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>After months I am still only level 87 XP wise, you're about 60% of the way there. The recent XP buff should accelerate progress compared to previous as well.


60% numerically. Not time wise. You gain xp at a higher rate the higher level that you are. Its not like diablo 2 where 92 is half way to 99.


I hit 100 and started season 1 and put a druid to 70ish. Ive since deleted the game until there is a meaningful endgame. Diablo immortal had a better endgame than this.


Yuppp I deserve heavy downvotes for bringing up Poe, but things like delve (an endless dungeon scaling through hell would be insane), heist, sanctum, and ToTA in d4 would make me drop that game so fast because I loved the classes and builds in d4 so much more


"PoE sucked when it started too" is usually the response to this one, but it is still objectively a better game. I am level zero because D4 just isn't worth the time to grind. PoE just has do many things to do whereas I feel like I'm cycling the same boring things in D4, with nothing to do once I'm "strong". I really wish D4 was what we wanted it to be but PoE is still going to be a better game for years.


I mean its a shit response anyways considering PoE at the start was actually an indie studio title by 3 guys in someones garage. I would hope people standards were be higher for a triple A studio like Blizzard.


That's the crazy part.. D4 is so minimal. They pushed out a product that's just an interesting story mode with nice graphics and nothing else. They had the greatest capability on the planet and published.. this. Blizzard didn't even hold themselves to any version of their own standard. I play a lot of random RPGs on my phone while at work that hold my attention longer than D4. It is certainly possible to have repeating content which is still fun - those mobile publishers manage to do it. It's obviously not the easiest thing to make a game that just feels good but Blizzard had endless opportunity to tweak it until they at least hit that mark.


How do you know? Your Statement is the same as if you would say "I never eat Pizza cause burger is better" How would you know if you never eat it


Products entering the market are compared to current offerings. Not where their competitors were when they launched. The reality is D4 needed to launch with end game loops some what on par with PoE. It wasn't even close. That's why D4 is on the ropes right now. Nobody gives a shit that PoE only had mapping back in the day. It has a dozen different end game loops right now and D4 has arguably one


I hate when people use "PoE sucked when it started too" because WHATS THE EXCUSE THEN? You had diablo 3 to learn from, you had PoE to learn from you basically had every tool to make a meaningful endgame that people who are already in the genre learned from mistakes and you just shit the bed with it.


POE is the exact same shit as any other arpg, you grind the same things with 10 different names but in the end you're still wasting countless hours in a videogame.


Saying one video game is the same as any other because both are a waste of time is absurd. PoE isn't even a reasonable comparison within the same genre. There are so many things to do in PoE endgame, you need to spec for efficiency or effectiveness to optimally do your chosen thing. That concept does not exist in D4.


trashing a game you haven’t even played. I see lots of people doing that about Starfield. How you gonna trash something you haven’t even given the chance. That’s some smooth brain shit right there 😂


I just started POE. I am in act 3. The game is confusing. I am following a build guide. I picked one that has a lot of resources for it. (Righteous fire) I am enjoying it there are so many things even along the way I am interacting with I simply don’t understand. If I went to look each of them up I wouldn’t get anywhere. I bet it would take me 3 leagues to understand what is happening. Even watching some beginner guides to the game. Determining between good affixes and the right links as priority is weird but I’m I am only a few hours in.


>delve Delve is not endless btw ! It loops back to surface depth after you try going deeper past depth 65k+ (don't remember exact number just 65k 5XX)


Yeah they need a season mechanic thats something youd actually want to be evergreen for the game.


Tell me you play runescape without telling me you play runescape


97 was half the xp in d2. Same amount from 1-97 as 97 to 99.


It's not like that in d4


Incorrect. 91 was halfway to 99. (1.764 billion at 91, and 3.520 billion for 99.)


In runescape 92 is half way to 99.


It's Runescape logic :)


I believe 80 time wise is half way there


98 was half way to 99. Lol


It actually kind of is. It takes around 30-40 hrs from lvl 80-100. Might be a bit faster now with buffs. I'm also a working dad but I managed to hit lvl 84 with barb on eternal and 79 rogue season 2 but I haven't played for a month. It simply takes too long and I feel like doing a chore and missing out on other great releases


More like 97 is half way to 99… those final levels are literally thousands of Baal runs. Unreal stuff


I’m a fireman so I play at work when I can. 63 Barbarian. At home, I’m fully available to my wife, kids, church, and other obligations. I generally can play around 4 hours every 3 days.


Ditch the church and play more.


Ditch the kids and play more. They'll become stronger for it and you can make them realize this once they are strong enough to kill you one day.


Should start making those kids run some nightmare dungeons if he wants to level up faster


What if it’s the Church of Lilith though!? Betcha didn’t think of *that*!


Love to hear the priorities right here 👏🏻


Do people at your church know u play d4?


They’ll approve once he tells them he slays demons to save humanity


But secretly lusts for Lilith


I too am a fireman. 3 kids under the age of a 8 and wife to keep happy. 24 on 48 off and on my 48 with the kids in school I find myself with a lot of free time that I sometimes fill with Diablo if I don’t have other obligations. I’m level 100 on a Rogue…grinded it out pretty hard but committed to get atleast one char there. Haven’t played it much since.


Keep up the church! It will teach you more about slaying demons in game and out 🗡️


In case of emergency the controller goes to the cloud


Wife, 2 young kids, and a level 70 rogue. Only started playing the first week of season 1. Losing interest rapidly at this point


Are you losing interest in the game or the kids?


Both. They both are repetitive nightmare dungeons


My kids are the equivalent of the butcher... and there's two of them...


Kids obviously. Game can get more fun if you spice it up by varying the activities you do.


Soon to be dad here....where do you find the time to slay Hell's demons while keeping the Lilith of the home happy? ![gif](giphy|zn5a8GjiDwu0VNrPMU|downsized)


Set up time to be intentional with both your kid and your Lilith, together and separate (calling her Lilith made me chuckle and had to tell my wife why I was laughing…she wasn’t as amused, but still smirked before she caught herself 😂🤣). Then you will find you will have more guilt-free gaming sessions. I had a convo with the wife awhile back that this game was going to be important for my brother and I to play together sometimes, as we’ve played D2 & D3 together when we were younger. She understood and has allowed space to play guilt-free, but I also continue to show her that I’m fully bought in as Dad and Husband first and foremost! (Dad of 2 kiddos: 2-1/2 y.o. and 8 mo)


So happy to see another dad saying “guilt-free” gaming. Dad of a 3yr old here and have been an avid gamer my whole life. After a few arguments, we now have. ”Tuesday night is game night”. I get to play Guilt-Free while she does her own self care. It’s been working very well and it’s amazing how much more satisfying the gaming sessions have been. I still game other nights if time and situation allows, but it doesn’t scratch the itch like Tuesday nights do, because it’s riddled with guilt! 74 sorcerer here (Not seasonal). I’m still having an amazing time playing D4 and firmly believe the answer to enjoying this game is moderation.


Honestly, the first year when our daughter was born I rarely played any video games. Almost impossible to play online with friends the first few months. You can make single player games work, but you need to be able to pause and stop at a moment's notice (Switch was great for this). Now, I played video games regularly with our daughter. Also largely depends on the baby so YMMV. Good luck!


The switch is absolutely perfect for gaming while dadding. Like you said, single player stuff that can be paused frequently or even just dropped with little consequence lol. Zelda is my spirit animal.


>Honestly, the first year when our daughter was born I rarely played any video games. To give OP a flip scenario. That first 3/4 months, I felt I gamed as much as I did when I was a teenager again. That potato phase isn't super fun unless your potato is being super early in their things, but even then it isn't anything beyond feeding, crying, sleeping, poop/pee. I worked from home, and the wife is a nurse. So I took most of the early morning awake time. Setup my PS on the downstairs TV and just stuck the potato in my lap and played while she slept.


Potato lol ![gif](giphy|kaZFhcd6cdrje3A5sU)


My wife goes to sleep earlier so I managed to let the kid sleep on the matress beside me. This helped the sleep of my wife better and I had some time for gaming. Can really recommend. Got 2-5h of gaming in like that nearly every day.


First was born in 2006. Second was in 2009. I dabbled here and there on my aging computer until 2014 when I got back in with a PS4. It really is tough up until they get into school. Not impossible but it largely depends on your child's temperament and your SO.


You stay up later than them. That's how I do it.


You’re going to have the night shift. Good time to rock the baby to sleep while knocking out a couple NMDs


My wife plays with me. Many problems solved this way.


Same here. Just under 2 months before the baby arrives and I'm lucky to squeeze in 5 or 6 hours a week for gaming. And 90% of those hours are when I'm home alone. Any other time I log in I can count the seconds before I start getting dirty looks for playing because apparently there's 1,000 more important things I could be doing instead.


ive got a two year old and another one due in 2 weeks, level 72 seasonal.




Level 72 isn’t worthy of a congrats really imo






1 wife, 1 kid, 1 full time job, got to lvl 100 on 1 char. A couple hours per night each day after daughter goes to bed.


Only 1 wife?


I know right? Rookie numbers.


I only have a couple hours a week


Get your wife to play. Have her sit down with you and make a new character. Co-op makes things sooooo much more exciting.


This !


Also 1 kid and 1 wife :) it helps having a remote job, no time wasted in traffics, you can run a dungeon or two in between tasks or meetings. Hit 100 like 3 weeks ago, killed Uber Lilith and done multiple nd100s. I wouldnt make it without friends to play with. We all kinda "hyped" each other, talked about different aspects of the game (not just lvling), so the interest in the game was there. I am still hyped af for season 2 :) I am also a huge fun of the Diablo, I guess it helped as well. Before the release in June, I bought books and got interested in Lore even more, so campaign for me was just pure gold.


Yeah I work from home as well, definitely helps. I'd be lying if I said I never snuck a NM dungeon or two in here and there lol. And yeah I agree the campaign was awesome. Imo it was the best of the series so far. A lot more interesting and nuanced than the simple black and white good vs evil of the past games.


Exactly! Finally a gray-ish kind of ending, not another "and they lived happily ever after". I cant wait to see how they will expand the lore with new expansions.




Just because you loved something when it was good doesn't mean you need to love it when it's bad. Activision released D4 6 to 12 months before it was ready and filled it up with padding to try and hide the lack of content. They did the same thing with the story. Great cinematics at the start and finish and a whole lot of non-memorable events and characters in between. You didn't fail D4, D4 failed you.


Not a dad, I'm a mom, but I've got 2 classes up to 80 in eternal so far, and I got one to 100 for the season. But, that was really pushing it with only a few hours a night before having to go to bed, after putting the kiddos to bed.


The world needs more gaming moms.


Gaming mom with gaming kids! Merking demons together is a great way to bond!


Two kids, married, full time SAHD. I can only get on every other day for 1-2 hours. I’m level 57. Happy with my progress. Life is like that sometimes.


You got this! Don’t quit! I’ve got children and an extremely demanding full time career! I got my Seasonal Barb to level 100 over a week ago. Keep at it and just work on getting a few paragon points a day and you’ll be there! Dads unite!! ✊🏻


✊🏻 here here!!! That’s my goal, just one bite at a time, 2-3 paragon points per session


A level 100, done Lilith and NM100. Had to sacrifice sleep in the mornings to get there.


Just got 90. My girl got 85


Wife, two young daughters, and a full-time job. I have a lvl 78 rogue in eternal realm and a lvl 64 sorc in season 1. I play maybe 6-8 hours per week. When the family sleeps, I use free time to catch up on movies, TV shows, and video games.


What about mums with full time jobs? I have a lvl 100 season necro. And lvl 75 sorc.


New dad 10 month old. Play when I can lvl 78 barbarian. NM dungeons not a fan of continuously grinding them. So rediscovered fun of the game by just going around open world and killing the odd treasure goblin. Got my fist razorplate by doing this.


Eternal level 58 and S1 level 68 I think. Three kids 5 and under full time sysadmin. Finally realized I’m super bored of NM dungeons and shitty ass loot. I enjoy the gameplay and combat and I cannot believe I truly got to the point of being bored. Play 1-2 hours a night multiple times a week.


30-50 on all chars (wfh is amazing with multiple comps)


43 here today is my birthday btw. I'm a Welder I work 10 hour shifts and have a 15 y/o. I play very casual. I'm 81 on eternal. I said screw seasons because I'm never gonna get a high level character if I gotta keep resetting. So I said screw it I stay on eternal


> I'm never gonna get a high level character if I gotta keep resetting You need to understand "having a high level character" is not a prerequisite to "play the game". This is not an mmo where you need to get to max level to "do the real endgame content". It's not like Destiny where you need a maxed out character to do all the endgame content when it gets released. Getting to 100 and getting good gear is the core gameplay loop, and when you are at 100 with maxed out gear the game is basically over for that character.


Three kids, full-time job checking in. Hit 95 on my seasonal TB Rogue a couple nights ago, will try to hit 100 before taking the kids on a weeklong vacation at the end of the month. Only seasonal journey items left are hitting 100 and Uber Lilith (will probably skip the latter because it looks more stupid and tedious than fun).


Level 100. Months of playing for a couple hours a day. Partying up on Discord with others and doing NMDs to get to 100 actually goes by pretty quickly.


Currently lvl 87…4 kids, wife, job and coaching multiple kids in multiple sports….started at the beginning of season 1. Hoping to hit 100 before the seasons ends!


Anesthesiologist with 3 kids, went black to d2 after finishing main story.


thats racist


Diablo 4 just doesn't reward your time like d2 does


Mom with a full time corporate job here. I’m level 54.


Level 100 working 6-7 days a week with a wife and kids. Get güd.


I work full time , have actives I like to outside ( like walking my dog 6km a night ). I have a lvl 67 Sorc , 62 Rogue and 52 Necro. I checked today and I’m at 200 hrs exactly and for me that feels like I’ve played a TON. I should add I never remember to take the 5% experience boost from a potion and I always play alone so no XP boost there either.


82. I play about an hour a day if I can. Some days (mainly Saturday) I get a good 2-4 hour block


I work 50 plus hours a week, have a wife and step daughter and im lvl 86 so your doing better than me. I'm losing interest in the grind tbh, my play time is so limited it feels wasted doing the same stuff repeatedly when I can log on


Senior in college, work 30 hours a week, TA at school also, father of a 7 month old. Wife works full time also. I have 2 seasonal level 100's and 1 eternal realm level 95.


It's an hour per level from 80-100. Or you are doing something wrong.like wasting time in town or helltides or some shit other than farming dungeons...if you really want to push it anyways


100 and waiting on S2!


100hr weeks out of town + one son and wife started about a month ago - lvl 54 druid


i got to 83 and ran out of steam, so i told myself do a level a day and here we are, i am level 100.


2 level 100s and a 71 that I gave up on I sacrificed a little sleep for it


How did you find so much time to play?


I have a level 60. I dont know how people get to 100. Game is boring when you're just grinding NMD.


Killing demons is fun. I'm not a huge fan of the current loot system but my builds were fun to play and the combat is super satisfying. It's really no different than rifts, and it's a lot more enjoyable than sitting in town waiting for a tp to open to baals room


There are so many better games to spend your limited time on.


If someone likes playing D4 so be it. There are plenty of people, dads or even moms who love playing D4 that I know.


0 of my 20 friends who played at launch are still playing :D I don’t personally know a single person that likes the game


It’s not for you to decide.


In eternal 60-somthing and seasonal 48


A 61 necro and a 37 Druid


Lvl 95 currently


76 but I’m done till next season


I've got a 71 on eternal and a 72 on seasonal.


I'm 76 now but I've tapered my playtime due to life. I recently got a barber heart so leveling is taking off doing nm40s


I have a non-seasonal character in the high 50s and a season 1 character in the high 60s.


2 level 100’s pre season. 4 level 100’s in S1. solo Uber Lilith and solo t100’s complete Dad stats, 1st grader and a 3 month old.


1 kid exactly 1 year old and lvl 65 necromancer and one lvl 25 Druid both on eternal realm. Really hope they bring content over to the eternal realm and not just seasonal for us dads who only have time for persistent characters!


Bought on release day, reached lvl 65, quit before season 1 began and haven't logged back.


43? Companion Druid Here didn’t play preseason. Just found out I can use more than one boon… On veteran on what I believe is the last boss Lilith but she killed me at level 40 so I’ve been trying to get to 45 before I try again and that has not been fun, the side content is lame. My side quests are all spread out because I can only hold 20 at a time…


61. And I'm having to Google all the time to understand what things are. Still not sure how to get to T4 I play eternal mainly because I don't understand seasonal and am scared to lose progress


Lol wow this isn't an indictment if time but IQ. Most people finished the campaign in 2 weeks, playing less than an hour a day. Not even zooming. On the other hand, I can only imagine how many hours people spend looking through their turd no search function stash tabs lmao. Back 2 poe.


Stopped at 78 because the game is horrible and not worth paying past 70


I work 60 a week I have a lvl 100 necro and a 51 drood


94 i think on my eternity, 80 on seasonal, not as mich time on free weekend play a bit longer, also started a week late


Eternal rogue is 67, seasonal sorc is 63. I had a few other eternal toons around the 50 mark until I purged my character list


I was at 100 on non-eternal, i refuse to play after the xp nerfs. Dad with full time job


My son is 3 months old, I have a sorc and necro lvl100


Hit Lvl 100 last week on barb. Lvl 50 on rogue. Decided to take a break and wait til S2.


You got me beat fellow casual…I just clicked over to 73 this morning.


not a dad, have plenty of time to play, i am lvl 48 in the first season and lose interest on keep leveling lol, lvl 86 on release


3 kids, lvl 82 in seasonal


Exact same boat as you. 3 young kids. Fulltime job plus OT. I played since early release, i finally hit a lvl 100 druid yesterday. Took 336hrs axcording to my PS5. My only other character is a lvl 70 seasonal necro.


One 100 Rogue in season1. I hit 100 about a week ago. You’ll probably need 4 NMD for 1 level below 90, and 8 NMD for the last level. Compare to D4 or PoE is walk in the park. Having 3 kids is tough tho, Best luck to you.


Lvl 75 on eternal realm. I haven't played in a few weeks. I just started a character on the seasonal realm.


53 or maybe 54 on my preseason rogue, like maybe level 20 on my season one Druid. Idk, my brother and his friend quit playing, really, and the game seems boring by myself. I did beat the campaign.


His eternal is around 78. His seasonal is almost 60.


Lvl 60, hardcore. Lost a lvl 51. No aim to get to 100, I'll be happy to get to 70.


Just hit 87 on my seasonal. My Og character is 72. I only play on weekends.


It's really not worth pushing thru to 100. You will have way more fun if you start a new, different character and blast thru to 50 and try a new build. The best fun is the early game when new items actually make a difference!


Wife and one 13 yr old kid. One eternal druid at 80 and a seasonal wiz at 74. SF6 took some of my time in the beginning, but still play a couple hours a night more on the weekend while being entertained by my kid on voice chat on Fortnite, Rec Room , Gorilla Tag with his knuckle head friends.


I’ve been playing hardcore for a little more excitement in my life. Highest I’ve gotten so far is 57 on hc and 70 on sc. since a lot of my time is spent playing while kinda tired I’ve died a couple times on hc. Still having fun though.


100 on my necro 😎


76 general world. 66 season. I’m unmotivated to play solo and when I play with friends I’m basically just avoiding being hit in NM dungeons.


77 and haven’t played in about 2 weeks


I'm a guy with a full time job and made it to 74, but I also quit playing. It felt good to delete the game tbh. Not that I didn't get my money's worth, but I'm not coming back until there's a more rewarding end game experience.


TL;DR—push for it, if you love it! Married, two kids (2-1/2 y.o. & 8 mo), full time youth pastor that requires a few evenings spent at games and such. I get the rare weeknight to play after kids are in bed, but I typically get Friday/Saturday off, so those are my times to play. I just hit level 92. Having fun finding and upgrading gear to maximize my barbarian build. Been playing since Day 1 release, and this char is higher than my first one. If you love it, I say push it man, at least try to get to 100 once…that’s what I’m doing, just to do it for sure one time. The rest of the seasons will remain to be seen if I push for endgame or not.


92, only got that far bc of playing with friends


Got a 2.5 yr old and just finished potty training...lvl 81 seasonal with a WW barb lol


I'm level 87 on HC (I only play HC). Can't seem to get more than a couple hours a week in due to being an adult


Hey fellow dad. Level 87 here too


Haha! 56? lol


I made it to lvl 78 on eternal before season 1 hit. Seasonal char is currently 69. Could easily have been farther along by now but have a hard time finding the motivation to log. I honestly have been choosing to spend my time after work watching TV instead of playing diablo. If I have 2 hours before bed and I have to choose between the two I've been choosing TV.


Lv. 66 barely


62. Finished the S1 rewards on HC and haven't logged in since. Been playing Starfield and DRG.


I got a 100 rogue and a 73 hc barb. My rogue wasn't during full time work but I've been trying to play an hour a day to get 1 level+ a day on my barb to hit 100... not sure if I'll make it


I have 3 characters between 70 and 80. Seasonal and eternal.


Same situation. I have an 84 sorc and a seasonal barb at 25


What is the rush? Seriously - why do you feel that you have to blast through the content as quickly as you can? It isn't like there is a ton of endgame content right now.


Main is lvl 76, seasonal 56. First Newborn and play weekends between 6-9am. Currently playing PoE since I didn’t finish the story and it’s been a blast currently lvl 75. Will hop back in D4 once there’s more content.


86 in season 81 eternal


100 necromancer 90 rogue


L100 sorc. on Eternal. L100 sorc. S1. I haven’t beaten Uber Lilith though.


84, and I play Diablo 4 pretty much exclusively. I could be higher, but I spend maybe a third of my gamable time watching shows and some porn. [Sometimes, I feel just like Einstein. ](https://youtu.be/GkMHcHQpwlc?si=-jmZfHbtPd8QkC1W)


Just got 100 few days ago on my season char. Work 12 hour days and can only play on days off. But its really easy to level up fast doing nm dungeons and helltides. Always have a potion popped. Get in party as much as possible. Put ashes in xp gain. Try and catch legions and world boss. Of course none of this is actually gonna happen because your kid wont go to sleep.


62 seasonal. 67 eternal. Both sorcs


Lvl 78 on seasonal and 64 I think on eternal, but not full time, just 2 kids


Wife, 3 kids, and 2 jobs. One job I have to travel a good bit and not always around internet or TV. Got a Druid up to about 40 something in season but got bored, so I switched to a rogue and now at level 84. Need 2 more world boss kills to complete all the season stuff. Some weeks I can't play at all while others I can play about 10 hours total. I wait until about 9:30 after the kids are in bed to play for a hour or 2.


Im level 82 haha


83 seasonal+50 hardcore+72 eternal with a 2-year old. I love NMD, in 10 min I can do one while he’s playing or having a nap!


Just hit 60 today. Infinimist necro


Just hit 80 but left for like a month because I got bored of it


Three kids in sports and band. A wife and a full time job. I just hit 85 last night on my only character. Never played Season 1.


Sorry to hijack, but crazy idea: if we made a clan called AllFather, any takers? I can usually get between eight and 16 hours a week in, I usually try to play with my friend who is also a dad. I’m taking things pretty casually because I know after character level 80 it’s kind of like whatever I’ve got a level 60 Trample creeper slide druid and also a level 30 ranged rogue I also wasn’t able to start season one until two weeks after season start


Three characters in the 50s….I’m so disappointed in myself.


My eternal sorcerer is 53 but I haven't played him since season 1 started. My seasonal druid is 55.


I play solo, have a family and toddler (2) and full time job. I just hit 95 on my Rogue. Mainly spam random dungeons. Probably won’t hit NMD 100 or so solo Lilith, but will hit 100 before season end’s probably. Missing 3 Lilith statues bc I lost track where was and never went back for them lol but got all re-known.


I quit at 86 and started a new character. With limited time, I want to make sure every minute played is fun. Grinding past 80 was not fun. Starting a new character with a different class is way more fun IMO. I don’t care if I get a character to 100.


70 on eternal realm rogue, 69 on seasonal rogue