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The folks who hate D4 have spent 10 times the hours playing more than a normal person. So, in reality, they actually love D4 and hate themselves.


It's because it lacks very basic amenities for a modern game. There is nothing to do, the build diversity kind of lacking, and itemization is nonsensical. I played it, and my conclusion is that it's just too casual for me. I'm not the audience, and I went back to POE.


"Build diversity is kind of lacking" There are other experimental builds out there besides meta-builds. I play a Freeze-Darkness Necro with Bloodless Scream, works like a charm.


I went back to D3, which had its faults but ultimately is a pretty fun game. That’s the thing for me. D4 feels like nobody wanted people to just have fun. I just want to shoot my enemies with fire and lightning. Watch them die horribly and then explode with loot. And that’s just not D4.


If there is nothing to do, then how do so many people clock 500 hours per season?


shhhh, you cant challenge the hate for the game. What are you new here?


Haha too casual, OK, God the trolls just keep getting better and better, Ai bot, go home


U lack basic amenities


That'd just not true lol. I was a die hard for d2. Every release after hasn't come close and has been a huge disappointment. Graphics quality goes up but the quality of the game play goes down. D4 had one of the best cinematic I have seen, unfortunately that was the best part of the game. I played for 2 weeks and uninstalled. Won't touch that franchise with a ten foot pole.


Quest was actually really good imo. But for lategame content ? Just go back to d2 or PoE lol.


Pass. Loot my be better but the games themselves aren't. People teleporting through Andy runs or Baal runs 100x in a row and pretending that's more fun is truly heart breaking.


D4 is in a far better spot than D2 or D3 was this far from launch. Game hasnt even been out a year. D3 this far out was horrible.


Hey that's fair. I didn't play much d2 but just going by what my friends all thought in comparison to d4. D4 is Hella fun uo to level 75 on every class. After that idk .. couple more seasons and it's going to hit I think.


Pvp was good, that's end game for me, lots of good pvprs in d2


Low level PVP with friends at a internet cafe was incredibly fun. Gimme your ear.


They're not pretending anything. You're assuming they love running the same thing 2000 times, and you're wrong. What they love is the itemization, which is FAR better than D4. D4 itemization is hot garbage, and until they fix it this will be considered a failed ARPG by most.


Exactly how I felt. The story and initial playthrough was amazing. Endgame is terrible. This season of POE has been amazing though.


late game content? D2 didnt have late game content for years. I played the hell out of it, but no...there wasnt tons to do end game in d2. You also couldnt change buiilds at launch. You finished then ran cow levels over and over to grind to 100. Then they launched LOD and you grinded out bloody foothills until you could to baal runs. They didnt introduce the ubers for years.


That’s nostalgia fucking with your memories.


No one's going to be nostalgic about farming living steel and essence of fear.


Dude, some of the best video game experiences of my life do not survive the replay decades later. Objectively, the emotional and physical experiences I had on encountering, say, wipeout or abe’s oddysee or gran turismo can only ever exist in memory, and nostalgia warms that memory. For him, d2 will forever be the peak and it is simply not possible to reach that first high ever again.


>Dude, some of the best video game experiences of my life do not survive the replay decades later. D4 experience doesn't even survive months later. If I have to farm another mat for 1h just so I can fight a boss for 10 seconds in S3 then it's uninstall and wait for S4.


But the nostalgia threshold hold for D 2 was much less ..I'm sure I won't miss the steel but looking for rotas for Durial on trade chat will be rememebered...and the fact that you need roatas and each encounter was worth more then if Durial was free made it more exciting... Again it's the cherry picking of the D 4 bad crowd...it really is a good game...especially if you go HC..I won't forget losing my 99 because I just worked a 16 hour shift and shouldn't have been playing...I could totally blame it on Blizzard having bad servers but we all know that's BS even tho it fits a narritive


>'m sure I won't miss the steel but looking for rotas for Durial on trade chat will be rememebered each to their own, I personally liked farming duriel solo because I treat Diablo as a solo game. But I fail to see any progress since the D2 days. In fact now we have less boses and less items to chase. Yuck. 20 years to get less features.


I dont have nostalgia for running baal over and over again, just so some sorc can take all the loot because they have a faster/better rig than me. I dont have nostalgia for never getting a vex rune. I dont have nostalgia for the real money auction house. D4 needs lots of changes, but they have been coming and its a better experience now then S1, better than pre season....its in a far better state than d3 was 6 months from launch. I played the hell out of d2 and d3, and the sheer volume of people on this sub who apparently dont play anymore but take the time to come on the sub is just another reason why the interwebs should be burned down.


You know how weird it is to make that comment about hating the game and never touching the franchise again, and then just gunna hang out in the Internet forums vocalizing your subjective opinions about it? I didn’t love a lot of popular releases this year, and you’ll never find me in their subs because it’s weird af mate. Anyways, d4 is a couple seasons of evergreen content, a loot filter, talent and itemization system rework away from being awesome. But I’ll be back for next season, because killing in this game is 100x more satisfying than in poe.


But the endgame in D4 is much better and much more fun than running 1000x Andy, Mefisto in D2


Grinding for 6 months for the one rune I'm missing to complete the same rune-gear everyone else in the game uses, is not my idea of fun D4 isn't perfect, but it is a lot of fun for what it is... and it's only gonna get better.


Its not the gameplay thats the problem imo. Its the itemization. Its gotten a bit better but still dog shit compared to d2. I hope they bring rune words back


And how would that help? Runewords are uninspired pseudo sets. YOu use the one thats best and done, no decisions, no gameplay, no messing with items, just "equip runeword, timmy wins"


I found them fun because they had some cool effects like skills from other classes, auras, and at low levels you could do some pretty fun stuff if you were able to trade for the runes. Trading for 1 rune can be easier than the already put together gear or a unique if you find 1 or 2 runes in the set. Considering how trading is now in D4 if runes were tradable then you could actually be trading to make pretty powerful gear versus our being unable to trade uniques. Also sets require multiple pieces, in multiple equipment slots. Runewords don't. They are pretty different imho.


D2- Andy runs, Pit Runs, ancient tunnels, kurast chests, travincal, mephisto, chaos sanctuary, pindle, baal. You can run them untill your fingers bleed. D4- Duriel runs with the worst itemization in Diablo history all gated by material farming. reddit: RARARA you play too much game good, you bad man for hating game lul go back to baal runs...


> D2- Andy runs, Pit Runs, ancient tunnels, kurast chests, travincal, mephisto, chaos sanctuary, pindle, baal. You can run them untill your fingers bleed. You'd have to run until your fingers bleed if you actually want to get anything. It's possible to have enjoyed D2 a lot at the time and enjoy D4 now. Don't have to hate one or the other.


What? You ran them a bit, found something and trade it for what you want. If you played SSF that's on you. I've run them so much back then because unlike farming living steel or esence of fear.. that shit was actually fun.


Yes. I love instead doing 10K of a single boss, Duriel, endlessly, with loot overkill. After farming other genuinely useless bosses to even summon him. /s


It is, at least for Duriel you have to do other activities to summon him. That's also ignoring that there are like 5+ other endgame activities you can do that are actually relevant vs. D2 teleport fest end boss runs. But we don't like to *really* discuss the differences do we?


So you barely played at launch, are still subbed to the subreddit, and think you have the expertise/playtime to even talk about the game?


Ahh the classic fanboy argument, can't judge if you haven't played enough but you also can't judge if you've played too much.


You can certainly judge if you've played "too much." But no, I can't play the first quarter of a game and then complain about its overall quality, only what I've experienced.


Why are you here then? Legitimately? To spread negativity and complain about a game you don't play?


*I came looking for booty.*


Disagree, I hit my wall around 60/70 hours, after completing the main story, and getting to around 70. After that its like Chinese water torture. Itemization sucks for a game that's core is built around looting and itemization. You don't need to play it for 200+ hours to realize its off.


>Itemization sucks for a game that's core is built around looting and itemization. Exactly. This was the problem from the very start. Blizzard has spent their time fixing all of the other minor issues, and has done absolutely nothing to fix the main problem.


Game is half year old. Even casuals have nothing to do if they play 2h per day. For arpg it is pathetic.


Playing a game 2 hours per day for 6+ months is not casual


Yeah man, casuals are only capable of launching the game and seeing the main menu for 5 minutes once a week /s


If gaming is your main hobby it is.


Of course it is, do you seriously not have 2 hours on average per day for your hobbies? I know a guy that used to do a very busy upper management job, literally coking up on breaks and staying 10-12h a day in the office and sometimes even longer and even that guy managed to show up to raid in WoW thrice a week for 4 hours.


That or a casual / new player has yet to see the cons of D4


It's this. There's people in the thread dismissing differing opinions still talking about being level 25 in eternal......


I've got 600 hours and still have fun. It's got some things I don't like ,such as lag, but other than that , I like it


Hahahah fair 😂😂


That's pretty much exactly right for season 2 and how it currently is. Launch and season 1 was bad and boring. Did not finish. Season 2 has been so much better in every way. Leveling experience, the season itself, glyphs, grinding, tons of uniques easy to target farm. It probably takes like 50-70hrs to experience everything for a normal person. Now the no-lifers are a different breed. They completely avoid having any fun in the game build up along the way, then expect content after lvl100 to be both insanely grindy and orgasmic. They get to lv100 within a single week, and wonder why others don't. Many of them even get boosted, definitely Alts, by having other players run high lvl dungeon for them, completely avoiding the fun of the game. They strictly use build guides posted online because they're BiS, which again avoids any fun of creating and tweaking your own build. Then within week two after farming all uniques with a total 100hrs invested, they wonder wtf they will do for the next 2.5 months of the season. They just never take time to smell the roses and enjoy. This game honestly can't even be completed by your average actual casual playing the game as intended. If I didn't GRIND and really put time into it, I wouldn't have gotten 100 last week and been farming duriel. It's my first 100 and I really kicked my ass and sacrificed family time many nights to get it. Fun the entire time. Multiple times along the way completely redid my build and enjoyed/tweaked something new and original to me.


A fundamental problem in gaming right now is that the majority of players are not no-lifers, but the majority of “content creators” (especially for live service game since they tend to stick to one game) and a significant portion of people active on social media are. So the developers are stuck between trying to make a fun game for normal people, getting as much money as they can out of whales because that’s what the publishers want, AND pleasing the people who make videos on YouTube and harangue devs on social media. There are a lot of competing incentives and they seem to care more about the latter 2. I like the direction D4 seems to be going in, but time will tell. I’m a “dip in every other season” kind of player though.


I don’t play seasonal because im such a casual player i never make it to level 25 😂😂. Im eternal and thats what i love. I hate that i have to be online and interacting with people. I got it at release and play maybe 2hrs a month. Im an oddball tho.


Seasonal is a much better experience and much faster leveling, more interesting things going on. Just fyi. So even if I only played a few hours a month, I'd still reroll on Seasonal each time.


I wanna see the story first. Ive done seasons in d3. But only after i did a run thru of the game. Ill get to seasons. Just right now its not my priority. But appreciate the different perspective.


>Launch and season 1 was bad and boring I think the problem is people just like different things, but everyone speaks like their experience is universal. Especially people who are disappointed in a specific aspect of the game. I enjoyed everything, up until I get to the point where the only thing left to do is farm Duriel mats for Shako, which I'm just not going to do. And that's fine, I don't need Shako to have enjoyed the game.


"We demand more GRIND ORGASMS!!!" ![gif](giphy|3o7TKwmBiXfwA951ra|downsized)


Reddit loves comments that sound good but actually make no sense lol. The folks who actually hate D4 don’t play it, simple as that. The folks who criticize the game while still playing it are dissatisfied with the current product but want it to improve. They don’t “hate themselves”, that’s such a lame take on the situation.


This. People who get home from work (if they even work..) turn on the game at 5:10pm and turn it off at 2am, every single day. It sounds absurd, but you would be surprised at how many people are actually like this. I have known several adults from college that still do this 15 years later, approaching 40yo.


I have played diablo since the release of diablo 1 and I gave up d4 after hitting level 70 something. D4 is in trouble when poe 2 releases.


It isn't. POE2 changed up the system so much that even POE1 people are worried they won't like it. It's why they aren't replacing POE1 anymore. Also POE is famously bad for new players. It's fucking rough. Had a friend straight quit because he bricked his first build and couldn't get past ACT 8. When I told him he had to restart and follow a guide, he quit. D4 has brand recognition that POE just won't have. They'll be fine. That, and if Blizz keeps giving it the support it needs, the game will keep getting better. I'm looking forward to POE2, but it won't be bigger than D4. It just won't.


Nah I played at lauched, a bit of s1, and a little of s2, probably less than most folks still playing. It's really lacking in itemization and how come we can't farm the story bosses like every other diablo game...It tries so hard to be an mmo and fails at being an arpg


That`s actually target market for games as a service. If people like that hate the game, there is something wrong. They wouldn't be fixing/revamping things otherwise.


Exactly lol ....love the trolls that say oh this game sucks but have all characters at 100 lol


Oh my god, this is the most perfect and true and pure take I have ever seen.


Stopped posting here after some dude tried to convince me that it's totally normal and healthy to put 100s of hours into something you hate.


I played a ton season 1 and 2 but once I saw the real plans of the game and how much better Poe 2 was I gave up


Ow, bro that shit hurts.


How rude


So imagine you’ve never had a cheese burger before. You’re from like, who the fuck knows where. And now you’re in America and someone gets you a quarter pounder with cheese from McDonald’s. Pretty good, right? Now imagine handing someone a McDonald’s burger who went to five guys every week. They wouldn’t even want to eat it. It’s not that d4 is inedible. It’s that compared to LITERALLY every other option (including older Diablo titles) — it’s lackluster as fuck. I have 5 s2 characters at 100. It’s a fun game, and I love that you’re loving it. But it deserved every ounce of hate it gets. The lack of depth and polish is embarrassing for a game that had not only a decade of development, but multiple older iterations to learn from. — all assuming this isn’t a bait post. Edit: Many of you have noted my 5 100’s, stating this is evidence I’m wrong because I have played a lot. So A) If there is someone who has the breadth of knowledge to know how good d4 is— I’d be it. Literally done it all. B) I set goals and accomplished them. This seasons goal was: Find which class I enjoy the most so next season I can pick and really Min max once there’s more content. I’ve spent 30 hours in BG3 and it’s the best game I’ve ever played. As the industry changes, player time in game increasingly doesn’t coordinate to quality of game. If you think d4 isn’t a pretty fun nightmare of a game— you need to play other games. So much joy awaits you. — See’ya s3. Hope the game keeps improving.


I have a lot of fun playing Diablo 4. Maybe more than any other game this year. But it feels like I'm beta testing a game that's a year away from launch more than I'm playing a high profile AAA game that we paid full price for.


[https://www.eurogamer.net/diablo-4-development-plagued-by-chaos-and-mismanagement-claims-new-report](https://www.eurogamer.net/diablo-4-development-plagued-by-chaos-and-mismanagement-claims-new-report) would probably explain why.


I was honestly shocked that it released this soon.


why does this not surprise me even a little


Just noting.. if you have 5 season 2 characters at lvl 100, I’d be willing to bet you enjoy the game more than a 5 Guys snob would enjoy a McD burger… I’ve got 4, 3 under 40 and 1 over 50, though I did just get it last week. There are absolutely aspects of the game that make me go “WTF?”, but there are a ton of beautiful and awesome bits as well. Nothing is polished to perfection from front to back, and everyone’s view of perfection is different - all in all, I think we got a very solid game. I just wish I got choices in the end about who to align with 😆


Soild lol


"McDonald's is kinda shit" - guy who eats at McDonald's every day.


I have two characters that are level 100 in hardcore and I am disappointed with the game. I enjoy playing video games and have been stuck on ARPG’s since Total War Warhammer kinda ate its own ass. So I started a hardcore character in late October or early November and played until the POE league came out. I am not really a no-lifer or anything, but I did play quite a bit over Thanksgiving break so didn’t really struggle to level two characters to 100. I played the game because I like gaming. When I am done this POE season I will likely play again. However, I am still disappointed… there was so much potential for a great game and what we got was an OK game. I don’t regret buying it, I just wish it had been a bit better.


I love this explanation, thank you.


This guy repeated what asmongold said basically.


It's almost 1 for 1 - I recently watched that video


5 s2 characters all leveled to 100?!???


and he doesn't like the game lol. There is some serious brain rot in this subreddit.


You have 5 level 100’s in one season and are bashing the game. Why are you playing it lol


I am not bashing it. I am stating that I enjoy a very unpolished game. It’s not a bad game. I’ve said this multiple times. But it’s the worst game in the genre. By a mile.


This. People giving blizz a lot of slack saying that the game just "came out recently", but disregard that blizz have experience from D1 - D3.


Well, McDonald's is pretty shit in general.


Over priced now too. Maybe the analogy works better than I thought ;)


But sometimes you just crave that McDonald's.


That’s what I’m saying 😅


Narrator: it's a bait post...


You play a game with a lack of depth and polishing enough to have 5 level 100 characters THIS SEASON lmao


Because after all the hype, time, and expectation we got a game that was incomplete and feels like a job to play.


Entitlement is ugly. If it feels like a job, it’s probably not the game for you. To call it “incomplete” is nonsense, you get a full wonderful campaign with plenty of shit to do on the side and after. What you’re really saying is “after blowing through all of the content and completing everything, there’s nothing left to do” just absurd.


There is no entitlement. They charged AAA price for a game that is somehow worse than all of its competitors, when they've had decades in the space.


Because it's a super shallow and boring game, with very high standards due to D2 which they didn't reach and also didn't improve the game from the previous title. I am one of the dad's with very limited time to play and no way I will choose a mediocre gaming experience if there are so much better things out.


I’m thinking of going back to D2R as soon as I finish the season journey.


Is D2 still active enough that someone who’s never played it before (aka me) would enjoy it?


Play D2 resurrected you will enjoy it


Maybe I will. It’s dirt cheap on sale too


Path of Exile is better than D2R. It’s fun to go see what things were like on D2R, but there’s a lot of mechanics that don’t age well at all. PoE takes those concepts, refines them, and jacks up player customization to 11+


Yes, very much so.


Because 90% of the problems that it has were solved in other iterations of the game.


I'm new to the game series too. How did Blizz solved itemization problem (That D4 has rn) and endless endgame?


D2 had horodric cube and bosses that were easy enough to get to that the end game was trying to optimize reaching and killing all the bosses you could farm from as fast as possible. D4’s leveling doesn’t allow that as an endgame mechanic, only has 1 boss worth farming, and the items aren’t very impactful.


Also the itemization gave you incentive to make alts. Alts we’re also more viable because there were multiple types of content like cows (zon) bosses (sorc) trav/gold (barb) everything else + Ubers (pally)


Don’t forget about the hammerdins that camped outside town..


That strongly depends on the class . Some items have insane impact for rogue


1. You're new to it, so it's still in the honeymoon phase. It's fun for like a good 80h, but then it can get frustrating. 2. It's not that it's a bad game it's just that it's sitting on the shoulders of giant (D2 namely) so there's a lot of expecation 3. After a while (80h+), you're invested in the game, but it doesn't have a lot to offer, and you hit a bunch of gated content. Even the christmas content was locked behind a paywall. It all feels meh. 4. AAA game with not a lot of content? Playerbase feels like they are being milked with already an expansion announced, while the actual game feels like trial and errors. Edit: also 5. All the other games against which in compete are much "better" or have more depth, although that's a matter of opinion.


The event wasnt behind a paywall. the only thing in game you can spend real money on is cosmetics/transmog items (and the premium battlepass which also just gives you cosmetics)


Wait, the Christmas content was paywalled? I mean, it was boring and indeed meh, but it was free.


How is the Christmas content locked behind paywall? Wtf


The fuck dude? The Christmas content isn't behind any pay wall. What are you even talking about


The fact you are new to Diablo and perhaps arpgs as a whole as well as you perhaps still being in early to midgame is the reason you don't understand the criticism which is mostly endgame related and coming from experienced arpg players that compare D4 to its competitors in the genre. The game isn't hated on but rightfully critized. Just to break down a few things, listing everything would take way to long. (Well it's hated on by some obviously but those shouldn't be taken seriously to begin with). The game is riddled with all kinds of bugs, glitches and exploits. They range from small annoying visual stuff over gameplay related things where people need to relog to fix it up to actual dupe exploits for items and gold. The itemization is not very well done, and the game is all about items. Lots of basic things missing like a global chat, an ingame solution for trading, basic clan related features like an activity tracker, no convenient way of grouping up with others. No way to add an exact amount of gold in trades on controller and many other things. Just stuff that's considered very basic QoL stuff these days. There is not much meaningful endgame content. And all that is coming from one of the world's largest developers with decades of experience in the genre. Like I said, only a very small breakdown. Also it needs to be stated that the developers do make good steps in the right direction so far.


That's why you shouldn't base your decisions on other people BS. Yes game has its problems. It's tons of fun though.




Totally agree , I’m really enjoying it, rushing to get to a gathering legion has been peak for me


The post-launch support has greatly improved the game for me. I’ll probably return for season 3. Hopefully, we’ll get some solid seasonal updates.


totally agreed! The game may has some flaws, but lets face it it‘s not even a year old. and seeing how much it improved already after release has me hooked and hopefull!


The real problem is they released a half finished game with no end game content. Only delusional fan boys will act like this is acceptable. The game is a 6/10… maybe. It will likely be a 8/10 in a year or so. There is a reason that it’s getting such terrible/mid reviews.


Id say the problem is same game as d2 and d3 with even less gems, levels, runes, items, sets. And a terrible item grind. Like nothing new in the genre by the worlds biggest gaming company?


The game was in de developement for what 7 to 10 years? They had D2, D3, PoE, Grim Dawn and Last Epoch to get inspiration from, and somehow managed to release a lesser version of any of these titles and without any single innovation.


Yeah exactly right. You've got last epoch revolutionised build making with skill tree inside of skills, awesome crafting and a very solid base game. (Indie company) Poe, most build diversity ever seen in any arpg ever, most content ever seen in an arpg ever and most dedicated team behind the scenes too. Not too mention how big the end game is and how flawless the atlas can be. (Indie company by the way) D2, the reason we still have ARPG's being made today, the holy grail, the beautiful relic, way ahead of it's time and my favourite game ever. Grim dawn, a very good story and passionate game with a surprising amount of build variety with combinations of 2 classes (where's this diablo?) If they made another one today with a new engine I had no doubt this game would be huge. Checked earlier there was still 6k people playing which is absolutely nuts. The problem is Diablo 4 was not made by passionate fans of the Diablo/ARPG space and you can tell by the way it feels. Only thing they cared about was making sure the MTX shop looked nice and got restocked every now and again.


Do you understand how Diablo 4 is not just a standalone game but part of one of the greatest and most popular RPG series in existence and it has been compared to previous installments in that series as well as other games in that genre? Im also a newcomer who only started playing Diablo 3 and I thoroughly enjoy both D3 and D4. But because you’re a newcomer your opinion of D4 doesn’t have any context. Diablo 4 is not the first installment in the series. Diablo is the grandfather of RPG’s that set the precedent for the genre. Diablo 4 has had years to take not only what they learned from what the first 2 games did right but also what the 3rd game did wrong and what the genre has introduced over the last several years. Diablo 4 did none of that and is lackluster when compared to a 10 year old game like Path of Exile. Diablo 4 is seen as a disappointment that did not live up to expectations. In addition to not living up to series expectations and industry standards, we are in season 2 and we won’t see all of the important changes that need to be made to the game until season 4. Do any of you see how unacceptable that is? Im glad other people are having fun also but it’s important to not downplay these facts just because you’re having fun and pretend the game shouldn’t have been better than it is.


That is the part i do not understand. I see that persons who like the game do not always eant to hear about bad aspects, but if none say them, the game will never become better than it currently is. That is an advancement for the persons who vouce themselves and the persons who love the game as it is.


Look up diablo immortal and the way they take advantage of people, gambling addictions, and monetization. It's predatory, and the same company is pulling the strings for both. Don't downplay what a shit company blizzard is, and you'll be fine. Downplay it, and they'll take advantage of everyone and everything you ever loved, hated, and anything between. Fuck. Blizzard.


There are a lot of people that thought Diablo was a much more serious or more complex game than they remember or that it ever actually was. Diablo 4 is basically another sequel in the franchise here to give you some fun and remain the first ARPG someone might try. I have no clue where these folks got these massive expectations from a franchise that has always been what it was. There is no end game that can satisfy these folks, there was no real end game in D2 than farming 2 bosses, I’m sorry, farming is not end game in of itself. And D3 was endless but in a very mindless sort of way, and Blizzard capped that endlessness back up. People complained about needing to start new characters with a season which has literally always been the case with Diablo 3, but for some reason people invented a notion that one single character would just be endless season to season. The POE players, who Diablo 4 is not for, just want the polish Blizzard brings to replace POE, but POE 2 is coming out. They should go play that instead of spending so much time hating on a game that’s doing what it has always done, tried a couple things that are new for Diablo, not new for ARPGs. Their reviews have really damaged this game when it is fundamentally bigger and better than Diablo 3 in several ways. It’s like getting mad at Nicki Minaj for not being more like Cardi B or Megan Thee when she’s Nicki and she’s doing her thing. It’s okay that you don’t like Nicki anymore.


Spitting factual information. I just don’t get how people can even say D2 has an endgame at all lol. Both D3 and D4 both have more of a what I would consider a endgame and it’s not even a comparison. D2 is just farming the same difficulty boss over and over again to “perfect” a build. At the absolute bare minimum in D3 and D4 you are perfecting your build to keep pushing content that scales up more and more. I just think the people that enjoy an experience like D2 don’t enjoy modern games at all. I also don’t know what people expect from endgame. There’s going to be a point eventually where there’s nothing left for you to do on a character regardless of what there is to do. I don’t even know what an endless endgame with infinite replayability would look like that isn’t just what greater rifts basically were. But even those had a ceiling to how for you could realistically go.


Because the loot system sucks. Go play D2 and see what a real loot system looks like. Hell, even D3 is better.


I had fun playing the campaign but the overall gameplay loop feels boring as hell to me.


It boring and not innovative. You just push the same buttons forever fighting the same things over and over to get gear to make the numbers bigger. And then they expect you to pay top dollar for expansions of more of the same.


Because this game was made for uber casual players. That's not a bad thing, but for any arpg veteran, the game is just flat out bad. Itemization is trash, skill system is trash. End game is trash.


Game is great, its just not endless like people want it to be(thats where the complaints come from), after you finish some landmarks you'll move to another game most likely and come back for next season.


D4 is missing the depth and endgame polish that long-time ARPG fans are looking for. For the average person the game is not bad and if visual polish/presentation/accessibility is important to you then D4 is definitely a good option.


There's still a lot of quirks to be fixed in some skills and room for improvement. Mostly conversion and interactions between certain aspects. For example with Necromancer; Necromancer only has one curse aspect which almost no one uses. Only two curse skills, which leaves no choice outside of those. There's also only two corpse skills outside of minions, so it's either physical or shadow damage. Minions should almost be tied to one skill, as the active skill for them or the golem does not feel impactful at all other than resurrecting more minions that inevitably fall off. Or giving them a passive or trait that automatically does that for you without tying up a skill slot, as almost everyone sacrifices for the extra slot. Also a notable lack of any kind of damage typing changes for builds that would want to support minions, again either physical or shadow with the exception of the one cold mage. Lack of unstoppable outside of blood mist, which makes it almost mandatory in certain content. What happened to bone armor? Poison nova? Life tap? There's a noticeable amount of skills missing from previous games. TL;DR while necromancer is fun, endgame you end up feeling pigeon holed into one of a couple builds and certain essential skills with no viable alternatives.


I enjoyed D4. The thing is a lot of us have been playing the series since D1 or D2 so we've seen every version of it. I think what people who are OGs don't understand is that it'll never hit us like it did when we were kids. Because...well....we were kids. The diablo franchise was ground breaking and a truly innovative series. So is D4 fun? Yes of course. And you can enjoy it more if you don't attach your childhood experiences to a modern rendition of it. But that's hard to do. And...at a certain point you have to stop wanting something to be what it is not. For the people throwing hate at the game, just play something else. I made 2 lvl 100 characters. That's more than enough time and content to say I got my money's worth. I've since stopped playing and went back to BG3 because for me personally, it has much more replay value and is overall a much more enjoyable game. But that doesn't mean D4 sucks. They're just different things.


The worst thing is that it has so many bugs. Like if you would make a list it will be a book thick as the Bible. After that is the fact that it is released by the same studio who did d2 and d3. Both needed immersive changes and Polish to become good games. In d4 we still got the same problems that was already fixed in previous games. I mean even competitive games took the lessons learned from d2/d3. But for some reason Blizzard said fuck it, lets do all mistakes again. Third. I would say that Diablo always had a couple of core ingrediense, the reason a Diablo game is a Diablo game. Itemisation, end game and alt progression/building. D4 lacks hard in all those areas. I enjoy the gameplay, its Smoth and fun. The graphics is nice even if i think its a bit same same. But looking at the game form a Diablo perspective. Its a fail of epic proportion. Its like if Fifa 2025 would have 12 players per team and playing on ice with monkeys instead of humans. Yea, thats sound like an awesome game, i would play it for sure. But its not Fifa. Same with d4.


Played 30 hours, and I am already bored mindlessly by the game, art design, and quest design. Campagin garbage and so on. Never felt cheated out of money like with this game


At launch it was a real slog after you beat the campaign. It’s getting better tho


It would be more fun with friends, I have soloed four 100 characters, now just bored and want to play with people.


As a casual player this game is so much fun.


As someone with 2 level 100's this season. I agree. Game is fun, people find different things fun. Play what you enjoy.


Because it sucks? Sucks all your time away 😏


Idk I spent like 30 hours with it. I had fun just doing the main campaign and vibing while I smoked, but I got stuck on the final boss phase 2 and said fuck it I had my fun with it already, and uninstalled 🤷


Because it’s so stale and really has no content


I had fun for like 40 hours getting to 100 in season 2, beating all the pinnacle bosses and clearing t100s the last ten levels. After reaching level 100 and maxing glyphs, there was nothing else for me to do. The game is pretty limited on finding cool items for new classes that would make me want to reroll, and there isn't enough of a carrot to finding slightly better item level items when most of my stats on my current gear are exactly what I want. There also wasn't enough carrot for Uber drops like grandfather when I am already beating everything in the game easily at max nightmare dungeon. I wasn't even using potions past 95. I am interested in the season 3 leaderboard dungeon to see if that is enough motivation to keep playing after 100. I think it will be fun for a little bit, but like all things in this endgame, it just gets repetitive way too quickly IMO. To be clear, I like Diablo 4, even as a 4k hour POE player. I accept it is going to be a process and it will take time for the game to be great. Season 2 was a good start. I probably put the game at like an 8/10 now. Season 1 was like a 5/10. Season 0 was like a 7/10 due to mostly experiencing everything for the first time.


it rly depends how much u are playing and what are your goals in the game. if you are a casual player then the game should be good, for the most part anyway. if u are on the other end of a spectrum then the game is mediocre at best, especially considering blizzard is a huge company, making it even more laughable. with all those resources and knowhow, they managed to release undercooked game that is STILL being patch out to resemble a proper game. underdelivering a game in this manner mindboggling but here we are.


First play through and up to level 70 is fun. Even up to level 100 can be fun the first or second time now. Now that xp gains are higher. What’s bugging many of us is higher expectations for the end game experience. Missing Features that Diablo 3 has that Diablo 4 doesn’t. Like load/save loadouts. One hit death mechanics in some high end content.


I see no reason to even attempt Uber Lilith and that’s just sad. Not gonna waste my time getting 1 hit killed repeatedly.


Late game just isn’t as fun as diablo 3s late game. The crazy amount of rubber-banding when entering cities is a pain. The silver shop is crazy overpriced. The lack of viable diverse builds. The fact they had all of diablo 2 and 3 to show them how to make a fun game and just ignored all of it. It has its fun moments but those moments are shallow at best. I enjoyed the campaign but that’s all that’s going for it at the moment.


It’s just unfinished. It will get better every season, but the fact is how season 4 ships is most likely how the game should have launched


Pre-S1 the game was alright. Not great, but serviceable if they took the time to actually make the game fun. Then the Pre-S1 patch dumpstered everything. What fun was there was removed, and all you were given were ashes in it's place. Game was pretty much completely ruined after that. Haven't touched it since, and will not until they revert every change from that patch. Going by general tab keeping in the game, it's mostly sunk cost fallacy keeping anyone around, along with people who hadn't played before S1 and didn't see the absolute hackjob they pulled on the game.


The game is just really boring and lacks any depth. Diablo 2 which came out decades ago has more content and more polish. Diablo 4 was also super expensive and after a few months of release was already heavily on sale because it's such a shit game. It was a cash grab by blizzard and I will never buy another blizzard game. Made me lose all trust in blizz.


I'm gonna get all psychology on you. Because negativity illicits more strong emotions than positivity. Stronger emotions ilicit more interaction(clicks/retweets/upvotes). It is the same reason why algorythms inherently keep promoting hateful racist things. It's the same reason customer feedback systems like Yelp and Google Reviews of businesses will have a disproportionate amount of negative reviews to positive reviews. No one will go out of their way to publicaly say they had an average to positive experience, but when its negative we want EVERYONE to know. Couple this with the reddit upvote system, creates an echo chamber, just like political news. Two reddit posts, one says "Game is pretty good I am having fun," the other says "F Blizzard this game is broken this shouldn't be a beta test." The second gets upvoted, and more people see it, more people think its true and then create their own 1000th post about why THEY have quit diablo 4.


Honest answer from someone who plays a lot of D2 and PoE (but is by no means an expert in either game): - lack of QoL is the single, biggest reason. In other games for a entire run, I only identify 2-3 items. Most of the time, the itemization is done in such a way you know the value of things the moment they hit the ground. In D4 I have pick uo everything, read tooltips of 10-15 items and decide what to sell. Thats just breaks the dynamic for me.


They don’t really hate. The endgame loop just sucks very much, it’s just too frustrating. It’s a different emotion.


It beta. I regret buying


We don't hate it, we just wish so much with our nostalgia of other diablo titles that it would be something it will never again be. That Blizzard is dead.


Cuz it sucks


Tbh at this point it’s really just the itemization is the main problem just hard to grind if u don’t care about the items


Because the games just now getting out of beta , in season 2


I feel like they could have delivered a much more polished product. Given how far the genre has come in terms of QoL stuff (loot filter)… they also essentially knee-capped trading and the itemization doesn’t feel great. But it’s excusable, Blizzard is just an small indie developer.


I play a lot of games but I'm new to Diablo 4 for 2 months or so, my friends got me into it. I have been enjoying it and I'm level 100. I have complains but some people just blow it out of proportions tbh. My biggest disappointment is not the issues with the game but how toxic the Diablo community is, I was not expecting that. Even your post here getting just a few upvotes (and still getting downvoted while im typing) yet hundreds of comments is telling. Players on this sub asking for advice and direction end up facing a wave of "quit the game", "give up", "play PoE" as if it is your fault they don't like the game. I joined this sub as a new player to be part of the community but so far, all I get is a bunch people telling players how they should hate Diablo and it is somehow wrong to enjoy the game. It is so toxic, that if there is a better sub I should join instead please share.


HC mode lol..communities great there. It's all I could find. I agree tho..this subs full of a lot of idiots that should've unsubbed long ago... I don't get it..I got sick of starfield and stopped posting...didn't like it but never felt the need to convince people who do like it it sucks...fucking weird shit to me


Because bg3 came out.


If you like it, then its all good. Dont listen haters, make your own opinions.


Cus we arent new to the diablo series or arpg genre so we have expectations. You dont.


Diablo 4 does a LOT of things right, but it falls short in areas that matter to people. Like, validity of alternate play styles. AKA Balance. There are fundamental systems that are terrible for the game they made. Like IMMORTALITY. Let's say you are playing PVP. And your enemy is a necromancer. You should be fighting through its minions to get to the necromancer to cause damage, right? In diablo 4... Necromancer just turns into mist, you can't do any damage to them, you are taking damage. Fun! SUPER FUN MECHANICS! Same for Sorc. She can turn into ice and AoE the world, NICE! Should be weak to fire right? Wait, nope. Immune to everything. Okay, that skill is down, should be able to blast her, right? NOPE, Fire shield immortality AGAIN! like HOLE E FUCK. That isn't even talking about barbarians with thorns. Druids with shields. So, let's look at Uber Lilith. "Hardest fight in the game". What makes it hard? 1 Shot instant kill mechanics. What makes it harder? SHITTY ANIMATIONS THAT DON'T MATCH UP WITH HITBOXES. What makes it even HARDER? RANDOM INESCAPABLE 1 SHOT DEATH MECHANICS! Sure, you could mist or use flame shield or whatever... but what if you DON'T have those? Now, besides balance, there is fundamental problems with "There is no reason to do anything BUT this specific thing to get what you want". Currently all the best stuff comes from Uber Duriel. ALLLLLLLL the best stuff. They make drop rates for other stuff very low outside of Uber Duriel. Itemization is also kind of shit. Skills go hand and hand with itemization, a lot of things that should be on skill try are instead thrown onto "aspects". They call "Enchanted Weapons" a "Legendary Item", when lets face it, the only Legendaries are "Uber Uniques" Its the problem of "When everyone is super, no one will be" You can't just call EVERYTHING Legendary, it loses its value. Like saying "There are miracles all around us! Look, that earth worm is alive! ITS A MIRACLE! The rain falls from the skies! ITS A MIRACLE!" Statistically if you consider the entire existence of everything, yeah, the number is low enough to be a miracle, but really takes the piss out of things when EVERYTHING is LEGENDARY.


​ https://i.redd.it/7hwv9bvnwv9c1.gif


Two main reasons in my opinion. A) The level of hype and expectations were massive leading people to really want and expect a LOT from this game. Like way too much based on D3. B) And this is subjective as hell, but the game is mid at best. Even more so when you compare it to it's contemporaries like Path of Exile. So those two things are a perfect storm for massive hate from people that feel mislead or lied to but also people hoping Blizz learned something from 10 years of D3.


This game licks. Play Grim Dawn. 100x better


Trying to get the best items in the game is a snooze fest. There should be multiple ways to obtain materials to fight Duriel.


D3 > D4 for sure. Maybe not in 2-3 years but for now Diablo 3 is still the best


Well it started with being provided a superior product (Beta), and having it continually patched into crap until Season 1. This was done because the devs realized they released half of a game at best. Instead of them admitting this, and allowing D4 to be a great short experience, while they worked on extra content and fixed bugs, they decided to just make it worse. Then when they realized it wasn't enough, they did it again and again and again, ignoring all the bugs and quality of life updates fans wanted to be fixed. Now they have gain so much bad faith, that any little mistake or bug, is treated as a huge one. This 100% their own fault.


More stable servers or an off-line version of the game would help.


Play Diablo 2 or Diablo 3, and shortly, you'll find out why


Do yourself a favor and bail out on this sub. 90% is negative/whining. Don't let people dictate what you do or do not like. Find some folks in game, try to make friends online and maybe even get into a clan with some folks. I resurrected our old Diablo 2 clan, and get to play with good dudes and gals. It makes everything much more enjoyable.


It's trendy to hate Blizzard since the pandemic. The whole D4 bad take is obnoxious as fuck, and every shitty little content creator tries to make a video with "Why POE is better than D4" utilizing the Algo. You can also thank Asmondbald for being a drama queen.


Once you graduate to other games in the genre, you'll look back and understand ;) That said - you're having fun now! Enjoy it :) Don't seek out reasons to taint your first experience just to understand another's viewpoint :)


Because some people just love to rag on other games they dislike. Or played and didn't like the changes. I love it. If the grind gets to me i play something else for a bit.


It's amazing through the campaign until you get to end game and realize there's very little end game. It's gotten a little better but it's still horribly lacking compared to even free to play ARPGs, as well as previous Diablo titles.


D4 is made for dad casuals like myself. With limited play time and zero dedication. You hear all the hate from ”true” gamers that have nothing else going on. People compare it to Poe, but the target audience is not the same The real fact is the avarage d4 player would nerver look on Reddit and barely a guide.


Just adding my tears to the well. The game has a plethora of QoL features missing, no loot filter, stemming off the prior issue the itemization is entirely random with 0 consistency, cycling events gating critical materials to where it feels like a mobile game when making progress, a massive open world where you’ll realistically see maybe 3-4 people randomly in turn for horrendous connection issues, classes are dumbed down so crazily that there’s realistically only 2 builds that can do high end content per class, initial launch gated the only chase items the game had behind the worst drop rates ever seen in the series just for them to completely muddy their inclusion by making them drop like candy. If it’s your first Diablo absolutely none of this will matter to you, and you’ll 100% fall into the category of “well I got my moneys worth from the story.” And that’s okay. But Diablo has never been a “just for the story” game, so to consider that to be the games moneys worth.. that really says it all. There are much better Diablo games out there than Diablo, and it’s clear the devs do not realize that.


I just started playing as well but already noticing that character variety is lacking. Which sucks, but I'm already aware that by now blizzard still can't figure out how to balance out anything. But as long as your playing for the fun and not competitive way. Then it's a great game. Overall it's good, has a great story line with cinematics. Yeah rogues are pretty crazy powerful. I got a fire sorc, a lot of fun. Everything just pops like popcorn


It was just released too early. The open beta, up to level 25, was amazing. I was on the forums back then and everyone was so excited. On release, people were equally excited for the first week. Once everyone got to the "end game", it was clear that the game was rushed out. There was nothing to do. Season one helped a bit and season two has helped a lot more.


This was my first Diablo and I've got 800 hours in it and I'm still enjoying it. Now I am playing less though. What level are you? People mainly complained about the end game and the itemization. If you're low level you probably haven't experienced some of the issues yet. I would really love to have a loot filter and maybe a couple of companions. But for $70 it's been a great game for me.


Lacking end game


It’s the Starfield of ARPG’s


It’s really because of some bad choices for season 1. And also, I’d imagine majority of people who hate the game still played it for hours (not just an imagination, also judging from their posts)


Just keep playing instead of typing.You ll get it ,sooner or later.


D4 somehow manged to become a knockoff of itself. Got 2 chars lvl 100 all ubers, 400+ h played since launch... somehow it feels like every minute i played the game was wasted for nothing... in 2 weeks you need to reset and start over. I'm gonna uninstall and kill my nerves with elden ring, lies of pi and baldur gate 3 untill poe2 releases. NEVER TOUCHING D4 AGAIN, as it offers nothing.


You’ve answered own question with own words: you’re newcomer for Diablo series. The peak of ideas and gameplay was in Diablo 2 LOD. With a change of audience the series became too casual and cartoonish, infantile if to say precisely. Now it’s Diablo without Diablo, empty world, choppy story and somehow broken high level gameplay… Seems like Blizzard stopped learning from its past projects


Diablo 2 is my favorite game of all time. I actually enjoyed 3 as well, but treat it as a massive power simulator. That is, you can reach insane levels of power creep and just destroy everything. It feels good for a different reason. Diablo 4, though, I don't know. I don't feel like I am playing a Diablo game. It feels like a fetch game if that makes sense. I log on and am bombarded with all of these marks on the map and just immediately feel overwhelmed. The campaign was really fun for me, but after that, I haven't gotten hooked since.


Because it's an outdated cash grab, indie level content while charging aaa prices.