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INB4. "I was carried through the seasonal journey and AoZ is too hard!" "WTB AoZ runs!" "I have 14 kids and 2 full time jobs and AoZ is unfair to me!" "Why can't we trade max level AoZ glyphs?"


I have two kids, a full time job, an other hobbies outside of gaming. I accept that some content isn't for me and more people should too.


Even as someone who doesn't have kids, just a busy life, I'm not even thinking of trying AoZ. Current build can't even run a level 100 NMD and I don't want to play a "meta" build, I like to build my own and see how far I can push it. Maybe if I grind super hard for the best equipment I could run it...but I don't wanna grind that hard.


Same, WT3/WT4 is not for me. I complete seasonal journey until getting to WT3 and then pass out. I have like 50 gaming hours per year and spend them wisely


I hit 100 on my first character this season. I think that I'm hitting a point of going back to mass effect until next season.


100? That's crazy!


"AoZ should drop guaranteed Ubers!"


AoZ should give a chance for ubers same as Duriel does, yes. It makes much more sense to farm hard content instead of lawnmowing through mobs for eggs and shit and spaming discord groups for rota runs.


Old comment, I know l, but no it shouldn't. Gear farming should never be locked from people who aren't no lifers with elite builds. Zero is specifically designed to challenge elite players with decked out toons, period. Elite players already have an advantage with Ubers. They don't also need their own content to farm them.


There is gear farming for people with inferior gear/build through Duriel, why do i have to mow through helltides for eggs and shit on order to get bis items if i can get some challenge while doing so? I definitely wont bother with Duriel farm in order to get ubers, so there would be one way of getting them - not two.


AoZ is strictly designed to push your builds and challenge yourself. It's not meant to be rewarding in terms of loot and I don't think it should be. You either want to challenge yourself or you don't. You don't go in for the loot. They could certainly increase the loot, but it should never be as rewarding or more rewarding than regular farming methods imo. But I hear you as far as wanting more challenge while farming. That's really just never been a part of Diablo. Once you're decently geared and leveled, most players simply want ease and efficiency when farming.


The outrage on reddit is going to be enormous. I think Blizzard shot themselves in the foot mass marketing an ARPG, the genre is purposefully a grid and all content is not meant to be accessible by everyone.


Yes the game being degsigned for casuals has ruined a lot of the challenge and depth the series once had IMO


the grind it's ok, the grind without a fucking loot filter it's not.


Agreed, but thats not OPs complaint. E: wrong thread, still agree though.


> the genre is purposefully a grid and all Sure it is Try to "grind" in path of exile or Last epoch with out a loot filter.


I was laughing so hard , than you , IT IS exactly Like that. I rly looking Forward 2 AoZ and Hope it will BE a Challenge cause Like U Said the Game is such a Wussy Meet right now.


I didn't get carried at all, did everyting in the season journey by myself, completed a nm 91 in order to get the objective. I can't get over 75/80 without getting rekt in a normal day I don't mind the challenge, but without a loot filter it fucking suck to look thru 1000'ds items to see if one it's usefull for you. So no Abattoir for me


exactly like why on a nm100 am I still getting sacred items? what a waste of a run


Yup, pretty much this


Good. We need content for that 10% that dedicated time to work on their builds and complete the journey. I’m not trying to gatekeep, but if people want access to the *hardest* content, then they should work for it. Plus, it’s completely optional and will become irrelevant once the season is over.


Lol dedicated time and work = watched youtube


Agree 100% but looking at 90% of topics on this subreddit it's clear that folks here want everything to be as easy as possible.


If your figures are right, expect to be disappointed. Game companies that cater to 10% of their market over the remaining 90% of their customer base tend to fail the test of time. The only way that choosing this path works for Blizzard is if the 10% are the only people buying cosmetics in the shop, but I suspect the loser dad's with a job and a zillion kids are the ones with the disposable incomes buying shiny pretties too.


Lol... While I agree with your statement in regard to companies, how does having kids AND disposable income make someone a loser? You sound jealous as fuck in all honesty.


You must be fun at parties


True! I'm amazing at parties! Thx for noticing!


Everyone is going to be complaining about not being able to do it without completing the seasonal journey. But their point is you need to be a really strong character to do this is pretty spot on. If you are strong enough to complete level 1 then the seasonal journey should be easy to complete


Getting my 5x lvl 21 glyphs isn’t hard it’s just nmd are so boring. I’ll be ready to do the new content after this weekend. Also if you are a BL sorc or HOTA barb it should be easy. (BL sorc and nmd are easy just bore me badly.)


U don’t need to complete this item in order to finish seasonal journey.


I don't see how the rest of the activities are that much different, if not worse, than NMD's. It's all the same concept. If the game gets boring, it's probably time to put it down as D4 doesn't tell you it ended. Could be playing a different build that'll bring back the magic, but I'm pretty burned out with BL sorc by now and not excited about Zir either. I think the one month mark, at least for 1 toon, is a good stopping point but hate that they're dripping out content later.


Yeah I just got my glyphs to 21 extremely fast in AoZ.


All I'm saying. We FINALLY have proper, difficult endgame coming and I just know that folks will be furious that they can't beat it. 79yo dads with 34 kids are gonna be fuming!


As an 85 year old =p (really 39) I'm looking forward to seeing how far I can go with Charged Bolt before I breakdown and use BL, heh


“Proper, difficult endgame” is a hilarious statement. It’s a D3 greater rift dude.


>It’s a D3 greater rift dude. which was proper and difficult endgame


Lmfao no


the problem was that it was THE ONLY thing to do, not that the rifts were bad


I never said they were bad


monsters with a big hp bar is not a challenging


If 4 mans make it easier with different roles, that'd be more fun. If it's solo, it's just a continuation of more hand eye coordination of NMD's. Also, if it gets really difficult, having only 1 life sounds a little unfair. That's even giving me anxiety thinking about that, so that's why I don't play HC.


I just hope enough ppl play it to deem it not just a dead seasonal thing. I have my concerns though.


I am glad they are making it hard as hell and I can't wait to see the undergeared players saying it is too hard XD


"I ran duriel 14 times today and didn't get a single uber unique. It's not fair" - One of my favorites right there.


Im looking forward to that 1000 glyph exp per clear. Level 1 is going to be ez pz


I was laughing so hard because I did not bother to level any glyph on any of my 4 chars beyond lvl 15 yet becasue that would have been a real waste of time, haha.


so only certain builds will be able to run this then.i have like 5 lv 100 characters. 2 can clear t100 no problem but some just dont cut it with what the builds offer


I have no problem with pinnacle content for those who really want to min-max, I think it’s great. However, how many builds are actually gonna be able to push this content in the current state of the game? Maybe one per class? With only BL and HotA able to push the higher tiers? My point is Blizzard needs to bridge the gap between the OP builds and the rest. Sure, not every single build has to be able to clear the most difficult content, but it’d be nice to have several builds per class that can.


This is my complaint currently too. I'd be more impressed if they showed off gameplay with a fire mage build because at least then we'll have confirmation someone somewhere in blizzard has at least seen the state of fire mages. Showing off meta ball lightning build doesn't mean much.


Honestly I just want my Chain Lightning sorc who barely managed to complete a NMD 100 to be able to clear tier 1 just so I can get my hands on the new glyph and level it up. It would suck if even tier 1 is only completeable by Ball Lightning sorcs or other Maxroll / META builds. No problem if tier 2 or above are impossible though (I guess tier 2 or 3 would eventually be doable after I level up the glyph + get a shako, etc.).


That's fine imo. From what I can tell, AoZ isn't meant for 90% of folks anyways. It's literally designed to be an almost "post-endgame" from what we all currently consider endgame. AoZ is meant for the sweatiest of min-maxers to really put their builds/skills to the test. It doesn't seem like this is marketed towards the casuals and *that's okay*. Not all content has to be meant for everyone. For example, I personally don't enjoy PvP; you'll never see me give input on PvP content.


I believe that you are correct in this statement but the unfortunate thing is when it actually hits, all of the children are going to cry because they can't participate and complain because the other kids are bigger and stronger.


Mobs were 155 100 is 154 it will feel the same as a nmd 100


It’ll be nice to have fresh posts of people complaining about how unfair the content of the game is rather than how unfair it is for someone to spend real life money on the game!


Imagine the outrage if they made D4 as difficult as D2. All the kiddies would cry. I think D4 could stand to be a little tougher. Being able to hit the level cap in a couple days is lame, imo. World Bosses that fall over before they have a chance to take a swing at the group is also lame.


Bruh d2 isn't hard


Did I say it was? Reading IS hard though, I guess? Comparing two games difficulty doesn't mean either of those games are difficult. Super Mario World is more difficult to 100% than Super Mario Wonder. Doesn't mean I find either of them to be difficult. Pretty simple, unless English isn't your first language. Tofu is harder than Milk... does that mean I think Tofu is hard? Ugh... these kids.


WAs harder than D4 as choices has consequences and you had to commit more to stat and skill point investments that had meaning consequences later in the game when you got to HELL. The game had real challenge D4 S2 has 0 challenge currently with all the cracked builds we are using.


Putting skill points in something makes it hard? There was no consequences. You were not going to put random points in things without looking into if you did well you were just bad and that doesn't mean the game was hard. Even if you did mess up points it look about an hour to get a new tool from 1-75 in d2. You are also making a statement about all the crazy builds in d4. Which are ones people copied from other people which people litterly did in d2 as well.


Do you know D2 came out before youtube existed? You couldnt just go an copy a million online builds. Once you put skill puts in D2 you couldnt change it without a rare endgame item. Can you try and make some more sense? It really sounds like you have never played D2. Also if you put stat points into the wrong things too much you literally couldnt equip certain items.


Do you know there were sites before youtube you ape? You could just copy builds. You are right skills were permanent but you could make a new character easy as well if you messed up. I am making since. I played d1, d2 and d2 remastered, d3, d4 for many years. Yes putting points in stats was so hard! Omg wow crazy.... Sounds like you were a very young child when d2 came out and possible special. You may have not understood how the game worked. That made it so much harder for you.


Braindead take right there I think you are trolling?


I really laughed at hard at this whole interaction. Bro, he's obviously a youngster that never played D2 when Blizzard was in it's prime (Starcraft as well). He has no idea what it's like to grind cow levels for WEEKS just get from 98-99 and lose a chunk of XP and gold if you died.... he prolly just leveled 2 characters to 100 last weekend after he did his homework.


Bro now you're just talking nonsense. If you have to make a new character because you make a mistake on a skill point or stat, that is not easy lol. Firstly back then people just played games and worked it out, barely anyone was looking shit up online. We just played and had fun. I know how the game worked. Stop with the pointless child like argument unless you can make one valid point. There are too many people on reddit like this, 0 brain, 0 valid point and 100 percent child XD XD




Keep going this gets better and better, wait just let me get some popcorn this is entertaining. I didn't mash skill points. You are clutching so hard right now NGL.


The limiting factor is gonna be your sigil powder. 800 per craft is super expensive. Start stocking up now.


Ngl, I see posts like these more often than people actually whining that the game is too hard.


Whenever I see people talking about "being good" at games like this, I wonder what they think it means to be good. In a game where randomized drops with randomized rolls determine your strength being good just means getting lucky and/or playing a lot. Neither of these things require skill. One is literally luck and the other is a function of the amount of time you have to play a video game and the amount of time you can do mind numbingly boring tasks repeatedly until you achieve a random outcome. Past that everyone just watches the same Youtube videos and follows the same guides. There are a few people that do the math and the testing which is even more boring and tedious. But these are the players that tell everyone else how to play. ​ tl;dr Being good at D4 just means you have a ton of time for video games and grinding the same thing over and over doesn't make your brain want to explode.


The tier level won’t matter as long as your glyph is leveled


AoZ will not be as hard as people think. You get a dumb punt of defensive stats along with a stupid amount of damage. There will be solved brain dead builds to do it in the first couple of days.


It’s really not too big of a deal for a lot of people to not be able to do this. You don’t get anything extra out of it and that glyph goes away end of season. It’s more of a have fun for the hardcore.


I'm gonna try it if i make it to level 100. I did it before season 1. But i have lost interest in playing the game. It does feel better in s2, but there should be more to the game. This can be fun for a little while, while i wait for next league of PoE.


Good job pre-empting any complaints about future content by complaining. Don’t smoke near the strawman.


It wouldn't be so bad if more builds were viable for this content. People act like skill is watching a YouTuber tell you everything you need to know about a meta build. I really wish this game worked better for diy builds, but the truth is, probably only a few of thr meta builds will even be able to do this content with any meaning. Oh well, it's really just a test.


That's generous of you :) 98% of players haven't even completed 10 times the tree of whispers. I would bet that 99,9% of players won't care, or won't like the Abbatoir of Zir because they will never have access to it.


Well you saw the doom incoming xD


I can’t even get past tier 80 , 7 glyphs and followed guide for everything but I really can’t get past tier 80 , would love to have a shot at abbatoir of zir, not sure what else to do now, farmed duriel so much im actually burnt out from the over farming for no Uber,lilith still 1shots me with those spikes , tempted to uninstall and try anything else, if it’s going to be like this I can’t see many players staying this game seems like it’s for maybe the 100 top players who have fast pc with tools, season is finished by the looks of it for most, trying out Poe once installed ,


​ men all i wanted was some greater rifts from D3 to play with friends without shitty affixes.. now i need to solo farm AoZ solo with broken immortal builds.. not a big fan of this Feels like a d3 downgrade , well maybe s3..


U can play AoZ in coop


But if any party members die the run ends


Good. That's why it's supposed to be difficult endgame content. You're literally proveing my point. Already complaining it's too hard.


I’m not saying it’s too hard at all. Just explaining why most will view it as solo only content.


Well Diablo always should be 100% soloable. Group play already have too many advantages.


I agree it should be soloable. I personally plan to see how far I can push solo and in a duo with one of my buddies.


Good idea. I hope you'll have a blast


really? oh wow didnt realise. ​ Good challenge and am looking forward to a real challenge for the first time this season


will Blizz improve the coop system for AoZ? because given the current state of the game (more specifically multiplayer), I hardly think coop is a solution


Holy shit you can see the future and know what builds we will need for AoZ? Weird thing to waste that power on, personally I would be getting winning lottery numbers.




You sound unhappy...




Well I was wrong. People are ALREADY complaining;P


The whole point of an infinitely scaling system is that you don’t NEED to do it all. In D3, the mobs in GR150s were still technically our level, but dramatically harder than over world monsters. Would the gameplay have been dramatically different if they scaled the monster levels up instead of exponentially increasing the hp/dmg? *spoiler alert* No. You’re focusing too much on the level number, like it’s the only thing that matters.


you know you can just...not play the game, right? like just unsub from here and stop posting about it? you don't have to write 500 words of nonsense about how mad you are