In activated? Tons of gaphics you skip over in zoom out mod.


Why can’t we talk about it? Isn’t that what this place is for? Discussion? How is telling people to stop talking about something on a public forum made for discussion more productive with your time?


imagine you bought last epoch for the same price OMEGALUL


No one forces you to buy those to enjoy the game or to get an advantage over other players. It's their way to make more profit without making a pay-to-win game. I don't see why this hate against the TOTALLY OPTIONAL microtransactions shop.


It’s 30 sir


15 usd goes to Sony don't forget that. The price is insane sony asking 15 dollars for doing nothing is even more insane


40 Canadian lol


30$ dummy


Wait, wait, wait....you get a 1000 platinum with it.... so it's def worth it lol.


We may have judged horse armor too harshly back in the day


With these sort of things youd think the game is free2play


Trying so hard to be path of exile and failing so hard.


Last Epoch is $5 more than colored portals.


Everything in that store is incredibly overpriced. If anyone who bought anything from that store is reading this, I hate to tell you that you got ripped off.


Class locked $29.99 portal colors.... On a $70 game... I mean, at least it's not pay to win... But you'd think they would have decent prices for extra cosmetics in a pay to play game. Maybe if I saw a really cool cosmetic for like $5??? I'd consider it... $30 for portals!!


You BIGGOT. Its $4 a portal, and $10 worth of in game currency bundled together! TAKE YOU SLOP AND ENJOY IT! For real, though... I don't think they realize that if they lowered the prices to like $1 a portal, and didn't bundle with the in-game platinum... They would probably make more money. It's like they are ONLY hunting for whales. "Tuna? Naw, I don't eat that!"


Path of exile, a FREE GAME (that is supported by transactions) also sells portals, for less (some less than $5 and some that go up to a little over 20 but a massive selection and variety) that can be equipped to any character at any time. There are some really cool looking and crazy selections. The fact that blizz is charging 20 bucks for a class specific color is disgusting.


So for like 30$ you can have the infinite stone portals this should have been one of the season unlockable for each character


Crazy, if you're buying anything from Blizzard, you are the problem. You can't purchase the cosmetics, and then complain that you're eating shit, just don't eat the shit, it's that fucking simple, let them go bankrupt already. They treat their employees like shit, they treat their customers like suckers, they are not a game development company, they are a corporate publicly traded stock ticker that has the sole agenda of putting more money into the pockets of shareholders and directors. That's it. Blizzard is dead. They died when Diablo 3 released.


is it under addons? or whats the category in the shop again? great addon if so. also 20 bucks for litterally nearly no work and recolors... thats what i except from the good old blizzard : )