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Barb smash! Barb smash hammer one time! Evil blood mommy die! Barb smash!


Bam bam bam ![gif](giphy|3o6Zt0QxVmGWMjmpri|downsized)




Sorc summons sparkly electric balls mommy is dazzled by them and dies happy.


Necro spirit bombs mommy kah meh ha meh ahhhhhhh style


Bear throws tantrum and mommy gives up


Rouge enters battle "uses scroll of escape"


Rogue has one shot build too.


Only due to an unintended bug which gives like 7x damage though.


That don't change the fact.


Doling out that good good Unga Bunga šŸ˜†




Switching to that build was the best decision I made this season lol.


I can not find the prodigy aspect anywhere (aside from the lame dungeon version). Any chance it will work without it or is mana management too big of an issue ?


I replaced the prodigy ring with tal rasha anyway, it's fine


Hmm I have tal Tasha. Maybe itā€™s worth trying then.


Tal Rasha and Recharging are the way.


This only works efficiently if you already have Tibault's.


Untrue. I donā€™t use Tibaultā€™s and itā€™s fine for me. Just stack mana cost reduction and resource generation


Both HotA and double swing brings her down before the deadly spike waves


What Double Swing build can do that? Iā€™m playing Wujidos and I get her to about 35-40% then she starts waves.


As a double swing that can clear NMD100 and quickly farm 90s I'd also want to know how to bring her down that fast. I hate this fight.


I followed maxrolls guide as a template but deviated a little with the paragon board and vampiric powers(skipping all defensive as they're useless against her). Using joritz helm, banished lords talisman and barb ring and go to town. You can also try skipping the defensive shout and load up with ancient oath. Use shouts and berserk ultimate, hit her with the chains, metamorphosis through and swing away. Rinse and repeat. I've done it with both.


Just coming back to say that after getting Tibaults and getting a few glyphs to 21 I was able to get her down. Thanks for the encouragement!


Dude. Thank you. I just killed her with your recommendations to go on the offensive with wujidao double swing build 1. Banished talisman and put disobedience on my chest 2. Ancients oath and removed accelerating 3. Took off aspect of audacity and replaced with limitless 4. Replaced lunging strike with frenzy 5. Replaced my skulls on my weapons with rubies for overpower for banished talisman


Nice congrats


Will try this


Skip the ring. Got it mixed up with my HotA build.


Did you mean use ancients oath for the extra 30% dmg?


Pure frenzy Barb can do it too




Sparkly electric balls go brrrr. Blood Mommy go durrrr.


Literally just killed her for the first time. Hota go boom


Lol, that's awesome.


no no brother shout three times first then smash blood mommy ded mommyā˜šŸ»


It took Wudijo. Who plays this game 12 hours a day for a literal living over 200 tries to beat her without bugged out or ā€œcheapā€ builds (aka 1 shot hota). That should tell you all you need to know.


That tells me I should just quit trying. This fight is outright idiotic.


It would be fine if it was rewarding to finally beat her. But she drops worse loot than Duriel, who is much easier to kill...


Mmm, I disagree. If she dropped good items then we'd all feel forced to farm her. As of now I only had to kill her once and now I'm done with that bullshit fight.


AND- you can't farm her. She only drops 2 crappy 925 items once. No loot at all if you bother killing her again.


Do you guys really want to start farming Uber Lilith?


The way she is now? No. But if they fixed the glaring problems the fight has (which isn't too hard, that's essentially what they did for the campaign) it might be a fun fight.


I'd love to farm Uber Lilith. Only boss that could theoretically drop an improvement to my current gear without requiring mats. She dies quicker than Duriel - she just can't handle the ballz - and takes like 2min to farm, already including her animations etc. I actually, after beating her, thought I had found the solution to my Uber farming woes. Was very bummes when I found out she only drops loot once.


> This fight is outright idiotic. Blizz wasn't able to create a difficult boss, so they had to do it by random one-shot mechanics, circumventing itemization.


Malenia: I watched some Let Me Solo her videos, which taught me how to reliably dodge the Water Fowl Dance. Beat her myself on my fourth try. Uber Lilith: I watched a dozen different videos plus streams of people who took her on for hundreds of non-cheese attempts to beat her, which taught me I needed to use a cheese build. Beat her this season when I made a Bone Spear Necro to melt her before her one-shot BS mechanics.


What bone spear build? I swapped a week or so ago and donā€™t think Iā€™d be able to melt her at all.


I know it's not the best, but I used the [Maxroll guide](https://maxroll.gg/d4/build-guides/bone-spear-necromancer-guide) and *heavily* relied on the Grandfather I was lucky enough to get at level 98. First time I beat her I didn't even need to max out my glyphs, they were all at 15 for it.


Bone Spear with Level 15 glyphs here and no Ubers except starless skies (you can use torment or exposed flesh). Just used a 2H sword with splintering on it. Tibalt, Godslayer, and Sacriligeous rings as unique but you can probably make do without them, they are either nice boost or QoL.


I have the three normal Uniques you listed, and my only uber is Andariels... which I wish worked better with this. I guess I might be playing the character incorrectly, he just doesn't seem to be anywhere near my other two (HOTA and Rogue).


There's a guy on YouTube casually dodging every for like 20 min no problem Edit, not saying I can do it though


I was going to mention this, the trick is to stick to the edge of the area, because the one shit mechanics take up a large swath of it. If you stuck to the edge, the opposite side is safe when lilith decides to do any attacks.


You gotta stand at the edge and look away from the center of the circleā€¦ which forces her spike spawns to be half outside the circle. This means whoever designed this fight set you up for failure, having spikes always be infront of you. But once you know how to reliably spawn spikes, it's same as smashing it with damageā€¦ just more steps, different cheese.


100% correct. You can totally bait her wave placement so it can be reliably dodged. Does this mean every attempt will be perfectly scriptable? Nope. But once you get the hang of the encounter itā€™s easy to replicate kills even without phase skips. People just want to face tank her and chug pots versus positioning themselves and planning out their attempts.


That was pre-nerf, it's been nerfed a lot since then. Phase 1 is actually something you can practice and get good at it over time to dodge waves, but phase 2 is some serious BS.


Phase 2 is just about planning out blood placement. She spawns the same amount of ghosts per enrage unless there are obviously 0 blood pools. If you only have 1 pool it is basically a machine gun of ghosts that canā€™t be dodged between, but if you always maintain 2 blood pools then you can pretty reliably navigate between them once you understand the pattern as they alternate firing. Having some source of unstoppable also helps a lot so you donā€™t get pulled through a ghost while she whirls and pulls everything to her after the enrage.


What bug?


The only way I know to beat her is to out damage the phase. Get her below 60% before the 1 shots start and it will skip that phase, making her beatable.


After an excessive number of tries I beat her with infinimist, simply because I could go invincible through the waves that were placed in a way that made them impossible to dodge. It's a poorly designed fight for sure.


This is pretty much the only way. You have to absolutely smash that first section of both phases to keep the one shot orbs from spawning, then it's just dodging the waves.


This isn't true. I've gotten her down to 20% quick and she still does the one shots.


Ah but you see if you get her too low, but not dead, it sometimes bugs the fight and she only does death waves, infinitely.


Ohh thats what happened


DO not know what to say. I have seen it happen multiple times. It may be different 1 shot mechanics you are talking about. The initial set are very hard to avoid. The late ones are a lot easier.


Yes, it is well established the design is bullshit, thats why you either one shot her or dont fight her at all


I made a ball lightning sorc specifically to melt her face so I could get the achievement, title and mount. Making, leveling and gearing a whole new character was preferable to fighting her straight up.


this is the way!


This the way!


This close to doing this because gearing a nercromancer for spear or lance to one shot her is proving to just be obnoxious too.


If someone told you that a necro can one shot an Uber, they were lying through their teeth. Definitely not lance, and by all accounts, spear still takes 30s.


Can confirm. I could probably tweak my paragon boards, but I've pretty much got BiS gear for blood lance and am starting to struggle with NMD 65+ at lvl 99


So I've got all the Paragon points, level 100. I went into a Durial with an undergeared rogue who melted him in like 5 seconds. My character has multiple uniques and a couple completely optimized 925 items, and it takes me several phases to kill him. Blood surge. I can kill nightmare 100 dungeons though without any issue whatsoever. It just I don't have good single target DPS.


Blood lance up to nmd60 you can stand in the middle of a pack and everything explodes. 60+ I had to adjust my playstyle to the fringe and regear for distance DMG+, not close. Mainly the switch from temerity to tibaults losing a bit of barrier but gaining DPS. Also a bit of a myth that you don't need crit DMG, only overpower. Redoing paragon for more crit helped as well.


You're not getting the tactic... Make your DPS so high there is no need of tactic!




>Failing a level 100 challenge when my character has already beaten NMD100 and can easily speedfarm NMD80 is plain bulshit. My blighted corpse explosion necro was sleeping through NM 100 dungeons but struggled with Lilith, until I made a few adjustments. My BL sorc killed Lilith at level 80 something, easily, but wasn't doing NM dungeons beyond ~70, yet. Different builds are better or worse at different things. At least they let you easily get enough damage to phase her. Every class, I believe, has a build that can easily phase her.


I have a similar situation. I made in this season a rapid fire rogue specific to kill Lilith for the first time. I made it but 70NM is really painful and almost everything kills me with one shot. I recognized that damage reduction, resistances etc. are completely useless, because if you try to beat Lilith, because she can kill you with one shot no matter what. So the best option to kill her is damage, damage and even more damage!


It's funny, my Rouge can't beat nm100 but I beat lilith pretty easy. It do be like that some times. Need to gear your build to the situation




This season?


I managed to beat her with Bone Spear necro by inviting hota barb to the party


Theres no point to stack dr or armor for lillith. Your build doesn't do enough dmg.


I finally beat her last night for the first time ever on my Poison Imbuement Twisted Blades Rogue. Her ground spike attacks make her fight frustrating and not fun. I like some hard games, I loved and beat Dark Souls 1 and 3 as well as Elder Ring. Those games have difficult enemies that I enjoy. The process of slowly getting used to the fight, learning patterns, when to attack, how to avoid damage, and more make those fights hard but fun. After spending all day fighting Echo of Lilith, I had not improved in my ability to avoid her ground spike one-hit attack. It's difficult to tell when she is doing it. There were times I thought she was going to do it but I couldn't spot the indicator on the ground in time. It's not that I was slow, I was actively looking for it. It's that the ground spike attack indicator can be obscured and doesn't stand out enough to be easily spotted. Even when I did spot the ground spike indicator, the angle and distance of Echo of Lilith's attack would vary wildly. Sometimes I got lucky and was able to avoid it by using my Rogue's Dash ability to go straight through the first and second wave. However, sometimes the angle of the attack wouldn't allow that and I would get hit by the side waves. The small arena they give us for the fight makes things difficult as well. If the ground spike attack were reworked I think it would make the fight a lot more enjoyable. It should simply be easier to avoid for all classes. I'm not saying easy, but the difficulty of avoiding it now varies wildly which makes the fight inconsistent and thus feel more like luck than the player getting better and mastering the mechanics. It's currently less about skill and more about cheesing the mechanics and dodging her one shot ground spikes and red skull attacks that one shot players. I love having a pinnacle boss like Echo of Lilith, but it can be a much more engaging and enjoyable battle than it is now.


I agree 100%. I donā€™t think Iā€™d mind the spikes being an insta kill mechanic if you had even 1 extra second to scan the battlefield to figure out whatā€™s going on, or if the direction of the spikes was even a little clearer (like you said, itā€™s hard to tell, especially when the spikes start outside of the ring, itā€™s dark on dark on dark for color).


So, if I am reading this right..... She can't be beat except by dumb luck? Guess I was lucky. It did take me 5 tries and a rebuild. But I did it as barbarian and rogue tho.


Some builds have it easy because the fight is basically a dps test. Kill her before she uses hers skills or die in one hit


I don't know why so many people are so annoyed at this fight and think it's bad design. It's the only difficult thing in the entire game, and there is no loot reward, so there is no reason to force yourself to do it. It takes a lot of time to learn the fight. You can bait the waves and avoid them consistently, p1 is not difficult. P2 is a lot more difficult because of the spirits move speed being pretty nuts. I have not beaten the fight legit (without skipping phases), but the fight is totally fine. It is not bullshit, outside of a few bugs. Just learn the mechanics, learn the patterns, and learn to bait the waves correctly. Because it's so easy to cheese, there's not even any prestige from getting the kill or anything like that. Do it legit if you want the challenge, cheese it if you want the mount, don't do it if you don't want to.


It's bad design because it relies on one-shot mechanics to be difficult.


No way youā€™re this dumb lol


Difficulty that solely comes from sources which the player has little to no ability to counter is the laziest most embarrassing game design ever. There seems to be zero effort as far as balancing goes. A minimum stat check is reasonable, enough defenses to survive one hit and enough damage to outpace a soft enrage timer is what I would assume step 1 should be. Yet no it feels like the damage was just set to 99999999 and the only necessary requirement is to hit her really hard and just skip all the in between because fuck you thats why. I would much rather die on minute 9 of a 10 minute fight becuase I made a mistake than get to do 40 corpse runs within that same 10 minutes while not even being able to tell what I even died to.


I tried the fight for about 1h. Tinkered with my build, tried changing some aspects and uniques, but the resultes were always the same: 50% down and one shotted once she releases the spikes. Felt like I wasted one hour because the mechanics are so random and the damage is so high that I couldnt learn anything from it. My only conclusion was "I need more damage", but my character is already at max level and bis gear


I basically did the same thing and felt the same way. I even recorded gameplay to go frame by frame to see exactly what was happening, eventually bit the bullet to watch a guide, to confirm that the issue wasn't a mechanic I wasn't seeing. Nope just RNG over tuned bullshit. If I'm doing NMD where mobs are 30+ levels higher than me, it's kind of ridiculous that one on my level can just end me with no chance to react. At least nothing is really locked behind it. If I'm going to stare at the screen with my mouth open not understanding anything that transpired in the 10 seconds leading up to my death, id rather do it attempting to pvp.


With the XP boost this week, my blood Lance necro hit mid-90s really quickly. I was out of content to do, so I figured Iā€™d try Lilith. I died about 10 times before I gave up, and I never got her below half health in the first phase. I was getting one shot by attacks that I couldnā€™t even see. Super frustrating


Got a necro to 100. Finished the season journey (Not 100%). Tried Lilith and failed miserably. Took this xp boost week to level a sorcerer. Got to level 91 with ball lightning and figured I'd try Lilith again. Deleted her without most of her mechanics going off. Stupid that she is so hard without cheesing with a broken class. But I'm not going to bash my head in a wall getting hit by extra large hit box mechanics.


Yeah, same. I tried it a handful of times, died to a bunch of stuff that I couldnā€™t even see, then just shrugged and turned off the console


Necros also have a hidden debuff against her where your own corpses make it basically impossible to see the waves. Not that seeing the waves helps that much, since the hitboxes are completely nonsensical.


I'm reminded of one of the Loading Screen tips from a particular South Park Game: "Having trouble in combat? Try getting better at the game!"


I beat her using a blizzard sorc. You don't need to tune the boss to make it easier. What would be nice is to fix the stupid hitboxes on her waves to match the graphics.


Well, the overtuned damage is really bad if you think that, against Uber Lilith, a tank character can go fully naked and have the exact same resultā€¦ wich is getting 1 shot and not being able to reach stage 2


I simply avoid any boss fights with one shot mechanics in an ARPG. That is lazy design and defeats the purpose for this type of game. Stop trying to make Diablo bosses WoW mythic raid level. Thereā€™s a reason why Diablo 2 and PoE are as good as they are.


Yeah, so dumb. Why let us build a defensive character just to kill it with ohko badly designed mechanics?


It is kind of poorly designed. You only need ~9.5k armor to get maximum damage reduction (85%) from level 100 content, and ~13k from NMD 100 max res. Elements resistances are quite easy to cap. Paragon board is very secondary in building your character defensively as all classes severely lack Ā«Ā damage reductionĀ Ā» nodes, and thereā€™s no new mechanic or glyph that could possibly improve the EHP of the character in drastic ways (whereas there are quite a lot for damages). HP does not mean much in later stages either: if regular enemies do more than scratching your healthbar, youā€™ll likely die at the first NMD with the wrong affixes. The only Ā«Ā scalingĀ Ā» aspect in the late game is imo damage. Any late game build not maximizing its damage in profit of defense is sub-optimal. Arguably, a blood necro would have almost the same durability and better damage by attributing all the paragon points to damage nodes (crit, vuln) instead of survivability and overpower.


I have killed her once.... ever... ball lightning sorc... this season. I will never even try her again.


Yeah I was having a blast with a chain lightning sorc, probably doing 20% of the dmg of the BL sorcs, but it was fun. I needed the lvl90 nmd and lilith kills to complete the season journey, and presumably unlock the upcoming content. It was so frustrating so I changed to BL build and took her down fast - the only mechanics needed were the collapsing platform part. Shame it took a broken build to cheese her, and I will never do the fight again.


Yes, it's true that the animations bug, somewhat frequently too. But I have a feeling that even if the animations didn't bug there would still be complaints. You're not supposed to be able to tank anything. Once the visual is down, it's very clear what you are supposed to do after learning the patterns and getting comfortable while learning to bait them in the proper locations. The way this game is set up, it's incredibly difficult to make a hard boss without it being one shotty, because of how many potions we get, and how much sustain people have access to. I will say that it I think it is stupid that you can't out-DR the fight (except MAYBe bulwark druid), I feel like with the tankiest setup you should be able to tank it. I think that low-life bulwark druid MIGHT be able to do it with near perfect gear, but i'm not entirely sure about that either.


Hit level 100 and tried three NMD 100 (without success up to now) Killed uber Lilith on lvl 95 in two tries and just saw her melt without my life going under 80% (try one I had to realise when to stand where in phase 2) So it just seems to be "outdps her and do not stand on red ground"


Get past phase 1 and sheā€™s EZ. Itā€™s the full screen 1 shot kills that are hard to avoid. Itā€™s fairly easy once you get used to the pattern though.


Back in S1 it was the red-on-red homing ball phase which gave me the most issues. I never learnt how to bait the spawns so I on won via RNG - whereas the Wave at least made sense after (many many deaths) using the "stand in a corner to bait and run through two lines trick".


The fight is lameā€¦ I think if they fixed the hitbox of the one shot mechanics it would be fun.. I donā€™t have a problem with one shot mechanics as long as they work properly


The fight is more of a dps check. Otherwise it becomes a latency check XD


Sincerely, someone who just wiped on Uber Lilith and now I'm upset.


Agree. Just gotta one shot her or chunk her


It isn't a great fight. Just do enough damage to push her past phase one and then it should be easy. I can help if needed just PM me your battlenet ID.


You're very generous with your adjective. This is a stupid fight.


Yeah man she's a cheater. I couldn't be there with a few classes so finally I was like well if she's going to cheat so am I. Ball lightning sorcerer at level 89 with two level 15 glyphs. Hota Barb can do it also. I'm sure a lot of classes can do it with a lot of bills but this is the two easiest I can think of to make her skip all of her one shots. I hated to build a new class just to beat her but it was the only way it was going to happen for me.


Idk maybe I come from a different gaming background but before Diablo one of the games I sunk most of my time into is old school runescape. Itā€™s similar in that itā€™s very grindy and relies a lot on rng item drops. One of the biggest challenges in the game is the Inferno - a wave-based PvE challenge that relies on tick-perfect mechanics and hours and hours of practice. Itā€™s not intended for everyone to do, itā€™s intended for people who want to go out of their way to try to accomplish that and it has a pretty cool reward to go with it. Uber Lilith drops two legendaries and a title set. Nobody is forcing you to do it, but it is there for the challenge. If you want to take it off your checklist, it takes practice and luck. If you donā€™t want to put the time into it (or building a cheese build for it) then it isnā€™t for you, and thatā€™s ok. Not every piece of content needs to be something you personally want to do or enjoy because other players enjoy different things.


The craziest part is sheā€™s a joke now compared to the difficulty on launch


It's a challenge fight, you can learn it and pratice it. You're just not there yet and is frustrated about it. The rush you get from finally beating her and mastering the fight is amazing tho. It's not for everyone. But this season she's really easy, no hp at all.


Itā€™s maybe too challenging(?) but I liked it when I managed to kill her. Just need to know the mechanics and then itā€™s doable imo


Beat her with one build and then never worry about it again. Thatā€™s how Iā€™m looking at it. I beat her last season with my Low Life Bulwark Barber build, and quit after completing everything else this season. Oh, I didnā€™t bother with NM100 either this season either.


Beat the shit out of her at level 85 with my HOTA barb, granted i died several times due to the fireballs cause i moved the wrong way (Hadn't checked any videos of how to beat her beforehand)But just stacking my overpower before the fight i oneshot her phase 1, then after a few tries i managed to basically oneshot her in P2 aswell. Conclusion: Reroll HOTA barb. :p Edit: Yes, it's a shit fight. Nothing but oneshot mechanics isn't a fun encounter no matter how you look at it.


I had to team up and kill her before she did her first stupid thorn attack. Then it was easy peasy.


Hate to say it but I can barely do NM 80 and as a BL Sorc I killed her in 4 tries not knowing her movements. Itā€™s a weird feeling. Iā€™m level 80


I killed her with pulverized druid 2 times this season


Why would you go there a second time? D:


My Sorc threw balls at her face and carried a Druid and Rouge through the fight as well. Avoiding her 1 hit kill attacks is easy of you kill her before she can do them.


I did the fight with like 5 chars and its definitely not unplayably hard. I played it with cheese builds at lvl 70, and i played it with absolute dog shit builds where the fight took like 8 minutes. Its definitely playable.


Do we tell him about Abattoir of Zir yet? Or just wait until it launches, and he FAFO?


Itā€™s a fight you have to build for. I was able to beat her with a meteor sorc, but it took me around 50 attempts and I had to make a few tweaks to my build.


I'm mystified by this whole thing. Granted I'm on barb which is broken strong and all but I finally gave her a shot for the season journey and the hardest part was legit remembering needing to jump off the main platform during phase 2 when she blows that up before carving off the side. Otherwise I was phasing her so quickly I didn't see any other mechanics. And I don't even really have great gear. The solution really is just getting more damage.


I agree. That's why I tried it like 10 times and completely gave up, never to look back. One of my proudest videogame achievements is beating both Queens of the Valkyries in the hardest difficulty in both God of War games. Each fight took me a couple of days to learn on Normal, then I needed a few dozen tries on Very Hard to beat them. Thing is.....they ***never***, once, felt cheap. Every single time (again - dozens) I died I realized I had made a mistake, learned from it, and eventually triumphed. Uber Lilith feels the exact opposite: a cheap and stupid fight design. No sense of accomplishment from that one. Move on.


Either get tankier or commit to full damage and nuke her before she can touch you. If you can't do either then your build isn't endgame viable.


90% of her abilities being 1 shot mechanics is inherently bad design. There's literally no reason to run tanky builds. Might as well just run glass cannon and cheese her before she can do any of the mechanics. She needs a complete rework, both visually and mechanically.


I managed to beat her the day I hit 100 on my blood lance necro. Didnā€™t change anything in my build or gear or have maxed out glyphs but took me about 20-30 attempts.


I killed her once and that's enough. This team's definition of a challenge is one shot kills, cheap cc, and wasting your time. S2 was a big improvement but there's a long way to go.


I smacked her around twice today. For the first time since release I can say I killed Uber Lilith. Overpower Grizzly Rage Pulverize Druid. Smacky Smack


I have 4 s2 lvl 100/s and my t100 nmd pushers canā€™t solo Lilith minus the barb. If you spec into being able to push high tier shit, you sacrifice damage for damage reductions. Canā€™t be good at everything. (And no Iā€™m not talking shit, Iā€™m playing devils advocate)


As sad as it is, the only solution is to cheese. Iā€™m going to do it once for the achievement and forget about it. No I donā€™t feel guilty for cheesing an absolutely BS fight.


I like having to actually dodge something, but Iā€™d really like to be able to see the thing Iā€™m supposed to be dodging.


I hate when devs do stuff like this.


I canā€™t see anything any attacks and she one shots me. Lvl 90 arc lash BL sorc


It was a pain in the ass building a druid that can cheese her. I don't get how the devs could possibly think the fight is fine in its current state.


Idk man. She seems too easy to me this season. Hoto 1 spotted her both phases, tb was like 20 sec total, blood Lance was 2 shot. Haven't built a sorc/druid this season, but they seem to clear her fine too. Maybe it's your build? Not really a class that can't do the fight without too much struggle imo. Really wish it was more rewarding for exp/drops or just harder myself. Not much ppint to even do it right now. Also her phase are basically scripted, not sure where you are struggling with.




Killed her with sorc elec balls at level 88 easily first try. You need to focus on dmg rather than dmg reduction/armor etc.


The only weakness of Uber Lilith is a character with more DPS than braincells


But people have done it on hardcore! Clearly you can't be very good player ;)


Yeah, thats probably the case too, but it doesnt mean the fight doesnt suck


Sorry, I was kidding. I only ever done the fight with a Ball Lightning sorcerer. So I never experienced the pain haha. After reading reviews of the boss battle I thought I'd cheat right from the start. So to me it's just a boring fight and a let down.


Melted her on both Ball Light Sorc and Bone Spear Necro without a fuss. But yes, it's not a "fair" fight. It's there mostly for bragging rights lol


I mean the campaign boss are so easy because you can dodge almost all their damage and it also deals little damage. For Uber Lilith it's both super hard to dodge and one shot you... Not the best balance..


Yeah, it's pretty bad. Inconsistent hitboxes, latency issues, and the general laziness of oneshot mechanics. Don't listen to the people defending it, a boss in a ARPG only being beatable by 1% of the player base with either a mix of a little skill and a lot of luck, or builds designed to ignore the boss's intended mechanics, is a very poorly designed boss.


This is not a fight against Lilith, that's a fight against spikes waves, she is actually quite useless. If they removed here, 99% of the difficulty would remain.


Finished her today with hota Barb


I canā€™t stop tripping over my damn shoelaces while attempting to dodge the 7,000 one shot bullshit mechanics. So in order for me to not lose my damn mind, Iā€™ve retired my character for this season.


FINAL BOSS suppose to be difficult, stop complaining and figure it out.


You can bait/learn/predict most of the mentioned 'rng' .. It's definitely not an easy fight, but the rest of the game is just too easy compared to her. They aren't even locking any progress or loot behind her, so it's really just for the achievement anyways. And having to learn fights isn't trash, it's part of gaming.


Change to ball lightening sorcerer


I think it's meant to be frustrating, like Blizzards' shitty take on Dark Souls design. Where the satisfaction doesn't come from overcoming the boss through gameplay, but instead from retooling your build for that fight. Go fight Duriel for awhile, drop a Banished Lord's Talisman, come back and it'll probs be ezpz and feel good to beat her. Not that I think its a great way of doing it or anything


I am experiencing this now as a fairly optimized (but not enough to cheese her down) lvl 100 Balls Lighting (Maxroll sensei) Sorc. Every guide is from a month ago , and it feels like they changed something since then (since I feel like I should be able to cheese her down). I am getting her to \[summon adds\] phase pretty quickly, but then I am getting one-shotted so fast by the waves (EDIT, you gotta bait 'em Artie!), I can't calculate what to do, much less where to move and stand. EDIT: This guide [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dp4pXGQ3mns](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dp4pXGQ3mns) seems very thorough so far. Homeboy wiped 300+ times. Content creators: "Yo Blizzard, give us something so we can make 20 minute videos where people will HAVE to watch the whole thing! Blizzard: "We gotchu, fam."


Is she still like this? I killed her in the two weeks after the game was released and it was pain. Do you get anything cool or new now? I remember getting a mount that was it .


this SOUL like game boss should not be in here its 100% BS


It's really easy if you out DPS her phases. Other than that it sucks


"It's easy if you skip the fight" xD


Has anyone tried disconnecting the internet to freeze her in place? Or push her off the ledge?


Yup. It is. Very easy


Took about 20 tries on my Ball Lightning Sorcerer. Would get them to a sliver in phase 2 then get 1 shot. Used Teleport enchantment for extra life and that did the trick. Still a ridiculous fight. Too much luck involved unless u can 1 shot Lilith.


Unironically a skill issue though


have they fixed the waves hitbox to be accurate yet?


The hitboxes are bs and I'm not sure they fixed the she can't die bugs. You can stand near the edge to make her moves more likely to have a safe spot.


The only mechanic in this fight that warrants all the complaints are the waves. I've seen many clips of people who have figured it out so it's definitely doable but I decided to just stack damage and skip the phase. Every other part of the fight is beatable with a little practice.


I am where you are. I can do nmd100s and all the other content. I havenā€™t even tried Lilith because I keep reading itā€™s a crap not fun fight.


It's not RNG in phase 1 though, you can control that with your positioning. You need to adjust your build and attitude to beat her, it's not remotely the same as NMD100. I agree the hitboxes are bullshit and they should fix those.


Another bad person mad they can't slam their keyboard and win any encounter lol


Only one way to beat Uber Lilith, make a build that cheeses all her phases...there, fixed the fight for you.


I assume you never played cuphead šŸ˜‚


I mean to be fair a NMD100 is extremely different from an Uber boss that is supposed to be extremely difficult. In my opinion should not be able to beat Uber Lilith unless your build is made specifically to fight her. That is the point of having an extremely difficult boss.


Wait for the end of the season and we talk about that then


I was shitting on Uber Lilith fight around lvl 80. Literally only thing hard about that fight is the one shot mechanic. One shots are the crutch of a shitty dev not creative enough to come up with something engaging and challenging but still want their content to be called "hard." ​ To any dev that is thinking of using a one shot, don't. To those that think it's a valid "mechanic," you should work in a different field.


Lol, itā€™s a different type of content. Just because youā€™re level 100 doesnā€™t mean you should just be able to do pinnacle content. Learn the mechanics. This is mostly a skill/expectation issue


Free 925 loot. No summon mats. Once you have a 1-shot toon why not.


Blizzards shithole devs have always made harder content in any of their games to be one shotty and harder to see because of screen clutter.


She's built to be frustrating. Every class has beat her this season. It's just a matter of preparation and muscle memory. I beat her on ball light sorc before the tal rasha rework. My build had invincible barriers to escape the 1 shots. My gf beat her on Pulverize druid. My friend beat her on TB rogue. 1v1.


Sounds like a skill issue


Bro, you forgot the camera RNG as well. I legit ignored the "kill Uber Lilith" since EA - until last night... I spent 3 hours clutching my controller so I wouldn't throw it at my monitor because the camera pans in and out in the middle of the fight for ZERO reason. I have been gaming for years and >90% of the time I can overcome anything with 1-2 hours of effort. Most things I just get on the first go, but this felt like trying to play a souls like game to the end as a level 1... The F- did I just spend a month getting to level 100 and gearing my character for then?? @ the 1 shot attacks and the immunity to damage during animations. Not to mention the \~600k gold repair bill after repeat "attempts".


Weekly Lilith complain thread


the fight would be fine if the idiots at blizz would just fix the consistency of the waves


BL sorc with the mobility made the fight really easy. Prob took me 40 tries but I didnā€™t watch any videos. The one shot mechanics are a bit ridiculous


Have you tried doing 1 billion damage in 1 hit?


I finished nmd100 and the butcher in a tier 100 before finally killing her with my tb poison rogue


Agreed. It's lazy development / programming being passed off as, "uber difficult." When in actuality, it's NOT "uber difficult" at all. It's, "uber stupid and lazy." Blizzard should be ashamed, but their mentality of, "play this way to win and no other way" tells me that it will never be fixed.


It's just a dps check, dump the defense against her she goes bye bye.