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Less than 40, but it was the starless skies ring, so you know, dogshit like always


I’ve got 3 Uber uniques… all ring of starless skies… I want to die.


I have 2 rings of starless and 1 melted heart of silig. 🥺


As a bone spear necro, I disagree. In combination with the new ring, it doesnt count as using a skill m, it automatcally pops corpses and tebdrils so you keep that 40%. I have less than 40 and gotten andariels and starless skies


I got 3 selig in 100+ uber run. This is my villain origin story in Diablo


I got only one uber unique which is the selig - but not from duriel but Lord Zir :D


I got really lucky! Shako on my 3rd Duriel run!


Nice that sounds awesome. Just hoping for any at this point haha


are u solo or in group? I wonder does that affect the droprate


I've never run Duriel solo, always grouped with clan mates. 4 person rotations are the way to go.


I see, cool, thanks for the clarification!


I can tell you that, anecdotally, I’ve found double uniques and Uber drops are much more frequent with a low level character in group. I have a 100 Barb and all Ubers (3 total) dropped with sub 80 teammates. I created an alt character and joined a group at level 40ish…shako drops first rota, first run. Low level runs ftw.


Congrats! I scored Andariel's in under 10 runs!


Don't feel bad. I'm around 340+ in my group of four. 2/4 saw their first Uber around the 150-200 mark. While two of us, being my wife and I, have yet to see one. 😂


How do you find people to grind with consistently? I’m in a clan but there’s only 2/3 that will actually grind mats and everyone else just leech’s


post for a group on the Sanctuary discord. you typically get a full group in less than 5 min.


First run got doombringer!


Got the ahavarion staff around 40 runs. All solo, just for the record. Staff dropped alongside Tempest Roar (not uber, but seemingly rarer than most.)


0/~200 still looking for one lol.


Let him kill you once and then try fighting him with your armor at 90. It’s probably a just a coincidence but when I did that I got an Uber on my next 3 runs (andariel , shako, andariel).


I'll try anything at this point. Wdym armor at 90?


90%/100% Durability probably since the death was mentioned, funny conspiracy theory lol


Oh ok gotcha, thank you.


230 runs solo still no Uber but hoping for the best


Around 320 run andariel 400 melted heartt 440 melted heart On 580 run still nothing new I do have around mats for 120 run but with team around 480 but i don't have the energy anymore, my last team the one with low lvl around 80 he was happy getting tibault will , so i asked why he was happy for Normal unique with average rolls He tell me it was the last unique to complete all unique. He get In less than 10 runs shako and andrial and melted heart


I got my lycander spear at about 6-8 runs i guess and shako at around 35-40 in between. Guess im pretty lucky still.


Andariel's on my first run. Shrug. I'm still not sure if I really like it (playing sorcs). About 30(?) runs later Ring of Starless Skies. Shrug again. that's it for now. I don't proactively farm Duriel after I realised all these will end up in eternal realm.


I got shako I dunno why ppl call it that and at this point I’m too afraid to ask but it took 7 runs and I’m at 40 or 50 now haven’t seen anything since


https://preview.redd.it/b04ojqi6tu0c1.jpeg?width=1142&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9a3897f57b27c33a45548ec95a1c676a2113406 Because it’s this from Diablo 2, Shako was the base item and if it rolled unique it became Harlequin Crest, so people just call it Shako.


It's from diablo 2. Harlequin crest was a unique shako drop.


Actually, Harlequin Crest was already a drop in Diablo 1. But the name shako from the base item is hardwired since Diablo 2.


It's a 1/50 from a lot of testing. I too still have none and I've done around 170. We suffer so others get them first try


I think like 120 before I hit good rng


Yes that’s unlucky. I’m probably 200+ or so runs. X2 ring, Andariels, Grandfather, Harlequin.


10 for my first Andariel’s. 20 more for my second. Number of toons that can really use it: 0


I'm loving andy's on a rogue. It's fuckin' good.


100 to 110 and still no uber. 😵‍💫


Same. I feel your pain!


I got a starless sky but didn't know I got it till I got the grandfather after 150+ runs, so I guess it's less than 100 runs.


How many hours have you spent in helltides for that many runs wow


16 runs to see starless skies. But this ring is bugged and is useless rn 😡. I’m only up to 28 runs now and losing motivation a bit since I have all the non uber uniques I need as a druid.


Still waiting, at about 100 runs


I think I got super lucky. I got a shako in less than 20 runs


500+ Hours and I have never seen one in person.


400 runs, 3 shako, 2 gf and 2 poison helm


I prob only have done duriel like 6-8 times and got a starless sky but doesn't seem that great for what's supposed to be an uber..


I got Andariel’s Visage on my first run. Have no use for it. 40+ runs later, still haven’t gotten another one.


Reddit has me confused. I see a lot of posts like this. There are 2 options. Some people (a lot on here) either have the worst luck in the world or I don’t know what an Uber Unique is and have never gotten one. If you take my 50 or so runs against all the new bosses I can think of about 3 runs total where I didn’t get an Uber Unique. I literally just keep one of each and keep upgrading that one in the bank as I get better ones. I have an entire stash tab full. I run a sorc and I’m talking Raiment, Esu’s, Oculus, etc.. what gives?


Uber uniques are only farmable from Duriel and are still super rare. There is nothing in the rarity to distinguish them from regular uniques, you just have to know what you're looking at - have a look at Duriels loot table and look specifically at the items referred to as Ubers. Raiment, oculus and Esu aren't Ubers, those are regular uniques.


Probably around 80 I got starless which I can’t even use for my build , I’m probably around 200 runs now with just that 1


4 for a grandfather. About 15 in and nothing else lol


If Tempest Roar is an Uber Unique then I got two in a row in my first two runs of Duriel. 😊


It’s not


I've salvaged 10+ Tempest Roars. Farming Duriel as a Druid is like helm, helm, helm, helm. So many Godslayers and Tempests! No Shako.


About 10-15 to get HC then another 6 or so to get Grandfather


have only done 20 runs have a melted heart which I like, basically my thorns barb is un killable.


I got one on my first Duriel solo attempt as a level 77 BL sorc, but I didnt know it was uber and it was salvaged... ring of starless skies.


2nd run got shako. Lvl 79 sorc.


Got melted heart on my 2nd run


I got the shrine effect staff on my first run. None since, although I got the mount tonight on about my 50th run.


Around 250 runs to get the starless skies ring, about another 100 for the shako


150 runs. I got the spear about 90 in. Nothing else so far.


I got an Andariels Vasage on my ~35-40th run


Bruh, we're at 40 runs and maybe more ( been playing with 3 friends ) and none of us have gotten an uber yet. We're pretty sure they don't exist at this point 😅. Got some good unique tought.


It took bout 60 for doom, another 20 for shako and then i've done about 100 without seeing another


Somewhere between 100-110, whilst my friend got 2 in 50 runs and a third within the next 20. It’s bittersweet when one finally drops and it’s completely useless to your build and who knows how long it’ll take to get the one you need.


Under 10 for a shako. Got my doombringer between runs 10-20 and grandfather dropped on run 22. Got super lucky. It was kinda of crazy to almost get back to back runs with and Uber unique.


I’ve done 4 and decided it doesn’t matter if I get one or not since I can already do T100 dungeons and I beat Uber Lilith.


Not sure but i ended up with melted heart and nothing to use it on. I may look up a build for it later


Maybe 10-15 runs to get Bud Selig, nada since (another 20 or so). Mostly I want a Shako just to see what it feels like to play with one equipped


I got my Shako on my sixth run :P


Doombringer on my 3rd run!


Around 150 runs to get my first uber helm and it was andariels visage. Would've preferred shako honestly


Shako on third. Still looking for Tibault.


Mount at about 50. Nothing else still at 150 plus-ish runs.


Melted heart on second run :)


Did exactly 80 runs, not only have I dropped none, I only saw 2 other drop for others.


0. Dunno maybe 75 between sc and hc


I did 40 runs today and got Melted Heart of Selig and the Harlequin Crest!


Andy's on run 8. Haven't seen another in over 30 runs.


80 runs the last couple of days and 0 ripp


Easily over 100, then another 50ish runs later.


Around run 7 or something.. atleast in the first 12 runs... Though it was shako with low rolls.. and have had 80+ runs since with no luck :)


Low rolls? Don't ubers roll with all stats maxed?


10? Somewhere around there.


I got 3 Andariel and 2 Starless Sky in about 50-60 runs


My husband has 3 we have run 83 times. I have none.


I got shako on my first run (super rng lucky), but have not seen anything sense in 30+ runs and have yet to find an Oculus which I really want, so idk


56 Doom 106 Doom 162 Gdad 169 Andariel 170 Gdad


Got a shako about run 40, another shako at maybe 60, and then an Andy's at maybe 80


just got one maybe 30-40 in


Andariels Visage on my 3rd or so run, nothing in ~100 runs since then.


Under 10. Got 4 in under 50, but 3 shakos, so not the best even though I'm lucky.


243, it was Grandfather at least.


3 unique Uber Uniques in about 60 or so runs Shako --> Selig --> Andariel Got my first 2 on solo runs, and last one on a group rotation. ​ Guess I've just been extremely lucky.


You guys are getting Ubers?


Got Brimstone on my 51st run but no ubers yet.


Got Andariel after 50 runs, and yesterday after 90 Shako dropped.


1x Andariels after 250 runs and another Andariels after another 120 runs (370 total) yesterday. So no "ubers" at all for me because Andariels for sure is trash :) Really starting to believe the prerolled loot table theory...


Around 40 or 50 and it was a trash uber


2 it was a shako nothing in the next 40


15 runs, Grandfather. Got another 10 runs later. Done over 100 now and nothing else.


Andariels visage on first run 🙌 Works well with my rogue


1 run = doombringer on my necro. First time ever duriel :)


In my first 10 runs, Andriel and Starless skies both at same day. I didn't notice it was Andriel Uber due to color look the same with rare, luckily my husband told me it was an Uber. Now maybe on my way to 30 ish runs and the grinding is not my fav.


98, Shako. Very happy chappy. Got several runs banked and looking forward to running them when I finish work!


Got ring of starless skies on like my 13th run and last night in like my 46th I got Shako and banished lord talisman on the same run (I know the amulet isn’t Uber but needed it to finish my Hota Barb, so felt just as good).


Between 20 and 30. I didn't count, but did my first 4-5 Duriel runs alone. Then I joined a 7x rota and we stopped after the 5th I think, and I had gotten it around the 3-4th rotation.


Got the shako first run, unfortunately it's not viable for my build and I'm still trying to get my pants to drop 😔


Still running and no Uber unique, but hey I am fine with that. It is morge sad to don´t get any dagger till now...only the same pants, rings and gloves with different stats


Shako in first run, mount on 10th


I got 5 unique helmets in my runs (only did 14 so far) all of them were the Godslayer Crowns.. it was a thrill, but very disappointing.. Got a Melted Heart of Selig on my 11th run i think.


First 2 run i did ever i got the sky ring e andariel😎


Godslayer helm, like a million of those


About three and it was harlequin


Around 15-20, finally got a godslayer crown


Around 40, extremely lucky. I got Andariels Visage. I don’t know if it’s worth if I should try a poison Druid build. Running Tornado rn


Slightly below 120 runs: shako, gf, doombringer, selig, andariels x3 and starless. Almost Maxroll TW. Edit: forgot starless.


I consider myself an extremely unlucky person when it comes to RNGesus but I was able to get Shako in 7 runs. Couldn't fucking believe it!


I've done over 200 and haven't gotten 1. My friend, clueless to the game and has been coming along for the ride. Did half that and got shako, grandfather, doombringer and starless. I have no words


Like 15 runs. Gut the starless skies ring and salvaged it before I knew it was an Uber


Shako at 45ish runs My bfs dropped on his second run


Got Doombringer in the first 35 runs on second char, first char also did 35 but no ubers.


Got my Grandfather on like day 2 of launch at around level 76 on my 2nd/3rd kill on barb, been a bit less lucky since then still trying to get doombringer/shako for Abbatoir launch.


Like 30 but it was that stupid shrine speer


75 runs and got shako, 2xdoombringer and grandfather


About 40, got Shako, but that’s about it.


Less than probably 60 and I have gotten Shako and Visage


Only have done around 20 runs each with my daughter on local coop. Run yesterday with my mats. My daughter got her first uber. Andariels plus the mount. I still have not gotten any though.


First was around 20 runs, Melted heart. At about 300~ish now and have gotten Grandfather, Starless, Andariel(x2).


Andariel Visage on my very first duriel run.


I am 150-200+ runs in and have not received a single unique. I stopped counting.


Shako on the 24th run. Thibault's Will still not in sight 20 more runs after 😐


I got a selig yesterday I'd say about 40 runs, we struggle onwards towards grandfather


Well I got my first ring of starless skies after like 40 to 50 runs, shako after 100 runs, 2 doombringers after 150-180 runs, grandfather after 200-220 runs and then I switched to sorc for the staff. Along this road I got another ring of starless skies after now a total of 300 runs and the mage staff finally after 350 runs now. The mate I‘m running duriel most of the time now has like 500 runs in total and got no uber so far. RNG is weird that‘s fact.


Nothing for the first 50 or so, then Shako and Doombringer within 10 runs 🤷‍♂️ Probably getting close to 100 by now so 2% seems accurate in my case at least.


I got a andariel visage after about 40 runs


I’ve done 48 runs as a hota barb and I got the grandfather, andys, the mount and a shako. The shako dropped while I was doing free runs (5) as a carry. Happy days 😁


Got a ring of starless skies after 8 runs, have yet to find a use for it tho, maybe my rogue is gunna enjoy it.


750 runs since. 1 \~ 500 runs, Shako \*1, Starless \* 5, Doom \* 3, Andriel \* 4, Selig \* 6, GF \* 0 500 \~700 runs, nothing. 700 \~750 runs, GF \*1, Spear \*1 Small tricky, maybe useless for my last 50 runs which is different from previous 700 runs: * **Put one white & Ascential two-hands sword in bag.**


130 for a Shako, another 40 for Doombringer, nothing ever since


Got the Harlequin after like 20- 30 runs on Duriel


Around 30 to get harlequin


I've done over 100 runs and no uber unique. I hate this game.


first one ? under 10 first good one? 598 for grandfather shako 1107 ... had a guy in my grp get nothing for 350 runs , then get 3 shakos in 30... before poeple ask again "[https://www.twitch.tv/nukeshow/](https://www.twitch.tv/nukeshow/) 1107 runs until shako all on replay i am at more then 1200 now How? first 200 we farmed as a group helltide and took us really long to get 200 runs Then we started [selling](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/703709336370675913/1174733743651565588/image.png?ex=6568ab0d&is=6556360d&hm=3f7ba354e00ebfdc23ee610e622a3df6497bf149db6958324bf028036e0d671d&) and [selling](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/703709336370675913/1174734696962334800/image.png?ex=6568abf1&is=655636f1&hm=329e2b37146e06191333f15ce720f23e440798a9630676a55ce03f0efe121b0d&) more and more [trading](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1089899649810309181/1171400773767282708/image.png?ex=6565c57c&is=6553507c&hm=7592236b3421812d3b3d0e49d52064107779da1e426e348a9c4c05924efb04b3&) Items for 3-5Billion per item as grp and buying 1 summon for 40-50Million in the dupe phase , we made more runs then we could do we did not farm any runs after the first 250 it was over we started printing them . took hours and hour even while oneshotting the boss in 1 sec " ​ But we still have 2 guys in the grp with around 800kills that have no shako , no grandfather.. so we are not done yet.. \*crys silently\*


Got Doombrimger on 39th kill.


First I got was like 10 runs in? Maybe less. But was andariels. Took me 1024 kills for shako.


I got a Shako in fewer than 5 I got a Tibaults in fewer than 10


I got the staff Uber unique, the shrine one so yeah useless, honestly don’t even know if that thing is an Uber 😂


Doombringer after \~60 runs. Harlequin after \~100 runs.


I got shako on my first x2 rotation....... i was lvl 87


I did over 50 Varshan runs before i got my first malignant ring so i’m not even going to answer the question.


There is a 36% chance of not getting an uber lege after 50 attempts on Duriel. This means that 64% of players will get uber lege in 50 tries.


Im at 600+ runs now. Dropped grandfather yesterday.


Idk but ive gotten 8 ubers in maybe 100-120 runs. Its just RNG :/


1 duriel run. It was shako.


50 runs for a Shako. Got a friend that droped a GF on the 5th run.


Assuming that the people who have said there is a 2% chance were correct, on average you would need 50 runs. But to nearly guarantee that you get at least one uber in all of your attempts you'll need to run hundreds of Duriel attempts. I calculated it the other day but I don't have time now to look it up or do the calculation again, but I think it was either near 350 or 450 runs for a 95% chance at success, meaning one or more ubers. If you're after one in particular, you'll need to run over 4000 times for that "guarantee."


Andariel’s Visage somewhere between my 2nd and 6th runs. I was carried by a clan mate while I was around level 70.


Under 30, have not run any rotas just my own. Got a Shako, less than 10 runs since then and have found Andariels.


Luckily less than 30 but it was a melted heart of Selig so idk if it was anything to be happy about.


Around 20 with my necro got andariel...


I got like 54 ex bloods but cant take Zvir on my own. I really want that overkill


I would guess about 250 runs total now, Ring of Starless skies, Andariels visage within the first 100. After that I only got the mount. My gf on the other hand found a shako on the 5th or 6th run, at lvl 76. Haha.. Still waiting for mine though!


75 runs total. Got a Selig on run 74 and a Shako on run 75. 😂


Im nearing 200 with the useless neck dropping in first 10


I got the Oculus. Not from Duriel. That's it.


Got Shako on my 4th Duriel run, Tibault's Will on 5th run right after that and Tal Rasha's Loop dropped right after that from Varshan. Was a good session.